Two days ago I posted an article entitled “Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war” in which I wrote the following: “my daughter always laughs that Russian songs are all about only three topics: love, the Motherland and war. She is right. War and everything it represents in an integral part of the Russian culture as is sacrificing your life for the Motherland“. Yesterday my daughter came home from college and introduced me to a song by the famous singer Pelageia which had not heard in the past and, sure enough, it was a song about love, the Motherland and war, all into one. But there was a lot more to this song, and here I need to explain a few things.
Pelageia, possibly one of the best Russian singers ever, even at her young age, spends a lot of time travelling across Russia going into small villages and remote areas to seek out and record ancient songs which have been almost forgotten in the modernity frenzy of the 20th century. In that quest for the ancient Russian folklore Pelageia is supported by numerous other artists and ethnomusicologists who all together are at the root of the modern Russian “ethno-rock” movement.
As I have written many times here, modern Russian history has been a tragic and often ugly one. Not only was Orthodoxy persecuted under several nominally Orthodox Czars (like Peter or Catherine so-called “The Greats”), but the true “deep” Russian culture has been suppressed and even repressed by the Russian elites (Masons, Socialists, Trotskists, Bolsheviks, liberal democrats) to various degrees roughly from 1700 to 2000. As a result, most people in the West got an image of the kind of Russia seen in the books of Tolstoy and the music of Stravinsky. This was not a false image, this “Russia” did (and does still) exist. It is a thin layer of social elites who are detached and alienated from the majority of the real “Russia” which still remains partially hidden and ignored. This is now changing and more and more Russians are rediscovering their cultural, civilizational and spiritual roots and Russia is now slowly returning to her true “self”.
What I propose to do next is to share with you a song which Pelageia has discovered somewhere in the “deep Russia” and which she superbly interprets. I will be honest with you, this exercise will only work for those who have a “musical sensitivity” who are used to feel the deep emotions music convey far beyond the words of a song. If you have a musical ear, you will miss nothing if you do not understand Russian, but if you are a Russian native but don’t have a musical ear, you will never really “get” what this song conveys.
This is a rich and complex song, which conveys are typically Russian range of emotions, but what I hope to get across here is what I believe is one of the single most important truths about Russia and yet one of the most ignored ones: Russia is not Europe. The real, “deep”, Russia (not the one of Tolstoy or Stravinsky) has a completely different ethos, shaped by the Russian immense steppes and forests, by the Orthodox phronema and by numerous wars which threatened the very existence of the Russian nation. If you can, I hope that you will hear the “voice” of this “deep Russia” in this song:
I am fully aware that some of you will smile in condescension and think “what is this guy trying to prove with his little song?! Russians are White, Aryan Christians, of course they are Europeans! They sure don’t look like the Chinese, now do they?!”. And yet all White Aryans as they indeed are, this did not stop the Nazis from considering Russians as Untermenschen (subhumans) and Ukronazis of calling the Russian “Asiatic mongrels”.
And then there is the famous statement of the French Marquis de Cuistine who said “scratch the Russian and you will find the Tatar”. Of course, this was a derogatory racist statement, but fundamentally de Custine was absolutely right: Russians do have a mainly European genetic makeup, but the Russian ethos and culture is much more Asian that European and a Muslim Kazakh or a Buddhist Mongolia will always be infinitely closer to the “Russian soul” than a Latin Pole or Lutheran German.
Listen to Pelageya and her singers and ask yourself: is this singing European in any way?
[Sidebar: True, the Russian will be intimately bound to the Serb or Greek thought the Orthodox faith, but then I would argue that neither Serbs nor Greeks are really “Europeans” either, at least not in the modern sense of the word and not, ancient Greece is NOT the cradle of European civilization, that is a historical fallacy, modern Europe was born from the Frankish Carolingian Sacrum Romanum Imperium (Holy Roman Empire). The Franks were not Greeks or Romans, in fact they were the anti-Romans and anti-Greeks par excellence. The Roman East of Byzantium was the true heir to Rome and ancient Greece. For those of you who want to really understand this and get a detailed explanation, please watch this series on YouTube: which explains that really well, or read the following article:]
It is also important to understand what I mean by “Russian”. This is not an ethnic or genetic category. There is not such thing as an ethnically “pure” Russian, so when the Ukronazis call the Russians “mongrels” they are, in their own way, quite correct. Not only are most “Russians” not ethnically “pure” (whatever that means – I have big doubts about the very concept of “ethnic purity”), many non-Russians are Russians too. Take for example Defense Minister Shoigu who is a Tuvan (and a Buddhist) or Ramzan Kadyrov who is a Muslim Chechen – they are clearly amongst the most patriotic Russians out there, yet neither one is a Slav (well, Shoigu is, by his mother). Identity is always a multi-layered “cake” and in the case of the category “Russian” it does not in the least mean that you cannot have another cultural or ethnic identity too. Vladimir Vyssotsky (the most famous Russian bard) was half Jewish, the Romanovs were mostly Germans, Pushkin was part African (from what is today modern Ethiopia or, according to more recent research, possibly from Cameroon). I have recently come across another very telling example of this, again a musical one.
I want to introduce you to the Turetskii Choir Art Group. Check out this pretty good Wikipedia entry about them: The short version is this: “The Turetsky Men’s Choir was established at the Moscow Choral Synagogue. The chorus made its debut in 1990 with Jewish liturgical and folk music in the philharmonic halls of Tallinn and Kaliningrad. Their repertoire has grown since to include opera, spiritual, folk and pop music in 10 different languages.” In other words – Jews.
The conventional wisdom says that Jews and Cossacks hate each other and, no doubt, they did so in the past and many of them still do. But that is not the full story. Listen to the Turetskii Choir Art Group beautifully singing “The Black Raven” a prototypical Cossack song and hear for yourself how much emotion they put into it:
Clearly, we are very very far from Charlie Chaplin, Woody Allen or Paul Wolfowitz.
My point?
Even such a tragic and, sometimes, ugly past as the one who alienated Jews and Cossacks from each other is not strong even to always keep these people apart and in modern Russia they are coming together under the bigger “roof” of the Russian civilizational realm.
Of course, none of the above proves anything. Except that for me, it proves a lot. My hope is that at least for some of you, it might serve as a powerful illustration of an otherwise almost completely overlooked truth. But if not, well then at least you got to hear some pretty good singing :-)
The Saker
Superb. Sitting here with tears in my eyes and that’s something not many artists/singers can achieve. And it resonates too.
I just want to tell Russians: There are plenty of thinking people in Europe (and the USA, I think) who realise that you are being the victim of a very nasty conspiracy at the moment. I don’t think Russia deserves this at all. Russia is being punished for not being the loser country it was in the 1990s anymore. I am not worried in the least about the alleged “aggressiveness” of Russia and I think Russia is behaving with integrity, more or less.
Brought tears to my eyes
Tragic to see that my country has totally lost its independence and is now a puppet operated from Washington and Brussels.
wondering what would have happened to russia if it wasn’t for communism, stalinism and feudal capitalism they are experiencing now. many brilliynt minds, many technical and mathematic discoveries…
Thank you, Mr S. great album notes! (A dying art it seems). Couple o’ things – possibly pure fantasy, though I think there is a place for that:
“Russian ethos and culture is much more Asian that European and a Muslim Kazakh or a Buddhist Mongolia will always be infinitely closer to the “Russian soul” than a Latin Pole or Lutheran German.”
…I like to imagine (as the son of a Lutheran German) – and science it ain’t – that there is something of the East in the Germans too, and the old Russo-German alliance that seems so timely today can act as a kind an ancestral reminder of this.
On Charlie – I know Hitler “accused” Chaplin of being a Jew. Always thought that was because he was both wildly popular and passionately anti-fascist. Always liked to think of him as in the same radical working class cockney tradition as William Blake. (But, again as a Londoner this theory holds a personal attraction).
Lovely music – thank you. To compare the incomparable: reminds me of some of the Gypsy songs taught and sung by Ida Kelarova, the brilliant Czech Gypsy singer and teacher. E.g:
Putin’s policy consists in opening an alternative for the world, a consensual world, away from the parasitic hegemon, where countries, races and religions are respected and work together for mutual benefit and a sustainable future.
This new world has no exceptionals by history, culture, race or religion.
Without exceptionals, there is no fascism and there is no religion choosing a particular race/nation as favorite (which is by definition incompatible with the idea of God).
Let us concentrate on what we have in common, not what separates us.
Who the enemy is, should be clear to most now.
Mario Medjeral // France
If you want to understand Russia, watch the Soviet film “Операция “Ы” и другие приключения Шурика”. You don’t need to speak Russian to enjoy it. It’s available from almost any DVD kiosk in Russia and there are many torrents with it. My daughters and grand-daughters love it. Any film that can bring three, sometimes four generations together is worth watching.
I heard my first Russian music at the Kings Theatre, Southsea, UK when I was ten years old back in 1949. It was the ballet Prince Igor that had the Polovtsian Dances as part of the score. This later became a popular song – Stranger in Paradise. Ever since then I have listened to Russian music and always found invariably that frisson that brings empathy with the composer, conductor and players and with Russia in general. All these years later I have recently come across Scnittke on Youtube after watching the film of Mikhail Bulgakov’s book ‘The Master and Margarita’. The quote that prefaces the novel is Goethe’s ‘…who are you, then?’ ‘I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.’
Unveiling of Russian culture in its extraordinary diversity is actually one way to build bridges between Russians and the West. About the military factor, yet here are 3 concrete examples more, out of the spotlight, which don’t show warlike desires, but Russian soul and joy of living.
So much joy and energy and power – and what are they singing about, love by any chance? ;)
In 1913 my grandmother heard the legendary Russian singer Chaliapin performing Boris Godunov in London
can one understand the present without appreciation and knowledge of the past, can we anticipate the future without being grounded in the present?
We are well grounded in war, but what about art, song and dance, nobility and love, without which the human race will perish? More cultural, peace and resistance analysis!!
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always!!”
Dear Saker ,
I have written that some time ago and was not really meant to be sent but after hearing this moving song i just dare to send it. You need not post it as things here are far from worked out. By the way An Aryan is a noble person standing for the truth ( The Truth, The Vast) ready to give himself for the defense of the truth) The rest is aryan nazi humbug. ( read Essays on the Gita by Sri Aurobindo)
The West (the white race) has dominated subdued exploited the planet for the last 500 years. Spain England France Portugal Holland and Belgium as the main colonial powers. Later followed by the US. These were all Christian nations. They were also the most blood thirsty nations. Christian South Africa and evangelical US went to church on Sunday and were slave drivers the other days of the week. The church with its black cross which is the symbol of death -If Christ was the Light then the cross is its extinction and thus the symbol of destruction- is the most cruel and inhuman entity ever on this planet. The Resurrection symbolizing the Promise of the ultimate Victory of the Light or the Lamb, the innocence should have been the hallmark. Christians call the day when their prophet dies a Good day!! Religion has dominated the planet now long enough but humanity still is as barbaric as ever. Last century could condemn the brutal inhuman 19th. as we can now condemn the brutal inhuman 20 tied century and as others will condemn the 21 st. All inhuman but sadly enough all so very human history (his-story). I find it sad that Russia falls back into popism with Putin- God bless him- building churches left and right. Why on earth or heaven carry on with all these unnecessary distortions. It should be easy for Russian as they are mystics by nature unlike the nordics and mysticism has no need of outward regulated paraphernalia.
Even Gilad and his ethical stand,(and Gilad is a true example of ethical correctness and courage a wonderful and exemplary human being so there is hope). cannot like religion help humanity out of its impasse. Humanity is just too imperfect a creation of nature and Harmony must await a next evolutionary step. Nevertheless all attempts to overcome or outgrow our limitations have some essential message for our future evolution. There is an essential underlying truth in human upward religious and ethical movements. But there is a lot of trash that the sooner it gets dumped the better. The essence of Islam could be ” Inch Allah” and Peace with all the rest being temporary and now futile. For the Christian faith it is forgiveness, Ubuntu and the Mother image and all the rest crap. The Mother image links us to India, with its enormous spiritual freedom. All the rest a burden. Buddhism teaches us compassion,respect for all living creatures and self controle. The rest unnecessary ornament. Even the Jewish religion is correct with its “chosen ones” only all of us are chosen by the Divine Consciousness. That is the essence all the rest is waste.
The Indigenous peoples have given us the sense of sacredness of the Earth,Pachamama. And indeed every grain of sand on our planet and in the universe is sacred because it is the Body of the One, the Ultimate Reality.
To come back to the starting point. This is the reality, that the moment of the West has passed. It is pervert rotten to the core or asleep in inertia or utterly insane with its exceptionalism. But empires rise and fall. The West with now less then 13% of the worlds population will not so easily led its hegemony pass on. That explains Europe following like a sheep the fascist US. They will do anything, even use the most satanic means, to hold on as long as possible. It is also possible and that is Israel’s stand- if it is not us then it will be nobody and may opt for a total destruction.
It is extra sad as Russia has been the bridge between the West ( which is more of a paradigm then a geophysical area) and the East (now that must include the South and Africa; equally a dimension rather then a geography) that is now rising. Why should Russia so constantly trying to please the West. It is a benediction that the West has excluded Russia from its sinking ship. Well Russia drop the West and let it sink into its own mire and turn fully East(as you have started to do). Bending to the West will only drag Russia down. Sure all is not well in the East and god knows the East also needs some of “anti occidents” but it provides for a possibility of our -as humans next step. The new paradigm is rising rising . We know what we do not want and maybe we do not really know what we want in its place. That does not matter so much as long as we remain open to the Divine inspiration of tomorrow. My opinion; Religion and ethics helped us on the way upwards now it binds us down and must be put aside.
Ultimately we must enter into a free and pure path of Spiritual Truth seeking above all limitations, constraints of religions, philosophies and their useless paraphernalia etc. We must grow into a true oneness which should be possible once we have found oneness in ourselves.
For Peace Freedom and Happiness
ps. I liked the previous Saker better. This present face is too commercial it look like “the” real professional website but this is the moment of the amateur
Yes, this folk song is very deep. It is about a mortally wounded Cossack lying in the field after a battle and watching a black raven in the sky above. The man knows he is dying. The black raven, preparing for the feast, is a symbol of the approaching death.
The song may seem grim to a person unfamiliar with the Russian culture, yet, to a Russian this song, while sad, is not tragic at all. We see a man who fulfilled his duty to his people and met a noble death.
Influenced by Orthodoxy, we view death very differently. Saker, you may write up a post on this to explain it in more detail.
Well, seems like the next big rockband is definitly not coming from russia :D
The music felt comunist to me in a sense that it is not indiviualist. Its so full of pathos that I had to laugh. Complete oposite to chill music like dire straits , and i feel a focus on chor for deepth of the music rather than to create that deept via instruments. Thats what I meant with comunist , the focus on the humans and neglecting of the individual (there is no star singer , the voice is created by mixing single voices , chor over singer)
Interesting post saker.
Saker, you say ‘nazis referred to the Russian as untemensch’ this is more than a little disingenious in the context of the times and only serves to promote the lies propagated by WWII’s ‘victors’.
National Socialist Germany referred to Russians in the sense of their being governed by the Bolshevik and as a means to de-humanise the enemy.
As a National Socialist, I look to the East/Russia as the only hope ‘Western’ Europe has of being saved and free’d from the grip of ZOG.
To echo you sentiments about the Russian ‘obsession’ with love, Motherland and war that is what sustained the Slav from suffering under the heel of Bolshevism and will strengthen their resolve against today’s ‘new Bolsheviks’.
Wow. That song (1st one) brought me to tears within 15 seconds of starting.
They’re both wonderfully powerful, and are now downloaded to my Russian Folk folder. Thanks!
All the talk about national identities is no doubt true, but personally all I want now is a subtitled version of that song. Or even just the lyrics in English. Anyone?
One of the reader comments on youtube gives this. A bit rough but I get the idea.
Oh black raven, Oh black raven
What you hover just so close
You don’t wait of my head plunder
Oh black raven – I’m not yours
What you claw on, what you claw on
Over head of mine so close
Or else plunder wish to found
Oh black raven – I’m not yours
I tie up my mortal wound
By my scarf – my lover’s gift
Then I will to talk with raven
Talk about my last wish
Fly my home, fly to my land
Tell my mom about me
Tell my mom – For Fatherland
End’s my life in battle field
Carry bloody scarf, my raven,
For my dear sweetest wife
Tell her –she’s a free by now
I’ve just married at last time
At the open country layer
In the bush I’ve got a bride
My true Saber stand matchmaker
Bride was modest and a quite
Hardest arrow makes a wedding
During deadly battle cause
I see that my death is coming
Oh, black raven – I’m all your
The most conventional and down to earth definition of Europe is:
– those territories inhabited by the white race for thousands of years
– those territories where Christianity is prevalent for more than 1000 years
According to that definition, Russia is just as European as Germany or Italy and that otherwise beautiful song does not change one iota of that.
What is irritating about western Europe that for the moment it is a colony of the US (or ‘Judaic State’), but the end of that state of affairs is in sight and we western Europeans will soon witness our own ‘1989-moment’, probably to begin with in France, followed by Germany.
That expectation plus the meteoric rise of China to super power status will determine the coming alliance structure in Eurasia.
I would urge those people who have nostalgic feelings towards the good old mutual ‘proletarian experience’ of the USSR and Red China, to read this article posted on Dmitri Orlov’s site, written by a Chinese person, stationed in Kiev and who is otherwise sympathetic to Russia:
He says that the Chinese do not have much sympathy for Russia. What the Chinese really aspire is a materialistic, capitalist lifestyle. They are interested in iPhone’s, not in Das Kapital. They want to copy the Western lifestyle, not the Russian.
Russia, Germany and France are different countries, but Berlin and Moscow are much closer to each other than Moscow and Beijing.
And China has 1300 million inhabitants, good luck with that. Let them expand into Australia, not Siberia.
The most sensible geopolitical goal to keep in the back of the mind is Paris-Berlin-Moscow + balkanized European-majority US territories (“Middle America + Canada”):
(red arrows are expected WW3 troops movements)
That should be enough to balance the coming Chinese super power.
Vladimir Putin is on that track and so should we:
Kind regards,
The article by the Chinese man in Kiev from Orlov’s site is really excellent. Thank you for this link.
Russia is a mystery, perhaps that is part of it’s fascination, but she is certainly not for grabs, neither by USA or by China. It should perhaps be noted also, that to a fairly large extent Russia has also modeled itself on the West…
What will become of our civilisation? We are on the brink it seems, of apocalypse times – (apocalypse ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning “uncovering”)
Do we face annihilation or apocalyptic, new “uncovering”, or beginnings?
Whichever way, hold on; the ride is, and will be bumpy, terrifying, and unexpected.
You put Britain inside. That’s no good. It’s like seriously ill man wanting to get better and start anew, decides to keep his cancer. You don’t think such a man has any hope of getting better while cancer is still there, do you? Because such a man won’t get better, not until cancer gets removed. Leave Brits out please.
And it is not American run Empire, but Brits’. The Empire is run from City of London, just like the British one before it.
“The City waxed and waned for centuries but by the 16th century was taking on its modern profile as a banking and commercial center. A stock exchange was eventually founded and many international merchants made their headquarters in the City. By the 18th century, Britain’s Industrial Revolution was beginning and the Empire itself was expanding. London spread out far beyond the City of London, but the City itself gained enormous power as the British conquered one-fourth of the world, colony by colony. The City of London is the epicenter of an Anglo-American power elite that has dominated world finance for 500 years or more. The elite’s modern genealogy is said to include Venetian bankers who arrived in Britain and intermarried with English royalty. Today, the world’s most powerful families make the City of London either their home or base of operations. Even the Queen of England bows before she enters the City of London and when she walks in ceremonial parades, her place is a few steps behind the Lord Mayor. The UN and League of Nations were given birth there and the EU was likely conceived there. Every centralizing influence in the world today of any note has its roots in the City of London or its sister-municipalities, Washington, DC and the Vatican. These three “independent” city-states function as a trilogy of money power, the building blocks of the New World Order, the epicenter of an effort that apparently seeks to organize the world into one large medieval plantation. The Rothschilds themselves do business out of the City of London and the vastness of resources located in and around the City of London must number in the tens or even hundreds of trillions. Money power is centralized in the City of London and has never been dispersed…”
Until now.
Dear Saker community,
this is a great site and I really enjoy reading all your comments. But, please, I beg you, let’s not forget the most important lesson from our history:
War breads war.
Peace emerges from mutual respect, understanding, tolerance and cooperation. Russia, its army, its leaders and President Putin have my deepest respect for the absolutely magnificent and peaceful way of protecting the people of Crimea and of welcoming them back home. Out of a very dangerous situation, Russia managed to react adequately for diverting several imminent attacks and act coherently during the entire crisis. This is an enormous success and I wish all conflicts would be solved in a similar diplomatic fashion.
Regarding the war in Ukraine, whatever Russia does or omits, the fate of the entire globe depends on its decisions. Shall NATO or anyone else ever get enough pretext to start WW3, humanity will go extinct and the entire biosphere will be set back to bacterial level. This apocalypse will materialize whether a nuclear war would be geographically limited or spread world wide.
Look at the effects of the triple meltdown and China syndromes at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power stations. Since 2012 animals are dying in masses in the entire northern Pacific sea. And the situation is worsening every year since. This catastrophe is totally out of control, is ongoing and most likely will do so for decades if not centuries to come.
Anyone foolish enough to believe Earth could absorb tens of such nuclear disasters without dooming it wreak havoc?
Maybe Fukushima does not yet kill humanity, but nuclear war will with certainty.
Best regards,
Thank you so much for this post, and reawakening my love of Russian folk and religious music and spreading it to others. I can’t help but post some more.
Kumushki, Pelageya sings this as well, but I prefer this rawer version that sort of hits you in the gut.
This trio of ladies create some sonorities that send chills up my spine and tears down my face.
A member of the previous trio with some beautiful solo singing.
And some purifying revitalizing Russian orthodox music.
For more on the relation between the imperial Greco-Latin system and the Frankish “Holy Roman Empire” see, Alexander Del Mar’s, “The Middle Ages revisited, or the Roman government and religion and their relations to Britain.” The political distinctions between these two “Empires” were never as clear as history has made them out to be.
I read your links on Franks vs romans/orthodox.
I came away with the idea that the main difference between the two is that the Franks introduced feudalism?? Wasn’t Russia under Czar Nicholas II also feudal?
So what is the main difference between the Franks and the Orthodox?
“Россия не Европа”
If you are an exceptionalist, does it matter?
Saker –
Amazing! I am most grateful for the education into Russia’s culture that your blog has provided.
And the depth of feeling/meaning here comes through clearing without regard to language.
I think this post has taught me more than everything else (a lot) I have read here.
Oh, that put me in the taiga with several companions around a blazing campfire with a good bottle of vodka! I was so alive in Russia. Perhaps it was because I was brought up Buddhist in Utah. I’ve never really been “American” or “Japanese” (though I live there), but how I hit it off right away with the Siberians! I must have learned a hundred or so songs. I hope the gods will conspire to let me return.
Very good songs. However, there are more bizarre western influences than one could detect at first glance, particularly in the Moscow Choral Synagogue video : the big rock drums, for example, but not only. There is nothing wrong about musical influences, of course, except that in this case what we hear is bad copy, not inspiration to “go further”. The musical arrangements are at the level of “western” very commercial productions of 15-2- years ago, which is another way of saying that the whole thing lacks refinement and good taste. Technically speaking, both musical renderings are far from perfect, and the choral writing is amateurish.
I am convinced – I clearly hear it in both videos – that there is profound beauty to be found in the original musical heritage of many countries, but the thruth of it have to be found elsewhere than in seeking popularity through Hollywood musical recipes.
Totally in agreement with you Saker, as a Greek Armenian. I detest the Franks, their repressive mentality and their Catholic fanaticism.
God help us from the Franks and this is current drama in Greece, Frangokratia – a hell worse than the Ottomans.
The Ukraine is a sober reminder of what happens when the Franks try to take over a country.
Wow, just have time now to listen to the first song. Deadline . . .
The tonality and harmonies remind me of songs sung by the Bulgarian State Choir, e.g.,
But a different emotional level, for sure.
Can you provide a brief translation?
This more direct example that Russia is ready. I am posting 3 version of same song, because it shows what kind of intergeneration !!! unity is in Russia. This is lost at Central Europe and I beleive in West in general…
Saker wrote:
“Never. I only spoke harshly about WAHABI Chechens, and not more than any other WAHABI. As a people, I admire the Chechens. Your primitive and sophomoric misrepresentation of my views says nothing about me and everything about you.”
Mr. Saker,
Unless my mind is playing tricks on me – it could be though I ain’t even middle aged yet – I do DISTINCTLY remember articles posted here(almost certainly by yourself but maybe by others) speaking about chechens and even Kadyrov in denigrating form. And no, it was not just about chechen wahabis! Of that I am certain. Many if not most of the chechen separatists who fought in the first chechen war were not wahabis. We do agree on one thing, I also detest wahabis, whatever their ethnicity. I follow their destruction of Syria with a heavy heart and anger. Though i reserve most of my anger against the ones who are behind the wahabi mercenaries, after all, the rank and file are just brainwashed cannon fodder.
If my mind is playing tricks on me however, I readily apologize for it. In any event, I don’t have the time or the inclination to go searching your site for said articles.
Best regards,
The article youre referring to I believe was published after a chechen attack in 2011 at the Airport. If he was releasing steam at the time at the chechens then I dont blame him and he probably shouldnt withdraw any comments.
Thank you so much , especially for Pelageia , slava Boghu. Now I am more (at)home, after so many goosepimples. Ooph ! I have been homesick since I think , now I realise. My father died of it , aged 64 cos being in the “west”. Am 64 – I’ll pack up my tents in Oz. See ya there. Wellcome , St
I heard this interpretation a while back and every cell in me was affected. I had archived it immediately for my kids in the “educational folder”. One can be sure (even just by the you tube views for this song with Serbian translation that I am far from being the only one which felt that the depth this rises from is very close to home. It speaks to heart and soul, it calls upon it. Regards from Serbia!
Good music taste, Saker! This is the kind of music I like to hear. Will the fifth Saker Youtube channel be a music channel?
Whilst the music is wonderful, I always get concerned about trying to label things, countries and peoples.
I think that because Russia is so large geographically, it is European, Asian and everything in between. None of that makes it bad and quite the opposite. The greatness of Russia comes from the diversity contained within the countries borders.
I do agree with this, labeling is misleading (what does being “european” means anyway…hardly iberians will identify somehow with the germans or the anglos, or vice versa)
The thing is, when you hear music, you actually become exposed to the naked soul, and differences are bound to dissolve…to actually reveal our similarities. This is why, no matter the language, we feel it and therefore we come to understand it. Saker’s first chosen song is an excellent example of this…
Nonsense. The Islamic regions are a cause of instability, and in no way do they contribute to the greatness of Russia. I am not attacking the Islamic faith here, I’m attacking multiracialism. It is unfortunate enough that Russia has to create an “ethnic committee” for solving any grievances or calming hostilities between ethnic groups.
A demographically homogeneous Russia — perhaps including other European ethnic groups — would work for the country’s advantage. Unfortunately the reality is different. But, thankfully, ethnic Russians represent 79% of the population and if you add other Indo-European ethnicities the percentage goes up to 83%.
Yes historically the Muslims have been a burden
What about Tatarstan? They are very Russians even their appearance, but they are muslims. Chechens are good warriors, very brave. Yakuts, Buryats are great hunters (snipers). All they contributed their part into Russian victories. Every nation has some advantages.
Saker,when you speak of Europe may be you sometimes forget that there are, as it was in the past, people who are supportive of peoples in struggle against aggressions of evil forces.
I dedicate you a song of macedonian partizans “Sivi sokole” (gray saker) , performed by the “trzaski partizanski pevski zbor” from Trst -Trieste.
Last year in the biggest auditorium in Slovenija (more than 12000 persons)gathered for the anniversary of the Liberation Front in the WW2. . All the singers are
volunteers, mostly Slovenians but also Italians and Germans.
The other song iz “Vsatajenje Primorske”
the unofficial anthem of the Primorska(you have the eastern Primorje, we the western Primorje) the region that fought the italian occupation and fascism already in the twenties and the nazi invasion, with an enourmous number of victims(in % the same that the russians) eventually liberating the motherland with their own forces and fighting also against the ukrainian SS division in his runaway. This people was for 1000 years under foreign rulers, but cultivating their memories language and traditions. Interestingly the IX korpus of yugoslav army , fought for the liberation of Trieste and in his ranks was also the” russian battalion”.
Here are some other songs of the concert:
italian “la brigata Garibaldi”
spanish “Dime donde vas morena”
german, american,english..
all the concert:
thank you Saker.
From the first moment, I could hear a distinct relationship to Native American music (generalizing). Not only the kind of music, but the manner of singing, the message. Not the same, but a distinct resemblance.
Native Americans, as you perhaps know, are thought to have come from the eastern areas of the Asian continent.
Talking about music:
From the western edge of Europe (almost squeezed into the ocean), here’s an interpretation of the unique portuguese ‘Fado’, because…. I need to explain that I’ve never heard before any Fado interpretation by a foreigner singer that would be worth mentioning – Fado just doesn’t works it’s magic this way, it seems…
Well, here’s the only exception I’m aware of! The final parts interpreted in Tartar and Russian are just as breathtaking! So… what does it means?
Пелагея и Эльмира Калимуллина – Canção Do Mar
And here’s the original, in case you want to hear it:
Dulce Pontes – Canção Do Mar (Song of the Sea)
Since we are all one big (for the moment) human race, and fusion is the thing everywhere from cooking to religion, why not also in the ‘arts’ of Mars ?
I’d not heard Pelageia before, thanks for posting her material.
love, the Motherland and war
I’m not sure where this song would fit into that:
Янка – От большого ума (Yanka – From A Great Mind
Not an old folk song, recent (and almost sacred in current Russian culture, BTW)
Folk music is folk music, the music the people. What folk music survives time is a choice of those who record it. As often as folk music reinforces cultural similarities, it also is social rebellion. The rebellion bit is often lost to time because the recorders, being part of the establishment, don’t want to hear it.
British Isles folk music is full of rebellion to the status quo. A British folk musician, Martin Simpson, talked about his early days, going about looking for for old folk tunes. He described one occasion, spending the evening with an old timer regional folk musician, only to find the musician’s knowledge of old folk tunes consisted of fox hunting tales. Not exactly the folk music of the “common folk”.
The point being is that is what survived posterity, due to the political/economic system in place in that British town. What the real folk sang about, those not on the establishment payroll, court entertainers, IE: what the untermenschen sang about when the lords were not around, didn’t survive because it was not supported by establishment “research/history”.
Getting back to “love, the Motherland and war”, with regard to old folk music, this could be the result of a similar filtration where that folk music that met approval with the establishment, was perpetuated, while that which did not, died (was genocided) the way of Pagan philosophy, culture and religion in Europe by the Catholics. “Common people” of the past (mostly, outside those who confused violence with sexuality – and who are mostly gay, BTW, though closeted) did not regard war as something to praise, but something to hate and fear. Afterall, they got nothing from it but misery.
Amazing how a review of couple of music performances generated so many comments… ;D
Thank you, Saker. I’ll gladly give it a listen. Here’s something reciprocal.
The beautiful sound of anti …anti-fascism, anti-austerity, anti-imperialism; anti-genocide
Toronto Orchestra Bans Ukrainian-Born Soloist, Valentina Lisitsa, From Performing
Message to site designer: Do you know how difficult it is to scroll through 244 comments on an iPad to get to the end? How about a ‘jump to the end’ button or a ‘newest first’ list option. Grrrrr,…
I also was asking for “NEW” badge near each new comment from your last visit, like it is made on other sites, but to no avail…
While I can certainly understand and agree with elements of the article, I know a good proportion of Russians that are obsessed with gangster rap and other US inner city music trends, and I interacted with a few of them that were tourists here and when I was a tourist there. It is sad they are falling for that garbage, but the same happened to almost all of Western Europe, which did have soulful music once, before the Industrial Revolution, the world wars, and the threat of nuclear war brought Western civilization into a collective mental depression and fostered a “live in the moment” attitude that pervades every aspect of it to this day.
“Failure to recognize one’s absolute significance is equivalent to a denial of human worth; this is a basic error and the origin of all unbelief. If one is so faint-hearted that he is powerless even to believe in himself, how can he believe in anything else ? The basic falsehood and evil of egoism lie not in this absolute self-consciousness and self-evaluation of the subject, but in the fact that, ascribing to himself in all justice an absolute significance, he unjustly refuses to others this same significance. Recognizing himself as a centre of life (which as a matter of fact he is), he relegates others to the circumference of his own being and leaves them only an external and relative value.”
Vladimir Soloviev – The Meaning of Love
The distinct difference in hearing and listening, lies in the ability to listen ‘through’ what you hear, and not just acknowledging what is heard. This transform the experience; then you can find a depth in the music where you can be a part of the music. The artists are sharing a depth of life with the audience, it can be found and realized. Thanks for this window to remarkable music.
The statements you make in this article make it seem like the Russian has no identity of his own and that the Russian DNA and soul is a melting pot of all other races. This makes it look like a group of outcasts got together and interbred and created todays Russian. This doesnt sit too well with me for reasons I dont have the words to fully describe. What I can say is that In History empires are not sustainable that are divided along ethnic lines. A strong nation needs a dominant ethnicity that acts as a governing class. Whenever this power is divided equally, the nation will eventually fall apart. I dont believe that Russia was an exception where harmony was achieved that way. This is an Aquilles heel of a nation, to give equal power to all minorities, multiculturalism and interbreeding and exactly the route America is following. I might add that the Babylon described in the book of Daniel fell because of the mixing of the races represented by feet made of Iron and Clay. Your theory just doesnt stand when we look at the substance that makes a great nation.
Its interesting to add that some of the oldest remains of modern civilized man 30,000 old were found in Russia. There is even older evidence of civilization which is found further east.
I believe there is alot of lost or forgotten history of Russia which we dont have enough proof to speak of but feel that there is definitely something there such as the mention of unknown ancient Vedruss civilization. There is more evidence being found of Russia’s lost identity and more will be with the return of the peoples pride in their nation and the yearning to find its roots.
If you enjoyed this song try also Mari Boine Persen:
… is a Norwegian Sami musician known for having added jazz and rock to the yoiks of her native people.
Well, that’s not bad.
But it’s nowhere close to what these guys do:
Whenever I listen to this I feel this deep, pure pride for being American. And I have never even been to America…
Pelagyia, very beautiful song and interpretation, I felt chills. Thanks for this discovery. I love it.
I also liked very much the male choir Turetskii.
Thanks a lot.
Here in the Basque Country there is a long tradition of singing in choirs as well. Typical are groups of eight men called “Ochotes”. They sing popular songs dedicated to love, life, land, …. and sea.
This is amazingly beautiful. Some of it reminds me of Armenian music from the background drone found in traditional duduk music to the vocal stylings of System of a Down. Well done!
Saker, why don’t you live in Russia when everything seems to be so much better there?
I think is a silly trying to divide Ukrainians from Russians and try to see them as different race..
Same with Belarussians.. they are all Slavic people.. The only difference between Ukraine and Russia , is that people living in Ukraine have more influence from European than Russia..While Russia have more influence from Asians.. and all this had to do with geography and nothing else..
Catherine the Great was 100% a German ,and became Emperor of Russia, had to learn Russian to be accepted … Staling was Georgian , Putin was born in Lugansk .. this was told by him.. and so and so.. Trying to separate Ukrainians from Russians is like trying to separate Paris from Norway.. Ukraine ,just like Belarus are just different regions of Russia until the 90s. that were separated artificially by politics. Only the muslins Chechens have a noticeable Big difference from Russians. they have remained isolated and have not mixed with their whiter neighbors.. The Russians head usually is small..with brown hair and chechens head is big ,with big jaws.. like Kadyrov.
Ukrainian language is Russian mixed with Polish .because they had been under Poland rule at times. specially western Ukraine. But most of Ukraine is a native Russian land.. Ukraine have less than 30 years of history as an different country than Russia. So it cannot be seen as a different country.. when it comes to culture and ethnicity. The Majority of Ukrainians who call themselves “Ukrainians” and speak Ukrainian only have parents who could only speak Russian.. Ukrainian language is nothing more than a dialect of Russian language.
” did not stop the Nazis from considering Russians as Untermenschen (subhumans)”
I’m a bit skeptical Germans saw Russians as “subhumans”. It’s a liiiittle more complicated than that. However, Soviet Union *was* a big threat for Germany back then. The bolsheviks had tried a revolution in Germany before they succeeded in Russia (and went on slaughtering millions of Russians in their civil war). Some discussion about the term (referring to the comments section):
I was rather suprised at the first page of comments I know you said perhaps it takes a musical ear to hear the depths of the soul in the songs featured, but good God! I can count on one hand the number of commentators that heard it. I listened to Pelageya’s song and something struck me with the same chord that I hear in Putin’s speeches. This feeling, or soul, that is communicated in the song is something every warmonger in Washington should hear if he can hear what I heard–that it would be death to fight Russia, she would swallow you whole. It causes me to weep for my nation (America). There is a prophet in the Bible who went to annoint a king over one of the nations near ancient Israel. The man was surprised when the prophet began to weep and he asked the prophet why he wept. The answer was that he saw what destruction this king would bring upon the jews. In this one song I see why no one can defeat Russia, as Christ put it “…I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
I think the russians have found their home– again.
Every last word of this article is complete garbage.
Russian people are ethnically and racially 100% pure. Nobody in Russia considers shoigu or Kadyrov as Russians. The ethnic minorities in Russia are not considered to be Russian by anyone at all, as only wholly descendants of Rus people can be Russian.
Also, Russian culture doesn’t have even the slightest similarities with any Asian cultures. And real ethnic Russian patriots hate central Asians even more than gypsies. Asia has always been seen as a completely alien cultural entity by Russian people.
Although it is true that Russia is culturally distinct from western Europe because it was never part of Roman sphere of influence; the same can be said about most other eastern European countries. That doesn’t mean that European countries that weren’t historically influenced by Roman civilization are somehow “Asiatic” in any sense.
Basically, this entire article is nothing more than the nonsensical rambling of someone who doesn’t know a single thing about Russian history, culture, genetics, etc.
West is West, East is East, Russia is Russia. Russia is a different culture, a separate civilisation. Of course, we are not asians and certainly not westerners. Alexander Block wrote a poem in 1918 which sounds actual now.