On March 1st of last year I wrote an article entitled “Obama just made things much, much worse in the Ukraine – now Russia is ready for war” in which I wrote the following: “I hope and pray that Obama, and his advisers, stop and think carefully about their next step, because make no mistake about that RUSSIA IS READY FOR WAR.” Using bolded red caps was my hope to get everybody’s attention, including the various US analysts reading my blog and thinking that maybe I knew a little something about Russia. This was the first time in my (now ex-) career as a military analyst that I delivered such a warning, and it is a sweet irony for me that it was made publicly and not behind all sorts of secrecy walls.
I STILL very much believe that Russia is ready for war. And by “ready” I mean two things:
a) Russia is morally and psychologically willing to use military force to defend herself against the Empire
b) Russia does have the military means to defend herself against the Empire.
I fully agree with a recent article on Russia Insider entitled “NATO Would Probably Lose A War Against Russia“. I don’t know who the “Shellback” who wrote this article is, but I can immediately recognize a fellow “cold warrior” who, like me, must have spent many hours studying the works of V.G. Reznichenko and David Glantz and who knows what he is talking about. You can take what “Shellback” wrote to the bank.
Recently, the Times of London posted an article about threats allegedly made by senior Russian intelligence officers to their western colleagues. Since the Times’ website is behind a pay-wall, I will direct you to this reprint from The Australian. Let me immediately say, that all the details given about the alleged meeting sound totally true to me and that I have no reason whatsoever to doubt that this time around, The Times actually printed a true story. I am aware of the fact that Putin’s spokesman, Peskov, has immediately denied the story, but in this (very rare) case, I still believe the western corporate media. Why? Because everything in the story is absolutely credible. In particular these excerpts:
Among the “key messages delivered by Russian participants” was a warning that any military move by the West on Crimea would trigger a Russian response, possibly involving nuclear force. “The United States should also understand it would also be at risk.”
The Russian delegation said that any NATO build-up in the Baltics would prompt an increase in Russia’s “nuclear posture”, according to notes drawn up by a US participant. The warning is baldly recounted: “Russia will use its nuclear weapons against NATO.”
When discussing possible Russian action in the Baltics, it reported: “Russian members mentioned a spectrum of responses from nuclear to non-military.”
The most trenchant Russian remarks on eastern Europe were delivered by the former military intelligence chief Valentin Korabelnikov, who remains a senior adviser to the defence ministry. Since the GRU masterminded the annexation of Crimea, he is likely to have been involved in the planning. He said that the biggest threat to Russia was US activity along its borders, according to notes taken by Kevin Ryan, a retired US brigadier-general who served as defence attaché in Moscow.
Most people in the West, especially those who have not yet ditched their Idiot-Tube, are getting influenced by propaganda, whether they realized it or not. Just living in a highly propagandized society makes you absorb a lot of that propaganda, as if by osmosis. One such propaganda myth is about the condition and readiness of the Russian military. Of course, it is a very cozy “feel good” feeling to “know” that your military is just “the best”, as if by definition, but the reality is very different and ignoring it is very dangerous. Here are the raw facts:
1. In the Ukraine Russia has a *huge* terrain advantage over the US/NATO, simply because the Ukraine is right across Russia’s border. NATO simply does not have the power projection capability or numbers to intervene in the Ukraine.
2. The Russian Ground Forces are much tougher, better trained and better commanded that their NATO counterparts.
3. The Russian Air Force is more capable that NATO’s, both in terms of personnel and in terms of equipment.
4. Russian Air Defense Forces are the best on the planet.
5. Russian nuclear forces are much more modern and capable than the US ones.
6. Russian special forces are, by far, the most capable on the planet and, unlike their US counterparts, their combat record (Operation Storm-333, “Polite Green Men” in Crimea) proves it. In any Ukrainian war, they will play a key role.
[Sidebar: Western propaganda always makes loud claims about this or that kind of training, this or that kind of weapons, this or that kind of quotes and statements about super-dooper, super-secret, “best in the world”, special forces, but I simply look at the combat record. You can train all you want, and spend 100 days in the desert eating lizards, but unless you have some real war time combat success to show, I don’t take your claims seriously. Recently, a commentator wrote that the best infantry in the world was the Australian one, because they had learned their skills from the Bushman. Great. One look at the territory currently controlled by the Bushmen and the size of Russia will tell you everything you need to know about that claim :-]
Now, make no mistake: Russia does not want war. If Russia wanted war, Putin would have sent the Russian military into the Donbass last year. In fact, Russia does not even want another “cold” war in Europe. But Russia is prepared to defend herself, if the AngloZionist Empire insists on making her submit to its hegemony.
As for Crimea, it is simply not negotiable. Any attempt to break Crimea away from Russia will be considered as an attack on Russia. You might as well try to seize the Kremlin.
Lastly, notice that I said “Russia is ready”. Not “Putin is ready”. Not only is Putin supported by something in the range of 85%+ of Russians, even though those who oppose him (LDPR, Communist Party, Just Russia) fully and totally support Putin’s refusal to surrender to the Empire. The size of the pro-western part of the Russian population must be roughly in the 3%-5% max, not even enough to get one single deputy into the Duma.
Let me explain something about Russian history here.
Russia began as a rather small principality, much smaller and weaker than Poland. And then Russia got invaded by a multi-ethnic mix of nomads from the East. Russia did not have any natural borders. Not only that, but most of Russia is, in military terms, much more similar to an ocean than to dry land: huge forests, infinite steppes, extreme climates, etc. Finally, unlike western Europe, where a surrendering force was usually spared, in the vast expanses of Russia, surrender was simply not an option. Surrender meant death. The Russian gene pool was directly affected by this selective pressure. As was Russian culture.
[Sidebar: my daughter always laughs that Russian songs are all about only three topics: love, the Motherland and war. She is right. War and everything it represents in an integral part of the Russian culture as is sacrificing your life for the Motherland.]
For those still dubious, I would recommend machine translating this page. It is an analysis of all the wars and battles Russia fought between 1700 and 1940. The results are clear:
For 250 years of its existence of the Russian military fought 392 regular army battles against the Swedes, the French, the Germans, the Turks, the Poles, the Tatars, the Finns, various ethnic groups from the Caucasus, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Austrians, the Hungarians, the British, the Italians, and Central Asian nations. Of those Russia won – 279.
Russia only lost 3 out of 34 wars:
1. Crimea
2. Russian-Japanese
3. Polish-Soviet 1920.And in most these battles Russia has inferior numbers of troops and inferior weapons.
So much for the usual western myths about “winning by numbers” or “General Winter” (these myths are the output of bruised western egos, not military analysis).
This history creates a paradox: Russians absolutely hate war and even fear it, but in war they are determined and fearless. Furthermore, the “ocean like” terrain results in the Russians being unbeatable at two things: maneuver warfare and intelligence/reconnaissance. As for “retreat” on an ocean-like terrain, it has very different meaning than in traditional land warfare.
I believe that this is what the Russian intelligence officers were trying to convey to their counterpart at the meeting reported by The Times: we don’t want war, but if you force us to, we will defeat you.
You might ask about nuclear war – would the Russians really risk death rather than surrender? After all, the USA *does* really have the means to wipe most Russian cities off the world map! Again, the answer is simple: Russia has almost always fought an existential threat. Sure, the US has nukes, but Hitler’s project for Russia was hardly any better (to turn the Russian subhumans into slaves for the Master’s Race). Unlike westerner, who have hardly ever faced a real existential threat (Hitler does not count – he was very much “our son of a bitch”), Russians have, numerous times. That is the big advantage of imperialism, especially for a power protected by the seas: wars happen away from home. In a nuclear war, both Russia and the USA would lose 20-50 million people. Now take a guess, which country is more capable of loosing anywhere between 1/5 to 1/2 of its population and then survive the nuclear winter and radioactive fallout?
In conclusion, I want to say the following to those who will dismiss all of the above as nonsense and still believe that the western military forces could prevail against Russia: you are welcome to dismiss all of the above, but please realize that the vast majority of Russians really do believe it! And as a direct result of that – they will not submit, they will not “blink”, they will not surrender and they will fight you with everything they have.
This topic makes me sick to my stomach. I hate it. I am also frustrated to tears that having survived the Cold War, I am now facing by far the most dangerous international situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis (and then, at least, everybody was terrified; today the propaganda zombified public is utterly unaware of what is happening). The only reason I feel that I have to repeat all these things is in the hope that somebody somewhere will take my warnings seriously and warn his/her bosses.
If you are that person – please do the right thing now.
The Saker
Hear Hear. You really only have to look at WWII to understand that Russia will never surrender and a fight with Russia is a fight to the death. Let us all hope and pray that someone out there has enough intelligence and common sense to take a step back from the situation we currently find ourselves. Unfortunately I think that the western leaders believe their own propaganda (which makes this a seriously dangerous series of events).
If not for the NAF, NATO and US forces would be right outside Rostov right now.
Putin and the oligarki seems are still trying to figure out a way to surrender to Obama without being liquidated first.
Anonymous . Please enlighten us, as to what are you smoking ???
Roundup-Ready alfalfa by the delirium exhibited. A rough smoke, indeed.
WE have an expression in my language”When a fox is destined to die, it heads towards town” the time has come in the unfolding of history the the wicked west be eliminated in its present form, and Americas interference in Russian backyard is akin to above saying.
America being in the forefront of criminal western civilization should be attacked without mercy until it totally collapses or until it surrenders totally, this is the only solution otherwise ugly ziomerica will keep raising its poisonous head endangering entire humanity.
It is Idiots like you the above essay is meant fore, the only sad thing is that a lot of innocent people will have to die to wake you up from your illusion …
not really Vladomir has some surprise weapons to knock Nato on its ass without nukes
He is right.Putin has shown so much pathological concern about what his Anglo enemies will think that he lost initiative of doing definite within firts two months of crisis.
Can he explsin how saudis get away with attacking Yemen when even Cortupt Un endorses that action?
Because fait acvompli is a very big factor rather than vacillating like an idiotic drugged moron.
Perhaps you are missing some points including but not necessarily restricted to the following:
1. The opponents are perceived as an existential threat by many not restricted to Russia.
2. The opponents have kindly created bases throughout the world affording greater accessibility.
3. Russia is not only ready for war but also ready for peace.
4. The opponents are required to the relinquish their notions of exceptionalism.
US Exceptionalist ideology is totalitarian and, as GHW Bush stated, non-negotiable. The US elite only does submission or surrender amongst the global un-persons. War is, and always has been, inevitable, until the USA changes its character, by internal revolt or collapse, or is totally defeated militarily.
“GHW Bush stated, non-negotiable. ”
Awareness of the opponents positions/hopes/projections is not, has not and likely will not be unknown although not omniscient, but in addition such awareness, has proven, is proving and will prove of utility.
If the opponent is subject to self-delusion, don’t complain or criticise, use the opportunities afforded.
However try not to restrict war to things that go bang.
“War is, and always has been, inevitable, until the USA changes its character, by internal revolt or collapse, or is totally defeated militarily.”
Why not reformulate the sentence into a paragraph to clarify further ?
Such as
War is.
War is, and always has been, inevitable, until the USA changes its character, by internal revolt or collapse, or is totally defeated militarily.
By internal revolt or collapse, or is totally defeated militarily are not binary, nor mutually exclusive or the only options, although could be included within the options.
War should not be resticted to things that go bang.
Your restriction of the notion of exceptionalism is also a possible limiter of opportunity and a limiter of perception of the half lives, locations, prevalence, and uses of exceptionalism.
Finally an encompassing hypothesis to test.
The one thing that the future will not be is the past.
US Exceptionalism is a cult created by the circumstances of US history. The country was populated initially by European Christian zealots, who could not live peacefully with their compatriots back in England. They were equipped with an ideology, based on the Holy genocides outlined in the Torah/Old Testament,which were inflicted by the Israelites on the Canaanites, Egyptians (Passover) and Persians(Purim), that they immediately began to execute against the indigenous.
Stannards ‘American Holocaust’ outlines what happened thereafter. Following their ‘Good Book’, the colonists targeted women and children and crops and livestock, to ensure genocide. Disease aided their efforts, as did utter unscrupulousness in never honouring any Treaty with the indigenous( like Israel with the Palestinians). The ruling American elites, leavened with Roundhead losers from the Civil War, saw themselves as the inheritors of the position of ‘God’s Chosen People’ from the Jews, who they detested.
The US elite, as a consequence of these influences, has been aggressive, arrogant, bellicose and always aggressive. And murderous. Killing is an almost sacred act for the Americans, it giving them a false sense of power over life and death, that feeds their gigantic egomania and assuages their terror of death, which they fear so very greatly, having no real spiritual substance, which is evidenced by their hollow, histrionic and hysterical religiosity.
The USA contains perhaps the greatest endowment of riches of timber, deep, fertile, vast agricultural soils and minerals anywhere, a Divine Providence which was ruthlessly exploited, enriching US elites and feeding their narcissistic sense of exceptionalism. Naturally they were not content with that, so set out to conquer or control the universe. Anything that gets in the way of their ‘Manifest Destiny’, whether a Filipino, Korean or Vietnamese peasant, or Putin, must be obliterated-that is ‘God’s Will’, and the USA is merely the means by which it is achieved.
US wars are always genocidal, whether in the terror-bombing of Europe, Japan, Korea, Indochina, Iraq, Afghanistan, or in the A-bombs, or in the omnipresence of death-squads, the creation and fostering of scores of murderous despots, or seen in murderous sanctions, economic sabotage and relentless subversion.
In my opinion the Yankee murderer is nowhere better illustrated than in the hideous Madeleine Albright and her infamous observation that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children under five, caused directly and deliberately by US/UK imposed sanctions, were a price that was ‘..worth it’. Or by that other horror, Hillary Clinton, celebrating Gaddaffi’s death by buggery with a knife (you just know that US ‘Special Forces’ must have been on the spot)by uttering ‘We came, we saw-he died”, with that brutish inhumanity that hundreds of millions have suffered under for centuries.
The US power system produces psychopaths, and those that cannot ‘cut the mustard’ are weeded out or leave voluntarily once their own moral boundaries are transgressed.This process of unnatural selection of the worst, the most violent, sadistic, arrogant and cruel cannot be transformed magically into some other form. The US MSM, entertainment, advertising and political processes are saturated with ‘Exceptionalist’ ideology, drummed into every head, from the lowest street-person all the way to the pinnacle, the confidence-trickster Obama, the black Bush. The USA cannot act any other way, so it will destroy the world rather than lose control over it-be certain of that. Every Iraqi, Afghan, Syrian, Vietnamese, Somali, Libyan etc knows it all too well.
I am with you brother on everything you wrote! To put it in the simplest of language America was built by the worst elements of European humanity thrown out for it’s religious ethos and dogma! further it’s rapid growth was based on native genocide and African slavery.
” it will destroy the world rather than lose control over it-be certain of that..”
Like many you appear to prefer simple narratives in representing complex lateral processes and hence you immerse yourself in the opponents’ ideological linear paradigm.
You also subscribe to notions of exceptionalism by positing primary/sole agency to the opponents,
i.e. you subscribe to exceptionalism by positing that you are excluded from it.
You appear to view yourself as object rather than subject, and may attempt to displace and/or ameliorate this by limiting your activities more to the “cerebral” rather than the “active” reinforcing the prevailing division of labour between doers and thinkers and how thinkers are more exceptional and are deserving of higher reward, thereby reproducing binary ways of thinking which preclude lateral challenge and escape from the ideological maze.
Orwell described this more succinctly – All animals are equal but some are more equal than other.
In so doing you seek to absolve yourself from responsibility or agency, or at best seek to transfer control and responsibility to others whom you hope will act on your behalf – representatives.
Representative democracy is an acceptance, an example, and ideological underpinning of exceptionalism.
As a guage/modulation within the linear paradigm of of exceptionalism you cite comparatives thereby deflecting concentration from the systemic to the particular –
“nowhere better illustrated than in the hideous Madeleine Albright and her infamous observation that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children under five, caused directly and deliberately by US/UK imposed sanctions, were a price that was ‘..worth it’. Or by that other horror, Hillary Clinton, celebrating Gaddaffi’s death by buggery with a knife (you just know that US ‘Special Forces’ must have been on the spot)by uttering ‘We came, we saw-he died”, with that brutish inhumanity that hundreds of millions have suffered under for centuries.”
Following from all of the above whether by design or default you are engaged in self-castrating or even self-immolating activities.
Ideology seeks immersion and when emerging from a swimming pool you still carry water.
Omniscience does not exist and in any laterally dynamic system outcomes cannot be wholly predicted beforehand, only actively encouraged.
To actively encourage processes in any laterally dynamic system it is necessary to dispense with the need for certainty, to embrace doubt, and dispense with the need of strictly defined fixed goals including fixed organisational models, fixed methodologies and fixed thinking.
To roughly describe what is presently perceived as a valid purpose, it is to encourage the journey from exceptionalism to different and equal.
” it will destroy the world rather than lose control over it-be certain of that..”
As outlined before in this blog although in more technical terms primarily for an audience of which you may not have much experience – we have no intention of letting it, but if we fail in this we will all die and so no-one will be exceptional.
@Mumblebrain Perfectly how you describe the Nazionistic America historically up until nowadays. Thanks for that.
Alas America / USs is economic, militairaly but mainly and more important cultural the whole western world.
I’m from the Netherlands where about 90% of the population totally has been Zombified, brainwashed, hypnotised and by Holywood and other American/US shit. It’s disturburbing alarming.
A brilliant article and a brilliant comment. I remember seeing that particular piece of video with Hilary Clinton and Diane Sawyer. Truly blood-curdling
It is an excellent reading mr. Mulga.Thank you!
“The one thing that the future will not be is the past.”
the future is always the past with modifications.
think about it.
you spout a lot of nonsense (having read some of your other posts) with your obfuscation etc.
” think about it.”
Looks like you haven’t discovered the road to the north?
The “modifications” you appear to believe in are outcomes lateral processes not linear processes and hence not “modifications” but in time transcendences.
“you spout a lot of nonsense (having read some of your other posts) with your obfuscation etc.”
Thank you for your datastreams illustrating your projections.
A great rant about Ukraine by a citizen of Kiev.
Kazzura video, english subtitles.
Seems quite sober and eloquent to me.
Russian saying: On the tongue of a drunken man are the thoughts of a sober one.
Haha, he really puts the Ukro scum in their place. Drooling imbeciles jumping on the Maidan for their feverishly yearned for “European Integration”. Wish he could make a gem dealing with the Western monkeys along these lines also :-)
As I’ve commented before, one of the biggest motivations for EU integration is visa free travel to get out of Ukraine. In Malaga, Spain there are enough Uke’s there to justify a seperate Ukranian consolute. THose folks simply wanted to flee a failed state – that was ten years ago.
The USA has a willing Fifth Column of Quislings in every state, drawn from the psychopathic, the insatiably greedy, the haters of others, the merely treacherous, the worshipers of violence and merciless killing, the egomaniacs and the simply pathologically nasty. The USA just declares them the repositories of ‘Western Moral Values’, and sets out to install them in power, by exterminating all other human types, if required.
“The USA has a willing Fifth Column of Quislings in every state, drawn from the psychopathic, the insatiably greedy, the haters of others, the merely treacherous, the worshipers of violence and merciless killing, the egomaniacs and the simply pathologically nasty. ”
Was it Shakespear who said the quality of assertion is not strained?
Witty, but what is opinion but ‘assertion’. Imagine my comment prefaced with ‘In my opinion…’, then offer some argument to refute it. I think that the facts are irrefutable, but I don’t mind being proven wrong.
Witty, but what is opinion but ‘assertion’.
Omniscience can never exist in any laterally dynamic system.
Ideology seeks immersion and when you emerge from the swimming pool you still carry water.
Essences do not exist merely amalgams of different assay.
Mr. Rove asserted that the USA no longer exists in the realms of reality.
For those who act in the realms of reality, knowledge is seen to be a process interactive questions, lateral and social, and hence data is collected and subjected to rigorous peer review, then hypotheses are formed and tested, evaluated and modified forming the next question in a laterally iteractive process.
Hypotheses or if you prefer strategies are not normally published in brodcast medium although in activation they leave trails which can be perceived.
Consequently it is not unwarranted that you could perceive that any contributions to this blog are opinions or assertions without corroboration if the corroboration is not published.
However evaluation is always a function of purpose.
Hahaha,that couldn’t have been said better.Hopefully,people will see and listen to that.
Great link. Thanks.
yeah, this guy sighs like Zakharchenko and the military daily announcer guy in NAF…they all sigh…
Brilliant. I wish there were more Ukrainians like him.
I have decided to wear the avatar name Subhuman as people like myself were described by that Jewish Nazi Yatsenyuck as “the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk published a statement calling the supporters of eastern Ukrainian militia forces “subhumans.”
Taking this opportunity I apologize to moderators for having used foul language prior, as my emotions got the better of me. I thought the NAZI thug era of Europe was a thing of the past, apparently many of us were gravely mistaken. (I used foul language in regards to the President of The Netherlands who kept warnings about unsafe Ukrainian airspace secret, because he did not want to offend countries diplomatically. In other words the President of The Netherlands knowingly sacrificed the safety of airline passengers which resulted in hundreds of dead. I as a simple citizen “Subhuman” according to the people he politically supports in Ukraine hold this politician responsible for multiple manslaughter.
Again my best wishes to this courageous Ukrainian in the video.
@off topic,
Thank you for video link. That was hilariuos. I was laughing so loud I think people passing by my street heard me. That guy was too funny.
US/NATO is pretty much all about posturing, military theatrics, propaganda, blackmail, subversion, false flags and terrorism. There is little to no effective direct substance that would work against anything but an impoverished third world nation.
In this particular case of NATO seeking a war with Russia on Russia’s western border, much like the Germans in 1941, NATO operates at a huge disadvantage. Russia’s only goal is survival and defense. That means they take advantage of every defensible asset on their own home soil. NATO would be the attacking force, once over the border, they wade right into prepared defenses shielded by Russia’s mobile anti aircraft systems in depth. Look to Sinai when Egypt fought under Russian AA umbrella along the canal, Israel was all but beaten inside the air defense zone. Same thing if NATO invades Russia, Russian defenses would not be subject to more than a brief heavy air campaign before losses mounted for NATO attack aircraft.
NAF in Donbass shows Russian defensive warfare, mobile defense. NATO simply is talking out of their asses about divisions of NATO troops entering Russia and defeating Russia’s field army. I study as far as possible Russian missile and rocket forces, I shudder to think what happens to a NATO armored column when Iskanders with cluster warheads start arriving overhead. Our American warrior class has never been attacked from the air since 1944. I believe deeply that they are not ready for it, not at all. Plus, Russian mobile rocket forces, modern versions of NAF GRADs, these would send NATO troops running back across the border after the first major hit by them.
Russia has built a defensive missile shield, S-400 and TOR-M2u stand at the front of that force, and the US air forces are not ready to face that mobile defense with all the advantages of mobility, how eliminate a mobile force operating on home soil?
Lastly, look to Serbia’s defense during NATO’s all out air war. Their army used tactics that allowed them to largely escape damage from the countless air strikes. Putting out dummy targets, even micro wave ovens to draw western missiles and bombs!
I find it interesting that, in certain settings, the opinion that “Russia does not want war” is spoken a) as a given or fact, and b) as though all Russians have a homogeneous position on the subject.
I am not pretending to be an expert and am certainly not, but enough opposing ideas have been presented by Russians, including some well-known Russian defectors, for one to seriously question the opinion that “Russia does not want war”.
Another possibility is that “Russia does not want the world to think that they are planning a pre-emptive war”. Just a thought worth considering.
you serious on this?
on the other hand it´s plain clear the russia is :: a- overtaught and lectured by Urss mistakes in the 20th century b-is under too big a siege to lose any time with attacking doctrines and weaponry, c-aware that in their case ‘selectiveness is equal to survival, and finer selectivity so much the better; russia feels very much like a football team inferior financial competitiveness who thus cannot commit a single error.
Yes, I am serious, although not suggesting that I know the answer one way or the other. But if you wish to discount the possibility out of hand, then it may be worthwhile to address the various high ranking Russian defectors who said otherwise.
From a simply practical point of view, the best defense is often a good offense. If one thinks their enemy has plans to eventually do them in, which is better: a) try to ward off the attacks one by one, hoping as you say, to never make a mistake, or b) plan to psychologically disarm the enemy by feign of relative weakness and then strike a fatal blow when they least expect it.
I find it hard to support a viewpoint that only the purely defensive posture is worth considering. If nothing else, there are certainly some hawks on the Russian side who advocate offense. Then who does one speak of when they say “Russia does not want war”? Can such a statement be other than a somewhat naive or, at a minimum, very approximate idea?
Notice that the comment Observer on April 04, 2015 · at 9:43 am UTC does not address the material that James Burton posted on April 03, 2015 · at 7:17 pm UTC, but instead seeks to change the subject to one accusing Russia of “secret” warmongering. This is a debate tactic known as misdirection. Rather than discuss the material at hand, the commenter subtly tries to change the subject to one reinforcing the zio-propaganda, which in this case is: Russia=war monger=bad guy.
BTW, excellent comment by James Burton.
Not misdirecting. Rather, I was responding to an overall contextual viewpoint that appears throughout the article and forum. James Burton is (I think) someone who also posts by a similar name on Zero Hedge and whose opinions I respect. There is not much to argue with in his very educated post and mine only shows up there to perhaps catch his attention for an opinion on my point.
I believe you are outstandingly perceptive, BOT TAK! Let us not be misdirected then…
At least one thing has been blindingly clear long enough now: the Empire not only wants war with Russia, it seeks war with Russia, repeatedly, and by all means possible, crude provocation on Russia’s borders being the first and foremost. THAT at least being unmistakable, we can take for granted that massively, Russians are not duped. They can recognize acts of war when they see them.
Thanks for your enlightening remarks.
— Louis Robert
That is a good question/point, but if Russia wanted a preemptive strike, they should have went into Ukraine last summer. Those US troops that are there for “training” will probably be used in combat eventually. What happens when one of those guys gets capped. The propaganda factor will be huge for US intervention then. Paul Craig Roberts was right when he thought Putin made a mistake by not just rolling the tanks into Kiev right away. If Putin wanted a preemptive strike, it would have been done last summer
Medvedev promised a “preemptive strike” in case of deployment of the famous european “shield against the Iranian threat” in Poland and Czech Republic (which in fact was a Western direct threat to Russia), and since then we never have heard about it anymore, apart from works in abandoned air bases near Kaliningrad. NATO knew it was a real possibility. I mean, when a warning is serious, the adversary takes care, and if not, it happens.
Secondly: Putin (or any Russian leader) can “roll the tanks” anytime. For the time being, he is (Russia is) building his spider net to counter the US encirclement. He (they) can act anytime after its completion (full protection of the airspace). Don’t be impatient, give it time to happen when it should happen, and if the circumstances justify any action (as you said, a false flag operation envolving one of those “trainers” would be a chance to US put a foot in the trap).
Oh, since we’re talking about that type of military personnel: don’t forget what happened, what good the “observers” were to the Georgian army in the South Ossetia events.
You are absolutely spot on with this. This idea that “Russia does not want war” is a load of bollocks. Just a look at Putin’s entire political career discredits the idea immediately. There has always some kind of conflict throughout his entire career and each successive conflict builds on the previous lessons learned. At this point the art of plausible deniability has been mastered and Putin was able to successfully invade Ukraine and plunge it into war while still managing to convince the vast majority of the Russian population that Russia is not involved in Ukraine. Obviously, managing a lie on this scale is made easier since Putin’s government has control of the press, but it’s still quite an achievement. Of course, those in the West can see right through the charade, thanks to easy access to an abundance of different media sources.
There are no surprises here though, after all an ex-KGB agent is the head of the Russian government and plenty of other members in Putin’s government are friends from the security services. With that in mind, it almost seems like an insult to assume that a government made up of ex-security agents wouldn’t want war, especially when you look at the massively inflated defence budget. The entire government prioritises spending on new military equipment, even while the economy is in tatters. You would think a nation which “does not want war” would be trying to promote innovation and investment into other industries like making smartphones, passenger cars, civilian airliners, or new medical technology instead of blowing the government’s budget on bankrolling unnecessary jet fighters, nuclear submarines, nuclear ballistic missiles, and main battle tanks.
Then again, all these ex-security guys are defined by the egotistical concept of “Russian military glory.” Even the annexation of Crimea was done in part because it was the historical home of “Russian military glory.” That is 18th century logic, so we are just fooling ourselves to think the Kremlin cares about anything other than military conquest.
I say all that because when bush sr became the potus, he did not actually by chance wipe all his dirty deeds at the cia, instead he got his son to do it. I bet Putin is an angel compared to smuck. In fact the son rose today and the guy responsible for the misery of almost 50 million people and directly the deaths of many millions can still blather his bullshit with a straight face. If there was any justice in this work, he would be in the cell use for Slobodan milochivak who killed far far far less people actually he killed US supported terrorists which was his crime. And actually Putin said today on RT that he got a letter from the head of US intelligence that they can support anyone they want. Which was responsible for the Chechen war and the Georgian war. And here you come to spout your nonsense and washing your part in crimes against humanity. Your hands are running with the blood of millions. What ever Putin is and he is a great many things good or bad, YOU are far far worse.. And you are a nobody..
Mr. Burton, World War III when it comes and I do believe it is inevitable, will be devastating to America. It will be nuclear not only in the initiating geographic region but cross into the western hemisphere.
If American NATO attacks Russia either with conventional or tactical nuclear weapons then Russia has to respond with their full spectrum of conventional and long range nuclear destructive power in order to eliminate the war making capabilities of the United States. Russian military forces will not settle for a regional conflict; they will take it directly to the American continent because they know that if the neocons are allowed to live they will regroup and come back again. They will do it, I have absolutely no doubt..
U.S. Military installations, coastal American cities, heavy commercial shipping ports, petroleum refineries and major hydroelectric dams will be completely destroyed. I’m talking, Washington, DC, New York City, Norfolk Virginia, San Diego, California, Seattle, Washington, Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Baltimore, Boston, Philadelphia, etc. and any deep harbor capable of launching blue water surface vessels or submarines will be targeted and annihilated.
Unlike Americans, Russians know what war in the motherland is all about. They have lived it throughout their long and bloody history. The women will go to church and pray for the souls of the American people who are going to suffer immeasurably and die horrible, horrible radiation poisoning deaths because of the evil that has infested their federal government. The Americans did it to the Japanese and now it is going to happen to them.
History repeats itself, always.
Well written comment, and you are 100% correct in your assessment.
First paragraph. Devastating to America because a conventional war, we know (they know, everybody knows) would be lost for NATO in a short time and the only way to save its face is to go nuclear. In such a case, the result ourdays depends on so many things that no one could say who would be the winner, but in two/three years time the winner will not be US/NATO. That’s why I think none of them will happen.
Second paragraph. I have reasons to believe that the Russians, once attacked by long-range (ICBM or other) weapons, will only destroy the incoming strikes – they will not react otherwise. Which is a pity. If someone try to kick me, first I defend myself but then I would smash his head. I doubt that the Russians would nuke London or Washington after stopping a SW/LT/PL/RO/BG invasion force (FR/DE/UK will always be in the rear).
Third paragraph. That is, I’m afraid, wishful thinking. All of those targets are identified for ages, in the framework of the deterrence policy of the “cold” war – none of them will be hit because a nuclear confrontation at that level will never be engaged. Look how Putin keeps saying “partners” and “Western friends” to people that apply sanction to his country and his friends, and on the other hand how America steps back when a serious challenge faces them (Georgia, Poland’s missile bases, Crimea, etc.).
“This topic makes me sick in my stomach. I hate it. I am also frustrated to tears that having survived the Cold War I am now facing by far the most dangerous international situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis (and then, at least, everybody was terrified; today the propaganda zombified public is utterly unaware of what is happening).”
You have described how I and many others that read The Saker feel. At the end of the Cold War in 1990 I rejoiced at the prospect of a 360 degree northern hemisphere zone of peace. As an Armenian whose family has suffered from the murder of many family members I value peace and prosperity for everyone, even my enemies, even the Turks. But the US has aborted that prospect, going back to Cold War attitudes like putting on an old comfortable coat not noticing it is dripping poison. The US is poisoning itself and its vassals in the anglosphere and EU to death. It is living out the archetypal myth of Hercules and in its poisoned death struggle will destroy those nearest it.
We are sickened because we still have a moral compass and conscience unlike the sociopathic western elites.
Arius on April 03, 2015 · at 7:18 pm UTC
At the end of the Cold War in 1990 I rejoiced at the prospect of a 360 degree northern hemisphere zone of peace.
I didn’t rejoice in it or think any of that. I saw it as an omen of some seriously bad times to come. I saw it as a extremely negative development. As things developed during the 1990’s, I realised how alone we were now.
You see, I never saw the USSR as the “evil empire”, I saw them as a flawed check on the real evil empire, that once removed, would allow the lowest of the low in the west to run amok.
isn’t 360 going the same way ? full circle ? its a 180 that we want to see
Use your brain please. Arius did not mean a U-Turn when talking of a 360° something.
U-Turn would have been 180°. What he meant was the whole 360° of the Northern hemisphere at peace.
You are correct, that is what I meant.
you know what anonymous…you are rude. get a name
Exactly my feelings.
(The Cold War was as fraudulent as the Apollo moon landings…)
“You see, I never saw the USSR as the “evil empire”, I saw them as a flawed check on the real evil empire, that once removed, would allow the lowest of the low in the west to run amok.
The problem now is that Russia is also an evil Capitalist regime.
You were more realistic right after the fall of the USSR. I wanted to believe that my children would not live in a Cold War with the bomb hanging over their heads. But by 1999 with the bombing of Yugoslavia I could see that the US and its vassals are in the grip of a monstrous evil like another people that thought they were ‘uber alles’.
I agree I was in Germany as the wall came down watching it on tv, hearing the crowds singing the Deutschland Leid and thought we are entering a period of reation that Europe has not seen since Waterloo.
to Bot Tak
As to the “flawed check” an insightful video:
Ukraine’s Anti Russian Stance Is a Zionist Masterplan – Sheikh Imran Hosein
To: Bok Tok
Amazing foresight on your part if you saw the troubles to come and were able to see through the empire of “human rights and democracy” – a la mass murder and bombing campaigns). I still remember my father’s comments as he read out the headlines announcing the end of the USSR: Asia and Africa has now lost its protector and true friend, we will now either have to fight the empire all over again or have to accept slavery.
Sadly, 15 years of illusion and bad policy have put Russia in the same place as Africa and Asia. Russia will either have to fight to the last man or accept slavery and sovereign extinction. So much for human rights and democracy championed by NATO and its vassals.
“I realised how alone we were now.”
Realisation is not synonymous with reality but sometimes reminders of that did not enhance strategic purpose.
From roughly 1990 to 1994 the opponents concurred with your view – “how alone we were now.” – they deemed themselves exceptional and in control.
This allowed the opportunities to implement lateral strategies which were in accelerated lateral process from at least 1982.
“I saw it as a extremely negative development.”
Some saw it as opening additional opportunities to encourage processes that lead laterally to “today’s situation”.
I suggest the use of “we” is seriously misguided.
Politically, I think the greatest threat to Putin is not responding to Western provocations-he is among the few holding Russia back, the rest of the nation and most of the politician’s are much more keen on war than Putin. Are my “instincts” correct on this? How much more patience do the Russian people have for the tolerance shown towards the belligerent West and their provocations along Russia’s borders? Saker if you could respond I would greatly appreciate it. I believe their was some polling done along these lines but nothing explicit regarding war.
RR: I think the greatest threat to Putin is not responding to Western provocations-he is among the few holding Russia back, the rest of the nation and most of the politician’s are much more keen on war than Putin. Are my “instincts” correct on this?
Yes and no. I don’t think anybody in Russia is keen on war (besides the usual psychopathic fringe you can find in any country). Most Russian fear and hate war. But you are correct that Putin is VERY much a ” moderate”. If a Rogozin came to power the West might find a much less patient leader in the Kremlin. But by and large, Putin is very representative of the Russian population and this is why he is so phenomenally popular.
The Saker
that is why Rogozin should be a prime minister or foreign minster at least for now instead of traitor and useless medvedev and lavrov.
anonym on April 03, 2015 · at 10:48 pm UTC
that is why Rogozin should be a prime minister or foreign minster at least for now instead of traitor and useless medvedev and lavrov.
Yes, seriously, dude-ette, I agree 100%! Lavrov’s been too darn-golly-gosh effective at diplomacy and Rogozin to good at cleaning up the Russian defenses and making them a viable threat to our zionazi game plan. Let’s switch ’em, eh? That should compensate for our inadequacies, yes?
anyone can see how dignified Lavrov is. He’s perfect diplomat. Comparing him with Kerry is like comparing a stooge to plato
Anon, I respectfully disagree.
I find Lavrov to be fantastically professional and effective at his job of Foreign Minister. His job is to fight tirelessly the diplomatic fight and to enunciate the Russian position on each issue– and do it precisely w/o any confusion. His unaccented English is also most useful. He projects a professional and responsible Russia. He and Putin are simply the only adults in the room when US “leaders” are present.
I just wonder, why Rogozin is not in the place of Medvedev.
This guy Medvedev is mute and incompetet.
Once Nazi, Today Natoist,
Your question, Why does Putin keep Medvedev instead of replacing him w Rogozin?
Some observers believe that Putin keeps members of the liberal (pro-Western) faction because it preserves his (Putin’s) greatest freedom of action. His range of action and choice w/b narrowed if the Patriots, for example, held all the power.
There might be valid situational reasons for tacking towards the liberal position temporarily or in a particular area of policy, but it might require a great deal of coalition-making & explanations to “sell” it to the Patriots. While the liberals hold some power they will be interpreted as the excuse or even scapegoat for policies less extreme than the Patriots wish.
Also while the liberals’ have an avenue for attempting to affect policy perhaps they are less likely to engage in conspiracy or even coalition-building against Putin & his party.
I think that many have never been exposed to real diplomacy, things are supposed to be reasoned and subtle. It’s all about private discussions and positioning: getting two other parties to agree to something (without them necessarily knowing about it) to benefit your own situation – privately. Repeat as ofter as necessary before any public statements are made.
What the US is stuck with is Nuland’s F-EU. I must add that I am lately somewhat impressed with Kerry. Perhaps he’s finally trying to do something constructive. I sense that Kerry and Lavrov have a working relationship. This begs that question: what are the seperate groups at work in the current administration?
Too many Rambo movies.
“I sense that Kerry and Lavrov have a working relationship.”
Mr Lavrov has a working relationship with almost everybody.
That is one of his roles.
Well spoken, Penelope!
I don’t know if the figures are correct (we all know polls are never totally correct).But I thought I saw something the other day, where one showed his approval ratings at an incredible 94%.I can’t think of a Western leader that could even come close to that.I can’t think of a Western leader in living memory even coming close to the 84% other polls show for Putin among Russians.
Putin is phenomenally popular.because West promoted unpopulare liberals and lossers like Alexei Navalny and Mikhail Khodorkovsky.Plus western media( stubity or with porpose?for the reason RockyRacoon wrote)demonised him.Every country in the world when be atacked coiled around its leader.
Byzantines on April 03, 2015 · at 11:46 pm UTC
Putin is phenomenally popular.because West promoted unpopulare liberals and lossers like Alexei Navalny and Mikhail Khodorkovsky.Plus western media( stubity or with porpose?for the reason RockyRacoon wrote)demonised him.Every country in the world when be atacked coiled around its leader.
Sucks those machine translations of Hebrew to English tend to scramble the letters about…
you are wrong, in more ways than one, Bot Tak. Don’t accuse people just because English is not their first language.
Vineyard Moderator – K.K. on April 04, 2015 · at 12:39 am UTC
you are wrong, in more ways than one, Bot Tak. Don’t accuse people just because English is not their first language.
My comment was based that comment writer’s views, not their upon their language skills. And it was based upon reading the comment writer’s other comments here, not just the one above. In whatever language, it’s still the same “discredit Russia/Putin for inaction” spiel. You may believe the act, but I don’t. I’ve seen it too often.
Respect the others opinions.I believe like many others that like Gorbatsov s Soviet Union colapsed without West to loose no one soldier ,the same try to do now.Until now the results justify me.i HOPE in future you to have right ,but i cant see the west to back off with this Putins-Lavrov policy.
Putin would win ALL elections in ALL western countries.
Only yea-Sayers, Bolsheviks and technocrats can make to the top in the CIA-controlled party systems of the West. A man with the integrity of Putin – never.
zweistein, I highly doubt Putin would win in all western countries… i live here in the west and putin is hated.
@ zweistein:
But let’s see, can you name any Bolshevik who is on top of the CIA-controlled parties or any Western institution?
I understand your maneuver, when everything is going clear, when the masks are falling for everyone, even for the blind who can not see, you shall wash your hands saying that in charge were the Bolsheviks. Is it because the left, little by little, is booming, at least in Europe, and will be considered evil for the millionth time?
-Why to be so afraid of left?
-Why is it that Stalin is the favorite demon of all, the East and the West?
-Why is it that only the deads of Stalin are counted?
-Why nobody is counting Johnson´s, Reagan´s, Carter´s, Clinton´s, Bush´ senior, Bush´junior, Obama´s, Merkel´s, Hollande´s, Sauds´, Sharon´s, Netanyahu´s ….?
-Why no judge in the world (except Judge Servini) wants to bring out the deads of Franco and only you all keep talking about the deads due to the, suppossed, long arm of Stalin?
-Why Stalin, if he was so evil, death as came into the world, poor?
-Why there has not been (nor there will be) any other leader in the world who ( will ) can say the same? (Hence such unanimity in electing Stalin the sack of all blows and also because he is dead).
-Why do people who lived in the USSR looked so healthy and so happy? Perhaps because they had bread, shelter, work, health, education, culture, leisure ….?
-What is the fear, that people are now awakening from the long slumber of these 30 years, wants the same, and there is not enough for you to follow being billionaires?
Only those who want more to themselves than to others and are unwilling to hand for everyone to have a decent life are afraid of the left.
“when the masks are falling for everyone”
Are the masks falling or are some masks being pulled off by some?
Are the masks, including that some masks are being pulled of by some, perceived as falling by everyone?
Yup. He has his head on his shoulders. We really have to look to Iran & Russia to avert a world war.
It would appear that your response and view is obscured by your perception of what constitutes “responding”.
it takes knowledge or perhaps call it wisdom to not fight when someone’s picking a fight. if you fight then you are their puppet. if you don’t then it exposes them
Recently, the Times of London posted an article about threats allegedly made by senior Russian intelligence officers to their western colleagues. Since the Times’ website is behind a pay-wall, I will direct you to this reprint from The Australian.
The points made in the article about Russian defensive postures are what one would expect, nothing unusual about the Russian stance. I suspect the reason behind printing this story is the ZPC/NWO now needs a new reason for their offensive posture. Especially their ABM force build up along Russian (and Chinese) borders. Since they cant credibly claim these ABM batteries are to fight Iranian nukes any more, they need a new “threat” to mask their obviously offensive intent against Russia all along. So instead of nuclear Iran run amok “threat”, it will be an “expansive” Russia who threatens nuke use at the slightest pretext. The media is full of “resurgent, aggressive” Russia zionazi propaganda. That Times article fits right into that propaganda theme.
I think the ZPC/NWO strategy is not war against Russia, but a replay of the 1980’s where basically ZPC/NWO belligerence was designed to entrap Russia in conflicts on its borders and get them to spend their budgets on military defenses and neglect domestics in order to create internal opposition and instability.
Re: Bot Tek and strategy of the hegemon: I agree with you.. the NYTimes and the lesser bird brains are trumpeting the same narrative of big, bad Slavs.
My military expert friend is as concerned as Saker in the same way and for the same reasons. Next week and time will tell.
Teranam13, I don’t find anything at the fox news link you gave to be even slightly believable., do you?
Does the original London Times article say these stupid things?
I’m not able to get the article thru The Australian. Wd appreciate it if someone wd tell me the main points. Thanks.
Here’s two without the paywall: main point is at some meeting a month ago Putin threatened to use nukes in/against the Baltics (source unnamed)
Vineyard Moderator KK:
Thanks for the two links, but I believe (without having seen the London Times article) that these must be a substantial deviation from it. You see these two links are NOT believable. Saker specifically said the London Times article was quite believable.
The 2 links you kindly supplied are like others I’ve seen– not believable and I think purposely distorting.
Someone after I put those links put what appeared to be a long quote from the London Times ones.It was a lot longer than the ones I posted.
Here is some more hysteria over a simple warning from a Russian and who knows if it was even said the way it has been reported
You should be aware that The Australian (wholly owned by Rupert Murdoch) is also behind a paywall.
Russians are great true warriors unlike the coward anglosaxons-that is not doubt about it.
look how russian ethnics in donbass fought against much superiorly armed Ukraine army-that makes the Anglos tremble -and that is why they rely on proxies and mercenaries rather than fighting themselves at first.
but Russian weakness is her diplomats-lavrov is a failure and idiot; he always says and does things opposite to Russian interests..
note–“May 5, 2011
Last year, British forces in Helmand province send a message to the Taliban that all major operations were carried out by the Americans, so if we did not target them, the British forces would not target the Taliban,” Nazir said.
What a cowards!!
” western reporter to Taliban -“and how do you find the british and Americans ?” =
Taliban -”Cowards”
The western reporter “why??”
Taliban man ”The Russians at least had the bravery to face us”
“The Americans and british hide behind American skirts and call in air-support so that they try to destroy us by air attack from a far to make it easy for their soldiers”
“and we used to have stringer missiles in 80s so you can see soviet bravery “
Can anyone present the reason for the Soviet invasion of Afganistan? I am quite well versed with the US version – to the extent of having read serveral books on the topic, and had coversions with one author who was a CIA operative there.
Afghanistan was founded in 1747 and ruled by a bloodline monarchy with rumored ties to the legendary Roshaniya- the all-seeing ones. In 1933 King Mohammed Zaher Shah took the throne, ruling the country in feudalistic fashion until deposed by his cousin Mohammed Daoud in 1973. [1]
In April 1978 Daoud was killed in a popular revolution led by socialist leader Nor Mohammed Taraki, who became President and embarked on an ambitious land reform program to help poor Afghan sharecroppers, who were traditionally forced to work land owned by the king and his cronies.
Taraki built schools for women who were banned from education under the monarchy. He opened Afghan universities to the poor and introduced free health care. When counter-revolutionary bandits began to burn down universities and girl’s schools, many Afghan’s saw the hand of the CIA. As the campaign of sabotage intensified, Kabul revolutionaries called on Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev to send troops to repel the bandits. Brezhnev refused.
The terrorism started with Mr.Ronald regan and witch thather supporting the afgan fighters against soviet intervention in afganistan.The same fighters are called as taliban and alquida today.Now the same US is fighting these fighters and calling them terrorists. except for the last part which isn’t true. US/West today don’t fight terror, but pretend to fight it and use this ISIS –their creation and supported- as a pretext to achieve all sorts of imperialistic goals.
In 1979 pro-Taraki militants, convinced of a CIA destabilization plot, assassinated CIA Kabul Chief of Station Spike Dubbs. Indeed, in April 1979, a full seven months before the much-ballyhooed Soviet “invasion” of Afghanistan occurred, US officials met with Afghan warlords bent on overthrowing Taraki. On July 3, 1979 President Carter signed the first national security directive authorizing secret aid to Afghan warlords. Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said he convinced Carter that in his “…opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”[2]
Taraki appointed Tabizullah Amin as Cabinet Minister in charge of land reform. Amin, who Soviet KGB Chief Yuri Andropov came to believe was a CIA deep cover agent provocateur, launched a brutal campaign of terror against political opponents. This turned world opinion against the Tariki government. Andropov believes the CIA had Amin infiltrate the Kabul government intent on discrediting the revolutionaries.
Taraki traveled to Moscow to consult with the Soviets on a strategy to get rid of Amin. The day he returned to Kabul, Amin had Taraki executed and seized power. A few weeks later CIA-backed warlords massacred dozens of Afghan government officials in the western city of Herat. The combination of these two events finally convinced Brezynev to send troops into Afghanistan. [3]
In December 1979 Soviet tanks rolled across the Panshir Valley, while KGB operatives stormed the Royal Palace in Kabul. They assassinated Tabizullah Amin and installed Babrak Karmal as the new leader of Afghanistan. Brzezinski now had the justification he’d been looking for to begin overtly arming counter-revolutionaries in Afghanistan. Though the Afghan conflict killed two million people, Brzezinski later boasted, “That (Carter’s secret directive) was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap.”[4]
, the CIA and british scoured the refugee camps looking for modern-day Islamic fundamentalist Assassins who were prepared to intensify the guerrilla war on Kabul’s socialist government and now, to repel the Soviets from Afghanistan.
The Company found what it needed in Hezbi-i Isbmi, a force of feudal-minded Islamist fighters assembled and trained by the Pakistani military with CIA and british oversight. Their leader was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a fanatic who in the early 1970’s had ordered his followers to throw acid into the faces of Afghan women who refused to wear their burkhas.!!
n the 1980’s Pakistan became the world’s poster child for political corruption. The Islamabad junta’s unflagging support for Reagan’s mujahadeen was at the root of the corruption.
What is spelt differently from why for a reason.
As to the whys or even approximation of the why’s, the “exceptionalists” narrative including Charlie Wilson, Brezynski et al had utility especially in the Soviet Union/Russia from the 1980’s onwards and hence was never publicly challenged by substantiated alternative narrative.
This still has present utility and hence the answer to the initial correspondent (T1) is probably that in the short term at least he is unlikely to receive a response other that the one you proferred from publicly available sources.
Part of the reason for my question is that for most of my life I, like Saker, was blindly anti-USSR. This was driven by the blood lust of the Leninist/Stalinist years. To be driven by anger is a dangerous thing.
At this point I seek understanding.
After I took a closer look at 911 I’ve been re evaluating everthing I thought to be true. A leadership that is capable of such a deed is willing to do anything. My sense is that the US economy was in such dire straits that it needed to escalate repression, both internally and globally, to survive a bit longer.
“This was driven by the blood lust of the Leninist/Stalinist years.”
You are/were not alone as you may realise by an investigation of why the slogan “Glory to the heroes” and its resonances.
Challenge was not only made by the “dissidents”, but an encouragement of notions of WYSIWYG had utility to facilitate the challenge of others.
Most prefer simplicity – Krushchev was the worst Soviet Leader (an opinion held at least at one point by the Saker), Gorbachev and Yeltsin were “traitors” – with the implicit premise of the role of and agency of “great men” in history.
You can often find these notions expressed on this blog.
Below you will find references to the Wolfowitz doctrine, PNAC et al – one correspondent on another blog exhibiting exceptionalism by speculating on the basis of his alleged research of Russian media that Russia was unaware of the doctrines of Mr. Wolfowitz,PNAC et al and thereby overestimating the agency and possibilities of these opponents.
Russia is not the Soviet Union; and wishes not achievements.
All of the above form part of the reasons why
“As to the whys or even approximation of the why’s, the “exceptionalists” narrative including Charlie Wilson, Brezynski et al had utility especially in the Soviet Union/Russia from the 1980’s onwards and hence was never publicly challenged by substantiated alternative narrative.
This still has present utility and hence the answer to the initial correspondent (T1) is probably that in the short term at least he is unlikely to receive a response other that the one you proferred from publicly available sources.”
No professional strategic analyses will likely be outlined in a broadcast medium to satisfy the curiosity of others.
Reading or re-reading ‘Giles Goat Boy’ by John Barth might be a good exercise. The correspondances between ‘West Campus’ and East Campus’ are telling! I won’t give any spoilers here…..
To reemphasize what is said above by Anonymous, I recall as a precocious pre-teen child in the mid-1980’s reading in a couple of magazines discussions of who America was arming in Afghanistan and the questions being raised of why we were seeking out the most radical extremists among the Afghans and foreign Jihadi’s and giving them the most money and arms, while giving the more moderate forces the least.
That was back in the day when in the American print media there was still a slightly free press able to ask questions and raise issues.
Thank you for your insights.
Thank you very much for the clarifier summary.
If you can, try to translate this good documented report:
“Why do not the Muslim world unfolds as it should?”:
Where does China fit into all of this? They must know they’re next on the Empires list. I’m sure they wouldn’t just sit back and do nothing.
China and Russia: Larchmonter445 wrote a White Paper for Saker.
Good background of how the two nations are together on most strategic issues (not all).
Their strategy is different. They will outwit the US crazies by dust storms of commerce, financial wizardry, non-stop innovation, buying-up Manhattan, baffling martial arts theatrics, steadfast Confucian net-working and above all: by sheer numbers.
Just think about it: 1.3 trillion nearly indistinguishable Chinese and almost everyone of them owns a hedge fund or something.
Chinese are by all means, as easily recognizable from one another as the Europeans. To state otherwise is not only untrue but eloquently racist.
Andrew writes:
Where does …
Ugh … I figured this had to happen. Please pick a different handle. I’ve been Andrew here since a year ago. I’d prefer not to have to change monikers to the Original Andrew.
The Australian article reprint link is now also behind a paywall.
As for NATO, I served a couple tours out of Bamberg Germany in the mid 1970s and during exercises it was pretty clear we’d have a hard time just defending ourselves from a Soviet attack, much less launching an attack! The command/control and tactical friction arising out of attempting to integrate units from different nationalities/forces made creation of an effective fighting force impossible. I don’t believe much has changed in that regard.
You make point #7 left off the Saker’s list: shared language.
I can see factionalism/communicaton breakdown bedevilling NATO. Also sabotage by resentful occupied countries/Rus partisans.
The use of mercenaries creaming it from corporate sponsorship won’t do much to glue things together either.
Frankly, NATO is living in ‘Allied’ Dreamland: that ship sank long ago.
language problem will be solved. former yugoslav states have common language. most of the population went through the same military training in Yugoslavia. probe conscripting in Dubrovnik and Osijek was about 10 months ago, then president of Croatia denied that it was about Ukraine. there is even a formal document that non-na-to states would be included in rapid rsponse teams. the main goal is to terminate as many as possible slavic lives.
ps. there is no such thing as former military/intelligence analyst. if you believie that I have snowden soap to sell you…
saker said:
“Surrender meant death. The Russian gene pool was directly affected by this selective pressure.”
I found this site searching for hope -that has gradually turned to incredulity.
Is there a genetic PHD in the house who can comment on this:
is a large population (140 million) likely different to another (in a relatively short time) in which –
“Surrender meant death. The Russian gene pool was directly affected by this selective pressure.”
makes any sense?
I assume this will comment will be posted!
Russians take their gene pool very seriously, which is why they spent billions on underground nuclear bomb shelters for all their citizens. So, yes, they can survive a nuclear war better than any western nation can. They are prepared. The Russian government actually cares about its citizens. Sounds crazy, but it’s true. The rest of us in the west laugh at the concept of our govts. caring about any of us. LOL!
Not a genetic PhD, but natural selection works far too slowly and chaotically to result in the changes noted.
That said, artificial selection may play a role. I’ve long had a theory that the American population – being largely immigrants or 2nd generation of immigrants (that’s me) – is different from most other countries as the result of artificial selection, in this case self-selection. Specifically, made up of people (like my parents) who left everything behind – property, family, culture to a degree – to take a risk and move far away.
Vietnam Vet:
natural selection works far too slowly and chaotically
That’s not the observation of human populations under selection pressure, which can be caused by war, isolation, and non-conformity, all things Russia has and had. They can quickly change relatively speaking from “boiling off” of non-conforming elements over several generations, the ability to migrate, and temporary isolation.
Key factors (in no particular order) in the development of the Rus’ population and genetic pool over the past several hundred years that did not occur with, for example, the Slavs in Poland or Bohemia – the ability to run away and become a Cossack, immigration and forced exile to the Siberian/Kazakh/Far East frontier, Tatar slave raids, young 1st marriage age, religious and migrational isolation from Europe west of the Bug River, serfdom remaining into the 1860’s.
the American population – being largely immigrants or 2nd generation of immigrants
That isn’t right. The ancestors of the vast majority of Americans came here before 1890, and probably an absolute majority before 1860. This includes both blacks and whites. Plus Hispanics, although now a large group are mainly people from Mexico and the carribean who have been here for centuries and didn’t have to immigrate in the same way to US as Europeans and Africans and take far fewer risks coming here now as they can easily go home. Personall, my most recent migrant ancestor was in 1770. That isn’t very unusual over much of the south and central part of the US. Recent immigrant groups (like Jews, Italians, Greeks, Asians, etc.) have not had much time in the country so they aren’t particularly large.
” I’ve long had a theory that the American population – being largely immigrants or 2nd generation of immigrants (that’s me) – is different from most other countries as the result of artificial selection, in this case self-selection”
You are certainly right, pal, yours is artificial selection and self-selection.
As well documented in the excellent museum on Ellis Island (New York), when immigrants came to the United States, must pass strict sanitary control, doctors even stood in long and numerous stairs to the different checkpoints to check who fainted by simply uploading, being the unfortunate deported back to their countries of origin, which, most likely will not survive another long trip with little time to recover .
I have to say, I found embarrassing and very “Nazi”.
Here in Europe, with immigration from sub-Saharan Africa to make any artificial selection is not needed. The terrifying journey through deserts, conflict areas, oceans, and passing through the hands of numerous mafias makes that those arriving are arguably the most gifted, physically and morally, to live in this soulless land.
Nope — not PhD. But…
I googled on
‘ epigenetic cortisol levels the ghost in your genes ‘
(and try variations)
and I hit a few of the sites I was looking for.
Basic idea is that babies gene expression has some dependency on what mother has experienced — war, famine, other such factors. (Kind of an updated Lemarkian concept). Childrens genes can be expressed differently, and body chemistry and development, can change from epigenetic factors, and the DNA is not the complete ‘script’ but more of an outline. Such changes work in one of a few generations.
That BBC show, ghost in your genes, is a decent introduction to this material.
Of course actual DNA probabilities might also change quickly if some variants tend to die off quickly because of war or catastrophe. Keep in mind the massive number of Russian people killed in WW2 — over 12% of the population — and the number who survived perhaps with help from their ‘survival genes’, which they then passed on.
Anyone who studies the factual material easily available in the media and Internet storage of just the last one year should clearly see that the snap checks of the Russian military from East coast to Western ‘near abroad’ borderlands, including in all regions and districts of the military and through all levels of the order of battle, that there is a massive readiness to absorb a sneak attack from the NATO-US hegemonic forces and destroy the West in return.
All Russian officials with a finger near the nuke buttons have clearly stated that Russia will use nukes, tactically and/or strategically.
Europe was put on notice, NATO has been notified and the US regime has been warned.
And with very little work on an amateur research effort it becomes clear that all the capitals of the West will be rumble, radioactive for centuries and the losses in life will be cataclysmic.
Russia is the perfect nightmare for bozos in think tanks who have come up with the notion that the Hegemon can win a war of nuclear exchange.
Even the crazed generals of the West haven’t signed up for that one. Most of the crazies think proxies and non-nuclear missile strikes and bombing are workable (Russia will submit, they assume.) But that is why they are crazies! None of those tactics are doable.
When we see the variety of delivery systems Russia has deployed, and the level of training and level of readiness and compare that to the NATO-US preparedness, it is clear that no war of that magnitude is on the horizon.
Ultimately, Putin is a dojo master and the West diddle children.
In the clash of civilizations and their militaries, Russia is invincible. The deviants of democracy, the Hegemon and its henchmen, are not only pathologically obsessed with their sexually libertine culture and godless activities, they are compulsively nihilistic but not yet suicidal.
No, they intend to live forever, to clone themselves, to extend their demigod leaders’ lives to 150 years or more (per Google’s mission and research efforts, ha!).
The Cult of Liberals can dish out death, chaos, destruction and holy hell to humanity, but it has no iota of ideology that includes the “the end days” for them, their castles, their possessions, their wealth relative to the serfs (all the rest of us).
They seek “the Rapture” through their sodomy, not their prayer and meditation on the Infinite and Ineffable.
Fortunately, it is they, the dissolute democrat purveyors, not the liver-eaters we face with nukes.
The Islamic loons would blow up the world in miscalculation or intentionally.
But our Lords of Greed have no intention of losing their earthly position of power and wealthy by clashing with Russia.
The reason Iran has them on their back foot in negotiations is Western Greed for Iranian development; and the irredeemable disintegration of Western institutions and structures caused by the Double Helix of China-Russia, along with the changes caused by the Chinese wealth (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, BRICS Bank, Silk Road Development Fund, etc, etc), and the containment of NATO by Russian military, especially the missile defense systems and the tactical nukes.
Strangely, we are safer today than day before yesterday. I think wars will continue for more years, but they won’t go nuclear unless some Pole or Lithuanian nutcase thinks Russia is weak.
Western vassals know better. The Eastern NATO states are quite delusional and might cause a terminal incident. They are true believers in the myths of European Liberalism and US invincibility.
And now there are some more American troops and equipment on their lands. That is scary.
It is those eastern countries that are the worry. The puppet masters put the crazies in positions of power. Sooner or later one of the crazies will slip the leash and light a fire that quickly runs out of control.
maye the puppet masters will stop them…i doubt hillary clinton will win the elections…too many ugly stories appearing…by the puppet masters
Dear The Saker,
Thank you for publishing this warning again. Let’s hope someone is reading and listening :(.
Yes the crazies in the Baltic States and Poland who had the wonderful, exceptional, invincible US army rolling their tanks across their countries to reassure them that they were there to defend them against Russia – good luck! It was more like some PR campaign – hollow – empty – and all show “Hollywood” style. These countries truly are the biggest problem and will bring death and destruction on the rest of us :(.
I expected to see Bill Murray riding in one of US vehicles. It was like a comedy film. The populace warned not to throw eggs and tomatoes, Russian flags flying, while the “saviors” of liberty paraded until one of the vehicles broke down. Got to love it.
Hollywood goes to war on a crippled Stryker.
“The deviants of democracy, the Hegemon and its henchmen, are not only pathologically obsessed with their sexually libertine culture and godless activities, they are compulsively nihilistic but not yet suicidal.”
I’m not saying, that we in the West have a “high time” regarding our culture…
But of which “Russian culture” are we talking? This one:
Nice reality check: it’s sickening and dangerous for any nationality to put themselves on a pedestal and buy into the fraudulent romance of their own superiority. That includes the tendency of some unthinking Russophiles on this site to deify all things Russian and blind themselves to the true moral state of Russian society.
In their hatred and disappointment of the West, many readers here ignore that Russia is socially very ill too. Look at the huge volume of pornography than pours out of Russia, the massive abortion rate that exceeds even the West, the open brothels, the drug problem, the alcoholism, the massive crime problems and the corruption: for example the horrible time small and medium sized businesses have in setting up shop and being free from being shaken down by local bureaucracy or local mob.
The only thing that sets Russia slightly above the West in these areas is that Russians acknowledge these are evils and the leadership (i.e. Putin has drawn a line in the sand to try and reverse some of them), whereas in the West, many of the above mentioned vices are considered virtues and personal liberties. However, let’s not delude ourselves that Russia is, in practice, that much less debauch or socially-unwell than the population in the West.
well some of what you’re talking about in Russia is the oligarchs..porn…drugs….alcoholism is a corporate entireprise as well…the beverage industry….and its here too. I worked in a bottle depot in a small town in western canada and I was shocked. and abortion would go away too if the corporations and the oligarchs were put under control…its money…the root of all evil. And the Russians at least know what’s going on and on on the right side….
Excellent comment by “All-Exceptionalism-is-hypocrisy”. The problem may be too many years of television. Everyone is programmed to assume there is a “good guy” among the big players. Only at rare moments in history do truly good people rise to the leadership of major powers.
“they are compulsively nihilistic but not yet suicidal”
Actually, they are suicidal. But they lack the courage even for that.
The Cult of Liberals can dish out death, chaos, destruction and holy hell to humanity, but it has no iota of ideology that includes the “the end days” for them, their castles, their possessions, their wealth relative to the serfs (all the rest of us).
Disparity of wealth is greater in Russia than in the West – why do you only complain of the “Liberals”>?
Anonymous, we complain of the Russian Liberal cuz he attempts to reduce Russia’s resistance to the Anglo-Zionists’ New World Order– a resistance that we all have a stake in if we wish to preserve civilization.
Why do you consider the Russian Oligarchy (i.e. leadership) should not be an integral part of the NWO that you complain of so bitterly. They operate within the exact same system of predatory Capitalism?
To think of them as any different is, quite frankly, delusional.
“They are true believers in the myths of European Liberalism”
It is not possible to release peer reviewed information in corroboration hence the following is strictly an assertion like your own.
The populations you cite are neither homogenous nor are their “representative” organs homogenous.
From various sources and analyses at points in a dynamic lateral process of these populations and “representative” organs, it would appear that belief is thinly spread, wish slightly less thinly spread, hope slightly less thinly spread again, and confidence even less thinly spread than belief.
The aspects becoming more thickly spread appear to be in no particular order apart from latin alphabetic, anger, disappointment, displacement, doubt, frustration, impatience, and tiredness.
To reprise – It is not possible to release peer reviewed information in corroboration hence the following is strictly an assertion like your own.
However tracking behaviours may prove illuminating in all locations worldwide.
For example “recent” notices placed in Kharkiv and elsewhere.
As to the relevance of belief to which you make scant reference, I would suggest that scant reference increases strategic opportunities.
Next time you see a PETA advert, think about this:
Virginia Law Could Force PETA to Close Kill Shelter
Last fall, a Virginia family claimed that two representatives from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals showed up at his house, kidnapped his daughter’s Chihuahua, and then killed the dog without explanation.
“Both individuals were working on behalf of the PETA Community Assistance Program when the theft occurred,” Accomack County Sheriff Todd Godwin told WAVY TV.
This isn’t the only PETA horror story. Perhaps even more shocking is its policy of euthanizing the vast majority of animals that it shelters. In 2014, the organization killed 88% of the 2,626 animals that it took into its Norfolk headquarters shelter.
PETA argues it’s a necessary evil to free up limited space in their shelter. But according to reports by the Virginia Department of Agriculture, “90% [of animals] were euthanized within the first 24 hours of custody,” and the Norfolk headquarters has no adoption hours, no adoption floor, and no adoption promotion to help these animals find homes.
There is a simple explanation for that. The infrastructure for adopting out the animals would cut into their profits that go into the salaries of the management of the organisation. Such slimy duplicity is very common among big name western charities.
thanks for the OT bot tak..PETA is the weirdest organization…they kill 90% of the animals that come into their facilities. They must be some weird religion….like Jimmy Jones or something
obama is a racist. pure racist white hater. he views nuclear between whites as a win for blacks.
everything obama does is motivated by his hatred of whites. with the case of russia, obama has packaged his hatred of whites in russia as anti-putinism and standard neocon “russophibia”
for example, even his constant golf playing is motivated by his hatred of whites. obama hates golf. he only plays it to piss off whites he encounters on the golf course.
Anonymous on April 03, 2015 · at 7:53 pm UTC
obama is a racist. pure racist white hater
So the rumours of Obama and Rahm Emmanuelle breaking up are true then? If so, I can understand why you are so upset about it.
But you know, these things happen all the time. It’s not the end of the world. Look at Lady Gaga, she got over her first love.
obama is racist against blacks more than whites
“Hatred of whites” is another brainwashing device serving to keep alive the self delusion of Western superiority, of America exceptionalism and self-righteousness.
No, I don’t think Obama is a racist or hates whites — just a psychopathic war criminal who aspires to be filthy rich. Not that he wouldn’t use racism or anything else to get where he wants, but racism isn’t a problem with him.
The russian conciliate and moderate policy after repatriation of Crimea failed.It was cost 6 th inocent people lives in Donbass and economic political attack from the west . Nobody would touched one decisive and dynamic Russia ,but after repatriation of Crimea Kremlin recognized Kiev junta and not Novorussija,
Second stil help with discount gas ,oil and coal the Kiev junta (its mistake to believe someone that help the ucranian people).With the agreements Minsk and Minsk 2 restrain the victorious assault of NAF.They atacked from west with lies for the Malaysia Airlines Flight M17 without to defends itself dynamic.
Silence for Mistral ship which sould delivered to Russia the last September.Russia dont replyed serious to westerns sanctions.All these show wekness and retreat and made arogant west to demand more and more because gaved the wrong signal to some fanatic neokons in Washington that Russia is weak and Putin is a puppet of russian oligarchs and the illussion that if they strike first the russians will topless him thanks to peace.
your comments are very true…
thousands of ethnic russians in ukraine have been murdered and millions displaced.
mistral ships not delivered.
economy of eu and russia destabilized.
nato buildup on russian borders and takeover of all ukraine airfields by cia and nato totally unchallenged by putin.
russia is viewed by obama as just another bunch of cowardly white crackas.
exercises don’t scare him. threats to destroy europe or america don’t scare obama.
obama only fears prolonged public humiliation and direct physical incapaciation.
obama is not afraid of dying unless no one else suffers as a result of his dying. perhaps his greatest fear is being carried off to stand trial and send to work camp.
Byzantines on April 03, 2015 · at 8:03 pm UTC & Anonymous on April 03, 2015 · at 8:30 pm UTC co-worker
I understand fully. Those Russians are not following the zionazi game plan at all. They should have long ago made themselves pariahs! But what do we zionazis see? A country working towards peaceful resolutions and reason! Oy veh! This is not according to “Die Plan”! They are so disobedient, those Russians!
NO metter if Russia following the aglonazi or not because ,In USA they have already decide to atack Russia.The problem is that ,they dont scared with military exersise and parades. When Russia got Crimea ,west f@cked up,Later (nobodys can t expalin why) Kremlin start to show weakness and retreat then West retack with sactions and genocide with the puppets Nazi to the etnic russians in Donbass.
It is not weakness to refuse to fight.
It is CONTROL of the situation. If you let an opponent poke you and annoy you to provoke a fight
* you become his puppet, because he makes the fight decision for you
* you fight when he is expecting it, so make your position weaker
* he can rightly call on others for help, because you hit him first
By refusing to fight, Russia has the upper hand. The Opponent is forced to be wilder and crazier all the time with their trying to fool Russia into starting the physical fighting.
Meanwhile they’ve done a military convoy in the Baltics to show off to the Governments there that they will be looked after in the war…. but all they got was public demonstrations everywhere.
NATO go home.
Yankee go home.
No tanks no thanks.
The end result is, when time comes to call on these countries for help, their population is going to object strongly. These are also the same people badly hurt by sanctions, which The Opponent demanded they put on Russia. So The Opponent has already fooled its would-be supporters more than once, while Russia is picking up new and strong friends everywhere.
i RESPECT your opinion and of cource i am not prowestern troll.I believe that West understand only the way of force.I live in west and believe me the people they dont care what happen in Donbass and as hard kremlin try, ,its not excuse the propaganda of western media
They dont respect russia because of Jeltsins years.The only way to respect Russia is the way of force.That my opinion.Only one dynamic and decisive Russia will make the emperor back off.
Of course there is posibillity that USA bluff in the way not to react Russia because believe wrong that neokons want to bring in war,like many here believe.ALREADY they got 80%of ucrania without NATO casoulties.
Respect for Russia is nice, but that’s not going to win a war, or even much prevent one unless it’s respect for Russia’s military and they don’t have to engage in force for that. Most of the higher echelons of the US seem to know Russia’s military power even if they try to say it’s weak in propaganda. The crazies in politics maybe don’t, but they don’t think about that anyway — because they are crazy and not reality based.
Russia using force would not have helped their position — they used other sorts of power that has worked.
Americans think everything they want or can be cured by shooting it — because they are crazy. They also think there is nothing they can’t do, and no ‘problem’ they can’t solve, even when it’s evident it isn’t true. And they think they know how to solve any problem even when a problem is solvable but they try all the wrong ways (and do it while corruption steers much of the process). Americans are actually very simplistic in their thinking, even the so called smart ones and think tanks and expert analysts. Respect from such crazy idiots doesn’t count for much because the national cognitive process is so dysfunctional. Do not make the mistake of thinking the US is now anywhere near being a rational country.
Kat Kan, A most excellent response. Thank you. Indeed, it is not weakness to refuse to fight. (Or to pick one’s battles.)
Calm down.Many russians and people in the rest of world who take care about Russia and free world they have the same questions about Putin policy .I am very mad BECAUSE until now ONLY russian blood run in Donbass.Everybody in west have good time and only etnic russians sufer again.Must west to pay .Bomb Irak,bomb Syria bomb Libya bomb brothers in Serbia and now come to kill Russians without revenge? Without again nobody to pay for this.? Who they are ?the gods people.? For this am agree with Putin ,.Because Russia has the power to punished them.Not to escape again without punished.If understand what i mean.They are not unbeatable,just they have good propaganda and many puppets because show dynamic power.
I respect your opinion Byzantine and share your emotions of frustration and anger over the Russian response but I would like to emphasise here that we don’t have even the quarter of understanding of real situation on ground and intelligence and therefore, its very easy for us to draw incorrect conclusions. Putin’s response to the whole situation has been bewildering for many including some of his very loyal supporters but it has been explained many times on this forum including by Saker himself. The predominant reason for restraint was prevention of division of Europe and damage to the relations that Russia had so carefully built over the last 2 decades. Russia didn’t want to be seen as an aggressor and refused to get involved in a hot war. You also need to understand that Ukraine is a piece, no matter how vital, in this game of geopolitical chess, (if you can call it such) and actions in this sphere are linked to reactions elsewhere such as in middle east. Thirdly, Russia wants Ukraine as a whole country and thats the reason for not supporting Novorussian independence. I hope this clarifies some of the issues for you.
anon you must be Stephen Lendman. I can see your writing style anywhere
Didn’t you read Jim Stone’s article about the U.S. being a nation of wooden houses, and that it would be child’s play for Russia (or China) to set the whole place on fire with a few tracer rounds? Pretty ironic, since Japan was a nation of paper houses during WW II and you would think Americans would know better. Look what they did to Tokyo. The Russians could Tokyo major American cities, the ‘burbs, anyway, if they wanted to, they just don’t want to. Why? That would only punish the little sheeples in their little wooden houses. I’m gonna huff and puff and blow your house down! Nah, Russians are too mature for that. They will just wait for the western elites drama queens to make the first stupid move, and the French can eat their stupid Mistral ships, Russia doesn’t really need or want them. If you are a Byzantine, you should be proud that the Russians are not over-reacting to any of this nonsense!
“Russian special forces are, by far, the most capable on the planet and, unlike their US counterparts, their combat record (Operation Storm-333, “Polite Green Men” in Crimea) proves it. In any Ukrainian war, they will play a key role.”
But the United States has the super-duper unbeatable American Snipers(tm) who are a combination Captain America, the Avengers, and Superman.
And don’t forget the British SAS, who are all clones of James Bond and Bear “Man vs. Wild” Grylls.
And throw in those plucky Canadians, the Bushmen-trained Aussies, and Kiwi killers!
Anglos Uber Alles!!!!!!!
What American army?Mr.Rotringres and mr Gonzales will go thousands milles away to ocupy Russia?Or the dissolved and divided europian army of Love?The only dangerous are the useful idiots Polish ,and rest of East Europes ,who theyr citizens are like lambs and they are not react whatever theyr corupts and USA puppets goverments decide.
It is a myth that all East Europeans are against Russia. Hungarian government is not. Populations of Slovakia, Bulgaria are divided. Serbia is 80% pro-Russia. Even Greece is.
Poles, Romanians and Czechs are the worst. Probably also Latvia and Estonia. I doubt very much about Lithuania.
But we shall see soon. Everything is possible, including Russia losing Belarus.
The Wend on April 03, 2015 · at 9:36 pm UTC
Everything is possible, including Russia losing Belarus.
Lukashenko is something of a wild card, but the nazi FEMEN trannies hate his guts, and those things being in the vanguard of the zionazi/nazi assault on all things opposed to ZPC/NWO hegemony, zionazi especially, it’s probably a safe bet ole L wouldn’t last long under an Israeli-American quislingship deal.
Belarus is in the category of Ukraine as far as existential necessity. Plus it is part of Putin’s intimate strategy of EEU.
The Russians are not going to let Belarus go anywhere. It, Ukraine and Crimea are all what Russia should have been in 1991.
If Putin is talking nukes about the 2 million Russians in the Baltics, Belarus is 10x more important territorially.
Post-Ukriane, I think the Russians are ready to secure Minsk and all of Belarus from any NATO/US move.
Belarus ain’t going nowhere.
Here is an excellent analysis of the differences between Ukraine and Belarus (and why Russia ain’t going to “loss” Belarus anytime soon):
“including Russia losing Belarus.”
To lose something you must “have” it.
Having something is often thought to be a function of the notion of property, private or otherwise.
Russia and Belarus co-operate. Russia doesn’t own Belarus or wish to own Belarus as far as I am aware.
Russia is the way of co-operation.
The opponents offer the way of subjugation – of being owned.
“Hungarian government is not” [against Russia]
But what about Hungarian population ?
“But what about Hungarian population ?”
How much variation would you expect in a large sample?
I would expect an answer from the guy who said that Serbia is 80% pro Russia. He seems to know about samples.
Some others know about samples and hence the question
“How much variation would you expect in a large sample?” – a logical lateral maze.
Knowledge about the ideological utility of samples has utility and hence you are unlikely to receive a reasonable answer from a “reliable” source, but I realise that “questions” are often the purpose since “answers” are moments in lateral processes to pose questions.
You are trying to complicate a very simple question. The Wend talked in his comment about the populations of some East European countries as being pro or against Russia, and the only mention of government was in relation to Hungary. I simply asked him to clarify.
“You are trying to complicate a very simple question.”
The primary purpose was to outline various disadvantages inherent in your initial comment/question conditioning your possible answers.
I was primarily referring to reasonable answers – ergo those that can be tested – and the probability of receiving them.
“Some others know about samples and hence the question
“How much variation would you expect in a large sample?” – a logical lateral maze.”
Is a reminder of the inherent dangers of statistics. The logical lateral maze was shared on the understanding that you cannot convince anyone of anything to a degree that they will activate it, but you can share catalysts which could help them convince themselves to a degree that they will activate it.
“Knowledge about the ideological utility of samples has utility and hence you are unlikely to receive a reasonable answer from a “reliable” source, but I realise that “questions” are often the purpose since “answers” are moments in lateral processes to pose questions.”
is a short development on these dangers including a short notion of why and how others do/would use opportunities afforded by your initial comment/question.
You may very well believe that your initial comment/question was simple and can solicit a simple answer.
“The Wend talked in his comment about the populations of some East European countries as being pro or against Russia, and the only mention of government was in relation to Hungary.”
You may even believe that Wend could furnish an answer and/or information that would not be subject to the dangers outlined above.
It is an increasing trend that the opponents encourage simple notions and simple narratives to not only disguise their inability to operate in a complex interactive environment but also to maintain the “legitimacy” of their role as “representatives”.
A large amount of peer reviewed work has been undertaken in these matters, but if you prefer a film, try Adam Curtis: Bitter Lake as a useful start point.
The world and things in/on it are not simple. Neither questions nor answers are simple.
To think they are simple is to remain under the control of the exceptionalists.
Many prefer simplicity, and hence another purpose of my comment was to share a possible catalyst for those seeking to make a journey from exceptionalism to equal and different – to change the world.
A further caution is try not to conflate mass with critical mass thereby affording opportunities of lateral challenge to exceptionalism.
What is so mysterious about the preferences of the Hungarian population that you are trying so hard to obfuscate the issue ?
Forget the bushman bit. Different countries need different defence strategies. Australia is a big country with a small population.
I would guess/hope a fair bit of thought goes into guerilla warfare – small forces hit and run tactics against larger forces. It is for that reason they get a bit of training in the bush.
As far as I know the Australian special forces have been used mainly for long range recon, and I would guess, a few quiet operations for empire.
yes, sometimes guys I think we underestimate the states. I saw some stats the other day on another blog and the states is actually in the lead in everything. This situation was not created by the idiots that are in power now…but the states is the richest country except for the city of London at least in the stats I saw. for instance the states has about 10 aircraft carriers and the next most is Russia I think with 4. and the stats were like that the whole way down the list except for satellites…russia has more satellites. The states has more of everything…
Lol, aircraftcarriers are only useful against small countries that cannot defend themself.
For Russia and its submarines every Nimitz group is just one big sitting duck for target practising
anon, you prove what my comment just said…you laugh but you’re ignorant of how powerful the states are…they are the leaders in roads railways, gold, iphones, the list goes on and on….these idiots that are in power now almost make the states a clown…but its not.
Lokk at one of the prime warmongers in the West, breedHATE no less. ‘Served’ in the USAF – did he EVER see any combat, anyone? Certainly, I would say he never met anybody face to face and had to fight them in hand to hand combat. I would like to see him up against a Russian fighter, or one from the Donbass. Who would put money on breedHATE winning?
These three claims seem very weird to me.
“2. The Russian Ground Forces are much tougher, better trained and better commanded that their NATO counterparts.”
-What is the source for this? Last I heard draft avoidance was sky-high in Russia and something like 18% of Russian recruits are victims to homosexual rape, I have Russian friends that verifies that the Russian army is a place you really can get into trouble.
“3. The Russian Air Force is more capable that NATO’s, both in terms of personnel and in terms of equipment.”
-What is the basis of this claim? Russia with an economy the size of Italy has a greater Air Force then NATO Which spends 30 times more on military? USA alone spends 7 times more on its military then Russia.
“4. Russian Air Defense Forces are the best on the planet.”
-Based on what? They were defeated in Chechnya, and while Russia won against Georgia the Russian command was horrified at its ineffectiveness.
Liz on April 03, 2015 · at 8:48 pm UTC
These three claims seem very weird to me…
I understand. Those claims are so much at variance from the facts presented on fox news and what all the experts at freerepublic say, they cant possibly be the result of rational analysis.
Liz, do you think the fact that North Korea is vastly larger than South Korea, as is shown in the map presented on this video clip linked below, is the reason why your side lost the Korean war?
American exceptionalism
@Bot Tak:
I believe less than 5% have passports.
What if Breedlove thinks Moscow is in Israel?
If I were Nuttyyahoo, I might get nervous..:)
I believe less than 5% have passports.
What if Breedlove thinks Moscow is in Israel?
If I were Nuttyyahoo, I might get nervous..:)
Aye, the good old Chasers!
2. The Russian Ground Forces speak one language, have weapons commonality and very good chain of command. Hazing is still a problem (as it is in most armies around the world).
3. Spending money (which goes into the pockets of the MIC) does not provide a good Air Force or trained pilots. Germany has a large Air Force and yet most of its planes are grounded due to lack of maintenance. Most modern US aircraft spend more time in maintenance than being operational.
4. Chechnya was mostly a ground war and the Chechens had no Air Force so Russian Air Defence Forces were never tested. Georgia was over six years ago and the problems found there have been rectified.
1. Regarding rape – you are confusing Russia with England.
There has also been a rise of male rape in the US military.
As for draft avoidance the number of draftees choosing to stay in the military is growing:
2. military airforce – NATO forces use a lot of old equipment, and new equipment aren`t good. Another problem, the US has been relying too much on drones to do their dirty work.
Now one thing nobody wants to talk about is that mentally, the US solider is not fighting fit. Too much PTSD, they are a tired force.
As for the other points, Stephen provided the answer.
-What is the source for this? Last I heard draft avoidance was sky-high in Russia and something like 18% of Russian recruits are victims to homosexual rape, I have Russian friends that verifies that the Russian army is a place you really can get into trouble.
Russian MOD: The number of draftees choosing contract service is growing.
Right now there are nearly 300 thousand Russian servicemembers serving under contract. A Russian draftee has the option of serving 1 year of compulsory service or 2 years of contract service, with better pay, benefits, and living conditions. A growing number of draftees is choosing contract service, and many of them re-enlist after their two-year contract expires. Some branches of service, like the submarine fleet and the airborne forces, are nearly entirely staffed by contract soldiers:
The only army with a diminishing reputation is the US army – maybe we should talk about all the attacks on women in the US army; suicides etc…..
I don’t know where you read your news or get your information.
The great NATO commander who has never fought in his life:
He really is a liability!
Russia had better weapons overall. Russian rocketry technology in unmatched. USA cannot even go into space by itself, because it’s using Russian RD-180 engines. That is only one example.You can google these nemas: Layner, Sineva,Bulava (SLBMs), Rubezh, Sarmat (ICBMs), S-400, S-500, Yasen and Borei class subs, etc. They have no equals in the West. You would have to know something about military first to understand. USA can only afford so much military spending, because it is leeching on the rest of the world through dollar reserve currency status, and that parasitic advantage they have had so far is coming to an end. The general military truth is: largest military budget doesn’t give you military supremacy.
Here is one example of such vast military spending USA has:
Make sure you read it thoughtfully.
Dear anonymous,
I hate to break this to you, but the article you linked (on Russia and India Report – Russian publication) to was an April Fools Joke. It is clearly a spoof article even though it’s on the official Russia and India Report (RIR) website. That was immediately clear to me as soon as I read that the article said the Pentagon Spokesman’s name is “Siphon Cash” (ROFL!). Or how about when the article quotes a Senator Andrew “McLiar” (spelled McLaiyyer, but pronounced McLiar). While the article is funny and a spoof, it’s sadly close to the truth.
It’s highly irresponsible for a publication like RIR to leave a spoof article online for that long (since April 1) and not watermark it as a joke, satire or spoof. It really does hurt their credibility because to the uninitiated, because of this cheap joke, they’ll assume the whole site is a spoof site like “the onion”. This is the kinda of amateur moves you still see coming out of the still developing Russian media industry – they’ve got a long way to go before they match the West in media quality and sophistication.
Insofar as your views that Russian air platforms are currently superior to anything the West has publicly displayed, you’re mostly correct.
How about these videos from one of the creators of F-16 A-10 Warthdog… Pierre Spray?
You have on the right 2 articles which process the subject more in depth.
And I hate to break it to you . . . the F-35 is a joke! I hope and pray that you Yankees will spend another $1 Trillion or two to make the F-35 fly . . .
The above article is NOT a April 1st joke! The F-35 is!!!
The Russia & India Report made it quite clear that the article was satire … The final line of the article was, “And if you are still here, I have some prime real estate for sale in Antarctica.”
F35 is definitely a joke. The biggest joke in military history. Only thing Amuricans ever knew is how to lie and deceive. No more German and other European scientists to make their weapons, and everything goes downhill… But that is to be expected after all. Amurica is becoming Africano-Hispanic land, and “colored” people are not exactly good at building anything, only bloodsucking… like parasites do on the host… They are not exactly what you would call “productive people”. Even parasitical advantage they have over all others cannot help… and that huge advantage is in a process of getting canceled. Only thing they have left is lies and propaganda you know.
It is not clear that the Yasen class are superior to the Astute class or even the Virginias.
Yasen is quiter… more silent, can dive deeper, smaller crew, better, more powerful armament, etc. Is it enough? Why leaving out Ohio class btw… it’s far more capable than Virginia or Astute class. But it’s not the Yasen I really wanted to mention, but project 636 Varshavyanka… Kilo class subs. It’s diesel-electric sub, not nuclear like the other mentioned… they operate in shallow waters, but has the best qualities among diesel subs in the world. Definitely the world’s best diesel sub. Shame Germans are occupied by Anglozionist empire and infected with their diseases which are slowly eating away German soul…German values and culture… else you would see how good armament can be produced btw. Sad how the most powerful scientific nation on Earth is occupied and tainted by someone not even capable of defeating the Talibans isn’t it?
What did actually happen to the Kursk ? It’s all very mysterious.
This is global GDP distribution before the WW2:
USA 29%
USSR 13%
British Empire 11%
Germany 11%
Japan 6%
You think US could battle Germany, USSR and Japan? Their combined GDP was 30% whereas USA was 29% of the world’s GDP: by your theory, US should easily battle combined strength of USSR, Germany and Japan, but you know what? US barely had enough strength to defeat Japan alone. Incidentally, you know whose army was the best at that time? It might come as a shocker to you, but it wasn’t the US. It was Germany’s. At the time when Germany had fully formed motorized panzer divisions, America still had some cavalry divisions. That’s how advanced German army was compared to American at that time. German army was the world strongest, even though US’ GDP was 2,6 times bigger than the German. American army probably wasn’t even the 2nd strongest. Had the Americans been on European soil and not protected by the oceans, they would have been obliterated just like France was. Largest GDP wouldn’t help US. It would sharply contract the moment bombs started to fall on American soil. Money helps, but doesn’t win wars. Scientific achievements, armament created by it and soldiers equipped by such armament do.
Nothing’s changed!
Banksters have it all timelined.
Astounding stench of desperation to prop this little piggy up long enough for them to get their WW started.
New US “credit plan” to be unveiled in new ridiculous credit score benchmarks next week US to pull in the dregs of 53 MM less-than-subprime former debtors, bankruptees, maybe even indigents who can just barely fog a mirror —make them eligible for credit!
Can’t wait to see the epic fraud that’ll show up here…there’s gonna be many a new CC issued with a name on it found on the planet only on a headstone somewhere.
10 minute mark starts; listen for 3 minutes:
X22 Report Dave APR22
Western imbecility, depravity, and vileness was summed up superbly by adorable neocon Bill Kristol thus:
“What’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them?”
Sadly for Bill Kristol — and the Western zombified baboons at large, of course — he was born 3 years after “The Golden Historical Opportunity” to wage global nuclear war unpunished vanished for good. Pesky Joseph Stalin and Soviet scientist Igor Kurchatov had Truman and his ilk sobering up considerably in the fatal year of 1949. Hence, when that utter deranged, drooling megalomaniac Douglas MacArthur wanted really badly in 1951 to turn China and Korea into uninhabitable nuclear wasteland, he was let down. Not that the Koreans and other peoples were spared horrible sufferings and lethal sadistic violence meted out by the US barbarians, but the latters’ ingrained lust for instant, unlimited death and destruction has them yearning forever to avenge “humiliations” such as MacArthur’s.
But as the proverb goes: First time tragedy, second time farce. Sure, the Yank baboons stick to their very stable template of personality — to wit vile, arrogant, reactionary, and unbelievably stupid — but this time around, their Empire is collapsing. So when little nasty Bill Kristol contemplates “Operation MacArthur”, he actually reveals himself as one of the few remaining ardent believers in the NWO project, completely detached from reality. But that’s the lunatic fringe of the Baboons in its full glory — enjoy!
Ahh, Kristol. That rings a bell. Here’s Irving Kristol – Trotskist/Neoconman:
OT, sort of. I would appreciate with an explanation of what transpired in Korea, as well as Afganistan. Any good sources would be appreciated.
T1, To know what transpired in Afghanistan & in Korea, I recommend what I usually do:
Go to globalresearch.ca and scroll down to their search box on the left side. “N Korea history” will get you a bunch of articles from many writers. Don’t do just “N Korea”; you’ll get too many. Globalresearch.ca has the advantage of having been around a long time, so their archives are really great.
Another great source for research is nsnbc, but their archives are only for the past year.
I’m constantly finding holes in my kinowledge too, but lack the time to read entire books sometimes.
Oh, there are two really important things about N Korea: US killed 1/3 of their population in the Korean War in the 50s. Also, though N Korea has many times requested a peace treaty w the US, US denies them this. They have only a cease fire or an armistice, so that fighting cd resume any time, legally.
And finally, don’t forget Wikipedia, just for the facts.
Thanks, Penelope.
I remember a book by a Chinese writer on the development of Chinese nuclear weapons (from a pro-Chinese writer). He talked about how Mao for years rejected the idea of having nuclear weapons.He believed the ability of the men in an army was more important than the weapons used.
I think that came from the experience of the Long March”.And turning a partisan army into a force able to liberate all China from the Chinese Nationalists during the 1930’s and 1940’s.
But the US continuously kept threatening to nuke China.And during the Korean War they seriously considered nuclear attacks on China.The Chinese generals were finally able to convince Mao that to protect themselves they had to have nukes.And the rest is history.Had it not been for US threats of nuclear war China would never had (at least during Mao’s time) become a nuclear power. The US hubris has the tendency to be their own worst enemy.
During the entire Vietnam war China feared American nukes and conventional bombers. One reason Zhou Enlai opened talks secretly with Kissinger was to draw in the US close. By then, the issues with the USSR made it necessary to have some rapprochement with the US.
Later, Deng Xiaoping used the opportunity Nixon needed to turn a defeat into a foreign policy win and got the US capitalists to pour investment money into China.
The Chinese are skillful without armaments. And now we see them moving to become the bankers to the emerging and developing economies.
But all this requires no chaos. And the Hegemon always requires chaos, small wars, terrorism and economic warfare (sanctions).
It will be interesting to see how China responds to the disruptions in Central Asia the US is now engineering. They have Myanmar in a roil on China’s border, Bangladesh in Islamic turmoil, and the US military have lengthened their stay in Afghanistan in order to provide a home for ISIS on the border with Xinjiang, China’s western province.
The US Navy put two jet fighters down (emergency for both?) on Taiwan. The Chinese are very upset about that. Yet Taiwan joined the AIIB because they are not stupid (after all, they are Chinese, too)
Japan is being militarized and the shackles are coming off so it can rattle Russia and China.
Philippines is another stooge for the Hegemon.
Nukes are useless in all these places. But they do scare the hell out of the US Navy because of the carrier killer missiles China has already proven she can fire up to 1000 miles from home.
Seeing 3 China PLA Naval ships in Yemen waters to rescue not just their people, 225 foreigners from 10 nations, is quite stunning for the Chinese. This is the sort of heroics the US was once known for.
Place a few of those carrier killer missiles on the artificial island china is building in the South China Sea and they will control the shipping lanes/seas from the Philippines nearly to Australia.
US is now making noises about China damaging the environment by building the artificial island.
““What’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them?””
The following may appear counter-intuitive aka counter to prevailing prejudices but the “goodness” contains but is not necessarily restricted to:
1. By having nuclear weapons a state is able to convince some of its “own” population that a state undertakes its role of protection of “its” population, thereby supporting its legitimacy.
2. To have nuclear weapons a state has been able to convince some of “its” population that there are fearful situations that they require a state to protect them from, thereby supporting the state’s legitimacy.
3. By having nuclear weapons the states who have them are able to convince some states who do not have nuclear weapons that the ones who do not have them are subject in some measure to the will of the nuclear weapons holding states.
4. By some states having them and some not having them, this encourages some of the states who do not have them to aquire them.
5. The efforts of some states to acquire nuclear weapons increases opportunity for the military industrial complex and others leading to such phenomena as “over production”.
6. When states who originally didn’t have nuclear weapons aquire them they realise that using them will not end well, but if so minded they can repeat the iterations 1 to 5 above or alternatively can perceive that they don’t need nuclear weapons or the fear upon which such notions of necessity are based.
7. Some states can perceive that they don’t need nuclear weapons or the fear upon which such notions of necessity are based even without having them. This appears to be the perception of Iran.
If Billy would like further responses to his questions perhaps he should consult his Israeli friends about their Samson strategy, or friends closer to “home” on notions of having and holding nuclear weapons.
Great pictogram here, but note not in it are any missiles launched from those NATO bases being put in on russia’s western periphery:
The bottom line is that space-based early-warning was a useful, but not a crucial component of the Russian early-warning system. So, it’s a loss, but not a dramatic one. Russia, of course, is working on a new system, known as EKS. Way back in 2007 it was expected that the first satellite of the new system will be flown in 2009, but then it slipped behind schedule quite a few times. The satellite, named Tundra (14F142), was supposed to be ready for a maiden flight some time in 2014, but that didn’t happen. Now, Kommersant reports that the launch is scheduled for June 2015. We will see.
New Borei class; super silent 1200 feet depth; carries 18 Bulava
Russian First Deputy Defense Minister Aleksandr Sukhorukov has said one of the country’s new submarines will test launch one of Russia’s newest intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).
Sukhorukov said on August 8 that the launch would come from the “Aleksandr Nevsky” but not from the
Nieuwsuur News Hour from The Netherlands
22:30 Friday 4 April
The Dutch station NOS NTR NPO2
Conversation on national news between Dutch news caster &
Professor of criminal Law, Geert Jan Knoops “Hoogleeraar strafrecht”
The discussion went as follows with a picture of The Russian Sergej Nikolajevitsj Petrovski, nickname Chmoery (De Norse) prominently displayed on the Dutch background news screen displayed behind the discussion. Only a black bar blacked out his eyes but his picture was clearly recognizable as it has has been printed numerous times nation wide with accusations without due prior criminal conviction.
Note: Displaying a persons picture on the national news and suggesting mass murder accusations against them before found guilty in a court of law is illegal without due process. Sergej Nikolajevitsj Petrovski can sue The Dutch news organization for defamation of character.
The suggestion was made to have an international criminal court case done in absentia in The Hague.
The Dutch Media is at this point to great extent becoming a brain dead anti Russian propaganda machine.
Here in Dutch some rules about using a persons pictures online before proven guilty
Voordat een bedrijf of particulier de beelden op internet of billboard mag zetten, moet eerst aangifte bij de politie worden gedaan. Daarna gaan politie en justitie de beelden beoordelen en gebruiken. Pas daarna kunnen de beelden openbaar worden gemaakt na toestemming van justitie.
Volgens een woordvoerder van het ministerie is er in het voorstel gezocht naar een evenwicht tussen het belang van de opsporing en de privacy van de verdachte. Er moeten nog wel regels worden opgesteld over onder meer hoe de beelden in praktijk mogen worden gebruikt, hoe lang de beelden publiekelijk mogen worden getoond en op welke wijze dat moet gebeuren.”
Conclusion is this. If you are not Dutch you will not receive a fair trial in The Netherlands because there are 3 sets of clear rules. a) Those for the Uebermensch arrogant Dutch elite politicians & media. b) Those for poor working class Dutch c) & those for any foreigners the arrogance soaked Dutch want to lecture for merely political purposes.
Maybe its time for legal court cases in other countries against Dutch criminals in absentia.
Facts: Malaysia was not invited to the secret information discussed regarding MH17 although it was a Malaysian Airlines jet
The fact that Ukraine Nazis did not close Ukrainian airspace but was bombing civilian populations is not discussed
The Dutch military is actively training Kurdish Peshmerga who are openly trying to separate from Iraq but at the same time calling LPR/DPR who want to separate from NAZI Ukraine Russian sponsored terrorists.
The Dutch arrogance and hypocrisy stinks all the way up to the heavens.
I am left astonished at the clear incitement of hatred against Russia in the Dutch media & and am left wondering if my countries present government of The Netherlands wants to insist on continuously trying to start something against Russia.
I am left wanting to vomit.
If we want to take a look at war crimes there is a big pandoras box of issues that The Netherlands has never dealt with including our countries genocidal tendencies & Nazi past.
Australia is the same. That our governments will knowingly sacrifice, or more likely “knowingly sacrificed” the people on that plane for US ambitions is sickening.
According to reports I’m seen,the Dutch government was one of the main helpers the US used in Ukraine to send money to the anti-Russian pro-fascist NGO’s there.They thought the Dutch were high up in the anti-Russian section of the EU and would willingly conspire in the coup with them.Why that is so I don’t understand.The Netherlands benefited greatly from its Russian trade.So it was another case of an EU leadership betraying their own nation to serve the US.If there is a war and the Netherlands somehow survives it.The Hague courts will be busy trying Dutch officials for their crimes to their own people.
Dutch interest in Ukraine? Try Royal Dutch Shell. They had a lot of fingers in the Ukraine oil and gas pie.
Maybe non sequitur, I don’t know:
In WWII more Dutch fought in the Waffen SS compared to the numbers whom belonged to the resistance.
The only effective resistance in Holland came from the communists.
The communist resistance was on numerous occasions betrayed by the Dutch government in exile and got their names and locations passed on to the Germans SD. Most known victim of this was Hannie Schaft.
Commemoration services honouring Hannis Schaft were suppressed by the Orange Regime/Dutch government for many years.
Maybe ‘Tolerant Holland’ is a myth?
Thank you for that insight!
It makes the Dutch response to MH17 a little clearer.
My question:….. who voted for Mark Rutte??
I am also dutch and 100% agree with your analysis. The Dutch government today is a very big embarrassment. During the cold war, I was always anti-USSR and anti-communism, but now I have 180 degrees swapped sides. The lies and propaganda coming out of the Netherlands makes me want to puke, just like you.
Dutch Guest, I know very little about your country but I have heard that there is very great Israeli influence in it. Do you know if this is true?
I’m American & yes it’s true here.
Your comment was interesting, thanks.
This is pretty illuminating: http://www.thomhartmann.com/forum/2011/05/globalresearch-meet-bankers-rothschild-rockefeller-nobel-warburg-windsor-orange
To Penelope
To answer your question
https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jodendom_in_Nederland (Dutch)
http://etsel.infoteur.nl/specials/geert-wilders.html (Dutch)
The Netherlands has a love hat relationship with Nazis & Jews
In this regard the Dutch win the Gold medal in hypocrisy & for genocide against the Jews, Indonesians, etc.
The Dutch government with their continuous international propaganda poster child Anne Frank is trying to convince the world of what a Tolerant country Holland’ is.
Referring to and in answer to the rhetorical question/post of Michel van Dijk (April 04, 2015) Hollands/The Netherlands tolerance is a partial myth in that it is skin deep.
This can only be truly experienced if you do not look Dutch & are not of a light skin color. The only reason The Dutch tolerate the Israelis & Jews is because they fear them and need them for trade. The only reason The Dutch tolerate many refugees & Muslims, Turks, Moroccans, Eastern Europeans is to use them as cheap labor / modern economic exploitation. Once they have outlasted their economic usefulness even over 2 to 3 generations they are often suggested to go back to were they came from.
The Jewish paradox of existence in The Netherlands is that the Dutch happily murdered most Jews by handing them over to NSB Nazi collaborators. Anne Frank was in fact an embarrassing escape and proof of Dutch complicity to genocide.
The Dutch Royal family has stolen Jewish art in its possession looted by NSB but conveniently claims innocence. It might surprise the world that The Netherlands has a cast system. Just look at Dutch mainstream media, The Dutch political chambers Eerste & Tweede kamer & you will notice that regardless of The Netherlands having a big ethnically non Dutch population you will not see this represented in the media, in politics or in the business elite.
However in regards to Israel there is clearly a massive influence of right wing Israel on The Netherlands and cult like support from Dutch churches for anything Israel.
It gets confusing when a populist politician Wilders who is sponsored by Israeli influential Jews uses identical Nazi type rhetoric against Poles “Polen Meldpunt” & Moroccans/Muslims while at the same time cozying up to anti Semitic Front National in France. It is as if Dutch politicians will swing whatever way necessary to get that election win. Impossible paradoxes such as right wing VVD & left wing PVDA forming a governing party. The Dutch hated Jews but love Anne Frank. The Saudis are complete A-holes according to Dutch media but The Netherlands does billions of dollars of business with them.
As for Jews & Israel I believe The Netherlands is anything but a good friend to them. Its a swingers marriage of convenience for the sake of money & power in trade.
I believe if any better offer came along from doing business with Muslim extremists and Israeli influence decreased in this country any Jew would be well advised to run.
I see another couple of attempts to ethnic cleansing and genocide on the horizon for this country. A good example of duplicity is what Dutch NAZI NSB did in the farmers village of Putten where they nearly deported & murdered all of the men folk, fathers & sons. They blamed the Germans off course. It was always the Germans. Since that got old it became the Moroccans & now The Russians
The “ELITE” Dutch make the worlds best collaborators, chameleons & Indian givers to any successful tribe (at this moment only for Jews & Israel) while the Dutch working class is exploited, abused and sucked dry like any working class elsewhere.
Currently The Netherlands is how I can best express it in Dutch “Aan het Verpauperen”
Going to “To hell in a handbasket”
Just wait, there is much fireworks to be expected from the Lunatic circus called The Netherlands when this society comes completely unglued but by this time people like myself will have hopefully emigrated to watch the spectacle from a safe distance.
Will take me awhile to read your comment & the links. Just want to say in passing that Anne Frank’s diary seems to be a hoax. I understand that at leat part was written with a ballpoint pen– which had not yet been invented!
Jan, Thanks for your reply. Looks like your feelings about your oligarchs and govt is about the same as mine for the comparable class in the US.
I understand that the Bilderbergs (of Netherlands fame) actually planned the EU as the Fourth Reich. I know that sounds absurd, but it was planned as a financial Reich rather than a military one. I refer you to a video report on the Bilderbergs which is unique in the type of info presented. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yONSTDDNYc EU as 4th Reich at 25
There is an evil of biblical dimension loose in the world. I am not sure that we can find safety by emigrating. Nor even a more honest media.
Here in the US the ordinary people are about like people everywhere, except more fragmented and incredibly dumbed down. For example, our grade school and high school curricula were already dumbed down in the 40s. Something vapid called “social studies” was substituted for history, geography, and government– with the result a truly amazing degree of ignorance.
Children are taught to read via the flash card method instead of using phonetics, so that a great many never read fluently.
Added to that are many physical insults: fluoride in the water, pesticides and GMOs in the food supply, an incredible multi-vaccination program practiced on babies. So much evil is practiced against people that really it’s not surprising that many have too little interest in politics or world events for self-enlightenment in the face of the totally fictional worldview promulgated by the media. The fluoride alone is enough to lower children’s IQ, but people have no way to discover this– except the internet.
I am every day grateful that the internet permits me to have contact with others who are also awake, who also take the responsibility for knowing the truth. And so, thank you Jan. And I thank the Saker. Adios.
I dont agree with this two
“2. The Russian Ground Forces are much tougher, better trained and better commanded that their NATO counterparts.”
“3. The Russian Air Force is more capable that NATO’s, both in terms of personnel and in terms of equipment.”
It is certain that the russian military has been modernized and getting ready to fight, but it still a long way to go with the process that the big NATO countries had with their troops and units. Still, Russia has invested much and that gap will close. We must bet to the Rusian officers and soldiers better strategic thinking and the soldiers bravery and tactical feel.
About the air force, despite i do love the russian aircraft and believe that they are better platforms than the western ones. The difference in numbers, integration of advanced weapons, intelligence aircraft and tankers, there is a huge GAP (dont talk about the F-22, that even in those numbers can deal a huge damage to fighters and strike aircraft). Russia could well defend itself, but the atrillion is in the NATO favor. If Russia builds fast T-50, Su-30/34/35 , Mig-35, A-100, su-25sm3, and more il-78, there will be certainly a close in the gap.
But we must remember the China factor, what one country lacks the other has.
They need to arm Iran with advances aircraft, air defense, coatal defence and infantry tech fast. Saudi and Israel have a heel of capability, F-15e is no joke.
best regards
Miguelou on April 03, 2015 · at 9:39 pm UTC
dont talk about the F-22, that even in those numbers can deal a huge damage to fighters and strike aircraft
I’m reminded of the comments one sees at youtube under videos of military related material. Like those comments, deep food for thought…
Latest gen US warfare is all about connectivity. Communicating a lot of data all the time. A little ingenuity by Russia in electronic warfare could make billions of dollars of US war machines useless.
I have no idea how far advanced Russia is in electronic warfare but it seems they have some good gear.
The more complexity, the more connectivity, the more probabilty of “failure”, especially if encouraged.
Similar logic re “full spectrum dominace”.
К пустой земле невольно припадая,
Неравномерной сладкою походкой
Она идет — чуть-чуть опережая
Подругу быструю и юношу-погодка.
Ее влечет стесненная свобода
Одушевляющего недостатка,
И, может статься, ясная догадка
В ее походке хочет задержаться —
О том, что эта вешняя погода
Для нас — праматерь гробового свода,
И это будет вечно начинаться.
Есть женщины сырой земле родные,
И каждый шаг их — гулкое рыданье,
Сопровождать воскресших и впервые
Приветствовать умерших — их призванье.
И ласки требовать от них преступно,
И расставаться с ними непосильно.
Сегодня — ангел, завтра — червь могильный,
А послезавтра только очертанье…
Что было поступь — станет недоступно…
Цветы бессмертны, небо целокупно,
И все, что будет, — только обещанье.
limping against her will over the deserted earth
with uneven, sweet steps
she walks just ahead
of her swift friend and the youth.
The restraining freedom
of her animated disability pulls her along,
and, it seems that in her walking
there lingers the clear inspiration –
That this spring weather
is ancestral mother of the tombs vault,
and this is an eternal beginning
There are women who belong to the damp Earth,
from whom every step – resounds weeping,
to accompany the resurrected and to be the first
to greet the dead – their calling.
One transgresses if one touches them,
and it is beyond our strength to part from them
Today – an angel, tomorrow – the extinguishing grave,
and the day after, only the impression . . .
The steps you once took, you won’t be able to take . . .
Flowers are immortal, heaven all encompassing,
And all this, will be – only a promise.
Osip Mandlestam
From the: voronezhskie tetrad, Voronezh Notebooks. Final poem from book three, written for Natasha Shtempel 4 May 1937
Very, very, beautiful. Thanks a lot for the translation and the poem in this thread on war, it is a comfort for the soul.
I can’t get the London Times article at The Australian either. Anybody know where it’s available? It seems to be wildly misquoted on at list one video clip I’ve seen.
=== versions NOT behind PAY WALL for anyone interested
rejection by Kremlin (re-quoting main points)
I read the article in the daily mail. And I read the comments. Most people don’t actually believe the story. The reason that this story should be the headline if true not ranked below the kardashians!!
There are also comments about the EU and questions about why is it the concern of the UK.
Also the generals that supposedly had these secret talks with the usa who are they?
Russia is not going to fight over the stupid baltics
Putins diffidence and retreat after summer will cost many russians lifes,like costed in Donbass for ethic russians .Junta rearmed and trained from NATO advisors and first will atack Donbass and then Crimea.
One more time schizofrenic policy by Putin .He is interesting more for his public relations and West opinion about him than the security of population of Donbass and Crimea.He give discound gas to Porosenko even cheaper than offered to Janoukovits,this make Junta more and more stronger to atack Russia.
Its joke that support Junta because want to help Ucranians .If he really want to help must to topless this Nazi goverment ,He has missed a lot of time .Usa more and more build a enemy state with antirussia propaganda special in W.Ucrania which i think lost for ever for Russia and only with war will get it again.
But in the end i hope not to loose and Novorussia and Crimea with russian blood to run again because of this one step frond to steps back policy.
Anonymous on April 03, 2015 · at 10:51 pm UTC
This place is turning into zionazi troll city.
nah – the guy can’t even make a coherent sentence. Just ignore him :-)
Saker your texts are really brilliant and informative, but i have a question about estimated casualties in case of eventual all-out nuclear war between Russia and NATO. Is it really possible that there would be “only” 20 to 50 million deaths on both sides.
All estimations i found on internet are much higher and go to as much as 90% of population on both sides. Also don’t you think that Russian nuclear strike on NATO countries would target European population to at least some degree? I mean that it would be really stupid not to nuke as many large cities as you can, considering that most of your cities will be annihilated anyway.
So wouldn’t it be of paramount importance to kill as much of European population as well. And by European i especially mean population of Germany, England and Poland (in this exact order), considering how much pain they brought to Russian people in the past, and they would most probably try to do that in the future (on the Russian population that survived nuclear war) if they survive in significant numbers.
Is it really possible that there would be “only” 20 to 50 million deaths on both sides. All estimations i found on internet are much higher and go to as much as 90% of population on both sides. Also don’t you think that Russian nuclear strike on NATO countries would target European population to at least some degree?
It all depends on your hypothesis. I was referring to what is called a “counter-force attack” where you try to nuke the other guy’s nuclear weapons and military command centers. If you go for a “counter-value” attack and start hitting cities and the industry you can, of course, get MUCH higher figures. I personally believe that nobody really knows how many people would get killed in such a horror both at the moment of strike and after. We are talking about utter insanity here, utter evil, an Apocalypse. This is why this cannot be allowed to happen.
The Saker
Thank you for your fast and thorough answer. It clears things up for me. Keep posting Saker, you rock.
I’m surprised at both of you.
English is not his first language. I have no trouble understanding what he means.
He is not a troll and not a shill. He is concerned that Putin’s patience might be weakness which will lead to further bloodshed…. a fear genuinely held by many genuine people.
If he were a shill you’d not be seeing his posts.
People who notice Putin vacillation in the face of NATO forces pouring into Ukraine after Minsk 2 are not zionists or kiev nazi shills.
Russia was obviously unprepared for the immediate mobilization of NATO forces being sent not only to Russian borders but into Ukraine directly.
hey where’s the moderator…no capitals…its like shouting
And like Stalingrad they would be buried en mass and un-named in huge barrows.
If the big bad western cowboys don’t watch, Putin may end up killing them with kindness.
what is lie? the 6 thousand inocent dead in Donbass?
they reconise of Kiev Junta and not the Novorossija?
the discount gas to Kiev?
the Minsk agreement letting to rearm ATO from NATO?
that until yesterday was open the Porosenko factoty in Russia?
that ATO will soon atack Novorossija and Crimea ?
Everybody who criticize Putin -Sourkov are aglozionist troll? Or Putin and his advisors idiots ?? but the results show that half Ucrania lost and they prepare to atack the rest, and recycle russia borders giving the false signal that they want to bring Russia in the war .
Ps Its not serious argument my bad english no either the aphorism aglozionist troll.
You probably read English better than you write it. Read again, slowly. What we are trying to say is, Putin has to be very patient. Remember a year ago USA and EU put big sanctions on Russia, then the oil price and the ruble were attacked, trying to make Russia too poor to be able to fight.
If the war comes, it will be a big one. Russia has to build up strength. If they let themselves be pushed into a war before they are prepared, that way they would certainly lose Crimea, lose Novorossiya, lose half of Russia herself.
The people of Novorossiya know this. They agreed to go to Minsk. They know some more of their people will die. But otherwise ALL will die. They, too, are using this break to build up their strength and power.
.You are overestimate West.Its my opinion.I think USA bluf .If Russia react offencive West will back off .West also bluf that want to bring Russia in war.This afraid most not to react Russia.I respect your opinion ,The time will show.I believe that west respect only Stalin s russia and not Gorbatsov or Jeltsins.
Well yes. Gorbachev’s and Yelstsin’s Russia they had twisted around their finger. They were getting everything they wanted…. weak vassal giving in, doing everything to help the West rob Russia.
Putin does not allow that, that is why they would like to destroy him.
Russia does not want war. Russia wants peace — but not at the price of being a slave. Russia shows strength by being ready for war, but refusing to be drawn into fighting. Putin is trying to say “look, we could squash you like a bug… so go away, do not force us to prove it.”
well byzantine, i’m glad they’re leading the country and not you…challenging the bluff.
Dear Saker
Could we use Natoists-Zionist or just Natoists instead of “the AngloZionist”?
Here in Australia our great puppet PM who reinstated awards of Nights and Dames has stated in a speech that Australia is part of the Anglosphere. The Anglosphere is the five eyes (spying agreement) countries – US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
It was normal that Pommy Abbot proclaim his allegiance to HM. But it is more to it:
From: British-Israelite World Federation AUSTRALIA
History of the British-Israel-World Federation
“Without doubt British peoples are descended from the House of Israel and bear the marks of God’s Chosen People as defined in the Bible, and the Federation contends that the contrary view cannot be sustained. Those who maintain that the Old Testament Law and Prophets relate only to the Jews contradict the words of our Lord: “Think not that I have come to destroy the Law…. One jot or title shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled. “( Matt.5:17). The Law and the Prophets are to be found in the Old Testament. The Federation upholds the Laws of God: The Commandments and Statutes and Judgements”.
Australia occupies a place of pride:
“In 1944-5, Leo [Harris, Assembly of God (‘AoG’) preacher] came to Adelaide and started up a ‘National Revival Crusade Centre’ (in 1963 they became known as the ‘Christian Revival Crusade’), and taught British-Israel. From Adelaide, Leo Harris planted assemblies in other Australian cities. In 1949, a car salesman named Lloyd Richard Longfield was baptised and ‘slain in the Spirit’ under Tom Foster. During World War II, Lloyd had been a staff sergeant in the AIF in Egypt. He also had visited the Great Pyramid, and was also ‘hooked’ (Voice of Revival, Vol.14, No.2). From there the story is well known. After disagreements, Lloyd Longfield left the fellowship. With Noel Hollins of Geelong, the “two Victorian Assemblies in 1958 aligned themselves as the Melbourne and Geelong Revival Centres”.
We know from old Revival Crusade books that they taught British-Israel and Pyramidology until about 1977. But after Leo Harris’ death in that year, British-Israel theology gradually disappeared from their ‘belief’ list. The Revival Centres International, however, continued to teach British-Israel, and the doctrine was ardently preached by Lloyd Longfield in National Conventions. In 1995, when the Revival Centres split, both the Revival Centres International (Melbourne) and the Revival Fellowship (Adelaide) continued to teach British-Israel.”
The doctrine of BI includes the tenet that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David. You see why Pommy wants a knighthood?
@Wiz Oz
Thanks. Also worth punching into google search or whatever – Murdoch + Israel.
A few points.
Russia, unlike Nazi Germany, does NOT have a rear flank to cover. Unless you consider the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean her “rear flank”! With Mongolia (and North Korea) firmly plugged into the Russia/China axis, Russia is extremely well protected physically.
Russia is a humogous country in terms of the geographic size. Having living in and travelled throughout that Great Land of GMO Milk and Fake Money for some 20 years, I can tell you that WW3 will finish off USA for good. The majority of the population of the USA, certainly its intelligentsia, live on the two coasts. The ABM system of the Yankees is very very limited in terms of how many ICBMs they are capable of shooting down, and they are certainly NOT nuclear-tipped like the famous 80s Missile Command game (shooting bullets with bullets is what the Yankees practice with their ABM systems; whereas the Russian are shooting ICBMs with nukes like Missile Command). Russia’s ABM system are probably nuclear-tipped, meaning much more effective in destroying incoming ICBMs.
So in a nuclear WW3 exchange, the USA will be completely destroyed. While Russia probably will only suffer the effects of radioactive fallout and some nuclear ground explosions, if the other major cities besides Moscow are also defended by their (nuclear-tipped) ABM systems.
Russia has something that is referred to as the “Dead Hand” which is an automated system of full nuclear retaliatory attacks that does NOT need any human beings to operate or initiate. This “Dead Hand” will finish off the USA (and their key All-Lies like UK/Israel/France???) in the eventuality of any nuclear strike against Russia.
NATO is basically USA. NATO does not shit without Yankee permission! Have the Yankees fought against any regular LAND army since 1776 and won??? During WW2, they came onto the scene after Nazi Germany was basically finished by the Soviets in the War on the Eastern Front (where 90% of WW2 in the European theater were fought). They were fighting very young and old German soldiers during their Normandy D-Day invasion. They lost the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War, etc.
The 3 Baltic Stooge nations along with Poland are basically cannon fodder for WW3. They are of no military consequences whatsoever.
The Yankee Aircraft Carriers will be first sunk just before or just after those ICBMs are launched. They are the Yankees’ Maginot Line (the French fixed fortifications which the Germans completely bypassed and made impotent during their Blitzkrieg invasion of France.
So, I guess I agree 100% with the Saker!
From 1453 onwards it was rational for some to build navies.
From 2015 onwards that logic is likely reversed in significant part.
I can see what Russia would be fighting for.
But what would NATO be fighting for?
I ask this because I cannot see even the UK voting to go to war, support verbally but nothing more.
The public despite the hard work of the media would not want war with Russia. Germany won’t fight, France? Italy?Spain? Scandinavia countries??
Who would fight this war with the determination and dare I say passion of Russia?
Fighting for your country is a powerful drive what would NATO be fighting for???
Fighting for your country is a powerful drive what would NATO be fighting for???
For vassal status, for the great satan, for UKUSA hegemony, for radiation and the deth.
I am a Croat, my country is a member of NATO-EU block, country, an American vassal with the American stooges in power and I indentifiy with Russia, with David in this battle between ill and good, between Goliath and David.
May God bless Russia
( Majku svih Slavena ).
… I am now facing by far the most dangerous international situation since the Cuban Missile Crisis …
This is more dangerous than the Cuban (Caribbean) Missile Crisis. In the Caribbean crisis there was the possibility of bargaining for peace which is what was done, the Soviet Union’s Cuban missiles for the US’ Turkish missiles. Neither adversary was interested in escalation. Each party had something it could give the other that was not a “core interest”. The Cuban missiles were not essential to Soviet defense, they had other means available. The US missiles in Turkey were not essential to US defense, they had other means.
The more powerful party the US was in ascendancy and therefore had plenty of room to make concessions (even if secret!). The weaker power could obtain important concessions i.e removal of missiles from Turkey, even if at the cost of a “humiliating” climb down in Cuba. This is to say that the geopolitical situation facing each country favored reaching a settlement rather than escalation.
Today the situation is completely different. The geopolitical situation favors escalation not settlement for the following reasons:
1. The US is in possibly terminal decline. It cannot allow the rise of Russian power, because Russian power is shielding Chinese power. The rise of China means the eclipse and terminal decline of US global power. US global power underwrites US hard and soft imperialism which in turn underwrites US wealth and living standards at home. For the US this is therefore an existential confrontation. It must prevail over Russia in order to prevail over China.
2. Neither party has anything it can give to the other to defuse the crisis, that does not directly impact a core interest. If the US withdraws from the confrontation, the logic of the economic and geopolitical rise of China will pull Europe/Africa/Asia towards China and away from the US. The US will be finished.
If on the other hand Russia backs down, it will have to accept its own demise. In order to control Chinese access to Europe and other world markets the US cannot have a large powerful state like Russia acting as the intermediary. If Russia backs down it will be broken up and the pieces occupied by the US. Russia therefore cannot do that.
3. This must therefore be a fight to the finish. Whether in Yemen, Syria, Iran, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine or wherever else the battle will move.
In short, USA wants to create an unipolar world.
OT (but connected).
Ft Russ has a story on blog Top Russian News Stories. There was one that caught my eye for a humorous comment:
Poland thanks Russia for evacuating its citizens from Yemen
“In unrelated news, hell has just frozen over.”
Viktor Suvorov (Russian: Ви́ктор Суво́ров, real name Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun, he is a defector, a traitor, an employee of the British SIS, he wrote a book that Russia wanted to attack Hitler without any garantee from Britain that the British would support them.
What if Stalin attacked Hitler and the Britsh decided to sit on fence and to support one moment one side and the other moment the other side?
The great tragedy of the XXth century for Europe and Russia were the two wars fought between Russia and Germany. Conflict between the two nations was necessary for the continuance of world domination by the Atlanticist-Zionist cabal.
That having been said, there is considerable evidence that the German attack on the U.S.S.R. was a preemptive or preventative strike against massive forces staging along the western frontiers of the U.S.S.R. For example, the 9th Rifle Corps, the most powerful force in the Red Army, was sitting along the Romanian border within 100 miles or so of the Ploesti oil fields; enormous forces were also being deployed in the Biyalistock and Lvov salients.
Had the Red Army and the Soviet air force been deployed in defensive fortifications and had much of the Stalin Line not been demolished, the Wehrmacht and its allies would have been facing a Brest Fortress like scenario at every point along the front, and the attack would almost certainly have failed. Nobody can question the toughness or fierceness of the Russian soldier.
In my opinion, the only reason which can adequately explain the huge initial success of Operation Barbarossa- the enormous pincers and encirclements, the huge number of prisoners taken, the number of planes and tanks destroyed, etc., is that the Germans achieved strategic surprise and caught the Stavka during final staging operations for an offensive.
Stalin was ready to roll with over 20,000 tanks all the way to the English channel on the eve of WW2. Hitler preempted that by about 2-3 months with Operation Barbarossa and that is why the Soviets were so taken back when the Germans attacked (the Germans were outnumbered in almost all military categories, sometimes 100 to 1). The Soviets were postured for an OFFENSIVE war not a DEFENSIVE war. That’s why they initially lost so much territory.
And what about Stalin’s own criminal paranoia that prompted him to execute, as I understand, most of his seasoned and truly capable generals pretty much right before the German attack?
What could a large army do, which was essentially left leaderless?
Also,—Stalin’s regime of relentless limitless terror against its own subjects made it feared and hated,
and there was likely great reluctance to really fight for it.—I think that only when atrocities by the Hitlerite Germans spread a conviction throughout the USSR that everyone would be exterminated if the Germans won,—only then the population of the USSR dug in their heels, began to really fight,
and turned the tide.
You may not believe this, but Russia is not the Soviet Union – it wasn’t/isn’t only a rebranding.
Through difficult experiences over many years in all aspects of life, Russia and most people who inhabitated the area known as the Russian Federation worked out that it/they didn’t want to be the Soviet Union or Soviet citizens.
Not all who challenged the Soviet Union were “dissidents” of the internal or external disposition.
Russians do in significant part accept and understand the events which you describe and can add others closer to home of which you may be blissfully unaware.
Russians do in significant part accept and understand that the events you refer to, and others which you don’t refer to, have a half-life and some are actively seeking to address this, as others have been similarly engaged since at least the 1950’s.
Your reliance on historical blaming serves in some part the strategies of the opponents, reflecting one of the constituent factors in why the slogan is “Glory to the heroes”.
@Stalin’s paranoia,
Now, what if really Stalin was confronted with a conspiracy, that Trotzky did conspire with the Germans and the Japanese to remove Stalin in order to “save the Revolution”, that there is a great deal of evidence of German and Japanese collaboration by oppositionists, including military figures (Tukhacevsky himself among others), NKVD figures like Ezhov himself?
That, in any Penal Code of the world, was treason. All you may say, as it was said, was that the evidences were fabricated, which you would expect the defendants to say.
Stalin was ruthless, of course, but not paranoic.
That’s the fly in the ointment of the current history narrative. When Hitler realized the USSR had two German armies ready to grab Germany’s oil supply in Romania he had to move first. If ne didn’t Stalin would have steamrolled through Germany ad captured the rest of Europe, this was common knowlege.
Also one should bear in mind the original objectives of the newly formed USSR through the Comintern, ie to first gain control of Germany. Trotsky and his teams had already caused a communist rebellion in Germany and compelled Emporer Wilhelm to flee (fearing a repeat of Nicholas’ 2 experience.) This was the one of the primary motivations for Hitler, he was aware of the attrocities being carried out in Russia and he knew who was doing it. Add to this the betrayal of Germay in exchange for the creation of a Jewish state (Balfour Declaration.)
In general I have to be careful of assigning ‘Russianess’ to the Soviet episode, as Russia was clearly under the spell of foreign internationist forces – especially in the early years before Stalin grabbed power. It’s difficult for me to comprehend how much of the Soviet policies were really of his design.
It’s a long bloody and complicated history. One lesson that I believe that Putin has learned is to not be manuvered into military enguagements not of his choosing. As for the US I wish I could be as generous, it is clearly now being driven by this ZioEbola virus. Unfortunately, America’s drive for empire started at least one hundred years earlier. Personally I think that it’s the result of not seeing a difference between the Old and New Testaments and choosing the former to justify actions (when convenient.)
There should be no doubt that the meeting of the Elbe Group at Torgau really took place, and The Times reported it accurately. The question is why it chose to publish it now, two weeks after the meeting took place (18March). The tone of the Times article is much more factual and moderate than of the gutter press.
“The Elbe Group forum was set up to improve mutual understanding between the two countries’ military and intelligence agencies, and has met six times in five years.
The Russian delegation was briefed by Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, about what messages to deliver to the Americans, according to its leader, Anatoly Kulikov, the former minister of the interior. Mr Kulikov said that Mr Putin had been briefed.
Both delegations agreed that there was a growing risk of an accidental clash between Russian and US or NATO troops in eastern Europe which could lead to “unintended escalation” and devastating consequences for the world at large.
In language that recalled the darkest days of the Cold War, they urged their respective administrations to set up a military hotline to defuse such escalations by allowing “both sides to quickly and accurately establish the facts surrounding an accident” so that commanders on the ground could “communicate with each other in a manner that avoids combat”.
The report’s conclusions, written from a US perspective, emphasise Russia’s interest in trying to involve the US in legitimising the new status quo in Ukraine. The American conclusions play down the threat of nuclear attack, suggesting that the Russians “threaten nuclear war in an effort to shock the US back to the table”.
It is rather encouraging. The adults meet to discuss ways to rein in their rambunctious kids and the fallen into the second childhood senilators.
Dmitri Orlov put it wonderfully in his last post on Club Orlov:
“Recently a retired US general went on television to declare that what’s needed to turn around the situation in the Ukraine is to simply “start killing Russians.” The Russians listened to that, marveled at his idiocy, and then went ahead and opened a criminal case against him. Now this general will be unable to travel to an ever-increasing number of countries around the world for fear of getting arrested and deported to Russia to stand trial.
This is largely a symbolic gesture, but non-symbolic non-gestures of a preventive nature are sure to follow. You see, my fellow space travelers, murder happens to be illegal. In most jurisdictions, inciting others to murder also happens to be illegal. Americans have granted themselves the license to kill without checking to see whether perhaps they might be exceeding their authority. We should expect, then, that as their power trickles away, their license to kill will be revoked, and they find themselves reclassified from global hegemons to mere murderers”.
And he has also a little epitome of the real situation from the military pov:
“And what it achieves [American huge military spending] is the latest F-35 jet fighter that can’t fly; the latest aircraft carrier that can’t launch planes without destroying them if they are fitted with the auxiliary tanks they need to fly combat missions; the most technologically advanced AEGIS destroyer that can be taken out of commission by a single unarmed Russian jet carrying a basket of electronic warfare equipment, and another aircraft carrier that can be frightened out of deep water and forced to anchor by a few Russian submarines out on routine patrol.”
Why is RT saying it’s not true if this happened? I am confused now.
Don’t be. It was not denied that the meeting took place. What was criticized was the spin put on the warnings that the situation could degenerate in nuclear confrontation: the KGB bully flexing his muscles, etc.
The Faux News general was apparently surprised Russians could pick up the broadcast. ( In the Age of the Internet?)
But he didn’t seem to have a substantive problem with genocidal incitement – perhaps Americans of Russian extraction ( who quite likely do) should consider a class action against him.
Meanwhile, the rest of us wonder at the selective prosecution of HATE speech in the Land of the Free. Seems this ‘exceptionalism’ cult will lead to a total meltdown of Law and Order..and the rise of Rough Justice.
Be careful of what you wish for.
Happy Easter Bunny hunting to all in the Saker community! :)
as a “redneck prepper” in “flyover country” here in the land of crazed zionists: i pray for the souls of those freed from this mortal vale of tears if this vision of apocalypse comes about. i pray that those of who may survive in the “outbackistan” of the ussa can rebuild another rational christian civilization, and that if this land becomes an outpost for those who rebuild sooner elsewhere, they will befriend those who never saw them as a threat, and had nothing to do with this madness.
The Saker has probably answered this 1000 times already. Is he Russian?
It depends on how you define Russian. He wasn’t born in Russia or the USSR.
However, as Peter the Great said:
«Русский тот, кто Россию любит и ей служит!»
“He is Russian who loves and serves Russia!”
By that statement a great many here are Russians!
@ The Saker
Regarding fighting forces. Leadership – from the leaders of the country right down through the ranks in the armed forces plays a huge role in how any force will perform. With poor leadership moral will be very low and I think this applied to Russia through the 90s.
Regarding Russian special forces, although it was I guess, a promo video that I watched, those blokes looked hard as nails. US special forces come across as auditioning for WWF shows.
I watched a video not long ago, might have been life news, interviewing one of the blokes that took the village on the road to Debaltseve that completed the Debaltseve cauldron. Bit of north wind happening there. Only his eyes showing. Quiet, unassuming, simply stating how they went about it. Impressive.
But regarding/comparing various fighting forces. Some clown put up that Australians were best or amongst top in the world and the bushman thing has got a run on.
Australian defence strategies would be, or should be, very different to Russian defence strategies.
For most of Australia’s short “Anglo” history we have been a colony that goes away to fight wars for empire. First the British then American. Australia has nearly always fought under British or US overall command.
Who wants to fight for empire?
The only time Australia has been at risk of invasion was when the Japanese were coming down through the islands and were stopped in New Guinea on the Kokoda track.
Regarding natural selection – up until WWII Australia was a mainly agricultural based. Much of this in arid regions were the shearers and other workers would travel hundreds of km on push bikes to the next job. Prior to that were the gold diggers. A very hard life where only the genetically healthy/strong survived (as in immune system ect).
They were also very independent. A lot of bad reports by the British because those Australians respected leadership not titles.
Australia’s contribution to world military history? Just a blip in the record books.
But any country, in any war, if you get down to some of the smaller units, you start to see personal courage and good lower level leadership.
What the article comments here taken in total so far indicate, is that there is confusion and doubt regarding the wiil of the apparent Russian regime to resist Obama.
Military actions and preparations taken since January 2015 should have been taken beginning in January 2014.
American general are confident enough to go on TV and say to kill Russians. If dumbkof general can sense weakness so obvious that he can threaten like this, things are very uncertain at the Kremlin.
Putin and Lavrov behave very much like Obama’s political opponents in Washington…. They wilt away and appear at the next Obama staged 1938 Munich like good robots.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. To pull Russia back from where it had fallen to in 1999, to where it is today is no mean feat. Would the commenters here have been able to pull it off, or just talk about it.
“To pull Russia back from where it had fallen to in 1999, to where it is today is no mean feat.”
Your timetable is out; better start in 1956 or at least 1982 ?
The no mean feat whose inception you probably misdate was carried out by a collective in large part without attribution, since effective effort and knowledge is/was social.
Given your apparent tendency towards projection of your own prejudgements/prejudices you may be unaware that some use anonymous for reasons that you may not accept or adhere to.
I use my name and email address. You cannot put your name to what you say. You are knocking the current “regime” in Russia. Putin came to power in 99. Crawl back to where you came from, or put your name to what you are saying.
“You are knocking the current “regime” in Russia.”
It is often said that the most blind are those who only see their own projections.
Your notion of coming “to power” in 1999, presumably you mean by way of the election of that year, confirms that you have no notion what was happening in Russia in the 1990’s and the roles of Mr. Putin and others in that process.
anon, with a comment like that, you don’t have my respect at all if you call yourself anonymous. I’m sorry but if you want to be rude and dismissive then get a name…hiding behind anonymous is much more subversive than Putin and Lavrov…
Full text of the article and related articles available without paywall here:
Thank you very much.
First of all I have to state that I am Pole. Hence, I know something about Russia as well. There are many reasons why Russia is what it is but the main reason is that NOBODY WAS REALLY INTERESTED in conquering Russia for good. Poles kicked Russian ass TWICE not once. Poles took Moscow way before Napoleon did. In 1920 when we kicked soviet ass again Russkies had HUGE military advantage contrary to what Saker says. So, Russia is not invincible. Again, the key here is that in real life (maybe except Napoleon and Hitler) nobody really wanted to conquer whole Russia not even Hitler. Most of the time what invaders wanted was to rip off chunk of Russia or have her acquiesce to their demands. There is one simple reason why Russia become so big. IT HAD NO REAL ENEMIES THAT COULD THREATEN HER SURVIVAL to at least Napoleonic times. There was huge empty space behind her Ural mountains all the way up to China just ready to be taken without any resistance. China was not interested or able to go behind great wall at the time of Russian expansion. To the south the only MINOR danger was from Turkey who was at that time at greatly advanced decay after Poles kick their asses 100 years at Vienna way before Russia become anything worth to mentiion. In short Russia become big country ONLY because it did not have worthy/serious enemies that could really threaten them.I have to say it again that RUSSIA BECOME BIG POWER ONLY AFTER POLISH KINGDOM FALL APART on it’s own! Before they were for practical reasons non entity run over by Mongols, Poles, Swedes and Turks. Yes, they survived but only because nobody really wanted to subdue it for good.The main reason why was that the case was the WASTNESS of land and limited populace of invading countries to make it successfull.For example Poland after the conquest of Rusia (nowadays known as Ukraine) was so diluted that only about 10% of Polish nobility ruled their russian aka ukrainian peons. This is the classic case one can mention when it comes to easiness of Polish Kings to subdue most of the russian aka ukrainian territories for centuries without much challenge at all from Russia. One has to remember that it is Kievian Russia where Russian nation was born, RIGHT SAKER? So again I see this article as just another attempt to falsify history to create historical “invincibility” myth.
Since I have seriously undermined Saker main thesis I have serious doubt it will be published. Nevertheless, I have quiet satisfaction that Saker must recognize that not all readers are morons that will swallow unchallenged anything he writes, so maybe, just maybe next time he will hesitate a bit before he pushes his historicaly nonsensical half truths. Yet, I do understand that he is the product of Russian nationalism and he believes that what serves his ideology. Saying that I have no doubt that Russia will fight and that in this case the right is on their side.
Yes Poland how did the rescue from Yemen go?
Yes that’s right had to beg Russia and China for help.
Mighty poland who is only famous for supporting the killing of Jews during and after the Second World War.
Gownopolska über alles!
Anonymous on April 04, 2015 · at 6:28 am UTC
But…but…but…Polish jokes aside…
I think you are partly correct, also about the past. But today the Russian army is way better than the Polish, and as Saker is saying, the past, especially WW2, shows what a formidable fighters they are. I also do not think they are invincible, but they will be very hard to crack, because of various reasons, one being existential survival.
I think the Polish are great fighters too, which can’t be that strange, since you are very closely related in fact, both Slavic. The biggest problems between Russians and Polish are in fact coming from religious differences I was told, Polish being Catholic and Russians being Orthodox, similar to the Croat-Serbian conflict and division. This division goes back to the division of the Roman Empire into the Western Empire in Rome (Catholic) and the Byzantine Empire in the East (Constantinople).
If I could give you an advice, don’t let yourself be used by the Americans as front fighters against the Russians, the Americans will laugh their brains out. They’ll get what they want, a European war, leading to nowhere, only lots and lots of deaths, between in fact brotherly nations. (It’s a pity, because I have lived in the US, and got to know many nice Americans. However, the public in the States is also lied to by their government, just as the Dutch are.) Rather, we should try to establish some peace on the old continent, trade together, and drink beer together (or vodka, or whatever).
Second reason why they will be hard to crack is because the west is divided. I am Dutch myself, and am very, very strongly opposed to what my government tries to do (hostile propaganda against Putin and Russia, including straight lies, see Timmermans in the UN talking about ‘Russian thugs’). More and more people start to see through it and are fed up with the lies, see also the comment here of another Dutch. So don’t think that everybody will support a war against Russia today, on the contrary. Le Pen in France is quite supportive to Russia and is gaining a lot of support, she could be France’s next president. I read a lot of reactions of people, and yes, there are definitely a lot of people believing the propaganda bull shit in the west, but also a lot who don’t, very, very different from the polls in Russia supporting their leader Putin.
In this conflict of the 21st century I am convinced that the agressors are the Western nations, in fact NATO + Sunni muslims (Catholics + Sunni), and the other side of the conflict (defending their interests are Orthodox + Shia muslims (+ Budhists + Hindus (if you wish to include India and China)).
“The biggest problems between Russians and Polish are in fact coming from religious differences… Polish being Catholic and Russians being Orthodox, similar to the Croat-Serbian conflict and division.”
Then how come there are no problems between the Catholic Hungarians and the Orthodox Russians, but instead there are problems between the Orthodox Romanians and the Orthodox Russians ?
Before it all descends into a s*t fight, let’s clarify a few facts:
– While Turks where defeated at Vienna, it wasn’t just the Polish cavalry that took part in the battle. It is also a fact that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was growing seriously weak by that stage
– Your statement (loud yell?) “RUSSIA BECOME BIG POWER ONLY AFTER POLISH KINGDOM FALL APART” does not make sense. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth became dependent on Russia from 1715 onward, but it still retained its nominal independence. By that stage Russia was ruled by Peter the Great and was a very significant player in that part of Europe.
– The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fell part or was partitioned for the first time in 1772, and ceased to exist in 1795. By this stage Russia was a very significant power and got a major part of the Commonwealth
You are certainly right when saying that we are not morons here.
Russia had had WW1, and then civil war prior to the war with Poland in 1920.,so you can surely understand how Poland at the time had upper hand: Russia had been devastated by 2 major wars already before the war with Poland came. And you forgot the major military power which formed the largest empire the world has ever seen… the Mongols. Russia also fought Mongols, as well as many nations prior to that: for example, at the time when Muslims crushed everything beneath them after the Muhammad’s death,it was Khazars who stopped them at the Caucasus,whereas in the West they penetrated as deep as Tours in France when they were stopped. For centuries Umayyad Muslims occupied Iberian peninsula (today Spain and Portugal), whereas inthe east they couldn’t go. Well, Russia defeated that Khazar empire who stopped Muslims at the pinnacle of their power. So much for “no real enemies”. And you call Ottoman Empire “minor force”? They were the world’s strongest military power for a few centuries. The whole of Europe trebled before them.
My 2 Cents,
Don’t be fools people of Poland and suffer the hollow promises of support in a conflict as you did in 1939 with the French and English. NATO will dump you just as quickly on your backside as then and it really is not worth it. Your politicians have already aptly summed up their relationship with the USA and NATO and the rewards they receive in turn.
As for chest thumping, it is futile. Slav, Anglo, Asian, Arabic, etc – it does not matter – we have much in common and at the end of the day most want to live in peace and deal with each other honestly and with respect.
It seems to be only a few with issues and agendas who want to cause conflict. For the most part, there are much better things to do and humanity better served if the resources for destruction are instead focused on bettering the world and our lot in it.
I have traveled Ukraine extensively, I have traveled parts of Russia and also parts of Europe. I have enjoyed the people and places I have visited. I hope to get to Poland and the Balkans one day soon and savour them as well. Most of all though, people places over have been friendly and with much in common.
Let us respect each other and share our stories with each other. Build bridges and bonds not ruins through bombs. I cry inside for those who suffer the hell of war at this point in time and pray that the warring stops and their suffering ceases as soon as possible. War is Hell on Earth and those who foster it on others – EVIL!
Dear Pole,
Thanks a lot for your post. I will add “nobody wanted to conquer Russia” and “vastness” to the “General Winter” and “big numbers” the next time I list western excuses for failing to colonize Russia!
In the meantime, I remind you that Poland is now NATO’s bitch while Russia leads the world’s resistance to the Empire. QED.
The Saker
Actually, it looks like size of population and size of territory do matter in a very fundamental and substantial way.—For instance, if there were 100,000,000 Hebrews in the world with a country the size of Australia, everyone would consider them an unquestionably valid and legitimate nation, and there would be none of the commotion over “Zionism” the way it exists today.—If there were some 100,000,000 Ukrainian-speakers in a state that occupied all the territory of ancient Scythia, going into central Asia, etc., there would be no one claiming that Ukrainians were some “artificial nationality” and challenging their fundamental legitimacy.—Muscovite Russia seems to have been afflicted and overall devastated by extraordinarily bloodthirsty and ferocious rulers who murdered and devastated their own subjects to an extraordinary degree, starting with the infamous Ivan the Terrible, though at times he did some constructive things under the influence of more upright men, Alexey Adashev I believe was one of them [eventually executed by the psychopathic tsar].—The latest ruler following this pattern was of course Stalin, with the millions of his own subjects, including his topmost talented military generals, whom this rampaging psychopath sacrificed. Otherwise, given its larger population and larger size than any of the central and western European states, it would have “logically” been Russia that would have dominated and colonized western Europe.
Instead of telling again the deads of lvan the Terrible and Stalin, the latter widely documented and the only thing in which there is consensus between the East and West, all together (I wonder why), why do you not start counting the dead of the state of Israel since its artificial creation in Palestine lands, especially the deads of Sharon and Netanyahu?
Rather than concentrating on work already done by others, why do not do some work still to do?
Humanity will thank you.
The fundamental struggle is in the spiritual area, involving the influence of what I suspect are these hard-to-define spiritual-emotional organisms, influencing and/or possessing humans, and these organisms seek to prompt such human behavior as always generates the maximal amount of rage energies and fear energies “into the air” so to speak, where these organisms apparently are then nourished and enhanced by such energies, like food, like predators attacking prey in the wild.
So throughout history, humans have been playing out repetitive wars and atrocities, in endless cycles, no one ever achieving any final victory, because the true and ultimate objective is to simply keep generating the maximal amounts of rage energies and fear energies.
So humans are like gladiators in the arena, enhancing, entertaining and nourishing the “invisible Romans” out there.—I think such a perspective actually explains a lot of what has been going on throughout human history.—There may be a minority of humans who to various degrees simply function by the energies of boundless endless rage and simply get high on it like getting high on a drug. They are super-driven, super-energized, and therefore exert extraordinary influence despite their relatively small numbers.
Being themselves possessed and/or influenced by the abovementioned predatory demonic organisms, these persons are simply mass-homicidal and/or mass-suicidal and are dedicated to making sure warfare and atrocities always go on, to produce those rage energies and fear energies as the ultimate real objective, and nothing else. So these types have their influence over events in the Middle East, which is a very fertile ground for huge amounts of rage and fear, endlessly.—
The sophisticated and urbane and tolerant bygone civilization of Sufi type Islam has been largely swept away, in favor of the simple crude legalistic wahhabist, salafist and “qutubist” Islam [from Said Qutub, who has been said to be the “father” of modern extremist Islam and who in his writings condemned the Western societies and Western civilization as societies of “perverts and sluts” who for that alone deserve total extermination and obliteration, as for Qutub there was obsession about how much disgusting and “decadent” social and sexual freedom existed in non-Muslim societies].—
And so we have a secretive minority in the “West” fostering something that is really absolutely contrary to the usual so-called permissive and decadent values especially in the West. We have these secretive devil-worshippers and cannibals as I like to call them fostering a society that would not be recognized as human at all, just a kind of army or swarm of super-energized humanoids, governed by nothing except boundless righteous rage and endless holy warfare,—the army waiting for the so-called Mahdi to come and lead them to whatever other exploits.—And so the hornets’ nest keep getting stirred. By extremists on both sides. Ordinary people are just like game animals for hunters-predators.
I always think, if there is ever to be victory over these demonic influences in the Middle East, both the Jews and the Muslims [where both prophet Moses and prophet Mohammed were also war-leaders] need to give supremacy to Lord Jesus who stands basically as the prophet of peace, the “prince of peace” so to speak, standing for functioning through the grace-energy of the creativity [fostering of talents one is given] in liberty and in peace-reconciliation within and among everyone,—not by righteous rage, and not by idolatry and sacrifice of life for some “law” [like the Sabbath law] or “cause”.
Everyone there needs to build a brand new church from scratch, because all established denominations bring too much harmful baggage.—But this all sounds like a pipe-dream. Too many people are simply getting high on boundless rage and endless warfare. And they are convinced that they are morally and spiritually superior to everyone else on the planet for being thus relentless and extreme.
This is truly, like Apostle Paul wrote, satan/angel of darkness posing as and rivaling God/angel of light.
Some already did – why not try ILAN Pappe for a start point ?
Try to remember that La Pasionnara made a good monument but was not particularly sucessful.
(Apologies if my Castillano is rusty).
Thanks, again, for this reference, it seems what I needed on the creation of the state of Israel. The problem is time.
I also picked up your last suggestion about Karl Schlögel and his 1008 pages macroessay on Stalin’s purges. When I can, I will read it with a grain of salt, after seeing a review of the edition in Castilian unanimously praised by the Spanish Media from the right included the official bulletin of Bilderberg Club, El País. You should have seen the other day an editorial in this newspaper on Russia and Putin … What can I say? You and El País recommending the same book, same that seems essential to newspapers like ABC, La Razón or El Mundo, flake me enough.
Moreover, recently, you are very “British” in your recommendations …
Tell me, such insistence on the dead by Stalin, is not a form of “binary thinking”, keep believing in the “bad guys with black hat” ( ie, Stalin) ?. But if we no longer need him carrying even a hat! We already know he is “the villain on the movie”.
We are aware that a number of people ( never a round number ) died during his leadership of the USSR. We are aware that to kill all those people was not just enough that it was ordered by Stalin himself, but there was a sufficiently complex bureaucracy so that now all the responsibility is dropped on him ( and then there was Beria, which was in charge of the purges, and who when Stalin lost consciousness intermittently in the hours before his death, he wished him the worst. A bird of care. This one yes, was evil ).
Look, I have never denied that he was responsible for the deaths, because consciously or not, was ultimately responsible. What surprise me and sadden me enough, of you, whom I suppose Russian, as of other Russians, is that you do not highlight anything good from the USSR and Stalin. Come on, do not deny that in this case you also use a system of “binary thinking” and recommending me so many sources, including those of the Russian opposition, you land on “confirmation bias” which you criticise in others.
While so much I value your input and recommendations, and even assuming you a sort of unofficial spokesman from the Kremlin, I have to say, that while Mr. Putin acknowledged to victims, which honors him, I know that he too, on occasions, alluded the achievements of the USSR (as is right ) and this also honors him, and in her honor regained the flag and the anthem, although not the letter of the Stalin era.
Although sometimes I doubt you, because of how you tide me sometimes, I remain loyal to Mr. Putin and Russia, but…. also to Comrade Stalin …. Overall, I think he did for the people and for Russia more than many others in her history. To withdraw my loyalty to Comrade Stalin I would have to see those papers you say Mr. Andropov had on victims of Stalin ( translated by a person of my absolute trust or otherwise for myself when I learn Russian ) and, even then, I will come to my own conclusion.
La Pasionaria was very successful here in Spain, actually was dying of success among the working class, especially among the Asturian miners, and their speeches were here as expected as those of Stalin in the The USSR and The Politburó, and as well, inflamed the hearts of ordinary people, workers, thus putting words to what they ever had felt.
Here, as was/is in Russia, there were also traitors and 5th columnists in the Communist Party, where some could not bear that a woman would be so intelligent and appreciated, and attacked her by that relationship with a jounger militant. She became monument when she died, elderly, as we all will do, you too. She was always loyal to Stalin and Comrade Stalin to her. Yes, it was loyalty what they had for each other, that quality so rare in today’s world.
( Did you know that she would get so nervous the night before a speech that almost could not sleep? ).
PS: no need to apologize for not using the Castilian correctly, I appreciate the effort and, if so rusty, why not keep talking from time to time trying to remember ?. Maybe one day we can speak Castilian both. Although sometimes I do not understand your position, I keep you as my friend, if you agree.
“Tell me, such insistence on the dead by Stalin”
Firstly it is not about Stalin – it is about a regime, its antecedents, its lateral processes and its discernable impacts over time for present and future purposes – not to describe the world, but to change it.
The past of course cannot be changed but can be tested/reinterpreted to aid/facilitate present/future change.
Some of the salient points/examples/hypotheses are these.
1. Means condition ends.
2. Actions/ideas have half-lives – even schadenfreude.
3. Included in these half-lifes are the trajectories and contributory factors of why the current slogan is “Glory to the heroes”.
4. Included in these half-lives are contributory reasons why Russia is not the Soviet Union.
“Come on, do not deny that in this case you also use a system of “binary thinking” and recommending me so many sources, including those of the Russian opposition, you land on “confirmation bias” which you criticise in others.”
Any references put forward are specific catalysts at points in time for a specific purpose within a wider lateral purpose, and hence possibilities of binary thinking are reduced, but not wholly precluded.
Making a reference does not infer that I agree with the content of the reference, merely that it could be a useful catalyst at a point in a specific lateral process.
Unlike a certain party on this blog, I don’t suggest you should limit yourself only to the “good stuff”, even if you could manage to perceive its goodness before defining it, listening to, reading, or seeing it
Knowledge is a process not an event and so the likelihood of confirmation bias is reduced.
In addition laterally iteractive processes of testing are used to further reduce the effects of confirmation bias. To describe details of such in a broadcast medium would be strategically naive.
However omniscience does not exist, and when you emerge from the swimming pool you still carry water.
“Moreover, recently, you are very “British” in your recommendations …”
Since knowledge is social and international the potential references can be made from all of the world and its cultures. The references at a specific moment are for a purpose outlined above, referencing a form perceived as most appropriate for a potential extended audience.
It is not to infer that “exceptionalism” exists in knowledge or anywhere else.
It is not meant to infer superiority or inferiority in culture or potential in lateral utility, but to show amongst other considerations that equal and different are not mutually exclusive – a point previously covered, and of present and future application.
Failure to understand this reflects an ideological immersion to some degree in exceptionalism – a major contributory factor in present “events” and potential for their transcendence.
“while Mr. Putin acknowledged to victims, which honors him, I know that he too, on occasions, alluded the achievements of the USSR (as is right ) and this also honors him,”
These behaviours are not mutually exclusive, but to hold or infer that they are mutually exclusive is to engage in binary thinking.
“I would have to see those papers you say Mr. Andropov had on victims of Stalin ( translated by a person of my absolute trust or otherwise for myself when I learn Russian )”
That may or may not happen, the likely decision to release will depend on process and purpose.
“even then, I will come to my own conclusion.”
Of course always test the hypotheses – try to minimise belief, embrace doubt and don’t try to bridge doubt with unwarranted speculations and/or projections.
In the meantime you will find some original testimonies, primarily in Russian but not exclusively so, in the Memorial archive.
On another contribution you were using comparatives/equivalences to complain about the collectivisation/industrialisation famine in the USSR being remembered and other events forgotten.
Although not a devotional text or omniscient, perhaps Tzvetan Todorov’s Hope and Memory 2003 – in French Memoire du mal, tentation du bien: Enquete sur le siecle 2000, may give some pointers on some of the disadvantages of using comparatives/equivalences.
“La Pasionaria was very successful here in Spain, actually was dying of success among the working class,”
This is another half-life in this case primarily ideological, which act as limiters of perception and opportunity.
It is also an example of a salve used in times of failure – remember that Senor Frederico and friends were still executing rebels, communists, and assorted “evil-doers”, some from the civil war and some of more recent vintage, into the 1960’s.
The attempt to act on these notions by some including the descendents of Basques who left Spain just before Senor Frederico and friends called – your initial point about knocking on doors – had untoward consequences especially in Argentina and Chile.
In terms of Chile researching MIR pre and post 1973 might illuminate some consequences of what some termed ideological romanticism, or the more wry called the crusades of los caballeros de la rosas.
“She became monument when she died,”
Some say she became a monument when she was alive; monuments being one way of limiting perception by limiting complexity. A similar process was undertaken in respect of Mr. Guevara.
“inflamed the hearts of ordinary people, workers, thus putting words to what they ever had felt.”
Your formulation is very interesting – I can almost hear Levitan on the radio, or read Ehrenburg’s
script in Pravda. The formulation is very reminiscent of Soviet 1930 and early 1940’s slogan speech.
Without going into great detail about how modes of expression condition thoughts – Victor Klemperer wrote an interesting book on the use of these techniques by the NSDAP – I would caution you against assertions of knowledge in the aggregate, the uses of assertions as spells to ward off “evil spirits” of doubt, and the possible narcotic effects of axioms.
“traitors and 5th columnists in the Communist Party,”
On the above if you want a group hate sessions lets start with the slogans:
Former people
Enemies of the people
Members of a family of enemies of the people
Traitors to the proletariat/people (depending on the year)
If you want a reference from a different society remember Pastor Neimoller ( putting the statement in the correct order not the subsequent first line replaced by some zionists – First they came for …. and I wasn’t a ….) ending and when they came for me there was no one left to stand for me.
This may offer an opportunity to illuminate an aspect of how the Soviet Union was, what the Soviet Union became, and why Russia is not the Soviet Union.
Slavic people should stand together, and not being divided and weak like Arabs.
People’s Republic of Poland was a great achievement in comparison with what is Poland today.
It is Catholic pride that destroys ancient and noble idea of pan-Slavic unity. Croats and Poles are the biggest problem, because they prefer anything to Russia or Serbia (all the glory to the few exceptions).
You Poles should never forget that Russians gave you a big part of what was German territory after WW2.
@EVERYBODY Poles kicked Russian ass TWICE not once
That is absolutely true! The valiant Poles *did* kick the Russian ass twice: in both cases, right in the middle of a Russian civil war: the first time during the so-called “Troubled Times” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_of_Troubles) and the second time during the Bolshevik Civil War. And it is true that, like Napoleon, the did take Moscow once, the first time around, just long enough to torture the Holy Patriarch Germogen to death and then leave.
Like a vulture, Poland has always been here to attack Russia at it’s weakest, but always at a very pious ad majorem Dei gloriam even when lead by a Freemason (like Pilsudski).
Finally, Poland also play an important role in the Cold War when the Polish Pope met with CIA Deputy Director Vernon Walters to join forces against the Soviet Union.
And now Poland is competing with anther heroic nation (Lithuania) for the title of “Uncle Sam’s most willing poodle”.
To each his own I suppose, but with such a record I would be deeply ashamed.
My 2cts :-)
The Saker
I think people don’t understand what is the Anglozionist trying to do . When it comes to NATO and Allies ,No one is going to invade Crimea ,or Russia.. thats not what they want.. What they want is
provoke a major war between Russia and Ukraine + Baltic States + Poland. THey will love to see Russia invading Ukraine and farm their troops there as the Americans were farmed in Vietnam war.
that was lost in the end and could not control anything.. And use the “Russian Aggression” that they are trying to provoke to isolate and split Russia economy from Europe.. In other words Russia economy is the real target of the anglo zionist powers. They want to repeat a Soviet Union COllapse.. and create unrest and divide Russia in many parts..
The only invasion Russia have to be careful however is of Jihadist militants near TAjistan , or an islamic stealth infiltration of terrorist in CAucaus helped by the west and or Ukraine.
All said the west will try to provoke Russia into a war.. with Ukraine and rusophobic nations and later through their propaganda ,call Russia the aggressor.. So the things Russia have to be careful is not
US navy or NATO , but terrorism attacks on Russia , either by jihadist fighters or by Right Sector..
those attacks could include civilian airliners , Putin Presidential plane , mercenaries invasion in Kaliningrad or the Far east. With the goal to annoy so much Russia ,that they will be forced to attack a NATO state and later be called the aggressor.
But do not expect anytime soon a NATO invasion ,that will never happen . neither Crimea or Russia or Kaliningrad.. that will give Russia a justification to take war DIRECTLY to the real enemies and not at the proxies. But Russian border cities could be attacked by Ukraine artillery or even they use biological or chemical weapons against those border cities. with the intention to get Russia and Ukraine into a major war.. Putin and his Generals and top diplomats will have to be careful while flying on planes. Specially Putin.. I was really worried about Putin visit to Turkey.. and or Australia..
NATO attacks on Russia will be aimed at annoying and irritating Russia gov and provoking them to commit mistakes and say things on the media ,that can be used to demonize them. So the anglozionist ultimate goal is public opinion in Russia.. to turn it against the Russian Government.
and the destruction of Russia economy will be one way to achieve that. the other is provoking Russia to invade Ukraine. and the other to manipulate Russians opinion against Putin..
But relax.. there will be no nuclear war.. They west will not seek one a ,when they have still the economy sabotage card still not fully exploited and a new COLD war with isolation of Russia.
The anti ballistic missile shield will be dangerous more against Russia presidential plane.. Because for a First Nuclear preventive strike.. Obama does not have the support in Europe for such a thing..
All Said.. the west needs many thing first to happen ,to ever consider a nuclear option..
1)they need to control Europe first and get everyone in line to isolate Russia
2)they need also to destroy Russia economy
3)provoke major unrest in Russia cities..
So a nuclear war is not going to happen. but US CIA deployed minions in Ukraine could continue causing problems ..and continue bombing civilians inside ukraine or attack Crimea or Russia main land..
The thing that can stop Anglozionist plans is Putin patience and not isolating itself from the west.. and European leaders standing Firm.. and refusing US to provoke Ukraine into a war. and Pressure Poroshenko and Rada parliament to Keep to the Minsk agreements.
now Yarosh and right sector are “legitimately”incorporated into Kiev military etc, if he goes rogue eg into Crimea as anna news reports today(see my post below), Donbass and Russ retaliates, USA could “claim” that Rus has attacked a “legitimate” part of ukr government, in other words, USA etc use , goad, Yarosh to go rogue and create a provocation to draw Rus in.
I have yesterday also posted re Kyrgistan and Uzbekistan etc.
Apathy is all over here in the West, especially in US. People are struggling to survive, at least on a psychological level. There will be no push back on behalf of a distant people and a perceived distant threat. Just look at the passivity in the face of the Banksters just ripping everyone off.
Western public education turns most people into drones.
This system has been in place for many decades now.
The ones who aren’t turned into mindless slaves and don’t mind the Western system get promoted.
People who do care get depressed and/or marginalised. Their opinions are considered radical in public discourse.
There will be no positive change coming out the West. It will either implode or lash out.
Unfortunately the Empire has a paranoiac plan to destroy everything. It is describe (at least) in three places:
-“Georgia Guide Stones” (Elberton Georgia USA).
-The fresco in the Bank of America`s Main Hall in Charlotte (North Carolina).
-The Denver International Airport`s painting and structure (Colorado).
This is a sort of alchemical delirium which the elite is following and struggling to achieve.
The more chaos there is and the happier they are. We have to kick them back to hell and stop now their satanic project.
Very interesting to read about these wors of art and their message.
I would emphasize something I said in the past – Masonry’s predominant strength in the US is not the local lodges but through the US college fraternity system and the use of these networks to control hiring into the corporate/banking/government elite as well as steer college admissions and the encouragement of marriages with the “right” sort of women in the sororities. This is how the American elite self perpetuates and controls.
I am stunned anybody has to say the above to those in power. I am a complete idiot, but all of it is just common sense to me I can sense all of it just by looking at people’s faces and how the react, let alone from high-school level history.
Once again, by April 15, I have to pay taxes again to amateurs and psychotics to us my money to f*** up my life and the planet where I live.
– Shyaku
Polish people saying Russia never had real enemies.. lol
Go an see the History of Russia Empire..
It was Russia who ended the Polish dreams of having an Empire.. it was Russia who ended
the ottoman Empire , it was Russia who ended the French Empire under Napoleon who wiped everyone in Europe.. and it was Russia under soviet times who defeat Germany who was the best
army in the world at that time. There is something called Unity that Russians have that you cannot break..
It is true that geography helped Russia to maintain its Empire.. but the same is true for Americans..
That have covered all their sides by allies.. and Ocean Pacific in one side and Atlantic in the other ,
so it cannot be invaded by land … But is not less true that Russia had to fight the best Powers in Europe to maintain its territory… The lost to Japan was only in the sea.. But Russia never gave up and pushed Japan outside its main land..forcing them to negotiate.. so it was what it called a Pyrrhic victory of Japan.. won some islands but had to return to Russia their occupied territories in mainland for peace .
and finally Germany under hitler was the best army in the world second to no one.. wiped all europe without problems and Russia under soviet times defeated them.
a must see for everyone , the History of Imperial Russia before Soviet times.. and see all the Powers
Russia had to fight ..
Subscribe to their channel and see all their episodes..
The history of Russia clearly shows ,that they are literary an European Nation and is not just words.
Their Language came from greeks /BUlgaria and its Arquitecture was made by Europeans , their warships were copied from British shipbuilders… and there is a lot of French and German Engineers that not only helped to build Moscow and St petersburg , but that were main Advisors of the Russian Tzars .. The most amazing thing about Russia , is that one of its greatest leaders , Catherine the great.. was a German -Prusian ,who conquered Crimea and began the process of democratization of Russia Empire with more freedom of expression laws , and people representation ,began with Catherine Reforms..inspired by books she was reading of France most popular Philosophers. Russia was build literary taking the best reformist ideas of Europe Thinkers ,Engineers ,mixing it with Orthodox church.
A really great movie about Catherine the Great is called “Young Catherine” staring the beautiful Julia Ormond, the great Vanessa Redgraves and Christopher Plummer. Highly recommended for all to enjoy,
In general i agree with you except the Russians lost World War I against the Imperial German Army too.The issue was settled in the peace of Brest Litowsk.Concerning numbers there is no myth about that the CCCP was superior in numbers in the 2nd World War,thats just a fact.If they hadn´t been superior in numbers and would have Germany not been tied down on other fronts against 3 world empires (US,UK,France) they would have lost the war period.
Even in victories the Sowjets received 3 or 4 times more losses than they inflicted on the German Army, many times it was 5 to 7 fold despite they were superior in numbers.I agree that Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich was a geopolitical tool against Stalin.A lot of it is still clouded in a fog and not yet researched.As for the Second world war i would say that judging performce the German Soldier comes out on top ,followed by the die hard Sowjet Soldier and the Japanese.
For today i agree with you.The German Army is a joke and a quick roll-push over.There is almost no hardware left here ,almost everything goes to colonial wars.The mindset is totally different,physics is totally different.Russia would for sure win a conventional war against NATO today.Both world war against Russia were a grave mistake.Germany and Russia belongs together in a mutual partnership to keep hostile powers away and build a better future.
Your wartime propaganda wont help you now. You lost, get over it.
your history is all confused there, especially with the numbers of losses.
No, you wouldn’t. According to German sources, 90% of all Wehrmacht casualties came from the eastern front… by Russians/Soviets. Also, unlike Germany who had crushed France and Benelux countries in the matter of weeks and from where came no resistance afterwards (they very much supplied men for Wehrmacht and economically supported Hitler’s war machine), Russians had to deal with Ukranians, Tatars, Baltic nations and Scandinavians who fought for Germany…hence so much Russian/Soviet casualties in the WW2 (~27 million): they had to fought their fellow Soviets and neighbor who joined the aggression foreign force (which is why Stalin was so ruthless with them afterwards). Also, Russia fought Japan on the Far East, just like Germany did with France and Britain in West of Europe (Soviets liberated North Korea and Manchuria (north China)), so your comparison holds no weight at all (and it’s intellectually dishonest too).
The only way Hitler could have won anything was by alliance with Soviets at the time (divide Europe into “sphere of influence” so to speak), because Germany strategists had to know (but didn’t) they would have to deal with other Anglo-run countries too: namely USA, Canada and Australia. Germany lost not because of their people who fought tooth and nail, but because of her leadership which was utterly stupid.
A variety of war historians have pointed out that Nazi Germany lost the war with Soviet Russia by August of 1941 when Hitler’s initial 8 week campaign timeline of Barbarossa failed, and decisively by December of 1941 when he failed to capture Moscow, Leningrad, or Rostov in the first campaign season. Everything else was anti-climatic.
See for example books by Glantz and Stolfi.
Germany was not fighting a 3-front war in 1941 – almost all military resources were concentrated on the Eastern front. Yes, there was minor fighting in Libya, and yes, Germany had troops stationed in France. In the same way, Russia also had almost 40% of her military strength in reserve in the Caucusus and the Far East as protection against Japan and hostile action by Turkey or Iran or a 3rd party through those lands.
Most Russian military losses occurred in 1941. Loss disparity after that time came from the brave German Army massacring and starving civilians in its long retreat.
Regarding WWI, perhaps that should be looked at as a continuum of events from 1914 to 1922. In that case, most of the temporary territorial losses of Brest-Litovsk accepted by Lenin as a temporary expedient to solidify power were made good within a couple of years of additional civil war fighting started by Germany injecting the Communist bacillus into Russia, by which time also Imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary had been crushed and annhilated as state structures. The real loss in this time period was of Poland-Galicia-west Belarus, when the Soviets were unable to reassert permanent control over Poland and Lithuania in the Russo-Polish war, not with Germany or Austria.
In fact it was exactly the victory of Imperial Germany against Russia in WWI that dug the graves of Imperial Germany and of the K.u.K. monarchy (aka Kakania). All the gains were lost in less than one year. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was annulled. Technically Germany and Russia remained at war and the invasion of 1941 was a resumption of the hostilities, interrupted in 1918.
When we take it for sure that the RF Army is better in critical roles we must also discuss the potential of the Nato to develop answers to them.
In this case the Nato states have more access to resources. I mean students/ universities, production technology, logistics and so on. Also the internet technic companies seem to be in the west which likely gives the west an edge in this area of warfare.
My thesis: When the west companies have the edge in modern consumer goods they could carry this over to the military if they wanted to. Think of the race to the moon. The huge investments the USA took to be first. So when the USA and the other Nato countries would focus on these military technologies they could fill gaps and surprass the RF. Economic power translates into military power(potential).
Another point thats missing in this discussion is china. We are talking about possible world war and nobody talks about china, thats a bit surreal.
“Another point thats missing in this discussion is china. We are talking about possible world war and nobody talks about china, thats a bit surreal.”
Although not restricted to China in the second comment in this blog reference above you will find the following:
“1. The opponents are perceived as an existential threat by many not restricted to Russia.”
The world is already at war; it is just that the definition of war is not restricted to things that go bang.
As for the wars russia won.
Could you make a listing with the allied forces to ? Russia didn´t fight alone against Napoleon and it didn´t fight alone against germany (yes germany had allies to). My point is that you leave out parts of the pictures that matter. I can´t remenber a situation in history where a united europe allied with the USA fought russia.
United europe ?Who Europian will go to fight Russia?What about Europe public opinion when thousands cofins with deads return back home?Remember Vietnam war?Usa lost the war because the casualties and the huge protests home.
The point I wanted to make is that implying that russia had won all this wars alone might be wrong.
Of course you´re right, now europe is not united. I just wanted to show the potential that europe has. Russia is walking a thin line between defence and becoming a threat to its neighbours- thats is why the KSZE treaty was good. All got strong enough armies do defend themselves but not strong enough to attack the neighbours. Playing on the war-drum for cheap aplause may change the perception of russia. Showing a strong military may keep the russians proud and makes putin popular but bears the risks of rising fears in the western society´s. At the end everyone spends more money for weapons and nobody is safer while other parts of the world develop their economy and grow.
Russia has only two allies, her Army and her Navy.
The guy who lives next door to me is really big, and really strong. If I were to start flinging dogshit at his house, he wouldn’t like it, and would probably tell me to stop. If I continued, he could easily beat the crap out of me, and he might well be justified in doing so. On the other hand, we’ve lived side by side for 11 years, I haven’t flung dogshit, and he has never threatened me in any way.
The simple fact of Russia being strong does not make her an automatic threat to anyone.
I think people here are missing a lot if they do not know about the original wolfowitz doctrine*, and PNAC, the Project for the New American Century (written in the late 1990s), a neocon plan which led to the Iraqi invasion, and which is the American plan for THIS century of the USA being the ONLY superpower, and keeping other (aspiring) ones in their place, like Russia (& China).
victoria nuland (who has stated the quest – or plot – for Ukraine was 25 years in the making) was chosen by obama regarding Ukraine, and she just happens to be married to kagan, the co-founder of PNAC, so it’s still in play. Also, another co-signature to PNAC is jeb bush, who will probably run for Pres next.
* http://www.nytimes.com/1992/03/08/world/us-strategy-plan-calls-for-insuring-no-rivals-develop.html
A quick heads-up: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century
Add “The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives” by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1997, and you have it all mapped out.
“..it is imperative that no Eurasian challenger should emerge capable of dominating Eurasia and thus also of challenging America’s global pre-eminence”
Ukraine’s importance is central to Zbig’s thesis and the timing of the overthrow by the USA is spot on.
Very readable and what is implied but not actually stated I found intriguing. It’s all there; no surprises.
“Ukraine’s importance is central to Zbig’s thesis”
The gentleman was ever a camp follower pretending to be an exceptionalist..
According to both Roman Demowski and Josef Pilsudski and various others, Russia without Ukraine was a land of forests and rivers.
In 2014 as shown in this blog some in Poland were presenting Demowski’s map of “Greater Poland” as their own – Demowski’s map failing to note any space called “Ukraine” possibly because after the map was originally drawn the Second Republic went as far as Stanislasow (Ivano Frankivsk), Lwow (Lviv) and Pinsk (in Belarus)?
Why were parts of Silesia (Slech) left out though?
article re USA and Ukr shadow government , moving to 2 government of reconciliation2 but still a USA puppet?
re Putins achievements whilst not publicly visible recently………….In this context it is easy to guess what Putin was occupied with. He tamed the Central Bank, maintained international contacts and did everything so that Russia will be on top after the hot phase of the emerging global economic conflict is over.
So far, everything is going well. The victory will be ours.”
Peskov has recently stated what Putin was doing too.
as it says
LNY/DPR call on Merkel to stop Kiev breaking Minsk-note, apart from joint statement supporting Yats recently, she is very quiet-Yats may be dismissed from job due to corruption investigations to be presented to RADA this week, so where will she be standing then, only as a puppet of USA who wants to separate Russia from Germany at all cost, openly or subversively surely.Merkel making many mistakes?
NATO has decided to form a new fighting force designed to respond swiftly in the face of threats.
The Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) will include about 5,000 troops, primarily from France, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain, with maritime, special operations and aviation units.
The “spearhead force,” as NATO describes it, is meant to give the rest of the 30,000 service members in the NATO Response Force (NRF) time to mobilize.
NATO Defense Ministers decided to create the high-readiness force “In light of the changing security environment to the east and south of the Alliance’s borders,” the coalition said on its website.
The force is in the midst of part one of a training exercise dubbed Operation Noble Jump. Having begun on April 1 and concluding on April 10, the exercise includes missions in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands, and marks the first time that the forces will practice rapid “orders to move,” NATO officials said.
Read more: http://sputniknews.com/news/20150404/1020461486.html#ixzz3WKv8lbz6
V, April 4. /TASS/. The leader of the Batkivshchina party’s faction in the Ukrainian Parliament, Yulia Timoshenko, has declared the intention to propose a special parliamentary inquiry to investigate the latest rises in the prices of natural gas for households.
“I wish to propose creating a special panel of inquiry in parliament uniting all factions. The probe will decompose those prices to the molecular and atomic level. It will scrutinize each accounting document. It will show you what everything consists of and it will produce the correct price,” Timoshenko said on the 112 television channel, adding she would like to lead the inquiry herself.
Note-corruption continues as Tymo was herself convicted of major fraud, only trying to pretend she is acting on behalf of the poeoples………………IMF said energy bills must increase.
—–THE HAGUE, April 4. /TASS/. A Dutch investigative journalist argues the way his country’s prosecutors have been investigating the causes behind the loss of the Malaysian Boeing passenger jet (Flight MH-17) over Ukraine last summer is not trustworthy. Joost Niemoller, the author of “MH-17: The Cover-up Deal” – a book exploring the facts behind the disaster, has told TASS the investigation should be handed over to a higher, international level.
Niemoller argues that Ukraine has been causing ever greater pressures on the investigation.
Netherlands plan to resume search works at Boeing crash site in Ukraine in April
“Many factors point in this direction. For instance, a recent YouTube video, uploaded just recently, with a call on witnesses to help investigate the tragedy,” he said. “All information mentioned in that video had been provided by Ukrainian secret services. It looks more like propaganda.”
April 3. /TASS/. Ukraine’s former Prime Minister, Nikolai Azarov, said on Friday he could not rule out immediate involvement of the West in the state coup in Ukraine.
He said it in an interview with the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche.
“On one occasion, the Americans asked us to let two of their airlifters into our territory without control,” Azarov said. “The case in hand was the transportation diplomatic documents. Can you imagine two military transportation jets filled with correspondence or printouts of network messages? That’s ridiculous!”
“The data our intelligence services managed to obtain said the cargo most likely consisted of specialized equipment and cash money because every revolution needs financing,” he said.
According to Azarov, the then President, Viktor Yanukovich hoped the Americans would meet him halfway. “He didn’t want to lose them but they cheated him.”
“The Americans acted cunningly,” he said. “They told Yanukovich he was legitimate (as President of Ukraine – TASS), that he was a guarantor of the Constitution and he should stay in office until the next election and the only thing they insisted on was the setting-up of a national unity government.”
He believes however this was a trick for supplanting Yanukovich.
Azarov indicated nonetheless that Yanukovich hoped until the very last moment the conflict in Ukraine could be settled politically and diplomatically.”
gosh, thanks for quick posting today moderators, happy easter to everyone
when coal is delivered by train to Kiev, the rail waggons are not returned……………………
“American and British troops arrived to the landfill, “Ely” in Kazakhstan to participate in joint exercises “Spepnoy Eagle-2015”. The first stage of training will be held from 6th to April 17, the second phase is scheduled in June. Teachings nominated in the category of “peace.” Besides Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK, the event will be attended by military Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey.
Why Kazakhs training in a company on its territory can only guess.”
anna-news google translate-remember article re colour revolutions Kyrgistan, use of Uzbekistan against Rus.
Chairman of the board “Naftogaz” Andrew Kobolev said that the Dutch-British oil and gas company Shell may leave another project in Ukraine due to the government’s decision to establish an annuity of 55%. He said this in the program “Shuster LIVE” on the TV channel “112 Ukraine”.
“As the company Shell, just to clarify. There are several projects, one they really have left because of the war in the East, unfortunately, the project sales, is now in question to continue or not, because the rent and that the government has established, very high, “- said Kobolev.
Yarosh is still going to get Crimea back, hell then be happy to have his holidays there as in his childhood.
“In addition, he reported what forces now has “the right sector” to continue the war. “Right sector” has 15 reserve battalions are deployed throughout Ukraine. We now have a system such that we have combat units that are located across the front line, its medical service, and soon we will open a full-fledged medical battalion based on the service. Our medical teams are stretched from the village to the Lugansk Mariupol. And we already have 1.5 dozen reserve battalions, which, in fact, deployed throughout Ukraine, “- said Yarosh.
As we have previously reported that the Ukrainian part of the soldiers of the Volunteer Corps’ right quadrant “moves to the contract in the 79th Airmobile Brigade. Yarosh said earlier on the harmonization of the mechanism by which “the right sector” is ready to join the Ministry of Defense. It is about creating a separate structure for example Estonian Defence League.”
“Earlier, the dismissal of the State Financial Inspection of Ukraine Mykola Gordienko said in Parliament about the corruption schemes in the government Yatsenyuk.
“Corruption schemes in Ukraine led government Yatsenyuk,” – said he then. In particular, the former official said that corruption schemes were discovered in the process of privatization of “Ukrtelecom”. According to him, violations are calculated “billions”.
In addition, Gordienko said that the government blocks the disclosure of corruption schemes times former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov.”
Russia will not go to war with the Europeans, at least not utilizing their nuclear missiles (INF). Why? A nuclear war will also damage Russia because of close proximity. When (not if but when), thermonuclear war breaks out, Russia will go for the kill. They will go for the head of NATO which is the US. Only an overwhelming first strike on the US will Russia win. As you have pointed out they are ready and capable. It’s true. There should not be any comparison with past wars (WW1, WW2), for a thermonuclear war is a class of its own. NATO, especially the US is blind because they CAN’T SEE the seriousness of their actions. The young people who runs the US today are blind. But their time has come. God gave the US the privilege to drop atoms on Japan. But this time around He will give the Russians the privilege to drop nuclear bombs on the US.
Dmitry Sergeyevich Peskov is right. I don’t think the American and Russian security services have met in secret lately. Putin declared in last fall that there will be no secret meetings between Russia and the US. Even at the diplomatic level. The last secret meeting between US and Russian diplomats was in June last year on an island in Finland, I think. Western media wrongly informs as usual and writes in defamatory manner when she relates to Russia and to our president. Because she is paid generously to manipulate the minds of those gullible from the west. In my opinion, this is a great article written by The Saker like almost all others! Created with your heart and with your mind. All the informations about Russian army are real and psychology and mentality of the Russian people remained unchanged throughout our entire turbulent history. I completely agree with you!
Russia maybe doesn’t want war, but Russian officers in highly alerted Russian army and security forces definitely want to strike first, knowing war is inevitable anyway (Clausewitz’s laws are pretty strict in what happens when one side start with mobilization…). Putin can do little with this situation – he can execute large drills or allow officers to fight is Donbas, but it’s not solution forever.
Question of Crimea obviously has no win-win solution. Especially scary is the fact NATO has almost no battleworthy ground units, so it can play only nuclear option.
USA needs a new Vietnam to calm down.As nobody dispute its heregmony believe because won Nazi(they believe that only them won Nazi in WW2)won comunism and soviet empire now they have the authorization from God to save the world and to teach “Democracy”I hope Russia to give to USA a lesson like got in Vietnam from Việt Cộng in order to calm down the arrogant and “superior”nation !!!
Yes, the article illustrate the real future . only the west win the war in dreams. Real thing is that Russia keeps USA at gun point. If full scale war breaks all nukes from Russia attack the big boss of NATO
That ends ww3 because if commander does soldiers stop fighting. No command no NATO
.Always the western media creates hoax against Russia and their leader I did not understand when Putin was not seen in media for ten days British media dreamed that Putin was dead,this shows how you are timid to Russian military. British,French,Germans are vassal countries to USA.But the brave Russia never ever bend to any kind of pressure. That why I like Russia.NATO did not have guts and balls to attack Russia.Don’t think Russia is not like Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya . NATO must see the TZAR BOMB footage. Then think that 8000 Nukes going to hit New York,Washington, Sanfranscico…… And so on.Nothing survive except few bunkers Everything become nuclear waste.So better stay away fr Russian bear.
just read the mindset of those who are so full of their eternal self proclaimed mission to rule the world!…mind boggling!
Someone need to pop this bubble!
Yes, even the title word “Axis” with its WWII inference is inflammatory. Academic propaganda.
The Diplomat should be retitled the The Disinformationalist because it’s nothing more than a mouthpiece for Anglo-American propaganda.
The Anglos instinctively demonize any nation or group of nations that oppose the current Anglo-American dominated world order … glorious freedom and demoncracy.
So their article is cliched as it is predictable in its inflammatory memes and propaganda tropes.
Note how the Anglos gutlessly ignore, downplay, or divert attention from the fact that the United States, Great Britain, and other Anglo imperial powers have waged serial aggressive wars against Iraq, Afghanistna, Libya, not to mention bombing Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and covertly attacking Syria.
If there is a comparison to the Axis powers of WWII, it really should be the ANGLO-AMERICAN AXIS, who after all actually funded the rise of the Nazis in Germany before the war and welcomed Nazi war criminals to their nations after it. See America’s Operation Paper Clip and the Gehlen SS for the United States’ many Nazi connections.
Look at us and remember – they will do the same to you if you disunite and go soft. The West – this mad guard dog – will sink its teeth into your throat. Brothers, remember Yugoslavia’s fate! Don’t let them do the same thing to you! Russians, what do you need Europe for? It’s hard to find a nation which is more self-reliant than you. Europe needs you, but not the opposite. It is three of you – three entire countries! – but there is no unity! You have everything you need and it is your own: a lot of land, energy, water, science, industry and culture. When we had Yugoslavia and were united, we felt ourselves as a great power, able to move mountains. Now, because of our stupidity and unwillingness to listen to each other, Yugoslavia does not exist anymore. And we all are “unwanted warts” on European political map – new markets for their expensive stuff and American democracy”.
The real enemy is not Putin or Obama…read Vatican Assassins by Jon Phelps and the Perestroika Deception by Christopher Storey and Anatoly Golytsin. Now you will see that all roads lead to Rome, as they always do. The Jesuits control all via their Papal Knights system. They WILL have their World War III and they NEVER fail to get what they want.
Lots of armchair Generals here – me included.
I’d like to call your attention to a book edited by Anthony Cave Brown, entitled “Dropshot. The American Plan for World War III Against Russia in 1957.” Dial Press.1978. It was prepared in 1949 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff for President Truman. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was General Omar Bradley.
This top secret plan was declassified in 1977. It influenced US foreign policy for decades. Although weaponry has changed radically, the geopolitical situation remains much the same. It predicted a US loss and Russian occupation of Europe and how the US could occupy Russia and eliminate Bolshevism. I recommend it as a necessary part of understanding the current situation.
Obama think that only USA has his own interest and nobody more.That is the same spirits as when whithe man came to America and killed one million of the local people to take ther terrestrial!Pentagon thinks they can do the same today in the world.Hitler wanted to do new order.Pentagon thinks to do the same I the global measure ?!They are totally lost in they’re reasoning .Whenever they do anything in the world that is disaster .Look Afganistan,Iraq,Lybia,Syria,Ukraina….That is mental maladies.The human intelligence must stand up to STOP terroristic behaviours of the mentally deregulated people.This is planetary call for resurrection agains stats terrorists behaviour.
I would say there is one more salient point. Putin has shown the Americans to be unmitigated cowards.
For all their hot air, when faced, finally, with a worthy opponent more than capable of knocking their fructose corn syrup rotted teeth down their throats they run and hide under their bedsheets like scared children prefering instead to hurl insults.
If there was a speck of bravery in their junk food bred bodies they would be smashing Putin’s door down.
No, definitely, Putin revealed america’s true colour…..Yellow.
“No, definitely, Putin revealed america’s true colour…..Yellow.”
Perhaps a better metaphor could be found in Andersen’s Emperors New Clothes including the denoument which was that the Emperor raised up his clothes and the procession moved on.
I suggest the process was more complex than you suggest.
I just want to add my assent to the entire article, thanking the Saker, not because it’s a fun topic, but because it so very much needs to be said. This situation is so non-nonsensical. The masses have nothing whatsoever to gain from this artificial conflict, and neither does the psychopathic Western elite that’s driving this. Nevertheless, that’s the reality, they are driving this insane game of chicken. And like the Saker says, “today the propaganda zombified public is utterly unaware of what is happening.” That’s totally my perception. Almost nobody here in the USA has a clue. They are dead asleep. They’ll be totally shocked when the nukes start raining down. Almost like an innocent, dumb animal that’s being led to slaughter. Though I realize the analogy only goes so far. It’s sick and sad and frightening and disgusting to say the least.
BTW I’m still here caught in Catch 22, more or less in suspended animation or limbo, LOL. But even here I’m vulnerable to (nuclear) (or other types of destruction–such as economic–which also seems to be in their plans for the near future, within the next four months perhaps. Anything you have on that topic would be welcomed as well) just like the rest of humanity. People have been indoctrinated to believe that if they don’t see a danger, then it isn’t there and isn’t a danger (it’s a variation of magical thinking) and even if it is a real danger, that there’s a savior that will swoop in at the last minute to save them (because they are special after all). They should look at the history of the Native Americans or the Palestinians or many many other innocent peoples who have been decimated, for an example of how accurate that view of reality is. Real faith requires the effort towards conscious awareness and the courage to take a stand and to act.
They should look at the history of the Native Americans exactly.
See this for more detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Xh5eN2fXY
Русские не сдаются!
Сдаются Верочка. Все сдаются. Всё зaвисит от многих факторов.
Finally Some Dutch Media waking up to the reality of the absolute Bullshit of The Ukraine in its accusations of Russian or Donbass militias being somehow responsible for the downing of & deaths on flight MH 17. Nu Nieuws. NL thank you for having the balls to publish your article. Eureka!
My sincere respect for Nu.Nieuws in Netherlands for publishing this article as I feared that any honest real media coverage had died in Nederland under the Tyrany and dictatorship of the VVD & PVDA Ukrainian US state department boot lickers.
Why, because Shell has investments in Ukraine perhaps???
In the article The Ukraine is blamed for not closing its air-space during war.
In the article is mentioned that the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs & Dutch Ministry of Defense were warned by the Ukraine that the Ukrainian Donbas rebels had acquired Russian anti air defense rockets according to Ukrainian authorities. (how convenient) I still am personally convinced the Ukraine Kiev Nazi Junta did it because they lied about absolutely everything.
The important information was not passed on to the Dutch civilian airlines and not clearly discussed by the Dutch government departments to make clear warnings or travel advise.
So now we can perhaps/ absolutely stop with unfairly blaming Russians & Ukrainian rebels and focus all that hate and anger on completely irresponsible imbeciles working in several departments of The Dutch government. Lets take those responsible Dutch public officials to the international criminal court in The Hague since its very close to do so. But since that court could not be impartial why not have the direly sought after “Dutch Court, Monkey Show” moved to Moscow.
I volunteer to be the cook for the accused Dutch public servants.
“Negatief reisadvies
De strekking van de memo kon het kabinet wel delen en die komt overeen met wat uit Argos zaterdag meldde, namelijk dat de ministeries van Buitenlandse Zaken en Defensie door de Oekraïense autoriteiten gewaarschuwd was van de aanwezigheid van Russische luchtdoelraketten in oost-Oekraïne.
In het programma kwamen diverse experts aan het woord die vinden dat de Nederlandse overheid met de kennis uit het verslag actie had kunnen ondernemen door bijvoorbeeld een negatief reisadvies voor het luchtruim boven Oekraïne af te geven.”
Mark Rutte Minister President of The Netherlands you two faced peanut butter selling Mthr Fkr. I am certain that many vote to have you removed from office immediately and start by apologizing to all the victims families of MH17 and then The Donbas militia & then the Russian government if you have any balls whatsoever, but I doubt it you filthy political slime ball weasel. Kissing diplomatic & subserviently “behind” was more important to you than the safety of all those passengers?
The Dutch Cabinet under Mark Rutte “did not want to send the report & info on the briefing to the (Publically scrutenizing second chamber parliament) “Tweede Kamer” because it could have hurt diplomatic relations.” according to him
So instead all those people on MH17 died because of his stupidity?
“Uit het verslag blijkt dat de aanwezige diplomaten op de hoogte waren gesteld van het neerhalen van een Antonov vrachtvliegtuig op 14 juli.
De rebellen waren in het bezit van zware Russische luchtdoelraketten die het vliegtuig van ruim 6 kilometer hoogte uit de lucht kon schieten.
Het kabinet heeft het verslag van de briefing niet naar de Tweede Kamer willen sturen omdat het volgens premier Mark Rutte diplomatieke verhoudingen zou kunnen schaden.”
I agree with the vast majority of this article, but Russia lost a couple more wars than just three. The “Winter War” with Finland in 1940 was a major blow, but one can argue later strengthened Russia’s recently purged officer corp against Hitler’s invasion.
The second would be the Mongol invasions of the 14th-16th centuries. The Russian people were wholly subjugated, but lived a feudalism not much different than that experienced in the West before the renaissance. And in the end the Russians rebelled, won, and created a vast empire which reached the Pacific ocean a century and a half before Lewis and Clark saw the same ocean half the distance away.
Natoists, new Nazi, are the biggest threat for Russia and Europe, they are the American boots lickers.
Muchas gracias S
I have no argument with any of the points made by Saker in this analysis. Russia is better prepared for war than USA. Its Army is unquestionably superior to the America’s. Its air force holds many advantages over America’s air force as well. But, unless Russia can cripple the US Navy in the very first days of war (a month at most), it is very unlikely that Russia’s victories in Europe and the Arctic could assure it of total victory over the United States.
I am not suggesting that it would be impossible for Russia to achieve a string of “Pearl Harbor” attacks against the dozen or so major US naval bases, and to hunt down the 4-5 carrier groups which would be at sea at any given time. But I am saying that it would be extremely difficult to do this, even if Russia achieved total surprise.
Besides the carrier groups, the US Naval submarine fleet possess awesome destructive power, and it should be presumed to be just as difficult to detect and defeat as Russia’s submarines.
I am sure that the Saker will acknowledge that the US makes every effort to continuously monitor the movements and positions of Russia’s warships and submarines as well as its missile and bomber forces. There are a finite number of naval bases and air bases from which Russia’s attacks against the USA would be launched. There are contingency plans to destroy these forces and their bases at the very onset of hostilities.
Who knows how successful one side will prove to be, both in the attack and in the defend modes.
Rule number one, on page one of the Army Manual is: “Do not march on Moscow”
– General Montgomery (allegedly)
It is a factual statement recorded in Hansard.
Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: “Do not march on Moscow”. Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: “Do not go fighting with your land armies in China”. It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives.
In the House of Lords, 30 May 1962 (Hansard, Col. 227)
Thanks, Saker — a great read, and probably very true.
One *detail* though. What if the elites that currently control US foreign policy are hell bent on seeing America destroyed through exactly a nuclear war with Russia? (Presumably Strangelove-like, hiding in underground bunkers to ride it all out, then to emerge later to reclaim control after the destruction…)
A really awesome movie about Catherine the Great (and the moral fibre of the Russians and the Germans as Catherine was German) is called “Young Catherine” staring the most beautiful Julia Ormond, the great Vanessa Redgraves and the fantastic Christopher Plummer.
Highly recommended for all to enjoy and learn a little history of Mother Russia!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSuQuRUbw4k (Part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF30MpIAKKo (Part 2)
Don’t ever mess with Mother Russia!!!
I bet everyone here 1 ruble that the one who will succeed President Putin (if he ever retires and if we don’t face WW3 anytime soon) is . . . the amazing and indomitable Natalia Poklonskaya!!!
May your heart be light and your purse be heavy!
Cat1,Cat11.A long watch ,but enjoyable,thx.
I’m very much alarmed by Germany’s stance.
The following video is of February 2015:
Putin Leads France & Germany from US Tyranny
April 2015:
Germany’s Merkel Comes Out as Basically a U.S. Agent
After the Cabinet meeting, a joint press conference was held with Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, in which he said and [Merkel] seconded, that Ukraine was ready to join the EU (…) He said that the only barriers against that are Russian aggression, and a shortage of money from Germany and from other Western nations. The two leaders stated that the front-line against the threat from Russia is Ukraine, and Merkel promised to do what is needed in order to help.
The inauspicious signifier of December 2014:
The EU to Become a “U.S. Colony”? The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would Abolish Europe’s Sovereignty.
The question may be asked – did the NSA find out something mortifying when they were eavesdropping on Merkel’s cell phone? – When she found out about the White House tapping her phone, she appeared extremely furious about Obama. Many politicians, including in Europe, hoped this would suggest a break from Washington – which would have allowed other European puppets to follow their ascribed European leader. Then suddenly she made a U-turn. It is difficult to believe that she is so naïve. Whatever they may have on her – putting the future lives of more than 600 million Europeans at stake is a crime.