This article was written for the Unz Review:
Watching the last Presidential debate was a rather depressing experience. I thought that Trump did pretty well, but that really is not the point here. The point is this: no matter who wins, an acute crisis is inevitable.
Option one: Hillary wins. That’s Obama on steroids, only worse. Remember that Obama himself was Dubya, only worse. Of course, Dubya was just Clinton, only worse. Now the circle is closed. Back to Clinton. Except this time around, we have a women who is deeply insecure, who failed at every single thing that she every tried to do, and who now has a 3 decades long record of disasters and failures. Even when she had no authority to start a war, she started one (told Bill to bomb the Serbs). Now she has that authority. And now she had to stand there, in front of millions of people, and hear Trump tell her “Putin outsmarted you at every step of the way” (did you see her frozen face when he said that?). Trump is right, Putin did outsmart her and Obama at every step. The problem is that now, after having a President with an inferiority complex towards Putin (Obama) we will have a President with the very same inferiority complex and a morbid determination to impose a no-fly zone over Russian forces in Syria. Looking at Hillary, with her ugly short hair and ridiculous pants, I thought to myself “this is a woman who is trying hard to prove that she is every bit as tough and any man” – except of course that she ain’t. Her record also shows her as being weak, cowardly and with a sense of total impunity. And now, that evil messianic lunatic with a deep-seated inferiority complex is going to become Commander in Chief?! God help us all!
Option two: Trump wins. Problem: he will be completely alone. The Neocons have a total, repeat total, control of the Congress, the media, banking and finance, and the courts. From Clinton to Clinton they have deeply infiltrated the Pentagon, Foggy Bottom, and the three letter agencies. The Fed is their stronghold. How in the world will Trump deal with these rabid “crazies in the basement“? Consider the vicious hate campaign which all these “personalities” (from actors, to politicians to reporters) have unleashed against Trump – they have burned their bridges, they know that they will lose it all if Trump wins (and, if he proves to be an easy pushover his election will make no difference anyway). The Neocons have nothing to lose and they will fight to the very last one. What could Trump possibly do to get anything done if he is surrounded by Neocons and their agents of influence? Bring in an entirely different team? How is he going to vet them? His first choice was to take Pence as a VP – a disaster (he is already sabotaging Trump on Syria and the elections outcome). I *dread* the hear whom Trump will appoint as a White House Chief of Staff as I am afraid that just to appease the Neocons he will appoint some new version of the infamous Rahm Emanuel… And should Trump prove that he has both principles and courage, the Neocons can always “Dallas” him and replace him with Pence. Et voilà!
I see only one way out:
The (imperfect) Putin model
When Putin came to power he inherited a Kremlin every bit as corrupt and traitor-infested as the White House nowadays. As for Russia, she was in pretty much the same sorry shape as the Independent Nazi-run Ukraine. Russia was also run by bankers and AngloZionist puppets and most Russians led miserable lives. The big difference is that, unlike what is happening with Trump, the Russian version of the US Neocons never saw the danger coming from Putin. He was selected by the ruling elites as the representative of the security services to serve along a representative of the big corporate money, Medvedev. This was a compromise solution between the only two parts of the Russian society which were still functioning, the security services and oil/gas money. Putin looked like a petty bureaucrat in an ill fitting suit, a shy and somewhat awkward little guy who would present no threat to the powerful oligarchs of the semibankirshchina (the Seven Bankers) running Russia. Except that he turned out to be one of the most formidable rulers in Russia history. Here is what Putin did as soon as he came to power:
First, he re-established the credibility of the Kremlin with the armed forces and security services by rapidly and effectively crushing the Wahabi insurgency in Chechnia. This established his personal credibility with the people he would have to rely on to deal with the oligarchs.
Second, he used the fact that everybody, every single businessman and corporation in Russia, did more or less break the law during the 1990s, if only because there really was no law. Instead of cracking down on the likes of Berezovski or Khodorkovski for their political activities, he crushed them with (absolutely true) charges of corruption. Crucially, he did that very publicly, sending a clear message to the other arch-enemy: the media.
Third, contrary to the hallucinations of the western human rights agencies and Russian liberals, Putin never directly suppressed any dissent, or cracked down on the media or, even less so, ordered the murder of anybody. He did something much smarter. Remember that modern journalists are first and foremost presstitutes, right? By mercilessly cracking down on the oligarchs Putin deprived the presstitutes of their source of income and political support. Some emigrated to the Ukraine, others simply resigned, and a few were left like on a reservation or a zoo on a few very clearly identifiable media outlets such as Dozhd TV, Ekho Moskvy Radio or the newspaper Kommersant. Those who emigrated became irrelevant, as for those who stayed in the “liberal zoo” – they were harmless has they had no credibility left. Crucially, everybody else “got the message”. After that, all it took is the appointment a few real patriots (such as Dmitri Kiselev, Margarita Simonian and others) in key positions and everybody quickly understood that the winds of fortune had now turned.
Fourth, once the main media outlets were returned back to sanity it did not take too long for the “liberal” (in the Russian sense, meaning pro-USA) parties to enter into a death-spiral from which they have never recovered. That, in turn, resulted in the ejection of all “liberals” form the Duma which now has only 4 parties, all of them more or less “patriotic”.
That’s the part that worked.
So far, Putin failed to eject the 5th columnists, whom I call the “Atlantic Integrationists” (for details, including their names, see here) from the government itself.. Even the notorious Alexei Kudrin was not fired by Putin, but by Medvedev. The security services succeeded in finally getting rid of Anatolii Serdyukov but they did not have power needed to put him in jail. I still think that a purge will happen while Alexander Mercouris disagrees. Whatever may be the case, what is certain is that Putin has not tackled the 5th columnists in the banking/finance sector and that the latter have being very careful not to give him a pretext to take action against them.
Russia and the USA are very different countries, and no recipe can be simply copied from one to another. Still, there are valuable lessons from the “Putin model” for Trump, not the least of which that his most formidable enemies probably are sitting in the Fed. One Russian analyst – Rostislav Ishchenko – has suggested that Trump could somehow force the Fed to increase interest rates, which would result in a bankruptcy domino effect for US banks which might be the only way to finally crush the Fed and re-take control of US banking. Maybe. I honestly am not qualified to have an opinion about that.
What is sure is that for the time being the USA will continue to look like that:

A homeless man, possibly a veteran, has built a “corridor of flags” to get people to give him money. Florida, October 2016.
Rich on cheapo patriotism and otherwise poor.
Hillary thinks that this is a stunning success. Trump thinks that this is a disgrace. I submit that the choice between these two is really very simple.
To those who are saying that there cannot be a schism in the AngloZionist elites, I will reply that the example of the conspiracy to prevent Dominique Strauss-Kahn from becoming the next French President shows that, just like hyenas, AngloZionist leaders do sometimes turn on each other. That happens in all regimes, regardless of their political ideology (think SS against SA in Nazi Germany or Trotskists against Stalinists in Boshevik USSR).
Of brooms and body parts
Leon Trotsky used to say the Soviet Russia needed to be cleansed from anarchists and noblemen with an “iron broom”. He even wrote an article in the Pravda entitled “We need an iron broom”. Another genocidal manic, Felix Derzhinskii, founder of the notorious ChK secret police, used to say that a secret police officer must have a “burning heart, a cool head and clean hands”. One would seek weakness, or even compassion, in vain from folks like these. These are ideology-driven “true believers”, sociopaths with no sense of empathy, profoundly evil people with a genocidal hatred of anybody standing in their way.
Hillary Clinton and her gang of Neocons are the spiritual (and sometimes even physical) successors of the Soviet Bolsheviks and they, just like their Bolshevik forefathers, will not hesitate for a second to crush their enemies. Donald Trump – assuming he is for real and actually means what he says – has to understand that and do what Putin did: strike first and strike hard. Stalin, by the way, also did exactly that, and for a while the Trotskyists were crushed, but in the years following Stalin’s death they gradually bounced back only to seize power again in 1991 (not Trotskyists in a literal sense of the word, but russophobic Jews who had nothing but contempt for the Russian people). I think that the jury is still out on whether Putin will succeed in finally removing the 5th columnist from power. What is sure is that Russia is at least semi-free from the control of these people and that the US is their last bastion right now. Their maniacal hatred of Trump can in part be explained by the sense of danger these folks feel, being threatened for the first time in what they see as their homeland (I don’t mean that in a patriotic sense – but rather like a parasite care for “his” host). And maybe they have some good reason to fear. I sure hope that they do.
I am rather encouraged by the way Trump handled the latest attempt to make him cower in fear. Yesterday Trump dared to declare that since the election might be rigged or stolen he does not pledge to recognize their outcome. And even though every semi-literate person knows that elections in the USA have been rigged and stolen in the past, including Presidential ones, by saying that Trump committed a major case of crimethink. The Ziomedia pounced on him with self-righteous outrage and put immense pressure on him to retract his statement (which, by the way, contradicted Pence’s stance). Instead of rolling over and recanting his “crime”, Trump replied with this:
Beautiful no? Let’s hope he continues to show the same courage.
Trump is doing now what Jean-Marie Le Pen did in France: he is showing the Neocons that be that he dares to openly defy them, that he refuses to play by their rules, that their outrage has no effect on his and that they don’t get to censor or, even less so, silence him. That is also what he did when, yet again, he refused to accuse the Russians of cyber-attacks and, instead, repeated that it would be a good thing for Russia and the USA to be friends. Again, I am not sure that how long he will be able to hold that line, but for the time being there is no denying that he is openly defying the AngloZionist deep state and Empire.
The United States are about to enter what might possibly be the deepest and most dangerous crisis of their history. If Trump is elected, he will have to immediately launch a well-planned attack against his opponents without giving them any pretext to accuse him of politically motivated repressions. In Russia, Putin could count on the support of the military and the security services. I don’t know whom Trump can count on, but I am fairly confident that there are still true patriots in the US armed forces. If Trump gets the right person to head the FBI, he might also use that agency to clean house and deliver a steady streams of indictments for corruption, conspiracy to [fill the blank], abuse of authority, obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty, etc. Since such crimes are widespread in the current circles of power, they are also easy to prove and cracking down on corruption would get Trump a standing ovation from the American people. Next, just as Putin in Russia, Trump will have to deal with the media. How exactly, I don’t know. But he will have to face this beast and defeat it. At every step in this process he will have to get the proactive support of the people, just like Putin does. Can he do it?
I don’t know. Honestly, I doubt it. First, I still don’t trust him. But, more relevantly, I would argue that to overthrow the deep state and restore true people power is even harder in the USA than it was in Russia. I have always believed that the AngloZionist Empire will have to be brought down from the outside, most probably by a combination of military and economic defeats. I still believe that. However, I might be wrong – in fact, I hope that I am – and maybe Trump will be the guy to bring down the Empire in order to save the United States. If there is such a possibility, however slim, I think that we have to believe in it and act on it as all the alternatives are far worse.
The Saker
Putin has done wonders, and I thank you for pointing out how much this “shy and rather awkward man” has built up Russia starting from the time ” he re-established the credibility of the Kremlin with the armed forces and security services by rapidly and effectively crushing the Wahabi insurgency in Chechnia.” The armed forces of the USA certainly contain loyal officers who would welcome a similar move to crush the Wahabi insurgency among the moneyed classes of the USA. And I must confess that I was cynical about Putin’s ability to combat those terrorists. So let us hope that Trump wins, and that he has even a fraction of Putin’s moral integrity.
“By their deeds shall ye know them”.
This election is also a referendum on white america. Since the 1960s the globalist managed to remove immigration restriction made to keep the demographic balance in USA 90%+ white, 7% black, 3% other, today white children and babies are already a minority and whites are set to become a total minority in USA.
“Minority babies outnumber whites among US infants ”
To understand what difference politically this demographic balance makes, let us put it this way, If whites had been majority today, then Trump would have won today guaranteed, a landslide victory, but at current demograpic balance when all blacks, hispanics, asians, arabs the supermajority of non-whites always vote democratic, Trump is barely on the edge and might even lose.
If Trump loses, that will have been the last chance for USA, the republicans and Trump will never be able to win again, Hillary will legalize all democrat-voting illegal aliens and continue to bring in more democrat-voting non-whites. And a Trump victory or even republican in 4 or 8 years simply will not be possible, USA will be a democratic single party state.
So the election in Nov, could be seen as a referenedum by white america, whether they want USA to continue to exist or they want it to be turn into a third world black-mexican-arab country were whites will made into a miserable minority in the style of South Africa or Zimbabwe, and eventually exterminated either physically by violence or just be simply being pushed away and not allowed to remain a majority in any area. As it is now when whites are driven from town to town, because towns need “diversity”.
Many racists will of course cry out by sexual excitation at the notions of whites losing majority status in USA, these racists follows the culturalmarxist ideology that racism and oppression is whiteness and once the disease of people born with white skin is gone, USA will turn into a paradise. Naturally racists are morons and anti-whites are the biggest morons. In USA and the west the non-whites always vote for the most extreme establishment figure, in this case Hillary, that is one of the reasons why globalist floods the western world with non-whites, non-whites always vote establishment, while whites vote anti-establishment, from Farage, to Trump to Marine Le Pen. Hade it not been for all non-whites in USA today, Trump would win by something like 70%, sadly 99% of blacks and 70 of hispanics/asians/arabs always vote democrat. The effective result of end of white majority status in USA would mean that the only way to defeat USA would be thru external means such as war, since USA could never again be defeated from the inside.
very good comment
and a very similar situation we have
in Europe now
somehow we are close to the
lets hope the zionmafia gets what they
deserve asap
And there is the crux of the matter.
All this bluster over the fight in the ring, when the real issue is who owns Hillary Clinton, and what their agenda really is.
Imho to really understand this you need to read “the Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed, available online in pdf form for free.
The Zionists are the latest form of a very old cult that has been wreaking narcissistic havoc on all it comes into contact with, including those of the Jewish faith, since its priests told the first lie that got them control of the Judean tribe. Their objective would seem, based on some 2500 years of historical record, to be the devolution to chaos of all nations, so that a unitary world government might be created, which they can then control. The US is like all narcissists victims, eminently disposable when its usefulness ends. Until it does, no deed will be too foul, not excess too great, and no gullible voter too stupid. Expect chaos to ensue, millions to die violent deaths and the Zionists to be sitting on the periphery, whistling their dog’s actions as they herd the sheep to the slaughterhouse.
Long story short, chaos will ensue, regardless of the outcome on Nov 8.
Knowing what the problem really is gets you 90% of the way to solving it. The last 10% is being prepared to make the sacrifice in blood, tears and sweat to bring it about.
“Controversy of Zion” I have a hard copy from Amazon. Useful to make annotations in the margins. Well worth the read.
Douglas Reed’s “Controversy of Zion”is available as an online freebee d/l in PDF format. Easy to highlight and post your comments and notes in the margin. An absolutely extraordinarily revelatory masterpiece of history
It’s not about whites & non-whites, African Americans & indigenes/Latinos are just as much patriots who support Trump. (you shouldn’t believe the cr@p your Idiot-Box tells you)
Hitlery has less than 20% (if any) support even in their own (Demockratic) polls. Trump has at least 70% or more. The only problem is the amount of fraudulent votes, and who ‘counts’ the votes. They’ll be losing no matter what, American patriots are fed up, heavily armed, and aware of what’s going on.
What you said regarding race and patriotism is factually incorrect. Trump is the white-male-christian-conservative choice. Non-white overwhelming vote for globalist and anti establishment figure. Which is one of the reasons why globalist governments massimport non-whites.
Clinton Trump
Asian 51% 18%
Muslim 53% 17%
Hispanic 58% 14%
black 69% 11%
White 30% 41%
White male 25% 49%
Nonwhite male 57% 19%
Sorry, minor correction, I meant of course
“Non-white overwhelming vote for globalist and establishment figures. ”
“Non-white overwhelming vote for globalist and anti establishment figure. “
Polls are predictive programming; perception manipulation, a RIIA Tavistock tool. This should be mentioned in the media. Polls were used to generate support for US involvement in WWI and WWII. More recently, polls on scientists support for global warming, most commonly scepticalscience cognitive science psychology grad student John Cook’s 97% consensus was 41 abstracts out of 11,9444, that used the term global warming, a 0.34% consensus, has been quoted as showing that the majority of the world’s climate scientists support global warming theory.
I doubt that this the only deception used in Clinton’s campaign, but I know that most poll results have been based on input primarily from democrats.
Sarah, with the three hottest years ever coming one after another, fifteen of the sixteen hottest years ever since 2000, the Arctic sea ice hitting record lows and climate and weather disasters burgeoning, to claim that climate scientists DO NOT agree with the anthropogenic climate destabilisation hypothesis, is madness, and will cause this forum to be regarded as a bedlam of Rightwing lunacy.
Yes, deforestation, ocean acidification, Nazi GMO ‘food’ & vaccines, the total destruction of the environment.
Fact is, the whole warmongering evil system (including pseudointellectual-pseudoscientific charlatans, the ‘educational’ system & lyin’ media) is so monstrously corrupted & discredited that it’d be useless to argue about in the first place, it has no priority, first things first.
Ain’t that the truth. Maybe when the Jersey shore and Manhattan are awash with seawater it will finally dawn on the ACD hypothesis denier’s that they were wrong after all, tho’ it’s more likely that, like the people here in the UK fighting fighting a rearguard action against us leaving the EU, they’ll continue to insist that they’re right despite all markers, economic, social, etc. Once belief has started to trump evidence we’re all on a hiding to nothing. In the words of the John Mellenkamp song: “People believe what they want to believe, when it makes no sense at all”.
For reasons that don’t need ventilating here, the choice of either HRC or D. Trump is no choice at all: neither are capable of changing the status quo. It seems to me that the US has been in a dark place for some time now and if one were looking for an effective agency of change, it will need to come from within; Thomas Jefferson’s dictum that “From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots” seems to answer the current crisis. A friend once observed: “One good hanging prevents many a bad marriage”; the unholy marriage of mega money and the MIC is one such case. Desperate straits call for desperate measures.
Re climate change, which was originally called “global warming”, my understanding is that this warming period in Earth’s history is due largely to Sun Activity causing the the increase in temperature and that is simultaneously occurring on the other planets, as well and is not due to the increase in levels of .atmospheric CO2. “The Global Warming Swindle” by the BBC, while somewhat dated, hasn’t been entirely debunked and tries to show how politicized the debate has become.
“whites will made into a miserable minority in the style of South Africa or Zimbabwe”
Whites were always a minority in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
Not, a miserable minority, subject to extreme racist violence on and individual level and state sanctioned discrimination on a collective level.
And no whites were not a minority initially, especially not in South africa, in the beginning there were only whites and bushmen living in the populate regions of South africa. Then as South africa expanded and blacks mass immigration into apartheid for a better life they became a supermajority.
Don’t fret, all colours will go hungry soon and we can perish in full equality with these parasite nutterrs in power.
Your white- other dichotomy does not make much sense the way you present it. The non whites are for an important part 1st-3rd generation migrants, with less education. You´ve GOT to correct for this.
Trump would do a lot better if he adopts at least some of the agenda points of Sanders and Jill Stein: if he promises some relief on student loans and raises the minimum wage a little, he would get all the youngsters and workers behind him.
He should have a talk/ make a deal with Sanders, do these concessions, and have him endorse mrs Stein.
The US has a much easier challenge dealing with immigration than Europe, as Latinos have a culture with Christian values. It is a legacy of slavery and Monroe politics: learn to deal with it gracefully!
Your entire first paragraph does not make any sense at all grammatically the way you put it. I will have to ask you to clean it up and post it again because frankly I dont know what you are trying to claim.
(((Sanders))) and (((Stein))) are globalist anti-white filth. You are talking about an individual that says a person born with white skin cannot be poor, that sort of bigoted nonsense has no place in America.
Blacks were much better of in all fields under Monroe politics, more stable marriages, better health, longer lives, more head jobs, less abortions, less murder, rape, blacks owned their own business in their own communities, taught their own children in their own schools, they were generally happier, the final step in creating a separate homeland for blacks on the american continent should have been taken. Thomas Jefferson was right when he said blacks and whites are certainly both meant to be free and certainly not meant to live under the same government. If anything good has come from decades of state enforced multiculturalism is the absolute understanding that multiculturalism doesn’t work.
“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people [blacks] are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.” –Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821. ME 1:72
While Martin Luther politics have led us to a situation were blacks are a the bottom in every field in USA, from marriages, to abortion, to diease, and blacks literally hunt and kill white people for sport in the streets.
As to slavery, whites ended it, they did not create it. Anyone trying to use slavery as an anti-white argument is historically illiterate as well as racist.
The separation you are talking about, kinda like Haiti? The poorest nation in the world next to the richest nation in the world, USA hint. hint.
One of the driving force for wars and reduce 1/3 population of the global South including Eurasia is this fear of Westerners becoming minority including the U.S. This is one of the main issue even non Western media don’t mention it. And yet, the very idea of immigration, colonization, diversity, slavery, refugee and foreign policy were created by them not the nations that are targeted because they wanted cheap labor and brain drain of targeted nations. So you can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Putin is standing on the shoulders of a giants like Lenin and Stalin who built the foundation and yes Leonid Iliich Brezhnev. Without that foundation which was preserved Russia would not have the basics for come back. In short, Putin owes everything to Communists part of whom he used to be.
Russia now and 100 years ago is a starkly different country i terms of scientific foundation and military capabilities.
Not that Vladimir Vladimirovich is not a very capable man himself but he is not in the same league as those 2 giants I mentioned. Zinoviev called Lenin and Stalin men of epochal statue.
Hence, after 17 years in power his economic achievements are pultry by comparison.
What a joke. Zinoviev? A maniacal Jew. Lenin? Half maniacal Jew. Stalin? Controlled by maniacal Jews, until the end that is, when he was surrounded by them and they had already solidified control of Russia/USSR. No, Putin is a real Russian patriot who knows that the international Jews are the real, clear and present danger to Russia and the whole world. Putin is a giant.
Would it not be a small miracle if Trump gets into power and pulls an American version of Putin? It is delightful to contemplate such scenarios but as Mr. Saker points out Russians are very different from Americans; for thirty years I have been hoping for the rot to be expunged to no avail. I personally feel it is too late and the gangrene is just so advanced that even if we were to have a Putin type figure the body is so diseased cutting off a limb or two would be ineffective. Perhaps I am a bit pessimistic but I perceived that this was coming since the late 80’s when my unit received the identically Nazi styled Kevlar helmets and complained to my commander since both my Grandfathers were victims of the Fascists so they promptly in the most obvious, underhanded way got rid of me (forced me to go inactive) right before the beast empire emerged in a rage starting with Panama 1989 (in fact my unit was being readied for this invasion). This country (the Republic) is kaput and it will take a lot of improvement before I start having a positive outlook.
I agree. The stereotype is that Russians are innately more gloomy than Westerners, but Saker is way more optimistic than this 70-yr old native-born American, in fact, one who grew up just blocks from Hillary on the NW side of Chicago and has been quite successful in a high profile professional career. I don’t speak from personal bitterness or disappointments, but from outrage at what has been done to my country by the privileged insiders who own it and run every punctilious aspect of it. My generation has become very dark from all the crap we’ve seen go down over our life times.
I am 49 and was born & raised in Milwaukee southwest side; it is difficult to have watched our cities (I am very familiar with Chicago, lots of Serbs there) and the Republic disintegrate so quickly in less than one lifetime, it has left me somewhat cynical and bitter even though to this point I am in want of nothing materially but the spiritual vacuum is suffocating.
Not to mention what a pampered lot we are in the West me included. How much hardships in the resent history of 120 years did the Russians go thru before a Mr. Putin came along. I think this has a lot do do with it as well.
100 years from now when Westeners have kept themselves alive with vinegar we also are ready to embrace a Putin.
Yeah, we’re going to have to do something about that. Born in 68, here. You and I are just old enough to remember whar the boomers have destroyed. I told my wife this morning (after a bout of drinking last night), I finally realized I am actually in mourning. I had just tried not to face it.
The poz destroys all it touches, and the malaise- spiritual and otherwise- it can infect you with must leave us ever vigilant.
Puppy Dog, the Panama operation was typical of the Real Evil Empire. Massive force to capture a former CIA ‘asset’ who had turned rogue in not following orders any more. Thousands killed, most defenceless coloured civilians, in an orgy of cowardly mass murder. And various novel weapons used on the human guinea-pigs, as Israel does in Gaza.
Good one from Shaykh Imran Hosein. It gets better and better as he proceeds. In his interpretation, the countries comprising NATO + Israel are identified with Gog and Magog. They are oppressors and they are invincible until Heaven decides otherwise, namely not until after the great war, identified with the Christian Armageddon, and which he affirms is around the corner. Both the NATO countries and Russia too will be destroyed in that war, but enough of Russia will survive to fight at the very end and win, along with the remaining Muslim forces, the battle against the Antichrist. Russia is identified with Orthodox Christianity.
” Russia will survive to fight at the very end and win, along with the remaining Muslim forces”
What Muslim forces? Isis, Al-Qaeda, etc…?
Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran will align with Russia.
Dont you see that the 2 most vilified countries are Iran and Russia?
One is Muslim and the other is Orthodox Christian and both are hated by the ungodly West.
A huge war will be waged to settle things, as has been prophesied!!
absolutely!! they- the satanic group- want to destroy the two pillars of real opposition and religion…I do not think they will be successful as it has been prophesied
Imran Hosein is wrong. Christ instituted only one church to follow on from the Jewish Deicide and rejection of Him as Messiah; namely the One Holy Catholic Church. Only to His Church has the understanding of the prophecies and scripture been given. We live in the times that Jesus spoke of in the Parousia of St. Matthew’s Gospel: the Great Tribulation, “the likes of which has never been seen before, nor will be seen since” which will immediately precede Antichrist in his personification.
One of the great apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary was at Fatima in Portugal, just prior to the Russian Revolution in 1917. She gave messages to the three child seers, of which one was that She would return to ask the pope and the bishops of the world to enact a short liturgical ceremony consecrating Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. Ominously the BVM said to the three seers that it would happen but it would be late, and that in the meantime Russia would spread her errors throughout the world; but that, when it was done, Russia would convert to the One True Church, Her Immaculate Heart would triumph and a period of peace would be granted to the world. True to Her word, she did return to the last remaining seer, Sister Lucia, at her convent in Ranjo, Spain in 1929. Very sadly for the Catholic Church and the world, the subsequent popes have failed to obey the words of the Mother of God (which were actually words from God) although some popes tried but didn’t actually carry out the said consecration as prescribed, and Russia has spread her errors – of Communism – throughout the world. The result for the world is that the western world has turned Communist, embracing Satan and all his works, and renounced it’s Christian heritage. One of the attempts that Pope John Paul II did to make the consecration in 1984, seems to have had the beneficial effect, of Russia casting off it’s Bolshevik mantle and returning to it’s Christian roots, however not to the Catholic Church. The Church, by not carrying out the wishes of God has suffered a revolution at the hands of Modernism (a movement condemned by Pope Saint Pius X) at the hands of ecclesiastical masonry within the Church aided and abetted by Communism and Zionism, at the conclave of 1958 which saw the nefarious enemies of the Church get their man of Pope John XXIII elected, which ushered in the disaster that was Vatican II Council. The Church that Christ instituted has seen revolutionaries infect the Body, install a false church, and why She seemingly is in such terrible decline. We have a heretic, in Francis, leading this false church into the abyss.
Forgive this potted detour of the state of the world as seen through traditional Catholic eyes, for Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world but is essentially spiritual, but it serves to say that Gog and Magog is not who the learned scholar thinks it is. It is Russia and the Russian people. Please see the link at the bottom of this post which is from a publication called Chiesa Viva, which was written by a venerable and holy priest, Father Villa, who was called by Saint Padre Pio to fight the filth of ecclesiastical masonry that had, and still does infect the Church. This holy priest was given the Padre Pio mandate by Pope Pius XII , who reigned during WWII, some might say was the last great pope to reign prior to the Catholic Revolution. One of the messages that has come from Fatima is that God has given Russia the role to punish the world for offending Him so much. That will include the USSA. But God reserves His chastisements, too, both for the Church and for the world. The Church will be so persecuted that eventually a good and holy pope will be elected (Christ will come to the aid of His Church as he has done in the past with Israel in the Old Testament) who will restore the Catholic Church to her rightful glory and carry out the consecration of Russia as requested by the Blessed Virgin. It will see not only Christian Orthodoxy come back to the Holy Roman Catholic Church, but also the Protestants, see the conversion of the Muslims, and the Jews will convert on mass as prophesied in Ezekial and Saint Paul. This will be the true triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and a period of peace will be given to the world. All this will happen after much tribulation and wars, and prior to the arrival of Antichrist – the Monster! Ad majorem Dei gloriam!
“Christ will come to the aid of His Church as he has done in the past”
Why would the omniscient, omnipotent & omnibenevolent deity just cut out the bull**it and do that right now.
Ah, according to the good pleasure of his will!
Paul, what you wrote is wrong. The rcc is the false church, as revealed in Revelation 17 & 18, in particular verse 4: ‘And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.’
There is no other institution with the power of the rcc (biden is a catholic, as was most of the upper heirarchy of the nazi Government, and the EU is catholic created). The rcc wants to take over the Russian Orthodox church, or to destroy it. Putin stands in the way.
Since its split, the Catholic has been challenged by new Christian religion called Protestant and is growing. The Protestant is another church created by secret societies to have power over people just like the Vatican. That is why we hear recent attack against the Catholic on pedophillia. As for against the Orthodox, it is true, most of the Eastern block were Christian followers of the oriental they became Catholic to turn them against Russia and the original Christian faith as well as to create alliance.
While there were true Christ followers of his teaching for humanity and this movement growing unprecedented during the weakening of Roman empire, th empire had to be replaced with Vatican as “Christian Catholic” to continue to have power over the people.
Islam was created by Vatican Catholic and jews to counter the Christian fast growing and movement in the ME
I’m not sure what you’ve been smoking but it’s definately potent. Too many Dan Brown novels perhaps.
First of all I implore you to read the quran and ask yourself how such wisdom and authority can be authored by human hand. You will have to rid yourself of any pre-conceived notions or ideas. Truth is only intended for sincere hearts. “Except he who comes with a wholesome heart, none shall enter the garden of bliss” (quran). It challenges people to reflect, hence it encourages a discerning disposition, “And we have sent down this book for a people who think” (quran). It arouses the deepest of philosophical thought which immediately demands attention, “Do you think we created you in vain or for amusement and that you would not be brought back to us” (quran). It offers tremendous hope for the errors we make and despises despair, “What it is it that turns you away from the most compassionate, a great dispenser of grace” (quran). Ultimately, it declares, “Had this book not come from your lord, then surely you would find contradiction therein” (quran). So at least read it, that’s not asking too much.
You are also mistaken about Orthodox Christianity. It endured itself for over 1000 years as a social political model unlike it’s western counterpart.
You seem to have a grasp of religious historical thought. To add an eschatological flavour to your subject, I would highly recommend you listen to ‘Sheikh Imran Hosein’. I’m sure you will find it fascinating.
Okay, after these comments arguing religion I feel compelled to write this post even though it will ruffle some feathers…
“First of all I implore you to read the quran and ask yourself how such wisdom and authority can be authored by human hand.” … must be a different Quran than the one I am reading, for in reading it I personally am amazed that anyone can fall for it.
To me it reads like the writings of a poor salesman turned wanna-be guru who instead of coming up with his own teachings for the multitude of illiterate suckers back then just carries on about how ‘God’ punished the unbelievers as the Israelites wandered the wilds.
‘See how Allah punished them, so listen to me or else!’… over and over again (granted I am only about 100 or so verses in).
As to the Catholic Church… the historical evidence is pretty overwhelming to my mind.
It was never ‘God’s church’
… originally set up by power-trippers wanting to control the Roman people because the hundreds of wandering presbyters (‘guru’ wanna be story tellers) were causing fights and unrest across the Republic.
… the thousands of varying stories of ‘deities’ ranging from Mithras and Krishna to Julius Caesar and Thor, condensed into an ‘officially-sanctioned’ book by the Council of Nicae.
… even the book’s ‘hero’ invented by Constantine himself when the 300 or so presbyters invited to Nicae could not agree. Constantine apparently named him as Hesus Krishna after his two favourite ‘gods’ (Hesus was a britannic deity, Constantine was from Britain. Remember the letter ‘J’ did not exist until the 10th or 11th century).
“By their fruits you shall know them”
Just look at the centuries of persecution at the church’s (state’s) hands since its inception.
Don’t get me wrong… there is plenty of ‘truths’ in the Bible, as in the Quran and literally EVERY other ‘holy text’ ever written. But if the man, Jesus Christ ever existed, as soon as he passed on the powerseekers took over for their own agendas… something that in inevitable in ANY new movement.
Even the Buddhists have had their power struggles where ‘sects’ fought amongst themselves.
Spirituality has an important place for humanity. Every man and woman should seek to tune into the ‘divine spirit’, life force, electrical energy of the universe, matrix, whatever you want to call it. I call it the subconscious.
But religion is NOT spirituality. People can use religious texts like a road map but only when understanding the basic human nature for power and control over others and thus read said texts with a critical, read-between-the-lines mindset.
This world will be far happier place when people realise they don’t ‘need’ religion to be ‘good’. A sense of right and wrong is inherent, not taught. All ‘religion’ does is cause conflict by creating ‘the other’.
(rant over)
you are incredibly naïve, not to understand the ‘smoke and mirrors’ of groups like ISIS used as a pretext to reshape the middle east, all for the interest of greater Israel.
In relation to the previous comment, Sheikh Imran Hosein does not identify Iran (or coming from Iran) as the ‘remaining Muslim forces’ that will take the fight to the very end confronting the last of the Zionist forces. This force will confront the false messiah (anti Christ) under the ruler ship of the noble son of Maryam (Jesus, son of Mary. peace be upon them)
Silly. ISIS is not authentically Muslim. Are you a troll? For your information, the vast majority of Muslims live in Pakistan, India, Indonesia. There are also the Kurds. The Arabs are not the majority Muslims, and not terrorist is Muslim in any real sense.
The Middle East too wrapped up into Islamic this Islamic that, the war is not against Islam but the people as a whole the NWO wanting to take over/control land and resources with minimal resistance. It is against the ME race. If you dont survive, you can’t practice your religion. Better to unite for humanity
URL for Sh. Imran Hosein’s lecture:
And, if Hitlery wins, what do you foresee happening? If the Republicans hold the congress, will they oppose absolutely every policy she tries to implement? Or, being mostly neocons themselves, will they work with her to further American hegemony across the globe even if that means starting a potentially nuclear war with Russia? If the Democrats take the congress, will the clash between the White House and the legislature, and especially within the legislature, be mitigated or even worse than ever? Will America be led meekly to more tyranny and more global military conflict, or will the Republicans figure their last best chance for 2020 is to fight tooth and nail against everything the fat lady in the ridiculous pants and her puppetmasters on Wall Street want? That’s problematic because they both dance for the same puppetmasters. In any case, hypothesizing scenarios for a Clinton administration is probably less a waste of time than for a Trump presidency because I think the man himself is right: the system is rigged and the outcome is already baked into the cake by the Deep State establishment. Just read any newspaper, peruse any on-line blog or watch any television “news” or commentary program and you’ll know that’s true. Unfortunately.
Those are very good points, Shrimp.
I think Trump’s attempts to bring the “rigged ellections” card post factum might lead towards to a more philosophical questioning on the relevance of the system in its essence. Then Bush’s count & recount story will come up and so on. The only way out cor the country will be something of apocaliptical magnitude (not even sure what happens from a legal standpoint if one of the candidates refuses to accept official results).
On the other hand, clinton’s playbook is very well-known. I don’t think the 1% will foster any megalomaniac inferiority complex-driven agression. More proxy wars, more instability… the difference is that now Iran, Russia and China are all too aware…
the option i see playing out is one in which the US having totally ran out of threats and bluster….and now .needs to unleash its military force against Russia and the rest of her allies… the hopes of overpowering and making russia and friends back down and comply with the wishes of the west….but just before making that final and fateful decision…..the US will back down…..knowing its military structures will be destroyed…..or at least degraded to a point of uselessness… simple terms the US will back down and return to their own shores…..and do to the population of the USA what the bolsheviks did to russia in 1917…..sounds far fetched????…..i think not…..
‘ …and do to the population of the USA what the bolsheviks did to russia in 1917…’
That’s not too bad. Their programme was: “Peace, bread, land (for the people)”, and they made peace with Germany, the soldiers (about six million) changed the swords into hoes to produce bread and the lands of the absentee (rentier) landowners were given to the peasants to work on. I hope they do that in America.
Yes, dream on about your ‘do-gooders’. (Marx, Trotsky, Hitler, Soros, Hitlery)
Thank you! As we can tell from some of these comments, the conversion of many Americans to socialism/communism is complete; their brainwashing evident. We can thank our infiltrated universities for much of this as well as the “socialist studies” in our schools. They never seem to teach the true history of those countries who have fallen to this scum and how many millions of people they murder…
Thank the Lord some of us are old enough to have had a amount of real history due warping the facts so close after WW2 would have been a no go.
That or we warped into a alternate reality during history classes!
Socialism is not your enemy. Chinese empire was paying health care, building road using empire’s treasury more than 1200 years ago in Tang Dynasty. Chinese government has always been acting as parents. Traditionally, The local governors are nick named “parents” officials. There is no proof Chinese civilization is any worse than any other civilization in the world because of the system.
The degree of ignorance of Russian history necessary to string together the letters of your post makes me wonder why you are here in the first place.
If you want to even begin discovering what happened in Russia in 1917, look at The Ukraine in 2014. That too was a ‘color revolution’ using the exact same, dusted off template: Foreign funding, Khazar fake Jew Quislings, ,anarchy, civil war, and slogans like ‘Maidan of dignity’ handed to amnestied psychopaths and unleashed on an already weary and demoralized population. In short, military victory by the West, by ‘other means’. ‘Swords into hos’ perhaps.
If Disney ever dares to recreate the ‘Russian Revolution’ you will, likely, have more corroboration for your imbecile view of what happened in Russia. No serious sources will back your cartoon version.
“The degree of ignorance of Russian history”
The only thing you need know is that Stalin would have had your rear end in the nearest Gulag.
I assume, then, that you would have been the gaoler. And quite pleased with yourself about it.
Having reached the top of your potential.
Wall Street, in 1917, paid to be expropriated and have their assets (state debt) cancelled. They play a long game, see. 99 years later, their agent … is in exile, after a long prison term. Ok. I am not privy to everything. Maybe it is an even longer game!
they murdered over 60 million Christian Russians
Not far-fetched to me.
Trump is all in. So is his family. Watch interviews with his children to get a sense of how deeply his beliefs go.
It was some time ago that the Saker was unsure of whether Putin could be trusted, history simply repeats itself now with Trump. Trump, as flawed a politician as he is, is just what the doctor ordered. His main attribute – courage. Courage cannot be faked, and those with it are in the vast minority.
Pence can be considered a mistake, but everything in politics is positioning. Pence is malleable, he will follow Trumps lead because he is loyal. If Trump wins the election, which he will free of fraud, Pence will always know that Trump won, not he, and he will bow to that reality.
Sorry, guys but election one way or another is going to move the war to Russia… Those ships to Aleppo might not make it on time, as the Aircraft numbers in Diego Garcia is dramatically high which means as Sergei Merkov and Sheikh Hosein pointed that The War might BEGIN before the Elections!!… The overwhelming attack needed to take out S300, 400 s can not be complicated by 8 Russian War Ships… This is not a luxury for the USRAEL that they are willing to take. You better leave Florida Saker , as I am leaving within a week…
God bless.
May Allah bless Russians(Rum in the Quran) and the authentic Muslims.
Donald Trump’s position is similar to Mao Zedong’s, when Mao was fighting to regain power shortly before the so-called Cultural Revolution. (Yes, Mao was briefly removed from power after losing credibility from the disastrous “Great Leap Forward.”) Mao used the Red Guards to manipulate high school and university students, and peasants to mobilise against the reformers led by Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, to the point where Mao credibly claimed to Prime Minister Zhou Enlai that “Liu and Deng stood against the people, so that must be put on trial.”
If Trump is a true patriot, he must credibly promise the American people to “vote for me, and I will put George Soros, the Koch brothers, Jamie Dimon, the Clintons, and many others in front of a military tribunal.” If Trump can do this, then even if he gets murdered Trump will have proven the point the “Deep State” is the true enemy of the people, and the regular American can point their guns in the right direction.
For the life of me I can’t understand why we don’t just kill the “deep state” culprits like Soros etc .. for fuck sakes. We all know who they are. Let’s just deal with them. It’s not like they give a shit about the millions of innocent civilians they have been killing over the past millennia! Why aren’t we going ahead and get rid of a number of satanic psychos that we know who they are and where they are?? It baffles my mind I told our beloved Saker this a couple of years ago. This is the only way otherwise this bloodshed will never end. The problem with us “good” people is we always want to do it the “right” way. Keep on dreaming! That’s my 3 cents, whatever I’m frustrated and pissed off that we as the people are having all this beautiful intelligent convos that makes sense but we don’t actually do what we need to to change the situation.
Traditionally, it has been thought, that thinkers think, writers write, painters paint, doctors doctor and killers kill. So, to kill the killers, you have to become one.
That is the great gift and the great conundrum of God in the universe.
I too have often thought that a Camus-championed, existentialist, automated, pre-reflexive killing of those I righteously and rightfully hate would be the answer. But the morning after would be monstrous.
I’m with you, sign me up.
It worked when the bad people did it. They got their goal. The demolition of the Romanoff Russian Empire.
That prototype’regime change’ was achieved by scores, if not hundreds of assassinations.
But in a very real sense, the people who did that, Trotskyite, Zionist, Khazar fake Jews, are now in power in Washington. So they know all about how important it would be to not let anyone else do it.
That may be the chief reason for TIA (Total Information Awareness) or by whatever multitude of agency names that early concept goes by.
“Hillary Clinton and her gang of Neocons are the spiritual (and sometimes even physical) successors of the Soviet Bolsheviks”
I think you are being discourteous to the Bolsheviks. They were patriots and driven by an ideology of good. Necessity often demands robust action and firm hand – their own survival was often at stake (civil war, international aggression, kulaks rebellion, traitors in their ranks, etc.
And what alternative reality portal did you emerge from??
Thankfully the opposite to the one you popped out of.
Unlike you, I’m not an angel from heavens.
Well maybe you’ll hook up with your Bolshevik buddies in the afterlife and you can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
ideology of good…….
60 million killed is a great ideology
The funny thing about Western supremacists not just noisily pretending moral outrage but invoking all this ahistorical cant learned by rote becomes obvious by a most sensible comparison:
60 million allegedly “killed” by the Soviets and Communist China in, say, 50 years’ time is roughly the same amount of people that Western imperialism kills in a frigging decade through its global reign of war, disease, and famine. If anything, Communism vastly improved life expectancy, literacy, industrialization, science, and culture in the poor, oppressed parts of the world.
Western supremacists have to face the unpleasant fact that the Soviets and the Chinese accomplished in a few decades’ time what took the bloody West 500+ years of global enslavement, looting, and mass murder to achieve for its home constituencies. Stop the West’s immiseration and destruction of the planet and we shall see what remains of the West afterwards.
you’re quite correct man, got your facts right. SO called Democracies/Christian nations have killed more people than Communists every will.. I grew up under Communism and it was infinetly more humane then so called Democracies will ever be(they never were in the first place). We had NO homeless people very low crime, no beggars on the street, and everyone worked, And I am speaking from fist hand experience here. So called Democracies let crazy mental people roam the streets, and all they know is how to go to other places and rob people. And I am speaking from first hand experience too, Sure Communism wasnt perfect, it was far from it but thye DID care for their people.
people in Capitalists countries is care more for their dogs than for the crazy homeless guy camping down the street
Thank you, plamen petkov!
Interestingly, while the Communist bloc was still around Sweden had but a minuscule number of homeless people and beggars — you had to go looking for them to find any. Neoliberalism “has changed that”, to put it very mildly indeed. The wondrous joys of Western Democracy are plain to see everywhere.
Yes, you are correct. In fact, there are ‘tent cities’ in every major U.S. city and downtown Los Angeles is called ‘skid row’ due to an overwhelming presence of homeless people wandering around. Returning military veterans are the new epidemic of the ‘lost and neglected in the U.S.
Now if only someone would organize the veterans. That is of course what the Bolsheviks did to subvert the Russian Empire of the Romanoffs to Anglo-Zionist Imperialism. They organized the tens and hundreds of thousands of damaged veterans from World War One.
@ Anonymous
I know where that 60 million comes from: Robert Conquest, a fraudster. And if you learned basic numeracy please check the population of the USSR and you will find out that those 60 million were plucked out of thin air by pure magic to nurture the anti-Soviet propaganda machine for decades.
In a similar vein, you could also check the Jewish population in Europe before 1939 and compare that with the population after 1945 plus the millions that migrated to US, Canada, South America, Australia, Palestine, etc. and you will discover that the 6 million figure plucked out of thin air to nurture the pro-Zionism machine for decades.
Meanwhile, here is Mark Twain’s answer to you.
“There were two ‘Reigns of Terror’, if we could but remember and consider it; the one wrought murder in hot passions, the other in heartless cold blood; the one lasted mere months, the other had lasted a thousand years; the one inflicted death upon a thousand persons, the other upon a hundred million; but our shudders are all for the “horrors of the… momentary Terror, so to speak; whereas, what is the horror of swift death by the axe compared with lifelong death from hunger, cold, insult, cruelty and heartbreak? A city cemetery could contain the coffins filled by that brief terror that we have all been so diligently taught to shiver at and mourn over; but all France could hardly contain the coffins filled by that older and real Terror – that unspeakable bitter and awful Terror which none of us has been taught to see in its vastness or pity as it deserves.”
This excerpt was related to the French Revolution of 1789. For your information, the October 1917 Revolution was almost bloodless, the worst took place in Moscow on the assault on the Kremlin ten days after the formation of the Soviet Government in Petrograd. That revolution saved the lives of millions of Russian, German, Austrian, Turkish soldiers and civilians.
That Revolution spread throughout the vast Russian Empire not because the Soviets took power in Petrograd – the people did it everywhere spontaneously as they tried on many other occasions before, but this time for good.
The following civil war was not started by the Soviets. All capitalist countries (except Germany) – including the US – sent troops, weapons and money to fight the Reds because the USSR was a big threat, not because of “Soviet aggression”, but because its success would embolden their own peoples to do the same thing at home. The Western countries did then the same thing they are doing now to Syria, almost copycat to a tee.
Enough for now. Please read and think a bit more before posting puerile comments about something you nothing about except spouting the garbage given to you by your mind controllers.
All good, except that Lenin and his inner sanctum were funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while Russia was still at war with Germany. Even the Kollontai sisters were in on it. Some said they were whores, which is probably true, just as Lenin and his accomplices were traitors and moles.
I bet you think that Eisenstein just happened to be there to film the storming of the Winter Palace. And that the French Revolution got all the ‘right’ aristocrats. And that there were more than two prisoners in the Bastille, one of whom was not the Marquis de Sade and the other not a bureaucratic oversight. And that the rest had not been moved to a model prison built by the evil king a few days before the arrival of the righteous mob.
Just as terrorism cannot exist without state sponsors, neither can revolution occur without them.
And the Spartacist uprising was just that, an uprising, so it does not count. The same can be said for Haiti’s uprising for Independence. Both groups will never be forgiven. And as for the American Revolution, that was just an Officer’s Barracks conspiracy which is soon coming to a sorry end.
At lesst the Tsar (et al) were taken out.
I was going to post ‘yawn’ in reply to your post but I reminded myself that it would be infantile and thus an admission of defeat.
Apart from your programming, I assume you have no conscious, rational objection to monarchy since you likely back Quisling dictatorship in the former The Ukraine, rotating dictatorship (now morphing into Dynastic Tyranny) in the USA and utter chaos in your own processes of mentation.
Here is what the founding father of your topsy-turvy mental universe, Voltaire, said about monarchy:
“I would rather be ruled by one lion than by a hundred rats”.
Your non-argument is convincing only to other ardent, rodent-lovers. Interestingly enough, Jahweh himself started his career in the desert deity racket as a mouse-god.
The price paid for regicide has been monstrous, both for Russia and the USA, whose time for repayment is at hand. The USA at least did not physically, but only metaphorically, murder the monarch.
It is not that one cannot or should not ever leave a monarch. The devil, as they say, is in the details.
“I assume you have no conscious, rational objection to monarchy”
Nothing more than that all those still remaining parasites should be exterminated (like rats). The ones that have been is just a successful bginning..
The murder of the Tsar and his family was a despicable, heinous act committed by none other than our ‘poor’ Jewish ‘friends’. You are here to troll, aren’t you?
ROTFLMFUAO! (U=Ukrainian).
Thank you for justifying my use of that somewhat vaudevillian response from the early days of internet chat.
It must be magic mushroom season where you come from.
The Bolsheviks you admire were rabid, miserable, maniacal Jews who tried very hard to destroy the Russian people and their proud Church. And believe me, the Russian people remember this very well. 66+ million people lost their lives to this satanic conspiracy. Read, learn.
No matter how well written, accurate and thoughtful a wishful thinking article may be, at the end of the day it is still wishful thinking.
Not only is Hillary’s presidency carved in stone at the top of Mt Sinai, but if Richard Wagner had a character called ‘War Mother’ in ‘Gotterdammerung’, she would be dressed in a Hillary pants suit costume.
The Pentagon wanted Bill Clinton’s wife (two for the price of one) because Bill, along with his cigar humidor, was termed out.
I refuse to go into it again, but suffice it to say the the Pentagon, America’s military will not be left at the end of the 21st Century relying on vulnerable, mega, super, oil tankers to bring home the juice that makes their things go.
For the generals in the Pentagon, America must be the exclusive, nobody close, proprietary hegemon of the planet Earth and Hillary is the chosen Zenobia to fire the shot heard round the world.
The speed with which Putin has made his army first class, and which he made his weapons industry the gold standard today, while 3 new vessels in the US navy are floundering as we speak. Of course the ‘Icky Lemon Standard’ of the US defense industry is Lockheed Martin’s F-35, which Lockheed is still potchkying around with on your tax dollar.
Here’s Wikipedia on the F-35
“Critics argue that the plane is “plagued with design flaws,” with many blaming the procurement process in which Lockheed was allowed “to design, test, and produce the F-35 all at the same time, instead of … [identifying and fixing] defects before firing up its production line.”[17] By 2014, the program was “$163 billion over budget [and] seven years behind schedule.”[18] Critics further contend that the program’s high sunk costs and political momentum make it “too big to kill.”
The Pentagon wants to strike Russia yesterday before the intelligence gap becomes insurmountable.
The way things (the economy, the environment, drought, global warming) are going, many Americans are talking about moving to Russia’s ‘A list’ targets to beat the rush out of here.
Russia’s rise from the ashes was wishful thinking.
Iceland’s economic stance in the face of central bank fury was wishful thinking.
The Philippine pivot towards China was wishful thinking.
Snowden’s escape from the NSA was wishful thinking.
Crimea under a Russian flag was wishful thinking.
Brexit was wishful thinking.
Extreme pessimism bordering on nihilism never accomplished anything. I’m as much a realist as any, however I believe in the light, and light always finds a way.
Thank-you Angelo!! This is the razor’s edge for me- so easy to fall into pessimism. Standing at the fulcrum- with realism on one balance pan- The Light, Truth, Goodness on the other.
I believe Archangel Michael is often depicted with the Scales.
I loved your comment kinterra, and I love the analogy of the razors edge, it’s one that has proven very apt in my life. It takes a persistent will to overcome pessimism, especially in the face of a sometimes horrible reality. Michael helps us, so long as we open the door of our hearts.
Hug from mundo Angelo
I deeply believe in your
“I believe in the light, and
light always finds a way”
and as heart is a flame
it’s the only voice to be
kindled by the father
innocent early
light in man to follow
home till the end
“So far, Putin failed to eject the 5th columnists, whom I call the ‘Atlantic Integrationists’“
Shows convincingly what Felix Dzerzhinsky was good for, in my view. Neatly explains too his reputation in the genocidal West as a “genocidal maniac”. (removed MOD,please do not attack whole populations in comments)
In the movies if a vampire bites a person without withdrawing all of their blod, that person becomes a vampire. Once a vampire, they are always a vampire, and the only way to kill them is either a stake in the heart, or a silver bullet (if memory serves me).
The AngloZionist ‘vampire’ bit America in 1913 and since then she has developed into the the most deadly vampire ever on earth totally under the control of the AngloZionist. And like any vampire, she can not change her ways now. She can not revert back to a human. We must stop looking at her as if she is human and see her for what she truly is – the most deadly vampire ever.
Trump will not save her. No chance. She must be destroyed from without. The world must find a stake and the opportunity to plunge it into her heart of heart – her banking/finance system – the Fed. Destroy the Fed and you destroy America and the world has new hope. And you destroy the Fed by destroying the dollar. Without the dollar the Fed is a toothless appendage.
Russia and China have made steps towards that end, but the powers behind their banking/finance system are powerful and possibly linked to the Fed. Nonetheless, therein lies the stake, the silver bullet – the dollar.
Slight problem with this analogy.
There might be “vampires” at the very top of the pyramid but the multitudes are not but bamboozled into thinking that and act accordingly, that is what is so frightening. To me anyway.
To the best of my knowledge, the empires of history have all fallen from the inside, Mr Trump
Good luck
Good will
God Bless
I thought it interesting that the entire AnglZionist Empire has risen up against Trump. When is the last time you have heard world leaders in all the AnglZionist countries of the world raising their voices in unison against a candidate for US President – it is without precedent. It’s like a Global Christmas Tree was suddenly lit.
If I remember rightly, the last time US media bayed in concert against a US president was in the thirties and forties against FD Roosevelt. The poor man was obliged to voice a complaint. Roosevelt went on air, “You have attacked me, I didn’t mind. You attacked my wife, she doesn’t mind. You attacked my children, they don’t mind. But now you have gone too far: you have attacked my dog. I tell you, Fido does mind”.
Yes, this is the one thing that gives me hope that Trump, despite my guardedness about him, cannot be as bad as Killary. Because if he were, the Zionist media network wouldn’t be so singularly unified against him. Their unprecedented unity gives away their kabal – and desperation. I hope that, even if Trump loses, that the 2016 election will be a watershed moment in US history, in which half the population in our country will have not only lost complete and utter faith in the credibility of the media, but have experienced a road to Damascus moment, in which people begin to realize that the media is not simply a hodgepodge of venal presstitutes and bumbling idiots with good intentions: the media is *the* enemy of the American People.
Americans need to wake up and start asking themselves so Who,What and Why questions.
Who are the person’s who really own the media on America? Trust me, the list won’t be long.
Who are the treasonous Americans who facilitated the rise of these persons?
What are their aim and objectives re America? Is it to make America great or not?
Why were these creatures who are hostile to the interests of America allowed to legally aquire and accumulate the different media entities that previously existed, and essentially eliminated opinions and views that differed from their own?
“Hillary Clinton and her gang of Neocons are the spiritual (and sometimes even physical) successors of the Soviet Bolsheviks”
Sounds interesting. I would never have imagined the Neocons were in fact passionately committed to public education and public health, let alone to hold their ground against a plethora of invading genocidal armies of Western mercenaries bought and paid for by the Banksters. Lord the Almighty works in strange and wondrous ways indeed.
Seriously: Hillary and the Neocons are the spiritual and very manifest physical successors of the Eurosettler rabble squatting North America, bringing racist genocide, theft, enslavement, and ecocide to this part of the “New World”. At any rate, the Neocons have evidently come to the conclusion that it’s time to let the whole world share the same experience.
“Seriously: Hillary and the Neocons are the spiritual and very manifest physical successors of the Eurosettler rabble squatting North America, bringing racist genocide, theft, enslavement, and ecocide to this part of the “New World.”
This is tiresome and completely hypocritical. The problem is that Soviet Russia did all these things as well, in the much more recent era. Entire ethnic groups were transported to Central Asia. Initially for counter Bolshevik activity and then as Collective Punishment for alleged collaberation with the Nazis. It didnt matter to them that children died and people starved. The State stole whatever it desired for arbitary reasons. Its no good to keep bringing up things USA leaders did in the 18 th century, when the existence of the Russian Federation was built on exactly the same principles.
As if there were no US genocides in the 19th and 20th centuries. And no: Neither Imperial Russia, nor the USSR wiped out other peoples and stole their resources. Violently insane dregs such as Hillary Clinton running for President are a most convincing tribute to European values and Western Democracy at their very finest. By contrast, the Soviets locked suchlike gentry up in mental hospitals — with very good reason.
“…Its no good to keep bringing up things USA leaders did in the 18 th century…”
But it may be valid to bring up things the US did since then. And don’t limit guilt for millions of deaths on leaders, after all they are elected and there is something called collective responsibility in liberal democracies. Shall I start with the millions of dead, maimed and displaced in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Central America, Vietnam, Korea, atrocities against German and Japanese civilians in WWII, just for starters.. Never in the history of the world was there such a murderous regime as the one implanted by the debauched flatulent fathers. Yet all they can spout is the parroting of “Soviet crimes” and 60 million deaths.
A glorious piece, Saker!
One of my favorite poems written by Ryokan – a famous, Japanese Zen master – goes something like this:
Three things I abhor:
Meals prepared by cooks
calligraphies done by artits
poems written by poets
Ryokan forgot to mention: Articles by journalists. That what makes you unique, Saker. Your common sense, your unprofessionality (please, don’t get me wrong), your grass-roots approach.
Everybody understands what you write, and everybody agrees.
The opinion polls and prediction markets (betting, in other words) indicate an eighty to ninety per cent probability of Clinton winning, and winning comfortably.
Trump could indeed do little if he were to win. Putin was the candidate of the KGB/FSB.
And Trump is no Putin. (Take a look at his business career.)
The bulk of the article is therefore a nice summary of Putin’s successes and work in progress, with no direct bearing on the US election.
The idea that neocons are Trotskyites is surely far-fetched. Some neocons studied with some scholars who started out as Trotskyites. Christianity is not Judaism.
In 1968-1969, the Trotskyists did the ground work of the Atlanticists. They got rid of De Gaulle and cemented Globalism. Both Trotskyists and Capitalist Extremists desire complete Globalism with one world trade system and no borders. Thats why they work together so often. As oppossed to Stalin and the Soviet model of ‘Socialism in one Empire” – very much closer to National Socialism but without the Ethnic superiority elements. So Dugin and the Eurasianists now class themselves National Bolsheviks in opposition to the Globalist Trotskyists (mostly weak minded students and liberal activists) and Anglo Saxon led capitalists. Trump is definately one of the latter, and despite what some Pro Russians say, will not change anything about USA global- domination course.
Dear Saker,
Excellent article very close to the truth though I do wish you would take on an English editor to present your ideas in concise English without all the typos.
The only thing I can add is that as an alien and non English speaker you clearly are unable to understand the finer points of what Trump is actually saying.
English is a multilayered language which speaks on four or five layers at once. From an English speaking perspective it is clear Trump is aware of all your doubts and fears.
It is clear he is modelling himself on Putin’s strategies and knows that to win absolutely he absolutely needs the ordinary man in the street behind him!
His real enemy is the Rothschilds and their Fed as you say. He clearly understands this. If there is another JFK style Dallas shooting it will be the end for the USA.
A patriot who would stand shoulder to shoulder with him in the US military. That I doubt. All the patriots have been cashiered by the Neocons. The general staff are just a bunch of over qualified exam passers without one drop of common sense amongst them all.
Anyway Clinton will be shoe horned in one way or another and the active confrontational fighting of WW3 will begin in 2017. The transgender pansies in the US army will wet their nickers when they come face to face with real heterosexual Russian soldiery.
How long before no one can remember what the US president looks like after she has spent the first year in her private bunker being guarded by her lesbian private security detail?
@ Richard Cley
Very well said, but I take exception to your supercilious and condescending tone towards “alien non English speaker”. The author is an English speaker (among several other languages you can’t even dream of equalling) and his style is perfectly adequate for this type of fora, almost casual and conversational instead of turgid intellectual crap coming from think tanks. Yes, there are shortcomings but you are clutching at frivolous trifle. Sorry, but I find that offensive.
ZeroHedge had a piece of research back a around the time that The Donald was telling everyone to get out of stocks.
The record apparently shows that in 7/8 elections since the 1920s the incumbent party was turfed out when SPX was down over the prior quarter.
Well, this time around it has been trending down since August. Less than 3 weeks to go.
I do not think it will make any difference whether Hitlery or Trump wins. The deep power will still keep on control. If Trump dares to challenge them he and/or his family might be “eliminated” or as the murderer Hitlery says “obliterated”. The only thing for Russia (and for China) for that matter is to show that they are strong enough not to back to the Neocons threats. Any sign of weakness and the crazies will unleash hell upon everyone.
I was thinking along these lines for a long while, but the ferocity with which the establishment and the MSM have gone after Trump, with a 24/7 campaign going now to discredit him, smear him, discourage his supporters with doctored poll numbers, etc. — it’s incredible what the media is trying to do.
All of this makes me think he really strikes deep fear into them because they know he could do serious damage. Of course we can expect that if he actually does become POTUS, the legislature will do everything to block him — he likely won’t get his wall or his ban on Muslims —, but that doesn’t mean he won’t be able to use executive power to purge some of the corruption in Washington.
Perhaps he is a greater threat to the establishment and deep state than many skeptical observers believe?
“I have always believed that the AngloZionist Empire will have to be brought down from the outside, most probably by a combination of military and economic defeats. I still believe that.”
I think this is a great concluding remark.
It is logical, it is truthful and it is your gut feeling, and it is only a matter of time now.
However, no one can stop you from hoping and praying.
As for the very important point on ‘Atlantic Integrationists’, the issue here is related to Monetary Economics and who controls it in Russia.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts had something very important to mention on this issue:
“Meanwhile, the combination of a rising domestic budget deficit and balance-of-payments deficit has given Russian advocates of privatization an argument to press ahead with the sell-offs. The flaw in their logic is their neoliberal assumption that Russia cannot simply monetize its deficit, but needs to survive by selling off more major assets. We warn against Russia being so gullible as to accept this dangerous neoliberal argument. Privatization will not help re-industrialize Russia’s economy, but will aggravate its turn into a rentier economy from which profits are extracted for the benefit of foreign owners.”
“The excuse being cited by Russian officials for selling these companies at the present time is to finance the domestic budget deficit. This excuse shows that Russia has still not recovered from the disastrous Western Atlanticist myth that Russia must depend on foreign banks and bondholders to create money, as if the Russian central bank cannot do this itself by monetizing the budget deficit.”
“At the root of the privatization discussion should be the question of what is money and why should it be created by private banks instead of central banks. The Russian government should finance its budget deficit by having the central bank create the necessary money, just as the US and UK do. It is not necessary for the Russian government to give away future revenue streams in perpetuity merely in order to cover one year’s deficit. That is a path to impoverishment and to loss of economic and political independence.”
“Globalization was invented as a tool of American Empire. Russia should be shielding itself from globalization, not opening itself to it. Privatization is the vehicle to undercut economic sovereignty and increase profits by raising prices.”
Very relevant article on this subject I think –
Yes, wasn´t that one of Syria´s problems, that in moving toward neoliberal policy and privatisation, they caused at least a minority of citizens to feel disenfranchised? It may be that the droughts were caused by weather manipulation/warfare as well.
Note that Gaddafi was also cooperating with the west before they took him out. I appreciate Putin´s diplomatic behaviours, but he must realise he has a bullseye on his forehead (as well as one on his country).
Yep, Harry_Red. Putin appears committed to neoliberal economics. Surely, true & prosperous national sovereignty is a contradiction. The prize at the end of the neoliberal economic path IS. . . the NWO.
In the US election circus I’ve noticed the all-pervasive phrase “Commander In Chief”, and it s*** me. It is a military term for basically “Reichsfuhrer”, top dog in command of military forces and everything else.
US is on a war path no matter who wins. Empire is in it’s vaning years, and it refuses to go away peacefully. Economy doesn’t matter, rising poverty, pollution, none of it matters, only war matters.
It’s a very sharp contrast to a Chinese “Little Helmsman”, and it’s scary.
Reading between the lines, there isn’t anything to worry regarding elections in USA.
Trump is a CLOWN involved to make elections more interesting, and easier for the Clinton to win.
Nothing will change the US Government Policy, and they will continue to pursue the N.W.O POLICY.
Regarding Russia:
The question is:
How could Putin stand the stench of globalism, in the room?
What languages do the Normandy Four speak together?
“tomw • 39 minutes ago
How could Putin stand the stench of globalism, in the room?” Quote
Saker old chummy remember when the moment arrives you had plenty of warning that this is a set up to install a guy whose name equals triangle.
a Triangle is math/scientific notation for change
‘delta’V = change in velocity
you were correct and didn’t even realize it
The idea that if Hitlery wins, the Republicans will fight her all the way, is just ridiculous.
After all, history teaches us that Democrats and Republicans are just two cheeks of the same as*.
This election, IMHO, will closely resemble the one between Dewey and Truman.
All the “polls” will indicate a Hitlery win.
But..but..but…next day it will be Trump.. winning.
And he will follow with his 5 point manifesto.
The new age of enlightment in this great country will be revived.
Thus it is written.
I agree with your first two sentences, uhhhh, may I call you Death Vader?
Thought so. It’s almost Halloween. Black robe with pointed hood. Scythe or light saber as interchangeable accessories.
As for predictions, they are unpredictable. Whereas boundary conditions are more or less identifiable and quantifiable. Although they are changing. For the better, IMHO.
The consciousness of the masses is less stuck, more mobile than I have ever seen. Muslims from India living on the West Coast expressed fear to me of Trump. I explained that Hitlery is part of the Apparatus that created Al Queda and Daesh to stop Eurasian integration, and the BIG issue is war avoidance, and Killery means war. Many were silent, pensive. The recognized leader of the group spoke up, to the others, in his own words. He explained WAR or peace is the big issue, a wall is a stupid, relatively small wedge issue, which should not manipulate his community.
Cut through the nonsense mind control like a hot knife through butter, and many people of color easily become allies against Empire. Which has oppressed them for centuries. It’s not hard, if the Trump-et is certain in its notes and does not falter for lack of breath. Then the Trump might even get better.
A different anecdote, from White World, a microcosm of what is probably a macrocosm in US military life, I will present in the Moveable Feast Cafe.
I am in moscow and recently viewed the last weeks of nightly public debate by different candidates for the russian duma or parliament.
the common threads amongst all candidates were about sovereignty, nationalism, economy, nato of course, and ukraine and syria.
After the elections all the patriot parties except teh named patriot party and whcih are more aligned with putin won the top 3 places. those being putin and edinaya russia, communist party, and zhironovsky lplr.
remember also putin and medvedev have different roles in the russian government and cannot be assumed to be against each other. often on tv i see both of them , sometimes together, sometime separately speaking about their activities.
I do not thnk it accurate to consider medvedev is in the pocket of fifth columnists or integrationists; but to consider as above the roles of prime minister and president are different and therefore different types of peoples surround these two individuals.
when they appear together on tv, at least it appears cohesive and constructive, compare with current us or more correctly the wid west.
Ride em Cowboy!
of course to analyse the advice of those who are the inner circle of putin and medvedev would give a more accurate indication of the direction policy might take.
putin is more concerned with foreign policy and medvedev with internal issues.
This is very revealing about the Russian national mentality. Overall Russians prefer cohesion and co operation, while Anglo Saxons prefer Individualism, conflict and competition. For Russians the ideal state is one where there is a consensus and a single clear leader with a vision.
Trump, as a archetypal Anglo Saxon type, has gained his success in life through competition, pushing the law, personal insults and individualism. Within Russian culture, the Individual has had very little role in society. The state appoints regional leaders and policy and there is little opportunity or desire to challenge the government. The ‘wild west” type of culture is the natural development of the Anglo Saxon culture. Here, Individuals have a big role and duty, from bearing arms to serving on a jury and voting at all levels of government.
It is therefore ironic that Russians now see in Trump their best chance, when his personal characteristics are as far removed from Russians as possible.
Western “individualism” is notoriously shallow, if not outright phoney. To paraphrase that nasty French proverb about the Russians: Scratch a Western individualist, and you’ll find a grovelling sycophant. Forever high on corporate mindrot, this kind of “individualists” have very little interest in understanding or learning anything sensible about the world. They stick to the platitudes, lies, and imbecilities which make up their entire curriculum. Cretinism taken to the point of caricature.
What you are mentioning is a philosophical idea known as the ‘noosphere’ or ‘Third Way’…and this idea is what the Russians and Chinese are pushing for as the new model for humanity. The Anglo-Zionists want to maintain the stsaus quo, which benefits only them. Wiki ‘noosphere’. See for yourself.
Putin selected Medvedev himself. Medvedev is one of Putin’s most loyal allies, there is a diferrent question does he fit the job, I think he does not. He is also the boy for beating when things go wrong.
Atzmon has it right. The true message of Trump, and Sanders, and internationally Syriza, and Corbyn, is that people have had enough of a system that they recognize to be totally, hopelessly corrupt. There is a populist movement ready to rise, beginning to (as Atzmon puts it) recognize itself in the political mirror.
The best diagnosis I have read in this blog since started the amount of threads favouring “The Donald”, even when there were more candidates than these two disasters campaigning.
At least this guy makes no illusions.
And I doubt that The Saker is so delusional as he plays with this issue of “The Donald”, not supporting him openly, but, well…. “perhaps”…”if”…”still”…..
Could you provide a link to the article by Atzmon’
Outside of the Anglo-Zionist west, the collective whole of mankind are desperate for a ‘new way’. Capitalism and Globalism, Free markets have run their course and are actually phasing out and destined for a crash and burn. The world is saying, enough is enough. More and more people are waking up to this everyday.
The Fascist Zealots are stuck with Hillary.
Barring a miracle, Trump has zero chance of getting elected. Anything is possible, of course, given the Brexit vote, but I don’t think he has a chance unless the entire membership of the NRA (which is possible since they hate Clinton with a passion and know they need to protect their guns from her) and every poor person in the US votes for him.
Second, Trump never intended to win. His only purpose in running was to generate business opportunities afterward. He’ll make billions off the deals he gets offered after challenging the Clinton crowd, who are hated by a lot of people with money.
Face it…we’re looking at Clinton as President, four years of neocon wars, and maybe World War III within the next year…If you’re not a “prepper”, you’d better start…
They are totally desperate. The UK is going to propose, or has proposed a UN resolution calling for an impartial and independent investigation into the bombings around Aleppo. [no prizes for guessing the outcome of this ‘impartial and independent inquiry’ – Putin done it]. Even worse, the Anglo-Zionists are planning (hoping) to bypass the UN Security Council in order to save their plans for the destruction of Syria.
There are some intriguing details relating to the murder of Motorola. The Ukrainian National Security department (NSDC) has four lists of individuals facing sanctions (or other actions) for opposing the regime. There is a mention of Arseny Sergeiovich Pavlov in entry 317 of one list. A recent NSDC action noted that he was dead as of September 16 2016, so entry 317 was removed.
It seems remarkable that the generally incompetent Ukraine government knew with certainty that Motrola was dead over a month ago.
Our Saker wrote, “If Trump is elected, he will have to immediately launch a well-planned attack against his opponents without giving them any pretext to accuse him of politically motivated repressions.”
I agree with what Mr. Trump must do to restore respectability and the rule of equal justice under the law. I also wrote a scenario where President Trump enacted a “soft coup” against the entrenched militarists (neocons) that control the underpinnings of the federal government if the republic is to be saved and war averted. It can be read on page 2 in the comment section of the October 15 article titled, “Amazing words by Donald Trump” (see: ).
In that scheme, Trump exercises plenary power using the 9/11 cover-up as the basis for ripping apart the globalist’s manipulation of the federal government. The people will respond to this justification because the majority of the country knows what happened on that day had to have been planned and executed by agents of the U.S. Military and even Zionist foreign operatives to accomplish the wicked deed.
Persons in Trump’s inner circle must have discussed with the candidate the real history and reasons behind the JFK murder facilitated by the traitorous act of Vice President Lyndon Johnson. Is Trump smart enough, bold enough and courageous to act with resolve to do the right thing for America? We will find out in 16 days if he is elected President of the United States of America.
Others are daring to stare down the beast. Duerte, the President of the Philippines recently visited CHina for hig level meeting, taking some 400 high-lvel Philippine business with him. In his speech in the Great Hall, he stated that the Philippines are realigning with China, and “the US has lost”. He has the military behind him, a goverment with people who agree and the top of the business community there too.
Syria has officially recognised that Crimea is Russian territory
Serbia is sending humanitarian aid to Syria [for the Syrian citizens, not the Anglo-Zionist terrorists]
Italians are defying sanctions to visit Crimea in order to establish links over vineyards and wine production
Over the past month, the broadcast media in Japan have stopped presenting the American narrative on Syria, except for a short spell when Prime Minister Abe was visiting Mrs. Clinton in America, as the presumed winner, apparently. We used to hear non-American-approved reporting at 2 or 3 in the morning, but now we are hearing it during prime time. There was also an acknowledgement recently that the American media have been heavily biased against Trump, and that he says some things that make sense.
In other words, Japan has also been quietly distancing itself from America and turning toward Russia. People here are said to be looking forward to Vladimir Putin’s visit later this year.
Good and Evil ? Evil is way, way too clever to attach itself solely to one “side” of a political or religious conflict, but rather like the deep state in the USA it actually invests itself into both sides.
Ban Ki Moon is an example: read his apology for backing down to the Saudis. That is evil “lite” if you will.
Stalin –good? : If you are not with me you are against me.
As for Trotsky: He was wrong and wrong on many issues as the hindsight of history shows.And when Stalin had him murdered, not one member of the ruling class in the USA shed a tear. There was one academic who was “studying” him who was a bit put off to have the subject of his scholarly enquiry so abruptly terminated.
As for the claim of there being Trotskyists in the US deep state, that is actually funny but not for those eccentric Trotskyist Bolivian mine unionists who read him like gospel and who are periodically jailed and hunted down ( not much any more with Morales) by the likes of the CIA and those doing the bidding of the IMF. No one reads Permanent Revolution any more other than graduate students in obsolete history departments.
But we all have our own life experience which shapes our world view. The best I can say about Stalin was that Russia had to get up to speed rapidly to survive the next onslaught against it and he was the one history appointed to do it. I’m sure Putin who has the legacy of Lenin to deal with and has criticized it would do the same with what he has to deal with from Stalin if it would not be politically
unwise. He did build a museum to those Stalin murdered so carelessly however.
Trump may well be on assignment to us in the USA. oh, the deep state won’t kill him: he will just have an unfortunate ” accident”.
The pedigree of US Trotskyism (Zionist Bolshevism) can be roughly traced via Marx – Trotsky, Harold Laski, Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz.
Allies to Trump presidency might come from an unexpected group of people. As I wrote in a comment 2 weeks ago, the bankrollers who financed the elite (QR, KSA) are going to act accordingly.
It is already happening in France where a book released few days ago is creating a stir (Our dearest Emirs). The QR wahabi elite went deep throat and revealed the “quid pro quo” at all levels in the French circles of power. The walking ATMs are spilling it out. Why? Because despite its military advisers, special forces, aircraft carrier and fighters, France failed to deliver regime change/chaos in Syria like they did in Libya.
With the presidential elections looming and the overwhelming evidence that another wave of conservatives will be back in the driving seat (significant differences with the previous president who “presided” with Cameron to the demise of a sovereign State), the financiers have decided to clean the stables and start from fresh.
Should Trump win, expect the same as these bankrollers will need to start from a clean slate, bribing their way through a new administration, punishing the previous one for having been too tepid and leading from behind their bank accounts… Expect Clinton foundation’s contributions to dry up like the Aral sea.
Could you state the writer and book title please.
Authors: Christian Chesnot et Georges Malbrunot,
« Nos très chers Emirs », published by Michel Lafon. Available on amazon.
The only article in English I was able to find (googling) is:
The authors made it clear that their sources of information are on the side of the “Emirs”, making it of political significance. I am told that libel and slander laws in France are pretty severe, meaning the authors are unlikely to have erred on the side of unverifiable speculations.
Connecting the dots, it seems that these State actors (mostly KSA, QR) have now switched to a plan B for their geopolitical strategies (regime changes etc…), which does not involve the cooperation of the current elites of France. Was this plan discussed at their latest meeting in Lausanne (CH) where -surprisingly- France and some others were not invited and the Arabic countries appeared satisfied by their discussions?
On thing to notice about these Oil/Gas rich countries foreign investments is that they are mostly looking at solidifying their excess liquidities in prestigious real estate. Most of these properties, due to the distressed economy, taxes and cost of employment in Europe, are far from giving a decent ROI. They are actually featuring incredibly high operating costs. But, the Emirs seem to care much less about the yield than about the intrinsic value of the property. They act in accordance with the general principle that “the true value of any object is the confidence level to be able to get rid of it”. These prestigious properties, domains, historical shopping malls, football clubs will retain their value over time. Which brings us to wonder what their strategy is in the long run…
@ Anonymous
Thank you for your input. One of the most intricate puzzles in the Syria conflict is the presence and persistence of the French. It does not make sense from a geopolitical perspective (and neither did Sarkozy’s role in Libya) for France to be involved in the dirty work of the Anglozionist empire unless there is skulduggery in high places… and mysteries that may never be known.
I have asked the same question in some other posts. One fails to connect the dots between the repeated and synchronized terrorists attacks in France and Belgium (indicative of a strategic coordinated pressure from terrorists backers on these countries) and their geopolitical importance in the conflict.
What was required from them or what did they have to abstain from?
Yep, Harry_Red. Putin appears committed to neoliberal economics. Surely, true & prosperous national sovereignty is a contradiction. The prize at the end of the neoliberal economic path IS. . . the NWO.
Anonymouses, Anonymice?
French motivation is, I believe, their continung dream of reestablishing France’s colonies:
Modern Syria became independent in 1946 following a period of French occupation (1917–20) and Mandate (1920-1946).
The “terrorist” attacks against France and Belgium were hoaxes (non-events), produced by the home govts, like 9-11 in the US. Not false flags. They were productions put on to increase “security” (control of citizenry) and to keep open the possibility of military aggression abroad.
Brussels hoax, just a bit of what’s available: Journalist & the Basketball Player. The Brussells Bombing Hoax. “Burn victim” Mason Wells Same guy, 3d degree burns flies from Brussels to , and back to a hospital– no scars. Except his head has been photoshopped into the photo.
On the whole, whenever you see a “terrorist” attack, just search “Sandy Hook hoax” or “Charlie Hebdo hoax” or whatever. You will find, especially after a few days have passed, excellent ctizen investigations on youtube. They generally collect all the MSM video available and then subject it to meticulous examination.
Nonsense, the French government and its policy is dictated by the International Jewish financiers and lobby. And don’t forget, France is a playground for the Mossad. They are the ones you should be looking at. Same goes for all of western Europe, U.K and the U.S.
My first fear if Trump wins, is that he becomes like Boris Johnson in the UK, who once was in favor of some form of détente with Russia and turned as a russophobe as soon as he joined the government.
My other fear is that if it looks like he’s a clear winner, the elections will be cancelled under the pretext of “russia meddling into the US elections”. I’m convinced they’re crazy enough to do that.
Boris is a mixed blood Circassian Jew and as such prone to shape-shifting. Trump is German. Less prone to betrayal and schizophrenia.
When FDR save capitalism by instituting great upheaval in the oligarchy he got support through his ‘fireside Chats’, directly to the people. It’s not certain Trump could pull off something similar, but it’s worth a try.
I doubt Trump will be able to do a lot of major changes as prez, the zio-congress and zio-media will block him as much as possible. He might not even be allowed to finish his term, very doubtful he’ll get a 2nd term.
But on the positive side, while he remains in office, the march of the zpc/nwo will be slowed down or perhaps put on hold. This slowing of their momentum will buy us time.
Trump can do very little without a lot of help. And he has to ask for it: “Ask and ye shall receive!”
The way FDR did.
The first thing he has to ask for and get is the loyalty of the secret service, in order to stay alive long enough to receive broader help. FDR moved people to burn their congressman’s rear ends, and they did it. The congressmen felt the heat and feared the power of FDR to move their constituents to vote them out unless they got with the program.
People today who are waiting around for Trump or any other elected official to help them deserve no help, because they have no understanding of the pickle these elected men and women are in, with only a passive, mind-controlled, infantile electorate that has feelings of entitlement, sitting home and hoping. That passivity won’t go very far in keeping a political leader from being assassinated, much less allow him or her to get much good done.
Pence I know little about except his own statement that he was a JFK and MLK man, but after the Trilateral disaster from Georgia. became a Reagan Republican. That was the right move. Reagan had been an FDR Democrat! But after winning the nomination in 1980 he met with Rockefeller, Kissinger, and other bigwigs in the Republican Party and they told him: “Bush is your VP THE END!”.
Reagan hated Bush. He emerged from the meeting shaken, mumbling, “I didn’t know they were THAT powerful.”
Where were the people in all of this? Answer: Virtually fast asleep.
Can Pence wake up and be his early self, instead of kissing the ass of the people that blew the back of JFK’s head off and almost killed Reagan? Probably not! Not without a lot of help getting clear on these matters. Assuming he wants to get clear or enough people push him to want to get clear.
Saker, imagine the year is (Jan 01) 2000, and Putin has just come to power, and you had to write an article on him, and what you thought he could achieve over the next 15 years or so. Would you have imagined the success he had achieved in that time? What made it so? I believe the biggest influence would have had to have been God, who chose to work through Putin and empower him to rectify things in Russia.
So to look at Trump (I’m of course assuming he will become Pres) with the problems facing him, to think of what Donald could achieve is looking at it from the wrong pov: look at it from the pov of what God could do through Trump (and here I’m assuming too, that it will be an 8 year term).
So we have to have hope, and trust for something better.
As an aside, let’s assume that with Trump in, poroshitko is out, which (2?) groups do you think would most likely lead to infighting, like you mentioned with the SS v the SA, in Ukraine?
The following article lists some of the things Trump says he wants to do if elected.
Trump Shifts Campaign’s Focus Back to Core Priorities in Pennsylvania Speech
USA…and Russia from a 12 year old’s perspective circa 1959:
I read a lot to escape a very sterile and cruel yet stable family when I was young and the subject of my suffering, in the context of human suffering, fascinated me; especially what Dostoyevsky had to say. Of course I was too young to understand his depths, especially the concept of redemption by personal suffering.
What struck me as a child, and it seems valid enough even now, is that the Russians know how to suffer. None of these folks ran around all put out because life did not turn out the way they expected and planned. Yes, they were unhappy but somehow they always continued to chop wood and haul water throughout.
OK, this sounds glib and superficial but what I see now in the USA is many, many people doing everything they can to stay asleep, spiritually and emotionally. Well, this is usual, but history and fate have given the USA the “rope to hang itself with”. No invasions, no famines, no plagues (a few hurricanes and earthquakes) and vast, vast wealth to burrow down under in denial, lots of drugs which numb but don’t paralyze. No need for social solidarity.
It is a country that bombs weddings etc, at a distance, with no accountability by man (certainly not Ban Ki Moon) or nature. The schools don’t teach, the hospitals don’t heal, the police do not protect, the government does not govern; yet the band plays on and on, as the bridges crumble and yet another foreign war begins.
In a sense, G-d has turned his face away from the USA because the worst thing is His silence. “We are great because we are good.” The platitudes issued from the mainstream churches in His name, the lack of true dialog and worse, much worse, the casting of our own inner demons by our leadership onto others gives proof of a vast inner wasteland paralleling the boarded homes and crumbling factories of the Mid West.
The only thing missing is a fact-check from the rest of the world unless… unless the American people do begin to wake up. Archangel Gabriel sounds the trumpet – arise!
Good diagnosis.
And so, the solution will not come with “The Donald”.
@ Teranam13
Thank you for the moving cri de Coeur on our condition as humans and societies, the result of our creation for abrogating our duty to ourselves and others to keep the bastards in power honest.
This spiritual and social cul de sac should be a wake-up to call to action by all right-thinking people to address the wrongs of a politico-economic system the logic of which is wealth and power for the masters of mankind and nothing for others (Adam Smith). If the Americans, with all their freedoms, liberties and goodness cannot see it, the world is really doomed because, if they don’t act to clean their mess, the only alternative for the world is to do it for them with fire and brimstone.
I find your post intriguing. As best as I can understand, suffering is part of the school of life. Individual Americans, and the general American psyche is terrified of suffering. They always want a happy ending in the movies. Much of the US’ plundering of the world has been to secure a state of perpetual comfort without suffering or pain. This state of comfort is also what keeps people asleep. Suffering shakes thing up and wakes us up. As you mention, Russians and other peoples understand suffering as part of life- as a force that molds the soul and forges character. Suffering transforms us. Most people seek out God or spiritual help when suffering, often asking forgiveness for misdeeds. Suffering then raises us up again into a wiser more compassionate version of our self.
“We are great because we are good” is indeed a very long rope to hang ourselves with. But, as we know, Pride goeth before a fall. I think God has not turned away, and America is going to have a very long, hard fall, and ther will be a dramatic increase in suffering in this place that has seen much less than most of the rest of the world.
When Parzival first entered the Grail Castle he was treated very generously, even given the Fisher King’s Holy Lance. But he was dull. He was asleep and did not notice anything around him, not even the the King was terribly ill. He was too self-absorbed to ask the poor King “What ails thee?” “Why do you suffer?” He then went on a long and perilous path of suffering which finally brought iabout the realization that he is responsible for the wasteland.
In the US many people are very dull. They slept in comfort while weddings are bombed, wage slaves made their clothes, and the earth becomes a wasteland. It is terrible, and it seems suffering will be the medicine to awaken the soul out of its dullness.
I think you know very little of Anglo Saxon life. What you are describing sounds more like a Social Democratic type of society such as Sweden, where people really do not suffer and everyone is a winner. Anglo Saxons have extremely long working hours and dont have the Social Security system of europeans.
Thanks Avebury for pointing out that my comment was one-sided. (I was tired when posting).
I was speaking of only one sector of the population, and it is an accurate depiction of the people for whom the system is working. Here in the US, and in England as I understand it, the situation is also as you describe, many people are working long hours (at sometimes multiple) unsatisfactory jobs, not earning enough to meet expenses. Others populations are further marginalized by extreme poverty and denial of basic necessities.
In the US, and by way of the faux culture it has spread throughout the globe, wealth and comfortable material existence displaced former traditional cultures based on communal life and religious and core human values. The mirage is now falling apart for many people and great suffering is the result. Suffering acts as a course correction. We are shaken out of our material stupor and begin to again seek out deeper wisdom, community, and spiritual values that sustain us in the way the pure pursuit of pleasure cannot. We learn to become human again.
If a great many more people were awake than you think, how wd you know it? Their views aren’t presented on MSM. But we ARE told that they’re rejecting the MSM. I suppose you might get a cross-section of the beliefs of Americans on Facebook– except I’ve heard that that’s manipulated to censor out the anti-establishment comments. So, really, do we have ay idea how many are indeed awake, to various degrees?
And lastly: How many awake citizens do we need & to do what, exactly? I’m always asking myself that one!
This Anglo-Saxon has the great fortune of being descendant from people which took the offer of a new life in Terra Australis. Due to the large number of Celts and dissident Europeans here in the early days, Australia is a very egalitarian society. We have a welfare system similar to the Nords, balanced with the Westminster political system which is colonial and unresponsive. We are very well bought off; fiercely independent while totally dependent on the Empire. One day soon our big brother America is going to drag us into a war with China, all so we can join her circling down the drain. We Anglos who want to remain Australian should look into taking an Aboriginal name sometime soon.
The comment that Putin has failed to remove the 5th columnists shows a lack of tactical and strategic understanding that somewhat surprises me.
What harm can a neutered dog with it’s bark removed do?
If ALL suspected “5th columnists” [which begs the question, ‘how do you recognise and prove a 5th columnists’] were “removed” – where and how is not answered – what would you have then?
You would have a focus group for disaffection, long known to be a major source of huge problems for all governments and ruling powers. You would have a very noisy focus group well funded by the NGO’s and feted far and wide across the Amero Empire voicing their “oppression etc etc”.
You would feed the meme spread that you are a tyrannical dictator, and feed into the excuses given for actions taken against you.
So — what do you do? You leave them there, but draw their teeth. They are known, they have little power, they are almost certainly watched, you make sure the media has spread to the people the insults and harms your AmeroEmpire and it’s sympathisers are doing to them so that 5th columnists need to keep their Atlantic yearning to themselves. You probably even feed them with a few volunteers, who of course report everything back to you.
And thus you prevent them doing anything, and tame them as you tamed Oligarchs. Doing anything else would be much more childish and “Western” than I think Russians are.
With regard to the comparison between Trump and America and Putin and Russia, I”m afraid there is none. Putin had a fantastic training in the KGB, he had already cut his teeth on politics in St. P. establishing an Industrial Park, gaining overseas investment monies, setting up a University course in Business Management; He had handled the problem of criminal Mafia with his “Untouchables” moment “for every policeman they kill, we get ten of them” [legally of course!].
And Russia was desperate for a strong man, had a history of decency and spirituality and cohesiveness to draw on. Trump has and has had none of these. He would fail no matter what.
as for the 5th column I read one trait of Vlad’s wisdom:
keep your enemy near to you
Yes, ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer’.
“So — what do you do? You leave them there, but draw their teeth. They are known, they have little power, they are almost certainly watched, you make sure the media has spread to the people the insults and harms your AmeroEmpire and it’s sympathisers are doing to them so that 5th columnists need to keep their Atlantic yearning to themselves. You probably even feed them with a few volunteers, who of course report everything back to you.”
On that i do agree, thank you.
“Trump has and has had none of these” Correct.
” He would fail no matter what.”
On that I disagree. Why? He plays on instinct, always did, His instincts are fine-tuned, he have learned to trust them and act accordingly. What has never occurred to him is the “origin” of the inputs or the cause if you will.
The “Empire” is like a Polar Bear. He does not recognize that someone/thing/whatever might be/is stronger/better. Non existing concept in his world.
See for yourself:
Actually they are doing it in the best tradition of the Holy Wood.
Finally listen to this.
Amazing Graces, Right.
Take Care
Isabella, what an insightful comment. Existence of an opposition certainly broadens policy options: Whenever one decides to take an unpopular decision, one’s cohorts can spread the rumor that “the Atlanticists made him do it.”
I understand that there’s a fair amount of neoliberal austerity going down, with privatization of medicine and parts of education, selling off of the profitable State industries, etc.
Yes, I’ve no hope of Trump, either. The American people have to organize. We have the internet, so I don’t know why it’s not happening.
To paraphrase TheSaker: The US is leading the world into the deepest and most dangerous crisis in human history. Read the Dianna Johnson article at
Hillary is to Obama as Johnson was to Kennedy. JFK was going to wind down the US war in Vietnam but Wall Street and its intelligence agency jackals would not allow it. Now the same criminal elite want more of the world to plow and plunder and will ignite a bigger war to get it. They don’t have to assassinate Obama. They only need to get Hillary elected by any means. Note that the neocons and republican elites have joined with the neolibs in the Hillary camp.
This is not the 1990’s. The coalescing multifarious East will not bend its knees to the West. The East is preparing for the coming confrontation and defeat is not an option.
My prediction is a catastrophic war in 2017 with two possible outcomes: we’ll all be dead, or the West breaks on the resolve of the East. How can there be any other possibility when the US keeps pushing and increasing tensions while the East draws red lines telling the West not to cross at its peril. How can the pleasure seeking degenerate West defeat a Russia strategically aligned with China?
The US and its Anglosphere and EU vassals are heading straight toward disaster. They unconsciously hunger for it and are doing everything possible to make it happen. The West will break on the East.
I disagree, Arius. I think there is virtually NO chance that we will have a real confrontation between the US & Russia. In the first place I don’t think the real actors are the two countries. Rather the chief actor is the international neoliberal oligarchy whose goal is global oligarchy. They are at war against ordinary people everywhere. They are winning. Their international institutions rob nations of their sovereignty increasingly. Citizens are stripped of the necessities thru neoliberal austerity. As far as I can see they are winning, so they wouldn’t want an event that could greatly change the power structure– they ARE the power structure.
It is an extraordinarily popular view that the US Empire is collapsing. (Notice that no one EVER says that the NWO is collapsing.) It is progressing in all its institutions, and in the stolen wealth of its prime movers, A monetary and economic collapse of the US will merely usher in the new, more overtly global monetary system. It has never been intended that the US should head up the NWO, which is to be regionally administered. Accordingly, the risk of real hostilities between US & Russia wd make no sense. There will almost certainly be a limited but terrifying exchange used to push us another large step towards their NWO. the US will be seen to “lose” and Russia to “win”, uhering in the NWO, now called “multipolarity” instead of regional administration.
Penelope, call it for what it International Jewish conspiracy against humanity. No NWO, no Neocons, Libcons, etc. It is what it is. Why is everybody afraid to say the word Jew?
Trump might actually have support from the military and security services. Didn’t he get the public support of some military generals?
There are rumours that the FBI is desperately pro-Trump but nobody is speaking up for fear of losing their jobs. Take a look at this:
It is so sad that it gets kind of funny. That is the result of the capitalistic thumbscrew combined with the surveillance state taking over the mentality of its own personnel. Those in the control rooms know too well the consequences of performing free speech.
Democracy? Broken,
Law and order? Absent without leave,
Constitutionality? Gone fishing…
unless enough cowards find the courage to stop this self-inflicted madness.
I still think that with Russia’s blessing, the best and the shortest way to tame the current neocon – Zionist banking mafia would be little oil shocks which should make life very difficult for them. Those who seem to have pursuited happiness just a little too far.
Schism and frictions are part of human relationships.
In the case of the leaders of the SA and SS, SA-leader Captain E. Röhm’s political conviction had certainly a lot to do with his being murdered on June 30th 1934 by Hitler’s SS.
Let’s briefly recall that tragic part of history: by the spring of 1934 the Sturm Abteilung and its leader E. Röhm were directly challenging two members of the ruling Quartet of that time in Germany, the army and the industry (the 3d and 4th members being the Landlords and the bureaucracy): (1) industry was being challenged by the SA’s demand of the “second revolution” – that is for the economic reforms which would justify the use of the word “socialism” in the name “National Socialism”, whilst (2) the army was being challenged by the demand of Captain E. Röhm that his SA be incorporated into the Reichswehr with each officer holding the same rank in the latter as he already held in the former (which was categorically refused by Minister of War General von Blomberg).
It appears that Hitler had been wavering until the last moment whether he would throw in his lot with “the second revolution” or with the ruling Quartet. His decision to join the latter and exterminate the former was an event of great significance, which made in fact the Nazi movement a counterrevolution of the Right.
@ Wilfreid
Thank you for that brief but important lesson. So even Hitler had a good side after all. His persistent demonization in the victorious press (and everything Nazi) must have some clear meaning.
Molotov’s words: “Better be cursed by the capitalists than praised” might explain it in a related context.
Trumps gone. Hillary means war.
The description of Putin who “looked like petty bureacrat in il fitting suit, a shy and somewhat awkward little guy” made me laugh. If you have met him in 1998-1999, you would know that he was not at all shy and awkward little guy, unles you refer to his hight. And his suit was quite expensive and well fitting, too. Neither was he shy and awkward during his years in Dresden. In 1998 and 1999 Putin was chief of FSS ( Federal Security Service, the successor of KGB) and Secretary General of the Federal Security Council. He had all the power of FSS and most of the army in his hands (unlike Trump, who has only money or mostly money). This enabled him to execute the soft counter coup and take on the leadership of the country, promising Yeltsin and his family protection from any prosecution, a promise he kept. The then rulling elite did not select him, although many of them claim so. But they severely underestimated him and missed his rise to power.
Had the Texas A&M vs Alabama football game on TV and allowed a Trump ad to play unmuted since I wanted to hear its content. It hit HRC very hard about Bengazi and her utter unfitness for high office, with which my wife and I agreed 100%. Lots of pro-Trump people here in an area of Oregon that was once pro-Obama. Many are pro-Stein thanks to the strength of the alternative media here; so, it’s difficult to say who’ll win Oregon’s electoral votes–I think Trump has a very good chance. Nationwide, if Trump’s campaign continues to press with very powerful hit pieces on HRC–for which there’s so much material available–then he still has a viable chance to win since the pro-HRC media blitz seems to be backfiring.
As for the crisis faced by the Outlaw US Empire, it’s of its own making and will eventually succumb as Paul Kennedy described so well about 20 years ago. The only real question is: How violent will be its downfall–will it be THE massive Bang, or a relative whimper?
The thoughts written here make a lot of sense presupposing that Trump has the intelligence of a Putin, or the desire to rehabilitate the nation. My guess is that he assumes neither mantle being in reality a kind of buffoonish if less naive “Chancey Gardener.”. The best bet for Russia is to deal with the western oligarchial society directly and cut out the middle men-women in Washington or any western nation as all are controlled and controllable by them, as they are just a part in these oligarch’s playbook in confusing the issues for those they wish to give the run around to as they hatch their plans for world domination.
There is absolutely every chance that what the Saker calls the ‘Anglo-Zionist’ elites (I just call them Atlantcist or Anglo-American because I am not sure that the Zionist element is as important is it may seem – just my opinion, e.g. I am yet to read any analysis anywhere that explains why it is that every member of the Jewish banking elite is German Jewish. Every one, bar none. Isn’t that a little odd? Or is something at work there, I think I know the answer but that is another discussion) are internally conflicted, for the simple reason that the pie is getting smaller. Evidence – 1. unprecedented concentration of capital over the past 30 years, 2. growing inequality between the wealthier sectors, i.e. the slightly rich (millionaires), extremely rich (multi millionaires), the grotesquely rich (billionaires), & the unbelievably shockingly rich (multi billionaires, trillionaires), 3. mergers & acquisitions, 4. growth of non-Western capital, i.e. Chinese. There are many other reasons, these are just a few, & this basically refers to what in general terms is referred to as the economic decline of the West & the transfer of economic power to the East. In this situation, you also have the decline in US/NATO/Western military hegemony, which is now seriously existentially being directly challenged by Russia, hence the US designating Russia as the main threat to them. This means that at some point in the future, the West will begin to be denied access to resources, both natural as well as human, which will translate into a further chronic erosion of Western economic might. All of this together, & this is a brief & inadequate summary, will lead to a major panic into the upper echelon of the Western oligarchy, its so-called ‘elite’ or ruling caste. That panic already has begun to set in & it is visible with the erratic behavior of the US in the foreign policy arena, in addition to placing a candidate such as Hillary Clinton who – in my view – is being set up by her own benefactors to be killed. I mean that quite literally, I believe that she will end up being killed, once she has done the most dirty & insane crime that she is being set up to commit. Trump is, in my view, an establishment clone all the way, but he is being supported by some element within the establishment that may wish to balance out the lunacy – maybe the very same people, who wish to hedge their bets, if WW3 doesn’t go down to well, well have Hillary assassinated & bring in Trump to clean up the mess. Something like that. He is no Putin, of that I am sure. I could be wrong of course, & I wouldn’t mind if I was, because personally, the scenario that I believe is developing is very unfortunate & I’d rather have my alarmist pessimistic vision proved incorrect. Analytical ego be damned.
Why is it that some of those who work to minimise people’s perception of zionist influence in western strategy are incapable of using paragraphs? Paragraphs are not that radical of a concept, israelis, nor are they that difficult to set up in computer bot programming. Failure to do so simply reflects laziness and disdain for the targeted audience.
Very perceptive vot-tak.
What is happening is no mystery. Marx and others had pointed out that industrial capital would morph into financial capital, exactly what is taking place in post-industrial countries where financial services and transactions are the only growing sector of their economies.
While industrial capital was essentially home-grown, therefore nationalistic, financial capitalism is global and the Zionist bankers will assume full control eventually, if not already. I don’t think there is an escape from the financial straitjacket unless countries reclaim the power to issue their own currencies and circumvent the current international monetary system. But it can be done, e.g. Soviet Union, Cuba.
@Vor: ‘…this basically refers to what in general terms is referred to as the economic decline of the West & the transfer of economic power to the East.’
As predicted by the great French poet Paul Valery (Regard sur le Monde Actuel, 1931). Valery called the transfer of Western technology to the East in return for cheap labour ‘economic suicide’. We have handed it over – technology, our only advantage – to the most populous, most hard working and most socially cohesive portion of mankind. And now the Anglo Capitalists hope to claw this back by starting WW3 – a war in which the now technologically developed East will probably ‘bomb the USA back to the stone age’, perhaps together with half of Europe.
In 1980 China’s “8 Immortals” oversaw the “opening up” of the Chinese economy to Western financial and business interests. This began w a 1980 meeting of Rong Yiren, chairmen of then newly-established state investment firm CITIC, and David Rockefeller & the heads of 300 corporations in Chase Manhattan’s headqtrs. To plan the industrialization of China, the participation of US oligarchs and its integration into the NWO.
The US has even transferred limited military technology. China is to take charge of Asia as regional adminstrators for the NWO. Blather about the S China Sea is pure theatre for the masses. 4/27/15 CHINA; KEY TO THE NWO The Corbett Report: CHINA & THE NEW WORLD ORDER
Sort of OT, but indicative of the institutional corruption pindoland is made of.
It Burns! STDs Have Record Year in America
“Blame for the record number of new STD cases can be pinned squarely on clinic closures and budget cuts that hamstrung STD prevention programs.
“[N]ot that long ago, gonorrhea rates were at historic lows, syphilis was close to elimination, and we were able to point to advances in STD prevention, such as better chlamydia diagnostic tests and more screening, contributing to increases in detection and treatment of chlamydial infections. That progress has since unraveled,” Gail Bolan, director, Division of STD Prevention at the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention at the CDC said in the forward to the report.”
Obviously, its the Russians spreading bio warfare…and not zionazis sacrificing untermenschen programs to the “greater good” of paying for zionazi empire building at the cost of survival and well being of the suckers.
Hold Your Breath! Scientists Say Temporary Oxygen Deprivation Might Cure Jet Lag
And permanent oxygen deprivation is an excellent self help tool for zionazi tools.
Thank you for a very fine essay. The comparison between Russia after Yeltsin and the US today is highly productive. And hearing Trump’s brilliant comeback to the ‘trick’ question by the simpering sycophant who modded the final debate simply made my day. As a former actor, I would say that he inhabited the moment.
It makes me hopeful that he actually can be trusted.
Yes, the hordes of Trotskyite, Khazar Bolsheviks, stampeding from Stalin’s cull of them, heeded an old call to ‘Go West, young man.’ What possible defense could the hothouse USA have had against them?
It is one thing to commit genocide of the stone age native American tribes and plunder an ancient but divided African continent for slaves. It is quite another thing to be confronted with the ancient tax-collectors and mercenaries from the mouth of the Volga who have relatively recently started calling themselves Zionists and Jews.
About polls: Before taking the following article too seriously, I would like to see some conformation. But an interesting read it is:
Here’s two more polls saying Trump’s ahead. Who knows? 64/36% Fox news, when polled anonymously. 67/19% Anonymous says national poll
I’m not following the election, but far’s I know Trump has only criticized the voter end of corrupt voting. Isn’t the main oppty for rigging the election in the counting? Computerized counting is secret counting.
Has he actually said anything against the Fed?
I saw part of one debate where he says he’ll cut regulations for corporations and their tax rate. If he were talking about small business that wd be great, but obviously its for our mega-corp rulers too.
Personally, I don’t think it was ever planned for Hillary to be Prez; her negatives are way too high.
I think all the negative Trump coverage is just to convince us that he’s an outsider. In other words, it’s meant to elect him. The Fox link above certainly seems to be pro-Trump.
Thank-you Saker- very helpful to take a hard look at what Trump would face in the White House. It is a rather grim picture, and made further so by the fact that Trump is not by a long shot, a Putin. VP has tremendous strength of character, as well as a very strong moral and religious disposition. He is a judo master on many levels. He is also well educated, knows his history, and cites historical fact when speaking. Putin is clever, wise, and noble. It took a very remarkable man to pull Russia out of decline, and I fear Trump is not even half the man Putin is.
Don’t get me wrong- I am not advocating Hellary, and pray we do not go there. But Trump does not bear the qualities that are needed to be successful for the job you describe. After reading your analysis, I am pretty sure we are in for a mighty crisis. As the Russians well know, suffering is a great educator. It seems to be time for the Americans to go to through that school.
To get the media, he need merely focus on that corruption. The media have all been paid the shekel and those same corruption charges laid out would also stick admirably to those indoctrinated and paid media hacks.
“Their maniacal hatred of Trump can in part be explained by the sense of danger these folks feel, being threatened for the first time in what they see as their homeland (I don’t mean that in a patriotic sense – but rather like a parasite care for “his” host). ”
There was once an Austrian political thinker who thought likewise. If you combine that with Suvorov, perhaps, after a thorough audit of what really happened in the 20th century, covered up by the media, we in Greater Europe (“Paris-Berlin-Moscow”) can finally achieve a European Grand Reconciliation. The internet could play a crucial role in that audit.
This is what Putin said to French journalists **after** EuroMaidan:
At 16:39 Putin says:
“Francois Mitterrand spoke of a European confederation with Russia as a member. I think this opportunity still exists. We will have it in the future.”
After the demise of the US empire we will have a multi-polar world, where Greater Europe and China will be the two carrying pillars of that order.
Map multi-polar world:
Europeans and Russians will need to operate on North-American soil to help break-up the US between the Trumpists (fly-over country) and Clintonites (East coast).
Mississippi basin, this is how the contours of European America could look like after the breakup:
Expect the breakup of the US to be much more bloody than that of the USSR, because Washington will resist it, where in 1991 Moscow cooperated in the breakup.
The breakup of the US is the only way to get rid of the “neocons”. It is very unlikely that Trump can get rid of them single-handedly by “draining the swamp”. “Rising interest rates” won’t do the job. A Trump assassination could trigger an uprising and a US equivalent of Sloviansk could emerge, rapidly expanding, supported by the presence of hundreds of millions of fire arms in the US.
We are rapidly approaching a historic cataract, a Western equivalent of 1989.
Merkel is under siege in Germany and mobilizing patriotic forces.
The socialists in France openly admit that no socialist will be the next French president. In stead it will be a fight between neocons Sarkozy/Juppe and nationalist le Pen.
If Clinton wins, WW3 will be next, where the East has all the cards, provided that China will back Russia, as she likely will. Russia and China can provide Iran with all the means necessary (missiles) to halt all shipping in the Gulf, which means that Europe will become totally dependent on Russia for fuel and thus being forced into neutrality. The rising European Right wants positive relations with Russia and is anti-US. A global conflict could lead to a Eurasian block that opposes and confronts Anglosphere.
Every human get on average 80 years.
In geopolitics every top dog gets a century:
The British and American AngloZionists got their two centuries. Multi-polar world is next.
Kind regards,
@ Dutch
Very interesting post, thank you. Hopefully the predictions will come through.
While commenting on the great revolutions on another thread, it occurred to me that one is due in 2035
@ Dutch
Lost my comment…
I was saying the next revolution is in 2035 (128 yrs after the last one in 1917) which comes roughly to the expected end of the Anglozionist period. Hope it works.
Thank you for supporting the idea of ‘Data Fetishism’ or DAFT or ‘The silly but fortunately revealing and thus useful habit of the world crooks to do their crimes (or lately only attempts thereof) in regular intervals (multiples of 5 or much better of 25) so that they may sign their deeds and be respected and feared and obeyed while still remain cowardly in safe anonymity and be exempted from the juridical consequences of their cimes’. However, they have chosen the holy nazi number of 14 to be their starting point, so that 1789 and 1914, 1939, 1989 and 2014 were fit for starting major upheavals, while the consequences of those like 1791, 1917, 1933, 1991 did not follow these rules, and 128 or 2035 do not either. But one might make a case for 1907 – 1917, just as there is a clear connection betwėen 1918 (germ rev), 1923 (hitlerputsch on the same day 9.11. in germ date writing), 1933 (machtergreifung) and 1938 (reichskristallnacht, ain on 9.11.) And what did the nazis do in 1928? And what is their plan for 2039? Bravo! Good question! Let’s all fimd all hidden truths!
There is a faction that has total control of Congress, the same faction that invited Israeli PM to speak to the Congress, where they wildly cheered their Master. Congress also rushes free money and weapons to Israel on a regular basis, while telling us Americans there’s no money to repair our falling-apart infrastructure.
This same faction has complete control of the FED, even the deputy, Stanley Fisher, was a former Bank of Israel president.
Ditto for the US Treasury, which can’t find any WASP Americans to head that outfit. Same goes for those TBTF Wall Street casinos, which are in worse shape now than in 2007.
As for the media, including Hollywood, well that should be obvious.
I’m being circumspect so I won’t get the boot for telling too much truth, but you SAKER, you’re being disingenuous.
As usual an excellent analysis excepting where the Saker goes on about Trotsky.Then we have embarrassing stuff.Hey! Dude! Good Luck pitching your line with the deadweight of Mr. Happy ‘Koba’. as your model. How re-assuring.
If only Russia were served by the brilliant Trotsky, leader of the victorious Red Army against all odds. How well Russia would be served if a Trotsky was on scene to inspire the citizenry.So pipe down!. Whatever about Trotsky the Saker is off key.
And Iron Feliks who ensured that men at the front were not stabbed in the back.Whaddya know about Derzhinskii*? You spout Stalinist cartoons I tell you will get a rough ride anywhere east of Berlin.
Please explain what the Trots would have accomplished in the USSR were it not for that über-horrible monster Stalin. The latter is 60+ years dead; yet Trotskyism keeps failing miserably in delivering any revolutions anywhere on the planet — let alone any perfect, flawless ones they crave of the world’s downtrodden and oppressed. Trotskyism is hardly anything more than a bunch of minuscule, forever squabbling middle class sects in the imperialist heartlands. Stalin is popular in Russia — with very good reason.
@ R McMaster
That miserable toad was spared a trial and execution and shown the door to take his trade-mark permanent revolution elsewhere. Do you know why? Because he was a fraud and not worth to waste a bullet on him.
But instead of making revolutions, he went to his New York paymasters to collect the shekels of betrayal and enjoy the retirement of the failed non-entity who attached himself to the Bolsheviks when the revolution was already in motion (July 1917) as a parasitic freeloader jumping on the bandwagon. No wonder all capitalist leftist have the verbal trots.
“If only Russia were served by the brilliant Trotsky, leader of the victorious Red Army against all odds”
It is hard to believe that there is a sane person in the world who would spout crap like that. The brilliant mass murder of the Kronstadt sailors and many other unnecessary killings, forced the Central Committee to send Stalin to the south front to save the Red Army from certain disaster because of the “brilliant Trot”‘s incompetence (Battle of Tsaritsyn). Even before Lenin’s death (1924) he was already being excluded from any decision making in the Politburo and dismissed from war commissar because of his big ego and dubious loyality, proved later by expulsions, grovelling begging for pardon, readmission, betrayal again, and so on. No wonder he was the darling of the capitalist west- and still is apparently for some morons.
But he had some brilliant ideas though apart from the permanent revolution: one of those ideas was to militarize production, that is, all the workers were to be mobilised and factories would run under military principles and discipline. The other members of the Politburo knew by then there was an escapee from the madhouse in their mist.
Exerlent analysis, sadly as you point out, the neocons see Trump coming and are not going to allow themselves to be blindsided as Putin managed, and that’s assuming that Trump isn’t just saying these things to court public opinion and an alternative narrative. Sadly it seems to me he’s apt at putting his personal interests above anything else, (sounds familiar!)
We need these changes though, to bring some sanity, mutual understanding, respect and cooperation to the world.
The global economic crisis is perhaps where a reset may come from, but the neocons are desperately scrambling about to lock us all into crippling debt and free themselves with a ‘new’ strategy of central bank bonds….
All this does is kick the problem further down the road, and absolutely ensures that when the collapse does eventually come it will just as catastrophic as a global nuclear war, as the entire system collapses more instantly resulting in worldwide anarchy.
We will continue with the ‘we are exception, therefore laws don’t apply to us, we will impose our will and you WILL like it’. It really is a case of which one of the two impending apocalypses occur first.
It’s time for humanity to pull back from the brink, and start helping each other, or just to get it over and let the cockroaches take over, they will do a better job.
The Saker blog should copy some articles from this Czech portal.
On February 10th, 1990, between 4 and 6:30 p.m., Genscher (German Foreign minister in 1990) spoke with Shevardnadze. According to the German record of the conversation, which was only recently declassified, Genscher said: „We are aware that NATO membership for a unified Germany raises complicated questions. For us, however, one thing is certain: NATO will not expand to the east.“ And because the conversion revolved mainly around East Germany, Genscher added explicitly: „As far as the non-expansion of NATO is concerned, this also applies in general.“ (Der Spiegel, 11-26-09)
There is also the fact that U.S. Secretary of State, James Baker, even spelled out this commitment in a discussion with Gorbachev on February 9th, 1990 in St. Catherine’s Hall at the Kremlin. There would be, in Baker’s words, „no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east,“ provided the Soviets agreed to the NATO membership of a unified Germany. (Der Spiegel, 11-26-09)
As President, Trump would enjoy sufficient statutory authority, as well as support from common Americans, to begin a process of lustration, See, e.g., (as to the banks) 12 U.S.C. sec. 95(a), and (as to the criminal “deep state”) 10 U.S.C. secs. 332 and 333. He would also have extensive authority to bring into the light of day and public scrutiny masses of now-secret governmental records which will finally expose the “shadow government” as the political racketeering enterprise it is. All of this would be within his authority, without further action by Congress, as soon as he were inaugurated. Thus, anyone with a working knowledge of the U.S. Code could draft a suitable plan for action.
As a Serb I suggest one simple question to the readers of this blog (especially Russian readers): What would happen if Putin suddenly dies of heart attack? Is there a suitable replacement that would continue his policy? Is he actively seeking a person that would continue his policy after his term? Because all that he did for the last 15 years can be undone in a day if some new Gorbachov or Yelcin become a president.
If Trump starts some discontinuation of bad US policies he must provide back up alternatives for emergency cases. One man and 4 years is not enough to neutralize something that lasted for centuries.
What an excellent question! I hope someone has an answer.
Succession in the USA is orderly because the President is not really in charge, the Deep State is.
In Russia, that is not the case.
the astrological view doesn’t regard things on earth but in the mirror of heaven.
Mirroring heaven = the Order of times, is Dharma of earth.
The poll on Tuesday Nov. 8. is a conundrum in the making which and will be completed at 8 pm local time-zones.
Here my two cents:
Ps: to approach it or read it again, the Donald:
And this is the fourth part of mundo’s essay on the poll at 11/8. A short piece
on America’s Moon, Sun and Jupiter in God’s realm above truth and lies
I take encouragement from Hillary’s recent comment: “If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!”
The most direct way to bring that about would be to appoint a really tough head of the FBI and release all the answers to 9/11 FOIA requests.
If the media refuse to cover the developments, take them over. The president already has the power.
Terrific article and insight.
To say the least, I agree w/what you are saying.
I am (personally) scared to death that the Clinton’s are going to finish what they started in the 90’s.
But… as with the Ukraine, it is up to us in the ‘Crack House on the Hill’ to begin to free ourselves I don’t know if there are enough of us emotionally/mentally free of entrainment to even BEGIN to do the job but it is the only job there is, no?
I never thought in my wildest imaginings, that I would be 1) voting Republican and 2) voting Trump.
Funny what life can bring you.
And Trump is no Putin, sorry, but I don’t think he can begin to follow instructions.
It is going to get ugly I am afraid.
Although a racist and an ignorant in international politics – to say the least – Trump achieved an astonishing feat: and that is to de-throne the Bush Court within the Republican Party. Democrats went into opposite direction: from selling the Party to the Republicans & Banksters by Bill the Merchant to the crowning of Hillary as the Establishment Queen. The omellette got turned around and the Establishment that was behind Bushes is now behind Hillary. One way or another Trump is going to lose – American elections ARE rigged and any idiot knows it by now. Hillary robbed the primaries and the Bushes fraud is now in preparation for/by Hillary (just in case; part of it is done already by blocking votes for Jill Stein). The question is: what Trump is going after? Is he going to abandon the Party and politics and go down as a mere “accident” in the History of Republican Party and American politics? Will he disappear faster than Mitt Romney? If not, what political agenda will he put together or support?
Rather than thinking that the Clinton – Trump race is close, you should see what JimStone dot is posted. It’s their “do not distribute” report about the three polls they conducted for the Clinton campaign. They show her REAL support – not what the MSM publishes – on page 2 of a 6 page firesign3.GIF, 413.8 kB (I copied it out of his site on Friday, the 21st, and it’s still there in today’s /basepagep3). Here’s what it says on page 2 and page 6:
Clinton’s consultant: Benenson Strategy Group – their “Salvage Program”
“At this point Donald Trump has both momentum and enthusiasm. Distrust in the media is blunting the impact. ”
They have a table of candidate support in various voter categories with three surveys, Sept 28-30, Oct 5-7. Oct 10-13.
Voter category Poll A B C
Clinton, mind made up 33 21 13
Clinton, mind could change 6 4 6
Trump, mind made up 46 54 62
Trump, mind could change 7 13 15
Other, mind made up 1 1 1
Other, could change: 1 1 1
Neither 5 2 1
No opinion 1 4 1
Look at that top left number: Hillary has only 13% of hard support (and falling) – in her own commissioned poll.
On page 6 they say, “We have analyzed a number of potential salvage options and have a strong recommendation.” [“Salvage options” = false flags.]
Not recommended are “Red Dawn”, “Cobalt Rain”, “BLRiot”, “Zikpocalypse”, “Sharia Escalation”, “Unnatural Disaster” listed with definitions, risks and issues.
Recommended salvage option: “FIRESIGN”
“For almost two decades the Department of Defense and NASA have coordinated a black book project under the codee name FIRESIGN. FIRESIGN’s aim is the create a religious “awe effect” in enemy populations to create an instantaneous psychological soft-kill (abject submission). The operation uses high powered lasers to projecct real-seeming images on the sodium layer 100km above the surface. ”
Regards, Kurt
Both candidates were pre-selected. By now, since baby Bush’s election, it is obvious. They didn’t start global wars just to stop because of new presidential selection. We are trying to be hopeful instead of preparing for the inevitable with support of the divine and have faith to win.
I believe Trump was selected to filter out other gop and dem candidates to allow Clinton to remain strong till last moment. The reason being, why would he use unprofessional and provocative statements that turn off people if he really wants to be elected? It doesnt make sense! He cannot have such character with buisness and wealth he created.
Ugh. A regretfully accurate and not so cheery assessment of Trump.
Trump’s ‘first 100 days’ speech seems to have some good ideas. The decision to target politician-lobbyists seems very strategically sound. Whomever came up with that was insightful. In Russia, it was the presstitutes; in America, the mire runs a little deeper but the lobbyists are critical to that.
Still, Trump seems to be one of those natural leaders a society produces to save itself (often from, itself). No Putin, but of the same… well not cloth, Putin’s class is unmistakeable, but from the same ‘of the people-ness’ loom.
His main opponents may be whomever the shadow government is; the Podesta leaks are really the first broad public mention of the Continuity of Government in years.
Neither Clinton or Trump operate totally alone; they have their teams and the connections of their teams to other players.
In Hilary’s case, if her paucity of election appearances is any indicator, her health (or is she just drugged?) seems to render Hilary totally just a mouthpiece. So any good judgement she has no longer matters; a Hilary administration would be totally that of her neocon clique. At least Obama says no every now and then and drags his feet at doing stupid stuff.
Eltsin-era Russia was managed by foreigners with no intimate feel for who they were ruling; Trump has only his own unique brand to blindside opponents who otherwise know Washington inside-out. Trump also fires people; its too bad he couldn’t run the U.S. government like his own reality TV show, because at least it would be a kind of openness and transparency.
Clinton will be elected and she is the one the powers that be want.
NFZ in Syria is a campaign thing, if it turns out to be impossible it will not happen.
Lavrov says she is the predictable of the two, apparently thinks she can be dealt with.
Dear Saker, I go along with every word you’re saying here. But there’s one thing you don’t seem to count with. Election rigging. How can Trump stand a chance to win the November election since all the machines will be rigged for Hillary, the way they were during the Democratic Primary election, according to Wikileaks, whom I believe in. OK, I even see that DNC has apologized to Sanders for some emails that were revealed. So what does that change? We just might
have been saved from a hot war if Trump could win the election. But how can he?
There is hope, but before things get better, everything that is rotten, must collapse, economic, political and societal.
God has a plan. Focus on doing what is right and help those around you as things collapse and trust that God has a plan.
According to this website Obma won’t finish his term and it won’t be neither of them but someone outside of the election process.
Every crook in the US government and higher end business knows that the NSA has something on everyone of them. That is one reason why those who might have been reluctant under Bush or Obama have played ball- after all blackmail is cheaper than bribery since it is inflation proof (attribution: tinker tailor soldier spy- BBC version) It is that data bank that those Administrations developed that could become the undoing of their handlers and their special interests, and I suspect that leaks from the NSA could be the source of the current DNC revelations.
The most important thing is when SHTF, the US military will side with Trump, that is if he wins and he is true to his words