Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” scheduled for December 9-10, 2021, has posted its final list of invited countries.
Let’s take a look:
Albania Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahamas Barbados Belgium Belize Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Cabo Verde Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Estonia European Union Fiji Finland France Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guyana |
Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Latvia Liberia Lithuania Luxembourg Malawi Malaysia Maldives Malta Marshall Islands Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria North Macedonia Norway |
Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Republic of Korea Romania Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Serbia Seychelles Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands South Africa Spain Suriname Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Timor-Leste Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tuvalu Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay Vanuatu Zambia |
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace also published this very helpful map:
Finally, let us also recall the purpose of this summit, as explained by the US Department of State:
- Defending against authoritarianism
- Addressing and fighting corruption
- Promoting respect for human rights
Next, the first thing we need to do is to translate the above into plain English. Here is how I would translate all this:
- Faithfully supporting a single World Hegemony of the (already dead, but nevermind that, they can pretend it is still alive) AngloZionist Empire and obediently participate in any anti-Russian and anti-Chinese operations to prevent the latter from creating a multi-polar world.
- Overthrow those government who refuse to participate in the operations mentioned under #1 and/or get rid of some truly useless and too embarrassing “our SOBs” (Zelenskii anybody?)
- Participating in strategic PSYOPs to demonize those countries not invited to the Summit while allowing those invited to use any level of repression/suppression of dissent needed to stay in power.
How relevant is this summit in reality?
By itself, such a summit has zero value, if only because it tries to unite around a single (and vapid) agenda countries with totally different circumstances. It is therefore pretty obvious that all that which come out from this grand show is some insipid declaration “for everything good and against everything bad” (Russian expression).

Results of the regional and municipal elections in Venezuela
One telling example shows how out of touch with reality this entire endeavor will be: the White House has even extended an invitation to uberloser Juan Guaido! That in spite of the fact that the people of Venezuela have recently massively rejected Guaido and everything he stands for.
This, by the way, also strongly suggest that even though, for example, almost all Latin American countries have been invited to the Summit, this participation is a very good illustration of the comprador nature of the ruling classes in Latin American. If the people were given the right to decide whether they want to subserviently support the “Yankee/gringo” Empire or not, very few, if any, of the invited countries would send delegates.
In other words, this Summit is first and foremost about APPEARANCES, a PR move destined to strong-arm each government on the planet to make a simple choice, the very same choice Baby Bush offered when he said that “you are either with us or with the terrorists”. The updated version of this could be “you are either with us, or with the evil Russians and the evil Chinese”.
[BTW – This is the list of countries which have not been invited (for various reasons): Afghanistan, Algeria, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cote D’Ivoire, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, The Holy See, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Libya, Liechtenstein, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Russia, Rwanda, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.]
The real (people’s) map would look very differently
What would a realistic map look like?
First, almost none of the Latin American countries would be represented.
Second, all of Europe would, but primarily because the EU’s comprador elites are desperate to get from this summit a legitimacy which they are increasingly losing in their own countries due to the truly phenomenal, I would even say, suicidal policies of the EU member states (economy, energy, COVID, crime, immigration, Wokism, etc.).
Next, all of Africa would participate, in a desperate attempt to get as much aid as possible (military, economic, political, etc.) and to show how abjectly subservient to their colonial masters all the African governments still are. This is hardly their fault, true, but that does not change the abject reality of African politics…
Next, the wider Middle-East, India and Pakistan would also participate, but for very different reasons: these governments have all read the writing on the wall, albeit with some differences, and they know that the US is on the way out, but they want that “out” to be played on terms advantageous to them. Nobody wants to be the “next Erdogan” and be overthrown by CENTCOM. I would also add that while CENTCOM ain’t much of a military force anymore, there are numerous multi-billion dollar contracts still linking the USA to these countries and that is reason enough to show up at the Summit, and say all the right things, and then come home and return to business as usual.
Which leaves the entire Asian continent, including Russia, China, Central and Far East Asia. Here the map is simple: countries near Russia and China are not invited, countries near(er) Australia are. Asia currently is the continent with the most agency, by far, and the one with the brightest future due not only to its immense resources (human and natural) but also due to the fact that the two Asian giants (Russia and China) are moving together as one to begin to build the multi-polar world they eventually want to see worldwide on the continent they share. Russia and China also happen to have the most powerful militaries on the planet (especially if counted together, which they increasingly should).
If Malcolm X was still alive today he would probably say that “all the house Negroes have been invited and all the field Negroes have not” (see here) :-)
The Summit for Democracy as a time machine?
I would argue that the upcoming Summit is like a time machine, not one which allows us to actually travel in time, but one which shows us who will be part of shaping the future of our planet and who will not. The folks invited by the (already dead) AngloZionist Empire are either comprador elites, or regimes with no real agency (and, therefore, no real legitimacy), and a few desperately poor countries which are literally willing to do anything, anything at all, to please their current masters. They have no real future to speak of.
As for the future, it is pretty evident that Asia will be, by far, the most important continent to set the agenda for the foreseeable future. I personally believe that Latin America will be next, all that is needed their is for a few well chosen “dominoes” to fall and the entire continent will be flipped very quickly. True, right now, if we ONLY look at the official map, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Bolivia look rather isolated. But let’s look at this differently, the fact that these countries can survive while being surrounded by pro-USA regimes is a very telling sign by itself. Furthermore, there are also two giants in Latin America: Argentina and Brazil, especially the latter. Should Brazil be “flipped”, then that would have a huge impact on the rest of the continent.
Next, the two regions which will “fall” next would be the Middle-East, first, and eventually, Europe, second.
There is very little, if anything, the Empire or the USA can do about the Middle-East: the truth is that the future of the region will be set by Iran (the regional superpower) and Russia. Yes, the Axis of Kindness countries (US+KSA+Israel) can still trigger a major regional war. But they can’t win it. That ship has now sailed.
With the EU, however, things are much more complicated and all the Kabuki theatre we currently see about the “imminent” Russian invasion is all about two things: first, “elegantly” get rid of the Ukraine (to a Russian invasion would be best) and about reasserting the Anglo dominance over the European continent. That plan might still succeed, especially when we consider the very real political power the UK+3B+PU gang has ever EU decision (yes, even the UK still has a lot of influence over the EU ruling classes via its still very real financial power!).
As for Oceania and Africa, they simply don’t matter very much, the former a nicely isolated by distance, the latter has no agency and is totally dependent on some kind of foreign masters.
In the meantime, the brain-dead EU politicians, which should have been placed on suicide watch years ago, are still at it: NATO threatens Russia with “consequences” while the US declares that “all options are on the table“. We can be sure that Putin personally and everybody else in Russia are absolutely *terrified* by such language, and that is why when the “imminent” Russian invasion does not materialize, the leaders of the (long dead) Empire will proclaim themselves “victorious” against the “Putin regime”! Bravo!
And even if the Ukies succeed in forcing Russia to intervene, then NATO will proudly declared that its invincible might is what forced the Russians to stop (doesn’t really matter where exactly). Again, bravo!
All this craziness actually makes perfect sense, as an imaginary war is the only one these losers can “win”.
“Peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom are common values of humanity. Democracy is not a prerogative of a certain country or a group of countries, but a universal right of all peoples. It can be realized in multiple ways, and no model can fit all countries. Whether a country’s path works depends on whether it meets the country’s realities, follows the trend of the times, and brings about economic development, social stability and progress, and better lives for the people. Ultimately, it relies on the support of the people and will be proven by its contribution to human progress.
Therefore, a basic criterion of democracy should be about the people, i.e. whether the people have the right to govern their country, whether their needs are met, and whether they have a sense of fulfillment and happiness. If the people are only awakened when casting their votes and sent back to hibernation when the voting is over, if they are served with sweet-sounding slogans in campaigns but have no say after the election, if they are wooed during canvassing but left out in the cold after that, this is not a genuine democracy.”
— Anatoly Antonov, the Russian ambassador to the United States.
— Qin Gang, the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the United States
Thank you very much for adding this!
Yes, this is the issue in a nutshell.
And it very much underlines the incredibly poor estate of our Western “Elites” which are quisling around to save their collected bribes and trying to show obedience to their lost masters, while flipping around in the yard like headless chickens spilling their blood in furor… Pretending to be deciders by issuing nonsense regulations and bullshit statements towards their underlings. Everything glossed over by mass media big lies in Goebbels style. Frankly, in his second Sportpalast speech of Feb 18, 1943, the latter was quite straight-up compared to today’s rented media harlots. And people feel that big mess is already imminent, and decide to feign death for not having to face truths, but no way, truths will merciless befall them making their playing possum obsolete on their own risk.
That’s it what makes apocalypse now such an attractive option, a psychotic rage of simulating control over the own lost destiny.
These quotes could have come from Thomas Paine or Thomas Jefferson. What a great irony that the only statesmen capable of such wisdom today are those excluded from the ‘Summit for Democracy”.
Joe Biden invites to a party Celebrating Democracy, Is that a joke?
Now lets see if anybody but the Fascist guard shows up.
A Dane
All those invited will show up. The US empire is collapsing, but it still exists, and the guests do not wish to make an enemy of Washington DC.
The Summit is a joke. The intent of Washington DC is to create an international political front against Russia, China and Iran, and this attempt will fail. Yes, the participants at the Summit will play along with the US, and that will be all. What is especially hilarious is that it was initiated by Joe Biden, who pulled off the greatest election steal in US history.
The 18th century was the age of France, the 19th century was the age of Britain, the 20th century was the age of the US, while the 21st century will be the age of Euro-Asia, ie. Russia and China. Most, if not all of the participants know this. None wish to make any rash moves, nor are such things usually done in international affairs. When the US empire either collapses or is close to collapse, then Washington DC will find to it’s amazement how many countries will turn their backs to it.
Well formulated analysis B.F.
And I believe you are right
The Chinese voice in this statement comes through very much stronger than that of the Russian one. The Chinese have their tail up and are more than willing to go beyond a mere geopolitical power play and challenge the USA on some of the most cherished and profoundly deceitful myths that it holds about itself: freedom, democracy, etc. The Russians less so.
The reason as to why 3B+PU can influence the EU is because the EU lets them set an agenda. How is it possible for a few minor countries to influence one of the most influential power blocks in the world otherwise? The EU always has an option saying no. But they are too cowardly.
In addition, there are limits of blaming 3B+PU for everything since the west indulges them. US and EU always have an option if ignoring 3B + PU should they choose. After all US is a “superpower”, and cannot play an innocent victim of evil machinations from Poland.
In the case of Ukraine, US and EU got only themselves to blame. They destroyed a country and installed a fascist regime. Remember that the late John McCain once stood shoulder to shoulder with Nazis in Kiev, and he is considered a patriot in US. So the west cannot play dumb and pretend like they did not see consequences coming. Time to take responsibility for one’s actions. The root of tensions in lust for power and hegemony from AZ elites. Unless and until AZ elites are forcefully confronted by Western peoples, nothing will change.
“Tyranny Athens imposed on others, it finally imposed on itself”
John McCain is/was not considered a patriot my most true Americans in the USA, but was rather considered a malicious rat, a stooge, and a corrupt evil mofo. Of course, to the Deep State, he was a hero.
I agree. However by mainstream society he is considered a hero. I saw a life magazine issue, dedicated to John McCain in the grocery store. It is the same with true patriotic Ukrainians, regarding Bandera.
In addition you know what is disturbing? The praise Navy Seal Chris Kyle received. You probably know of him. There was a movie Called American Sniper released in 2015. Based on a Book Chris Kyle wrote. In that book, you can see a vicious killer who boasted of killing 160 people, and regretting that he did not kill more. Also there are some awful passengers in the book regarding Iraqis. Had this been written about the Jews, Chris Kyle would have been condemned for hate speech. But since he wrote about Iraqis it seems he got a pass from society. The sad truth is way too many Americans consider Chris Kyle a hero.
So when Americans wonder in shock as to why Nazis in Kiev are supported. The answer is above staring in the face if you know where to look. Before confirming Ukraine, please take a look at your own societies. West have committed unspeakable atrocities, and it seems to me as long as the failed states were far away few paid attention:
“In 1983, Salvadoran National Guard “freedom fighters,” under the command of President Ronald Reagan, swooped down on a village in US-supplied helicopters. A peasant woman described the massacre. Her three children were killed and chopped to pieces and thrown to the pigs, while the soldiers laughed all the while. Men “gathered into a circle [were] set on fire after their legs had been broken.” Reporter Elizabeth Hanly heard of “trees heavy with women hanging from their wrists, all with breasts cut off and facial skin peeled back, all slowly bleeding to death.” Victims were the over-worked peasants who asked for food but instead received a visit from the National Guard.”
So when people wonder, why US support killing in Donbass read except above. You find your answer. Unless patriotic American people take an honest look at American history nothing will change.
The late ‘ hero ‘ John Mc Cain was shot down over North Vietnam. When he was interrogated at the Hanoi Hilton prison, where the Viet Cong kept lucrative Americans, he ‘ sang like a canary bird ‘, told about the logistics of bombing raids. The altitudes, and such of American bombers during the last moments of a strike mission. When the U.S. Navy started losing many fighter bombers, there was a period of perplexity as to why the uptick in the downing of planes.
It turns out the Late Sen. Mc Cain had given much-needed info as I have written. He even stated so in his debriefing when he was returned back to the U.S. The top brass wanted to court-martial him, but a few Generals and the President interfered and he was treated as a hero with parades and such.
I remember the doc I watched on the subject.
As I recall, his father was top brass and pulled strings for him. He was a walking scandal during his whole time in the service. Really classic signs of psychopathy too.
Read “The Nightingal’s Song” and you will know all you need to know about John McCain’s capabilities and personal quality/integrity.
Whatever happens will depend on the ability of the finance oligarchs to keep the martinets in check as they have so far.
The empire has its own very specific meaning which it attaches to this supposedly magic word democracy. “Democracy,” for the Western ruling class, means one thing and one thing only. No other more general interpretations of the word are permitted.
“Democracy” is a term that means bourgeois class hegemony over all social and political-economic relations. It is a propagandistic validation of the absolute control over society exercised by private oligarchic capital.
This picture of “democracy” has deep roots in history. It arises from the widespread historic belief that a culture is the richer for having a multitude of private and independent power sources that are free from the control of any overarching central authority. In the Feudal era there had been some logical justification for this. But now it has morphed to the extreme of sanctifying the hegemonic power of private capital. Democracy means the totalitarian supremacy of private capital. And with that it glorifies the bourgeois vision of the absolute freedom of the private individual. In this “democracy” all deeper and psychologically meaningful relationships within a culture are denied. For the bourgeois class this is the only freedom they are interested in. It is their supreme political fantasy and it operates (psychologically) as a fetish. So no way can we call that authoritarian, right?
Reduced to a nutshell “democracy” means the denial structure of bourgeois individualism.
The more they go nuts trying to push this fantasy against the rising tide of evolution the more they signal just how close they are to their own fall. So the extreme of their self revealing propaganda can be seen as a sign of something new and far richer on the horizon.
A recent post on Moon of Alabama said, “Whenever I hear the word “democracy”, I head for the air raid shelter.’
When I hear it a feel nauseated, then a flush my mental toilet…
I agree. The notion of ‘democracy’ and the governance of this nation around the principles of such, has been grossly abused by the ruling elite here. It now makes me gag too.
Exampla Gratia: Note the pattern from the opening of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, and see emerging from this the evidence of a deeply corrupted law system that will protect the ‘elites’ and their monied cronies. That puts paid to any notion of true democracy in the land of Lady Liberty. The system is irretrievably damaged, without a thorough scouring out with brillo pads and mountains of clorox cleanser, after the blood of the guilty is washed away.
Mind you, China is as far from democracy as one could imagine. Herding people like brainless sheep and beating them half to death or ‘disappearing’ them, is not democracy. Let’s call a spade a spade.
I like to believe Russia is becoming more democratic by the day. There is much to admire about modern Russia, and the Russian spirit.
Whatever China does, if it is supported by 50% plus one of its citizens, why it is not democratic?
Not according to your opinion about what is right or wrong, but defining democracy, please tell me why China is not democratic if its foreign and domestic policies are supported by 50% plus one citizen.
Probably, and contrary to the views of the author, for him, democracy is to follow the standard set by the west (and note that the west isn’t abide by its own standard). It is to follow the ritual set by the west.
Yes, call a spade a spade: Russia is a friend; China is not, or is at least to be watched very carefully.
Can you please back up your claims on China ?
I was referring to A.S.K
“Democracy” is a code word for “dough make a (the)ocracy” (a neoconservative, neoliberal, corporatist one).
Socialism is any subsidy or tax break that does not go to the superrich, their corporations, or Wall $treet.
A least according to the Bush-Pompeo New World Disorder Dictionary of the American Language. They just do not bother to state what dictionary they are using or explicitly state how they define their terms.
@ Snow Leopard,
Please define “private capital.” Where does this capital come from?
Public credit has been captured and used by Private Imperialist Oligarchy for their gains, power (Empire) and control. Why allow the public credit to be used for private gains?
In reality, money comes out of nothing. A good government will create its money and invest it prudently to enhance nation’s productivity and overall well-being. This is how money serves humanity. Unfortunately, money has been weaponized for power and control. Which nations have a good government?
Private Banks create money. Bankers get to create money out of nothing, through bank loans, and get to charge interest on it. In essence, their business model is to use public’s credit for private gains. “The bankers are collecting tribute from the community on the community’s credit… Commercial banking and issuing of credit should be exclusively a government function. Private financiers are not entitled to any profit on public’s credit.” Why the production of money by private banks?
Long ago and far away, a group of very clever paleo-banksters figured out a way to stop those annoying periodic slave revolts… eventually it came to be known as “the two party system” (democracy/Republic) and it’s working like a charm… Rulers make the slaves fight each other. When will humanity wake up?
World Financiers & Banksters Enslavement Playbook using democracy:
– Create a Revolution & steal a region
– Create a Private Central Bank (BoE, First Bank of the USA, RBI…)
– Fund & control new rich individuals (Kleptocrats)
– Fund & control political Parties & MSM
– Nationalize the central bank (BoE, the Fed, RBI,…)
Enslave & control people by dominance over economic & political powers & call it a democracy. An interesting Fractal emerges when one analysis the formation of democracies. Fractal please…
Max; I agree with your description of current financial reality. But we are not talking about reality. We are talking about bourgeois dreams and fears. And they have a long pedigree.
It is helpful to point out the difference between reality and the illusion that the bourgeois ruling class likes to hold of itself, and seeks to force down everyone’s throats. Their illusory view of democracy is, as you point out, false, but it is promulgated as a self justifying and noble perspective that makes excellent propaganda. It is a lying and deceitful defense of their perceived entitlement to class rule. It is so British. They absolutely must control how people define democracy in a way that preserves their own view of their own sacred freedom. “Democracy” means no government can regulate my private prerogatives. This view of “democracy” (and private accumulation of capital) has been around for quite a while. As you point out it is total bullshit, but it means everything to the rulers. It is a sacred bourgeois ideal of individualism free from social discipline and constraint. It is enshrined in British law and practice in the form of Limited Liability companies, wherein a company cannot be sued for environmental consequences because it has the protection of limited liability. Democracy, defined by the bourgeoisie is really just class war.
It is my strong suspicion that the whole Brexit fiasco in England was driven by a desire on the part of the British upper classes to protect their massive money holdings that they secretly secrete in unregulated private off shore banking havens. They had to do Brexit to prevent their hidden money from being subject to oversight and regulation which was being threatened by the EU. British finance would collapse if their tax havens were regulated.
So they did Brexit to save “democracy” from the evil EU!!!!!!!
Max; You write “Please define “private capital.” Where does this capital come from?”
Private Capital would be the bank holdings of the Rothschilds. As I understand it this is a private fund of super wealth that hides behind all of the empire’s Central Banks and controls them like puppets on a string.
But we are not allowed to know about that are we. Media blackout courtesy of their friends?
Snow Leopard, thanks for your response and I concur. My key point is that the so called “private capital” is the loot of the populace and needs to be returned back to the society. It is time to frame the stolen property appropriately. Also, there are other families involved. The balance sheets will be balanced!
Reality trumps delusions. Democracy, capitalism, free markets, rule of law, independent media… are myths. It is time for Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, bloggers, commenters, populace and others to openly challenge these myths. China, Russia,… haven’t responded well to the propaganda. They need to gain an advantage in the public opinion realm as they’re being subjected to the information warfare.
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
– John F. Kennedy
The Limited Liability clause is a big give away from the public/society to the investor class. Why should the public grant this limited liability? Earlier it was limited to twenty years in the U$A. The public needs to demand societal responsibility for common good from corporations to give this clause. All corporations are therefore public-private partnerships. Why call it a private property? This is a public subsidy to the business.
This article sums up British culture and lying well.
“In Britain’s hierarchical culture, the crime for the upper classes isn’t telling lies—it’s getting caught… Lying, ultimately, is an exercise of power, which is why the styles of lying practiced in different countries can tell us something useful about how they are governed…
if you learn one thing at a British elite school, it is how to lie responsibly and with a grave face, as if it were done for the good of the people who believe you…
The distinctive quality of traditional British political lying, though, is the understanding that there is not one audience but two. One is made up of the other members of the elite minority who understand the truth and who deserve to do so, and the other is everyone else. They may take your words at face value—and if they do, they also deserve what they get…
This consciousness of a double audience is related to the distinction between public and private truth that has to be maintained in a hierarchical society…
The Denning doctrine is that for lies to do their necessary work of holding society together, it must never be admitted in public that they are in fact lies… Once trust is lost, you can’t appeal to the truth of the matter.”
It seems that what wasn’t stolen long ago has been stolen recently. As of 24 November 2021, the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve stands at $8.7 trillion. The balance sheets will be bloated.
Brazil as a democracy is a sad joke
For we brazilians it will be a long way back to some minimal sovereignty
Yes, but remember, Brazil is The Key to the rest of the continent.
And time is on our side
If Brasil, nowadays we write it brasil, would be the key for the continent, maybe earliest in 200 hundred years cause isnt properly a country in common sense anymore. The same formula “404 not found” you use for the Ukrolandia is quite right for brasil.Herzliche Grüsse!!
Acho que vc comete um catástrofico engano na sua análise sobre a realidade brasileira que contrasta visivelmente com as análises precisas que vc faz quando se trata da ucrânia. De certa forma isso me causa espanto já que são dois países com trajetórias muito parecidas rumo a extinção pura e simples. Ou vc acha que um país pode sobreviver ao que vem acontecendo no Brasil?
Qualquer pessoa que analise friamente a realidade do brasilrira de hoje não encontrará nenhum motivo para acreditar que possa ocorrer qualquer tipo de virada na situação interna que interrompa um procesdo de desintegração que já está bastante adiantado no plano político/social e evolui rapidamente para a desintegração territorial.
Talvez vc fique ofendido com o que vou lhe dizer mas a sua esperança é a mesma da esquerda brasileira que ainda não entendeu que o trem da história só para uma vez na estação e quem pegar pegou. Quem não embarcou não embarcará jamais.
Uma vez li um texto que acho que foi vc mesmo que escreveu sobre os estudantes que terminavam o segundo grau na ex união soviética com tanto conhecimento de matemática quanto qualquer um que pleiteasse uma vaga no tão propagandeado ITT dos EUA. Pois foi exatamente essa sólida base educacional que possibilitou a Rússia recuperar-se da crise provocada pela dissolução da urss e voltar a condição de potência capaz de confrontar os eua da forma como estamos vendo.
O brasil no seu melhor período da história, antes do golpe de estado de 2016, não chegou nem aos pés disso. A esquerda que conduziu o país nesse período de avanços, triunfalista como é, superestimou e acreditou ingenuamente que mesmo sem politizar o povo ele saberia reconhecer quem foi o responsável pelo ciclo de prosperidade. Foi um erro colossal e na primeira oportunidade esse povo despolitizado virou as costas pra seus benfeitores e foi completamente enganado pela narrativa produzida pelo golpe híbrido.
O que emergiu desse processo conduzido pela e através da mídia foi o brasil reacionário e escravagista que nunca deixou de existir. Mas a esquerda nas suas fantasias delirantes acreditava que esse período de atraso já tinha sido superado. Não só não foi como aprofundou-se ainda mais.
Se alguma virada acontecer na América latina ela se dará independentemente do Brasil. Bem pelo contrário, o brasil ou o que sobrar dele será justamente o baluarte dos eua para impedir qualquer mudança política no continente.
A lição que fica disso tudo é que nunca se pode subestimar a imbecilidade das massas e seu fascínio por se deixar enganar por falsas narrativas disseminadas pela mídia corporativa. E nesse aspecto a Rússia também corre um grande perigo na medida em que, como o brasil, está sendo incapaz de produzir uma narrativa a altura de suas necessidades como potência que é. Já falei isso uma vez e voltarei ao tema sempre que a oportunidade se apresentar.
Quando falo em narrativa não me refiro só a difusão de informações confiáveis para fazer contraponto as mentiras espalhadas pela mídia ocidental. Falo também daquela narrativa que produz subjetividade. A um tempo atrás vi um filme russo estilo super heróis onde o tal hulk dos “comics” ianques era um homem com cabeça de urso. Num outro filme, esse de “guerra”, um tanque alemão místico aparecia e desaparecia magicamente no campo de batalha. Produçõeszinhas vagabundas estilo filme de psicopatas com motosserra que Hollywood despeja aos montes nas TVs do mundo. É com esse tipo de merda que os russos querem criar subjetividade? Não se pode subestimar o poder devastador dessas idiotices.
Se os russos perderam a mão para fazer filmes, as escolas de cinema precisam urgentemente exibir macha e michka para seus alunos. Ali sim se vê a Rússia de verdade através de um humor sutil, de abordagens inteligentes, qualidade e apuro técnico na produção.
Google translation,MOD:
I think you make a catastrophic mistake in your analysis of the Brazilian reality that contrasts visibly with the precise analyzes you make when it comes to Ukraine. In a way this surprises me as they are two countries with very similar trajectories towards outright extinction. Or do you think a country can survive what is happening in Brazil?
Anyone who coldly analyzes the reality of brasilrira today will find no reason to believe that any kind of turn in the internal situation can occur that interrupts a process of disintegration that is already well advanced on the political/social level and is rapidly evolving into territorial disintegration .
Maybe you’ll be offended by what I’m going to tell you, but your hope is the same as that of the Brazilian left, who still don’t understand that the train in history only stops once at the station and whoever catches it took it. Anyone who has not boarded will never board.
I once read a text that I think you yourself wrote about students finishing high school in the ex-Soviet union with as much knowledge of mathematics as anyone applying for a place at the highly publicized ITT in the US. For it was exactly this solid educational base that made it possible for Russia to recover from the crisis caused by the dissolution of the USSR and return to the condition of a power capable of confronting the USA in the way we are seeing it.
Brazil in its best period in history, before the 2016 coup d’état, did not come close to it. The left that led the country in this period of progress, triumphalist as it is, overestimated and naively believed that even without politicizing the people, it would know how to recognize who was responsible for the cycle of prosperity. It was a colossal mistake and at the first opportunity these depoliticized people turned their backs on their benefactors and were completely misled by the narrative produced by the hybrid coup.
What emerged from this process conducted by and through the media was the reactionary and slave-owning Brazil that never ceased to exist. But the left in its delusional fantasies believed that this period of delay had already been overcome. Not only was it not, but it went even deeper.
If any turnaround happens in Latin America, it will happen independently of Brazil. On the contrary, Brazil or what is left of it will be the stronghold of the USA to prevent any political change on the continent.
The lesson that remains from this is that the imbecility of the masses and their fascination for being deceived by false narratives disseminated by the corporate media can never be underestimated. And in this aspect, Russia is also in great danger insofar as, like Brazil, it is being unable to produce a narrative that meets its needs as the power that it is. I’ve already said this once and I’ll come back to the topic whenever the opportunity presents itself.
When I talk about narrative I am not referring only to the dissemination of reliable information to counteract the lies spread by the Western media. I’m also talking about that narrative that produces subjectivity. A while ago I saw a Russian superhero movie where the hulk of the Yankee “comics” was a man with a bear’s head. In another film, this one of “war”, a mystical German tank magically appeared and disappeared on the battlefield. Crabby little movie-style productions of psychopaths with chainsaws that Hollywood dumps on TV in the world. Is this kind of shit that Russians want to create subjectivity with? The devastating power of these idiocies cannot be underestimated.
If Russians have lost their hand in making films, film schools urgently need to show macha and michka to their students. There you can see the real Russia through a subtle humor, intelligent approaches, quality and technical refinement in the production.
Side Comment: I agree about macha and michka. Discovered them by accident. They are fantastic. The only cartoon my disabled son insists on … is ‘Masha and the Bear’. I’ve watched every episode many times over, and I agree there are real ‘values’ there. I can’t say if they are truly those of Russia, knowing very little of the people, but I think Masha is probably one of the best Ambassador’s Russia has.
Its a sad joke to people living in the Favelas.
“The true equation is ‘democracy’ = government by world financiers.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien
“Democracy” is a temporary phase of history which allows the Global Financial Syndicate (Private Imperialist Oligarchy) to take control from the earlier generation of dominant power players: the monarchies. So-called ‘democracy’ is a sham, the ballot a travesty. Please name a democracy that isn’t a suzerainty.
It is great that vassals identify themselves! These nations have/had a private central bank that enabled their capture by the Syndicate. Japan, South Africa, Switzerland, … have a private central bank. Who are their owners? They use private money and are a private plantation. Monetary imperialism still exists in Africa. Why call them democracies and not colonies? Australia, Canada, and New Zealand swear allegiance to Elizabeth, who dictatorially defines their administrations and laws. It will be great for RT, Tass, Sputniknews, Xinhua, CGTN, Global Times … to expose this reality.
Nations need to learn from Singapore, which openly stated that it won’t take sides in the China-U$A competition! The Empire is struggling to justify its significance in a multipolar world. It resorts to theatrics. The struggle is not between democracies and autocracies but between suzerainties and sovereignties. Is your nation sovereign?
Canada’s oath of allegiance:
“I, [name], do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.”
Which God are they asking for help? “In God We Trust”
Please understand Britain’s Treason Felony Act of 1848. Where is the power?
The Mythology of American Democracy
Canada’s liege lords are the remnants of Anglo imperialism, and their current dominatrix, the U.S. empire.
Remnants, Jim? They control the country.
Cheers M
Perfect text, dear Andrei. The summit for democracy is in fact summit for *plutocracy* or at least “summit for countries where plutocracy holds stronger power”.
Not many people know that in Bolivia (a “non-democratic” non-invited country) there are elections for *judges*. The Judiciary is at least partially elected, which means no canvassing from “hereditary lawyers” who went to the same Law schools and all know each other, as it is the rule in most countries.
I never quite understood why inside Montesquieu tripartite government – let’s leave aside the fact whether voting really represents popular will – only the legislative and executive are elected.
What’s the argument to exclude Bolivia? Arce won the 2020 election “hands off” after a 1-year dictatorship, a government arrived in power after the OAS made a serious (provoked) gaffe denouncing fraud .
I’d expect a discrete invitation to cover up that dirty incident, but Washington couldn’t resist and seized the opportunity to bash Arce’s MAS government.
The losers like you say are already talking about winning a war which doesn’t exist.
The EU said that it is winning the “hybrid war” launched by Belarus.
I would like to know what “hybrid war” they are talking about.
The german ambassador in ukraine said that NS2 won’t work for another 6 months. Great news for the EU which has currently extremely low gas reserves.
As for the options on the table Kommersant revealed those options in an article. There are basically 2 options escalation and de-escalation:
-> strengthening the defense capabilities of Ukraine, increasing the supply of air defense means and providing other military assistance, as well as the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia;
-> limiting US military exercises in Europe, “which, according to Russians, are provocative in nature,” and the suspension of military aid to Ukraine;
-> “More decisive” participation in the Minsk agreements.
Finally RT reported this news:
Russia won’t back down in its standoff with NATO over Ukraine, or in the Black Sea, and underestimating the country’s resolve could be disastrous, Moscow’s top diplomat in Washington has blasted amid worsening ties with the US.
Ambassador Anatoly Antonov seems to share the same fear I have. The fact that nato/us thinks russia is bluffing. Delusion is so strong in the west that, like Anatoly Antonov said, we could really get a disaster.
I have a question which came to my mind.
This summit of democracies do you think it could also have another agenda which could be to create another United Nations with only western countries and western controled countries? Something like “United Democracies”. It would be a nice way to get rid of Russia s and China s veto power at the UNSC.
…and would change nothing but confirm that as the author and various commentators note, they are all elites bowing down to a dying imperial center, trying to get their money and survive the fallout.
That is one option- effectively divide the world into two blocks.
This would delay the ultimate demise but not stop it. It will buy maybe an extra decade or so.
IMO such an action would increase the potential of a WW3. As we can expect the countries in the #democracy camp taking military actions against #authoritarian #dictatorships to promote democracy, this would definitely lead to large scale conflicts. Russia and China wouldn’t be able to stand idly in such a situation.
On the other hand, it would also increase the possibility of a US led military action going terribly wrong such as the famous Sicilian Expedition of Athens in the 5th century. A terrible military disaster would definitely ignite large scale unrest in the US and it would definitely lead to a civil war.
It does seem that way. Or setting up Cold War 2.0 with the divisions clearly demarcated. I believe it was under Samantha Power and Obama that there was talk of removing China and Russia from the UN Security Council.
Good afternoon (in Rio de Janeiro) to everyone, first I’d like to congratulate the piece penned by Mr. Raesky that touched upon a really wide range of complex issues and did it being didactic and concise. Than I’d just like to ask: how can a “democracy summit” be really a “democracy summit” when it invites the ruler of a country (Brasil indeed) that pledges loyalty to the “memory” of torturers and murderes that did repeatedly state terror, which were so crazy as to mistakenly blew up a car (a brazilian sports model called “puma”) in a labours day party back in 1980? And that is in cahoots constantly with very questionable people that are accused of being “militia men” or paramilitary private forces that operate within the system per se? And the same may be said to that clown Emmanuel Macron that is used to brutally smash pacific demonstrations against him, how can he be qualified “democratic”? A true democrat wouldn’t unleash it’s security forces agains the very right everyone has to speak out it’s opinion against him, and we all know what he did to the jilet jaune. So this meeting is nothing more than PR for the “crash test dummy (apud Pepe Escobar, saravá for him)” show his Hollywood-like smile and pose for pictures and blah blah. Cheers from a truly scorching hot (34C/93F) Rio de Janeiro.
Dear Luiz Sergio,
Thanks for your kind words, but please remember that Bolsonaro and his likes are throwing their lot with an already dead Empire (hence the reason for the Summit in the first place, to appear to make it look AS IF the Empire was still alive today!).
Time, and history, are on our side :-)
Greetings from (a comparatively cool – 15C/59F) Florida!
It looks like good timing for ukies to make some noise in Dornbas?!
Taking into account the content of the contracts on vaccines between the Eu and certain South American countries which have been leaked, which equated a capitulation after war, and taking into account which European countreis were not invited, like San Marino and Hungary, one would guess that this “Summit for Democracy” is a meeting of the master with its new acquired vassals and conquested nations thjorugh the “vaccines contracts so that to plan what to do with the increasing number of people contesting in the streets and the increasing appearance of serious side effects and deaths .
Talking about “democracy” is juts a neolanguage since in all those countries democracy as we knew it has been in suspension from two years ago and instead of it a full fascist dictatorship has been unleashed.
All these countries go there to receive instructions and in any case to ask for protection against their own population organizing at flght velocity pace to destitute all these criminals.
Take into account that in a recent video by Australian aboriginakl people asking for help to the peoples of the world at a time they were being brought to “qurantine camps” detention facilities, these people stated they were being brought into those facilities by Australian and foreign soldiers.
If more proof was needed on that we have been object of a coup by foreign countries with the collaboration of insider comprador elites and governments.
More or less hwat happened to the USSR.
I would venture our Gorbys will not have the opportunity to leave scot-free to the US to live on rents product of the current looting taking place….These are other lands…
I am astonished, anyway by the absence of Morocco, since a country recently very fvaoured by the US on detriment of Spain.
……I would venture our Gorbys will not have the opportunity to leave scot-free to the US to live on rents product of the current looting taking place… …
I think you’re wrong. Gorby and Yeltsin were forgiven by the Russian leadership and prevented from being tried for treason. The question is … why? As for old elements like Lenin. That says a lot about the fact that there is no constructive policy or goal, but a compromise … which never works out in the long run.
To djoke (thank you amarynth!)
When exactly are you going to get off your delusional crap with regard to Russia?! You are just polluting any discussion here with your Russophobic garbage. I suggest that you join some other sites that will be more appropriate and more understanding of your ingrained Russophobic sickness. Just get off from here. You are a cringing embarassment to your fellow Serbs.
The US running a conference on democracy and human rights is a lot like the Vatican setting up an organization for the protection of children from sexual abuse. 😳
The great reset in action. A multi-polar war is the future. The west is fighting tooth and nail this and every step of the way losing. The peoples of the world want a multi-polar world, so in time such will happen or maybe through revolutions! any which way Russia long ago gave up its vodka, while the west remains drunk in their chosen ones status, their ego, their neo-fascism, their turbo-capitalism that will never work for the masses or common working-class peoples, their show, their Hollywood, and the ever growing desire for fame…whether such is real or fake is not important. just give me the fame. something is happening that is sure…perhaps now is the moment where NATO/USA get into and lose badly a major war…then maybe the world can really move on from fascism and WW II or at least I have heard many people say this that are from eastern Europe. yes this is all craziness. if the Kiev puppets respected the Minsk agreement…that would be a start. give Donbass special, autonomous status and they remain an integral part of Ukraine, do a blitzkrieg and there will be war and Donbass will go. if one looked at Catalunya the situation is similar (albeit no unnecessary, tragic war or at least not yet). give the Catalans a real feeling of autonomy and they stay in Spain, keep doing the last 80 years and goodbye. give the peoples of Donbass clear indication that their culture etc will be respected and not endangered, and viola ok. I have neither the faith nor the belief that the west is capable of understanding this simple situation before it is too late…and that day has probably already arrived.
Look, for the the last and umpteenth time, behind the curtain, the Europe thing is and has been for the last thousand years Roman Catholic/Western “Christianity” vs Slav Orthodox Christianity”. Serbia, Belarus, Russian speaking Ukrainians all pro Russian. Poles, Slovaks, Czechs and especially the Croats all Slav Catholic, all anti Russian. It is a simple as that. Democracy has nothing to do with it. This is psychogenetic warfare that will determine the fate of the world for the next thousand years.
Excellent point – add to it that both Russian and Serb nations have been carved up into small chunks of Slav Kryptonite left to fester and irritate. Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Montenegrins, Macedonians (Southern Serbs), Wlachs, Bunjevci, Goranci and many others. The Russians have the vukrops, Byelorussians, Ruthenians/Russyns, Cossacks etc. Add Albanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Poles, Balts, Romanians and the nations of the Caucasus and a very complex and troubling ethnic picture emerges.
The first task of both nations will be to dismantle some of the fake “nations” and neutralise the better established ones sensitively and sensibly. Only then can the Orthodox Slavs move to defeat their arch enemy – the German-Vatican nexus.
Proactive versus reactive ?? For that to happen, a change in the policy of Russia and China is needed. What you are talking about is a utopia as Russia and China stick to the borders drawn by the colonial countries and their imposed governors. Those countries as a metter of fact celebrate imposed governors. These countries recognize the nazis, fascists, communists as the legitimate will of the people they “represent” … even the mafia unions that are the product of Anglo-Zionist interests. As permanent members of the UNSC with the right of veto. Why? If Anglo-Zionists can take the right of others why not China and Russia do the same, backed by “undemocratic” members. Why don’t they overthrow the regimes and adapt them to themselves, ie to the UN they are defending? Are they incompetent or do they not know how to do it?If this is allowed to one UN member why not to others? For the betterment of these nations as a justification. What is the interest of Anglozio ologarchy in the public administration of these countries? The influence of Anglo-Zionists on world organizations in general such as the UN, IMF, WTO, etc.?
Catherine the Great’s own Palace Guards were Muslim Cossacks. They fought the Ottomans and were among the first at Stalingrad and storm Berlin in 1945.
Muslim Chechens from the Caucuses were also among the first in Stalingrad, and Berlin in 1945. Chechens were the ones who really saved the day in the Donbas in 2014 ( as they came to the scene and quickly organized the Peoples Militias that were taken a beating and the civilian population in total fear). They fought at the Donetsk Airport massacre of the Azov battalions. Also, the Chechens of the RF were the ones who routed ( along with the Peoples Militias), the Ukrainian military columns at the Debaltsevo Cauldron.
These two peoples have shed much blood for Russia. They must not be excluded. And one can rest assured that Mr. Khadyrov’s men are there at the border with Ukraine ready to do their business, the business of serious warfare. The Cossacks are in place in Crimea.
The father of Mr. Khadyrov was tricked and fell into a conspiracy. That should now be forgotten.
Mr. Putin trusts the Chechens fully now. Mr. Khadyrov considers Putin to be like a father to him.
I, as a Muslim am proud of them.
Thank your for making that point!
Several good points her worth remembeing, “Bored Muslim”! remember that the chief of strategic planning i Russia 1998-20016 before he was pentioned was a Muslim Volga Tartar. Not to mentioned that thre were in the 19th century also Jewish Cossacks of Jurchen (NE China) origins that were fierce horsemen , two of which became illustrious (but fogotten) military leaders for the Northern Statelets in the US civil war 1861-65, Concuering wide sweeps of the South whilst avoiding lossses to themselves and the local white and dark populace of thet realm.
Someone wrote – “As for Oceania and Africa, they simply don’t matter very much, the former a nicely isolated by distance, the latter has no agency and is totally dependent on some kind of foreign masters.” – Thank you for this outright dismissal of Africa. I jest, of course. More seriously, I can assure you Africa will and has always mattered and Africa always had agency in western Europe, Africa, South America and the USA. I propose Your statement really come close to making your whole article irrelevant to explain what is going on and is going to happen in the world. I speak on behalf of Muslims and Africans and on behalf of a third force it is not given to you or anyone who would make such a statement about Africa to comprehend or understand or fathom. Consider this a friendly statement.
I speak on behalf of Muslims and Africans
You do?
How so?
Consider that a likewise friendly statement.
He who wins Africa, with its infinite resources, wins an enormous amount of headway. As China leverages more and more in Africa, we will witness more and more wars of proxy and coup de etat’s.
And China is investing enormously in the continent. Problem is, wherever China lays its hat there, the west comes along and throws it on the ground and stomps on it.
Sooner rather than later, China is going to have to back up its companies and investments with some muscle.
As far as Muslims go, hundreds of millions are on the continent.
Yes, but while waiting for Africa to matter in the future…at present it does not matter! Starting with the African Union, for example. I think that the author has well underlined it, it is not necessarily their fault, but a conjunction of factors of which the majority is exogenous. To paraphrase him, and to paraphrase Malcolm X to whom he referred us so well, as long as it is the house negroes who are the decision makers there, Africa will not matter. I think that there is a fundamental work to be done there. How, by whom, I have no answer, but we must be aware of this void on the geopolitical map of the world, and not deny it! Thank you for your comment.
Gaddafi stood for African sovereignty and the African Union couldn’t put up a unified front against the criminal assault on Libya by NATO. What’s your point?
Point is: Africa has huge mineral resource reserves, the youngest population (with the highest growth rate – meaning the biggest workforce of the 21 century), huge swaths of highly productive soil and a relatively low population density…
Africa does matter – especially in this century – and sadly its grossly underrepresented on this site.
Someone has good ressources for sitereps and analysis about the african continent? For example the situation in Ethiopia seems pretty relevant to the global agenda, no? In desperatly searching for good sources in english and french. Thx
What a shame that the imperialists still manage to assassinate/get rid of dynamic antiimperialist panafrican leaders!
That will also change
Democracy vs. Authoritarianism is the new marketing scheme (aka, propaganda) for America and its vassals to sell their New Cold War.
Democracy vs. Terrorism was the new marketing scheme (aka, propaganda) for America and its vassals to sell their War on Terrorism.
Democracy vs. Communism was the new marketing scheme (aka, propaganda) for America and its vassals to sell their Old Cold War.
I think there is a pattern developing here, but I am not sure what it is… ;-)
Seriously though, in each case, America and its vassals are the Chosen People, who have been selected by God as the morally righteous people living in a Shining City on a Hill (or at least, for US vassals, living in the suburbs/ghettos of this Shining City).
These enlightened Chosen People are of course threatened by a diverse range of Evil Doers Who Hate Our Freedumbs. (eyeroll)
They say that American foreign policy is just the flip side of American domestic policy.
This is true.
Today, America is the Woke.
And the Authoritarian nations are the Deplorables.
Indeed, you could say that American foreign policy is Wokism deployed on a grand geopolitical scale for the entire planet.
God help us all.
For me as a Serbian the list is very confusing. Since we have been invited and the Russians have not, then, it would appear that we are definitely not the pariah #1 and the “worse than Nazis” any more. Our orthodox Russian “brothers” who, in the previous 30 years, so unselfishly helped our case and did everything they could to facilitate our rise to the top of the pariah list are now in possession of those titles and designations. On the other hand, it looks like we too have finally learned something existentially important: we have nowhere to turn to but to ourselves. We have no friends or brothers but among ourselves. We also seem to have learned how to sit on more than one chair at a time, which is quite an accomplishment for such intractable people; yes, it’s all about our bare survival. We are small and we have no nuclear weapons. But the worst and the most unforgivable of all our sins has always been our warm feelings for the Russian people. Things have, however, considerably changed. And yet, for the Russians, whom we in the past considered to be our brothers mistakenly thinking that the feelings were mutual, we harbor no resentment or bitterness. We compliment them and encourage them to hold on to their titles for as long as they can, for those are more than deserved. We are still kind of friends after all.
@Попово Поље
It can be much simpler than that.
Inviting Kosovo would be awkvard without inviting Serbia.
Oh I am not touching this one! No way Jose!
That is for you (collective “you” – meaning all the Serbian people) to evaluate and qualify.
I am not touching the topic of Serbian politics anymore.
@Попово Поље
#~…”Russians, whom we in the past considered to be our brothers mistakenly thinking that the feelings were mutual, ….”
Cmon man. Russia just signed a gas contract with Serbia that is the envy of Europe….
They are getting gas at a more than 60 percent discount.
Natural Gas World
@NatGasWorld. Nov26. Russia grants Serbia “incredible” gas price – – NGW News & Insight
Russia has assured Serbia it will continue paying $270/’000 m3 for its gas for the next six months.
As long as Russia and China recognize the borders drawn by the colonialists and their governors against whom the “world led by China and Russia” is at war it is an indescribable folly or weakness.
The West knows only one language. Russia and China are afraid to use it. Notice that by gathering around the owner’s legs, dogs organize themselves for his safety. Why is this allowed by China and Russia, which are both members of the UNSC? If there is a way to revoke the veto or permanent membership of Russia and China, isn’t there the same way to punish Anglo-Americans?
@Попово Поље
For someone with your name (Popovo Pole is a region in Bosnia)
I would’ve expected you to notice that Bosnia is not part of the list. How does this fit in with your “insight”?
Some of our people over there, the Bosnian Serbs, are still resisting and scored an important diplomatic victory at the UNSC at the beginning of this month with Russia’s help.
Next time you comment , please use the correct pronoun: There is no “we”. All of us here only represent our own personal point of view.
As for those “whom we in the past considered to be our brothers mistakenly thinking that the feelings were mutual” they exist, but much closer to home.
Well, the Serbian prime minister is lesbian and that’s (among other things) what scores the 10 points in making to the s___list. Cookies anyone?
As I’ve said we can rely only on ourselves. We have learned our lesson; we have no reliable friends, allies or brothers. We just try to survive one more day in a Darwinian world. We have to adapt and conform as fast as we can for the sake of our posterity. The bare survival justifies all our decisions. So, eat some of your your s___ cookies and enjoy.
US desperately needs cannon fooder for war against Russia. Summit is pointless if it only results in more empty words. I fear they will try to coerce participants into signing some kind of mandatory support against Russia.
If that is the case, major false flag is highly likely.
This Summit is geared towards Russia and China but more so China…White supremacy is trying to isolate the Dragon…
Uh, not that I care in the least, but IF we use a term like “White” then I remind you that most Russians would be considered as “Whites” by most westerners.
Me, personally? I don’t use this category at all.
Hello Saker. I respect your right to have your opinion about the category ‘Whites’ as it is used by the so-called ‘West.’ But I have bad news for you!
Those who created the category ‘Whites’ do not consider Russians as having full membership rights.
Why do you think Napoleon committed his crimes? Why do you think Hitler committed his crimes and atrocities?
I understand that it is deeply offensive to Russians, or should we say Slavs, to delve too deeply into these troubling Western racial ideologies. But the evidence is incontrovertible. Please refer to the Malthusian racial ideologies that have always has been supported by the Anglo imperialists.
Those who created the category ‘Whites’ do not consider Russians as having full membership rights.
You are 100% correct!
I understand that it is deeply offensive to Russians, or should we say Slavs, to delve too deeply into these troubling Western racial ideologies
It’s not so much offensive as it is simply stupid and inapplicable. Island nations like the English or the Japanese might have delusions about their racial uniqueness or even superiority, but Russians are such a huge mix of all kinds of ethnicity that speaking about skin color is simply silly in the Russian context. Russians don’t see themselves as “White” but as Russians, a cultural, civilizational, category, not a racial or even ethnic one. All that obsession in the West about race is the direct result of the French Revolution and the birth of European nationalism. These movements have had some traction with the Russian ruling classes, but not very much, and most definitely not after the Bolshevik Revolution. Nowadays, Putin is patriotic, yes, but he is strongly opposed to nationalism, including Russian nationalism. In that context, just imagine how inappropriate (and futile!) it would be to try to classify Russians racial terms…
By the way, the notion of Slav unity (a direct result of European nationalism) has had some traction before 1917, but nowadays this is an idea with *zero* prospects, even if some commentators still dream about some kind of Slav unity. Just the attitude of our former “Slavic” or “Orthodox” brothers nowadays is enough to totally discredit the notion of Slavic unity.
Oh sure, we will talk to them and speak about our common cultural heritage, but the truth is that most Russians see our former brothers as willing servants of the Empire. And when Russians point that out to them, we get a barrage of insults. So I say let them if that is their choice, but that is not a Russian problem anymore.
As I have written numerous times here, Russia’s future is on the South, East and North.
Allow me a brief retort.
– Russia has made many serious mistakes in its approach to the Slav question and was always more interested in being ruled and led by the Westerners in military matters, science and even culture. That is why “Panslavism” appears as a freak storm in an otherwise Western-oriented landscape of the Russian 19th Century. Even President Putin wanted to join NATO and the EU. Nuff said.
– While one can only condemn Slav quislings for their treacherous behaviour, there is little praise for Russia which through its passivity, sense of inferiority, corruption and short-sightedness allowed the Slav lands to fall into the hands of its enemies and is now using the results of its own shortcomings to sabotage the only viable option for survival outside the Western concentration camps. But it will come – the more the people are disenchanted with the transplanted neoliberal capitalist model, the more they will start to pay attention to the reality of an ethnic, historical and even spiritual closeness between the currently conflicted family members.
I believe Americans certainly consider Russians to be ‘Whites’. The category is certainly pretty broad. Anyone who is not Asian or African is ‘White’ (which covers a lot of skin color).
Yes, absolutely. The Dragon is the top priority here. If China goes down, there will probably be a color revolution in Russia. Or at least more and more heat will be brought upon it.
Shoigu and Feng’s recent meeting and signing were not for nothing.
‘ United you stand, divided you fall ‘.
I just don’t get it how so many ‘ dog ‘ China when it is imperative that the two, Russia and China stick together fully.
They must. And wherever, and whenever the ‘ hammer ‘ needs to be brought down, so shall it be, whether diplomatically, strategically, tactically or who knows what.
Even though this is 2018, it is still relevant, as just this year a smaller one was conducted.
The ‘invitation’ list from the Empire already proves that we are now, and have been, for a while, in a multi-polar (Tri polar at this time!)
The list of nations listed by the Empire already show that we all are in a multi polar world; already, (Tri-polar at this time: Russia, China and the US with their respective allies) and I suspect more to follow: India and maybe the EU (If they get their act together) in the not to distant future.
True, but Russia and China don’t want a tripolar or even bipolar world. Not because they are “oh so kind” but because they figured out that a truly MULTI-polar world is in their national interests.
India yes, for sure, is a major player.
But the EU?
It is already dead it stinks to high heaven…
What Europe really needs is a continental liberation movement which would finally create the “Europe of Fatherlands” which Charles de Gaulle wanted.
And, Europe needs to re-invent itself as a POST-IMPERIAL and POST-COLONIAL civilization.
It will happen, but I doubt I will ever see that.
Maybe my kids…
God willing!
yep, spot on. there is still another possibility that eastern europe breaks off from the EU and forms some kind of unity with russia. being that most peoples in eastern europe are slav this makes sense. will the EU exist in ten years? not sure. any which way western europe is in deep doo dah and they do not have the pants to take them forward. Macron is yet another example of western european hubris and stupidity. Johnson too. De Gaulle tried to free france from the deep state, but that did not work. for decades now, france has been spurting on fumes…but those days are coming to an end.
Your are right about the ‘EU’ I only meant IF they change (Your suggestion above is one possibility).
I think that the Russian/China alliance (For want of a better term) should organize a counter democracy summit in opposition to the US one; with ALL of the countries NOT invited on the US list?
“…the nation which lets its duty get on the other side of its interests is lost.”
George Bernard Shaw, The Man of Destiny 1905
Some of the countries on the invited list will not exist in their current form by 2032.
Very good analysis and prediction. Got reassured that Hungary (Turkey, Serbia) has real future.
> “Defending against authoritarianism”
bombing, subversion, sanctioning – all of these authoritarian means of influence expose US contempt for democracy.
This is an important development and I see it as a positive sign.
We have a list of those invited and those not invited.
What we don’t know are those that were invited but declined the invitation.
At any rate this means that the Empire is laying the ideological groundwork of those that will stay with the Empire. It also means that the Empire recognises that its hegemony is being openly challenged and is doing what it feels it needs to in order to maintain its hegemony.
The invited list also indicates those countries that the Empire feels confident will support the Empire or can be made to do so. A few of the bigger countries such as India, Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Egypt are not necessarily with the Empire and when these countries explicitly choose one way or the other will indicate how the balance tilts.
I see this list and the Russian and Chinese ambassadors’ statement as the opening salvos of the struggle.
The starters pistol has gone off. Hopefully it will be over quickly and with little pain.
Tirem o brasil de qualquer equação geopolítica. É impressionante como o mundo sabe pouco sobre ele. Seria o seu tamanho que o faz ser lembrado como um ator que ainda pode ter alguma relevância? Isso não significa nada quando um território é habitado por um povo sem vontade e sem noção de nada. Hoje, depois do golpe fascista de 2016 patrocinado pelos eua, somos apenas um território a caminho da desfragmentação.
Não temos aqui nem um ator capaz e a altura dos desafios que nos esperam. Aliás, nunca tivemos. Lula foi tolo o suficiente para acreditar no genocida obama – aquele para quem as vidas de nenhum humano importam – quando ele disse que Lula era o “cara”. Era óbvio que o genocida estava mentindo. Menos para Lula e os tolos da “esquerda” brasileira. Tanto que obama depois o chamou de gangster e ladrão. Alguém acha que o brasil vai a algum lugar com lideranças desse tipo? E Lula era o melhor que o brasil tinha. Imagine-se o resto.
Sergey Lavrov on the ‘Summit for Democracy’:
“The ‘summit for democracy’ pursues the aim of classifying people and countries into democratic and undemocratic ones. The way I see it, the Americans wish to achieve the maximum loyalty, to create an impression there is a mass Washington-led movement.”
Tass again:
‘Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova chastised the Summit for Democracy as a “chimera, expected to show that the collective West has some constructive, unifying agenda.” ‘
But at least the summit has helped to clarify somewhat the countries (less Nato/Israel/five eyes, of course) the US considers fence-sitters. There’s probably going to be some wooing done on the sidelines. Other than that, this ‘summit’ is another clumsy PR exercise; nothing more, nothing less.
“Defending Against Authority – The Solution and Fight against Corruption – Promoting Human Rights” Beautiful words behind horror. This good is the greatest evil, or good that drives evil. Evil in the name of good is a terrifying cancer of the wounds of humanity. “Conflict of duty” or “Collision of obligations” is a terrifying evil.
1……and about reasserting the Anglo dominance over the European continent.
They never lost it. These are their parents and children. Expecting something to change in the future is a sign of weakness. Waiting will bring nothing, they will never look themselves in mirror, like vampires who are sucking blood of other nations. Rebel colonies will be allways evil and dirty and they wiil do all it takes to justify their actions. It is time to acknowledge who these people are and what they are like.
2…..their is for a few well chosen “dominoes” to fall and the entire continent will be flipped very quickly.
The dominoes fell, then rose again because nothing concrete was done. Those people who rule the colonies through dedicated elites must be removed as they do. From all positions of power. Acutely is the fastest and most painless way. That is the method they follow. So elimination, persecution, assimilation by deprivation of wealth and special rights. This was not done when the domino once has fallen and that’s why it came back to stand again.
3……there are numerous multi-billion dollar contracts still linking the USA to these countries and that is reason enough to show up at the Summit
Why do Putin and Xi accept Vucic’s lobby, why don’t they help the revolution in Serbia to remove both the yellow and the red and the black from power who have been raping Serbs for decades? Maybe it suits them? If the Anglo-Americans do not have the strength, then they pay those who can do the job.
4…….and that is why when the “imminent” Russian invasion does not materialize, the leaders of the (long dead) Empire will proclaim themselves “victorious” against the “Putin regime”! Bravo!
Whichever way you look at them they succeed to win the hybrid war they have imposed on the world. It’s the only war they can win. War of lies, because the devil is their father. Why not to take advantage of the hypersonic weapons no matter what they say and get the job done? To expect a different outcome and to repeat the same thing is madness or weakness.
Why do Putin and Xi accept Vucic’s lobby,
Good question which you should ask *yourself*
besides, what are you suggesting?
That Russia and China fix YOUR problems for you???
Ain’t gonna happen. You are now on your own.
Let’s see how you will do.
The French and Germans did not have that attitude toward America in the 1770s and 1780 or the administration of Alexander II in the 1860s. With the Confederacy as a Perfidious Albion vassal, it was probably a matter of time before the “War of Northern Aggression” was followed by an actual “War of Southern Aggression.” So yes, calling it the “Civil War” is probably apt / correct.
Djole, we keep having this conversation.
Why doesn’t/ didn’t/ Russia… [insert wish list] invade, bomb, attack, remove, make whole, protect, deny, etc
Events are unfolding at breakneck speed. There has been palpable power shift in our region that even the Vucic creature cannot deny, (hence his praise for Putin & visits to Moscow.)
It’s no longer 1999…
The meaning of many words is being redefined to suit the narrative of the Globalists. However, I would myself propose redefining a word, especially in the context of Biden’s Summit :
Democracy – Acceptance of US hegemony.
Guess why Cameroon hasn’t been invited ?
– We refused to let the US government appoint a gay ambassador, hence the fuss!
Hello from Tehran. Last night I had a dream. There was this huge hall/Salon. Russian, Iranian and Chinese leaders were sitting on their high chairs and right in front of them I could see AUKUS plus other western officials led by someone who looked just like Joe Biden. Then all of sudden those westerners went down on their knees right in front of the three leaders I saw earlier and with their hands up towards the sky and what seemed to be like repeated bowing motions – they kept begging for forgiveness. Well the dream turns out to be a replica of a similar situation depicted on the Mount Behistun in central Iran in which a Roman emperor of around 5th century BC – Valerian – is doing exactly the same thing in front of King Darius. Well things have changed. Today we have three winners – Russia, Iran and China if ever a real confrontation happens.
Today we have three winners – Russia, Iran and China if ever a real confrontation happens.
What good is democracy if we cannot trust the votes?
Falsus in uno; falsus in omnibus.
Has anybody turned down an invitation?
Who dares to turn it down?
Good question! Did anybody?
I doubt it, since the US would not send an invite knowing that it might be rejected
Also, anybody turning such an invitation down would place themselves at great risk.
At the most, maybe some country did so behind the scenes or for some pretext.
But openly?
Would be nice, but I doubt it.
Please do correct me if I missed it!
Israel, that cradle of Democracy.
The problem with the world of today is that those in real power are mostly, if not all, of the black heart type and all this ado involving peoples, nations, regions, etc. is smoke screen drama for the masses while the real agenda moves forward. In my opinion.
Thank you for breaking it all down, Andrei.
The West is dangling Iraq like a ‘ carrot ‘ in front of the other 21 Arab countries.
Interesting that even Morrocco was excluded even though it signed a Defense Pact with Israel. And Bahrain has made peace with Israel. Egypt too has made peace with Israel. What’s behind all these slaps in the faces of these nations. Egypt, well maybe because they have become very cozy with China as of late.
The good news is that Morocco and Bahrain make no difference.
As for Egypt, it is quickly turning against the West (China and Russia are much more attractive partners).
But, crucially,
The times when Israel had military dominance is over, Iran is now the #1 regional power in the Middle-East.
And the Iranians are both very patient and very smart.
And, finally, they have the most influence in Iraq anyway.
As I came across this article, I post a few objections to it. Though, I concede that there is the merit to this analysis, still, there is much unsaid. So, my objections are:
– Why do you write about the summit at all if it is so insignificant? Where is the sincerity?
– As for Russia, it was one thing to be an important “partner” in the past, proudly taking part in subjugating other powerless nations (like the Serbs + + +) and quite another to be subject to the subjugation itself. Where is the truthfulness and contrition?
– Do you really think that you make Russia look like it holds high moral grounds when you so often mention J. Guaido. Have you forgotten that the Russian government so hurriedly, the very next day, recognized the Bolivian (as in Montenegro) coup and its leaders who ousted very singular Russian friend, E. Morales? Honecker, Milosevic, Mladic, Gadhafi, all over again! Where is the morality?
– The famous “either you are with us or with them” remind us again and again that in reality nobody was with them, the Americans, in 2001 as much as Russia was. Putin abandoned Cuba and Kosovo. He also put on US and NATO disposal Russian air and land as well as the military facilities in order to help facilitate the invasion of Afghanistan. Russia, letting the carriage run before the horses, also, so proudly, as a sign of friendship and sympathy with American people after 9/11 sent to the US a huge stone monument, the “Tear Drop”, a beautiful piece of art which today is mostly used by the dogs to relieve themselves. Where is the reason?
– From the Gorbachev times until the coup in Ukraine, for all intents and purposes, the Russians have been “the house Negroes” (though against the will of majority) more than any other European nation, more than even the cursed Polish polish people.
the Russians have been “the house Negroes” (though against the will of majority) more than any other European nation, more than even the cursed Polish polish people.
Then I wonder why the West is giving such a standing ovations to what you call “Serbs +++” and especially those “+++” which joined NATO and deployed Western weapons systems on their territory :-)
In fact, placing the Serbs in the same category as the “+++” is grossly unfair: the Serbs fought the Empire, the “+++” only licked its boots.
I also wonder why the West is demonizing Putin, by your logic he should get some US/EU/NATO medal, yet the West is poised to attack Russia.
All I see is a typical +++ inferiority complex, sense of inadequacy and desire to blame Russia for everything (a very EU thingie to do) instead of cleaning your own house.
“Putin abandoned Kosovo.”
If memory serves, Putin inherited Russian troops under NATO command from Yeltsin (as under Yeltsin, Russia was unable to establish independent control in Kosovo, and of Pristina airport.)
Putin withdrew troops from “KFOR” as he didn’t want them under NATO command. He deployed them to “UNMIK” under UN Security Council control.
What incident / event specifically were you referring to?
UNMIK was largely toothless and unable to stop the Albanian Narcoterrorist violence, but not sure Russian troops under NATO command would have been able to stop them either…
Dear Serbian girl!
I think that you are probably wasting your breath here. Ask yourself the usual cui bono question and apply it to the thesis that the Russian “brothers” betrayed Serbia. Who benefits from a Serbia which is totally alone and which gives itself the right to do anything, including selling out to the Empire, under the pretext of survival?
Whether these trolls are paid or not, they are objectively agents of the Empire.
And the really sad part is that they might well prevail, which will subjugate Serbia and make a reunification of the historical Serbian lands (including Bosnia and Kosovo, of course!) quite impossible while not hurting Russia even marginally.
It’s really that simple: the real target of these trolls are not Russians, or US Americans or Europeans, the real targets of this discourse are the Serbian people. And, believe me, this is all carefully coordinated by the real beneficiaries of such PSYOPs.
Kind regards
PS: as for the so-called “+++” (aka Bulgaria and Romania) they have already totally sold out, that is why they need to place the blame for that on Russia and all the bad things Russia did to them (and not the other way around, of course, WWII does not matter anymore).
Now that you mention it Andrei, I have never actually heard anyone speak that way of Russia in Serbia or amongst my family and friends. It was always “Mother” Russia or “Stepmother”, if there was unhappiness.
The whole abandonment /betrayal narrative during the ex-Yu wars was mostly directed towards the West..
In any case today the situation is totally different. This subject is hardly mentioned. Putin is deeply admired in Serbia…so I agree these persistent comments popping up all over the place are very strange….definitely directed towards the wrong party.
We have to be vigilant, and avoid giving them more importance, as you say…
Be well Andrei. Sending you much love.
I strongly believe that real Serbian and Russian patriots understand each other very well, if only because we all did have traitors in our own ranks (Eltsin did betray Serbia for sure, but he betrayed Russia even more). And even today, there is a huge capital of sympathy and admiration for the Serbian nation in Russia, as there always was (I know that from my own family history, and how Russian and Serbian exiles in faraway Argentina saw each other as brothers and often even inter-married).
We will never lump the Serbian nation together with our “bratushki” from Bulgaria or Romania…
For one thing, we owe them *nothing*. We do owe you.
But we all have our 5th columnist whose only goal is to separate us. Divide et impera of course.
Those Serbs today who accuse Russia of having betrayed Serbia forget two things:
1) Milosevic betrayed both the RS and Kosovo even much worse than Eltsin did
2) The Russian military even tried to FORCE Eltsin to intervene (that was the purpose of the move from Bosnia to Pristina by the Russian battalion). I personally know how utterly and even devastated the Russian generals who were behind this move were (I know one personally).
So, as always in our histories, our worst enemy is not the outsider, it is the traitor who serves the outsider.
God willing, we will clean our house and you will clean yours.
Until then, don’t despair, be vigilant, and know that we love you too!
And let those who serve the Empire, willingly or not, paid or not, choke on their own mediocrity!
Kind regards, with love
You don’t seem to be very fond of criticism directed toward Russia.
You never criticize anything regarding Russia as if it is an immaculate angelic creation. Everyone who follows Russian blogosphere would rather draw quite different conclusions.
You never ask why everyone in Europe and pretty much most of the world (if you pay attention how countries vote in the UN) has abandoned Russia, which in itself is an unprecedented historical situation, except saying the same old: they all sold their souls to the Empire. But why?
Instead of accepting misdeeds done to others while Russia was still the USSR or after while it was still a “worthy partner” to the West and then displaying some honest remorse, everything has been ridiculed and denied (like telling a Pole or a Romanian how lucky they were to have had Soviets there).
You are dishonest when you imitate those that you invariably tag as laying western media by using same methods. Whomever you do not agree with you call them trolls and such.
As far as the war in the Balkans is concerned, as it seems that the whole discussion started with a quite measured post of one Serb, you, as I see it, shamelessly call and consider those people to be not only Empire’s trolls, but also Serbian traitors and liars. As if you like Serbia and its people more then they do. To my knowledge the role of Russia in that war was not less shameful for it has been totally on the side of the Empire and its clients very often leading the pack and being more extreme and anti-Serbian then others, for example when recognizing independence of the former republics with significant Serbian minorities much quicker than most of the Western “partners”. And, honestly that fact is not even 5% of the Russian dirty work in the Balkans. I’m not even touching upon the question of justice and morality when siding with a gang of bullies against the thousand times less powerful and only friend on the whole continent. Other questions of arming the enemy, complicity in ethnic cleansing, UN sanctions, hunt for the military and political leaders, threats and pressure during bombardment and other subsequent hostility, we will leave that for another time.
Okay, Russia is bad, our former “brothers” are great, we did it to ourselves and I am the worst of them all.
Done :-)
You’re completely out of your depth here. Your comment is disinformation. We’ve already addressed it all.
The US is trying to undermine and delegitimize the UN with this summit of democracies.
Israel a democracy? I guess it all depend on the meaning of democracy. It seems to mean any regime part of the Anglo-Zionist global empire.
I don’t know what’s funnier: that the US can lecture anyone about democracy after the 2020 election, or that this entire thing sounds like a low budget high school movie from the 1980s where the cool kids had a totally rad house party just to make some other, not so cool kids feel bad because they weren’t invited.
“Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Bolivia look rather isolated” I do not think they are so isolated, My impression is that both Argentina and Mexico have very positive realtions with these countries, specially Mexico, I remember that Mexicos president provided political asylum to Evo Morales, besides Mexico has never recognized Guido as Venezuelas US/self appointed president. Mexico has provided humanitarian assistance to Cuba for a few months ago.
Here’s a question that the mainstream media, especially the Anglo-controlled media, will not dare to ask: Is America’s vaunted Summit for Democracy really about “promoting democracy”?
Or better yet: Is America itself (or American Axis allies) really a democracy as they incessantly claim?
The answer in both cases is a resounding F8ck No!
Summit for Democracy=Summit for Domination
Biden’s Democracy Summit: America’s Push for World Domination