The week before the Orthodox Christian Easter, the US senate went frantic with activities, adopting one obscene legislature after another.

  • On April 28, US House Armed Services Committee adopted $610 billion, one of the largest single annual budget measures considered by Congress
  • $3.4 billion effort to increase the US military presence in Eastern Europe
  • Tackled the question of another major arms control agreement: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty, which the US violated by using long-range cruise missile capable Mk-41 launchers for BMD systems in Europe. The US Congress agreed with itself that Russia did it
  • The US has just violated the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement
  • US Lawmakers to Kill Open Skies Treaty

On April 29, 2016 Good Friday, the day Christians spend in quiet prayers and contemplations, a few US congressmen introduce a new piece of legislative art that was immediately heralded by their compatriots.

“WASHINGTON—Representative Eliot L. Engel (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) today announced that they have introduced comprehensive legislation to address the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.  An additional bipartisan group of 14 members, including the bipartisan leadership of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, joined Reps. Engel and Kinzinger to introduce the Stability and Democracy (STAND) for Ukraine Act (H.R. 5094), which clarifies the position of the United States on Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea, tightens sanctions on Russia, and drives new innovations to provide support for Ukraine.”

STAND for Ukraine Act PDF

According, to April 29, 2016 Press Release by the House of representatives

STAND for Ukraine Act Tightens Sanctions Regime on Kremlin, Codifies Non-Recognition Policy on Russia’s Occupation of Crimea

Joining Reps. Engel and Kinzinger as cosponsors of the STAND for Ukraine Act are Representatives Sander Levin (D-MI), Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Ralph Abraham (R-LA), Jim Costa (D-CA), Randy Weber (R-TX), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Mike Pompeo (R-KS), David Cicilline (D-RI), John Shimkus (R-IL), Bill Keating (D-MA), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Steve Cohen (D-TN), and Reid Ribble (R-WI).

The devil is always in the details, and what essentially is introduced by this bill is provisions for unrestricted sanctions on Russia, and the long list of punishment on those persons and entities who try to evade, knowingly or unknowingly, these unilateral US sanctions.

If enacted, this bill also will deal a serious blow to international arms trade. It calls for amendment of International Trafficking in Arms Regulations. It looks like its calling to block any and all arms deals with Russia for all NATO members, and also for all non-NATO countries. (The bill also has a classified annex.)

The only actually Ukraine related part of this bill is so called “Title III – Other Matters” Section 301: Consortium to support increased private investments in Ukraine.”


You will really like this brilliant idea to bail out private American investors in Ukraine. They want to create an international consortium with other national governments to insure private investors from ANY losses.

In 2015, IMF stated that “No money from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which is injecting cash into the Ukrainian economy, should go toward repaying Ukraine’s debts to foreign creditors.” This was directed against repayment $3bln debt to Russian taxpayers, but also prevented Franklin Templeton and Soros from getting back money they invested into pillaging, destabilizing Ukraine and organizing the “revolution of dignity,”  a.k.a. fascist putsch in Ukraine. Ukraine doesn’t have any other money but those coming from IMF.

This STAND for Ukraine piece of legislative marvel is design to go around the IMF and to make sovereign governments and taxpayers to pay back private investors.

You will love this one: #4 page 19: An international consortium would be an effective mechanism to spread the risk against loss among the broad group of governmental and private insurers.”  OPIC will preside over this ‘consortium” and it will ensure the private investors claims of losses due to “armed conflict, political violence, and expropriation in Ukraine.”  Looks like these senators know what’s coming. The resources of the members of consortium will be utilized to the “maximum extent possible.”

They are talking about sovereign countries resources that will be unitized to pay losses to the US based private investors, like banks and investment funds. Consider also that the Federal Reserve bank is a private institution, so any money this institution has spent in Ukraine, including the funding of the military campaign against Ukrainian population, and possible armed conflict of NATO with Russia on the territory of Ukraine will be also refunded under this provision.

It looks if NATO attacks Russia via Ukraine, this “consortium” of governments will pay for this campaign.

In the world history of liars, thieves, con-artists and swindlers, this bill should have its own chapter.

Action 302 is also interesting because it calls to prevent any sway of opinions in favor of Russia. It also calls for increase brainwashing of Russians living outside of Russia.

It’s so brilliant in its shameless and brazen deception. It’s a marvel.

STAND for Ukraine also is a deceiving title.

It’s a draft of a Charter for Insurance consortium directly with the US government and the Secretary of State assisted by OPIC.

The right title should be “STAND for the US, its industrial military complex, its “color revolution industry” and its banks, and STAND against Russia, common sense and common security ”

Who are the authors?

The following is a brief research I have done on those US elected government officials whose names are under the “comprehensive legislation to address the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.” It’s so called the Stability and Democracy (STAND) for Ukraine Act (H.R. 5094):

Eliot Lance Engel

  • Eliot Lance Engel was born in the Bronx, the son of Sylvia (née Bleend) and Philip Engel, an ironworker. His grandparents, of Ukrainian Jewish background,[1] immigrated from the Russian Empire.[2]
  • Congressman Eliot Engel : Latest News – U.S. House …
  • Engel Addresses Flint Water Crisis … Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today …… It’s really a political charade and this pointless attempt to find a scandal that simply doesn’t exist.
  •  US official: Russia’s actions in Ukraine conflict an ‘invasion’ | TheHill…/234689-us-official-russias-actions-in-ukraine-conf…The Hill

Mar 4, 2015 – “Ukraine is not going to win a war against Russia, but it can impose a greater … Tags: Randy Weber, Chuck Hagel, Ukraine, Russia, Moscow,

The top Democrat on the committee, Rep. Eliot Engel (N.Y.), added that those policies “are good but only up to a point. They don’t go far enough.” Engel also announced new legislation Wednesday that would “offer Ukraine greater assistance on a variety of fronts.”

 “Ukraine is not going to win a war against Russia, but it can impose a greater cost on Vladimir Putin’s aggression and slow Russia’s advances, and it has a chance to remain on its feet when all is said and done,” Engel said.

 “Ongoing Russian aggression threatens the security and stability of the entire region and undermines decades of American commitment to and investment in Europe that is whole, free and at peace. In fact, this is a threat to the whole international order,” he said.

 Adam Kinzinge

  •  Adam Kinzinger Verified account @RepKinzinger: I represent Illinois’ 16th District. It’s an honor to serve in Congress on Energy & Commerce and as a pilot in the Air National Guard.
  • How Long Untill Rep. Adam Kinzinger Backs Bombing Russia/Ukraine
  • “Illinois Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger is quickly becoming a textbook definition of an interventionist.”

– congressman Kinzinger called for the US military, of which he is a member, to start bombing targets inside of Iraq.

– Before that congressman Kinzinger was one of the leading voices calling for the US to bomb Syria.

– Kinzinger has been calling for international consequences for ” Putin’s actions in Ukraine” such as increase US energy production and exports to Europe and wanting Western nations to seize Russia’s assets held abroad among other action items.

  • Kinzinger’s military service questioned after Facebook post (updated ……/80643-kinzingers-military-service-questioned-afte…The Hill

Feb 10, 2010 – Air Force pilot Adam Kinzinger (R) said he received a “flurry of emails” questioning his military service shortly after he won the GOP nomination

  •  Combat Veteran Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Trump Is Advocating for War CrimesCombat Veteran Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Trump Is Advocating for War Crimes, Similar to Benito Mussolini…/combat-veteran-rep-adam-kinzinger-tru…

Sander Levin

  •  Sander Levin was born in Detroit, Michigan, to Bess (née Levinson) and Saul R. Levin
  • Sander Levin, a Jewish Democrat from Michigan whose family has been deeply involved in Detroit politics
  •  Reopening of the Golden Rose Choral synagogue in Ukraine: a speech in Congress by Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI), on Oct 5, 2000

  •  Oct 5, 2000 – CHORAL SYNAGOGUE IN UKRAINE. Hon. Sander M. Levin. of Michigan. in the house of representatives.

  •  Co-chairs of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) …Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, recipient of the Friend of UNIS award, with Michael Sawkiw Jr., Roksolana Lozynskyj, Tamara Olexy, Bishop John Bura and Kira Lozynskyj.
  • co-chairs of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) and Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), as well as UNIS Director Michael Sawkiw Jr.

Marcy Kaptur

  • Ukrainian National Media Outlets Feature Ohio Democrat …
  •…/3370-ukrainian-national-media-outlet…WASHINGTON—Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus in the House of Representatives
  • Great Synagogue is rededicated in Kyiv (03/26/00)

Mar 26, 2000 – Inside the ornate synagogue hundreds of guests first listened to opening … Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), co-chair of the Congressional Ukrainian …

Ralph Lee Abraham, Jr.

  • Abraham is the son of the former Marlene Posey (1932–2015), a retired educator, and Ralph Abraham, Sr. (1933–1980)
  • Voting record: H RES 162: Calling on the President to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.Vote YES  Date: March 23, 2015

Ukraine Military Aid.

“House Resolution 162, which calls on the president “to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” allows President Obama to provide Ukraine with defensive weapons to defend against aggression from Russia.”

  • Freedom Index: Congressional Scorecard for Ralph Abraham was assigned as “BAD vote” because it violated the Constitution of the US

“The House adopted H. Res. 162 on March 23, 2015 by a vote of 348 to 48 (Roll Call 131). We have assigned pluses to the nays not only because foreign aid is unconstitutional but also because this bill would further interject the United States into a foreign conflict. Allowing the U.S. president to provide lethal arms to Ukraine in order to fight Russia is tantamount to waging a proxy war on Russia without the constitutionally required congressional declaration of war. The House, by giving such power to the president, is relinquishing one of its constitutional responsibilities.”

 Reid Ribble (R-WI).

  • Reid James Ribble is an American politician who has been the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 8th congressional district since 2011
  • “Wisconsin Republican Congressman Reid Ribble described his “own religious upbringing”—his father was a minister; three of his brothers and one son are all pastors.

“Whoa,” said Sister Simone, impressed.

“Christianity is all about serving the poor,” Representative Ribble told her. “What is the church doing wrong that it had to come to the government to get so much funding?”

“We have a limitation in our capacity to do that,” said Sister Simone.

“Your capacity is the same as our capacity,” Representative Ribble argued.

These head-scratching moments aside, I found the entire frame of the hearing as laid out by Chairman Ryan to be seriously flawed. Ostensibly, it was to examine the most effective ways to fight poverty as we approach the fiftieth anniversary of the War on Poverty next year. “

  • Ribble proposed sweeping changes to Social Security, including continuing and accelerating increases in the retirement age, implementing the chained CPI benefit cut to Social Security,
  • Reid Ribble voted YES on barring EPA from regulating greenhouse gases
  • In June 2012, he voted for the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, which would increase oil and gas drilling in the U.S., and decrease environmental restrictions.[8]
  • Ribble also supported the Offshore Leasing Act in May 2011, and required “the Secretary of the Interior to conduct offshore oil and gas lease sales.”[9]
  • Reid Ribble (R., Wis.) defended House Republicans’ strategy of defunding Planned Parenthood.
  • US Congress Representative Reid Ribble [R] | LegiScan

US Congress bills sponsored by Representative Reid Ribble [R] … the right of the people of Ukraine to freely elect their government and determine their future.

US  HR348 Intro  Supports the right of the people of Ukraine to freely elect their government and determine their future. Urges the Administration to expedite assistance to Ukraine to facilitate the political, economic, and social reforms necessary for elections tha…

[Compare this to the Stability and Democracy (STAND) for Ukraine Act (H.R. 5094), which clarifies the position of the United States on Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea, tightens sanctions on Russia, and drives new innovations to provide support for Ukraine.” The Crimea used to be an autonomous republic of Ukraine. people of Crimea exesised their right in accord with HR348  Intro  Supports the right of the people of Ukraine to freely elect their government and determine their future. That’s what people of Crimea have done: they freely elected their new government to be the Russia’s government and they freely determined their future to be part of Russia.]

  • Support ‪#‎Ukraine Resolution in U.S. House of Representatives. H.Res. 122 Sponsored by: Congressional Ukrainian Caucus @RepFitzpatrick, @RepMarcyKaptur, @repsanderlevin Date: 3/18/2015

H.RES.122 calls upon the U.S. federal agencies to provide support for the Ukrainian reform effort and implementation of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act

Current Cosponsors (18): Marcy Kaptur (OH-9), Sander Levin (MI-9), Ryan Costello (PA-6), Gus Bilirakis (FL-12), Tom Marino (PA-10), Brendan Boyle (PA-13), Bill Pascrell (NJ-9), Mike Quigley (IL-5), Rosa DeLauro (CT-3), Louise Slaughter (NY-25), Alan Lowenthal (CA-47), Adam Schiff (CA-28), Paul Cook (CA-8), Peter Roskam (IL-6), Bobby Rush (IL-1), Reid Ribble (WI-8), and Adam Kinzinger (IL-16) and Mike Kelly (PA-3).

  • Family of American Politician Reid Ribble Trapped By Illegal Adoption Practices of Reece’s Rainbow

The family of American Congressman Reid Ribble of Wisconsin has become yet another victim to the illegal practices of Reece’s Rainbow.

His son, Jared and daughter in law, Krystal, selected a child for adoption from a photograph.

The photograph originated with Reece’s Rainbow.

Russian law prohibits both the use of “photolisting” of children as well as the preidentification of children. The potential Ribble adoption was, consequently, based on an illegal foundation and therefore most likely doomed to fail.

  • Lawmakers to Obama: Arm Ukraine now | TheHill…/231874-senators-to-obama-arm-ukraine-no…

Feb 5, 2015 – Reed said Ukrainian forces have fought courageously. “We must help Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression,” he said.

  • Freedom Index: Congressional Scorecard for Reid Ribble Freedom Index Score: 67%

House Resolution 162, which calls on the president “to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity”

Mike Fitzpatrick

  • Michael G. “Mike” Fitzpatrick (born June 28, 1963) is an American politician and member of the Republican Party who serves as the U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania’s 8th congressional district. Fitzpatrick was born and raised in Bucks County. He graduated from Bishop Egan High School, now Conwell-Egan Catholic High School, in Fairless Hills.He is affiliated with the Washington Crossing Council of the Boy Scouts of America and is a member of the Temple Lower Bucks Hospital Board of Directors, the Conwell-Egan Catholic Board of Advisors, the Knights of Columbus, the Levittown Bristol Kiwanis Club, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Brehon Law Society. He is also an Eagle Scout from the Bucks County Council and former president of that council, and was honored with the Silver Beaver Award for his services to Scouting.

Member, Committee on Financial Services

Vice-Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Member, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

Caucuses & Task Forces:

Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing (Chair)

Congressional Ukrainian Caucus (Chair)

Congressional Animal Caucus (Co-Chair)

Congressional Caucus on the Deadliest Cancers

Childhood Cancer Caucus

Congressional Autism Caucus

Congressional Civility Caucus

Congressional Bike Caucus

Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease

Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse

Congressional Coalition on Adoption

Congressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus

Congressional Diabetes Caucus

Congressional Fire Services Caucus

Congressional General Aviation Caucus

Congressional Israel Allies Caucus

Congressional Skin Cancer Caucus

House Arthritis Caucus

Military Mental Health Caucus

Military Sexual Assault Prevention Caucus

Veterans Jobs Caucus

Victim’s Rights Caucus

Human Trafficking Task Force

Congressional Human Trafficking Caucus

House Tiawan Caucus

  •  Ukraine Caucus members again urge Savchenko’s release…/ukraine-caucus-members-again-urge-savchenko…

Jan 15, 2016 – Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), members of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, continue to call on …

  •  For Ukraine, the Fight for Freedom Continues — Medium…

Jul 12, 2015 – Go to the profile of Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick … For Ukraine, the Fight for Freedom Continues … Gwen S. Moore,Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick, Rep.


Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Prior to the hearing, UNIS Director Michael Sawkiw, Jr. underscored that such … Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), co-chair of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus; Rep.

  • Ukraine in Washington 2015 – US-Ukraine Foundation

The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation together with the Save Ukraine Now Coalition, and in … Mike Fitzpatrick, Congressman Peter Roskam, newly-appointed Ukraine …

  •  DC Forum Special Guests – Save Ukraine Now

Patriarch Filaret Denysenko, Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate … Congressman Michael Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania, 8th. Michael …

  •  Alexa Chopivsky | American Center for a European Ukraine

Ukrainian Ministerial Delegation meets with US Senators and Congressmen … Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI),

  •  Lawmakers to Obama: Arm Ukraine now | TheHill…/231874-senators-to-obama-arm-ukraine-no…

Feb 5, 2015 – “Russia’s invasion of sovereign territory of Ukraine, which has continued …. Tags: Michael Fitzpatrick, Madeleine Bordallo, Richard Blumenthal, .

  • Fitzpatrick’s brother will run to replace him – Philadelphia…/Is-Rep-Fitzpatricks-brot…

Philadelphia Media Network

Jan 21, 2016 – WASHINGTON – Bucks County Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick is retiring — and his brother is now hoping to replace him in Pennsylvania’s most competitive congressional district. Brian Fitzpatrick, a former FBI supervisory special agent.

Jim Costa (D-CA)

  • Born in Fresno, Costa is a third-generation family farmer. His grandparents emigrated from Portugal’s Azores Islands in the early 20th century. During the summer of 1986, Costa was cited for soliciting a prostitute.
  • Congressman Jim Costa | Representing the 16th District of California

Jim Costa  Official website of the U.S. Representative for the 16th District of California, Democratic party.

  •  Freedom Index: Congressional Scorecard for Jim Costa

Cumulative Freedom Index Score: 18% Bad Vote  82%

House Resolution 162, which calls on the president “to provide Ukraine with military assistance to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity,” allows …

Costa was reportedly a holdout vote on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

  • Jim Costa on the Issues

Feb 17, 2016 – Jim Costa on the Issues on Jim Costa; House of Representatives issue stances; Tired of … (Mar 2007); Let Ukraine & Georgia enter NATO.

  •  Congressional Record, Volume 156 Issue 51 (Tuesday, April 13, 2010)…/CRE…

United States Government Publishing Office

Apr 13, 2010 – JIM COSTA of California in the house of representatives Tuesday, April 13, … on April 11, 2010 by Temple Beth El and B’Nai Jacob Synagogue.

  •  Jews fight for food stamps | MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Synagogues have made anti-hunger campaigns an integral part of their social … Jim Costa (D-Fresno), as a member of the House Agriculture Committee, voted …

  •  Iran in the western hemisphere…/CHRG-111…

United States Government Publishing Office

… Subcommittee Staff Director Eric Jacobstein, Subcommittee Professional Staff Member Fred … Texas MIKE ROSS, Arkansas BOB INGLIS, South Carolina JIM COSTA, …. We all have heard the reports: Synagogues being attacked and state …

  •  The Jewish Press » » Liberal Jews Afraid to Oppose Iran Deal › InDepth › Op-Eds

The Jewish Press

Aug 23, 2015 – There is a Reform Temple with about 350 adult members, a much smaller … Tonight there will be such a meeting with Jim Costa in Fresno.

 Randy Weber (R-TX)

  • Congressman Randy Weber | Representing the 14th District of Texas

Congressman Randy Weber (R-TX) has re-introduced a bill to hold Central American nations accountable for illegal immigrants from their countries

Congressman Randy Weber on April 17, 2014 ·

This obvious display of hatred and intended persecution are in no way acceptable and will not be tolerated.

Weber Issues Statement on Recent Development in the Ukraine

Apr 17, 2014

Press Release

Washington, D.C. –Currently, the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk has been taken over by pro-Russian militants. Jews in the city are now being told that they must “register” with the government. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Friendswood) made the following statement:

“The recent developments in Donetsk are disturbing and beyond reprehensible. The text of the leaflets demanding the Jewish community register their property and pay a fee or risk loss of citizenship, deportation and fines has strikingly similar tones of the Nazis when they occupied Ukraine during World War II. The fact that these leaflets were distributed to Jews as they were finishing celebrations of Passover, the highest holy day within Judaism, only further exacerbates the insult. This obvious display of hatred and intended persecution are in no way acceptable and will not be tolerated.”

 [We know that this all been disinformation and a baseless lie, and it’s clear now that it had been spread by this US senator.]

Ted Deutch (D-FL)

  • Deutch was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the son of Jean (née Mindlin) and the late Bernard Deutch. His grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. he’s a member of the B’nai Torah Congregation synagogue in Boca Raton
  • Theodore E. “Ted” Deutch: b. 7 May 1966 Bethlehem, Northampton Co., PA; U.S. Representative from FL (D)

 About Ted Deutch | Office of Congressman Ted Deutch › biography

Congressman Ted Deutch, 49, represents Florida’s 21st district, home to communities throughout western Palm Beach County and Broward County

  • UCCA – Пошук – Ukrainian Congress Committee of America… Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

Louise Slaughter (D-NY), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Leonard Lance (R-NJ), Carolyn … UCCA Hosts Election Observer Mission for Municipal Elections in Ukraine order

  • All Info – H.Res.50 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): Calling for the…/all-inf…

Calling for the release of Ukrainian fighter pilot Nadiya Savchenko, who was captured by Russian forces in … Rep. Deutch, Theodore E. [D-FL-21], 02/04/2015

  • Deutch and Roskam: Stop Russian Arms Transfer … – Ted Deutch › news

Ted Deutch  Sep 12, 2013 – In response to reports that Russia would renew its offer to supply Iran with the S 300 missile system, today Reps. Ted Deutch (D-FL) and Peter …

  •  Roskam, Deutch Urge Crackdown on Russian Transfer of S300 ……/roskam-deutch-urge-crackdow…  Peter Roskam

Jan 21, 2015 – Peter Roskam (R-IL) and Ted Deutch (D-FL) urged Secretary of State John Kerry to work to prevent the sale of advanced S300 surface-to-air …

  •  Russian Arms Sales to Iran Degrade U.S. Ability to Strike Nuke Sites…/russian-arms-sales-to-ira…

The Washington Free Beacon

Apr 14, 2015 – Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) and Ted Deutch (D., Fla.) wrote on Tuesday to Secretary of State John Kerry, according to a copy of the letter obtained by …

  •  Ted Deutch’s path to war – Sun Sentinel…/fl-letter-iran-0802-20150806-stor…

Sun‑Sentinel  Aug 5, 2015 – 5 oped column opposing the nuclear agreement with Iran, Ted Deutch … Russia and China — that negotiated the agreement will continue…

  •  Polish Ambassador meets with Congressman Ted Deutch of Florida…/polish_ambassador…

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dec 8, 2015 – … Ryszard Schnepf met this afternoon with Congressman Ted Deutch, … and the new Polish Government’s posture towards Kiev and Russia.

Mike Pompeo (R-KS)

  • Michael Richard Pompeo (born December 30, 1963, Orange, California) is an American politician who has been the U.S. Representative for Kansas’s 4th congressional district since 2011
  • Pompeo received $80,000 in donations from Koch Industries and its employees.
  • Pompeo opposes the Affordable Care Act.
  • Pompeo is a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association, which has endorsed him.
  • Pompeo opposes closing Guantánamo Bay detention camp.
  • Pompeo opposes the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and supports eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas registry program
  • Pompeo is strongly anti-abortion. He believes that abortion should be illegal in cases of rape and incest
  • Pompeo opposes requiring food suppliers to label food made with Genetically modified organisms as GMO
  • Pompeo supports the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs
  • Pompeo to SXSW Organizers: Don’t Give Snowden a Platform ……372133

Mar 7, 2014 – WASHINGTON — Congressman Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, a member of … a treasonous act by stealing secrets and running away from Russia.

 Russia Flight Tests Anti-Satellite Missile – Washington Free Beacon…/russia-conducts-successf…

The Washington Free Beacon

Dec 2, 2015 – The flight test of Russia’s direct ascent anti-satellite missile, known as Nudol, … Mike Pompeo (R., Kansas) said the Russian test is a concern.

 Pompeo Introduces Bill Prohibiting U.S. Purchase of Iranian Nuclear ……398963

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 29, 2016. Contact: T.W. Arrighi (202) 225-6216 (Office) (202) 590-0609 (Mobile). Pompeo Introduces Bill …

 Pompeo Criticizes U.S. Purchase of Iranian Nuclear Material ……398950

Apr 27, 2016 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. April 27, 2016. Contact: T.W. Arrighi (202) 225-6216 (Office) (202) 590-0609 (Mobile). Pompeo Criticizes U.S. …

  • Back From Kiev, Rep. Pompeo Says Putin Wants to ‘Control Ukraine’…/Ukraine…Mike-Pompeo/…/5675…  Newsmax Media

Apr 24, 2014 – Following a recent trip to Ukraine, Rep. Mike Pompeo of Kansas told Newsmax that while the final outcome of the ongoing crisis is impossible ..

 David Cicilline (D-RI)

  • David Cicilline, Representative for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional ……/david_cicilline/412470

GovTrack  Represents Newport County, Bristol County, East Providence, Newport. Legislative profile for Rep. David Cicilline [D-RI1], the Representative from Rhode …

  • House Passes Cicilline Resolution Supporting Free, Fair Elections in ……/house…

United States House of Representatives

Oct 20, 2015 – House Passes Cicilline Resolution Supporting Free, Fair Elections in … David N. Cicilline (D-RI) to support the right of the Ukrainian people to freely elect their government and determine their future.

  •  Tonight, the U.S. House voted 413 to 4… – Congressman David Cicilline…/9073205059705…

… a resolution I introduced to support free and fair elections in Ukraine. … a resolution introduced by U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI) to support…

  •  Cicilline Meets with Barrington Man in Ukraine | Patch…/cicilline-meets-with-barrington-m…

Patch Media  Apr 25, 2014 – U.S. Congressman David N. Cicilline (D-RI), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who recently visited Ukraine as part of a …

David N. Cicilline | | Library of Congress

Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] (Introduced 04/29/2016) …. To contain, reverse, and deter Russian aggression in Ukraine, to assist Ukraine’s democratic transition, …

  •  ‘Ukraine Under Siege’: Victoria Nuland Testifies Before Congress…/2290-ukraine-under-siege-victoria-nuland-testifies-befor…

‘Ukraine Under Siege’: Victoria Nuland Testifies Before Congress … First, she addressed what Ukraine has been doing since the fall of … David Cicilline (D-RI)

  •  Yulia Tymoshenko | U.S. Congress: we support the people of Ukraine…/u-s-congress-we-supp…

Yulia Tymoshenko  Apr 23, 2014 – David Cicilline (D-RI), Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL), Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-PA), Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL), Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA), Rep.

  • Don’t impose the sexual revolution on Ukraine! | CitizenGO

Oct 28, 2015 – Their most recent “project” is Ukraine’s new Constitution. … David Cicilline (D-RI); Mark Takano (D-CA); Raul Grijalva (D-AZ); Alan Lowenthal …

  • Pelosi Leads Congressional Delegation to Italy, Ukraine – Democratic ……/pelosi-lea…

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi

Jul 30, 2015 – Pelosi Leads Congressional Delegation to Italy, Ukraine … Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI), Foreign Affairs Committee and Judiciary …

 Of Touro Synagogue, Hasbro and 10 Other Things About Jewish …

The Forward  Feb 7, 2015 – 10) In the early 1980s, Providence native David Cicilline (whose mother’s maiden name is Peskin) co-founded Brown University’s chapter of the College Democrats with fellow students John F. Kennedy Jr. and William Mondale, son of former Vice President and U.S. Senator Walter Mondale. In 2002, after serving seven years in the Rhode Island House of Representatives, Cicilline was elected Providence’s first Jewish — and first openly gay — mayor. He currently serves as U.S. representative from the First District of Rhode Island.

 John Shimkus (R-IL)

  • Shimkus is a lifelong resident of Collinsville, a suburb of St. Louis He is the son of Kathleen N. (née Mondy) and Gene L. Shimkus. His paternal grandfather was of Lithuanian descent
  • A Bloomington Synagogue Turns to the Torah to Fight Climate Change…

Oct 1, 2012 – “The earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over,” said GOP Congressman John Shimkus at a hearing of the U.S. House …

  • Meet John Shimkus: Anti-Climate Science GOPer Who May Head ……/meet-john-shimkus-anti…

Talking Points Memo

Nov 29, 2010 – Meet John Shimkus: Anti-Climate Science GOPer Who May Head House Energy Panel .

  • Search results for John Shimkus – – Redefining the Media

LiveLeak  John Shimkus(R) Cites Bible as Argument against Global Warming …. foreign lobby, well that actually doesn’t register as a foreign lobby…AIPAC. So, here it is, …

  • Qtnngreaa at the lflniteh gfiatea – Aipac…/3_26_10__…

American Israel Public Affairs Committee

Mar 26, 2010 – with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land.” In the … security as an independent Jewish state is maintained. …. John Shimkus.

  •  Shimkus: Time To Support Allied Action In Russia | News Local/State ……/shimkus-time-to-support-allied-action-in-…

Oct 9, 2014 – Congressman John Shimkus says the US and Russia are in another Cold War. The Republican said he’s prepared to vote on military action to …

  •  John Shimkus on Foreign Policy –

Feb 20, 2016 – John Shimkus on Foreign Policy; House of Representatives issue stances; Tired …

  •  Shimkus co-sponsored condemning Russia for provocative

John Shimkus on the Issues

Feb 20, 2016 – John Shimkus on the Issues on John Shimkus; House of … (Apr 2001); Condemns Russia for provocative statements to Georgia. (May 2008) …

  •  Shimkus calls for renewal of sanctions against Iran – John Shimkus…

Dec 24, 2015 – John Shimkus (R-IL) signed two letters last week to President … of state-of-the-art air defense systems from Russia and ballistic missile tests in …

  •  In Lithuania, Boehner promises to combat Russian aggression | TheHill…/246430-in-lithuania-boehner-promises-congress-t…

Jun 29, 2015 – John Shimkus (Ill.), Mike Simpson (Idaho), Greg Walden (Ore.) … in the region — aimed at “disrupting Russia’s energy stranglehold on Europe,”

 Bill Keating (D-MA)

  •  Profile: Rep. William Keating (D-MA);jsessionid=59SqI2kvrvH…

Home town: Bourne. Born: September 6, 1952. Born in: Norwood, MA. Occupation: Attorney. Religion: Catholic. Marital status: M. Spouse: Tevis. Previous …

  •  Bill Keating – Ballotpedia

William R. “Bill” Keating (b. …. 215 of the act, increasing transparency of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and requiring the use of “a specific selection …

  •  Bill Keating’s Revolving Door for Violent Criminals – National ……/bil…  National Republican Congressional Committee

Oct 25, 2010 – Washington- Bill Keating’s leniency toward violent criminals is already … at the time for a 2009 Quincy home invasion, according to court documents. … The office of District Attorney William R. Keating chose not to prosecute .

  •  Keating Applauds French Decision to Place Delivery of … – Bill Keating…keating…russia…

Sep 3, 2014 – “I applaud France’s decision to suspend the proposed delivery of the first Mistral-class amphibious assault ship to Russia and wholeheartedly …

  •  Keating Visits Sochi To Assess Terror Threat « CBS Boston…/rep-keating-visits-sochi-to-assess-terror-thre…

Jan 22, 2014 – Massachusetts Congressman Bill Keating says “there is reason to be … Wednesday night from a fact-finding mission to Russia during which he …

  •  Keating Statement on New European Union Sanctions … – Bill Keating…id…

Jul 29, 2014 – Bill Keating, Ranking Member of the Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats … The Putin regime has been put on notice: the international …

  •  Press Releases – Bill Keating…id…

I urge France to stay this course for as long as President Putin threatens regional security, … Plymouth – Representative Bill Keating recently held a meeting with .

  •  Ukraine: Keating Statement on Russian Aggression in Crimea – Public…/ukraine-keating-statement-on-russian-aggression-in-cri…

Mar 4, 2014 – Below is a statement from Rep. Bill Keating, Ranking Member of the Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats Subcommittee, on Russia’s

  •  Bill Keating’s Political Summary – The Voter’s Self Defense System ……

William ‘Bill’ R. Keating’s Political Summary on Issue: Foreign Affairs. PrintTrack …. Keating Statement on Recent Russian Incursions into Ukraine. 08/18/2014.

  •  Rohrabacher rips colleagues for taking sides in Ukraine dispute | TheHill…/196844-rohrabacher-rips-colleagues-for-taking-si…

Jan 29, 2014 – The people who won the last election in Ukraine are the ones who should be making policy in Ukraine,” … William Keating (D-Mass.), the top ..

  •  Cicilline Introduces Bipartisan US-Israel Cybersecurity Cooperation Act…

Mar 23, 2016 – … Congressman Steve Israel (D-NY), Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Congressman Bill Keating (D-MA), Congressman …

 Gus Bilirakis (R-FL)

  • Bilirakis was born in Gainesville, Florida and grew up in Tarpon Springs, Florida, the son of Evelyn (Miaoulis) and Michael Bilirakis. He calls nearby Palm Harbor home. He is the grandson of Greek immigrants. He is married to Eva Lialios. He supports of Ecumenical movement of all churches together.
  • Bilirakis Lauds Passage of Russian Sanctions and Aid to Ukraine ……/bilirakis-lauds-passage-of-russi…

Mar 27, 2014 – “Vladimir Putin likes to invoke the idea of the international law only when it suits him. His invasion of Ukraine, his annexation of Crimea, and his …

  •  Kinzinger, Young lead call for U.S. strategy to deter Russian…/kinzinger-young-lead-call-u-s-strategy-deter…

Apr 20, 2016 – Todd Young (R-IN), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Bill Johnson (R-OH) and Ralph … the USS Donald Cook…is just the latest from Putin’s Russia,” Young …

 The letter, signed by U.S. Reps. Todd Young (R-IN), Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Bill Johnson (R-OH) and Ralph Abraham (R-LA), also argued that examining the U.S.’s financial relationship with Russia could send a message to Putin and his allies that aggressive actions in Europe and the Middle East won’t be tolerated.

Apr 26, 2012 – “As a Greek Orthodox Christian, I have made it a feature of my service in the U.S. House of Representatives … The religious persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt is an issue in which we cannot remain silent. … Gus Bilirakis.

  •  GUS BILIRAKIS: Aiding refugees from religious oppression ……/gus-bilirakis-aidin…

The Washington Times – I was moved as Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of the Eastern Orthodox Church jointly visited the Greek island of Lesbos.

  •  Gus Bilirakis Archives – Juicy Ecumenism

The bi-partisan letter, cc’d to Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, was spearheaded by U.S. Rep. Trent Franks. It is just the latest in a number of efforts

  •  Bilirakis Praises Hellenic Provisions in Foreign Relations ……/rep-bilirakis-praises-hellenic-pr…

“I am pleased that this bill included my language as it relates to Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Cyprus and the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

  •  Foreign Affairs Committee Approves Bilirakis Resolution to Re-Open ……/foreign-affairs-committee-appr…

Jun 7, 2012 – Congressman Gus Bilirakis … Foreign Affairs Committee Approves Bilirakis Resolution to Re-Open Halki Seminary … The Theological School of Halki is an institution of the Ecumenical Patriarchate – the center for the world’s

  •  Bilirakis Applauds Inclusion and Approval of Halki Language in HR 4347…/bilirakis-applauds-inclusion-and-a…Gus Bilirakis

Jun 26, 2014 – Congressman Gus Bilirakis … Bilirakis Applauds Inclusion and Approval of Halki Language in HR 4347 … facilitate the reopening of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Theological School of Halki without condition or further delay.


Nov 4, 2014 – U.S. CONGRESSMAN GUS BILIRAKIS ADDRESS TO GREEK … We will not rest until our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is free in the

  •  Op-Ed on “Congressman Gus Bilirakis Is Being Targeted”…/973-op-ed-on-congressman-gus-bilirakis-is-being-target…

Freshman Congressman Gus Bilirakis, Republican of the 9th Congressional …. and religious freedoms of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, H.Res.356 regarding

 Steve Cohen (D-TN)

  •  Stephen Ira “Steve” Cohen was born in Memphis, Tennessee on May 24, 1949, the son of Genevieve (née Goldsand) and pediatrician Morris David Cohen. He has two older brothers, Michael Corey and Martin D. Cohen. He is a fourth-generation Memphian, and is a grandson of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania and Poland.
  •  Cohen: Putin Made Right Decision To Free Imprisoned … – Steve Cohen › Media CenterSteve Cohen

Dec 20, 2013 – [MEMPHIS, TN] – Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today reiterated that the imprisoned members of Russian punk music group “Pussy Riot”

  •  S. Congressman Steve Cohen Joins Boycott of Netanyahu Speech … › Israel News Haaretz

Feb 25, 2015 – U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen Joins Boycott of Netanyahu Speech … negotiated among Iran and the P5+1 — the United States, Russia, …

  •  Steve Cohen — Tennessee’s First Jewish Congressman ……/rep-steve-cohen-tennessees-f…

Nashville Scene Mar 2, 2010 – Congressman Steve Cohen, a Democrat whose district includes … ‘150 000 Armenian volunteers in Russian Army were the only forces against ..

Rep. Steve Cohen — Tennessee’s First Jewish Congressman — Among Those Urging Colleagues to Block Armenian Genocide Resolution

“Looks pretty indiscriminate to me. Congressman Steve Cohen, a Democrat whose district includes Memphis, is Tennessee’s first Jewish congressman. With that in mind, does it seem a bit odd to anyone else that, according to a letter to the House Foreign Affairs Committee obtained by The Hill, Cohen would join Texas’ Kay Granger and Kentucky’s Ed Whitfield in opposition to a House resolution that would recognize as genocide the killing of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I?”