Dear friends,
I was hoping to be able to put off this post, in fact I did begin and then sent it to trash it several times. But now things are getting critical. I need your help or something will have to change, and not for the better. Let me explain:
You must have noticed that even though the blog is full of features, everything loads really well and really fast (including the bandwidth-heavy media sections). What you do not know, is that for security reasons we also have another server with a full backup. So what we are providing is convenience (speed) and service (minimal downtime). However, this does come at a very real cost. So, after giving it a lot of thought, I decided to share these figure with you, so you know what I am talking about. Here are our basic IT costs:
Hivelocity for 6 Saker blogs: | $138.00 a month |
Hivelocity for HOP Project: | $ 89.00 a month |
Advania Backup server | $ 67.00 a month: (381 Euros for 6 months) |
Amazon Web Services cloudfront | $108.00 a month |
Google could storage | $09.00 a month |
TOTAL: | $411.00 a month |
Add to this the expense of keeping an Limited Liability Company (needed for legal reasons):
Company hosting: | $115.00 a month or $1380 a year |
Registering agent: | $656.00 a year |
In the past I had a kind supporter pay for the IT costs. He has now retired and moved and now I have to shoulder this heavy burden myself.
In other words, even before paying my own bills, I now have to pay over 10’000 dollars out of pocket just to cover these basic fixed costs. To this I could add somewhere in between $4’000 and $5’000 which I pay to some members of our community (to help them pay for their own bills). In other words, my strictly personal costs begin with something in the range of $15’000.
I also feel that I need to clarify and remind you all of three basic facts:
- I get no money from Russia, or Iran, or any other country or government or political movement (I wish I did! I would love to be a “paid Putin agent”. But I don’t).
- if I wanted to make money, I could *easily* make much more money doing something else (like working for the Dark Side).
- if I did that for the money I could easily monetize this blog with advertisements, paywalls, member-only features, etc.
But now I also need to confess something: I am IMMENSELY frustrated by the lack of support I get. Let me be blunt: if it was not for the regular help of two, yes only two, supporters I could never afford to keep up this blog. Honestly, I think I provide an absolutely unique product (a blog with original analyses, not “recycled” like on news aggregators) with no commercial compromises (no ads). And I do that while paying for well over 10’000 dollars a year of out of my own (already pretty empty) pockets. The readership is constantly growing and yet the donations are down. Which means that the vast majority of readers don’t contribute anything. So yeah, I am having a very hard time and I need your help. Badly!
We are in an “information war”, you know that, and I have already written many times in the past that the “ammunition” of this war is money. I hate it, you hate it, but that this a simple fact which cannot be denied away. Please don’t send me into battle with an empty gun!
Now, I know that most of you are also barely making ends meet. This is why I am not, repeat, NOT asking those whose means are limited to send me more money. Say a prayer for me and consider that you have made your donation and I will be immensely grateful to you. Another way of helping me would be to volunteer as a moderator: we are in dire need of more moderators. Right now, we don’t have enough moderators to cover all the time slots, so if you can help us with this, even for a few hours each week, please contact the chief moderator at this email address:
But I also know that some of you are well-off and a few even very well-off. So my appeal is primarily to you: if you are really opposed to the AngloZionist Empire then do something about it and help me fight on your behalf! Send me the “ammo” needed to at least pay for my costs and even do better. You simply cannot expect me to work 3-5 hours a day (after I am done with my regular full-time job) and spend thousands of dollars out of pocket on pure enthusiasm and idealism. Eventually something will have to give: either you, or the blog.
As far as I can see everybody else has either put up a paywall or placed advertisements on their websites/blogs. I will never do that, on principle (even though I get regular offers and advice to do just that). But unless I get the kind of help I need I will start cutting costs and reduce the time I allocate to this blog. It would break my heart, but I have bills to pay.
Out of sheer despair, I want to make three suggestions (not sure how good or realistic they are).
- If you also have a hard time making ends meet, maybe you know somebody who has an easier time: could you try to approach this person (or corporation) and see if they would be willing to step in and help? Surely you must know of somebody who has the mean to help and the desire to do so?
- Maybe you can organize some kind of fund raiser amongst your friends, colleagues or family?
- Third, if you have experience in fund-raising (which, as you can tell, I clearly don’t) you could volunteer you expertise to help me? You can tell by my post today that I am a total incompetent amateur and have no idea how to finance a project like mine. Your help could therefore be priceless.
These are just desperate ideas about how a large community like the Saker Community could help. So far, every time I needed help the Community delivered it. I really hope that this will happen again this time around.
I want to end this post with a special to Russian people, especially religious ones: you all know about the Orthodox desiatina or the Islamic zakat. Now, I am not claiming that this blog is a religious institution – it is not – but it is a place where spirituality and religion are not only tolerated or accepted, but truly respected and pro-actively promoted. And this blog most evidently and undeniably is at the forefront of the battle to explain Russia and the Russian policies to the rest of the world. Then how is it that I get NO help from Russia, none at all?! Look at the cost of the average office party in Moscow and explain to me, and to yourself, whether that money is better spend on vodka with zakuski than on defending Russia?
To those who will call me naive I will simply say this: I make no apologies for being naive. All my life, I have always privileged the naive, romantic and pure over the pragmatic, compromising and cynical. I have never regretted it. Not once. There are those who will laugh at my naive attempts to raise money by being simply honest and direct about it, and that’s fine. Let them keep their advertisements and their paywalls. I rather remain penniless and idealistic than join those who accepted the rules of the capitalist market game.
The way I see this is extremely simple: funding this blog should not be my problem. It should be our community’s problem. After all, this blog serves the community, not me.
You tell me – am I right?
Right now, funding this blog has been my problem, not our community’s. How can we change that? Any ideas?
While I will carefully read your comments below (and any emails to me), I would like to make this a community discussion. By this I mean that you will discuss this issue amongst each other and that maybe some consensus will emerge as to best go ahead. Please use the comments section to exchange ideas and to brainstorm this issue.
I will end this appeal with an apology. I am sorry, very sorry, but I see no other way to raise the attention of our community than to post this appeal not in the section were it would normally belong (in the “Blog, Community News and Announcements” section down the page) but in the most visible part of the page: in the “analyses” part. And I intend to leave it there until the end of the month. My hope is that in placing this appeal in the section normally reserved for the best of what this blog has to offer I will draw your attention to the value of what you have been getting for free and with no strings or conditions attached. I hope that this will motivate you to become a much more determined supporter of my work.
In the first days of April I will come to some kind of decision and let you know. This is also when I will reply to any specific offers or suggestions. I really hope that this will leave us all enough time to find a way out.
Hugs, cheers and thanks to all,
The Saker
Saker you simply have to charge a low monthly 1-2$ or whatever to cover your costs and then some. Make some specials to attract new people, sell some products unique to your image and you’re done. Your fees are not high. I don’t know your viewership but you can easily cover that with recurring monthly donations through PayPal. And if even then you are not able to cover your costs, well hear the voice of the people. They’re telling you you’re not worth a cup of coffee so stop giving. In life, it has to be win-win.
You’re being idealist… and he’d destroy everything he built up if he put a paypal, even at $1 a month, on his site. He may cover his costs and make money, at first, but his audience would evaporate immediately. Ads are the way to go, especially with his audience size. There’s a reason most websites have ads.
Sorry to hijack this sub-thread, but this needs to be at the top…
When reviewing the costs and making cost-cutting suggestions, readers must bear in mind:
I believe Saker took the software/hosting route he did because the Blogspot system (and a couple other attempts, IIRC) was not secure enough to prevent the Deep State and various anti-truth hackers from damaging/attacking the site. The IT costs probably reflect how difficult it is to remain running un-hacked, even hosted on servers in Iceland.
The system Saker and his IT help has built works. Now the community needs to step up and fund it. There are mechanisms available, readers just need to make it a habit to remember to drop a little cash in the virtual collection plate that is handed to you every time you click on this site. Not every visit, but often enough to keep your conscience clear.
And seeing the scope of the costs (quite low compared to targets at other non-MSM sites), you know your hard-earned $$ are going to have an impact. As pointed out by other below, if Saker was looking at $100,000 or $1 million per year, my small contribution would not help. But $15,000/yr? C’mon folks, should be done in a few hours.
I wonder what the budgets a for CIANN media are? Open-ended I suspect. But the world they paint disappears with a single drop of truth.
In any online source I could find, CNN’s numbers are buried in Turner Warner Cable numbers. But since it is all MSM, in 2015 TWC made $10.6Billion in profit on $27.8Billion revenues.
The US National Intelligence Community total in 2016 was about $70Billion, military MIP-$53B, and the rest of National Intelligence.- $17B.
So $15,000/yr to set the Deep State/MSM on its heels is a great investment. Leaving out state-backed actors (RT, Sputnik, etc.) I’d bet all non-MSM sites combined don’t spend $1million/yr. Good Job!!!
Truth-fueled media?
Democracy and Despotism
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films – 1946
If he puts ads on his site, I am out.
Ask for a monthly contribution that is reasonable… $15 a month? I pay more for Solari, but she provides exclusive reports and interviews.
If Saker did something along that line I would pay!
If the site could support him at the rate I pay for Solari and provide subscribers w/exclusive interviews, I would add him to my list of vital providers.
I doubt Saker will introduce ads. But that may mean the site stops if readers/posters don’t make donations. He should not be out-of-pocket to provide the service he does.
Don’t like ads anywhere? I use AdBlock/Firefox, works well. Other posters make other ad-removal suggestions down-thread.
I agree, NO ADs!!
Just sent $20 & will send $20 every month for here on out.
I think Robin has a good idea. There are independent bloggers to whom I donate a recurring $1 to $5 a month. But anyway, in the meantime, I just made a one-time donation. Thanks for your excellent work, Saker.
I am an Argentinian, new reader. I can send you small amounts now and then. but dude, advertise. you are no selling your soul or anything. just don’t let the advertizers meddle in your work
The problem I would personally have with ads is that the ones on other sites often slow down response so much I can’t load the pages, especially those with motion. Some site I no longer access very much, and get hung up and have to close, such as RT, and others I don’t even try to bring up any more. They also can take up so much screen space I can’t find the content.
And some drop cookies and other things which mess up the computer, even after I leave the site so I have to reboot and clean out the cache and all.
I guess people with newer and better machines or faster internet access might not notice these things, but those of us who are ram, speed, or bandwidth challenged it can make the difference of whether we can access the site — which I already have difficulty with some of the posts, such as with many videos, so that I have to leave them unlooked at.
Agree. RT, Russia Insider, Zero Hedge etc. are killing the processing & bandwith potential.
But maybe my laptop has a virus, who knows…
According to my physicist cousin from the USSR (tsarvsto jemu nebejesnoje) ” The internet is a virus.”
Brilliant! That covers it all!
On desk/laptops use Firefox (with Tracking Protection and block pop-ups “on”) and AdBlock. Doesn’t get all the ads/pop-ups, but over 90%. Some sites will demand you shut off AdBlock, so I don’t go to those sites again. You do have to update the AdBlock filter preferences occasionally, but otherwise an easy-to-use app.
I’ve see less than 1% of all ads since, oh, 1995 or so. I prefer uBlock Origin for Firefox. If I’m stuck on Chrome, I use Adblock+ but you have to go in the options and turn off the “sponsored ads”, which is people who pay AdBlock+ to have their “unobtrusive ads” get through the filter. uBlock Origin doesn’t play that game.
I read ZeroHedge all the time and I haven’t seen it without an adblocker for over a decade but that site isn’t really usable without one.
To put it in the vernacular: F**k ads.
Please do not let advertisers in here!
My view is that the Saker needs to remind people more often.
I know that is unpleasant, but to me it is the lesser of two evils, compared to actually charging a subscription fee. I think that would be counterproductive.
Regular visitors to the site should be able to understand the logic that by supporting the site they are helping more people find their way to it without battling a paywall.
And not having a paywall probably makes the site more user-friendly also for regular visitors.
Make available the option for people to authorize a regular monthly donation from their credit cards.
I think eventually more and more people will take this option.
I did not see that such an option was offered with the current donation setup.
My 2 c/ worth.
You get what you pay for, guys and gals!
If I can afford to pay Orlof his paywall$10 a month, I can afford the Saker $25 a month for all the good things I have gotten for free for a number of years. Consider how much y’all pay for junk food!
Re “You get what you pay for, guys and gals!”
You “guy” seem to be suggesting that erecting a pay wall will improve the quality of this website.
I disagree. Part of the quality of the site is connected to its freedom from ads and pay walls.
This “gal” submits that part of what the community is “paying for” is a site free of ads, and without a paywall.
I think it is reasonable for the site owner to explain the finances clearly, and regularly, so that the community can step up to the plate to continue the high-quality site it has come to rely on. In other words perhaps this is a high-quality community that is capable of seeing its interest and role in keeping things clean here. Regarding IT ideas to do it more cheaply, I am an ignoramous. But if things are working well now, after considerable ructions in the past, perhaps it is worthwhile not to fix what ain’t broke. I seem to recall that the mugs-T-shirts-poster thing brainstorm has already been examined and buried as not worth the trouble. Zero Hedge has become almost completely unusable (for me) because of the constant giant pop-up thing.
The NoScript add-on for Firefox works wonders with ZH.
I agree. Both Paul Craig Roberts and Consortium News run quarterly calls for contributions. Go ahead Saker and do the same. We will respond.
One good reason NOT to use ads is that third party sites track you all around the Internet and you’d be handing the CIA an easy way to figure out who visits this site. I wouldn’t normally be this paranoid about it but we did just show up on the
HarvardCIA hit list that was published by the Harvard Library. I wonder just how much they had to pay for Harvard’s reputation.Harvard had no reputation, except a poor one.
Well actually they track you in the exact moment you start using just clear cache, delete chronology and cookies regularly..
Use Firefox browser, far more better than chrome regarding privacy..
I’m one of those 99%. I can’t pay my heating/electricity/water, nor the insane taxes levied on me. Still decided to charge my credit card with 5 bucks for the Saker. If I could print more dollars to fund you I would!
Patreon + adsense, I personally told southfront this for a few years, nonstop. Now they’re fine।।Your turn son of Raja Yayati।।
sounds like we need a gofundme account up in the house!
Sorry to hear how precarious the situation is. I made a one-time donation plus a recurring one, but please, please consider adding Adsense to every page on your fantastic site. We will all know why you do it. We will need to be careful not to click too much on the ads (otherwise Google will “know” something is wrong and you might get penalized or even banned from the program). But if we do not exaggerate our clicking (say, a few clicks per week), that might be a way to make Google pay the bills! I once had a website with very modest traffic (30,000 unique visitors per month) which brought over a $1000/month (the traffic then declined substantially, but that’s because I lost interest and stopped updating the site, which hurt the rankings).
There are probably alternatives to Adsense. I urge you to explore them. The readers of this site know that you will never skew your content to please any announcer (and with Adsense, that is useless anyway). So please give it a try. Let’s see if we can make a part of the Empire pay!
Dear Saker, its so sad that you feel you must apologize for this plea….This is my very favorite place to be, in the whole world. I have sent a message to Herb, and we’ll see if he wants me to moderate but in any case, I want so much for this plea to find the right answers…Its so true, everything that you say.
It shouldn’t have to be you that carries the burden for all of us. We all love this place.
And its much better to do a regular monthly donation, than coughing up some dough when the plea finally hits the fan.
I hope that every one will make a small donation every month for you….’chipping away at the iceberg’ so to speak.
thank you so much for all you do. You’re my very favorite person in the whole world. And you deserve that place. Christ love you Saker…you are fulfilling His plea…helping us all the know the truth.
I just sent you $50 in bitcoin.
Thank you for all the work that you do. I will start contributing as regularly as I can.
Also sending an email about the moderator work.
I receive appeals for donations to organizations all the time. I’ve answered two or three, for personal reasons, but the majority of appeals come from Political organizations, or those supporting specific policies.
Your effort differs in a unique way. You supply much sought after information, in a non-invasive manner, void of direct support for any political agenda. In a manner of speaking, the most contentious act you perform is to offer analysis and critique to the best of your ability. Would it be so that I might account for my differences of opinion or insight in such a measured fashion.
Thanks for the accounting of blog ownership and its duties. that information makes the labeling of such an effort inconsequential while becoming more approachable and familiar. I’ve experienced a similar situation, although one marking a personal milestone with what’s become a constant theme of difficulty brought on by the times. More often than not, its a case of expediency in the face of the unexpected arrival of otherwise mundane events we once could defer at our convenience.
I’m keeping in mind your monthly expense, and I’ll try to offer something soon to whittle that down the best I can. After all, I’ve come to thrive on constant challenges, even ones as modest as I propose.
All the best,
My advice would be extend your outreach to a broader audience through your YouTube channel – with more podcasts – and crucially allow an open comments section. Although you will get a large amount of paid trolls, it will reach people who may not be aware of the Blog.
I vote absolutely “No” to an open comment section. That is a sure route to the destruction of the community attitudes Saker has carefully nurtured. I have seen other sites (MSM and non-) try it to their extreme detriment and agree with Saker’s current moderation system.
The comments open the floor to a wide range of novel, regular-person input on the original articles and to other comments. We common-folk get to speak truth to power, not just read the authors’ take on it. It is of extreme value to have our well-considered thoughts not drowned in a tsunami of political operative (a polite term for troll) disinformation and misdirection.
Any who think there is “too much censorship” here need to bear in mind I get to post my position about religion/god, despite Saker’s personal beliefs to the contrary. I DO have to be respectful of others’ beliefs, but others must in turn respect mine. That is as rare a commodity as there is anywhere, not just online.
There’s not much that needs changing, just readers/posters need to donate regularly to allow this gem to continue to shine.
I read A LOT of sites. I only comment here and MoA(occasionally).
I LOVE the Saker moderation policy. EVEN when I get frustrated that comments get eaten by the aether. But I’d rather suffer the frustration with lost comments than the abusive +’puerile comments appearing on other sites. I wonder at people who login to a site only to scream abuse at someone. EG: Zerohedge. Some WONDERFUL, insightful, researched commentators struggling among a weed-infested forest of personal invective and obscenities that serves no purpose.
A decade or more ago I happily bought a daily newspaper. (Of course not now). And I have never had a paid (cable) subscription, and in fact no longer have a TV. So I could reallocate those unspent funds to Saker. I have been cautious due to my fear of cyber crime. Saker and similar sites would be Target No1 for the Demons and their Jin.
Do something like what Jim Corbett does. Rather than merely asking for donations, which are not regular, put up a form for people who will pledge a REGULAR AMOUNT OF MONEY via Paypal. I suggest a mere $1 a month pledge. Who can’t afford that? I imagine you have thousands of regular readers. They should jolly well pledge that dollar a month and the problem is nearly solved. That plus the well-off miserably stingy readers who should pony up something like $10-$50 per month through Paypayl should cover the rest. If that doesn’t work, tell us all to go to hell. That’s pretty much what Paul Craig Roberts tells people. His threat to discontinue is very real.
1. Get ads. Your viewers don’t care as long as they’re not plastered everywhere (which they don’t need to be in order to cover your expenses). To stubbornly hold out against ads makes no sense. You’re not betraying ideals or principles if you get ads.
2. Look at all your contributors and see which of your sites they’re visiting. Also itemize out the costs of each of your 6 websites. If the bulk of your contributors are English-speaking, drop the other 5 saker websites. No reason why English-speakers should have to subsidize them… or you spending hours of your time on those non-English speaking saker sites if their viewers aren’t doing anything for you. (Did you post this same plea to those other 5 sites?)
First time I’ve seen that. That, minus any contributions, is the deficit. I suggest you put the current deficit at the head of the blog, along with the suggestion that a deficit greater than zero would be a Bad Thing. Otherwise, we will all continue to take this site for granted.
Dear saker,
I like this idea, make us permanently aware of what your costs/deficits are. I just sent some paypal money to you, which I haven’t done for a while. I simply wasn’t aware of the fact that your situation is so bad. I would also be completely fine with monthly payment for subscription; maybe you could introduce different levels, something like 1$, 5$, .. up to 30 or 50$ per month. The content would be the same for everybody but everybody would pay according to his/her possibilities. I wouldn’t pick the cheapest version; after all you are one of my favourite sites in the internet. And I would have a very hard time if you were to disappear. So please, keep up your good work!!!
Best regards,
yes, I’m not sure if there is an option for a monthly donation, or whether the people have to remember – I would donate on a monthly basis if there was a way to do it.
Well if the site was run like a business, it would be a deficit indeed.
But, if it’s run as a hobby, the money spent is just an expense, as part of cost of living.
Spending 5 or 6k a year for a fancy hobby is not that excessive, people spend those figures on hockey tickets, ski trips, flying small plains or on off-road motorbiking. Two week vacation on Hawaii or in Europe can easily cost that much.
Saker should not have to give up his leisure pursuits to pay to provide this valuable service.
Don’t we all wish I had 5-6K/yr to spend on “not excessive” “fancy hobbies”. Most “people” I know don’t have that kind of cash to spare.
hockey tickets, ski trips, flying small plains or on off-road motorbiking. Two week vacation on Hawaii or in Europe
Those all concern just you; fair enough, since you’re the one paying. This blog concerns all those who participate, including readers and commenters. It’s reasonable to expect something from them too.
The problem appears to be that folks just don’t know what amounts are needed from them, and when. Unknowns are the overall costs, and how many readers can contribute.
Well if the site was run like a business, it would be a deficit indeed.
Use another term, then, like “balance” for example. Right at the top. Green if it’s positive and healthy, orange if it’s getting close to zero, and RED if it goes negative. Then maybe it can flash on and off…
And there should be a suggested amount nearby, eg $5/month (or whatever it would take), so people know.
Southfront gives its monthly income and deficit. It prompted me to give $5 per month via their Patreon account. Set up same Saker.
I’d pay a small monthly fee for a members only area. A place where I’d get added content or exclusive chats with you about breaking news.
Your so right on this point,
“Honestly, I think I provide an absolutely unique product (a blog with original analyses, not “recycled” like on news aggregators)”
and for that, I’d pay
I second you. Membership subscription. Monthly or yearly payment plus donations.
I pay for a couple good financial advisers subscriptions. I don’t get pleas from them, they are selling their expertise.
ONE MAIN POINT to Saker: when you value yourself FULLY, and leave the religious crap of generosity aside, you get what you believe you are WORTH.
If you don’t believe you are worth a subscription or advertising… well, you get what you sow.
And lastely… if your blog isn’t worth it, then, it needs to simply dwindle out of your life.
So: either you believe in what you write, you ask for the proper EXCHANGE for your hard work, and stop pleading for support. No one needs to beg unless they CHOOSE to accept the begging system. It’s a system that doesn’t work because it “says that I am not worthy of “god’s abundance”.
My opinion of course… And I’m waiting for a subscription membership… I already have given, and I give to other good sources but I definitely prefer paying for a monthly subcription.
“Generosity” is not “religious crap”… it is the stuff (empathy) civil society is actually made of. I have no religious beliefs, but try to be as generous to those around me as I can. The tough part is deciding where the greatest need is (beyond family, friends) and what form that generosity should take, when my own resources are limited.
Humans have been conducting commerce since forever, so expecting a fair value in return for goods/services rendered is not the issue. I doubt Saker sees the blog as launching a financial empire, but he should be reasonably compensated for his efforts. He has proven himself many times over worthy of financial support.
We all see appeals for donations at non-MSM news-sites, sometimes with targets. Saker’s expenses are some of the lowest of those who publish such targets… the difference being he lays out the expenses for the community to see. Another rare display of honest openness.
The MSM shows the influence-snare of advertising, so a non-starter in my book. That Facebook and YouTube are beginning to screen out “questionable” content shows the influence of both the Deep State and the corporate advertising base. My daughter works for a trend-setting company in the belly of the internet advertising beast (good pay, good post-grad work experience), and the primary questions asked of their clients is around the target demographics. The performance criteria focus on how many click-throughs the ads generate… how many Saker readers click on ads on other sites they visit? I’d bet nearly none. So what advertisers might choose to come to an anti-corporate site expecting to get clicks? There is also a computed bidding process that goes on behind the placement of a particular ad on a particular page/site (slows down page loading). The sites with the highest past click-through rate are obviously going to have the highest ad-revenue rate. If Saker readers don’t click the ads, very little revenue.
I was an Orlov reader, but feel he is working on a different model, looking for revenue to defray expenses in many streams (publishing, unspell, his houseboat development). All power to him, but I find his drift towards the homesteader/survivalist model less applicable to most peoples’ situation, and mine in particular.
The model of “some content for free, more with subscription” has worked very well for the Mysterious Universe guys, (it’s a fun distraction my wife really enjoys, I wouldn’t spend for it but still fair entertainment value).
As for the desire to remain anonymous, Vault 7 shows the very act of clicking on the Saker site means the Deep State can find readers if it wants to. No need to hack our banking/credit card info, they just have to monitor Saker site access, which I’m sure they do. But if the whole world is clicking on Saker…
On the personal side, I’m guilty of not recognizing the actual scarcity of financial support, but the exposition of exactly how much $$ is involved vs. how much content is presented moves me to pry open the wallet and send some of my also-scarce-post-retirement cash Saker’s way. I see what $little I have to contribute can actually help, not just be spitting into the gale.
This truly is a special project Saker has begun. Show the Deep State we will not go quietly. Vote with your $.
…and leave the religious crap of generosity aside …
When reading your comment an even better idea comes to my mind. Why bothering at all providing information to others? Why not applying Natural Law – the right of the stronger – to everything? In the US financial Natural Law is nearly commonplace. With the latest cutbacks of social benefits it seems it will be just a matter of time until the last piece of “socialism” in the US will be scrapped.
Once “financial” Natural Law (aka feudalism) is fully established on a wide scale you shouldn’t wonder if you’re getting beaten up by someone desperate who’s physically stronger than you – that would be the original Natural Law. (By the way: only wimps resort to weapons of any kind. A real man is able to fight with his fits.)
hahahahaha – that’s such a funny comment anonyee –
I’d pay a small monthly fee for a members only area
Wonderful idea, let’s exclude the deplorables. Raise paywalls everywhere to push the expenses for readers of a variety of alternative news (like The Saker’s site, PCR, Consortiumews, ZH, Counterpunch, Abby Martin, …) to the limit.
Rather than establishing members only areas I would join forces with others. What about working together with Dmitry Orlov? Many readers of The Saker get additional information from the usually known alternative websites. Instead of visiting websites hosted at different companies, the readers would get the information from one server (keeping a domain name and redirecting the traffic to the commonly operated site).
Thanks Saker. Your honesty is refreshing. I personally think you are correct in not allowing advertisments. I read a variety of current affairs blogs and I contribute as needed. I cannot, as a pensioner afford a large consistent financial commitment to each of the blogs I read but when I see that money is needed and is posted on sites such as what Peers does I then chip in when I can because it is necessary and it is made clear. I don’t mind doing that. Recently I contributed, as asked, a yearly sum and still wasn’t included on the distribution list. After three emails to try and have it corrected I still did not hear from them. So I am personally uncomfortable providing a large sum up front but now depend on paying when the blog owner calls for top up. Equally I would commit a few dollars a month. I don’t know much about what a moderators duties are but willing to learn so please feel free to count me in to help. I really value your assessments and can send $10 this month to help.
Dmitri Orlov is on Patreon and I contribute $1.00 per month (I’m in Canada so the charge will vary monthly) glady to his blog (and he usually posts only once a month, and as usual, an excellent read) so can you. I would gladly contribute to yours as well! With your readership you can easily cover your costs. Go for it!
i second this idea
Dear The Saker,
Yes Dimitry Orlov has now started this at his site – to quote:
“Please note: all new original content will only be accessible in full to those who pledge a minimum of US$1 per month through Patreon. Worthwhile content doesn’t grow on magical content trees, you know. I intend to continue posting every Tuesday.”
I think this could be a good idea Saker.
(p.s. money on its way)
Saker doesnt even have to put articles behind a paywall. Ill bet he can collect quite a bit on a purely voluntary basis. Just having the option to donate a small amount on a reoccurring basis might work well for some.
Agreed. I didn’t have to even think about subscribing to Dimitry Orlov’s content with Patreon.
How to make an anonymous donation?
just press the paypal button
Paypal isn’t anonymous. Paysafecard would be the the way to go.
A paywall sounds incompatibe with the mission of your website, and you object to adds, but perhaps a patreon account could work. Surely a few people, probably a few hundred, could spare a dollar or two a month.
Hmmm. This is a tough one: How to stay principled yet practical? Is it possible for you to accept ads but to vet them carefully ? How about putting yourself out there as a speaker-consultant? After all, Vineyard of the Saker has a legendary past already with many bumps and challenges . You have stories to tell and a template which can be taught and copied.
But, then, everything has a developmental trajectory. Perhaps scaling back is what is necessary for some other aspect of your creative expression to grow. Who knows? Energy makes its own form.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you for this blog, for your being a clear, steady light as the thunder and lightening of mass confusion and obfuscation swirled over world events ( Odessa Trade Union Hall Massacre, Crimea, Donbass, Charlie Hebdo and MH17) and as many people struggled to think clearly before the onslaught.
Donation is winging its way in cyber space… All for One/One for All
I have a perhaps strange suggestion.
Instead of letting potential advertisers and — what? agents? is that how it works? — decide they want to place an ad, have a periodic page where selected companies can post a modest add for a small fee, companies which make products that readers would likely be interested in. I get emails which I signed up for because I’m interested. From an air gun retailer, a flshlight and battery seller, from someone who sells books that I want to know about, a tobacco seller, and so on. These are emails, not glitzy in-your-face animated stuff, and are straightforward, easy to download and read, and sometimes notify me of sales and coupons.
If the sort of products readers of the blog would be interested in — potential customers — could be determined, then companies who could provide such things could be contacted and an offer to carry their material could be made. It would not interfere with other content or load down the blog, could be helpful to readers, and to companies, and also defray some expenses.
Maybe this would be one of those win-win things the Chinese like? (In fact one of the emails I get is from DX,com who sells a ton of neat and cheap Chinese (and other) products which are a gas to look at, and what I’ve bought from them wasn’t bad at all).
Readers might even write a few reviews regarding products, shipments, and so forth. The site is a blog which I used to read consistently has reviews of flashlights and related, as well as lots of discussion about technical things, including product reviews, and also a dealer’s section where you can buy things, often with a bit of discount if you give them a code word, and also get posts and discussion from the people who make the lights. Also a section for swapping and private individual sales from non-dealers — sort of an online flea market or garage sale. And a classified ad section. It’s a good combination of regular blog and commercial enterprise, and shows there are business and blog models beside those ‘dictated’ by the establishment capitalists.
Well, flashlight are fun and there are many people interested in them — but I’d think not as many as interested in politics, or books or course or blogs, about it, or posters, signs, buttons, and so forth. There must be something there I should think.
Good idea, leverage both style & strength of old & New Media।। :)
Blue’s suggestion is interesting. I suggest a separate Sponsor’s Page which would contain links and service/product descriptions all in the same, no graphics (“vanilla”, if you will) format for which said sponsors would pay a fee. I realise that something like that might still be considered advertising, but its presence would not be as invasive as other more traditional forms and you would have some say as to who those sponsors are.
I support this idea, too, which, like blue, I have also encountered on other sites. To be honest, I found it helpful even to learn about some of these retailers who I hadn’t heard of before.
Take a look at
which is the forums section of candlepower. It’s laid out differently from the blog here — different software, as a message board, with different topics, but it’s nicely split up into sections and subsections, and something similar might be possible here. That site is very well done, and has evolved over time as it grew and works well. Maybe Vinyard and Saker can get a few ideas by looking it over.
Maybe we should have a special subsection here for vendors of torches, pitchforks, rope, guillotines, etc. :-D
Someone would be needed to sort out the content, and it would be different from regular moderation of political content, but if it works out there a possibility to find someone interested in this different sort of moderation, and maybe it could generate enough income someone could be paid to do it? Fund raising section could be separate enough from politics that they should not interfere with each other.
Maybe we should have a special subsection here for vendors of torches, pitchforks, rope, guillotines, etc. :-D
I’ll pay just to get a chuckle from that!
Dear Saker, I would like to donate a small amount (I’m not in Moscow, not privy to what they do for office parties, do not work in an office, etc.), but Russia is not on the list of countries (when you go to the support the saker page, there is no Russia. Ukraine is on, by the way). Mine is a prepaid MasterCard (not a credit card) out of the US, but i have to specify my real address for my billing address. Have no PayPal. I do have this other (similar) system: Payoneer. Please instruct on how to proceed, if you have any ideas. Thanks! Mikhail
Dear Saker, I just sent $100 as I normally do when you post like this.
Maybe you should show how much is coming in each month, so we can be reminded automatically to send more money.
I truly love reading everything you write and I want more Saker- not less!
I don’t have a MSM subscription – in my country that would cost around $ 300 each, so I have set myself a goal to contribute around $ 600/year to alternative media instead.
You are my absolute favorite, but fortunately there are others as well.
yeah !!! that’s a good idea – Saker, post your expenses and income every month – just the blog stuff of course…
I have tried to contribute regularly and have donated on and off quite a lot (for me) in the past. Unfortunately I have to initiate it actively and I forget and time rushes past. I have clicked on the paypal button for making monthly donations on several occasions but it never worked. If there were an easy way to set up a recurring monthly donation I would do that like a shot.
This is true. I have clicked “monthly recurring” when donating through PayPal on more than half a dozen alternative sites and they all don’t catch the first time around. Some have finally begun to stick. BUT, because of your comment I went and checked and notice that my “monthly recurring” payments to The Saker, South Front and Paul Craig Roberts have all gone away.
Patreon is really the way to go. It’s easy to sign up. You can pick $1, $3 etc. The number of contributors in each category is shown. The total monthly income (after expenses) is shown right on the blogger’s/website’s Patreon page. I’ve watched James Howard Kunstler’s Patreon total steadily climb over the last year. Of course, like most sites he is NOT using it as a paywall which Orlov has decided to do. Patreon hasn’t ‘mislaid’ any of my donations.
You’ve just been open about your finances. Together with Patreon you have everything you need.
I pray for you, Saker. I am too old to learn how to pay on the net after the bank in Europe changed its routines.
I can’t even buy food. My back and feet ache and my right arm stopped working yesterday. My head still works and I like this site.
That’s a lovely post. Much, much to be preferred to the special consideration folk and ad suggestions in my book. Do, anonymous person, post more often as your viewpoint would be much appreciated. And many of us can contribute anonymously the oldfashioned way that is appreciated in church, even if this is not church, and even if it is only the widow’s mite.
It is such a good thing that Saker recognizes the contributions such as you are making, even as he implores the community’s help. There should be no distinctions between what you contribute and receive in return and what others better off receive after their contributions – no distinctions!
Many of us should have such working heads. Thank you.
Dear Saker,
Thank you for the honest and transparent letter. I understand you and completely agree with your decisions (no ads, no paywalls, memberships, etc.)
And I too prefer “naive, romantic and pure over the pragmatic, compromising and cynical.”
The problem with paywalls and membership is that build a ‘brick’ wall between you and your potential readers. Yes, you will have a certain number of paying readers (who will be happy to consume your unique content).
However, way bigger part of the worlds 7 billion populations uis left out to consume the poisoned food from the Mass media. Yet they are the ones that need to read the Saker blog.
That’s how I see it.
There is also a problem with ads. I read through the first 26 comments and found, many readers are recommending you to ask Google Adsense to a dance.
To all those readers I’d like to say this – Did you notice the following sentence in the article above:
“funding this blog should not be my problem. It should be our community’s problem. After all, this blog serves the community, not me.”
If we – his readers – tell the Saker, “Start advertising,” then we throw the blog funding back to him and literally say, “Thank you, but no, thank you. We don’t want to participate in it. It’s your problem, sir. We just want to consume your awesome content.”
Yet he made it plain clear – it should be our problem. Because the blogs serves us, not him.
And $10,000 (or even $15,000) a year – after all, it is not a $1 million. I am from a poor Eastern European country, I am one of those who struggles to make ends meet (living mostly by prayers to God but hey – I am still here).
Yet when I do my calcultions, I still can find $10 per month to support this awesome blog. Now let’s do the numbers.
I am sorry, sir, for not doing that until now. But I commit myself.
The Saker needs only 1500 readers who will give $10 per month and he has $15,000 each and every month to cover his financial needs.
If a poor Eastern European can do that, clearly a much wealthier American or Western European, Australian, Singaporean can do it also.
And finally, please notice the following sentence of the Saker:
“Eventually something will have to give: either you, or the blog.”
He made it plain clear – he does not want ads, paywalls, and memberships. We – the readers – for us there are only two options on the table – either we start giving, or the blog gives.
It is clear as a clear sky. Funding this awesome blog is OUR responsibility, not his.
I like what you write and your suggestion, so I have just commited to $ 10/month and because I can I will do additional contributions on top of that.
I totally agree with you. I did not read the comments yet and decided to donate monthly as you can see in my comment further down for exact the same reasons you set out here very clearly. I too think that the content must be free available to everyone to reach as many people as possible.
There are more and more sites behind pay walls. If you want to stay informed it will cost you also. That is not contributing to information sharing. Free information is our responsibility and a way to shape the way we want the world to be.
The Saker needs only 1500 readers who will give $10 per month …
$10 per year (if 1500 people would contribute) would cover the costs.
Right, I agree. It was my mistake :)
Since last year, the sources that I trust the most for news and thought — Dmitry Orlov, Mark Ames, and elders of various religious communities whom I respect — have begun using paywalls. For the first two, non-religious, sources, all their content is paywalled. For the religious sources, only a selection of content is paywalled. All of them use Patreon and have MANY, MANY eager supporters.
I know you write for a broad audience and want to distribute essential information about our critical situation to as many people as possible, regardless of their financial situation or relation to you. Dmitry cited your blog recently on the subject of the Ukraine, probably because he was able to find it on the open Internet. But a paywall would not only meet your financial needs, it would get the community together tighter. I have found that paywalled blogs have MUCH better comments sections than ones that are open to everyone.
Patreon allows you to offer tiers of access. For example, you might keep most posts and comments sections open to everyone because of your mission to the Anglo public, but offer $1/month for the ability to comment on special posts, and $5/month for paywalled posts about less urgent subjects. Please consider the many options available to you! I can only speak for myself but I am happy to support you if it helps me demonstrate that I am one of many rising up against the Anglo-Zionist MSM.
I am changing my mind about the paywall, after seeing comments from so many people who cannot pay or cannot afford to… this is very different from Dmitry’s blog.
Like a lot of readers money is an issue. My income is below minimum. But since I am a daily reader here it’s more than faire to contribute monthly and I have made it an automatic payment. Just a small amount of $ 10,00 from now on. If I can do this anyone else can, I hope. Saker then does not have to change anything.
I’ve just wrote an email to KenFM. They’re a very professional German alternative media which is entirely crowd funded. I’ve asked them if they could give some advice, maybe send me a link or two (which I would send to you), or if you could contact them directly for advice (if you want).
Other than that. I am an IT guy, so usually quite well off, but at the moment unemployed. I think, this will change in a couple of weeks or so and then I will donate to you regularly, promise!
One suggestion though, what about some merchandise? T-Shirts, buttons, patches etc. You could either sell them regularly or you could offer them for certain donations, like a button or a patch for $5-10, a T-Shirt for $20 etc. Just a thought. I have to admit, I am entirely unexperienced myself.
I would like to have a mug!
get one from the Duran
Let’s focus also on things you can directly control: the monthly costs of running the blog.
Hivelocity for 6 Saker blogs: $138.00 a month
I quickly checked the Hivelocity pages and it seems their servers are high end, which is probably overkill for a blog, ie. you don’t run CPU intensive tasks, have a huge database or need realtime results. A suitable server can be setup for 10-20% of the price.
I see you run Apache, which can be a memory hog if it’s using the default settings. Make sure it’s using FastCGI. It’s so much faster and efficient it’s not even funny. The reason they don’t do it by default escapes me. Probably a conspiration from server vendors (I really wonder!).
Hivelocity for HOP Project: $ 89.00 a month
I don’t know what is the “HOP Project” but does that really need a separate server? It could maybe use the same server as the blogs.
Advania Backup server
$ 67.00 a month
Is that simply a machine that does a file backup of your server? If so, scratch it and make the backup on your own machine at your place using an rsync script and database dump.
Amazon Web Services cloudfront: $108.00 a month
A content delivery for the images on the site. While indeed images is what takes the most bandwidth of a server, anything more than a 100 mbit/s server doesn’t need it. I suspect again this is caused by Apache “default” performance problems.
Google cloud storage $9.00 a month
I don’t know why you need this. Probably to host some “big” documents? It’s not very expensive anyway.
There’s a lot of guesses on my part here. I don’t even know your traffic spikes :) But I’m sure this can be improved.
I’m also convinced some people can help on the hardware/software/admin front to lower that cost. I also know it’s all a tradeoff between time, availability, response, trust, location…
I agree with that about bringing down cost and dependency upon companies that willingly sacrifice civil rights. We should start from what it costs now and help the Saker with that now.
We are so many IT techs here. I suggest a different article to discuss best IT infrastructure.
I agree Noch einer, I’m retired now but “I put my first web server online in 1994 so get off my lawn!” heh.
It really does depend on the requirements but, if those were laid out, we could have a discussion about the pros and cons of various solutions.
Dave, you have a valid point. He can save substantial amount of money if system was optimized to what you are suggesting. Having a hot-rod web server doesn’t mean you are getting the best value out of it. Agree 100%. Contact Saker and talk to him.
Of course apache is going to use considerable ram with FCGI. Why would you even consider using that if memory is an issue?
The situation: Ok, so you are high value (at times of change) but not sustainable. You’ve put up all the blog ‘fruit’ but then can’t pay the bills.
We’ve been through this ‘request’ phase before a couple of times from memory since your first low-tech blog. Sorry, but I think you have some unrealistic conflicting expectations (and warned at the time).
These days your original content here is minimal – it is mainly the odd caustic comment and reposting “Unz Review” items. The remainder is basically reposting other sites and authors.
Convenient, but not essential. Readers can easily scan through these original links/sites without too much effort. Some comments are useful but these people will add value on any blog format you use.
Sites like “Moon of Alabama” place minimal effort (it seems) on format and maximise the content. They don’t need ‘moderating’ (or at least any rubbish gets removed in due course without fuss by the autocrat that runs the blog). Nobody cares it seems. The communication function is to provide a nexus for quality information exchange between pundits. Your site is similar (or was) but then it developed into a high-cost model which is now biting you in the backpocket it seems.
Ok, you achieved a good public name in the blog-o-sphere, with credentials and respected reputation. You deliver a useful service for those seeking alternative views – yours and others who comment (and I dare say, various 3-letter-agencies derive value from the material, the comments and the tracking of the participants etc).
Now you need to retreat and rethink what is sustainable going forward. Times have changed (and will change again). In high-tension climates perhaps a backed up bullet-proof site in Iceland is worth the trouble (and cost). But, basically, at present it is relatively low-stress time — and your site (like numerous others) is also now much more ‘main stream’ – or at least, less radical relative to the general narrative.
So, I suggest you adapt:
1. Mothball this setup and all its running costs and ‘retreat’ back to a Blogspot (WordPress) type setup – e.g., the Dmitry Orlov model (mentioned elsewhere) looks reasonable.
2. Write and post your professional level stuff in other forums – e.g., Asia Times (and link from blog).
3. Post your personal, religious and eclectic stuff on the blog.
4. Drop moderation on comments and simply block IP addresses that abuse the rules.
5. Put a self-regulating like/dislike/report feature on and trouble yourself only with statistically significant events.
6. Simply switch to an Iceland site if/when you need to – e.g., WW3 breaking out and based on risk from the usual suspects etc.
I don’t use PayPal for a specific reason but I have supported a creative effort via Patreon at around $25/m in the past until they stopped providing the ‘service’ I wanted. Then I stopped – all too easy, imo. That was not too onerous for me, but as per others here, soon I’ll be retiring and then cash flow will be restricted.
KISS — keep it simple, s…..
What I can suggest is to have your places over a few different free services.
As to be insurance in case it gets oppressive treatment by a company.
Like Google, and Tumblr as long as you don’t like ads to be shown on your page.
If you can bear with “one or two ads”, I recommend Japanese Hatena Blog’s English version, which is run by a Japanese company not political much.
The company looks rather sincere than the others.
On Japanese web sphere, there are certain people providing a content to the readers who are paying, it is called “Merumaga” in general, I don’t know if it’s reasonable to you or not.
However, I am very surprised to know that you are running your pages with no fund.
Someone with out any fund is not likely to pay $4932 a year for a non business web site running.
Why do you pay?
You can do it for free, when you take care of backups.
Yes it may be deleted, sometimes, but it’s free.
One more, you better stop moderation approval system.
Just embed certain key words, nasty words, so that those are going to reject certain posts.
Word filter.
Calling for more moderators is rubbish.
They can use time for something else, something more contributing to world peace.
There is no substitute for live moderation. Period.
I don’t think the moderation is costing…they’re all volunteers.
Well…now that Saker has shown his cards, we can probably show our game. Mine looks more or less like this:
How much do I pay for MSM-crap anyway? Cable TV, Sports hire events on TV, decoration magazines up and on, Newspapers even if not everyday, Fashion magazines here and there?
all added up is no small amount. If I think about it this way, it becomes more reasonable.
I’ll make my contribution based on this.
Loving regards to all
Hello Saker,
My suggestion is that you open a Patreon (or something like that) + be more active on Youtube, Facebook, etc. (obviously you can’t do it yourself, but you can find volunteers).
Blogs aren’t the “thing” these days and it will be better for you to promote yourself somehow. The only reason why I know for this blog is because Southfront mentioned it briefly somewhere (and that was back then when Southfront was just a Facebook page). And I bet there are a lot of people who found this blog via some social network.
Obviously large chunk of people who would hear of you won’t give you any money, but there’s the chance someone will.
It’s really sad to see blog like this scraping for some money, while at the same time there are dumb people who use all these things I mentioned before and they earn like 4000$ a month.
You may need plain cost-cutting and continue to be an independent blog without too much extra’s. Get rid of the spin-off sites and let them be managed by whoever wants to run them on an ordinary low-cost blog. In the end, most of your content is just plain text and can be run easily on a free google site account. As for security, no need for an expensive backup solution, just make a full manual backup once a day and you would be fine in case it gets taken offline. Only link to multimedia content or use one of the many free sites. Just go back to the setup as it was 10 years ago. I enjoyed your articles then on a simple website and I think the site was better then, just your opinion articles with the comments.
No Saker, don’t go the advert or the paywall route. We hear you.
I generally run Adblock+, so I would not see advertising, and I ignore such ads as I do see. Dmitry Orlov has gone to Patreon as a means of getting contributions on a regular basis. He accepts as little as US$1/month, though I contribute a little more than that. I would find that more acceptable than occasional Paypal payments I currently make to you. I do not know what fees Patreon charges, but I imagine they are less than Paypal.
First I want to say thanks for the tremendous generosity you show through your devotion to this space. While I certainly don’t agree with everything you say, I have come to value your insight and the vineyard is a regular haunt of mine.
I’m of good means and make occasional donations to the blog and more than happy to continue that practice.
That said, I would like to explore your conundrum from a slightly different angle. If you would please consider publishing your web traffic statistics, it would help me understand the scale of your task with better clarity than simply cost data.
I spend my professional days evaluating systems and process and perhaps this skill set can be of use here in developing a long term solution to the cash flow problem.
In the meantime, I’ll send some cash
Dear Saker, thanks for speaking out in such a clear way. Good to give us actual numbers to get an solid impression of your tight situation. I just donated USD 9 through PayPal and would like to make this an automatic monthly recurring donation. The functionality of the Paypal plugin you’re using on your blog is too basic to support this though. Here is a link to a free plugin with outstanding functionality, which is beautifully designed and easy to integrate:
I’m not a fan of a paywall solution: What about the new readers you reach everytime you post on pages like unzreview, zerohedge, russia insider, sputniknews etc. Letting them hit a paywall on the sakerblog, when they try to make themselves familiar with your work?
I would make recurring donations possible thru PayPal (and possibly Patreon), and would install a $ counter right on top of your page showing two numbers in USD: (1) how much is needed this month to get you covered plus a buffer, and (2) how much have we –– your community –– donated so far. Make your readers proud of themselves and their community, allowing you to do the work you do, and being able to see you getting covered dollar by dollar.
If people who read Vineyard of the Saker knew who else was reading it, in their area, in their region, in their country, and knew their e-mail addresses, they could start initiating real-life organization, which could facilitate solution of financing problems.
In some areas that would make you a target.
A great thought W.Hall – I think of that sometimes…we’re all still alone – each in his/her room with a computer – even though we feel to be part of a community –
I am currently not working, but I sincerely appreciate what you, and it is my intention to make monthly contributions as soon I pick up a job.
Hello Saker,
Don’t worry my friend, it will all work out I believe. We, as a community cherish what you offer, which is unique, and will rally to the cause.
Otherwise, we readers surely don’t deserve the awesome analysis and content you provide. Not only that, but the Falcon is my favorite bird.
I am currently unemployed, and that’s why I’m ‘bored’…but I will send what I can. And I would be willing to enter into a membership. I can possibly moderate, heck, even try writing pieces for you.
Yours is perhaps the most ‘open’ blog I know of, as I have been banned from some for calling out ‘our friends’ of the Hebrew persuasion. (cough, ‘Moon of Alabama’..’Anti-War’….cough)
Please, don’t lose hope, it would break my heart, and be a victory for the dark-side. Seriously, we need you.
Come on people, lets get this done! A Zakat for you is money in the way of God, for you are doing God’s work sir.
May Allah grant great relations between Eastern Orthodox and Islam. Ameen.
Saker, I’m sending a check. It will be coming via mail. I don’t believe in giving Paypal any cut.
Please, if at all possible, lets keep this site original, with no ridiculous ads, clickbait or any other garbage. Its one of the positive features that make this site so unique.
I’m in the U.S., so it will take a few days perhaps.
All of us ,together, can do our part, no matter how small, in stopping and exposing the warmongers. God willing.
Cheers my friend,
100 % agree and will do the same!
Mailing you $100.00 check. Thanks for your great work!
Dimitry Orlov solved this problem with a new program that is called “Patron” or something like that. Readers agree to $1 per month. As a reader it seems like a “no brainer”.
Try advertisements (I imagine there are plenty from Yandex) and try opening a shopify store or something. You have a large reader base so I imagine there is a massive amount of people whom are interested in purchasing Russian goods like Clothing or something that may be able to purchase online from your store. Or even start getting someone to make shirts and what not for you!
Post an e-mail address to which contributions can be made, either once or on a schedule. I support one other VERY USEFUL, INDEPENDENT sight, and will willingly support this one, which is in a vERY small group of reliable sources.
I just sent you $100 after your hint prior to this appeal which may be your semi-annual request for donations. I think I send the same by snail mail cash about every six months and sometimes more often. I’d guess it’s about $20 a month. I could give more but it would just support bigness and those who give nothing when they could give at least something. I’m retired with a fixed income but I live simply and am well taken care of by providence. I think the same approach would be beneficial for the vineyard.
Regarding the problem of money I can only judge by my own instincts. I have to remain true to myself or I have nothing. And I have to remain true to my religion or truest values or I have nothing.
I resonate with the first Christian communities who “shared everything in common.” To do that it seems the communities were small where everyone knew everyone else. This site is virtual but the same principle of smallness applies. Our very smallness sends an important message of quality not quantity.
Your mission is to “stop the Empire’s war on Russia.”
If you have a hundred people who align with you is that not sufficient? By their actions most people don’t really care about stopping war as is evident by what they support with money which is often war related.
I hate ads and paywalls. I like Orlov but I am totally turned off by his greed and only read what he offers free.
I have to adapt to the times or die. If I am true to myself I can sit at home and make videos for minimal cost. Word of mouth is the best advertising. I can post to social media like youtube and so many others. I can send emails.Thousands of small time operators are doing this now.
You have great skill and an important message. Like Trump I can troll my audience and draw them out in order to not waste energy with their agenda. If people don’t contribute some money they are not with you or against war. We know the widow’s mite story.
If I’m true and end up talking to myself so what? If it really is true and relevant it will draw those who are true or relevant even if only a handful. Again Jesus serves as example although his message got diluted with inflated big business.
I’ll support you as long as you are trying to stop war. You have your way and I have mine. We agree on some things and disagree on others. As you say it’s about us in this community. If we can’t even give a widow’s mite freely without begging for value received then we are not about stopping war and we are working against you while using you to support our own insecurities and delusions.
You will deny it but you and Trump are doing an excellent job of trolling the ones who don’t care or don’t know what you do, like fake news liars. You don’t need them or me if I act against your mission of stopping war on Russia. You are winning despite appearances to the contrary.
I like people who can express their message directly face to face in videos that are free with some written text to go along with it. It reminds me of early Christianity. There’s a reciprocal interaction going on that is religious and free.
Ads and paywalls kill that spirit. Can you imagine Jesus, the early Christians or the Fathers advertising and making people pay for grace? It’s revolting to say the least. The truth will set us free from the tyranny of manipulated money although money as such can be used for good.
You began by disclosing religion. Bigger and bigger audiences and subscribers mean nothing in a true religious economy. One true person is worth more than a million false ones. Was not Jesus one person? Is not God three Persons? That is small in quantity but great in quality.
Big government is a cruel disaster. Big websites with millions of followers are likewise. Many small websites and communities are rising in opposition. I’d rather have a small vineyard of quality and commitment to stopping war than millions of people and money with quantity and worthless hidden war values.
You’re not trolling per se because you don’t use fishing hooks but I think you are separating the wheat from the chaff. Just don’t get hooked or trolled yourself by the deceptive illusion of numbers.
Russia itself doesn’t care about you. You care about Russia because you’re coming from something larger than Russia who cares about what is right. I like that and as long as that lasts I’ll support it with money. Cheers.
How about this scenario:
Say, new guy discovers Saker’s blog, and finds it very interesting, and becomes regular visitor ( just like we all started :), so, at one point, he wants to join discussion, but to join discussion, one has to be registered within community and that privilege costs small minimum donation of say $5 annually. That’s it.
Now, blog would remain visible to the whole world, without compromising content visibility, but if you wanted to interact with community, you must contribute, and, that is adding value in booth directions.
Another point to make is, this way, Saker will automatically prevent unfunded trolls form posting BS comments, plus if they do pay, good again, because, they don’t last long anyways.
What do you think?
In the mean time, I will help as much as i can.
Thank you Saker for your work!
Very good ideas there Dalibor, thanks.
There are a lot of readers who do not participate in the discussions. I am one of them while I am a daily reader. So I think when people take responsibility and decide to contribute on a monthly basis, even if it is a small amount like $ 10,00 the result may be higher for covering the costs and the efforts of Saker. Many people and many small amounts can do the job. So your idea is not bad but it cuts off a lot of possible donations.
How many daily readers come here? If this is known may be there can be suggested a minimum payment needed?
I love the comments on this website as much as the posts themselves. The readers here are poetic, honest, and full of a deep love for the world and the truth. I am worried a paywall might change our dear mix of commenters!
I tried to send you $20 from Canada. I think Province should be displayed in the State box when Canada is selected. But it doesn’t. So it failed. Sorry. I will try again.
I had the same problem, then on a second try found it switched properly to showing “province” and “postal code”. The only difference I think I did was I put in the $amount first, before selecting “country”. A glitch, for sure, but I did manage to send the cash via the Paypal/credit card method without a Paypal account (Both Paypal and Amazon have had some serious account/customer-info hacks they don’t seem willing to address. The negative comments on the Amazon gift-card-by-email deterred me from using that method, the snail-mail option may be more reliable. )
just donated 25.00, I know it’s not much, but if everyone contributed to what they can, there would be no problem. hope to see this site funded!
Saker, please offer more ways to donate. I do not use Bitcoin and donating via PayPal is like donating 2.9% of the money sent for you to this degenerate company. Besides PayPal is known for freezing user accounts at their whim. May I suggest adding Current ( ) for EFT donations. It’s free and for each $1 sent, you get full $1 (see ‘Individual Wallet’ info at For credit card donations, you may consider crowdfunding website . I am not recommending GoFundMe as they have a history to refuse service to some ‘controversial’ fundraisers.
You can donate directly from your credit card. I am unaware of any fee for that.
I am also a fan of the “thermometer” used in community fundraising. When people know what the target is, they are much more included to contribute a small amount to keep the “mercury” in the thermometer climbing. It is feedback. You smart guys out there have heard of that, right???? The importance of feedback in guiding and motivating behavior in a desired direction. People on a diet weigh themselves once a week. That is feedback.
I think creating a transparent, clear feedback graphic (just use the thermometer) would be very motivating.
Also, add more clear options on the first donations page you get to. At first it looks (to me) as though the only option is PayPal. Then I saw that there was also a “Pay with your credit card” option.
Credit card donations currently go via PayPal.
Hmm, well I don’t have a PayPal account, and am not aware that they are taking a fee from me.
I received a notification only that my account had been charged the amount I donated.
They took the fee from the recipient. Here is how PayPal works as far as the fees are concerned:!
Again, we should not support companies that are part of the so-called establishment/elite etc agenda. There are alternatives, e. g. instead of Facebook, instead of Twitter, instead of Reddit, etc.
Saker, Scott, and cherished Mods,
I’m good (God willing) for $100 a quarter. Something like that. That could change but I imagine there are others like me who just forget or are dealing with our own personal crap/struggle most of the time.
I think the human spirit of this site (without ads) is part of what makes it special. And the mods. Without the mods, this place will become Zero Hedge fairly quickly. Not to knock ZH at all, they are essential, but it isn’t what this site is about. This place has _manners_. You don’t get manners without moderation and that means either volunteers or paying people. With good mods, people are more comfortable to speak their minds rather than insulting people behind anonymity. Facebook is an example of the ugliness that comes out with no manners or ideology other than the brute force of the A/Z Empire. Just left it two months ago, no looking back. This is the first source I check and I know I’m not alone.
There was just a post on Zero Hedge about the top 100 sites on the internet, with the usual suspects, but someone inevitably brought up the excellence of the Saker… This was on ZH, where they insult anyone and everything! I actually found this site years ago via the link on ZH, to give credit where due… ZH is read by tons of people, but is now heavily trolled. There are even trolls who brag about being paid on there! I’ve made money due to insights on ZH, but the Saker sites are something else.
Spirituality and friendly debate on the ‘net? Rare as hen’s teeth, since usenet in 1993!
This site is being read by a ton of people. When you see 12000 reads of a Saker analysis, you have to figure that at least half of them are intelligent people looking to expand their consciousness. There has to be a way to monetize some of the traffic in a productive way. Personally, I would love to pay for more podcasts, and a lot of people I know like to throw on a podcast while they’re doing things around the house, rather than staring at a screen. The old podcasts were unique and listening to them now they were often (really) prophetic.
Dear Saker, don’t ever apologize for asking for money. The site is priceless and rare, and many people would suffer real agony were it to disappear. We need to be reminded that running an organization like yours is real work and people need to be paid for it. It’s often as simple as remembering to go to the post office and send some cash.
/rant off
Your situation is more dire than you state:
Total annual costs =
IT 4932
LLC 1380
Reg Agent 656
Total 6968
You apparently only included 1 month of LLC costs:
4932 + [115/month] + 656 = 5703
My second modest contribution to you is coming via check/snailmail.
Lets hope a resolution, short of a paywall, can be reached.
Paywalls – no matter how small – automatically make the information prohibitive to some people.
Because, there are persons out there, who for a variety of reasons, will just not be able to come up with the money, regardless of the fact that they really want/need to access the material.
Among these persons, are those waking up from the lies and distortions of the MSM, and want to escape the suffocating coverage thdt the MSM serves up daily, and instead access alternative sources of genuine, unfiltered information.
This site is a blessing.
This site peforms a very important function by making high quality and unvarnished analysis available to people who are in dire need unfiltered information.
Please, community members let us rally around the Saker, and voluntarily give him the support that he needs, so that site can continue to serve as an accessible source of reliable information, which is what we all need, now, more than ever.
Dear Saker,
no need for apologies. In fact, I was waiting for your next fund-raising call before issuing my next contribution. I guess you will find another 70 to 100 readers willing to contribute similarly to cover the yearly costs.
Let me repeat once again that I do not donate small recurrent amounts as it complicates matters with tax offices beyond ridicule. Furthermore, I greatly enjoy the ad-free platform here and would appreciate to keep it free. Ads are a pest. They are notorious for wasting brains and infrastructure, the former intentionally and the later in case of piggybacked malware. Also, I do not believe in the myth that ads allow for a free meal. It is just somebody else who is footing the bill.
Best regards,
Having ‘been there and done that’ – worked long and hard for something I felt was important yet impractical – I have sent you a hundred bucks (by PayPal, alas) – a small contribution considering what this site achieves. The Deep State is really trying to control what we can and cannot do and PayPal is part of that. They will not be happy until we are all, as Catherine Austin Fitts said, micro-chipped.
When I went to Crimea a year ago, I ran into all the hurdles that they can throw up to disincentivize travel to anywhere they do not want us going.
I feel that your site is uniquely positioned, with a core community of posters, contributors and developing links, to carry forward into the tantalisingly looming, post CIA/Deep State controlled information environment. Without which, it will be back to the bad old days of paternalistic Cronkites, Blitzers and other talking heads coming at us from a disinformation vacuum.
I will set up monthly contributions as well (not large, but steady) in the coming weeks.
Certainly a steady flow of cash from many is better than fitful contributions in response to appeals which come as the iceberg becomes visible ahead.
At times like this, I am reminded of a great Russian saying: “Vsjakaja initsyativa karajema”.
(All initiatives are subject to punishment). Englished: “No good deed goes unpunished”.
Initiative and good deeds is what your site is all about. Who would not want to be a part of that?
Hang in there, you are actually doing great. To have survived at all means that God is on your side.
As Daniel said, I can also commit with a few bucks sometimes. Ads are really disgusting and it’s much better to read a clean page with no animated or pop-up annoying nonsense.
1. Sent you a donation – small – but if everyone did that…
2. Am tired of all the trolls and regurgitation etc etc so read much less, but Saker is good so you are on my much shorter list…
3. Please no ads… hate them
4. Please don’t post negative income I hate to have a bad conscience…
5. I have a tiny pension, but donate (small) every month to worthwhile projects, where I dont waste my little pennies…
advise: get yourself a fundraiser who offer worthwhile ”props” like t-shirts with the Saker bird !!! Mugs ditto… to be surveyed… or nice Saker birdhead pins for levels of contributions…
I thoroughly approve of this post.
A wee bit of classy marketing is a good thing.
The only problem with merchandise is the big capital outlay. Unless a lot is only ordered from production sources after a certain number of an item have been ordered/paid for?
That said, I LIKE the idea of Saker Bird-head pins as a fundraiser. (Shiny!!! LOL!) The mugs work too, but I’d look silly carrying it down the street. T-shirts? Great fun to wear but carrying a range of sizes can be a major headache. Used to be on a club executive and an annual event/general mainstay fundraiser was T-shirts and pins. Big investment, especially when the full range of T-shirt sizes is required. In any custom merchandise, doing small-lots really drives the price/item up, but getting/managing an even moderate inventory consumes cash/volunteer resources as well.
The pins would be kinda like the Christian signal of the fish, before it was acceptable to publicly hold that belief… then if I happened to cross paths with mod-ks in the Great White North…
T-shirt …. just need small 4 sizes… medium large and XXlarge… do black with whitish birdhead… superlovely…. I am putting my order in now 1 medium 3 large and 1 XXL… that is 5 right away… for me… … …
how can i make a donation?
I live in amsterdam, the netherlands
Hopefully, someone will be able to answer you.
I live in Canada and had a choice of Visa, PayPal and others.
Visa may be globally usable. I use it regularly wherever I go.
Anyone care to comment?mod
I use direct bank account to bank account transfers from here (Norway). Can be done from any computer here if you actually do have a bank account. No Visa – Paypal etc. crap needed.
Take Care
But where is the direct bank account of Saker? I live in the Netherlands too, but I see no direct bank account. I hate PayPall too and would like to pay directly so I can make it automatic in stead of checking my agenda every month. Do I miss something?
You can pay with bitcoin, witch you can obtain from a duch bankaccount at :
Here are the transfer details.
Works fine.
Wires from outside the US in other currencies:
Wire to Toronto Dominion Bank
Address: Toronto Dominion Bank, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5K1A2
for further credit to TD Bank NA NRTHUS33XXX
TD Bank
758 North DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
In favor of:
account# 4311472297
Saker Analytics, LLC
1000 N. West Street
Suite 1200 #1588
DE 19801
Take Care
If you go to the top of the page and click on Saker Contact – all the various ways of contributing are detailed there. The saker offers various forms of donation including direct bank, mail, amazon gift cards etc:
Hallo Stan,
How nice to meet you here and see you are a reader of Saker’s. I have read some great stories you wrote. Nice to be in good company.
For Saker people who are interested, Stan is a well known journalist in the Netherlands who writes very interesting articles:
Yse paypal I did you have choise of several credit/debit cards….
Instead of having insitu ads, why not have ads as separate posts within your stream of posts? You can also have separate ads in RSS for those who get their news that way. Two revenue streams right there. Then you make a full content RSS feed available. Just a thought.
Saker – Take a look at Patreon. It is an excellent app and site which allows the public to support creative people who provide a service such as yourself. It is in essence crowdfunding but on a continuous level to support those people whose content you enjoy or admire. I suggest you offer a few options for those that wish to support the site from a token $1 a week to $1000. What they get in return is down to your imagination – perhaps simply the continuation of this site. Take a look and see what other ‘createtors’ are doing Personally I think that service freely offered such as this will generate sufficient goodwill for those who are able to give what they can while they can – much more effective than a paywall. Good luck.
Your blog does a great job of keeping us well-informed and more aware of the nefarious, imperialistic motivations of the U.S and its allies. Thus, it contributes much to keeping our world saner and safer. Twice, I contributed to you but never received any acknowledgement. I didn’t expect any personal letter of thanks from you. But even a form email acknowledging the donation would have been an encouraging way to show the donation was appreciated.
I agree with Christian L. about Adsense or something similar. We know and trust that you’ll remain independent.
The Saker has pointed out in the past that he doesn’t do individual thanks but does do a general thank you here on the site to everyone who helps out. Mod.
Wow. We could crowd fund you in a week. I will not write a lot, others have. I will send you $100 for now. Jesus said “Ye do not have because ye do not ask aright” – it is ok to ask, Saker. If you don’t, how will we know your needs? Don’t let your pride overcome your humility – we all wrestle with it.
And we can all pray. And that will do more. God bless you and Russia and Mr Trump who is surrounded by his enemies. In Jesus Name.
where did Jesus say that ?! – he never did…he wasn’t into financing – hmmm –
Thank you for the content you provide.
I just sent you a donation.
At one time news papers made their money on content. Now, of course, they make money on the advertisements. There is nothing in them worth reading. Thus the reason you never ever bump into someone at a party, ask what the do for a living, and they reply “I’m a reporter”. They simply don’t exist. So thank you for being a reporter of the news and your website.
I live hand to mouth and am pretty poor, but so grateful to you for great content. Thank you for having the gonads to report real news.
You have my support, and some bucks I just sent in.
Well, I’m unemployed already for 3 years.
I live of a little rent, and little things to do here and there.
I don’t see any real improvement for the foreseeable future.
So I could only spent 0.00489904 BTC witch is about 5 Euro’s at the moment.
Personally I really wouldn’t mind to have click-bait advertisement.
If it pays your bills, then who cares?
I’d rather have your stories, and an overload of advertisement, then no stories at all.
yes, I agree – adblock works great and if the ads are there and paying their dues well, I can’t see them.
Sometimes a more “naive” approach to life would be appropriate.
Like this one:
Who knows?
Argument for a paid firewall:
If only the 30,000 employees of the nineteen(?) branches of the US Gestapo contributed $1 a month, the Saker would be a wealthy man! And could provide us all with an annual picnic in Florida.
It is Wolf Blitzkrieg and Mika ‘nightmare-life-in-death’ Brzezinska who should be begging people for money. Not Saker. Saker is on our side.
How about petitioning the ‘fuc…’ I mean ‘folks’ in Congress for funding for out favorite news site.
The Saker is a great guy..and I seriously love his work..By all means donate freely to this guy – but he can significantly reduce his costs – and he really should.
Buy his book – it is brilliant…..but its one of my favourite books at bedtime. it is printed on an enormous amount of paper…and I can not only read it but hold it in my hand.. It is a very large book.
And yes, I love Dmitry Olov too (though he gets lots of things wrong).
The Saker is in a much higher class
Tony (UK)
Hello, Paul Craig Roberts ( posts a quarterly call for donations. I think it’s a good idea. People will usually not donate unless you specifically ask for donations.
Hi Saker,
I tried to donate many times but to no avail. The problem was somewhere after clicking the Donate button the link inevitably broke at some stage and the paypal site was never able to be reached.
Can you look into this and I will try again next week.
Your faithful follower
I live in the UK. I tried the paypal site to send a donation but it is no use because the currency is quoted in dollars and it requests credit card numbers.
I don’t use a credit card only a debit card.
In the end I went .to my bank and they said it was OK to send a cheque in GBP as a US bank would accept it but it would take a few weeks to clear. So I posted a cheque for 25 GBP slow mail to the address but as yet the money has not come off my account. Obviously I hope you got the cheque and your bank accepted it and it will come off my account in due course.
If I could get an e-mail confirming that you got the cheque and it’s OK I will send another one for 50 GBP on 1 April and at regular intervals,
So did you get that cheque and could you just confirm – is the address to send cheques to the Wilmington address or Edgewater.?
Checks: (to Saker Analytics, LLC)
Saker Analytics, LLC
1000 N. West Street
Suite 1200 #1588
DE 19801
Hope to hear from you and if sending cheques in GBP works will contribute regularly- you are far and away the best, You were quite right to publish the costs most folk I think were probably unaware of the overheads I know I was.
Debit card via PayPal has worked for me before in Uk…my bank statement confirms the donation had gone!
Please stick to your guns.
I’ve been a freeloader reader for years and just made a monthly contribution.
We’ll all pony up if threatened with the loss or degradation of your site.
You need to ask your readers for donations. Paul Craig Roberts asks every month for donations and people give. Mind you it is not like it used to be but we are here.
Good Luck !!!
Saker: I will send you a donation but prefer to use the mails rather than credit card. Can you provide a mail address? Yours.
Address and other info at
Address for “snail mail” donations:
(To send gift cards or cash only)
The Saker
PO Box 711
Edgewater, FL 32132-0711
at the moment has free personal encrypted cloud access of 50G.
suggest you back up stuff to there and forget amazon and google who are noones friend.