The featured image is a picture of Aleppo before the NATO countries’ war on Syria

Breaking news

The US just issued a direct threat to attack the territory of Russia

John Kirby, the State Department’s spokesperson, on Wednesday issued a threat coming from the US State Department to organize more terror attacks against the Russian cities and to kill more Russian people.


Cat Matvey‘s analysis of Russia-US standoff in Syria with some Russia’s intelligence details of how the UN convoy provocation was orchestrated and executed. It should be ready soon.

The following links are mostly informational support for his analysis.

The US, Russia and SYRIA SitRep by Cat Motya, September 27, 2016 Part I

A beautiful situation in Syria or how to build a mousetrap, by Cat Motya Part II


Russia Today uses my word to describe the division in Washington

Washington experiencing ‘mutiny’ over Syrian conflict (Op-Edge)

“The US Defense Department effectively rebelled against the president’s authority when it said it may or we may not comply with the ceasefire, says former MI6 agent and founder of the Conflicts Forum Alastair Crooke. ”

Damascus Has Audio of Daesh Talks With US Military Before Strike on Syrian Army

Reports: Audio recording between ISIS and US before Deir Ezzor massacre found

The Syrian intelligence possesses an audio recording of conversation between ISIS terrorists and the US military prior to the Washington-led coalition airstrikes on government troops near Deir Ezzor on September 17, the speaker of the People’s Council of Syria said Monday.

Hadiya Khalaf Abbas, the head of the Syrian parliament, added during her visit to Iran that after the coalition’s airstrikes on the government troops US military directed terrorists’ attack on the Syrian army.

The US-led airstrikes on Thardah Mountain resulted in the death of over 80 Syrian soldiers with the mountain immediately being attacked by ISIS following the airstrikes.

Our  “Western partners” are yelling and screaming because the rumors about our Kalibr missiles pulverizing their command center in Aleppo turns out to be true.

It’s time to dispatch some Roman armed forces there: Violent Jewish right-wing extremists riot during performance by Armenian choir in Jerusalem

Russia and China sell the US treasures at the record speed

Syria – Conflicting Reports, Dubious Witnesses Challenge Convoy Attack Case

Iran seized ‘1,000s of valuable docs’ from detained US sailors, Revolutionary Guard general claims

US Deploying Forces in 7 Bases in Northern Syria

Based on information obtained by FNA from media outlets and field sources, the 7 bases in which the US forces are deployed are:

1.The US forces are seeking to turn Rmeilan airfield in Syria’s Northern province of Hasakah into their new operations room and build helipads in there.

  1. Mabrouka village in the Western parts of Qamishli where at least 45 US special army forces have been deployed.
  2. The French Lafarge cement factory, which is located between Kobane and the town of Ain Issa in Jalabiya in Northeastern Syria. Informed sources have reported that the US has increased the number of forces deployed in the region, adding that another base is being built for training the militants and helicopter landing.
  3. Ain Issa base near a town in Northern Syria, which is hosting over 100 US forces.
  4. Kobane base in Northern Syria in which more than 300 US special forces have been deployed.
  5. Tel Byder base in Hasaka province and in the Western parts of Qamishli which is equipped with helipad for military helicopters. The US trains militants in this base.
  6. Tal Abyadh base which has been the scene of most US forces’ moves in Syria. At least 200 US special forces, equipped with armored vehicles, have been deployed in the region and the US flags have been hoisted above certain government buildings in the area.

The US has not received or even asked for a permission from Damascus for reconstructing the airbase. The United States does not have a UN mandate for intervening in the Syria war.

Out of idle curiosity, “Who is controlling these forces?” “Who are those fighting illegally on Syrian territory under the US flag?”

Anyway…  Russian armed forces know the location of the US bases in Syria. As soon as they are staffed with personnel, we will send our Kalibrs to say “Hi.” It’s only a polite thing to do. Plus, it’s entertaining to watch Samantha Power throwing hysterical fits.

27 September 2016

Comment by the Information and Press Department on the Russian-US agreements on Syria

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs published the full version of the Russia – US Agreement of the ceasefire in Syria

Russian Foreign Ministry makes public parts of agreement with US on Syria

BREAKING: Marine Corps Commandant Exposes Treasonous Order Obama Issued to US Marines! 

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Joseph Dunford revealed as much this past Tuesday, when he told the House Armed Services Committee that Obama had ordered our esteemed Marines to first destroy their weapons before they evacuated the U.S. Embassy in Yemen last month.

The might of the US military is a myth. Now, since they have rebelled against their own government, they are nothing but a stateless armed mercenaries. Iranians knew that before everyone else.


The militant serving in the radical extremist Right Sector and extremist organization Trezub (Trident)  are all Ukrainian Jews who served and got military training in Israeli Tzahal


President Poroshenko offered Israeli investors take part in large-scale looting a.k.a. “privatization” in Ukraine

Pervomaysk, a town near Kharkov, Ukraine. A girl was asked about region’s problems, and she said that the only problem is that they have too many Ukros.


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President of Israel during his visit reminded Ukraine’s Rada that Ukrainians took part in Holocaust. In return, Ukrainians accuse Jews in orchestrating Golodomor.

As I predicted before, Jews are going to demand a retribution from Ukrainians. Since everything that Ukraine got from the Soviet Union has been looted by now, most likely that Jews will demand the territories of Ukraine, and turning the Ukrainians into white Christian “Palestinians.” At least that’s how Russia’s blogosphere understands it. It’s a historical fact that there was a plan to create a Jewish state on the territory of Ukraine that was developed by Bolsheviks with Lenin, but foiled by Stalin. Instead he ordered to create a Jewish autonomy republic in the Russia’s Far East region.  It looks like hundred years later, this plan is in the works again.

It’s not accidental that Israel made a statement blaming Ukrainians for holocaust a day after the EU approved a visa-free regime for Ukrainians. All this is done in coordination. Jews want to create a state on the territory of Ukraine, and want Ukrainians to move to Europe and to Russia. I suspect that those who won’t move, will be ethnically cleansed.

Russia has not said anything yet about the unconstitutional and criminal character of the division of the territory of the Soviet Union. As a successor to the USSR, RF just might to lay a claim to the territory of Ukraine. Maybe not right now, but at some point, when the time is right.

Russia has started production of synthetic oil from raw materials like methane, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide

How to kill an Avtomat Kalashnikova?

Answer: AK will last longer than AR-15 with shooting of at least 895 rounds.


There will be no more negotiations with the US. Russian SU-25 assault aircraft are back

Mid-March President Putin ordered a drawdown of Russian forces in Syria. Russian military subsequently withdrew 3 out of 15 Su-24 tactical bombers. 4 out of 8 Su-34 tactical bombers. As well as their entire fleet of 12 Su-25 ground assault aircraft.

Today there is somewhat confirmed information that SU-25 assault aircraft are all back in Syria.


Thank you for your time,
