“Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?”
Roger Waters, The Fletcher Memorial Home
I never had anything good to say about the Eurovision. I could tell you all the reasons why I hate the crap people nowadays think of as “pop music”. But since Paul Joseph Watson did a special video expressing pretty much the same feelings as I have, I will give him the floor:
So it will not surprise you that I don’t give a damn about the Eurovision. However, in this case, it seems that our glorious Europe as decided to teach Putin a lesson once and for all and decided to award the 2016 Eurovision to a Ukie-Crimean Tatar singer named Jamala and her song “1944”, which you can view here, including the lyrics.
Let’s be clear, this is just the same kind of petty “fuck you” to Russia as what the Poles do when they destroy monuments to the Soviet soldiers who liberated them from the Nazis or when the Ukronazis blew up electricity poles on the Crimean border: no big deal, but a clear intent to try to aggravate the Russians.
I sincerely welcome these efforts. With all my heart.
I have always found it embarrassing that Russian singers (I would not call them “artists”) participated into this imbecilic display of kitsch and bad taste and I think that the Russian media out to be ashamed of having mislead the Russian people into believing that the Russian contestant this year a a chance in hell of winning (the Russian reporters who aired that nonsense know full well that, just as the beauty pageants, the Oscars, the Cannes Festival and all the other capitalist pseudo-cultural Ersatz – all these events are rigged, all the deals paid for months before the event, and the integrity of it all on par with pro wrestling). So I sure hope that this time around Russians will take that petty “fuck you” as a good slap in their face. Because a slap can wake you up and make you regain consciousness.
What did Russia expect participating in this buffoonery?! Really! There are plenty of fantastic music competitions and festivals worldwide every year. They include Classical, Baroque, Ethnic, Folk, Rock, Jazz and any other genre. And Russians do fantastically well in all these events. So what in the world is Russian doing at the friggin Eurovision and what did the Russians expect from Europe – standing ovation maybe?
In this deal, everybody got what they deserved. The Europeans got a sense of their immense cultural power and social relevance. Jamala got a paycheck and her 5 minutes of fame. Russia got a much deserved lesson in hypocrisy.
For 2017 I think that it is Pussy Riot who should get the Eurovision prize. Maybe for a joint appearance with Conchita Wurst, in a song describing how the modern Russian Gulag is filling with homosexual martyrs surrounded by barbed wire, watch towers, rabidly homophobic guards, German Shepherds and anti-Semitic Orthodox priests.
The artistic value of such a song would be most definitely immense.
The Saker
While I (and 95% of North America) are totally unaware of the Eurovision Contest, I can understand Saker’s annoyance at the relentless campaign to put Russia “in her place”. OTOH, I saw a good movie last night “Jungle Book” by Disney, no less…that had a very complimentary depiction of a bear. I thought of Russia as I was watching and enjoying his antics…and his ultimate heroism…not to be a spoiler.
“Jungle Book the anime may have been made by Disney, but forgive me for pointing out that the original book “Jungle Book” was written by and Englishman, Rudyard Kipling.
Yes, the movie makes it very clear that the story was based on Rudyard Kipling’s book. Not having read the original…I don’t know how closely the “Bear” in the movie resembled anything in Kipling’s book. Until now…the most I knew about Kipling was that he wrote the poem “If” (If you can keep your head about you….). He wrote it for his son…who he encouraged to go off and fight in WWII. Kipling never recovered from the tragedy when his son was killed in his first day of battle.
Sorry, Rudyard Kipling’s son went off to fight in WWI not WWII.
Reminds me of the Nobel “Peace Prize” which should have gone to Putin…but never will.
The Nobel Prize for Peace is given by a Nato country.
The members of the committee serve in the Nato organization too or their family members are serving in that organization.
Russia cannot expect a fair treatment by the Natoists.
I don’t think Russia got slapped in the face.
I my opinion, by completely ignoring the public’s vote which was all in favour of the Russian candidate, the so-called jury revealed how desperate the so-called elites in the west must be and how rotten the so-called democracies we live in are.
Hello Saker
The Eurovision song contest the last couple of decades has decented to the level of musical comedy.
Funniest thing this year is that Russia got the most votes by the public, Australia by the jury (I know, I know EUROvision) yet Ukraine won.
To be honest, when I saw that Ukraine participated with a Crimean Tartar and the song was about the “plight of Crimea” I figured out it would winm.
Perhaps next year Russia should participate with a song titled “1945” which would tell the story of what happened to Nazis; the performers can all wear simple St. George ribbons. Or simply perform “The Sacred War”
And speaking of Nazis…
Do not despair comrade!
Next year israel will win with a song about baby yar.
no kidding!!!
Best rant yet. Cannot disagree with a single word. Eurovision has always been and will always be crap. Why Russia or any other self respecting country would want to join in the freak show they call european culture is beyond me.
Well it looks like a lot of people are not happy. Over 300,000 signatures so far against the voting and want it revised:
They won’t change it – but the damage it has done to yet another EU event etc. is becoming obvious to the ordinary people. The people are getting fed up with their voices not being heard or accepted.
In another article on RT ex MI6 chief warns about Europe facing ‘populist uprising’:
One thing after another – its boiling up……….
Phil Butler has done a very good piece on the whole fiasco:
It ties in with the above. The lack of respect for the people’s views. The control by MSM and their stooges – who were the jury behind the scenes…….
The Ukraine, with Jamala, it seems that has won for an strange arithmetic of the festival this year, but Russia has won the voting of the European public and Australia the voting of the Jury.
So, despite the kitsch or marginal at cultural level the event is/could be, is another expression of the reality of things in Europe and the world: the European people, even those who follow this event, has nothing against Russia and the Russians, and in spite of the intends of brainwashing anti-Russian propaganda, they are able to decide that they like the Russian song.
See my replay on this article at :
Now,replay converted as Reply :
Mother Russia and the Contest
Saw that Eurovision Contest, with the stars of Moon in fest ?
Who’s the winner, I am not, neither Wurstly, s/he was guest.
Till the dinner with the sinner, I don’t watch to my protection
Did you watch it ? Good for you, I don’t need an indigestion.
How I find out, here in Vineyard, in the fury of that race
Mother Russia, got Jamala as a snap on beauty’s face.
Outrageous it may be, yes ! but the lesson must be learned,
If she doesn’t want tomorrow or the after to be burned.
Now is time to make some cleaning, what is rot just throw it out !
That will make you be more stronger and your kids to be more proud.
Stop with calling on your “partner”, don’t remember nine and elf ?
We are watching in the window, be so kind and be yourself.
I would “love” to see Russia learn from this slap, and for patriots inside Russia to demand,not ask,but demand that Russia cut all ties with Eurovision. But I don’t see it happening. The “damnable” Russian desire to be seen as European, will most likely stop that from happening. But it “should” happen. Not because they didn’t win. Not because a “Ukrainian” won. But because Eurovision broke,no, not even broke,but trampled and trashed their own rules to make sure Ukraine won,and Russia couldn’t win. That is the “crux” of the matter. And why Russia needs to withdraw those ties.Everyone that has paid any attention to World affairs in the last 2 years “knows” beyond even question that the Ukrainian song entry was a “political” song attacking Russians. And everyone that knows the Eurovision entry rules, knows that political songs are prohibited. Eurovisions approval of that song was making a political statement,forbidden under their own rules.And for that reason alone, they aren’t worthy for Russia to associate with.
Unfortunately, my impression is that there are way to many people in Russia who do not want to learn the truth.
@ Uncle Bob
It’s like the other euro-contest: the Nobel Prize Russian-bashers.
The most schizophrenic of the issue is that the Basque flag, official flag of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, was banned from being waved in this “festival” for being considered a way of “political vindication”.
So for the same rule, this song should have been banned from even enter the contest, because it is about no other than political vindications.
Thus, this festival was built this year not only as an insult to the Russian people but also to the Basque people. We, the Basques, took note.
From the Basque corniche to the Eurovision gang:
I certainly agree with your statements, but what can you want more?
Don’t worry and let’s not confuse propaganda from the “elite” versus real votes from the grass roots!
I have no TV and never watch such nonsense.
But a quick google gave Russia 3rd place (1st place in voter calls, only the “jury-vote” rigged the election!!!):
xls file at: http://www.eurovision.tv/upload/voting/ESC-2016-grand_final-full_results.xls
UK media: http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/who-won-eurovision-2016-results-7970617
The full results
Ukraine – 534 points
Australia – 511
Russia – 491
Bulgaria – 307
Sweden – 261
France – 257
Armenia – 249
Poland – 229
Lithuania – 200
Belgium – 181
The Netherlands – 153
Malta – 153
Austria – 151
Israel – 135
Latvia – 132
Italy – 124
Azerbaijan – 117
Serbia – 115
Hungary – 108
Georgia – 104
Cyprus – 96
Spain – 77
Croatia – 73
United Kingdom – 62
Czech Republic – 41
Germany – 11
Now, what they hide is a fact that I read in a user’s comment: Voting from viewers who called in / elected per phone made RUSSIA the clear number 1!
Germany is – in whatever category (watchers or jury or whatever distorted mix) comes last place for the second year in a row ! (a reason may be that the one singer who originally was endorsed to represent Germany got removed for political reasons because he spoke out against Merkel’s migration open-door non-policy [and that, even though he himself has migrant’s roots]).
This way or that way or the other way, to all persons with open eyes this is yet another demonstration how rigged and biased the MSM, Brussles, Berlin, the puppet-muppet-Nazi EU and all US-controlled zomby colonies are. Everybody who is not completely brainwashed sees that when reading the pro-Ukrainian “reporting” about the result.
The establishment cannot even delete all the reader’s comments to completely prevents such comments from getting through.
That’s good.
The eurovision voting detail is available on theie website.
I analysed it.
If you lokk at the disconnect between the public phone voting and political jury voting, it is easy to see that the result was influenced.
42 countries get to vote.
The difference between Russia’s total phone result and total jury result was a massive 231 points (361 public vs 130 jury). The difference was more than any other country.
Poland had a big disconnect too between public and jury results 215 points difference.
Ukraine’s jury results were 112 points lower than their phone results (211 jury vs 323 public).
But the result is best explained by the fact that juries awarded the maximum points to Ukraine 11 times but to Russia only 4.
So, Russia won the phone vote, Australia won the jury vote, and Ukraine won…. the propaganda vote.
Les, thanks for these details!
I have no LibreOffice installed on this photo-chip sd card (on which my os is running), therefore could not open the xls file.
Ah, I forgot: I must admit that I now realize that I have been wrong when arguing with The Saker about what does vs. doesn’t belong to Europe (some months ago).
But I assume even he may be surprised now:
Look – as of Azerbaijan it may still be an option – but since when are Izrahell and even Australia part of “Europe”?????
Q: When will Zimbabwe, Panama, Nepal and Nicaragua finally take place?
Haha, let’s go with the Z-german MSM coverage:
Political message touches Europe!
“””””She was already in the semifinals at the height of her art, she threw herself in the Jury Final and provoked the audience in the Globe Arena strongest applause. Jamala put an impressive performance of her song “1944” out. However, it was not the house high favorite. You, the woman with family roots in the Crimea, won only on the final straight of the evening, as the televoting results were read. Almost until the end of the jury winner was Dami Im in the lead before they of Jamala and the televoting winner Sergey Lazarev has been overhauled. It was also a politically charged ESC, as so often in many years. It was striking about that Russia neither a jury point from Ukraine got this also sent no counter to Moscow.”””””
They even explain by themselves that and why they needed to falsify the outcome, and still Russia followed narrowly (only a few points behind) Australia (!)M and Ukraine.
For the entire context it is definitely _not_ Russia who got slapped in the face.
Here the other article:
Russia winning Eurovision 2016 would be disastrous for song contest, fears European Broadcasting Union
I disagree that it was a mistake that Russia participated.
In that case it would be a signal like “yes, Kiew is correct”.
It was very couragous that this Sergey took part.
And he is the true winner – because who can trust such a “jury-vote”?.
Bravo Saker!
I hope the Russian people’s pride will prevail over the foibles and fallings of their leaders/dealers who support the “shaming” of Russia.
At the time in 1944 – not only that they (the Tatars) needed to be protected because they had fought jointly with Hitler, no, there is another aspect: Stalin originally wanted to hand Crimea to the Zionists. Maybe they even requested him to relocate the Muslims?
Point 2: Now that Israel was even a member of this show, can’t anybody ask _them_ how real ethnic cleansing, re-location, wiping out etc . works?????
In what sense shall a Palestinian have less rights than a Tatar?
Double standards hypocrisy – as always.
Well, that may get problematic then, of course.
But that’s how “NObel Peace Prize” winners understand the word “Peace”:
“””””The head of the Ukraine’s National Remembrance Museum said in February that if Jamala won the contest in Stockholm, next year’s event would be held in Crimean Sevastopol. That might be a problem, considering that Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia in a referendum held in response to an armed coup in Kiev.
READ MORE: Ukraine picks song about Stalin purges as Eurovision entry
At the same time, for some, it would have been disastrous if Russia had won the contest, a Eurovision source told the Mirror earlier, revealing that “feeling is that the European Broadcasting Union know how unpopular a Russia win would be and will do everything possible to help the other favorites to victory.”””””
Wow!!! Really good show, plus does tell a story.
LIVE – Sergey Lazarev – You Are The Only One (Russia) at the Grand Final
Wow, indeed!
I did not watch the show, went out for dinner with some friends, but seeing Sergey Lazarev´s performance, now I understand why they can not permit him winning this contest.
Let´s analyse the iconography:
-First, Sergey´s and masculin ballet´s constumes, totally Soviet/Maoist, but if he looked like Kirov! -Then, the scenography!, as if representing the foundations of the Known World being removed remaining only “a flame on a cold place” ( represented by that remaining iceberg ) as the last hope in the midst of the vast universe ( we are the hope not only of the known world but also of the outer space ).
-Finally, the woman, Mother Russia, receiving and holding the flame of hope for a New World.
Could not have been better!
Seeing this, I do not know really who took the slap in the face, after all, Russia delivered his message…..
Now some will say: Surkov’s propaganda!
Probably, the people, the simple people, has noticed all this, and this is why they voted for Russia….
Bravo Sergey!!!!
And those wings in the beginning….but, if he looked like a Saker!
Not to mention that Sergey is really handsome.
“Could not have been better!”
Could not have been worse – singing in English.
Russia is the antithesis of Soviet – your conflation is a confused dream of better times.
It is a good tune though.
But he was dressed and wore a hairstyle like Sergey Kirov….
And…. if you want to deliver the message of Russian being “The Only One” to Europe and the world, you have not but to do it in English, because the only important thing here is not promoting Russian culture and language ( since the event is not cultural but political ) but delivering/broadcasting the message: “we are the only one”…. who remain sane, obviously.
Like to say: “People from Europe, come to Russia, grab those acres for free V.V.Putin is offering you and settle and multiply in our Far East, and you will see that better times will come more conducive for Communism!”
Je, je, je…Say yay!
@ Anonymous on May 15, 2016 · at 4:22 pm UTC
> Could not have been worse – singing in English.
Hmm, I don’t like this global anglofication myself, but in this case that’s nonsense, because then the international Komsomol youth wouldn’t understand any lyrics.
Had a good smile at Elsi’s way of interpreting the different aspects of his performance.
I also thought of a tragic romace and eternal love of him versus this beautiful (but misguided, having sold her soul) Tatar girl (the 2 would probably be a nice couple).
Err, mistakenly the msg. got sent out although I only wanted a new line.
It is definitely containing Mother Rossiya versus its lost child as main political message (while at the same time every couple truly in love can or perhaps should identify with it)..
Elsi described it already in a perfect way.
I just watched the history of Sergey’s way to the top inside Russia, through contests and nominations etc., at first some months ago when it was not yet clear who would represent Russia.
Earlier versions of the scenery were indeed still less maoist and contained 2 men and 2 women as background dancers.
Also the clothes he is wearing were exchanged at a late point. So maybe Russia carefully and slowly in a step-by-step wise manner refined all those litlle details to not get banned from participating.
Elsi: Excellent analysis hitting the nail.
Let’s have a Toast on Sergey Lazarev and on good honest товарищ Kirov! Hа здоровье, Elsi!
I forgot: The Wings! Symbol for Freedom.
Also: Symbol for love and partnership. Because one wing alone cannot fly and does not bring freedom to anybody. Only if both wings are united and work tohether …..
Ukraine and Russia
“Only if both wings are united and work tohether …..”
“Above all, Lenin regarded the right of self-determination as subordinate to the interests of the working class. “The bourgeoisie always places its national demands in the forefront, and does so in categorical fashion. With the proletariat, however, these demands are subordinated to the interests of the class struggle.” (Ibid, p.21) And again, “While recognising equality and equal rights to a national state, it values above all and places foremost the alliance of the proletarians of all nations, and assesses any national demand, any national separation, from the angle of the workers’ class struggle.” After all, the right to national self-determination is a bourgeois-democratic demand, not a socialist one.”
From 2:35 till 2:38 we see a bloody foot chain in the rock lump. Then this rock can finally be blown up an freedom returns.
Clear evidence about the true story.
But it certainly wasn’t easy to bypass western censorship (they could have thrown Russia out!).
So it needed to be told in a decent subconscious kind.
And the irony is: Those AntiRussians probably did not even notice anything.
It is a massive Victory For Russia, that this could be broadcasted like that!!!
All is there for whoever would want to see it:
The first socialist state/empire in history, the space conquest, the bloodbath which was the Great Patriotic War, and the inextinguishable flame of the Russian world, remaining standing forever.
Oh yeah!
Oyez, Oyez, Hear Ye Hear Ye
“The West missed, downplayed or distorted such Putin gestures as–his reverent attitude toward Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn;
–he defined Russian patriotism not in ideological “class struggle” terms as was the case under Communism but, in Solzhenitsyn’s words, as “love for one’s country, its history, people and traditions”
–followed Solzhenitsyn’s recommendation that the main task of the government should be “saving people’s lives” (the demographic situation has lately improved)
–personally lay a wreath on the monument to the victims of GULAG in Norilsk
–stated “History proves all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government, are transient. Only democratic systems are intransient”.
–far from wishing to come back to Communism Putin spoke against “the outrageous price our country and its people had to pay for that Bolshevist experiment”.”
Roll-up! Roll-up!
And what about the performance of Barei representing Spain?, with that aesthetic Mad Max / Proletarian / Street dance style, as a metaphor of the future that awaits Europe, but with a message of hope in that raised fist while affirming “I want to fight!” ( as a promise to the corrupted elites ) and the scene of the falling and then getting up and finishing with a message of joy and hope:
LIVE Barei – Say Yay! (Spain) at the Grand Final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest
I found her very fresh and natural, really great!
Unpayable comment under Barei´s video:
Guillermo GarcíaHace 18 horas
“España y el resto del BIG5 se tienen que retirar SÍ o SÍ del “festival” el año que viene. Sin más, que el resto de Europa siga votando por canciones que parecen un suplicio a la muerte”.
wow…just read the comments under the YT clip, anti-Russian trolls doesn’t stand a chance….
Such a majority that states that Russia had the best performance and should have won…
Martin, thanks for the opportunity to see Sergey Lazarev, “…is not available” in my country. I see the similar message too often.
@US Elder Woman, I don’t believe it, no here the same.
This is clear sabotage.
It’s the official ESC channel only 2 and a half days after publication.
It may well be that it cannot be watched in _any_ country anymore.
However, there’s a trick: put the 2 letters ss between . and y, then you can still download the song and save it to disk (e.g. for re-uploading it) :
The download link is then:
LIVE – Sergey Lazarev – You Are The Only One (Russia) at the Grand Final
FYI: At the moment it can be watched again in Netherlands and Germany.
They changed the policy.
This is a well written critique, but PJW’s over-enunciation is tedious to listen to. It’s almost as if he doesn’t know that spoken English is an inflected language and that all syllables and words are not emphasized equally when spoke. It’s ironic that he complains about the electronically manipulated loudness settings in pop songs — a valid complaint to be sure — and yet it seems as if the loudness levels have been artificially cranked up on this video.
“Whereas musicians used to be interesting people, now they’re akin to Stepford Wives…”
Thank you so much, Saker, for the PJ Watson link, a revelatory laugh-cry trip for those who can take it. And there are those of us in the trenches of Rock who are crying. It’s actually worse than what Watson says, the “financial incentive” is meaningless these days and the entire system of paying people to play music with beauty and talent has by and large collapsed. I don’t know how any of these Eurovision frauds make dollar one, but there is a financial stream and guess what, musicians, you ain’t in it. Look at the “recording studios” in that clip: full of computers, screens, and anything else that can disconnect the songwriter from anything like a real emotion. Oh well, we carry on. Rock and roll that actually meant something is now to be discerned through our vinyl record collections. Thanks for the post, and the link, and above all the thoughts about a subject that many have rightly consigned to the dustbins of history. There are still a few of us out there fighting the good fight, but without people who give a damn, it’s hard sometimes to know why we bother.
@ Internal Exile USA
I have this theory that the phasing-off Rock music (and all its offshoots) in favor of this disgusting rap / hip-hop, so-called music, has been done deliberately.
Anybody who has gone to a big rock concert can see how much of an unifying force is to get several thousand people in one place supporting the same band. The energy at rock concerts is like in no other mass event provoke. Imagine if one of these huge rock bands figured out how to employ their music to deliver anti- establishment political messages to the masses. The momentum would be unstoppable. The Elites couldn’t possibly allow it to happen, so rock-bands fell out of favor with the music industry. This was done via the Studios, Radio Stations, and ever so scarce record contracts.
The other unifying factor about Rock music is that it tends to inspire young people to learn how to play an instrument and later form their own band, it’s a phenomenon that expands organically and massively. I can’t think of any other music genre that has that kind of pull effect on people.
In my home country every other youngster I knew was in a band, then, when I moved to Europe, coming across any under 25’s that was into Rock music (let alone being in a band) was nearly impossible.
But back on topic… I can’t even understand why people would watch something as lame as Eurovision. The thought of me sitting through hours of lame-ass pop songs and/or sappy ballads makes me sick to my core!
The only song I ever [admittedly, mildly] liked from the Euroshite contest was Lordi’s Hard Rock Hallelujah. 1- It was a fantastically catchy tune with an AC/DC-esque type guitar riff. 2- For a change; it was rock instead of some gay non-music ;-)
Been a Rocker most of my life, but also a lover of Jazz. And Jazz is hardly dying. In fact, Winton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra have produced some very powerful jazz-infused protest music over the last several years that I’ve had the pleasure to hear live and on Sirius Radio. Trombone Shorty’s first album is a masterful blend of all musical genres. And some of the aging Rock legends keep getting better, Jeff Beck in particular. Those who haven’t listened to Green Day’s American Idiot or seen its Broadwayesque performance are really missing out.
Dear Outlaw: I never said music was dying, only that the economics are harder than ever, even for people like Jeff Beck. I saw Beck last year, he was incredible and you’re right, better than ever. I’ve worked for large labels and run my own label and the economics are sketchy these days, at best. That doesn’t mean that quite a lot of us still know how to rock. Thanks for your post!
@ Outlaw Historian:
“Been a Rocker most of my life, but also a lover of Jazz. And Jazz is hardly dying [..]”
Admittedly, I need my music to have a high octane of energy weaved into it, that’s why rock/metal is my thang.
But having said that… I’m more than happy to listen to anything with a proper band and proper musicians; Jazz, Blues, Rhythm & Blues (the old school, original actual R&B, not this new and abhorrent R&B ‘music’ we hear today), Reggae, Ska, Calypso, Latin Rhythms, Gospel, Celtic Folk Music, I’m even a big fan of Country Blue Grass. And of course, I’m a huge [yuuuge] fan of classical music, of course!
Particularly Baroque – Paganini, Vivaldi, that kind of thing – which in turn, it must be said; are prime inspirations for metal, especially when in connection to epic guitar solos :)
If you have the time, check out this Chinese young lady: (it’ll melt your face ;-) )
Li Jie – Paganini Caprice No 24
Too legit: I really, really dig your post, thank you! And agree 100%. Having witnessed “arena rock”, this was a force that broke down barriers and in a strange way was our substitute for real religion. And I admit it: I’m a child of a sick West and ich kann nicht anders. Rock concerts were political and religious events that are never discussed in the history of the West, all I can do is happily reply to someone like yourself who got what I was trying to say, you even went beyond that into areas I wouldn’t have breached. And here is your reward, Sir. Van Halen in 1982.
@ Internal Exile USA:
LoL! For a moment there, I stopped to think: who’s this Sir Van Halen (?!) And of course I know the band, but Sir?
Then it hit me; Eddie Van Halen, of course! *duh!*
As a Rock fan, I love my virtuoso guitarists… your Bucket Head, Beck, Page, Hendrix [particularly], Hammet, Santana, Steve Vai, Satriani (etc) and I love them all… but there’s two exceptional ones that stand up to me; 1- SRV. 2- Yngwie Malmsteen (and not that anybody has to agree with this, but here they are…)
Yngwie Malmsteen – Paganini Adagio Live
SRV – Stevie Ray Vaughan – Little Wing [Hendrix cover]
PS; thanx for your answer, it brightened-up my day. Let me tell ya! ;-)
Eurovision always was so very European, i.e. We’re superior than thou so take that….and now Oz’s is #2? ….No longer far away bliss down under.
Anyhow i believe PaulCraigRoberts has already said he doesn’t understand why Russian leadership “negotiates” with the west, that this will be regarded as a sign of weakness….Hmmm….NATO in E.Europe ….The ongoing Ukraine disaster….The past and present two timing in Syria….BRICS apparently being torn apart….So what else were y’all expecting….
….Oh, so sorry, everything’s fine fine, all is going to plan. Y’all Anglo-Zionist-Neocon-Neolib’s really are invincible. And being ably supported by Big Bear as court jester. Bring on the applause applause….”Oh, it was nothing really. You must know that sacrifice always does wonders for a drama’s success. Thank you all so much”….takes a bow.
@sadness: Sadly you speak me from the soul.
And as far as I can see, feel and tell: It’s the truth.
But no no, let’s celebrate “Yalta-2.0” – the next smart chess move (while south america starts to burn in its most essential spots)
Ohhh, long live BRICS …
This will make you smile Saker, Ukraine will now have to host the Eurovision in 2017. Get the popcorn ready.
Will there be a Ukraine next year?
Dear The Saker,
Well there is one thing Russia can take away from this – the people voted them their number 1. So the general public aren’t against them.
All the MSM are already using the “win” to make digs again about Russia annexing Crimea and her telling lies about how she can’t visit her family there because of the “abuse” they get…..as with every other thing dear Russia has been blamed for this is just another to add to the list. Politics has seeped into everythig. The public at least are waking up.
Now how are Ukraine going to finance the next Eurovision? – what state will the country be in next year, as it has a civil war still going on and Nazi thugs?
I think Saker you should look at this point and get the popcorn…..it is going to be an interesting show…..
Take comfort Germany was last and UK third last ;).
And as predicted
Ukraine already getting out the begging bowl…….
Oh and at end of the article – the US aired it for the first time….hmm – Russia could def. not win then! Their pet project Ukraine had to be elevated and Russia demonised.
The Eurovision song contest has started to crumble. Why? Because the Americans are entering the there. Australians were first in line to make things a bit more acceptable for Europeans to get used the idea of widening the contest.
But before entering you have to prove to the Americans that no matter what, the result has to be secured what the organisers (by request of Americans) want. And if Americans are to be in of course the indispensable nation should win and the US vassals are to be guaranteed that.
This project started last year – if not even earlier. Sweden won with a song which was total copy (see it youself: http://welchemusic.com/2015/03/mans-zelmerlow-borrow-david-guetta/) and therefore it should’ve been rejected. But there wasn’t even discussions about it on western main stream media. Why? Because Russians were at second place and if ”Swedish” song would’ve been disqualified the Russians would have won! What better proof is there to assure the defeat of Russians and secure the winning to the Empire now and in the future.
This year the business went on. Ukraine won with song which was highly politicised and therefore was a blatant violation of the rules and regulations of the contest. It should’ve been rejected before even entering the contest – but of course that wasn’t even close to happen. You can politicise against Russians – that goes with out saying in the habits of the Empire.
Second place was taken by the Australians, who shouldn’t be in the contest at all – if the rules and regulations would matter at all. But don’t worry. For instance China would never get in the contest because of the rules watched by the media of empire.
It is very interesting to see if the Americans are all ready entering next year in Kiev. There’s a brilliant opportunity to bash and crucify the Russians and there couldn’t be more fertile ground to do that than In Ukraine ruled by the fascist regime. The whole contest is turning in a world’s greatest propaganda show to hundreds of millions TV watchers. Yes, the rules forbids any political demonstrations on the contest, but to bash Russians is totally acceptable – as we have witnessed on numerous occasions.
(again: sorry about language failures.)
Saker, I agree with everything except the part where you expect the Poles to be grateful to the Soviets. The Soviets didn’t liberate Poland, they kept it under their control. You can’t criticize the American Empire for doing it but expect gratitude when the Soviets do the same thing.
Thing is, who cares about Eurovision to start with ? I remember, even as a child, with USSR still a thing, no one cared here in France. The mere facts that so many nord bands, voted mainly by their own tiny country’s population which for some reason do actually care about that “show”, won over more than other rather than UK which has a much bigger pool of bands selling each and every years much more records than anyone in those countries since ABBA are retired tells you how the vast majority of the people in Europe isn’t paying attention to that election. TV rating are notoriously awful, no one buy the records, and at best the one watching are here for the freak show of awful bad taste by countries no one cares about, often singing in a language no one speak, and funnily believing that they actually matters. In youtube era, with bands making their route to success through honnest word of mouth popularity more than anything else, it’s more about comedy than music.
“Let’s be clear, this is just the same kind of petty “f*** you” to Russia as what the Poles do when they destroy monuments to the Soviet soldiers who liberated them from the Nazis”
While red army indeed liberated them from nazi scum, they installed puppet regime in Poland and occupied the country for the next 45 years. If this isn’t enough to say fuck you, i don’t know what is.
There seems to be this misunderstanding in Poland. They were made a socialist state after the war. What on earth did they expect was going to happen. They had a large socialist movement to start with. It wasn’t that there weren’t plenty of Poles that wanted that. As many writers have said, at the end of Communist Poland it was almost a 3 way split,1/3 anti-Communist,1/3 pro-Communist,and 1/3 waiting to see who won to support them. Poland owes its borders,and ethnic unity today to the USSR. The Soviets could have (probably should have) insisted on Poland’s borders being ethnic borders at the end of the war. She would (maybe) have gained a small bit of German territory in the West. But nothing like what the Soviets gave her. The American and British allies had agreed to the Curzon Line for the Polish-Soviet border. And they only wanted to give Poland part of East Prussia,the rest of Upper Silesia,and a small section of Pomerania from Germany.It was the Soviets that pushed for the Oder-Neisse borders for Poland. They could have just agreed with their other allies. But instead they took Poland’s side there. They also agreed with the Polish wish to expel the ethnic Germans from Poland. Which left Poland almost totally ethnic Polish. They didn’t have to do that. They could have insisted on the Germans staying. Leaving a dagger pointed at Poland forever. But again they sided with Poland.But today the Poles “conveniently” forget those “inconvenient” truths. Certainly the Soviets did to Poland what the US does to Latin America,they made them their vassal. But there wasn’t the desire to keep Poland a poor resource supplier,like the US treats her vassals. Try living next door to the US in Latin America,and then complain about mistreatment from other states.
The best bit of this is that ukraine have to hold the competition next year.
Think of the cost of hosting this monstrous competion. Ireland when it kept winning then started sending rubbish contestants as they did not wat to pay the cost of hosting it.
Think of how they will hide those nazi in the streets and protect all the LGBTQ contestants and fans.
Think of how they will hide the Russian invasion of their country that they keep telling the world about!!
Will they be able to find enough ukrainian speakers to show that they are not Russia.
The EU will have to fund this nonsense in ukraine- the money will get stolen that should teach them all a lesson
My dear Saker, are you going to call the Ukrainians too with the names: The West or Anglo-Zionist…?
Of course, they should not be called with such names.
They are all the Natoists who replaced the swastika with the Nato cross.
The Ukraine is a pro-Nato country which would have become a Nato country if it was not for the Russian intervention in Donbas and Crimea.
The goal of this bloody thirsty Natoists is to finish the job which Hitler started and it is to wipe Russia off the map.
The West has not come into existence with the Cold War, the west started with the Greek civilization 2500 years ago.
I am a westerner too but not a Natoist.
The Natoist have come into being in year 1947 on American behalf with only one goal to conquer Russia so that Russia ends up like Carthage.
“Of course, they should not be called with such names.”
Why should one ignore the tribal aspect of the EuroMaidan coup d’etat ?
Do you ignore that AQ, Taliban or IS are muslim too, for whatever reason ?
My take is that the next year or the year after that will be ripe for Croatia wining the competition with a song about poor Ustashe and Bleiburg. And ofc blaming Serbs and Tito ;) ( who was a Croat xD)
Dear Saker,
Maybe Russia just wanted this slap in the face to expose Europe for what it really is… Who knows ?
European crowds will be crowds.
Rather look at this (beware : they are sionists, but also french and they must have had some grandparents in the Verdun quagmire) :
Let’s watch Venezuela instead and knock on wood for them.
I wasn’t going to reply to this thread but now I will.
‘Eurovision’ means as much to me as the dirt from the soles of my shoes. Period. I watched the link to the Russian entry posted here, actually I could take every bit of twenty seconds of it before I hit ‘kill’. No culture, no soul, no musical skill, just computer generated garbage. I didn’t bother to watch the orc entry or any of the others and never will.
The ‘uproar’ over this truly horrid ‘music competition’ is ridiculous and that’s a vast understatement. Are most of you so sheltered, so unknowing of the world as it is today that you have not noticed the steadily increasing cultural, economic and monetary attacks on Russia? And you get upset over what is (excuse me, ladies) horseshit and the fact that Russia did not win the grand prize of a shovel full of horseshit? What did you expect?
Now, in comparison, a short taste of real Russian culture:
Like them a little longer? Here you go:
Every seen an entire audience stand for a song that is not their national anthem?
A little something international from Кубанский Казачий хор in ’11:
With the culture and pageantry of Russia that I have barely scratched the surface of what the heck do we need that eurotrash and other western garbage for?
Author, Never The Last One, a small view in to the vast Russian Culture
I just want to add something.
The point is that the Natoists will use any event to demonize Russia and they succeed by most people who have not got the internet.
Even a positive or good nature event like a concert in Palmyra, the Natoist will turn upside down and ridicule and turn against Russia.
Regarding the prizes which give the NATO countries, like euro song, prize for literature or any prize for humanities , etc will get only Russian who is working against Russia.
Also, I think that the market needs a history book written by a Russians on Crimea, translated into English.
I am fed up reading historical books on Russia written by people from the NATO countries.
Kind regards
I also – very much and for years – do like Кубанский казачий хор and had bookmarked and even stored to disk clips such as Кубанский казачий хор https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRWct0GI3K4 long ago.
I never watched the Eurocrap, but now as I did got positively surprised.
It is no contradiction to like your music without hating everything else.
And, recommendation, watch the entire thing, not only the first 20 seconds:
LIVE – Sergey Lazarev – You Are The Only One (Russia) at the Grand Final
Hint: Uzbekistan and Bulgaria have cute girls singing songs in cute dresses. Even the music is not the worst…..
Hating is a bad thing, this includes music.
Some music from a muslim country? Let’s take Iran (hint: It is _your_ loss if you refuse to watch it) :
Iranian Girl Dance – Persian Dance
Back to real culture: That’s only Stalinist march music!
But I bet you also don’t accept that as being Russian enough (although you yourself are not a Russian [admittedly like myself and like most here]).
Martin, try this for taste of some Persian music and especially poetry
Ouch, I confused Azerbaijan (also a nice lady but the music doesn’t convince me) with (much better) :
Iveta Mukuchyan – LoveWave (Armenia) Live at Semi – Final 1 at the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest
Also not bad for watching:
Poli Genova – “If Love Was A Crime” Bulgaria 2016 Eurovision
But in terms of artistical genius, real professionalism and “sending a message” Russia is the sky-high clear winner.
Well done, Sergey Lazarev! I take my hat.
Auslander: Although I posted a link to Iranian music as an example that they also have nice dance music, maybe you don’t know me enough. I can swear you that I don’t like Islam whatsoever.
(In my view all man-made so called “religions” (== evil sects) need to be forbidden immediately, especially Islam and Judeaism. Put them all into the same “hell-cell” where they need to live jointly.)
There is no “true” religion. All it will always lead to is: moar blood. But maybe I drifted away too much from the original subject.
p.s. I absolutely cannot grasp how Australia was so close to winning the 1st place. Even if it would be a European country in the first place. This singer is singing something like “I’mm cooming, coming oohh”.
That’s really not erotic pop-culture anymore, even for my taste. It is bad taste. That “singer” may have chosen the wrong profession for performing such lyrics.
Thank you for that international bit and let me return the favor.
Eurovision is a very good example of how zionazis work. Both behind the scenes and upfront. Adolescent, duplitious, petty and cowardly gang banging, like everything zionazis do and stand for.
I couldn’t agree more. Ever since the ESC first began – and my mother and I derived great amusement from watching my father’s “dormant volcano” reaction to it – I’ve always thought it a piece of harmless fun. “Fun”, that is, in the sense of deliberate imbecility – like “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”. I don’t think I have ever heard a single act on ESC that I would consider artistically good – so I can understand my father’s reaction, since he loved Bach, Mozart and German lieder. A few have been quite entertaining – most of all, perhaps, those Slovene guys who sang their catchy song standing on the wings of an airplane in flight. And even Elton John and Kiki Dee (was that the pair) were good fun, even if they were the British act.
Last night was different. First of all, virtually every trace of national culture had been scrubbed away. Even when a few words were sung in the national language, sooner or later we were back to the same appalling, dismally mediocre sub-sub-sub Abba renditions. Abba, The Monkees, Herman’s Hermits and various other “plastic imitation” groups always suffered from being cynically synthetic, but at least they were often tuneful and even sometimes harmonious.
I was almost speechless when I heard the introduction to Russia’s song. First of all, apparently the singer had gone to some lengths to ingratiate himself with the Atlanticists – criticizing Russia’s laws concerning homosexuality, and even making apologies for the Kiev regime. Then, to my horror, the song was just one more indistinguishable Western plastic mess. Why would Russians try to imitate fifth-rate American art? When did American performers imitate Russian art?
The Saker is right. Russia should withdraw from ESC, and stick to proper music – at which it has always excelled.
Those complaining about “plastic” and “only computer-style” shall perhaps first perform some decades of studying and do some reading in simple C programming code, such as here (yes, open the files in a text editor …) :
Then: I find Mozart completely boring . Beethooven is a bit more energetic but the only good classical music comes from Tchaikowsky. On the other hand I like not only Soviet March, Russian pop, dance and folk music, but even Bosnian and UKrainian folk.
Taste is different – live with it.
For example, rock music and such stuff, or Hip-Hop, I personally feel disgusted by it.
But I would never say: Oh, that’s no culture.
Such comments are – well – also of little cultural value.
Language: Russia needed to sing in English, because of the 200 Million audience probably only a fraction understands Russian.
Not participating: As written before, that would look like “yes, we are guilty”.
For this reason – it was the best what could happen.
Especially the vote rigging that the jury performed on the basis of the phone votes:
Russia down 2 places from #1 to #3
Ukraine up 1 place from #2 to #1
Australia(!) up 2 places from #4 to #2
Well – what else could show better how the EU thinks about democracy, political independence and fair elections?
Especially in correlation with what really happened in 1944 (although hardly anybody knows anything about any single aspect of that) :
I didn’t know anything about Euro-vision until now. How does it compare with American Idol?
It’s no secret that I love Bob Dylan. But you’ve got me thinking about his downside, and of course my own.
Interesting about movies being more sophisticated. I mostly avoid them out of fear of catching the virus of our cult-culture age.
This is just the immoral mess that Europe and all the West has become.
Way way back now, the unrepeatable duo, UK’s Ice Dancing champions Torvill and Dean recounted how, in one olympics after their unforgettable Gold performance in the previous, they were essentially told that the Gold would go to East Germany in a recognition of the recent unification. Unable to believe that sport was that corrupt they went on and gave of their best which was clearly better than any other – everyone watching could see that. Nevertheless, they got Silver, East Germany Gold.
They left the sport, for commercial performances!!
These things have been subject to politics and manipulation almost from the beginning of their life in the current age of the world. They are part of a “dark Yuga” age, when all things evil end up ruling, and true values are, for a while, lost to mainstream.
Russia, and anyone with any semblance of self respect, should stay out of them.
But as Russia is a free country, anyone who want to join are allowed to do so – and this should remain.
I wish they could see for themselves how they are letting their country be spat on for a personal goal though.
“But as Russia is a free country”
If Russia is a “free” country why is it not still part of the USSR since they voted for no dissolution?
Eurovision is a very popular song show in europe.
Americans dont understand this.
But its very popular. Its all about national prides and friendly competition.
It was set up to amence friendly competitions, to build brudges and unite and have fun.
And all type of political was supposed to be very offlinit in the show.
Thats why no flags from not international recognized countries, no songs about political/disagreements, etc.
Songs can be song in one of the main languages (english, french, or?) or own native language.
The ukranian contribution was a very _clear_ violation of several of these strict rules.
Eurovision was supposed to be free from politics.
But in the latest years it has been abused to be used as political instrument to stick pills of political correct transgenderism, anti-russian, etc.
1. Ukraine song should have been disqualified.
2. The european people voted for Russia as number1. (Popular votes).
The “jury” overruled it to be Ukraine nr1. (But its camuflaged good for the majority of people, since it shows jury votes first, and then just builds people-vote on top of it. So almost noone saw the real breakdown of what the people actually voted for.
The full breakdown is available on the ESC website.
Ukraine phone vote gave 12 points to Russia and Russian phone vote gave 10 points to Ukraine.
Says it all really.
I wonder if any group sang:
“It’s Springtime for Stalin in Russia, winter for the Ukraine and Latvia…”
Of course the Eurovisio song contest is nowadays pure s*** and revolting in such a degree that you have to take short pauses to watch it through to end. Songs are ridiculous and the way of life what the competition openly promotes has its blood and flesh in the character of Conchita Wurst.
But you have to keep in mind that this competition had and still has certain prestige in the minds of millions of Europeans. It has collected huge audiences since 1956.
There were time when you had to deliver contesting songs on your native language. Though most of the songs were rather ”low budget” carage-sound twitters there was something real and genuine interest to familiarise each other, different cultures and music – nationalism in a good way was strongly present.
Homosexuals and commercialism came much later to dominate the song contest (I don’t know exactly when, because I didn’t watch the show about a couple of decades. I’m only recently began watch it again. Not because of its artistic level but because of the dirty politics you may have it useful to be aware of).
Nevertheless the contest is still very popular and has about 200 000 000 viewers on live broadcasting. Therefore its political significance is huge when utilised. The next competition is to be held in Kiev and Ukies are surely going to have a ”ball” on Russians expense – regardless if the Russian are in or out. There is nothing you can do about it, but in my view it’s better to know what your enemy is doing than just simply shut your eyes and deny its significance.
“I have always found it embarrassing that Russian singers (I would not call them ‘artists’) participated into this imbecilic display of kitsch and bad taste”
Excellent verdict. Russia could simply rely on “Pussy Riot” year after year if she wanted to host this Euro-trash Feces Festival forever.
Now that the Ukros have been blessed to host next year’s screamfest — no doubt something that should be right up the alley of Bandera Nazi scum — I wouldn’t put it past their foreign sponsors to blackmail Russia to finance the rubbish, or else there will be ‘consequences’ with regard to, say, the FIFA World Cup the year after.
I also have to agree wholeheartedly with Auslander’s assessment:
“The ‘uproar’ over this truly horrid ‘music competition’ is ridiculous and that’s a vast understatement. Are most of you so sheltered, so unknowing of the world as it is today that you have not noticed the steadily increasing cultural, economic and monetary attacks on Russia?”
My feelings exactly. I haven’t paid any attention whatsoever to this sub-standard non-event for decades. However, coming to think of it, now that “political music” suddenly is allowed, it would feel tempting to try a practical joke on these Ukros: imagine the Russians competing with Bandera Rossa — total confusion guaranteed on the part of Bandera’s disciples!
And what about the same song performed in all the languages!
Next year’s Eurovision Historical Grievance Contest entries already decided:
Germany: Dolchstoss!
France: Verdun
UK: Dunkirk
Netherlands: Hunger Winter
Denmark: Model Protectorate
Norway: Help!
Sweden: Neutral (well, officially)
Finland: Winter War
Belgium: Oh, no, not again
Switzerland: Let Us Look After Your Gold
Poland: Shot by both sides
Greece: Stabbed in the back (thanks for nothing Churchill)
Israel: Shoah (Infinite reprise)
etc, ad nauseam.
Can’t wait.
Europe will get a slap in the face next year when they realise that thieving Ukie oligarchs have stolen all the money and the Eurovision takes place in the burned out ruins of Kiev.
In the next episode, Russia won’t be allowed to compete in the next Olympics.
I read sometime ago that there are a few Scandinavian guys who are the stars of this programmatic music. It was also interesting to hear that quite a few of the Eurovision songs had been composed by Swedes – for example Azerbaijan’s.
The Eurovision Song Festival is an acquired taste. It has been there longer than me. It has a lot of peculiarities that after the years become part of the fun. Most of its songs and even most of its winners are soon forgotten. But is interesting to see how much effort each country is putting in selecting a song and what comes out of it.
The song festival has always had its share of politics. Over the years the votings patterns always tend be rather similar: Scandinavian countries voting for each other, Greece and Cyprus voting for each other, etc.
It was a shame that the Ukrainian song was accepted as it was obviously political. However, if you leave the political aspect out the story behind the song is just that little extra that makes a song stand out and that attracts votes. That is how things work. As for the performance, I found the visual aspects of the Ukrainian song stronger than its musical aspects,
2017 Eurovision
Russia sings a song in Kiev about Russian Crimeans killed by the local Tatar collaborators on behalf of the Nazis. How can anyone object after 2016?
I especially like this short video from the same source as the one in the article:
There is nothing left of Europe’s culture.
I am constantly amazed that Russia cares. The West’s leaders of government and media hate Russia.
Prepare well for war. Improve your economy. Stay faithful to your culture and civilization.
The disease next door is terminal. It kills its carriers. Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Western Europe will all die of their ideology and actions.
Maybe you noticed that many (most?) normal Europeans on the street are not against Russia?
You want to nuke them, too?
That’s not Russia’s style.
Putin knows about the growing disparity of pseudeo-“elite” vs. normal people.
He lived long enough in communist East-Germany and btw. understands/speaks fluent german.
That’s the problem: It’s not black/white.
Larchmonter said nothing about nuking anyone, he simply said ‘prepare well for war’ and on that subject he is spot on. The economic, cultural and military damage done to Russia with the disintegration of SSSR was catastrophic and is not yet completely reversed but the massive work is ongoing. There is a small but very vocal section of the populace who are very pro west and an even smaller section that is unabashedly fifth columnists. The fifth columnists would be well advised to mend their ways, I see changes coming and at least in this little backwater village the changes will be welcomed with dancing in the pot holed streets.
The eurotrash self gratification festival is but a momentary buzzing of an annoying fly that is best ignored by all. There are far more important events ongoing that need rapt attention than this multi gender bacchanalia.
Author, Never The Last One, a small view in to the vast Russian Culture
Dear Mr. Auslander,
“””””cultural and military damage done to Russia with the disintegration of SSSR was catastrophic and is not yet completely reversed but the massive work is ongoing.”””””
whom are you telling this?
Of course I not only fully agree, but I’m one of those who are reminding this forum on this fact quite frequently.
One of my main problems is actually, that I meanwhile have my doubts, if RF is honestly attempting to (at least begin to) reverse this process. “Massive work is ongoing”??? Maybe militarily, which is certainly important. But I don’t see the income disparity getting dealt with. Rather in contrast Putin now even continues the privatization of valuable public state property.
Privatization Is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia — Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson
Also I cannot see any evidence (what are the Gold purchases for as long as the central bank stays under B.I.S. and therefore under Rothschild control?)
Rouble Nationalization – the Way to Russia’s Freedom
Your excellent books: Tnx, I’m already one of your Kindle customers.
But unfortunately I don’t see the CCCP getting re-created.
See my countless other rants, such as here: http://thesaker.is/victory-day-parade-on-the-beautiful-square-in-moscow/#comment-235854
Much more important than the question if Russia should or shouldn’t take part in this ESC would have been to forbid and IP-Filter block Facebook, Twitter and other spying and color revolution networks. Also note that yandex, mail.ru and vkontakte are Oligarchy owned.
At this point it is too late for rescuing the youth, any way. Would it now be only proposed to block Facebook, there would be a Maidan this evening all over Russia. Folks are mentally ill slaves of the american way of death, err, life.
What the Soviet Union really needs: Re-Education of the youth!
See my posts at http://thesaker.is/dying-to-dive-underwater-search-for-serenity-with-worlds-top-freedivers/
And if you didn’t watch it, have a look: http://thesaker.is/china-and-russia-prepare-for-a-hot-war-with-eurangloland/#comment-237395
With that youth as I showcased in the diving comments Russia really has other problems than this ridiculous ESC …
For some reason the Saker and most others had nothing at all to say about this.
Rather to the contrary: They object to my justified unhappiness and criticism in terms of slow progress e.g. _no_ return to the Soviet Union, at least I cannot find much evidence for it.
I said many times:
A) Complete the Swift alternative, finally
B) Nationalize the Central Bank
C) Outlaw private ownership of >= 1 Million Dollars
D) Everything falling beyond {C} is gets public state property, used for the public benefit!
E) Oligarchs into work camps, they can turn wheels there to generate electricity, get 100Gramm bread and 1 Liter of water per day
i tak dalee
“””””disintegration of SSSR was catastrophic and is not yet completely reversed but the massive work is ongoing.”””””
Гражданская Оборона – Всё идёт по плану (Клип)
Russia and Ukraine are part of The Soviet Union.
Crimea is Russia.
Mainland Ukraine is Russia. So either way the RSFSR won. LOL
An “opposition voice” here.
Every self-described cultural elitist will instinctively denounce the Eurovision Song Contest as “euro-trash”, “lgbt”, “kitsch” and what not. Fact is that Eurovision is a truly global mega-event and wildly popular, also in Russia; this year even the Chinese and Americans were able to watch the event live, as passive bystanders and Europe being the center of the world. Again, like in the good old days of 1492-1939. The 200 million live viewers globally from 2015 will likely be topped. Russia would be mad to abandon this event and since Russia isn’t mad, they won’t.
It is indeed telling that the world’s #1 in classical music, Germany (Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Haendel, Liszt, Schuman, etc, etc.) almost always ends up nr last in this trashy but for the rest rather harmless event; they should see it as a badge of cultural honor. And frankly, I haven’t seen any lgbt-propaganda whatsoever.
And please save me these conspiracy theories that the vote was rigged, by the EU no less. English bookmakers, who have no lost love for the EU and had their own money at stake, have consistently predicted that it would be a close race between Russia, Ukraine and Australia, exactly as it happened:
The Russian population understands very well that the European population has no issues with Russia, witnessing the score points (Russia highest again), in contrast to EU officialdom, who act as and are US satraps.
English may be currently the language of the New World Order, but that doesn’t mean that the NWO will have much of a future, just as much as that Latin is still taught in Europe’s gymnasiums, 1600 years after the demise of that great Roman Empire. What is currently happening in America with Donald Trump could mean that the NWO will be over by next year. The rise of Donald Trump is the reflection of European-America’s disgust with the geopolitical behavior (and blundering) as well as with the policy of mass-immigration as implemented by Washington. The US global empire is living on borrowed time and will either be terminated by Donald Trump or else simply collapse and descend into civil war in North-America. Pat Buchanan, the American Andrei Amalrik, gives the US until 2025:
Paul Craig Roberts has recently repeated his earlier prediction that the US will be a third world country by 2024. In hindsight, the neocons 1991 Unipolar Moment will prove to be just that: a moment. In a world with depleting resources, the whole Anglo-Soviet idea of eternal (material) Progress will be over and a rethinking will set in and a re-appreciation of traditional values, already occurring in the Islamic world, will take place.
Although the radar images are not yet in, apparently Ukraine won this year. Or should we say Crimea? Since Crimea Tatars are Crimean, despite Stalin’s best efforts to change that factoid, according to ESC rules, next year’s contest should be held in Sevastopol or Simferopol. Or even better: in Yalta. What an unbelievable opportunity this is for the EU to exploit this situation to finally enforce Minsk2 on the two combatants.
How about this proposal: Russia and EU agree on a substantial debt reduction for Ukraine, provided Kiev agrees that ESC-2017 will be held in Crimea, to be paid for by Russia. The event will be too expensive for Kiev anyway, unless they decide to organize the contest by Skype. The event will be hosted by a Ukrainian and Russian moderator couple, who are both committed to Russian-Ukrainian reconciliation and Minsk-2.
Although many Russofiles here think that the EU is interested in a prolonged conflict with Russia, the truth is that apart from George Soros groupie Merkel, this is not the case. Most EU-countries (including France and Italy and a substantial number of German politicians) have indicated that they want to see sanctions lifted, sanctions that originate from Washington and nowhere else:
“[35:08] Throughout we’ve given Putin a simple choice: Respect Ukraine’s sovereignty or face increasing consequences. That has allowed us to rally the world’s major developed countries to impose real cost on Russia. It is true they did not want to do that. But again, it was America’s leadership and the President of the United States insisting, oft times almost having to embarrass Europe to stand up and take economic hits to impose costs. ”
Yes Russia is entitled to despise European geopolitical weakness, but you cannot accuse them of being interested in war, unlike the Nuland-bunch. Minsk-2 was and is a sincere European effort to attempt to end hostilities.
Picture this wild, wild possibility: president Donald Trump arriving in Yalta in May 2017, received by Vladimir Putin and an enthusiastic Crimean population and the mayor of Yalta leading a charming little ceremony to have Trump named a street after him:
It could be a fantastic opportunity to bury Yalta-1945 once and for all and the Anglo-Soviet world domination with it and pave the way for a Eurasian Century where Greater Europe and China are going to be the new leaders in and guardians of an identitarian multi-polar world.
Kind regards,
Hello to the Netherlands, if you don’t believe in rigging, what’s _that_ then?? Explanation???
The ESF link to the Russia song can been seen perfectly, at least in Holland.
OK, let’s be more modest, I can’t prove that the ESF vote was rigged or not;
I can just notice that the popular vote was very much in line with the bookmakers predictions so the end result can’t be a surprise.
It is easy to see that all three major contestants were a potential embarrassment for the EBU; Australia because it is not European but rather antipodes, although some seem to differ:
Russia is a little bit of an embarrassment considering the (artificial) tensions, produced mainly by the West. But Ukraine is the biggest embarrassment of them all. They are dead broke and unable to produce an event that can stand in the shadow of that flashy show as presented by ESF country #1 Sweden. EBU no doubt would have preferred France, Ireland or Norway, not Kiev.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
> The ESF link to the Russia song can been seen perfectly, at least in Holland.
That’s interesting(ly insane) by them.
Here is the proof that it really had that blockaded for about 30 hours, in the USA it was also impossible to watch it:
Now however it immediately starts playing here (same Computer, same FireFox and OS, not even rebooted).
Either they received too many complaints or they attempted to ban it for a while in countries where the most up-voted (on yt) came from. Before the blocking there were hardly at any time more than 10% of down-votes, now this increased. Maybe in Ukraine and Grusinia it was possible to watch it all the time.
> http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2015/02/australia-joining-the-eurovision-song-contest-so-something-in-europe-is-going-right/
Perfectly monitored, it has indeed turned into a political barometer.
BTW, as far as I have heard Germany votes 12 points to Israel every time, so it is nice they also did this at least once (it’s their colony anyway).
> EBU no doubt would have preferred France, Ireland or Norway, not Kiev.
Kiev? I thought Sevastopol (lol) ?
Mit freindlichen Gruessen
> Mit freindlichen Gruessen
err, darn spelling errors.
Of course:
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
(maybe a halfway german-speaking polish jew would say it as misspelled at first)
p.s. I might want to add: Whenever I go to youtube – whatever search string I enter – (for some months) they show Anti-Russia, Anti-Putin and pro-Ukraine videos. Under the links it reads “Recommended for you” (which is not shown under the real search results).
As for the rigging vs. not: Even if they didn’t falsify any counters directly, indirectly they are doing so all the time via all of their mouthpieces.
And: Very openly and clearly the Jury-vote was exactly _not_ in sync with viewer’s ratings and poll expectations.
They openly manipulated the results for Australia (up 2), Ukraine (up 1) and Russia (down 2) with their so called Jury vote. Which is ridiculous also because Mini-states such as San Marino have the same voice as the 80 Millions of Germans (same problem with all real EU votes).
Let’s add that Australia, Israel, Azerbaidschan(? hard to say) and especially Australia should not qualify for participation in the first place, because they simply do not belong to Europe.
And Ukraine clearly broke the rules of not coming with a political song.
BTW, Crimea is not part of Ukraine – so – Russia had 2 participants (they should fix that error in their ESC results page).
I know nothing of Angela Merkel’s political affiliations, but for a “George Soros groupie”, as you say, she certainly receives a lot of negative press. GS groupies seem not to, generally speaking. I thought that was the main reason to be a George Soros groupie.
In fact, I understand that Mr. Soros may be heavily invested in China (and Russia, I heard recently) so he may actually support your vision of a “Eurasian Century where Greater Europe and China are the new leaders”. He might even say that himself!
“Every self-described cultural elitist will instinctively denounce the Eurovision Song Contest as ‘euro-trash’, ‘lgbt’, ‘kitsch’ and what not. Fact is that Eurovision is a truly global mega-event and wildly popular, also in Russia; this year even the Chinese and Americans were able to watch the event live, as passive bystanders and Europe being the center of the world. Again, like in the good old days of 1492-1939”
Haha, what total rot. Take my word for it: Not only is the ESC utterly euro-trash, lgbt, and kitsch all along the line. As for me, I would also like to add the hotly contested notion of “cultural marxist” to its demerits. To wit: Political reaction — as in all other Western advertising — wrapped in vulgar, cosmopolitan anti-culture. By deliberately promoting the Banderites, its popularity should be dwindling fast in Russia.
Regarding your pride in Europe’s colossal achievements in the form of the ESC bringing back a glorious bygone age: Care to come up with a catchy tune and some catchy rhymes? The Ukro-trash in 2017 will love it almost as much as their revered Bandera. Being a Dutch, be sure to include something about MH17.
Lots of luck (not).
“Although many Russofiles here think that the EU is interested in a prolonged conflict with Russia, the truth is that apart from George Soros groupie Merkel, this is not the case.”
Are you sure that you know Europe well? Scandinavian countries are VERY russophobic these days. And Europe considers them as its most advanced and progressive countries, that should be followed and emulated by anyone else.
Just recently there was Obama – Nordic countries meeting, that was about “russian agression”.
A new radar and US military equipment were stationed in Norway, there are US military drills right now in Finland.
Countries like Sweden are heavily invested in the Baltics and are leading the “Eastern EU Initiative” together with Poland.
So there is a huge number of russophobic forces in the EU, Germany + Britain + Eastern Europe + Scandinavia + Brussels. The EU Parliament for example is highly russophobic and recently urged for Russia to be kicked out of the SWIFT banking payment system.
I mean people expected anything else? You have to take the long view, it’s going to be so funny watching the nazi freaks put on a show next year whilst they can’t even afford to feed their own people, I wonder if the EU will bung them a few 100 million €€€s which they can embezzle before putting the show on in an old theatre somewhere. Its gonna be great seeing Kiev try to hide all the ukronazis under the carpet whilst the gay/transgender/women with beards and men with boobs all compete for shit song of the year. How are the west going to explain that one eh? As I said to many a ukraine over the weekend, you’re starving and on drip feed from the IMF because of the US not the Russians, maybe they’ll pay for a decent show to parade the freakos with the freakos. I might even watch it with the sound up next year. Maybe Russias entry next year should consist of an eastern ukraine/crimean choir singing a song about having their housing projects bombed by drunken conscripts and getting the electricity supply cut off during winter?
Allow me to submit a list of songs and videos here that in my opinion is more deserving to be shown at that “Eurovision”.
I will first submit an international part
神圣的战争 Священная война The Sacred War
Trio Fado “Mae Preta”
Barbatuques – Baianá
Divna Kostic – Oci cornije
Halyard Mission
Luke Kelly – Scorn Not His Simplicity
† Divna Ljubojević – Angelskij Sobor †
Christian Singer Honors Hezbollah in Stunning 2013 Concert Performance (many thanks to whoever posted this in Vineyard for me to find it)
Cigani Ivanovici – Dve Gitare
Mongolian Throat Singing-Batzorig Vaanchig
Mother of Syrian soldier visits him on the frontline after 5 years of war (this one especially should be shown)
В путь! Вежливые люди!
Игорь Растеряев. Весна
Part II
Now something which needs knowledge of Serbian language to understand. I hope that those who understand it will enjoy but i call even those who do not to try and enjoy also.
Nervozni postar – Oj djevojko pod brdom ( I always liked mesh of old with something new, in my view it is the only way to preserve and continue the old-keeping it alive and not sterile and forgotten. Good guitar never hurt anything either)
Smak – Marš na Drinu & Tekla reka Lepenica & Oj Moravo & Užičko kolo
Grupa Iskon – Oj livado rosna travo
Кулин Бан – Жали Заре, да жалимо
Glamocko gluvo kolo (action start at 2m20s)
Ђура Јакшић – Јевропи (this one should be translated in english, it is old but actual now just as it was in times it was written. It is quite appropriate to this Euro joke )
Sevdah Takht Damira Imamovića – Srdo moja
Josipa Lisac – Omer beze
Amira Medunjanin – Omer beže (less traditional version with more than a hint of jazz)
Amira Medunjanin & Boško Jović – Ah sto cemo ljubav kriti
Pitao sam malog puza- Saban Bajramovic
Nedim – Bombaj Stampa
Zvonko Bogdan A ti,ti se neces vratiti ( My favourite singer since childhood)
Nebojša Brkić : ” ROĐEN U KOLONI ”
Part III
This part i would like to dedicate to my brothers in Montenegro.
Srpski Guslar Djordjije Koprivica – Janko Vukotic ( This one is singing about heroic sacrifice of our brothers and one brave sister- Vasilija, that helped Serbian army successfully retreat in 1916 and to later return to liberate our country. We owe you an eternal debt for your heroic sacrifice. Spartans are nothing compared to you!)
Narodni guslar Đorđije Koprivica-Jelena ( This one beats Romeo and Juliet in my book any day)
Smrt popa Mila Jovovica
Dragan, Big thanks for these beautiful songs from Serbia!
I knew many of them, but not yet all.
Martin, those songs are not just from Serbia. There are many from other parts of ex Yugoslavia. We shared much in that state, that sharing was one good part during those times. I am glad you liked them.
That’s right. I just didn’t want to revive our quarterly Yugoslavia debate, that’s why I simply said Serbia.
The first songs were from the Red Army with yugoslavian (serbian/mne’grian/croatian/bosnian) subtitles.
Yes, the good old times.
And some very sad songs among them (such as the Hello Mama/Afghanistan).
I bet next years ESC would accept it to start a new round of Anti-Russian rhetoric.
Unlikely though that they will mention the USA’s role in Afghanistan …
Hillary Clinton: We created Al-Qaeda to fight the Soviets
Always remember that the EU’s other name is the Fourth Reich.
Not only its name.
The plans for today’s EU date back to the 1930ties.
And old Nazi Hallstein put them into reality after 1945.
Jamala’s parents live happily in Russian Crimea
Interesting, I wanted to listen to Russia’s ESC song again and also wanted to verify how the score developed.
Now however what I get is only this:
“””””The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
Sorry about that”””””
… on the _official_ ESC channel:
LIVE – Sergey Lazarev – You Are The Only One (Russia) at the Grand Final
So if the man from the Netherlands http://thesaker.is/russia-gets-a-much-deserved-slap-in-the-face-saker-rant/#comment-237807 says he doesn’t want to hear (what he clalls) “conspiracy theories” anymore about “vote rigging”, maybe he can explain to me how it can be possible that only 2 and a half days after publication this video (Video #1 in watcher-voting and official #3) got already blocked and I cannot watch if in one of the decades long traditional core-ESC countries (also financing a lot of it until this day) anymore ….. ??!
Update: The clip has now been unlocked again and can be watched from at least (confirmed) Netherlands and Germany.
I wrote a longer reply to Dutch, but it may take some time until it gets through moderation as reply to http://thesaker.is/russia-gets-a-much-deserved-slap-in-the-face-saker-rant/comment-page-1/#comment-238103
I would actually be ashamed at all this pity, if I was a Ukranian.
In that case, you would be the exception that proves the rule. Really, the Ukros hold “European values” in very high regard.
Honestly speaking people don’t know much about history of popular music and classical music. For instance Mozart, Schubert,Vivaldi or Schubert were not really classical music. Instead they were pop music of that time or as we keep saying in my country “light entertainment music” . The original classic music is – Church music. The core of our culture is in old Christian church and it’s beautiful music.
I asked few years ago of educated and appreciated Finnish cantor about this issue and he confirmed that truth. Old church music (Medieval and little bit later) is the real original classical music.
I disagree. It was a great opportunity not just to show the members of the anti-Russian establishment voting bloc which voted 132-0 against Russia, but the disconnect with its people who voted 149-148 (virtually even) for Russia (even with constant anti-Russian propaganda and fearmongering). It also showed up quislings like Serbia whose jury voted 12-1 for Ukraine but whose people were overwhelmingly for Russia.
See https://ludwitt.wordpress.com/2016/05/16/analysis-and-conclusions-from-the-eurovision-2016-voting-an-initial-look/ for an analysis
Euro-revision? Over 350,000 sign petition demanding recount for Eurovision 2016 Song Contest
Thousands have signed an online petition calling for the results of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest to be revised. The petition laments national juries’ votes interfering with the popular opinion, granting victory to Ukrainian entry Jamala.
The petition ‘Make Eurovision Song Contest revise the results of the song contest 2016’ was submitted by user Arthur Hovhannisyan, from the Armenian capital, Yerevan, two days ago and targets the European Broadcasting Union.
The author insists that the final outcome of the winning places went against the actual will of the contest’s viewers.
Hovhannisyan writes in his petition that he is speaking on behalf of “the fans who do not agree with the results from Eurovision song contest.” Although he realizes the difficulties of jury voting and televoting process as being “hard and emotional one,” he nevertheless stressed that too many people cannot agree that this year’s official winner should have really been granted victory.
“We have no doubt on the justice and privacy of contest that’s why we think that there’s a need to revise the results,” Hovhannisyan concludes.
As of Tuesday noon the petition has got over 350,000 of signatories, far surpassing the threshold after which the Change.org resource is to send an official statement to the petitioned body.
The results of the music contest will not be reconsidered, the European Broadcasting Union said in a statement issued after its officials had discussed the petition.
“Ukraine is, and will remain, the winner of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. Whether you agree or disagree, we call upon those who signed this petition to embrace the result, valid in accordance with the rules, and to continue a constructive dialogue about how to further strengthen and improve the Eurovision Song Contest,” Sputnik cited the statement as saying.
On Saturday night, Ukrainian singer Jamala won the 2016 Eurovision song contest in Stockholm, Sweden, with a controversial piece about Stalin’s deportation of Crimean Tatars.
Russia was in fifth position after the professional juries’ vote, but when it came to the televote, European and Australian viewers clearly preferred the Russian song, and Sergey Lazarev got the best score. Still, the Russian entry managed only third place due to the newly-introduced voting system.”””””
The Eurovision contest decision was an example of the Euro-American “soft power” war against Russia.
The only good thing about this decision is that this propaganda attack may have blown up in the Euro-Americans’ faces, with the petition signed by over 350,000 people denouncing the choice to give the prize to Jamala.
The West’s Soft Power Cultural Aggression
I agree that they deserve a slap in the face for participating in this disgusting farce. But there is a more serious reason why they deserve a slap in the face. It is the groveling to Americans in Geneva, recently their proposals were rejected by muricans because”Russia supports Assad” so there cannot be any collaboration until they change their stance. What is Russia expecting from this farce? THey are legitimizing the illegal invasion of Syria by murica. Everybody here knows what the real agenda of murica is, yet Saker wrote about Russian achieving the goal of “political compromise”. Which would be the sides compromising? THe legitimate Syrian government supported by the immense majority of the population and…?Whoever murica decides is a “moderate rebel”. We know that this is propandistic fiction, the only good terrorist is the dead terrorist. While Russia talks, Syrians in goverment held Aleppo are being decimated hy hellfire missiles, just look at the graphic material posted by Russian Spring, there is a link to that in this same website.
What a fabulous rant!
Just oooooooozing disdain, d-r-r-ipping with sarcasm, and iced with a touch of faux bewilderment.
Ireland has won this comepettytion (misspelling intended!) I think around three times at least. How totally embarassing. The last time, everyone complained about the cost of hosting this spectacular display of muzak and aural/visual torture. Like tax-funded state TV (RTE) isn’t bad enough…..
The last Irish entrant I noticed (some years ago) was a stuffed turkey called ‘Dustin’ (named after Dustin Hoffman in honour of his big nose.) There was a degree of annoyance from the organizers that Dustin and his supporters (legion) were frankly ‘taking the mick’ and less than respectful to the ‘spirit of Eurovision’. The organizers were perfectly right…the ‘song’ itself involved about three notes, a machine-gun ‘beat’ and Dustin’s immortal vocals (imagine a rapper that gobbles like a Turkey in a rough Dublin accent….)
Thanks for the much-needed laugh Saker!
Metal is a great alternative
Russia got a much deserved lesson in hypocrisy.
That’s a quote of the day