2020/07/12 13:00:02
Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day.
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Polly put out an important video yesterday:
Maxwell, Epstein and the Control of Science since WW2
92,105 views•Jul 11, 2020
It goes into “the systems analysis” virus that infected both the USSR and the West at the same time……..through a specific GERMAN group, she documents………almost immediately after WW II.
This topic has been on my radar since 1981….and I sent her an email with an article attached…from that year.
No sense reinventing the wheel….if much discovery and research has already been done, carry the work forward!
My knowledge of the subject goes back earlier….and shows that like virtually everything to do with NAZI’s..the real “Idea Men” were British Empire Men……..in the case of IIASA (International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis) especially.
Let’s see if Polly answers first….before I share the article here.
There is the curious case of Hjalmer Horace Greeley Schacht, the NAZI finance minister with the name of a prominent Yankee — not sure what to make of that. If nothing else the name hints at substantial networking prior to Dulles, to say the very least. Joseph Farrell has written a book The NAZI International which I haven’t read, but his book on 9/11 which I have read has some interesting GERMAN connections.
What Was Operation Paperclip?
Updated: Mar 4, 2020 – Original: Jun 2, 2014
This controversial top-secret U.S. intelligence program brought Nazi German scientists to America to harness their brain power for Cold War initiatives.
by Laura Schumm
May I invite you to read a very interesting article on the sidelines of Sputniknews: https://sputniknews.com/columnists/202007111079847118-jcpoa-the-deal-that-wasnt/
Author Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich states that the whole JCPOA deal was a trap from the beginning. And failed again.
(Funny, that as stated in the article, negotiation members were so charmed by EU representative Federica Mogherini. I’ve read multiple witness statements that she is manic-depressive. Comfortable thought…)
Cheers, Rob
Interesting read, a pathologist claims that Covid-19 is not lethal (let’s say not as lethal as portraid): https://principia-scientific.org/top-pathologist-no-one-has-died-from-the-coronavirus/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed:+psintl+(Principia+Scientific+Intl+-+Latest+News)
Now, I lack the professional knowledge to have a sound opinion on this.
What I do know, however, is that in decades no one managed to produce a good working vaccine against RNA-based viruses (like, HIV, SARS, Ebola). So, I don’t know what Bill Gates is brewing in his labs, but I don’t want to get injected with it – from this creepy Agenda 2030 bloke.
Cheers, Rob
Absolutely agree with your last paragraph, but as the below link points out there are a host of inaccuracies in the principia-scientific article.
Also Rob
And an interesting article by W Haseltine that backs up your observations in your last paragraph…
…quote from…https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/lessons-for-covid-19-from-the-early-days-of-aids/
“My hunger for a vaccine is as strong as the next person’s. My experience, however, tells me that hope for a quick COVID-19 vaccine may prove as misplaced as our hope for a quick HIV vaccine 36 years ago. I don’t doubt that it is possible. But while we wait on a scientific breakthrough, we should not lose sight of the solutions that are more easily within our grasp.”
…and also from…https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jir/2018/5473678/
“RNA viruses constitute an important threat to human health around the globe. Several RNA viruses are pandemic and infect hundreds of millions around the world leading to the death of millions of people every year. These viruses include the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Ebola virus, Zika virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza viruses, yellow fever virus, dengue virus, rhinoviruses (common cold), human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I), poliovirus, and measles virus. Currently, no vaccine or specific treatment is available for many of these viruses and some of the available vaccines and treatments are not highly effective.”
There is talk, and its is only talk, that the children are not overly affected by the virus, which means that they can carry the virus but are not affected by it. So, should they all physically go to school, share the virus, then bring it home to mom and pops who are more affected by it, we could easily find ourselves in an endemic rather than a pandemic.
Meet the Israeli Intelligence-Linked Firm Using AI to Profile Americans and Guide US
Lockdown Policy
by Whitney Webb – July 2, 2020
Diagnostic Robotics was founded in 2017 by Kira Radinksy, Dr. Moshe Shaham and Yonatan
Amir, all of whom officially met through their affiliation (visiting professor/alumnus, professor
and alumnus, respectively) at Israel’s Technion University. The company was originally in-
tended to help hospital emergency rooms gauge and predict patient load through the use
of AI, …
It was reportedly Amir’s idea to pivot the platform for use in combating the coronavirus crisis,
with the company modifying the platform to serve as a “one-stop shop for managing the dis-
ease, an end-to-end centralized solution for Covid-19 treatment,” according to company
spokesperson Michal Kabatznik. He also added that the modifications were initially made
using the U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidance and data received from Italy and
South Korea.
Well, I still can’t hit the ball as I would like, so let me share some music.
Looking after memories on youtube, I found a piece of rarity, a Scottish singer from the 60’s whom I admired at that time :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuLxNTHtyeA Roddy McNeil (1968) – Brasov Music Festival
Roddy McNeil is a Scottish singer who participated in Brasov Music Festival of Romania in 1968. He won a popularity prize and his music had an impact upon the Romanian public. His success prompted the Romanian state music company Electrecord to bring out a vinyl disc with 4 of his best songs.
These songs are:
1.The tango of my youth
2. Lewis bridal song
3.The lovely lass of Inverness
4. To the Tatoo
Red Pill 78 takes a closer look at Wayfair and discovers that its CEO and Ghyslaine are……ahem…excuse me WERE friends:
amarynth ,,,,RP78 covers Trump at the hospital with the mask on………….minutes into that link where I’ve cued it up……..but note that masks is HARDLY the story.
The story is ….Who Are The Real Journalists???…as RP78 ably demonstrates.
Those probing Wayfair……or those MSM that want you to never consider, never face the clear evidence that Human Compromise….IS IN FACT the blackmail glue that holds the Empire Mind Control & Political Straightjacket “Inter-Empire” Discipline (SILENCE) together.
Bro 93…consider, just consider that you perhaps there is a bigger play afoot.
Beware of Mayfair: It is a diversionary trap much like the whole staged news Pizzagate was pre election in 2016.
Focus on the actual issues.
And, no, you don’t have to fire a sarcastic comment my way, but if you enjoy your cleverness, well, bring it on ( I will ignore you).
teranam13, I hope you don’t mind if I ask a question, quite genuine, no tricks, games or sarcasm, but what are the actual issues ?
See my next post below.
A good answer :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw0BuuWUVTE I Hate You Then I Love You (Duet with Luciano Pavarotti)
Pavarotti n tour with Celine Dior, from the comments :
vanessa alina
1 year ago
we live in a world where ppl dislike this piece of true art…
I would not call the duet true art, but that is a matter of personal taste, the universal lyrics, well…
The Hagia Sophia is sublime architectural feat of the ages, dedicated to the Divine Sophia, the mother and bearer of eternal wisdom. So I do think it is the greatest, actual issue of our time !
As ioan has said, a very good answer, though I appreciate your post below was multi layered.
Could the obvious attack against the divinity of feminine power in our era, be explicitly directed through the agents of the global pedophilia network ?
This seems to me to be the case, and the thousand upon many hundred thousand of predominantly younger people who are active supporters of bringing to light this blatant fact, are surely not all mesmerized victims of media porn psycho-babble needing a good rap over the knuckles with a ruler !
I like these discussions when they open up, they are helpful, thank you.
No, it is not dedicated to the “divine sophia”.
It is dedicated to the Holy Wisdom of God.
ad homien removed .. mod
If we fight here, what chance is there for the survival of this building, truly, what has happened to you ?
Sophia is not a saint, so it would not be correct to have written dedicated to St Sophia, but to the Holy Wisdom of Sophia, and known since the time when Justinian built the cathedral, as the Divine Sophia.
“Many temples of the old religion contributed to the construction of the Cathedral of the Divine Wisdom; and the edifice of Sophia was supported on the columns of Isis and Osiris, on the pillars of the Sun and Moon at Heliopolis and Ephesus.” (From Murray’s Handbook for Travelers in Constantinople, Brusa, and the Troad, London 1900, p 46)
There were 80 green marble pillars transported from the Temple of Diana at Ephesus for the Hagia Sophia !
I don’t think there needs to be anything airy fairy about the Holy Wisdom of God, or the Divine Sophia.
It is a cathedral built of stone.
Anon 2:52
Your post is confusing. I’m not sure if you’re replying to me, or if you’re the same Anon at 4:10.
Sophia is Greek for wisdom. Hagia Sophia (Ἁγία Σοφία) Means Holy Wisdom. “holy wisdom of sophia” doesn’t make sense. There is no mother or feminine power. The Holy Wisdom refers to Christ.
Anon 8:36
Ok, not to get “airy-fairy”n or to offend religious dogma. ( Christ was a man but also Divine so Sofia?…etc. etc. maybe just maybe?). Anyway enough of Christian dogma quibbling. Lived mysticism floats my boat and that is not transmitted by Power Point or Zoom session or blog posts.
Key energetic earth electromagnetic lay lines: these temples both ancient and modern were built upon them.
Fact. Significance of this fact? I do not know. That these are being laid low has deep significance at least to the demonic forces and so it bears paying attention to, don’t you think?
Let me tell a story.
Some years ago I traveled through Mexico on their excellent bus system. The idea was to see two areas .. the Mayan culture, Chichen Itza and so on, and also on the other coast, the natural weaving in Oaxhaca area. This was ‘my trip’ and I took time. In all the little villages and towns there is a RC Church but, also still evidence of a previous — call it religion’. The RC churches are generally well cared for, but, there is this old tree, or this old piece of stone fence or something .. there is something – inside the churches as well – just a something. All of the churches that I saw, was built right in the footprints of the original either in Mayan or Oaxhacan areas. One day I was in this small village and their RC church was original stone and done in a very rural style. The mayor (alcalde) of that little village came out and he was beautifully dressed in full Mayan gear – very interesting fellow, well educated. I asked him about the little stone church which obviously was not used at all – and he said the local Mayans feel that there is bad juju after the RC’s build their little stone church on that spot .. so, they don’t use it – but, they won’t break it down as it is home to RC spirits.
Yes, it bears giving attention to.
You tell ’em, tera..lol!
Politics and the human condition– scandal — is this even a story? Yes and no.
Maybe scandal itself is the story. As Hamlet begins, something is rotten in Denmark
The dam is breaking even as we speak.
Not sure that I would trust someone who vapes, in this time of pestilence.
I know, it’s a disputable source, but still: https://www.the-sun.com/news/1125847/mom-jessica-doty-whitaker-shot-dead-black-lives-matter-argument/
“Young mom, 24, shot dead ‘after telling Black Lives Matter protesters “all lives matter” during argument about movement’”
We’re growing a toxic environment. Some people might want it.
Cheers, Rob
Laments? Laments!!! How ironic especially after how Rome ( and Venice) sold out Constantinople centuries ago in the first place. So it is two down: First Notre Dame and second Sophia….this does not look good especially as the logical third target is the place of Christendom in Jerusalem. Mostafa Kemal is a’ rolling in his grave as they say and Turkey is being played by the forces of darkness inherent in that society masquerading as religion.
And Let us see how the Egypt/Turkey face off in Libya shakes out. I’m sure Lavrov is on top of that situation and can see through the subterfuge.
as it is said in the song:
teranam13, has Jerusalem not already been given away? The birthplace of the Abrahamic religions and supposedly protected by international law as an open city. Is that not number one? Don’t know, that is what came up in my head. and also …
Double double toil and trouble, fire burns and cauldron bubbles!
From memory … When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lighting and in rain. When the hurly burly’s done .. when the battle is lost and won. (No idea if my quote from memory is exactly right, but more or less).
No, the Jerusalem turmoil has not even begun yet as
1. de facto, 3 religious communities live there still. ( maybe even the Bah’ai although I think they are headquartered elsewhere in Israel)
2. the Temple Mount /Al Aqsa remains still in the hands of Islam however shaky .
Among the males here, hands up those of you who love women… ok, most of you. Hands up those, who understand them… No, no… not trying to be controversial, or provocative, just realistic. But hey… there is a cure, or way that male and female can meet and continue their experience and the more that it’s put into practice, the greater the reward, and that’s unconditional love. Impossible… what say you?
I’ve edited this poem, I like it because of the protagonist’s ‘never say die’ attitude. I’ve added the sonnet – dedicated to all women and my wife, in particular – and ‘Love Poem’ because they’re both celebrations of human, aka erotic love… In Spirit, D.
My Wayward Heart
My winter coat
is frayed and worn,
The frost is on the run;
I left my home in early Spring,
to find that wayward one.
Where the mountains rise
above the clouds,
And the firece winds they unfurl;
I caught a trail, both heart and hale,
Left by my wayward girl!
Across the valleys
blue and wide,
On through the green morass,
I came at last to Harbour Town
To seek that wayward lass.
Where did she go?
I’d come to know,
Down by the waterside;
‘Twas a sailing ship, full well equipped,
That took my wayward bride.
Across the waves,
the ocean deep,
All filled with teeming shoals;
A bridal wreath of mountain heath,
I bear my wayward soul.
And on the day
that we will meet,
will be the end of all my strife;
I know the time will surely come,
To meet my wayward wife!
The years have passed,
three score and ten,
From the day she did depart.
I will remain and one day, fain
To find my wayward heart.
My winter coat
is frayed and torn,
There’s a breach in the skies above;
I took to the road that early Spring…
To find my wayward love.
The Sleeping Cat of Love
Emerald green garlands fall to the ground,
Revealing her waist both slender and brown.
The bells on her toes softly resound,
As she slowly steps out of her papery gown.
Her eyes are dark, her mercy, sweet;
Her body it bears a hidden fruit.
Her legs are strong with long shapely feet –
The better to resume our earnest pursuit!
Her mouth and lips like some fine wine –
Rolling her “r’s” she turns on a dime.
She moves like a cat, supple of spine,
Does what she does, is always on time!
The lover’s self-replenishing cup;
Heaven’s fire in human desire.
Love Poem
burning up inside,
every thought of you
fanning those flames
the handsomest girl,
hair dark as seaweed, knows
exactly what she wants!
my lips at your ear,
pretending I want to
tell you something
wanting nothing else;
sleeping on a bed of straw
with you by my side
This post wasn’t meant for here, no matter…
And here is me thinking you’re singing poem songs to the women in this thread. Uhm, what a disappointment when I saw it is not meant for us lol. (Just messing with you Dimitar :-). But really, I also think women are wondrous creatures – but they should really not put on pink hats and march down the street showing that kind of physiological confusion. And also, let’s not go into the confusion of free love communes with hot and cold running blondes. Love is not so free methinks.
Soppy Song for you on this theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvR60Wg9R7Q
Prefer Toše’s tone, just listen to those soaring choruses…
US Navy amphibious assault ship catched fire in San Diego, explosion & injuries reported.
The ship is the USS Bonhomme Richard a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship.
Asymmetric response to the “non-explosions” claimed by Iranians in Iran?
Two fires on amphibious assault ships, one US the other China. Both seem to have a connection with Taiwan and the Pacific Theatre, very risky and much bigger war.
Bonhomme Richard is conventionally powered, but is one of just nine big-deck amphibious assault ships within the Navy’s inventory. It is a strategic and very costly asset that provides major air and amphibious power projection when operating abroad.
A fire on China’s new and quite similar Type 075 amphibious assault ship occurred last April, which drew negative attention from the international press. Evidence of the fire was quickly covered up by crews that literally painted over the smoke damage just hours after it occurred.
The Chinese Navy officially started development work on the Type 075 in 2011. The project called for a helicopter carrier displacing more than 30,000 tonnes. Its aim is likely to increase the “vertical” amphibious assault capability with the very mountainous East Coast of Taiwan in mind.
Online flight tracking software has shown a notable uptick in U.S. military aerial activity in the strategic Bashi Channel, which runs from the southern end of Taiwan to the northern tip of the island of Luzon in the Philippines, in recent weeks. A steady stream of U.S. Air Force KC-135 tankers has been seen flying in and out of this general area, which serves the main boundary between the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea. Particularly noteworthy, clusters of P-8A Poseidon and P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, and EP-3E Aries II and RC-135V/W Rivet Joint intelligence-gathering planes having also been observed operating there on many occasions over the last month or so.
All part of the Pacific Theatre-fourth comment
I think it s an accident.
This year many accidents occured in the us armed forces. A C-130 crashed in irak, a F-15 crashed in england, a F-22 and a F-35 crashed etc. Now a wasp class ship caught fire.
Accidents happen everywhere.
A french rubis class nuclear submarine caught fire in Toulon in june this year.
Same with the chinese type 075.
The kuznetsov caught fire in december 2019. A norwegian frigate collided with an oil tanker and sunk in 2018.
And the list goes on.
Thanks to a local news station 8 I watched live stream for a couple hours the burning of the USS Bonhomme Richard. Being a navy man myself on aircraft carriers and watching the USS Forestall burn in the Tonkin Gulf off North Viet Nam I felt bad watching this magnificent aircraft carrier burn from within knowing this great ship may never sail again. Notice the tug boats spraying water on the outside shell keeping it cool from the burning inferno within. Those fires you can’t put out until it burns itself out which could take days. The Forestall burned all the way to Subic Bay.
This was not an accident. As I was watching I sensed this was a mini Pearl Harbor occasion. Early Sunday morning. Most of the crew on shore including the captain with minimum crew on holiday routine. Beside that yard crew maintenance work being done meaning all hatches open. Then out of the blue an explosion. More than one. Then crew wakes up. Next thing we know is the crew abandons ship with injured. Where was the captain?
What really amazed me was the lack of activity on all the ships around the Bonhomme Richard. Just ripe for getting wiped out. If Japanese zeros were flying above it would have been a turkey shoot.
I don’t get it. We seem to be close to war with China and our navy acts like nothing can happen?
This is another reminder we are at war. This war is not like WW1 and WW2. But it is just as deadly if not more. Biological warfare going on? I wonder. Cyber attacks? Suspicious explosions going on in other countries?
At any rate the status quo of the entire planet has been disrupted.
It has been said that the U.S. is about to enter a period of uncertainty which it has never experienced in the whole history of the country, interesting times ahead.
Speaking for myself, I honestly believe that parents should be in charge of how long their children watch TV, play video games, etc. and what content they consume, not the government.
What are your opinions on such an ordinance? Do you see it as necessary, or is it a violation of personal rights?
Scandal scandal. Tucker Carlson on the hot seat as his main writer is caught spewing horribly racist commentary in a forum – a megaposter.
I wouldn’t be any rush to find myself on either side of THAT media spat.
Particularly when it comes to one of THE main “Russia, Russia, Russia!” networks… CNN.
So what’s the rush?
Big mistake to render judgment after hearing one side’s story …..in real court OR the court of Public Opinion:
After one side is done…and the other side has a chance to cross examine and present their evidence…their testimony…perceptions of what the hell is really going on can shift…….DRAMATICALLY!
Patience. It’s poker. Blink first and you lose.
Tensionaram13 is high strung but I am not sure about what……or what not?
I did not address you T13 but I did detect by my RP 78 post above ….and your cryptic reply…..that Some Thingee struck some sort of raw, irritated nerve.
That’s Interesting, but it doesn’t have to be about you and your feelings about the matter. Or mine.
Some material “speaks for itself”.
It is ONE POLITICAL factor…..not a personal matter for any of us…..or at least one so hopes!
Did I say child trafficking is the ONLY thing to the exclusion of many, many other strategic factors???
I did not.
What I said is Vox Populi…the public consciousness …at least reportedly in terms of Twitter trending is strongly on to the very weird Mayfair Story.
Anonymous asked (in my absence)….” no tricks, games or sarcasm, but what are the actual issues ?” Thank you, Anonymous….the same query came to my mind….and you T13 replied rather mysteriously, “see my next post below”.
The next post below, by you…as far as I could see, was about Hagia Sofia.
I say “mysteriously” because I don’t get how that answers the question. For example there is a bit of an unspoken inference that I am not interested in the mosque/cathedral. This is NOT true. I have even been there before….1956….after all
Or alternatively, rather than insisting that Constantinople/Istanbul should be the Great Focus of July 12, 2020 to the exclusion of what anyone else like myself might post and not the Wayfair Affair…..could it be that you are instead saying Wayfair is a TRAP??…and that to focus on it being a trap is OK but not suggesting (as I do….no “bones” about it) that it needs to be fully investigated, and learned from……as there are just too many “coincidences”….SAME AS PIZZAGATE???
If that is the case, FINE! Let’s dissect the trap….see how it was constructed, identify and blame the tricksters, clear the name of Ghyslaine’s friend CEO and caution the gullible! But you don’t do that. Yet, anyway.
It’s almost like you got burned for “believing” in Pizzagate and don’t want to ever touch any hot stove such as THAT……ever, ever again!
Well Teranam 13….my method is a bit different: I never believed it …NOR disbelieved it.
But the preponderance of evidence does force me to keep that case OPEN….and not close it as the Lamestream Media demands.
Their demands are prima facie evidence of a Damage Control Coverup…as far as I am concerned. Especially that bit about a “violence prone right wing” young man with an assault rifle barging into Comet Pizza and firing one shot into the joint’s computer’s hard drive or the floor…or whatever the story was.
MK Ultra CIA Zombie?? Entirely possible!
SO: Case still open!
Hopefully it’ll get solved early in 2021 …or disclosed…..so that those who can’t stand the suspense and caved into closing their personal file on it weeks after it happened…from peer pressure….or just unbearable suspense…and psychic disturbance …..might KNOW a great deal more of what the actual truth is/was…. and attain a more certain …and durable peace about the matter then.
In the meantime……one of the strongest pieces of evidence of foul doings re Pizzagate is the NAME of the proprietor of the place…..and the word play on Infant Lover contained in his name.
That’s a big deal to Satanists and Luciferians: Occult Mockery. Hidden In Plain Sight.
It’s their Kharmic Escape Theory. YOU (plural) “consented” because it was all displayed for you (pl) but you (pl) “chose not to see”…..ie consented. So it’s on you, plural.
I don’t choose not to see. OK???
Because I’m competitive. And Dennis got one thing right: It is …..”one-up-man’s ship”…..as he put it…. on their part…to prove to themselves that they are smarter. And therefore deserve to rule our bodies and our minds.
Well F—-K that shit!
So, back to Wayfair…and more “occulted word play”.
I did not discover it. But I certainly won’t ignore it yet……nor choose to unlearn what I have learned on this dark occulted subject, OKAY????
To wit….word play can be phonetic. A vowel like “y” can be substituted for with an “I” and a single name can be split into separate words/syllables with the consonant at the dividing point split in 2…..or doubled.
And what do you get?
Try………………. Waif Fare……
Waif = https://www.dictionary.com/browse/waif ” A person, especially a child, who has no home or friends.”
Fare= The Price or cost of the ticket (usually)…or item
.Possibly….just possibly those 5 figure Wayfair prices are not actually for throw pillows or cheap cabinets….but prices for the missing children ……those ridiculously expensive items are named after…..and if the purchase is made, the order placed….a young alive human is delivered….not some stupid pillow??.
This is not THE nail in the coffin…the Slam Dunk Court Admissible 100% Proof…..but until you or someone else can do a MUCH better job of “irrefutable proof by construction” not MSM ridicule….like the Pizzagate Obvious Hatchet Job…….sorry, peeps:
Case Still Open…..Investigation Still Ongoing…
And I will give Credit Where Credit Is Due……for a little eye-opener in that regard….right here:
Eyes Wide Shut – A look into Wayfair, Alphabet Kidz, Walmart, Amazon, Etsy
11,261 views•Premiered 3 hours ago
Weekend Warrior
I think it’s all going to get better.
21 injured as massive blaze & EXPLOSION cripple US military ship in San Diego (VIDEOS)
At Least 21 Injured in Blaze on Board Ship at San Diego Base – Photos, Videos
The ship is 70 years old. It should be preserved as a historical artifact. The Essex class were noted for their flammable problems and actually suffered more from topside damage than the pre-war classes. Why continue using these ancient boats? Money. Private capitalists still can make some dough off the public dole.
The role the ship plays in the zpc/nwo scheme of subjection is also very problematic. The purpose of usn amphibious warfare vessels is invading much weaker countries. They have zero use in peer to peer as they would be neutralized long before they could get close enough to do anything. These are modern day colonial gunboat extensions when considered in their real roles in the service of the zpc/nwo.
The ship which is burning in san diego is the bonhomme richard. It s a wasp class ship commissionned in 1998. It is 22 years old.
Another Wayfair/Wayfarer Poem…….. of a Different Type of Ambiguity
The Wayfarer by Sara Teasdale
Love entered in my heart one day,
A sad, unwelcome guest;
But when he begged that he might stay,
I let him wait and rest.
He broke my sleep with sorrowing,
And shook my dreams with tears,
And when my heart was fain to sing,
He stilled its joy with fears.
But now that he has gone his way,
I miss the old sweet pain,
And sometimes in the night I pray
That he may come again.
Of Cats and Dogs
blameless before God;
Daniel in the lion’s den,
holding court
nothing’s any good;
deep and low, a dog moaning
for it’s master
the jonquil bed;
a cat flinging itself up
chasing butterflies
the old wolf –
driven out of his pride has
become a laughing stock!
two old toms,
finally moving it on;
down on surnon street
going against nature;
even cats and dogs can get
on if they want to
Thankfully so far
The dear old moggies I know
Don’t have to wear masks..
Unmuzzled they roam
And mioaw whenever they want –
Surely it can’t last !
I was contemplating the sheer vileness of Barak Obama, who has such contempt for us he thinks he can tell us that George W Bush was a champion of the rule of law. Beware of those who can master the art of faking sincerity – surely Obama is without equal in this respect – what did Malcolm X say, they will have you loving your oppressors and hating each other ? ( I know that’s not right, but it was something like that).
I needed something to lift my mood. Happily, I stumbled upon Jonathon Pie’s series on lockdown. He’s a spoof “roving journalist ” and in this series of videos, he has been forced into self isolation because he coughed while doing a report. I have watched the first six ( they are only 5 mins or so ) and each one has made me laugh out loud. He makes some very good points too ! Take a look. God knows we all need a laugh.
Love to all,
Sand: Interesting! Pie reveals that his real name is Tom Walker.
Maybe preparing a run for office? He DOES look more serious….than BOJO. lol
It does say something about the state we’re in when a comedian has much more gravitas than both the President and the Prime Minister ! ( Or Biden the pretender / otherwise known as the Mummy. )
I’m genuinely impressed at how he can be very funny and at the same time talk about important issues in a way that “real ” journalists are unable or unwilling to do. I used to watch him a few years ago and then just got out of the habit. I think his lockdown videos are the best I’ve seen. It’s not often that a comedian can make me laugh out loud – while still being serious. He even managed some poignant moments when dealing with his son and ex wife. Brilliant.
My daughter put me on to Jonathon Pie a while back, sending me some of his clips via FB. Have to agree, while he can be rather crude, he’s mostly funny while shining a light on the absurdities of modern life and discourse.
I like the way he frames it – as a genuine “reporter” having a brief “off camera” moment of sheer frustration at the garbage he is being obliged to spiel.
Makes one wonder if there are any real ones :-)
Thanks for the link, a nice laugh to start the day [although watching a video of babies laughing hysterically at dogs playing with them was great too :-) ].
I get a – I think BLog, but it may be more a magazine site – from Russia, called Putin Today. There have been reports of some “demonstrations” in Khabarovsk, because the Governor has been arrested and charged with serious crimes, a charge which has been quite a time in being put together, so it probably has a good basis.
He is charged with creating and using an organised crime group, and planning murder.
However the demonstrations are anti-Putin, and making the absurd claim that “the people have a right to choose their Governor”. This is a purely criminal matter – no other region is making similar claims.
Now, however, one writer who was at the Kiev Maiden has written this:
Rally in Khabarovsk in support of the arrested Governor Furgal, who is accused of creating an organized crime group and murders.
“While I was writing my opinion in a telegram about the rally in Khabarsk in support of Sergei Furgal, a post came up that fully confirms my opinion — – writes varjag2007su .
“I watched several videos of the rally in Khabarovsk against the arrest of the Governor of the region, Sergei Furgal, and as a Kievan woman who has experienced and seen all the Maidan events that took place in Kiev from the inside, I can say: this is an organized rally, not a spontaneous one. Printed in the printing house posters “I am Sergei Furgal”, the video shows very clearly the centurions and foremen, who with the help of clapping over their heads or waving their fist commanded chants. I fully admit that there were enough onlookers there, as well as on the Kiev Maidan, where many came simply out of curiosity, like one of my relatives, who was taken by her boyfriend to look at the Maidan, and then they suddenly saw people falling around them. They managed to escape safely. And now the vaccination is against any Maidan. And this Khabarovsk Maidan is a crudely made fake for a “popular protest”, on which, I have no doubt — a lot of money was ” sawn off» »
The Yandex translation is pretty good, but here is the link: https://www.putin-today.ru/archives/103525?utm_source=pushworld&utm_medium=push&utm_campaign=common&utm_content=link
Remembering the disgusting display by the US and UK Ambassadors in Moscow over the issue of sexual minorities, I’m wondering if the US and Global Cabal are not starting in on Russia, to try to overthrow the Government and most of all Putin.
That recent change to the Constitution was a huge plus for Putin and a big blow to the Washington Control Freaks, most especially the clause in which Russian Law takes precedence over foreign International Law.
Perhaps worth keeping a close eye on things. I suspect they want to try and either get rid of Putin now, or make sure he has little chance of winning if he runs in 2014.
This is all I can get from the site – be good if there are any other sources anyone knows of.
Haven’t had time to assess this in any depth, but a quick glance over the morning coffee has me thinking it looks interesting.
Someone has put together an array of views which contradict the mainstream polical imposiions, and claims about the current Covid virus topic.
Could be useful source of information – I have to say, I do like their “Mission Statement” [for want of a better phrase] about their beliefs of modern medical Theory [but never forgetting the massive good works that have been achieved in many spheres,].
I guess I could say I am sharing this for dissemination, discussion, information and evaluation, without any judgement of my own, as yet.
so — there’s this thing about “Fake News”. The “True News” people, all across the American mainstream, tell us it’s from trouble makers, terrorists, and Russia, so it must be — Oh wait!!
There’s this:
Reported by “we were there” frontline medical staff. Ye Gods and Little Fishes what next? If they are not careful someone is going to slip up one day and actually tell the truth. Then what will the do?
… let’s take a music break … let rhythm flow within us …
Celso Piña – Cumbia Sobre el Rio Suena (en vivo) ft. la Orquesta de Baja California …
(Bannon’s plot ??!!) Hyper bogus HK-virologist used in attempt for anti-China-bashing-popaganda-blame-game of the dirtiest possible.
Here are those facts:distorted + omitted by FoxNews but also by TheDuran (incredible dsgusting) !!!
> A virologist who fled from Hong Kong to the USA told the “truth” about COVID-19
https: // ria.ru/20200712 / 1574226618. html
Yes, this is obvious and predictable by Rodchenkov. To fine touches. He was expected. Let’s go over with a brief analysis of this text (there is a question for RIA – can you somehow more explicitly write that this is not a RIA text, but a slightly loose translation of the text from FoxNews by Inosmi.ru?) – https: // inosmi.ru / Social / 20200711 / 247741304. html .
1. Only a Hong Kong resident who shows a US visa or passport will be allowed to board a plane in the United States. If she got on a Cathay flight on April 28 – and this is a regular flight, not some special one – she made a visa in advance. All the stories about “hurriedly escaped”, scenes at the customs “save me from krovavye kommunjaki” – fiction.
2. She is not a “respected Doctor of Science, expert virologist”, she is rather a laboratory assistant at SoPH at HKU. She has a part in scientific works (see https: // www. Thelancet.
Com / journals / laninf / article / PII .. ), but all that was done was statistics processing and visualization . This is not a person who, “in the fields”, in a protective suit, takes tests from the dying.
> According to Yan, in 2019 she was one of the first scientists in the world to study the new coronavirus. The first cove work began at the Hong Kong School of Public Health in February.
In 2019, December 30, the first Hong Kong resident wrote something about the cove – and it was a
SCMP reporter. > The virologist said that she received from her supervisor in the reference laboratory of the World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. Leo Pune the task of examining a sample of cases similar to SARS (SARS) .- Ed.).
Her supervisor worked for the same organization as she, and not for WHO. Here she lies purely – because such a task on the part of WHO would first of all be checked for fulfillment by WHO, the very fact of the existence of such a task would become public in January. WHO is a very inertial structure, tasks are collectively discussed and distributed, it is impossible to
give out a secret task and six months later to whisper about it – it is impossible.
Further, the intensity of lies there is just fierce: !!!!!!!
> While Yan tried to arrange a life in the United States, according to her friends and relatives who remained in China, they went through difficult trials.> The University of Hong Kong deleted her profile and closed her access to her e-mail inbox and Internet portals – although formally she was on an approved annual leave. In a message to Fox News, a university spokesman wrote that Yan is currently not an employee of this institution.
> “Dr. Li-Meng Yan is no longer an employee of our university,” the statement said. – Out of respect for our current and former employees, we do not disclose personal information about her. We are grateful for your understanding. ” > The Chinese Embassy in the United States told Fox News that they did not know anything
about Yan and that mainland China had heroically dealt with the pandemic.
This is an employee of the University of Hong Kong. Which took a vacation, made a visa to the USA and flew to the USA. What should the Chinese embassy know about this? Nothing at all, but what in this case? Yan didn’t return from vacation on time (it seems like 2 weeks there, and she left in April, and now July) – she was fired, so the university representative is doing everything right – states the fact that she’s no longer working here and does not disclose personal details.
By the way, her husband stayed here. Which suggests a completely different thing – that an ambitious but not-so-young lady was promised a megacareer in the United States if she helps in something in terms of propaganda. And she bit a bit and pulled.
The rest of the text – “as I know a friend of mine, working right here in Wuhan, winked significantly and said that they were forbidden to say something, but oh what will happen
now, and pulled a mask [Petrosyan] on his face” – astronomical nonsense and revelations of Rodchenkov as under the carbon paper.
Constant references in the text “as all my relatives will be surely killed and eaten by the Chinese cops, as all my friends are terribly afraid of reprisals, as a Hong Kong activist living in the USA advised me to flee to the USA, otherwise they will certainly kill as usual in China”
they turn “sensational” material, so sucked from the finger, into very dull propaganda.11
=== from kamentov ===
A bit of materiel according to the situation.
The Hong Kong School of Public Health is an organization under HKU that promotes everything new in terms of health and medicine among the masses. This is the level of “at MSU there are courses where senior students tell interesting things about mathematics to senior students.” Other organizations may refer to such people in scientific works, but this does not mean that what they do is a custom-made scientific work.
=== more ===
> HKU confirmed in a statement issued on Saturday that Yan was a post-doctoral fellow and former staff member who has now left the university.
> But it said the content of the Fox News report “does not accord with the key facts as we understand them.”
> “Specifically, Dr Yan never conducted any research on human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus at HKU during December 2019 and January 2020, her central assertion of the said interview,” the statement said.
Those. that she worked since February – no one argues; all medical universities in Hong Kong were involved in the work at that time. Massively. For science, prestige, “who is the first”, and so on. Completely domestic academic competition. But to deceive “… but in fact, they secretly whispered to me in December, but only the commies would have shot me for it,
and that was silent” – too much.
Now it will be untwisted, but in my opinion the call was initially unsuccessful. Either “no foreigners and we from Hong Kong were allowed into China,” as the original text
reads, or “back in 2019, I had accurate first-hand information that the epidemic was already raging there.” Either “I worked for WHO and they, a laboratory assistant, asked me to take on a top-secret epidemic in Wuhan in 2019” or “Everything was secret and no one knew.” The minimum
WHO mission, the level of “sending people to country X to look at the outbreak of a new disease,” involves a hundred people – from decision makers to internal auditors. Most of them are citizens of the USA, Japan, and other countries, who have no sympathy for China.
There is no information that WHO appointed a delegation there in 2019, traveled, and instructed the Hong Kong employee to process the data – and the employee remembered this alone, and by July – no, because it is unrealistic. It’s an awesome story, to put it in
simple analogies. ” IEEE instructed me in 2016 to develop a new Ethernet, only working on top of a fishing line to transmit 802.3 frames from fishing rod to float, a speed of 14 terabits.
I developed, and they accepted the work, but decided to admit it only now. “It doesn’t work
in such offices, at all.
Ashino Wolf Sushanti, I helped a bit to research for this piece on the Saker Blog – September last year.
It is even worse now than at that time. There are so many demonization campaigns going on, and I wanted to quickly outline one this morning (not China, but inadvertently Russia), but I simply got sick of it and did not want to say a thing.
So, thanks for outing the outright sick lying here. Bannon lies better than Pompeo!
Besides that, I saw something this morning that actually exposes the current US administration. We need to bear in mind that one of the ‘planks’ in Trump’s election fight, is China. The more he can rail up the folks against China, the more strong he looks internally. Or that is the best that I can come up with. So, here is what I saw and bear in mind I know nothing of this media source and I don’t have a clue of the warmaker in question.
He is according to the article: “I would predict there will be a clash within the next three to six months,” Florida Rep. Ted Yoho, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee for Asia, told the Washington Examiner. ”
Yes, he is talking about China. What else did he say? “Knowing China, I think what they would do is ram one of our ships and say it was a mistake,” Yoho said while discussing U.S. naval exercises in the South China Sea.
So there you have it. It does not give me any warm and fuzzy feeling if we get this kind of rhetoric from the US Administration. Are they really this idiotic? I mean, people can love or hate China (and I’m not taking their or anyone else’s vaccine), but why this war rhetoric? It is deafening. Look at the header:
‘People will die’: Violent US-China clash possible soon, senior GOP lawmaker says
One could add “and remembering the Maine, as requested, plus the Gulf of Tonkin incident, we could also say “knowing America, I would say they would force a clash at sea with a Chinese vessel, claim it rammed them, and they had to retaliate”.
After all, that’s what we see, over and over is it not? The same damn playbook, same lines just about, same script to the same end.
It is like he inadvertently blurted out one of the ‘false flag’ operations already discussed – that is one of the options, looks like to me. These American people want a war. The one side wants to destroy Russia, and the other side wants to destroy China. And Pompeo (who some BB type here calls only for optics) is fighting the lawfare side of the wars.
China has responded not to this comment from the US warmaker specifically but in general: We won’t be your fodder says the strong words. The words from China makes me really worried. Here is another one .. US the peace destroyer, South China Sea troublemaker, the Chinese FM calls this administration.
“We call on all ASEAN countries to maintain a high degree of vigilance against the US’ malicious strategic intentions in the South China Sea. Do not fall into the US’ trap due to tactical temptations. It only seeks to aggravate chaos. Peace and stability in the South China Sea concerns ASEAN’s fundamental interests. But the US, driven by its own interests, is shaping this regional situation in the opposite way. ”
Check those words .. malicious strategic intentions, and the peace destroyer.
Yes, they are chilling words, aren’t they?
You know, I used to think that I could find a “balance” argument against the fear that there were those in power in US who wanted and could cause a war. I’d suggest that “It’s all for domestic use – just sabre rattling”.
I’d think, “well, there might be some such people, but there must be plenty who have the sense to see that they cant win such a war, so wont mount one”.
I’d think “they can’t all be that mad, that susceptible to mind control”.
Now? No. I think that there may be too many in positions of power and influence, and they want it too much. More, they truly believe they can win such a war, and if they can’t I think they have an inverted “Samson complex”. i.e. “If I cant have the world, I’ll destroy it so you can’t have it either”, bringing the temple down on their own heads. As Gerald Celente says “when all else fails, they take you to war”. And in the US all else is failing it seems.
More and more, they make moves and public statements that indicate, at least to me, that there are those there who can make this happen. And if, God help us all, They do manage lever Biden into the Presidency, then I think it’s over.
Then there’s this – from Eric Zuesse: https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/07/13/which-is-the-most-totalitarian-country/
The trouble is, the Regime is made up of psychopaths, and if there’s one thing we learned about psychopaths, and the FBI used with success, it’s that they never change their Modus Operandi. They are so narcissistically arrogant, they are convinced they can out think we mere “lower lifes”, and dont need to change a thing.
And this we see all the time of the Empire Regime too.
Get to know Филипп Киркоров … Philipp Kirkorov …
Филипп Киркоров и Любовь Успенская – Забываю …
… now meet Philipp Kirkorov as Демис Руссос …
Филипп Киркоров. Демис Руссос – «Goodbye my love goodbye» …
Philipp Kirkorov is very similar to the young Demis Russos and also has a beautiful voice
Goodbye My Love Goodbye – lyrics
Hear the wind sing a sad, old song
It knows I’m leaving you today
Please don’t cry or my heart will break
When I go on my way
Goodbye my love, goodbye
Goodbye and au revoir
As long as you remember me
I’ll never be too far
Goodbye my love, goodbye
I always will be true
So hold me in your dreams
‘Til I come back to you
See the stars in the skies above
They’ll shine wherever I may roam
I will pray every lonely night
That soon they’ll guide me home
Goodbye my love, goodbye
Goodbye and au revoir
As long as you remember me
I’ll never be too far
Goodbye my love, goodbye
I always will be true
So hold me in your dreams
‘Til I come back to you
Goodbye my love, goodbye
Goodbye and au revoir
As long as you remember me
I’ll never be too far
Goodbye my love, goodbye
I always will be true
So hold me in your dreams
‘Til I come back to you
The Private Press Dragon
Just a few of many others but those listed are really good !!!
All you need is a TRANSLATION TOOL !!
China is a highly complex country, multi-layered and such diverse in pretty much everything.
(One simple example: in Beijing alone more than 70 different local dialects of Mandarin are spoken.)
Just to read GT or CPD to get a more wholesome ‘picture’ — far from Westen > especially American anti-China-bashing & mostly lying propaganda — isn’t simply enough.
So take notice and spent al little time ‘over there’ . . . Absolutely interesting & informative.
观察者网-中国关怀 全球视野
The Observer Network
Interface Morning News
The Paper
Sohu Views
About two million people die in Russia annually !!!!
The turnover of the funeral industry alone officially amounts to about 60 billion rubles a year; the size of its shadow sector, according to authorities, can reach 250 billion !!!!
Over the past thirty years, the ritual market in Russia has been divided several times – representatives of organized crime, private companies, security officials and the state participated in this …
How the funeral services market works … and where all that money goes with all that jazz at sad events !
Conspiracy Theory and the Dyatlov Pass incident; RT is actually promoting speculation on this. Ok. my mind and emotions need a rest from Transhumania, Looneylandia news here in a State which is about to heat up and start burning big time soon ( the air will be unbreathable by mid Sept. is my guess)
OK. Dyatlov. Interesting. The metaphor that comes to mind is that of a goat staked out as bait.
But? I’m sure the native people who survive by keeping lips firmly closed to outsiders have a fairly good idea of what actually happened. Maybe they only hunted up there in the summer time but they knew–at least their shamans did but they will never tell. .
Interesting that the one student was arrested for singing and separated from the group for awhile… Just saying..maybe getting a final briefing.? Another left the group but I will give him a pass as a focus for suspicion.
Three key facts:
1. They deviated from the usual route. Hmmm. people usually do not do that especially in cold,harsh weather conditions for the reason that if you do need help someone just might come along on the same trail. There were other hiking groups in the area but it was a big area.
2. There was unusual aerial activity ????? the night of their demise
3. They left their tent in panic, cutting their way out and in various conditions of undress. Something very life threatening entered that tent via the front the front door and attacked them and went for organ meat ( eyes and tongue)
4. traces of radioactivity were found ( like around crop circles?) on some of the bodies.
So sending a group of students up to nose around an area where unfathomable activity appeared to be happening even while shooting up some rockets to give some kind of blustering support for them turned out not to be a good idea. oops! I think one student was “in on it” probably the one who made the course change.
My call: No one had any idea really what they were faced with and so…like babes in the wood they proceeded.
And to this day, the authorities in Russia responsible would still prefer to not know than face the unthinkable.
A Shaman, however, does not have that luxury and as protector of his tribe–he knows.
By the end of May, both Austin and Wright had indeed tested positive — as had nearly 900 others of the prison’s 1,700 inmates. Four incarcerated men and two staff members had died, and the prison had become the 14th largest cluster of coronavirus cases in the country and the largest in Kansas.
Covid-19, Hunger and Starvation in India. Globalist Takeover of India’s Public Health Policy
Dmitry Orlov posted this on FB. Just came up.
“A jingoistic little ditty performed during a concert on Defender of the Fatherland Day at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg on February 23. It was composed back in the 1980s, during the Cold War by Andrei Kozlovsky. The fact that it is being performed again now may give you some idea of how the US is currently seen from Russia. (Oh, and the choir is very good.) My loose translation of the lyrics:
On a little submarine with a little nuclear engine
With a dozen little bombs of a hundred megatons each
I crossed the Atlantic and I call the gunner:
“Aim, I say, Petrov,
For the city of Washington!”
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, I can do anything for 3 rubles!
Hello new earth
Of the enemy!
On a plane up above my friend Vladimir
Not with empty bomb bays flew over for a visit.
On a little submarine with a little nuclear engine
The crew started singing a happy song.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, we can do it all for 3 rubles!
You burn, burn the earth
Of the enemy!
Norfolk is sweetly napping on the shore.
Tired toys are sleeping, Negros sleeping quietly.
I’m sorry, America, good old America
But 5 hundred years ago you were discovered for nothing.
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, I can do anything for 3 rubles!
Burn all the way down, the land
Of the enemy! ”
Do you think the Chicken Hawks and War Neo-Cons have any idea at all of how they have rendered their nation in the eyes of those they like to despise? And who seem confident they can take war to Russia – and win???
They are a tiny minority of crazies and outside of Pomp Ass (for optics) and a few others with the MSM megaphone which more and more Americans are tuning out ….neither Trump nor the vast majority of his growing base want any such thing as war………with anyone.
Despite the Colonel’s attempt to rev up that nonsense…..along with Stupid 19 fear mongering and absurd charges of the “disastrous mishandling” of it………..over here by POTUS IDIOTUS:
I tried to give him a little of the attention he so craves and anticipates…..over there….. but you know how it goes….some things just come out………umm…too censorable!
Waiting for the right place to put today’s perspective that I have in mind ….for new strategic articles to appear…since I don’t think it fits the topic over there sufficiently….or even this Cafe quite yet.
Meanwhile this bone of contention for him to chew on:
In his case I would add the adjective “disastrously” to that title!
There is also this, from probably the most qualified immunologist in the world
For goodness saken…this article was written back in March when the US had a mere 68 deaths attributed to Covid-19.
Perhaps Ioannidis would care to revisit this topic now that the death toll is 138,000 and roughly 2000 times higher.
Published 3 days ago showing that all Prof. Ioannidis predictions have been borne out, and that he revisists the topic constantly.
British Medical Journal:
Nostradamus 93
And you actually expect me to take this article seriously when it states…
“The virus is gone for now. It will probably come back in winter, but it won’t be a second wave, but just a cold.”
Of course not!
You’d have to wake up to the wider context first, to even begin to realize how you’ve been played……and still crave being played!.
See the Catherine Austin Fitts interview of Dr Sherri Tenpenny ……new comment.
Then there is this, not from the Cold War, just a few years back.
Saker put it up a couple of years back I think – it’s a personal “fav rave”.
Oh, I followed Ioanides. First, we have to understand he is a Stanford epidemiologist. He believes in the mantra Publish or Perish. Epidemiologists are usually data modellers and paper pushers and this does not mean their work is unneeded. Here is another one that I follow from Harvard .. Eric ‘Dingaling’ lol – not really but it is close! Feigl-Ding. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing
So, what Ioanides said back then, was that the data did not support the decisions being taken.
“It started on March 17, when Ioannidis published an opinion essay in STAT saying that the data on Covid-19 were not sufficient to know the disease’s true prevalence and fatality rate. He also argued that scientists were in the dark with respect to which distancing and lockdown measures work, which don’t, and what the measures’ downstream harms might be. All of which was true — even if his very early estimate that as few as 10,000 might die in the U.S. turned out to be wrong. Ioannidis went on to say that preventing people from working or leaving their homes could cause more harm than the virus itself. ”
Note, it was opinion. And hells bells, I’ve been saying that none of the data (with notable exceptions) can actually be trusted and all of the data (with notable exceptions) is politicized.
So, he was roasted by his colleagues (just your normal handbag fight between intellectuals) while the alt-media used his opinion as evidence, fact and proof absolutely. Well, so, nowadays he is a little quieter.
He says now “ …. typically show a much lower fatality than initially speculated in the earlier days of the pandemic.”
Paper not yet peer reviewed and again .. for sure – because now the medics have learned a thing or two and they’re not blowing lungs up with vents and there are certain effective therapeutics. So, the complete landscape has changed.
I met a lady going to the fair, the fair
All the way from Holland, so flat, so flat
Well how do you do and how do you do again
She said while entering the supermarket store
We chatted about the price of Guernsey cream
Weighing up the odds of Cornwall’s clotted kind
From kine mighty fine and not beastly Covid clot
Having an endless beef about the anti viral tribe
The long story short is she is full time NHS nurse
Four children to home school because of shhhhh…
Oh but how very busy you must be must surely be
Do you know anyone at the hospital who has died
Of shhhh! I asked and no she said, no one at all
How strange we both agreed with numbers rising
But she said, we treat patients with mental health
Issues related, to, Corolla 19, reported, July 13th,
at 21. 48, 2020 from England
Nicely Covered One!
What is REALLY going on?
Are we allowed to SEE?
Or HOW will we EVER be?
Whence, Detrick or Wuhan?
So many question marks!
So many guesses, wild!
So many passions riled,
By Malthusian Oligarchs!
So much of nothing seen
Overtaxes the tired brain
Unable to bear the strain
Searching out…Covert 19
Here’s the gestalt from Pamela’s link….from the anti-panic cautioning Ioannidis:
“……..Adding these extra sources of uncertainty, reasonable estimates for the case fatality ratio in the general U.S. population vary from 0.05% to 1%.
That huge range markedly affects how severe the pandemic is and what should be done. A population-wide case fatality rate of 0.05% is lower than seasonal influenza. If that is the true rate, locking down the world with potentially tremendous social and financial consequences may be totally irrational. It’s like an elephant being attacked by a house cat. Frustrated and trying to avoid the cat, the elephant accidentally jumps off a cliff and dies.”
In my humble opinion, “the cat” is the Deep State and that grinning Cheshire at the Gates of Technocratic Hell.
The elephant? We know that party, and who its current rider is….they are desperate to dismount.
Unpanicked Pachyderm
If you are mouse, you’d best beware the cat, and scurry into your hidey-hole very fast.
But if you’re an elephant you never need to jump…. no matter how you’re harrassed!
Let the cats scratch about your feet and screech like Tedros, Gates, Birks and Fauci
It’s unbecoming of a pachyderm to leap like a frog or startle so suddenly, so mousey!
Not any country in Europe is as corrupt politically as the social democratic Nordic countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Well, how is that ? How could that be ? They have however large parts in the leadership of corrupt interational organisations of the globalist elite of the Rockefeller/Rothschild syndicate, and has been taking part in their operations for a very long time. For example Sweden remelted the Russian gold after the Bolshevik takeover of Russia, a complot that was carried out by the Rothschild syndicate, including their new system communism based on Karl Marx.
The title worlds most corrupt must bes based on their political systems which is social democracy. In social democracy the claim is that there is democracy, but it is a national socialist system. Which means pretty much that there is no democracy whatsoever. The economy is based on a system of social economy as the countries governing system. Just as it was based on the NSDAP programme that must control the countries system of economy based on their programme. I am now narrowing down these countries to Norway, but the other Nordic countries are very similar.
The politics of Norway came to be from the Norske Arbeiderpartiet, a sister party of the Nationalzosialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei, NSDAP. NAZI is short for national zosialistisch. The programme of the NSDAP has been copied into the Norske Arbeiderpartieet who ruled Norway from 1935 until the german invasion of Norway in 1940. The norwegian political regime during the war were shared by the Reichkommisar Terboven of the German occupation, and the civilian government of National Union (Nasjonal Samling) under its leader Vidkun Quisling who came to lead a civilian state adminstration cabinet.
The lesser know fact is that Det Norske Arbeiderpartiet had sought to create a union government with the German occupation under the secretary of DNAP (Det Norske Arbeiderpartiet) Einar Gerhardsen. As a secretary he obviously followed instructions from his party. The Reichkommisar however preferred a weak puppet government that was only an administration without any real influence because of this arrangement of government. Terboven was the Reichkokmmisar of Norway just as Hitler was the Reichkommisar of Germany.
They were in power. Quisling were offering to lead the cabinet because of his warning of communism which was the former ideology of Det Norske Arbeiderpartiet.
Until at least 1928, Det Norske Arbeiderpartiet were a communist party, a full member of the Communist International, Komintern, Moscow. During the rise of national socialism in Germany the party changed ideology. It is clear from their election campaigns in the early 1930’s that lead to their election victory from 1935.
So Quisling, who previously had been attacked by their agents while in office as Minister of Defense in an earlier government, he was injected with poison by a man gaining access to his office. After that he was sternly warning against Det Norske Arbeiderpartiet, and they had gained power since 1935, decommisioning the norwegian military as a main policy that opened up for the German occupation. So while Quisling as adopting the national union party programme sought rather to cooperate with Germany based on his historic experiences with the former communist Arbeiderpartiet, when it came to the occupation, Arbeiderpartiet sought to establish a union government with Germany, a step further than Quisling’s cabinet under Terboven. Therefore the Arbeiderpartiet proposal was turned down by Terboven, he was already in power, more or less the dictator of Norway. Quisling even sought to establish a union government for all European countries centered around Germany as the leader. It was also turned down by Hitler. They were occupied countries under Germany.
That do however still mean that Arbeiderpartiet who had even ordered no resistance to the occupation, was in fact cooperating also politically with national socialist Germany NSDAP from who they actually had adopted
a programme.
That became clear after the war in 1945 the first elections. The Arbeiderpartiet won the elections by a large margin and remained the single majority party from then on until they had established their national socialist programme.
Now, I have studied this also with actual policies of the socalled social democracy, and they have even put into law the control over the press and media, where they established a “Reich” Broadcaster Norsk Rikskringkasting or NRK. This media broadcasted solely for at least 40 years, 40 years more or less under the full control of the norwegian labour party AP. The policies were similarily implemented.
The press must publish only that which support the common good (of the state). Actually the text of the Editor’s Law is a copycat from the NSDAP programme. There is a penalty of 6 month in jail for not following this law.
Every citizen has the obligation to work (for the common good of the state).
Every corporation has the obligation to work for the common good of the state).
Everything else has been adopted from NSDAP to form the social economy such as education, work and pensions. The state run corporations are the model. Other corporations are taxated heavily to work for the common good of the state, and in the last chapter of implementation are required to work in all aspects for the common good of the state.
So while they call this democracy, it is the most corrupt of all countries.
Also, they really integrated with the deep state of USA, Government and politicians became members of Bilderberg, Tri-lateral Commision of the Rockefeller CFR, Club of Rome (Madrid), ECFR lately, Munich Security Council, World Economic Forum. Very few countries has listed all their top politicians, and the opposition as members of ECFR the new European Branch of CFR instituted by George Soros, a former director at CFR (Rockefeller) seen here speaking at Tril-lateralist Rockefeller Munich Security Conference in 2011.
So, while George Soros is controversial, making himself controversial is part of his role. George Soros is more like the leutnant of the Rothschild syndicate itself, member of the commitee of 300, I think it is the highest ranking secret society of the Rothschild syndicate. Divide and conquer is part of their age old strategy. Other members of Commitee of 300 is Michael Bloomberg, who now fund the DNC Democratic National Congress with billions of US dollars for the coming election. And media mogul Rupert Murdoch a close associate of the Rothschild syndicate .
So there you have Norway starting to align their national socialism with the world’s corporate national socialism the world government ruled by the corporations. Together with Fabian Society of UK, they are now implementing the national socialism of the world, already implemented by the UN SDG, the WEF charter (2020), Dem Party USA, EU, Japan, China, Australia and the British Commonwealth, Asia and they have Africa as their main goal creating their corrupt leadership cabal now.
Under the directions of Comittee of 300, down through their organisations where the politicians get their orders, the organised fascist corporate government is established worldwide. Fascist since it is based on dictatorship, and the absence of democracy. Fascist because it is implemented and governed by force, the absence of democracy.
The 21 goals of the Illuminati and the Comittee of 300 based on John Coleman (1993) (see also PNAC maybe it was the deep state linked Comittee of 300 instead who carve out the policy of the secret rulers ) :
Private? Or Secret?
Speaking of Seeing & Being Blind………..
Let’s de-occult the subtle proximity,
But difference of the money kind
Between Privacy…. and Anonymity
Outta Sight……or Up Tight?
Everything is Alright!
Well……not quite……yet. LOL….unless your Stevie and can “see” the world the way he does
Stevie Wonder – Uptight (Everything’s Alright) (1965) HD 0815007
“Uptight (Everything’s Alright)”
Baby, everything is all right, uptight, out of sight.
Baby, everything is all right, uptight, out of sight.
I’m a poor man’s son, from across the railroad track,
The only shirt I own is hangin’ on my back,
But I’m the envy of every single guy
Since I’m the apple of my girl’s eye.
When we go out stepping on the town for a while
My money’s low and my suits are out of style,
But it’s all right if my clothes aren’t new
Out of sight because my heart is true.
She says baby everything is alright, uptight, out of sight.
Baby, everything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.
She’s a pearl of a girl, I guess that’s what you might say,
I guess her folks brought her up that way,
The right side of tracks, she was born and raised
In a great big old house, full of butlers and maids.
She says no one is better than I,
I know I’m just an average guy,
No football hero or smooth Don Juan,
Got empty pockets, you see I’m a poor man’s son.
Can’t give her the things that money can buy
But I’ll never, never, never make my baby cry,
And it’s all right, what I can’t do,
Out of sight because my heart is true,
She says baby everything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.
Baby, everything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.
Baby, everything is alright, uptight, ah ah ah ah,
Baby, everything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.
Baby, everything is alright, uptight, clean out of sight.
The SIGHT Series
Bitcoin and the Financial Crash of 2008 – Bitstocks’ Sight Series Ep 1
The Genesis of Bitcoin – Bitstocks’ Sight Series – Episode 2
The Secrets of Money – Bitstocks’ Sight Series – Episode 3
Old Business Catchup Time!
My friend the Col “couldn’t wait” to get my input into a thread I wasn’t even aware of…so he HAD to wait.
Sorry, mate! The neglect wasn’t at all intentional. I actually love picking the “low lying fruit” the Kiwi Tree Produces! But sometimes I don’t know where it went………
But anyway…..this world is SO competitive, and at least two other commenters beat me to it. And they did fine, too, in the easy harvesting……… but I am concerned that my friend tunes such answers from others…..out…wastes them….. because they aren’t “Nostradamus” enough for him?
All kinds of obsessions out there! LOL.
Pay attention to some one else, mate! They say things I also think, and they say them quite a bit better than I could. Examples referenced within my linked comment …….Pepe Thread….below
But still….. I don’t have the heart to neglect ….to completely ignore…..when I hear the plea!
SO, better late than never:
But excuse me, if I am not always able to heed every breathless, impatient anticipation: There ARE other commitments that can take me away for 1 or 2 days. It’s just the way it is, mate. Sorry!
Newer Business……of an Even MORE Agapic nature!
From the LPAC Lead yours truly read ….and briefly reflected on….before I knew anyone was antsy…..waiting for me to read what they had to say…..Yesterday!..:
“……………….In January of this year, the ability to achieve such a Grand Design took a step towards reality when Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed a summit of the heads of state of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. The other four permanent members—United States, China, France, and the United Kingdom—have agreed to have such a summit. Putin emphasized that the purpose of this summit, 75 years after the end of World War II, must be to establish a peace order—to ensure that such a catastrophe will never again happen.
The dramatic crises currently menacing the world present a unique opportunity to lay the basis for a new world economic order based on a New Bretton Woods system. A new economic system in accordance with the original intention of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods system, can overcome under-development in the developing countries, and provide the foundation for peace by improving the living standards of all people on this planet.
The unexpected announcement by U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of his intention to implement an investment program in the tradition of President Franklin Roosevelt, that is, a New Deal (even if the cited sum of £5 billion is only a small first step in the right direction) provides a very useful common thread among the other four heads of state, all of whom have referenced Roosevelt in positive terms in the past. Roosevelt’s program, in full, is needed today.”
AND…..the rest: https://larouchepac.com/20200713/putin-s-proposal-p5-summit-could-be-last-chance
Now we are getting down to brass tacks, mates!
And I hope Ramin is reading.
For who, among the Founding Fathers did Franklin Delano Roosevelt study more carefully than ANY other…..during his multi-year convalescence from the polio that paralyzed his legs…….as a young adult?
Answer: Alexander Hamilton
How so good Malvolio with undercover
Alternative espionage agents of deceit?
They think they outwit the minds of those
Not privy to underhand games dishonesty.
Not so but transparent even to the one
Who sees from far away yet very close.
That one from far away it is myself
And very close I am to reading you
Afloat on a boat on an ocean blue
Truth is the star that is guiding me
No word or whisper no flag or sign
From passing ships comes to me
But I read between the many lines
And know precisely what you feel
You walk into the kitchen the wafts
Of the sweet smell of fruit cooking
Tells you it is strawberries for jam
So it is when I know who you are
This people sense was always mine
It tells me also of myself and if hard
The star of truth shines still brighter
High above through the deep nights
Sailing on the deepest bluest ocean
Fishes in the silent depths unknown
Rising higher leap shining into the air
A boat vanishes swiftly in silver spray
I am enjoying your poetry guys !
Indeed, very good!
Your welcome guys, though I am only one gal, and that was the point of the continuation… methinks perhaps you jest !
I’d know that gal’s hand anywhere..
It’s all a question of getting used to knew ideas, but that’s another topic and I digress even before starting…
I twas thinking about the “people sense,” a peculiar faculty, and can be rather painful, it all depends, Jacques Lusseyran possessed this, using it to great effect. I think he was very strong, not thin skinned. He made one mistake with someone, which brought about his downfall recruiting for the French Resistance during WWII
I realized in thinking that it is the typical quality of childhood, but unconsciously so, and can be maintained into adulthood. Jacques Lusseyran became blind after an illness aged seven, and joined the resistance movement when he was seventeen. I think a few people on here also have something of this sense.
One of the targets presently pushed by George Soros is the new one currency SDR becoming universally integrated in the EU. The currency is nothing new, but seeking universal use of it is new. SDR has functioned between states: it is the currency that settled international agreements between parties such as the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) where state parties owed money to an international system of communication using each others networks, a system that is now being exploited .
SDR is already a currency used by BIS (Bank of International settlements) and IMF and World Bank used clauses of settlements in SDR, such as the right to exchange the loans for the nations gold supply at a fraction of the gold’s value, in short taking the nations gold supply for the rights of international loans via the World Bank or the IMF.
So when corporations get the rights to unlimited exploitations across nation with overnational powers, they will settle the failings of the nationsstates as payments complying with SDR .
Now Covid-19 play an important role in 2020 also with the planned “revolution” by the DNC/ Democrat’s Party in the USA, financed by Michael Bloomberg’s billions of US dollars, Michael Bloomberg is a member of the comittee of 300.
Coronavirus, Bill Gates is one of the big player’s in viruses. He sits in the WHO with Anthony Fauci in the Global Pandemics Monitoring Board, and practically run the WHO, runs GAVI, Unitaid their worldwide vaccinations plans, finance the research on the virus that are released into the population that are used for the “revolution”. It turns out that not only Bill Gates are involved in the research on these viruses, they run it within the governments of China and Georgia at Wuhan and Tbilisi. The Chinese communist party run the Wuhan Institute of Virology. State actors have a lot of powers which are not in the hands of people at all, these are national socialist countries or dictatorships. Actors are free to move dangerous viruses across national borders, borders that they wish to eradicate by making it a world corporation by the way.
Bill Gates is a member of the Comittee of 300. George Soros is a member of the Comitee of 300. Michael Bloomberg is a member of the Comittee of 300. Rupert Murdoch is a member of the Comitee of 300. These are all involved in the American “revolution”. Basically it is run by the Rothschild’s out of England (UK). The Americans have the Constitution, which is the primary target, a target they are planning to make obsolete by their new “facts”, their new language and words, their new practices based on lies, simply by making more laws and regulations down to the smallest part, the people themselves are to be controlled by the fascist net that has been developed and are now ready for the new judiciary, laws, and executives that will be based on this false world.
(Ursula von der Leyen and George Soros are both Fabian Socialists out of London School of Economics, the pure economic, national socialist way of government).
It is a total exploit by the Rothschild syndicate which now governs international politics. The end of democracy is here, embedded within the new international trade agreements such as TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). The corporations rule over national government and above the government of EU and USA, the agreements was continued by China and Japan and other Asian nations, Australia, Canada and others in the British Commonwealth. So EU were to implement it’s own trade agreement possibly during Covid-19 which is still ongoing without any meaningful debates, after all the debates in the EU parliament are only showcases, and have no legislative powers. The EU commision decided the laws of the EU.
So when George Soros seek to influence EU, he is behind the Fabian Socialist, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the EU Commision who are both the Executive office of EU, and the Legislative office of the EU. EU is designed as a Reichkommisariat, the absolute power, well known by the design of Adolf Hitler before them.
But George Soros is a member of the Comittee of 300 among other Rothschild/Rockefeller syndicate organisations such as the ECFR itself that work within the other Rothschild/Rockefeller orgs that is merged into the governments such as WEF, RIIA, CFR, Dept. of State USA, DNC, UN, HRW, HRC, ICC and many others, he represent an enourmous influence.
Look at this astonishing narrative out of George Soros in a recent ECFR internal policy review for the public :
So when you look at this closely, you see his objective, to replace the truth with “facts”, which is also the new word by the national socialist governments who are to be run by the syndicate’s corporations. They can basically morph into their dictatorship by claiming that lies are facts, and as we know it, the people should take that for truth. They will also change the language and human behaviour along the way, in fact it is already in force for many years. Policies based on lies.
“Policies based on lies.”
Clearly trueI
However, I would urge the Warrior Angles willing to “go there”……to go a little deeper than that, John.
The deeper “spiritual” motivation of a Soros and his ilk………..is a dark. twisted commitment to:
The Satanic Principle of INVERSION
In anything and everything. The more the better, to serve his/their master Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Moloch or whatever the HELL they chose to “name”…the Standardbearer of THAT Principle.
That Inversion Principle, and the Incapacity of the Intended Victim (Humanity) to “go there”…..i.e. to contend with it, to even comprehend its functioning, or acknowledge its existence ….much less take it on and root it out like the malignant tumor within the body of the too naively and defenseless “Open” societies that it afflicts….that it IS…….. is what explains Soros’ “success” in the Material World.
And his sponsorship by the older Bloodline Families……than his own.
Which can still be “nipped in the bud” within the remainder of his disgusting life.
“We have a Special Place for GS” ………seventeenth letter
For the “normal person” this inversion principle is most obviously evident in the realm of healthy and necessary human sexuality …………and its deliberately fostered and glorified inversion/PERVERSION.
Soon the poor vulnerable inverted LBGT dupes themselves, without even realizing what happened……., or how it was done to them……subconsciously identify with the Inversion Principle themselves! And become a mass base for Inverting Entire Societies….and not just in sexual “preferences” and “choices”….which are givens…..not “inversion options”…..unless you’re won over by the High Priests of Inversion….that is
Everyone concerned with Macro….global policy is looking for efficiencies…..and the most efficient means, the Luciferian “Elites” comprehend very, very well….to achieve THEIR ENDS…………..is to invert/pervert the minds of the population so that they Eliminate Themselves…..not only reproductively…ASAP…but also physically (drug overdoses, for example) and of course politically, in terms being even a potential part of any sort of Defensive Bulwark of Civilization….NO!…but…instead in utter, utter, self-loathing (deep down)…..lusting for its destruction……….and the delivering up of its corpse to Satan as …The Ultimate Sacrifice ….to their “GOD”.
That’s on the grossest, most obvious level most people here have not fallen victim to and likely never will…..except in a certain amount of “softness”……. just in order to “get by”…by “going along to get along” if not to actively become Tools of Inversion themselves.
But as in everything, there are deeper and more subtle nuances to Inversion. And that includes Slandering the Good…..so that it is Neither Comprehended…..Nor Used…..by the intended victim societies.
You may be unable to “go there”….in terms of re-evaluation of Hamilton. However, it would be most useful in terms of defeating Soros and his ilk……..IF you could! Most people already convinced by Historical Inversion cannot and will not be unconvinced……….if the error is embedded already for many decades…and their is no desire to comprehend why that particular Founder………..more than any other………was selected for piercing….with the Tip of the Oligarchy’s Spear….for inversion.
I know that in regard to AH…..and you………..and accept that reality as readily as I do Teranam13’s stated commitment to “ignore” (not “go there”…) a subject I KNOW…that the Enemy of Humanity rejoices that she….amarynth and others have some sort of preset commitment to ignore….to never “go there”.
Same sort of thing!
But although it would be a breakthrough for you…and very useful if you COULD re-examine that important nuance of history…..it is more critical that Starikov discover the deeper details and truths of the matter…..than almost anyone else that might chance to read this little comment.
So, I don’t take it personally if you refuse that advice …(odds are you will …I already know and accept that!) or if anyone declares that they “will ignore” everything I have to say hence forth on whatever other subject.
Except if I wasn’t provocative enough to get that response a lot. Now THAT would be a problem! LOL
Meanwhile what’s more important than your permanent, unshakeable prejudice or any ladies refusing to “go there” in terms of Waif Fare and Human Trafficking….or “Pizzagate”..Human Compromise and Blackmail Control Mechanisms being the Glue of Empire………….is that certain sharper specialist Policy Maker minds….committed to the sovereignty of Russia (just one example……Japan, China…Germany and others can also be considered) and the continuing contribution of Russian Civilization…as an invaluable and unique contributor…… to Human Civilization…….such as Sergei Glazyev…( I am confident I could prove!) . have not made the same common…….and all too “popular”…….Populist Error of Judgment……….through fallacy of composition………and Synecdoche.
How to Revive a Russian village – A day in the Russian Countryside
German Houses Lost in Russia. Gingerbread House & Chocolate Store
Deicing tanker ships and barges in Russia’s Arctic Circle to make repairs and preparations for the melt when river waters flow again, allowing river transportation resume.
“For half a year Lena river – the largest river in the world that flows through permafrost zone – is covered in a meter-deep ice. There are almost no railroads here and very few roads for cars, so a river is the best and the most reliable way to provide these harsh lands with everything it needs.”
Lena: full freeze out | Unknown Russia …
This is not a revolution. This is state sponsored terrorism, led by the deep-state itself, includng 1970’s known Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Susan Rosenburg, Rosenburg happens to be a board member of Thousand Currents which BLMGN funnels donations to from a Delaware listed corporate address, from DNC processer, ACT BLUE.
The notion that the problem is the result of capitalism quickly disintegrates when the facts are examined. If it is capitalism that is the problem, how was America successful from 1945-1975? If it is capitalism that is the problem, why did China and Russia both start succeeding when capitalism was adopted in Russia, and when capitalism entered China under Nixon which has becoming more and more capitalist ever since, with the majority of American manufacturers manufacturing in China, and supported by the entire United States financial sector through the stock market, consistently bailed out, with an exodous of money leaving America and entering China in a three time robbery of the U.S. Treasury Department, with money being sent to China?
Corruption is the problem! Now the corrupt capitalists claim that capitalism is the problem, and ask for socialism, still leaving them in power, in control, and free to continue their reign of terror, raping and pillaging. No economic system can survive under corruption. Corrupt individuals will destroy any economic system that they participate in!
They are trying to incite civil war, and a CIA color revolution in America, with CIA agents John Kiriakou, and Lee Camp even taking over Sputnik radio and RT. The color is clear! Total surveillance of everyone’s life is what they would like! Their actions totally contradict their rhetoric! I also believe that they figure that if people are unwilling to consent to that, that they will voluntarily stop using the internet, which is fine with them, since they could regain the narrative that they have lost control of, they being the power brokers that the CIA serves in its act of treason.
George Sorros is a socialist, supposedly, and is one of the richest, most corrupt, and violent people in the world! He practically has his own private CIA agency, with numerous spin offs parading as charities that sponsor the white helmets, and human trafficking coyotes. Show me a greedy socialist, and I will show you a
fraud! He has crashed entire economies virtually overnight through currency manipulation!
Under capitalism, businesses fail, they are not bailed out. It could be argued that what America suffers from is a lack of capitalism!
The stock market has to be abolished. It is being rapaciously abused. Either they can end the bail outs, or end the stock markets!
They want civil war, not revolution, as usual with CIA color revolutions! It can be a race war, a left versers right political war, a capitalist vs. solcialist civil war, a mask and social distancing vs. no masks and no social distancing, about LGBTQ rights or no LGBTQ rights, they really do not give a damn what the war is about, as long as they are not the enemies and as long as they can remain in power and remain unaccaountable for their crime spree!
Bravo, liked your comment !
NFOTD a new voice in the Vineyard.
I’m listening.
So far so good.
In my haste skimming other comments of yours I thought I had an impulse to question or quibble over some detail……but what else is new?
Even spouses of 50 + years have their disagreements.
SO….It probably wasn’t that serious. Yet. LOL
Words like “capitalism” and “the left” …even “justice” (re: the Central Question: What is Justice? …asked of by Socrates in one of Plato’s Dialogues) have vastly different meanings to many different people in many parts of the world at any given time………..then shift to different times in history and the margin for error in communication of ideas between humans quickly becomes a vast gulf of misunderstanding separating them……..nearly as wide as the Universe itself!
“The notion that the problem is the result of capitalism quickly disintegrates when the facts are examined. If it is capitalism that is the problem, how was America successful from 1945-1975? If it is capitalism that is the problem, why did China and Russia both start succeeding when capitalism was adopted in Russia,”
Exactly what I Have been saying NFOtD – just a cafe or two back, in fact.
Capitalism is an economic theory, just like several others .Capitalism holds, at base, that one plans ones economy – whether as an individual or nation – to make a profit, ie. a return on labours, productivity, which is surplus to costs, and then uses that surplus to either store value, or to engender further returns.
Every home owner is a capitalist, as they have taken the surplus from their income and invested it in capital – an asset, their home – in order to obtain further value, either material or personal.
Of course,the modern system across the Empire+ of rule by bankers has deprived the people of that, with excessive house costs and bank loans based on debt. But the principle stands.
As you say, the problem is corruption, but I’d take it a step further to ask “what caused / allowed the corruption”?.
Corruption can be “caused” if living in a totally corrupt society, where all avenues from the very top, i.e. the most senior position, such as a Prime Minister, a President, down through the Government and bureaucracy, are corrupt, and thus this fosters the belief that being corrupt is the only way to get on,; or if it is allowed by having systems which allow forand reward corrupt actions.
I believe that , at base, systems rule everything we do, pretty well. Advanced Systems Theory tells us that everything is part of a small system, but smaller systems plait together to form larger and larger systems.
If the systems are corrupt, everything is. So – it’s not the theory of Capitalism that is wrong, – as you say, just look at Russia since adopting it. It’s the system that it is operating in. In America, everything now is corrupt – absolutely everything. In Russia, work has been started and is ongoing, to eliminate corruption.
The other difference is that in the Empire+ Capitalism has been operated solely in private hands – this has to lead to Oligarchy, which America now is. In Russia, it is not only in private hands,although private hands do operate some. The biggest income sources, power, oil coal and gas for example, are in Government hands. In other words, the Government is the major capitalist, and all profits are used to benefit the nation and it’s people.
And that, clearly seems to be the best way to go. However, I suspect strongly that the Empire, especially its base, America, will have to experience a Socialist Totalitarian society, in order to learn from it, and grow a little.
It is good that people talk about capitalism, Ramin is out on the high seas battling to bring conversation to a murky topic single handedly ! Not quite, but is of far greater interest than a rinse-repeat of Covid hysteria.
(En Angleterre, à partir d’aujourd’hui, nous devons tous porter des masques dans les magasins)
Capitalism based upon a corrupt monetary system leads to what we see. Unpayable debt etc. Get the currencies, preferably Sovereign, right and many things fall into place. I and others will fight to avoid a “Socialist Totalitarian society” that you feel we must endure. No thanks. There are other alternatives. Starting with sound money. Putin and others including me understand this.
NO, what you are told Capitalism is, is based on corruption. The basic idea, of using surplus to costs to invest and return a value is NOT corrupt. It’s common sense.
You are equating the smoke and mirrors of lies, distortions, word play Synecdoche, with an economic idea.
Go read the best economist around these day – Michael Hudsons. Read his book on how words that mean one thing have been hijacked to mean the exact opposite, in his – “J is for Junk Economics”.
Then start to think again, I suggest.
From 45′ to 75′ the agreed upon reserve currency according to the 44′ Bretton woods agreement was the US dollar which was a mix of US Certificates and Federal Reserve notes. It was a gold “reserve” system whereby the countries agreeing to this system could emit currency based upon their “reserve” of gold deposited into the vaults in the US relative to the “price” of gold at $35/oz. That’s the simple explanation. “Using surplus to costs to invest and return a value is NOT corrupt.” I agree. Idealy the gold was “earned” by being profitable. The Corruption is when the Private Central Banking system is allowed to create a “surplus to costs” from thin air (fractional reserve) without creating a good or service thereby making MY “surplus” worth less. When Bill Clinton removed “Glass-Steagal” allowing Investment banks access to our savings in the Commercial Banks to gamble in the financial markets etc and get bailed out by the Government (people), “corruption shifted into high gear. No, I don’t think “capitalism” is inherently corrupt. Being rewarded for being productive is not evil. Corrupting the system is.
I don’t understand what you mean by “NO, what you are told Capitalism is, is based on corruption.. That “they” tell “we” what capitalism is does not mean I agree with that.
Very insighful Pamela! Based on my observations, the corruption problem is complex. In part it has to do with partisanship and polarization, obviously greed is part of it, a self-percieved sense of nobility and entitlement in government that has caused them to believe that they are exempt from and above the law, starting with the constitution, passing secret laws – which cannot be legally construed as laws, the education and university system, the media, the corporations, the Citizens United ruling, the “two-party”, uniparty system, bureacracy, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the private for profit defense industry, the Zionist take over and the permission of it, the Israel lobby, the breakdown of the family and extended family, increased transiencey causing the breakdown of the community and corrupt local officials not being held accountable, the drug epidemic, the surveillance state and 5 eyes inimidating politicians with emotional or physical blackmail – which I highly suspect that Epstein – Maxwell is just the tip of the iceberg and that the entire elected government and judicial branches are controlled by them, since the majority are extremely wealthy, I do not believe that it is for
monetary gain in the majority of cases, so it is a really complex multilayered answer, based on my observations.
Welcome : Here is my addition thanks to Dostoyevsky ( from The Possessed) who has it nailed…From part two, Ivan the Tsarevich. From demon Pyotr’s repressed homosexual pitch for Stravogin, the younger.
“I’m a crook, really, not a socialist, ha, ha! Listen, I’ve counted them all up: the teacher who laughs with children at their G-d and at their cradle, is already ours. The lawyer who defends an educated murderer by saying that he’s more developed than his victim and couldn’t help killing to get money, is already ours. Schoolboys who kill a peasant just to see how it feels, are ours. Jurors who acquit criminals right and left, are ours. The prosecutor who trembles in court for fear of being insufficiently liberal, is ours. Administrators, writers-oh, a lot of them, an awful lot of them are ours, and they don’t know it themselves!”
….. “But one or two generations of depravity are necessary now, an unheard-of mean little depravity, that turns men into vile, cowardly, cruel, self-loving slime–that’s what’s needed!” …. “I’m a crook, not a socialist. Ha, ha, ha.”
He – Pyotr character -goes on to describe the proposed creation of “staged news” in the form of the resurrection of a Russian historical myth to sell false socialism using it ,IMHO to make a comparison, much like how Elvis sightings were used in the 1990’s to sell sensationalist newspapers in the USA.
Dostoyevsky rocks !!!
Almost prophetic insight isn’t it? Not only a great writer, but one who understood depths of human complexity.
Ayn Rand said of Dostoyevsky that when reading him, she felt she was walking through a terrible mad house, but in the hands of a strong reliable guide.
I haven’t read him, so cannot comment – do you feel the same way?
To Pamela: No is my answer. And now I am off and running. For me, Dostoyevsky inhabits a moral universe, not an immoral nor an amoral one, but a moral one with a deeply socially connected, interactive cast of deeply humanly flawed characters of whom only a very few are insane or outright evil.
I think that perhaps Ayn Rand felt that way about Dostoyevsky’s world because she had very little love of or tolerance for the human condition. Dostoyevsky had oodles of compassion even when he lent a penetrating pen to the description of people and their foibles.
He is the master of what I can only call moral horror as he slowly moves the action towards the central murder of ‘The Possessed” unlike the horror of a Poe and it happens with ordinary, all too ordinary people, in a provincial city of Russia in the 1800’s in a long drawn out, multi-layered plot.
The French author Camus also adored him, thought “The Possessed” was his magnum opus and used Kirilov as an influence on his own ideas of nihilism/existentialism. To me Kirlov is just bat-sh-t crazy although there is a hilarious scene were he toys with an impatient, exasperated Pyotr, the only truly demonic character in the book, who later shows up back in Russia reincarnated into another evil character whom Dostoyevsky finally bumps off in “The Brothers Karamazov”. Now to me The Brothers Karamazov is his literary last will and testament to his beloved Russian people.
There is the theme of public confession which Stavrogin balks at ( pride being the central sin explored in The Possessed) but in the Gran Inquisitor section followed by the discussion of the Monk in Bro Karamazov, a man wanting redemption does make a public confession and no one will believe him!!! Furthermore, he is thoroughly ridiculed which was possibly even worse than being reviled as the man fully expected. Hmmm will have to re read and ponder his point on that one which is mired in 19th century morality for sure which actually
seems not too bad a place to be these days.
the murder of
A very interesting conversation, and Russia seems to spark latent thoughts and feelings into life generally. Discribing or commenting on Dostoyevsky without having read him is an interesting idea, but it is not the first time this has happened here, perhaps the rise of electronic books and media and the demise of the novel in book form is responsible for this.
The vivid description above by Ayn Rand, is one that defines the artist.. Dostoyevsky describes in writing the realm of the divine, experienced inwardly as presence awareness, state of bliss or rapture, God-like simplicit,y goodness, etc, and similarly the depths of hell, the darkest world of horrors the human soul is capable of entering, all this in whatever setting he chooses to reveal the totality of human experience.
Another artist will do this through music, through painting, and the greatest artists will achieve this independently of their time, and be accessible for people universally and through long ages.
I know this all obvious, but it seemed as though the definitions and examples above don’t refute this essentially but present another aspect, another way of thinking, especially the closing comment about ridicule and public reviling, well that is especially important, interesting and relevant.
I have a couple of questions, how would you or others feel when reading Dostoyevsky, if the vowel ‘o’ was omitted every time the word God was read, and if other’s have a different opinion or ways of expressing something that is important to them, how do we respond best, in being truthful and maintaining respect ?
There are conspiracies, and then there are conspiracy theories. The conspiracies we can eventually figure out and diagram, like 9/11 for example. The conspiracy theories usually fall apart quickly and are only pushed by a small number of people with nothing else to do and those that can make money or have fun out of pushing these.
So, let’s look at Thing-ee from the east. There are too many conspiracy theories being pushed in the west, and most alt-media is busily disseminating these, to get their candidate to win an almost useless election. So, with all these feathers flying, I find the western alt media most unreliable. Early days of Covid, I saw and said that the alt-medias are pushing their government agenda – and within this, they push their party political agenda. So, first .. do not believe most of what comes out of western alt-media sources – it is mostly all dirty data presented to push a point.
I did not keep links for most of this. Hong Kong has closed down again – 3rd wave, they call it. This is the actual of what happened and neither a conspiracy nor a conspiracy theory.
Of course the immediate conspiracy theory is that ‘China wants to close information’ out of Hong Kong. Well, the information is there for all to read freely.
China itself really locks down on any Covid outbreak – they say it is mostly ‘imported’ from visitors and they have no hesitation to lock down an area. These outbreaks are generally now small. China is working, getting back to full productivity and their biggest problem is the US administration that is trying to gin up a war of any kind. The war of words is fully in effect and of course old Pompeo wants to charge China with all the covid deaths across the world. Well, it is clear that the rest of the world is not falling for his fishing any longer and will not subject themselves to his rules-based international order. This includes Mr Trump and a few other European countries, although Europe is also getting antsy because they’re beginning to see that MAGA does not mean MAGA, but means MAGA at the expense of anyone else.
The Sirius Report describes this as follows: “When it comes to foreign policy US behaves like an addict who needs another fix, rather like those who live with addicts, there is collateral damage. Sadly there is all too often only one outcome. World has given up reasoning with US and will leave it to its inevitable fate.”
So, thats what you have and it is confirmed in Russia’s attitude clearly spelt out by Mr Lavrov (long discussion posted this morning on the Saker Blog). http://thesaker.is/foreign-minister-sergey-lavrovs-remarks-and-answers-to-questions-during-the-online-session-russia-and-the-post-covid-world/
It would be good to really read that one with attention.
Bear with me, I’m getting to the point.
Of course, most of the rest of the world does not agree with the US and cronies, that Covid is just a cold, or that it is something that is just not dangerous. Just before Hong Kong locked down again, they had a very wide consultation with many experts, medicos and social health voices, a discussion which is now continuing. The final acceptance there was:
In terms of treatment
– carefully observe changes in disease progression and then give specific treatments.
– nursing is also very important.
– if necessary, intubation must be immediately done for some specific patients.
– most patients should recover quickly but treatment needs to be done in time, otherwise the patient’s condition will worsen..
So, we have basically do the right things at the right time and people can recover – even the oldies – if we spend an inordinate amount of time and money on getting people to recover. But, in the east, they seem to be doing that.
In terms of self-protection
This is simple .. on the ground, wear the right mask in the right circumstances, understand mask usage and a flare-up of Covid must be worked against by the complete community. Keep the hands clean and don’t touch your eyes. So, I am busy with a coherent mask procedure which I will post in the community site as I think this one has legs and we will be using it into the future.
At the start of the Chinese outbreak, too many health care workers got infected, so, full regimen of protective clothing, and full regimen of protection against highly communicable diseases must be followed if you are in health care. This includes correct usage, correct cleaning and correct decontamination. From the east we have what I hope is solid stats on masking up and I’ll get this organized and posted.
So, what is happening is that these things are slowly sinking in, in the west. Bear in mind a virus does not respect borders. I see more and more like this …
– Covid does not lead to immunity. Two or three months after recovery, you are susceptible again, and
– This thing is going to be with us for a long long time.
“Over the past several months, there has been a tremendous amount of debate about almost every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. People have been eager to debate about the severity of the virus, they have been eager to debate about the wisdom of the lockdowns, and they have been eager to debate about the effectiveness of wearing masks.
But the one thing that everyone could pretty much agree on is that eventually this pandemic would end.
Virtually all of us assumed that one way or another eventually most of the population would develop COVID-19 antibodies and that once we got to that point the pandemic would fizzle out.
Unfortunately, it appears that was not a safe assumption to make.”
“Extremely Worrying”: Nearly 90% Of Discharged COVID-19 Patients Have Symptoms Two Months After Falling Ill
I would suggest out of these last two links, you actually go and follow the studies quoted. The studies and researches still are too small but, this is what we have.
I am still of the opinion that no matter what you believe, this is a real virus that attacks at different angles and that a little caution for yourself and others is the right thing to do in my view. This is simple reasoning – if there is a ‘they’ that wants to cull the human population, the very best thing we can do in resistance, is to actually not die. I am also of the opinion that this is a global issue and needs to be handled with global community input. (This is after you’ve been through the conspiracy theories and figured out where the actual conspiracy exists in your local country – In the US, I suggest you start with the screwings and the doings of Trump’s whichever new program or plan to helicopter money to the vaccine developers – I forget the name now – its like whatever in the US again? – well, not important). The US will eventually come back to being something, perhaps changed into separate areas, perhaps other changes, but the US will not come back again as world leader. The era is over and we are now suffering the pain of ripping out the roots of a dying hegemon.
Catherine Austin Fitts’ twitter is a very quick way to follow and she posts a wide range of information. Whichever differences of opinion with her, she is neither a neocon nor a ziocon. https://twitter.com/thesolarireport?lang=en
Her tweet on Trump and his mask was just classic. https://twitter.com/TheSolariReport/status/1282201519962697729
The US suffers from international Munchussiens, it was never, ever, a world leader. The brightest ‘paper clip’ brains are stollen from each country they destroy, inventions and patents taken as the spoils of war, the US never, ever, led anything other than the dissimanation of hate, missery, murder and genocide.
Cheers, M
Sorry Sean……you err….in another case of Throwing the Baby Out of the Bath Water….to gain new friends and fellowship
Almost EVERY nation on earth has contributed something of value to humanity at large…and committed crimes, as well.
Just as virtually every human being that ever lived erred in some way.
The only difference (and it makes ALL the difference) is the scale…and frequency of the errors….and the will…or lack of will to correct said errors!
Peace, out!
Saints preserve us, I, the chaunster, have a following, repent I say brother, repent. Honestly, I’m not that important.
I did enjoy however, wonder if you read it, Terry Meyssan’s take on the split at the top of the US pig trough, Pilgrims, Puritins, lineage and all. I knew there was a split, just not how deep the players went.
Obumer set up a shadow gov’t before he left office, putting trojans in place…….they knew all along that Hillery, no matter how much they cheated, was not going to beat Trump.
Some of the points you make sean the leprechaun, and what I made is now pouring out.
The US is trying to destabilize the whole of the South China Sea and all the ASEAN countries. They are in process of refusing all of China’s claims, and therefore all of the agreements that have been made with the full ASEAN. This is probably as big a provocation is the killing of Suleimani if not bigger.
And secondly, the US passport is turning to not important. This fellow here did some counting for us. “American Passports Are Worthless Now (Map)
Oh the places you can’t go”
“It’s not that other nations don’t want to welcome Americans, they just can’t. The point of a passport is that a sovereign power vouches for its bearer, but America can’t vouch for the health of their citizens at all. America’s public health regime is far less trustworthy than Liberia’s (which is actually quite good). Its sovereign is mad.
At the same time, you can’t trust Americans. Americans have poor hygiene (low masking rate) and at least 40% of the population can’t be trusted to even believe that COVID-19 exists, let alone to take it seriously. They’re likely to refuse testing, not report symptoms, break quarantine, and generally NOT follow rules. Americans have a toxic combination of ignorance and arrogance that makes them unwelcome travelers.”
I am not saying these things with schadenfreude – this baby is being tossed out, water or not. I hope somebody will pay attention, stop your administration from world provocation and get your COVID under control. I found that link from MoA – whose header this morning is Cootiestan.
What a great description of the US’s behavior….this way of describing it had never occurred to me before…Munchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy…it defines many of their atrocities….especially 9/11.
It doesn’t get any sicker than this
Bravo Amarynth…great post.
Another small but important step forward for Russia – “-Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that aims to prevent and eliminate oil spills.
According to the law, companies engaged in onshore oil production must have contingency plans in place. In addition, they must have financial support for the elimination of the consequences of accidents, as well as for measures to prevent emergencies.-”
Will BOTH Frank V …AND Frank Z…ignore ME????
Oh, what’s a Brother To Do?…….(obscure 1950’s Tide Detergent advertising reference…..if in doubt google it…replacing “Br” with an “M”…….LOL)
Frank Z irritated the heck out of me…..last caller into Frank V (Valbiro) on Quite Frankly last night…with his “fogettaboutit”…..wet blanket call.
So this morning I wrote an email to Frank V…not to complain about Frank Z undercutting my arguments with T13 and amarynth by telling Frank V:
“This Wayfair thing? Forget it! AND, I’ll tell you why………”
but to take Those Lemons…..and Make Lemonade Out of Them!
Don’t Care (that much….lol) if Frank V or Z ignore my points and T13 ONLY glomms onto Z’s specialist cautionary……”No indictments will come of this….no perpetrators will be convicted!” wet blanket rationale.
There is SOME brighter kid or blue haired girl out there who might “get” what I have to say.
How do I know the color of her hair??? “You’ll find out!”
So because of the time constraints that exist….I repeat here the Fran V or Z intended destination email……with one or two interrupts for injections of source material………..including Blue Haired Babe….:
Hey Frank!
If too busy to read this long one….Forward to ZELL!
I caught the very end of QF last night…with Zell’s call…and with the little time you had….wondered if I could respond any better.
Probably NOT….either freeze up….speechless or get PISSED……….. would probably have happened if I were at your mic! You did VERY well….in doing neither of those!
Zell is a specialist in his field and it would be nuts to butt heads with him regarding his narrower POV….HIS COMPETENCY! He has it! NO question!
But my BROADER CONTEXT Point of View, which I sense that you share (because I went back earlier in the Podcast to your discussion of Wayfair…(..EXCELLENT….BTW!) is that Zell’s point …about “forgettabout it” in terms of nailing any specific crimes or criminals in the Wayfair Kerfuffle ………..is no doubt TRUE…….but completely SECONDARY!
EMAILUS Interruptus: Frank’s Z fagettaboutit call: https://youtu.be/O10KNM5liNQ?t=6915
Bidding Fare the well to Gerry in Scotland…short rant…and then “Frank Zell, What’s up, Frank???
Convictions for human trafficking of specific missing children for specific acts involving specific criminals ………..and their END CUSTOMERS….can come LATER!
What is PRIMARY …..Priority……is convicting the “Elites of a Moral Garbage Can”…………….by a Jury of Many, Many Growing Millions…………..IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION….NOW….First!
For Nov 3, 2020!…
Llke the Girl With The Blue Hair……about to turn RED! LOL.
EMAILUS Interruptus: at the 1 hr 12 minute mark of last night’s Quite Frankly, Frank says…..Here’s a little bit of fun….. a little bit of HOPE that came my way:
Miss Blue Hair Flips the Switch HARD…to Red….because she “got” the PRIMACY of what amarynth and very possibly CAF haven’t..(Human Trafficking.for the Adrenochrome and Power Addicted).. yet….so far …….”And there’s that chaotic youth energy…on TIC TOC.” ….observes Frank V
cont’d email
Convictions for human trafficking of specific missing children for specific acts involving specific criminals ………..and their END CUSTOMERS….can come LATER!
That. I believe, is the correct view of the matter from “THIRTY THOUSAND FEET” which the valuable specialist Investigator “on the ground” …the Cop…the Private Investigator level…. misses! Usually, and quite understandably! They are specialists!
AND: There are specialists and there are generalists, and BOTH are needed.
Zell is a (narrow….by necessity of hours committed to his professional focus) SPECIALIST.
You are a generalist. As am I.
But there are areas ….like abstract mathematics…or the occult…which some of us generalists either have facility in grasping…….OR don’t.
In the Subject Line of this email…I put WAIF FARE…..because I believe Wayfair’s name and the Dark Masonic Love of WORD PLAY…is an indicator that unlike other 3rd Party Sellers like Amazon or ETSY…this specific Seller of WAIFS………..don’t laugh!…..may have been set up…..more narrowly for “moving” that SPECIFIC HUMAN MERCHANDISE.
I didn’t “catch” the word play first….Weekend Warrior did.
His link…at the specific time mark where he “breaks it down”…….. is contained within my comment yesterday…in the Moveable Feast Cafe…of the Vineyard of the Saker:
WAY DOWN….near the end..
Cheers! END of EMAIL
Now, for the Recon From 30,000 feet…….of Wayfair and all of the Confusion, Angst, Excitement, Error and Everything Else………….Frank Valbiro gives an absolutely masterful tour to put it ALL in Eagle Vision Perspective……in about 3 minutes of “connecting the dots” from way, way above ground level of your (pl) particular personal experience, perspective …or preference to “go there”…or …more probably to NOT “go there” ….lol …as the Dark Globalist Elites…..most fervently wish of you:
“Now the Big Question Here”….asks Frank V….”Could It All Just Be A Big Tin-Foil Hat Trap??? Possibly! But…..” …………….and the masterful tour commences at 48 minutes….after an on the ground look….
You are free to decide. Or avoid deciding……but DO check the “short list”…the context….of other numerous predicates……….. beginning at 48 minutes.
Peace out!
The industry is worth $130 billion a year, USA has a million child missing cases a year, I guess it might be something worth having a ponder about, why ignore this money being embedded and laundered in many layered business opportunities and models such as Wayfair ? What is capitalism, could communism, socialism, achieve this ? Sorry for dumb question.
There has been chat about capitalism, can it be good, can it be made good and things like that. Sorry, I need to take a break so don’t want to go and look for the threads.
In my view, capitalism has seeds of systemic evil inside of it – systemically. But, go and take a listen to Prof Richard Wolff. He is a friendly fellow and a good teacher. He has worked through all of these questions through the years. His stance is that capitalism is not to be replaced by communsim or by socialism or another ism, but by direct and real democracy. So, go and listen to him for a while – he is good with uncomplicated and very clear explanations. This one is where he talks about ‘good capitalism’, like conscious capitalism.
He also considers that capitalism has crashed in the US.
And his channel
…”His stance is that capitalism is not to be replaced by communsim or by socialism or another ism, but by direct and real democracy.”
Pretty much what I said in a recent post in response to Ramin’s recent article…
Of course as the supercilious in our midst just love to point out… we are mere Farmers…WTF would we know…just saying…LOL.
So kind of you to allow the “supercilious” rent-free space in your head, Farmer George. :-)
Its getting to be merely curious – a huge majority of people now back and agree with and provide evidence for their coherence with a view expressed by one person here, yet you consistently belittle and mock and troll that one person.
I mean, it’s very flattering and all that, but do you really find me so fascinating and worthy of your time and attention?. Thanks for the compliment – sorry I cant return it.
I almost never think of you at all.
As to being a “mere Farmer” — I worked in two big farming areas in Aus, and had many Farmers and their families in my care, so I actually reject that comment. I would never have described them as such. I was involved in trying to set up a project called “Men in Sheds” to help the many Farmers in Aus committing suicide due to the massive pressures on them, the huge losses they are sustaining, the heavy tax abuse heaped on them.
I think we helped a bit.
But if you think I know nothing of Farmers, believe me, you could not be more wrong. I might add, all the Farmers I knew were gentlemen – none of them ever called me names, or spoke abusively to me. I admired them very much.
Then again, they were Australian, so perhaps there’s a difference, I dont know.
You once stated on TS that you “managed a farm near Kaitaia”… this is but a stone’s throw from where my operation is located… if that was the case then surely you would know if there was “a difference”.
…and if the cap fits you can choose whether or not to wear it…99 out 100 other commenters choose not to wear it… and I wonder why that is?
…and a quote from …https://thesaker.is/moveable-feast-cafe-2020-07-02/#comment-827406
“You are presenting measurable, scientific data to one whom, I gather, makes decisions based on what the NZ Herald has to say, and I suspect, has never heard of a nanoparticle, let alone what it is and how vanishingly miniscule it is. I dont think gathering up sheep for sheering has a lot to do with nanoparticles after all :-)
…just me but that comment all but takes the cake when it comes to supercilious…and yet somehow I’m the troll?
“and if the cap fits you can choose whether or not to wear it…99 out 100 other commenters choose not to wear it… and I wonder why that is?”
That is mere sophistry. Everyone who has followed the Cafe over the last couple of months knows exactly who you mean, so please, dont ‘sink to playing the games of immoral lawyers and politicians.
And again, you hit at me, I hit back. You call me names, like “Queen of supercilious” etc, I hit back with a crack about sheep and nanoparticles’
But I notice you avoid my follow up. My request that this petty sniping cease, that we acknowledge we both hold a different view and leave it at that.
And that you apparently just can’t or refuse to do. I even put in the word “please”. Please stop this sniping which is undignified and not edifying, I said.
Yet still you do it. Yet if I hit back at you, you crumple up weeping.
Not exactly inducive to feelings of respect, is it?
again, I suggest, please have done with the sniping, the “supercilious” etc. Just leave it out, OK.??
UNless, of course, you are so fascinated with me you just can’t stop. In which case, of course, I do understand.:-) Be my guest.
“. His stance is that capitalism is not to be replaced by communsim or by socialism or another ism, but by direct and real democracy.”
The thing is, we are showing here the difference between how you rule, and your economic system, I think.
I do agree, that the modern oligarchic Corporatacratic Fascist system needs to be replaced by real, direct, democracy.
First of all the major problem with democracy is one of scale – it doesn’t scale up. Up to about 300 people, where you can still go grab one of your administrators by the collar and say “see here, Bill, we dont think ….” then you have direct democracy.
But even then, when you have it how do you sustain that community??
Barter? Barter with other groups, swop turnips in autumn for beans next summer? Well, yes, you can. But It’s limited, and in days world just about impossible.
So – if in your “direct democracy” you have one guy over producing wheat and a few other families starving, how do you manage that??
By a ruling clique confiscating wheat to distribute as they see fit? But now you have communism, n’est pas?
By selling to another commune a days bullock dray ride away, and using the profit to — ah ha. But now we have capitalism.
You see, yes, direct democracy, I agree, but as it’ doesn’t scale you have to have small groups. But having small groups, you still have to have some system of economics.
And there is no reason you cant have a capitalistic one, just control it so the governing body is a capitalist returning profits to the people.
What I believe must be done is a different approach to both the traditional capitalist and socialist prevailing ideologies, and that is to have a national homestead act. America needs to start elevating the individuals and families rights over both government and private sector institutions, in which one could say that the disease is more one of institutionalizattion, whether it comes from the public or private sector, it has a parastic effect on the individual and the family. All answers to all problems are met with institutional answers that serve the institution at the expense of and to the detriment of both the individual and the family. The individuals and families are forced to pay for and receive tremendously expensive services from public and private institutions, which erodes the well being of the individuals and families.
Federal, state, and local governments own 2/3 of the land in America. The majority of American jobs are now in the service sector. If the governments were to grant homes to people, it would significantly reduce their cost of living, and increase their independence, as well as overall security. In America, the sovereign are We The People, not We The Governments, or We The Corporations, or We The Bankers. This national homestead act would also assist employers because turnover would be much lower, which would reduce their cost and increase their productivity. It would also eliminate pressure on employers to keep increasing prices, in order to keep increasing wages, and could also have a containment effect of keeping a check on inflation for that reason.
We need to start thinking outside the box, and leave the paradigms and parameters that have been indoctrinated into us as the only available choices.
Obviously, many would be employed in the construction of homes, and we must bring manufacturing back to America from China, and this would enable us to do that.
A nation of weak individuals, weakened by institutions has led to a weak nation, which is what America is suffering from – spinelessness.
I think what you are proposing is a modern version of the system that was so stable it survived for thousands of years, and across a huge area: India, the Inland of modern China, Burma, across modern Europe and even Britain and Russia. It’s that of the small “village” and smal town communities, which were largely autonomous.
It’s been shown that people in groups of about 300 – no more, some think less – work well together, and survive. In India, for example, they were ruled by a “panchayat” a group of 5 village elders. If one was badly offside, he was replaced by one more in tune with popular thinking.
The Russian writer and philosopher Kropotkin wrote of this history of small village grouping, to show that evolution is not, in fact, by “survival of the fittest,” of competition and destruction of opposition, but by mutual aid to mutual advantage.
As one who has spent most of her life, by choice, in smaller, countrified communities, compared to life in big cities, I can attest to that value.
It doesn’t obviate the base of capitalism, that of forming a profit from one’s own efforts, but of how nothing we do can be viewed outside the context of us being social animals, who need mutual efforts to help each other flourish.
In Hutterite collective communities, once the group reaches 150 people there abouts, they split some off and form a new colony. So yes, small groups of people as has been the case for millions of years, can function and progress very well without centralized control.
Take some time watch the Alone series, or Naked and Affraid, or Alone the Beast (surviving 100 days in the frozen bush) survival is not about the fittest (most of the fittest who take up these challanges fail rather quick) yet the ones with personal foritude, presserverance and good old common sence smarts, make it.
Cheers, M
That’s interesting Sean – about the Hutterite’s. I didn’t know, and will certainly add it to my collection of “evidence” points to support the model.
I have not heard of the Alone series – is it available on YouTube? I’ll go looking for it, and thanks again.
Always on the look out for interesting new sources of information I can learn from :-)
It’s becoming more and more obvious I think, to more of us, that this vast collective of millions of people living in cities is not amenable to flourishing living. Certainly that meme laid down by Darwin, and pushed along by those with an interest in doing so, of “competition and elimination” has done a huge amount of damage, and continues to do so.
Yet a little work with the imagination alone serves to show up it’s absurdity, even without study and evidence from numbers. Just imagine two villages, compare the two models. When disaster hits, which one will survive, the one where a single ruthless individual has killed or driven off most of the other good people, and has few left who can do much, or one where everyone helps each other, and all the different skill sets and knowledge and thinking methods are pooled for the common good?.
Not hard to see which will survive, is it. ?
Yet we have promoted and grown the former model, which turns out to be cruel and destructive.
I note, in Russia, Putin has pushed the Autonomous Local Areas model, too. Small local places, small towns etc, are given funds for local projects, and the people encouraged to manage them for themselves. I think after 3 generations of Collectivist living – ruled by a Central Government from afar – it might take a while to catch on, but I”m sure it will pay dividends down the road.
No, I am not proposing anything like that at all, that is more institutionalization in my opinion, that weakens the individual and family, and exalts worthless, good for nothing, busy bodies that refuse to mind their own business at the expense of the individual and family. My neighbors break into my house, steal, vandalize, stalk, hack, spy on me and gas light me. I would literally prefer death over associating with them in even the slightest way, and the village is run by a corrupt band of idiots and predators that refuse to do anything about it, so, I would never propse that, in fact, I advocate for villages unincorporating, with Tom’s River NJ population over 91,000 being the 16th safest municipality.
My response would be, in that case – move. Find your own kind. People tend to cluster according the Universal Principle of self organisation,which is Like/Similar is drawn to and forms the strongest bonds with Like/Similar.
That’s a point of small societies – it’s like shaking a jar full of mixed size pebbles. You’ll see how the little ones group and so on up in size to the biggest at the top. Layers form. It happens in all forms of grouping.
If all the people in your village are like that, clearly it works for them, but not you. So, go find the place where your own “Like/similar” are. I know it’s what I would do – like you I couldn’t bear to live among people like that.
I dont think you can argue against evidence gathered over half the world and over centuries just because your own experience has been out of kilter, you know. :-)
Thanks Pamela, but I have lived here for longer than all but four other households in this suburban development of hundreds of homes and condos, so I refuse to be pushed around by psychopaths. Since the majority of them moved in after I did, it proves that moving is pointless, since I could move amd have more psychopaths move in to where I move to. It is a middle class white neighborhood of white trash. I have never even met many of the psychopaths that moved in in the past six years and started doing this to me right away. It is an organized crime ring and surveillance cult. America is corrupt all over the country. It is pointless to move. I have lived in this home for 20 years.
As far as the romanticism of claiming that the local organizations worked, it is romaniticizing a system. It is not a fact that there are thousands of years of history that have proven that they work, it is a non sequitur.
It is not a fact that there are thousands of years of history that have proven that they work, it is a non sequitur.
Sorry NFOTD but it is – a fact. Kropotkin is not the only social historian to have researched this – I’ve been picking up more and more work on it for the last 8 yrs or so.
If it hasn’t worked for you and you dont believe in it, fine. It’s a personal decision after all.
But the historical research has been pretty thorough – I especially learned of it across India many years ago. It’s a fact, but we all have to make our own decisions for ourselves.
I am not the only one that it has not worked for. If it was as magnificent as you claim that it was, it would be in wide use, and empirically agreed upon. Whatever it is that you may choose to call it, it has been a distrous failure when implemented by corrupt tryants in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and other places where neighbors spied on eachother and sabotaged eachother. One researcher, is not proof that a theory works. Sociology is not an exact science, because every society is made up of individuals, who may be considered to be factors in an equation, each with their own unique numerical value, therefor, every society is different, since every society is composed of different individuals, each with their own unique numerical value, and what adds up to the ideal in one society, could add up to a tribe of cannibals and head hunters in another society, which most would hardly consider to be ideal, who by the way happened to use the same societal model that you happen to be proposing.
Not to mention the United States Senate, supposedly supposed to be 100 of the finest people that America has to offer, and look at the shit, yes, really, the shit that they came up with for us, as their best ideas in an exercise of collectivism, or various police forces throughout America. The problem with the psychopaths is placing them in groups of a hundred or more, because then they believe that they have consensus and support in their crime sprees, this goes for corporations as well as public institutions, and it is usually the consensus to engage in what is tantamount to gang raping individuals, but they are in agreement that they are justified in their actions, causing disease to the individuals in the organizations, in a collective illness doing things that the majority of those people most likely would not have initiated doing on their own, and especially without the support of others, because they would be fearful of the repurcussions had they independently acted to commit those crimes and acts of atrocity, if their consciences had failed to permit them from doing it, in fact, there would be no war at all, if it were not for collectivism, in which one group of individuals collectively decide to murder another group of individuals. Collectivism and institutionalization are the illnesses that plague society as a whole, above all others.
If a group bundle together spy on and educate others, it is called fascism from the italian fasci which means a bundle that was the symbol of power in ancient Rome. Their ideology of Mussolini seek to “educate” their neighbours violently, and keep a sharp lookout for anyone that do not conform. (the mobs,Antifa, BLM=fasci).
Local administrations are fascist having been transformed into totalitarian outlets of the central party.
Benito Mussolini : http://www.worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Germany/mussolini.htm
Rejection of Pacifism : (ed.note: members “educate” neighbours with severity (violence)).
Two short “Bitcoin” Teasers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAwRAcSwobo under 5 minutes Patrick Ben-David interviews Craig Wright
WILL BITCOIN REACH $100,000?? Wright’s Answer: NO. But I don’t consider BTC to be “Bitcoin”.
What does Craig Wright consider to be the actual Bitcoin and what does he think ITS limits are?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f57EArAUIE 38 minutes but you only need play 2 min 20 sec for his ans.
S2 E60: Shitcoin Cash ( ……..Sometimes ….no…quite OFTEN there are “no holds barred” in Crypto! LOL)
163 views•Streamed live on Jul 11, 2020
Valuetainment, of 2.41 million subscribers interviewed Wright a couple of weeks ago for 2 hours. Seems like they are just testing the waters with the above little intro.
Time to make a stab at my little Rouble Nationalization book review and get that in. The above teaser is related IMHO…..and so is Hamilton….more clearly…..but either explanation….beyond a mere whiff of a hint might be (?) beyond my capacities……….. in under 800 words, that is.
But it’s time to “give it a go” …and see what spills out of the keyboard!
“I’ll see ya on the flip side.” ….Next Cafe…in all probability.
Sick in the head Oakland Ca. judge incarcerates 15 year old girl that judge claimed posed danger to the community and has violated “community standards” for not completing online lockdown assignments, even though teacher defended student as not being out of line with majority of students under lockdown. Obviously, the judge is the danger to the community! Give the bitch a taste of her own medicine! This is outrageous!
Well, here’s my Starikov book review and the Word Count comes in at 1068 words.
I think it was supposed to be 800 max….but I could have easily done 2000 words, more comfortably.
If time has run out, I accept Disqualification by the Judges!
If not, I’ll go with the flow and divert some water (words) or let it run into a few paragraphs on Centralization/Decentralization which I wanted to discuss…but had exceeded the word count limit, already:
An American’s Book Review of Rouble Nationalization: Russia’s Way to Freedom
As an American with a very big place in his heart for Russia, reading Nicolai Starikov’s Rouble Nationalization: The Way to Russia’s Freedom, was a pleasure and a revelation.
Any keen perspective, coming from a very different angle of reference than one is accustomed to, is full of unexpected surprises and stimulating ironies. Such was my experience on first reading Starikov’s 304 page e-book in English. I expected a dry, eye-glossing-over examination of monetary theory critical of Elvira Nabulina, head of the Central Bank of Russia. Instead, I experienced a revealing history of Russia’s past one hundred years from the standpoint of what Starikov calls its (and every other nation on earth’s) vulnerabilities to “the foreign money-printing machine”, as in the Rothschild run Bank of England in its first incarnation.
Since I find history much more enjoyable than the tedium and abstractions of money, credit and other such financial occultisms, I was already hooked within less than the first twenty pages! The reader of this review, who opens the link
http://lit.md/files/nstarikov/rouble_nationalization-the_way_to_russia's_freedom.pdf …..is apt to experience similar interest and pleasures……unless, of course, non-confirmation of one’s biases regarding Joseph Stalin being The Bloodiest Ogre In World History are simply too jarring for one’s old beliefs to endure.
Having no such issues, and realizing that Fake News and Fake History are hundreds…no thousands of years old, in reading Rouble Nationalization, I found the General Secretary of the USSR to be a careful and exceedingly patient strategist in guiding Russia through a quarter century (1929-1953) of its greatest dangers and vulnerabilities regarding its need to use “the telephone to London” (Commissar of Foreign Affairs Maxim Litvinov 1929-1939) to expedite key imports of needed resources and technologies until Russia could hold the Wolves of Wall Street and The City of London at bay….and be free enough from them…….. to send “The Telephone” to Washington DC as Ambassador to the USA, and replace him with Andrei Gromyko.
And yet, as Starikov suggests, Stalin was murdered before achieving full sovereignty for Russia from the foreign money printing machine (a huge imperial advantage for its owners!) and the reversal of the ground fought for at the cost of tens of millions of lives…began immediately with Nikita Kruschev’s replacement of Stalin as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR in 1953.
The next 37 years under successive “lesser men” maneuvered the USSR to its dissolution and the decade after that very nearly caused the intended dismemberment of Russia as a state with any sovereignty remaining, whatsoever. Throughout this long, exhausting, grinding process, Starikov examines, in much documented detail, the advantageous powers of the Money Printing Machine, to buy, to corrupt, to strangle, to loot…and suck the vitality out of any nation so bold as to attempt real independence from that Imperial Money Printing Machine. And how the dollar replaced the British Pound as the World Reserve Currency………prepared for 31 years before the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944…that made the switch……..with the treasonous selling out of American sovereignty to the Empire Money Printers, in 1913.
The Fourth of 12 total chapters, Why Stalin Did Not Sign the Bretton Woods Agreement, contains a paragraph with one statement of fact, two questions, and a short, convincing assertion:
“In December 1945 Stalin was brave enough not to ratify the Bretton Woods agreement. Was that the right decision? Let us rephrase the question: would it have been the right decision of the head of the country that had lost 27 million lives as a sacrifice to its independence, to sign a paper which would have deprived the country of this very independence? And it would have happened very soon with the help of peaceful financial methods.”
Other Chapters, such as Chapter 6. How the advocate of peace Benito Mussolini ended up supporting the war……..and Chapter 7. How bankers conquered the USA and what was removed from the dollar bill ….and Chapter 8. How Comrade Stalin appreciated and cherished the ‘Chubais’ of his time and what came out of it …..and Chapter 9. Why a square in Washington is named after the Academic, Sakharov…by the author give fascinating insights into Starikov’s thesis from the perspective of peoples in foreign nations in addition to the Russian experience with its resistors as well as its naïve dupes such as Sakharov.
The recovery of Russia from the edge of the abyss, with the ascension to power of Putin in 2000 is studied….including the fact that even today Putin’s Russia cannot yet dismiss or prosecute Anatoly Chubais!
And yet, in the final chapter, of the same title as the book’s title Starikov sees hope, not only for Russia’s sovereignty, but for other powerful nations or alliances of nations as the Private Central Bank System, of not so hidden control, collapses under the weight of its evil, its fraud and its violations of the laws of nature, but within the following exceedingly dangerous and all too familiar “divide and conquer” scenario of the Money Printing Machine’s efforts to continue to exist:
“……. It must be understood that a new regime in Russia is needed to mar relations with China on the initiative of Russia, as in the USA’s opinion Russia will stop selling oil and gas to the ‘bloody regime of Chinese communists’, start discussing the impairment of rights within the Uighur autonomous district etc. Shortly after that it will be possible to try and play off two countries against each other. At this the USA will offer China what China wants and promise to remain neutral during the conflict. In the same way England promised the German Caesar to remain neutral in the summer of 1914.”
Clearly, Russia’s Freedom requires a leader succeeding Putin’s eventual bowing out of public life, who will not allow the above scenario to unfold. Or else not just Russia, China and America will be drawn into war, but most inhabitants of the planet will suffer its effects and after effects…..if they are “lucky” to survive even the first rounds of General Warfare.
Therefore, Rouble Nationalization: Russia’s Way To Freedom should be read by current and future national leaders everywhere, so that a saner, cooperative effort of an alliance of many nations besides Russia and China might free humanity from the grip of the Money Printing Machine Madness of the Globalist New World Order octopus.
Read this book and start weakening and cutting its tentacles everywhere! Especially wherever English is the native language.
Yeah, I see how this is going- total history falsification.
We have the concept of fascism from Italian fasci which means bundle which is the symbol of power of ancient Rome. It translates also to a group who as a bundle represent power of the few that establish rule over all by means of that power ie. authoritarian fascism is rule by power over others it does not represent as thus a specific ideology even but is very much the same as national socialism and even communism such as the rule of Stalin.
There comes the history falsification needed in order to glorify Stalin again.
Here is a translation of Benito Mussolino’s speech on fascism from a 1935 Italian government translation that sets straight the falsification of the “advocate of peace” .
” Fascism Doctrine and Institutions, by Benito Mussolini.” translated by Giovanni Gentile.
As an example Antifa, BLM are all fascists, and agents of the Democrat’s party in the US, they seek to “educate” people in their fascism and they are subordinate to the state (deep state) seeking power as the Democrat’s party at this time, Republicans may follow suit.
This comment: “Yeah, I see how this is going- total history falsification.”
My goodness John – you have not read one word, and yet you come to this erroneous conclusion? What can I say? (Remind me to never say again that I truly enjoyed a book.)
To set the record straight in the absence of actually reading that chapter, which is easy to read as it is kinda standalone … Starikov actually started with the death of Mussolini and why he never could have been allowed to speak — make confession, because he had too many secrets to hide. And then he goes on to describe his death, saying:
“Or, maybe, Mussolini would have revealed some secrets of pre-war European policies to investigators. Everything was possible. Hence the Duce’s execution by firing squad…”
“Perhaps he would have started his confession from afar, from the moment when an advocate of peace and neutrality that he had been, became a zealous supporter of war. When, he, a social democrat and revolutionary, founded the fascist movement…. ”
I do not think you can even talk of falsification of history here, especially without giving it a read. Its a good book John, and Starikov opens a different window on some of the most well-known events in history and some of the lesser known ones.
@Bro – This is a formal work response – and I try to never ‘work’ in the Cafe. Have to have some place where I can kick up my feet and say my own say.
Nice that you wrote a review but for the Blog, it leaves me with two problems.
.. Blog management – this book review has already been approved by the Saker, he told me where he wants it, and told me to schedule it for blog publication. So, that part is already done and I don’t feel good to go back to him and ask him to do it again, as I had no clue you were actually writing something. We have a system here, and I work according to The Saker’s rules and timeline and he absolutely approves everything that is published.
.. The bigger problem, if it is published in the Cafè already, The Saker will now not allow me to republish it in blog format.
What I have done, is to add a paragraph to link people to your publication here. Best I can do for now.
No problem.
Unless 2000 words were allowed and there’s another few days added to deadline (today’s??) I’ll rest on my July 12 Cafe Laurels…..and Call It A Day….and not dig into to the details of how to properly deliver the text.
Is today the deadline?
How many Reviews received? (in proper manner)
Maybe repeat the logistics rules for anyone that is finishing up and has a few more hours to get their review in!
No problem to write something individually and at your own time schedule – I think Starikov deserves a few English reviews – but better not to pre-publish it. Again, I don’t make publishing decisions – the Saker does that but you may feel free to send something to me, or to him.
Logistics rules are here : http://thesaker.is/submissions-policy/
About this specific one, I did not get notification from anyone else that they are participating. The invitation to do something together was also extended to the Saker’s telegram group.
It is not surprising – people are busy and volunteers are scarce and we are a volunteer workforce.
I am swimming upstream really, to hope for community level collaboration. There to my mind is little community work happening, but yet, still I swim – because locally here somewhere in LatAm, we still see cohesive communities functioning the best.
So, feel free to write something individually if you would like. This invite to collaborate on a book review was just an idea that I had because we were all reading that book anyways. It does not take away from anyone wanting to do something individually.
It’s not over ’til it’s over…
Thanks for this thoughtful, masterful review, the only offering from this site !
Shaun Attwood: “Andrew is singlehandedly destroying the Royal Family”.
#maxwell #princeandrew #royalfamily
Andrew Was Videoed Lawyer Claims
The lawyer means filmed performing illegal sex with underage girls groomed by Ghyslaine…………..at her boyfriend’s properties full of “PRIVATE” (LOL) rooms rigged with hidden video cameras.
125,552 views•Jul 13, 2020
When it rains it pours.
But coming out of Canada, it can be hailstones as big as baseballs……………
Polly takes credit for starting Wayfair-gate with her “spidey senses” weeks ago…then taking a vacation….during which a BUNCH of other people began to dig.
And now she is taking “no prisoners” but going after ALL of them satanic child molesters……right up to Buckingham Palace.
I wouldn’t take council of your fears any longer.
But IF you have any fears left…the above video just might dispel them.
This could be planned, I have the greatest respect and admiration for Shaun, however, the popularity and respect for the so called Royal Family has diminished considerably over the last 30 or 40 years to the point where they are despised by most, not the uber rich or total dumbs, perhaps they can blame him for their downfall !!!
The above comment in relation to Shaun Attwood: “Andrew is singlehandedly destroying the Royal Family”.
Things that weaken a person’s immune system are: a low nutrient diet, low vitamins, low amino acids, low fatty acids, stress, not enough or poor sleep, smoking, alcohol, drugs, junk food, sugar, and a high carbohydrate food diet, that results in high glucose in the body, which weakens the immune system, and causes diabetes and other health problem.
Things that strengthen the immune system are: Selenium from Brazil nuts or from supplements, and which is necessary for key enzymes.
Then there is natural vitamin C which is an antimicrobial and stimulates the production of white blood cells that fight infections, and it should preferably come from foods such as sauerkraut, capsicums, and other plant foods, because
Then there is Vitamin D, which supports T cells and protects against pathogens, and the sunshine in summer, or Vitamin D 3 supplements in winter are the best sources.
Then there is Vitamin A which provides the structural integrity of the mucosal cells in the sinus and respiratory centres, and the best sources are cod liver oil, butter, and other food sources.
Then there is Zinc that increases T cells and protects against viruses; and it comes dairy products, nuts, or zinc supplements, and then there is Garlic, which ranks highest for killing off viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mould.
Then there is Colloidal Silver which starves off the oxygen supply to certain microbes, and is a very potent anti viral.
Then there is Olive Leaf or olive leaf extract, which is an anti viral and it protects the immune system; and there are few other things that strengthen the immune system, but these are the main or essential ones that strengthen the immune system.
Yes, these have received publicity from good Alt-Med sources, so sadly so few of those who only read mainstream will not know.
I would add, not to buy “ViC” from supermarkets, sold as such. It’s not a lot of good. Buy L-Ascorbic Acid from good herbal suppliers. Also, in times of stress or high risk, i.e. middle of winter, lots of coughs and colds about, the amount of Vit C from foods grown in these times, when most soils are nutrient deficient, is not enough. Best to buy a large amount of L-Ascorbic Acid to make up your own health drink.
Olive has to be avoided if you are a salicylate intolerant person too.
Great list! I would add oregano for anti-viral and anti-bacterial or time oil for the same. I used to buy the essential oils until I realized I could just I nibble on a few leaves of both each day when I am in the garden. Sometimes I put larger amounts of the fresh herbs in my daily green juice. Nature offers just what we need.
Great list…your information cannot be repeated enough:
I’d add 1. learn to neti-pot ( nasal lavage) with purified water -no tap water and a mixture of your choice ( xylitol for slipperiness,sea salt and bicarbonate)
2. dab nasal passages upon waking with food grade drop of iodine.
This is to reduce the initial viral load.
Also since this thing-ie is said to have a particular yen for platelet destruction causing thrombosis, selenium and glycine are said ? to strengthen the platelets. I must do more research on this. Glycine 1 teaspoon a day according to Mercola is said to aid the elimination of glyphosate from the body. Selenium and magnesium taken with Vitamin D3 helps boost the immune system.
But whatever one can afford, and however one determines one’s body functions, will decide a course of action best for you.
Generally, things that weaken a person’s immune system are:-
– refined foods, incl.
– white sugar = ‘white death’, incl. soda drinks, biscuits, cakes, sweets
– white bread
– white rice
– tinned foods
– alcohol / caffeine / nicotine leaches vitamins & minerals from the body. Limit of 2 cups of coffee , tea/day.
Things that strengthen a person’s immune system are:-
– Vit D (at least 15 -20 mins of sunlight/day) critical for bone density
– cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts i.e. sulfur based vegies
– pith (not peel) of fruits contains bioflavonoids aids nutrient absorption
– the mineral Zinc (found in beef, baked beans, cashews, egg yolks, ginger (the king of herbs), herrings, lamb, liver, milk, oysters, pumpkin & sunflower seeds, whole grains, yeast) activates over 200 different enzyme systems in the body. 90% of the zinc is stored in muscles & bones, hence the importance of some form of resistance training – lifting weights / swimming.
– Vit C excellent for infections & wound healing
– Vit B12 sublingual, excellent as a blood tonic
– echinacea if immuno-suppressed
– olive leaf extract if immuno-suppressed
If taking medications, take vits & mins away from your meds – so they dont counteract.
Pamela is right. Buy vit & min supplements from healthfood stores – *not* supermarkets (as theyre not readily absorbable for uptake)
A Deal Is A Deal ! All politicians, judges, and LEOs swore under oath and affirmation to uphold and defend the Supreme Law of the Land, The Constitution of the United States of America!
An illegal deal is nothing more than illegal deal! An illegal deal cannot be legally upheld and is not legally bimding in any way!
The purpose of the law and of the courts is not to make illegal secret deals that protect predators at the expense of the innocent!
Shove it Dershowitz!
Very interesting read and some neat info on virii life, but looks like Russia is on the road to CV recovery using (from what I read, I may be wrong) herd immunity………………….kinda like whats happening state side……hmm kinda :)
This is for our dear Colonel Down Under.
The Facts On Masks With Dr Sherri Tenpenny Part i
Agape dictates that though he spit his fear propaganda interminably, we must “turn the other cheek.’
Which does NOT mean to mask it with bikini panties….or to let him bruise it…..But DOES mean to allow him extra leeway we’d allow a family member……….to see through the Empire’s Ruse & Rule of Fear.
Catherine Austin Fitts to Dr Sherri Tenpenny regarding the Ludicrous Push For A Global Mandate for Masks:
Right here: https://youtu.be/2C_Id35I23A?t=1128
CAF: “But I can understand, why people would just find it SO HARD…….to believe that the Lie could be THAT BIG!!”
WTF, Catherine!
Stop coddling nincompoops and idiots, and treating them like kindergartners!.
Rub the little puppies’ noses in the DOG SHIT of 911 “news” and tell them to put away their Little Golden Books….
“See Spot.
See Spot run!
See Spot come back in doors and mess the carpet.”
….and grow the F up!
What a disastrously BLUE-PILLED Liberal Streak CAF has. LOL
She puts a nice smart lady on and then smothers her with “feelings”
We are talkin about PLANS to Kill Off Billions of Human Beings, Colonel.
It’s PAST Time to graduate from Political Kindergarten!
Dr Tenpenny observes…….”Well…we have THIS (fear campaign Col.) because ‘The War On Terror’ (sic) hasn’t been doing the job for them.”
Nostradamus 93
Have to say it is nigh on impossible to take anything seriously that a bonified serial Trump worshipper has to say on pretty much any subject… but funnily enough I do absolutely sit up and listen when CAF pipes up.
It appears that both links are an hour or so long so I will respond after I have observed them in my own good time.
In the meantime enjoy your religion and I will await eagerly the commencement of your good self’s painfully elongated graduation process.
Just a polite subtle suggestion [just like some of yours]…in the meantime give venturing out of your belief cave a whirl…perhaps even give walking upside-down a shot.
The Colonel from the south seas
Hey Col,
I am a farmer also growing up on dairy, beef, hogs, chickens, gardens, corn, wheat, oats, rye, wood heat at 40+ degrees north, 90 degrees east. Born in 47′, thrust into war in 66′, Rugby Union at Purdue 70′ onward playing with
a special Aussie named Bob Richardson (RIP) who went on to become president of World Sheep Council or some such thing. I believe you are a Kiwi? All Blacks….always near the top.
But, I digress. Concerning the “conspiracy theories” re; population control with billions being pared from the human herd, it is not a fantasy of the “Margaret Sanger” crowd (Hillary Clinton) but an actual goal. I have visited the “Georgia Guidestones” in Elberton County Georgia where giant granite slabs have 10 “intentions” milled in several languages. The very first “intention” is “Maintain population at 500 million”. The 10th and last is written twice; “Make room for Nature” “Make room for nature.” I guess there will be plenty of room for nature if only 1/13th of present human #’s are around. It is a well kept secret as to who contracted to have this “monument” created. A mysterious name, R. C. Christian is the only name tied to it. The quarry and stone cutters are sworn to secrecy of any details and since it was built in 1980, many have probably passed. Ted Turner’s name pops up on occasion as maybe the money behind it and also the Rosicrucians……….At any rate, I as well as Bro and others thru a lifetime of paying attention to a recurring theme in “elite” circles have good reason to believe that there is population reduction efforts in play. There are many “sources” in this information war and all have some merit in truth. We all should make up our own minds based upon what makes sense. Conversation without insults is necessary. I disagree/agree with positions presented on this and other sites but really try to stay away from casting insults at anyone. When in doubt, say nothing.
My best to you, Steve
High on Fear
Oh dear, oh dear!
The drug of fear..
Is one reason why
War is demanded
Slackers reprimanded
From way on High…
You some kinda spy?
And taxes levied
By a federal bevy
Of needy bureaucrats
Rinos and Demonrats
And by many States.
They who hesitates
To get the drop is lost!
At clear, damnable cost.
That much’s sure for certain!
Remember the Iron Curtain?
American “partisans”
(Not Greeks or Italians…)
But by Jove and Zeus
Twelve Counties in Palouse
(Oregon) to join, Whoa!
With Aryan Nation Idaho!
To be The Biggest Potato
South of Nome or Juneau!
If twelve more should join
And gird chest and loin
From Northern – Fornia
Watch out, then,Alaska!
And: Au revoir, Mt Shasta!
Stupid 19 isn’t working,
Too few knees a jerking!
New villains needed, fast
Says NWO Brahman caste.
How about this Villain two-some?:
Xi Jianping and Gavin Newsome!
I like it! It’s SO imperative
To spread THAT narrative
As fast as the suckers
Lap it up! RED mother f*ckers!
Wait! Confused! Carolina??
Or Wuhan, RED China??
Which RED you talkin’ ’bout?
Settle down, man, chill out!
NO! No time to get it straight
Gods of War require HATE!
Oh, be swift my keyboard,
Unsheath terrible swift sword,
Be jubilant my AR-15 pen!
Are you Ready to Rumble again??
In ref to Dem-run Gov Buildings
There for Deplorable mass killing
Say: “Some A-R parts are stored.”
FACT: NO one will be bored!
And that’s ALL that counts
In racking up greater amounts
Of Clicks and on-line “Likes”
And sales of stars and stripes!
Doubters, in case you think I’m joking
Or some kinda “killer” weed be smoking
I don’t really care what you say or think
Crazy shit’s goin’ down, SO: Don’t blink!
ANDhere’s the link:
You’re in Newsome’s Army now,
Hep, hup, Salutin’ Chairman Mao!
All of the above is satirical. Including the Link….at least I think! (wink, wink)
But soon enough “we’ll find out”. LOL
Great rhyme!!! LMAO..
Thanks, T13!
The rural Oregon counties that want to break away and “Go to Idaho”:
I think they need more patience…………urban defectors growing in numbers
Ditto California