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According to some sites ISIS made a huge mistake when they tried to capture some SAA areas and left the city Sheikh ahmad unprotected, resulting in SAA storming in, if SAA manages to capture the whole city they will be just 2km from the Kuweires airport. If SAA could managed to capture the airport before the second meeting between Putin/Iran/EU/USA that would be really good diplomatically.
“Syrian Army in the Gates of Kuweires Airbase Southeast of Aleppo”
SAA also recently re-captured the crucial high way that supplies all of Aleppo, so now hopefully they can continue to pour all the resouces into the offensive. It toke thousands of soldiers 12 days to clear the high-way of ISIS troops.
Meanwhile all is not going perfectly despite what hysterical flag-wavers will claim, on most fronts execpt Aleppo it is really back and forth and back and fort.
The offensive does seem to be back and forth with out any real gains. They have inched forward toward the airbase but ISIS are far from done for. They have plenty of opportunity to counter attack from any direction.
This slowly slowly inch by inch strategy has played right into ISIS hands. Its allowed ISIS plenty of time to regroup and reinforce where needed. The momentum the SAA initially had has been lost and will be very hard to get back.
The loss of places like Morek is bad enough but what disappoints more is that no strategic gains have been made. Not one board crossing has been closed and this has allowed ISIS to reinforce the Latakia hills. There was a chance a few weeks ago of capturing these hills and closing off much of the Turkish boarder. Caint see that happening now.
The SAA need change of strategy quick before theyre reduced to just a small coastal enclave.
I dunno. We’ve seen a lot of talk about how the SAA is short on numbers after years of attrition, but they’re not the only ones who can run out of people. As long as the bombing keeps the casualties uneven, sustained pressure everywhere without a big opportunity for reinforcements could lead to ISIS becoming overstretched.
I know ISIS has gotten reinforcements over time–but it’s been basically an ongoing constant trickle, making up the casualties from a long term war of attrition. I don’t think they’re going to be able to easily make up losses from this kind of short, sharp campaign, especially since prospective new recruits right now might want to wait to see which way the wind is blowing. Meanwhile the SAA does have some reinforcements right now, Iranians for instance–not huge numbers, but it helps.
They could transfer people from Iraq, and have no doubt already done so, but if they go too far with that the Iranians and the Peshmerga will smack them there even if the US et al. are unenthusiastic about the idea–especially since the US have a PR problem around their “inability” (read unwillingness) to do in Iraq what Russia are doing in Syria. So there are I think definite limits to how far ISIS can strip their Iraqi holdings of troops.
It’s not the most elegant way to win, but if the SAA keep pushing and giving the Russians accurate information and ISIS keep on losing people and materiel, at some point they’ll be stretched too thin and their defenses will start unraveling in many places at once.
re: Syria campaign or re: Turkey: as you sow so shall ye reap. After Aleppo when the SAA swings East towards Raqaa under the cover of Russian air support to meet with Turkish planes bombing the Kurd-Moderate-US operative forces, then things will get interesting.
Will the US betray Turkey ( they can scream for NATO all they want but unless Turkey is attacked NATO can not respond) and let the Russians deal with them in Syria ? And also as payment for services rendered by the Kurds in the battle for Raqqa, let these Kurds aid their brethren under attack in Eastern Turkey? One can only wonder that the fate so gleefully planned by Erdogan for Syria may, indeed, be the fate meted out to Turkey.
Or will there be some kind of multi country shaft of the Kurds as US/Turkey/Saudi Arabia tries to stuff a whole national group armed and ready to fight back into their respective boxes?
To be clear on who is bombing hospitals in war zones, from RI
Dave is being a real downer again.
Russia And The US Are One Incident Away From Kicking Off WWIII – Episode 810b
Nov 5
Maybe this:
1 week to playing this card.
2 misses so far 2015 earlier in the year 2 consecutive 13th there.
See 6:56 FRI 13TH STEVE JACKSON CARD/NOTE; ‘Play at beginning of his turn’;
Note if you just change the context of ‘turn’ slightly, you get ‘term’. Makes more sense.
So, who has had a recent election anywhere?
Canada, Venezuela, Turkey,…?
this news channel is so comprehensive and great..thanks for this video…good news, except for that bridge/road near Baghdad….I hope Russia will start missions there too…
Saker, what say you about the Iraq request that was changed…what really happened there ? And what is the status of Russia Iraqi cooperation now ?