By Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog
Germany and their moral poses… a century of Europe cries, “Enough!”
It’s hard for those living outside of Europe to understand the resentment towards Germany; Germans themselves often seem totally oblivious – the “German professor” only ever sees bad, unruly students, after all.
When I first moved to Paris in 2009 I remarked how all the Germans I met were so very nice. I was told, “They have to be, after what they’ve done.”
Low blow?
Hardly. Ignoring history is not politeness or PC progress or evidence of forward-thinking: it’s denial, hysteria and illusory thinking.
To paraphrase Henny Youngman: Take my Mutti – please. Angela Merkel is my generation’s Margaret Thatcher. When Thatcher died there were street parties in the UK, which were brutally repressed by cops, but the billionaire-directed Western Mainstream Media ordered paeans to be penned instead.
For Merkel there has similarly never been anything but fawning coverage, as evidenced – aggravatingly – by this recent story from the Associated Press: Merkel shines in handling of Germany’s coronavirus crisis.
Why such love for an abusive mother? Because she certainly hasn’t abused the German 1%: under Merkel German corporations have re-colonised much of Central Europe, they have extracted as much wealth as possible from weaker Eurozone nations like Greece, and downward pressure on wages was maintained on the German post-Hartz Re(De)forms workforce via the importation of hundreds of thousands of skilled Syrians and detested “minijobs”.
On a pan-European level ever since 2008, and even in the heat of the 2012 European Sovereign Debt Crisis, we have Germany’s constant refusal for “more Europe”, which is the only possible way to save this (atrocious, anti-democratic, unaccountable, corrupt, American-penned, socialism-detesting) version of the pan-European project. Germany refuses to collateralise Eurozone debt, even though it is Germany who would collect as they are the debtors, because Germany doesn’t want mere dead gold but living debt slaves.
The Eurozone is simply so riddled with contradictions and stupidities it just defies journalistic explanation:
Germany just doesn’t get it – for every country with an export surplus, there simply has to be a country with a corresponding deficit. It was German (and French) banks who signed off on the bad loans to the “immoral” Greeks which precipitated the biggest Eurozone problems, and yet it is German banks who got bailed out, despite their errors; and yet it is German banks who got QE to loan; and yet it is German banks which didn’t loan a dime of QE, and certainly not to Greeks. Germany is the biggest recipient of the ECB bond-buying, even though they don’t need it, whereas Greece was excluded even though they need it?
Crazy, but let’s look at Germany’s explanation for all these selfish actions action: moral hazard. They simply cannot perpetuate immorality, and deficits (even if to pay for the elderly, the poor, health care, education, etc.) are immoral. Haven’t you read your Kant, and his OCD-morality? German absolutism is absolute; their personal conscience must be clean no matter how many murderers must be let in the door to commit murder.
So… explain your €822 billion bailout, Germany?
Wait – what? A bailout worth 22% of annual German GDP?
What happened to budget rigour and the moral imperative of balanced budgets? What happened to the total, facile nonsense that a national economy is simply a household writ large? What happened to Yanis Varoufakis recycling absurd stereotypes like “Teutonic discipline” (has he never seen an Oktoberfest?)?
Oh, I get it… Germany is in a crisis – EU deficit rules need to be relaxed.
However: Greece and others were in a crisis for years – why didn’t their crises matter?
(Millions starving in Yemen, millions dying of bad water globally, deaths from natural disasters – indeed, why does the Corona crisis matter so very, VERY much more than those crises? I just can’t comprehend the West’s crisis criterion.)
But it gets worse with Germany: Bailouts for Greece and other crisis-hit nations were contingent on forcing open their economies. German and Dutch companies gleefully bought up assets and market share, and forced in their products but now Germany Will Block Foreign Takeovers to Avoid Economy Sell-Out?
It’s disgusting, German hypocrisy.
But Europeans have been dealing with this for quite some time. In January I wrote this article to explain Europe’s perpetual stagnation and unrest: 1941, 1981, 2017 or today – it’s still Germany’s fault.
Need more? In 2017, foolishly assuming that QE would actually end, I wrote France’s historic effort for an anti-austerity Eurozone, which detailed the self-harming, wooing efforts from De Gaulle to Mitterrand to Hollande aimed at ending this historical trend: “France wanted to not be conquered by the US-German alliance, so they kept proposing a Franco-German (capitalist) alliance.”
Ramin, you seem rather anti-German. Are you a tribalist-racist?
No. What I am is a daily hard news journalist in the heart of Europe and I am fed up with reading lecture after lecture from Germany; hypocrisy after hypocrisy; duplicity upon duplicity.
Just tell me this: where is the “moral hazard” in the Corona crisis, Germany?
Shine a light on that for me, Mutti Merkel.
She cannot. There is none.
There are healthy companies – who have as much Teutonic economic discipline, intelligence and good DNA as a pure and spotless German – in places like Italy which are going to go under without something like Corona-bonds to provide financing wrought by the Marxist logic-defying Western shutdown.
Forget it – shot down already by Germany and their Dutch toadies. Same old story….
The corona overreaction defies Marxist logic and is economic suicide (socialist-inspired nations like China and Iran control their economies, so they can do things which the corporate-dominated West cannot) but yet another German refusal to help, to pool debt and risk, to show solidarity means Germany must leave the Eurozone.
Hell, we KNOW they have the money – while they have had their boots on the throats of people like the Greeks the Germans have also been assiduously picking their pockets. Germany can afford such a staggeringly huge bailout because of these incredibly immoral profits! Oh no Ramin, you’re wrong – they got those profits simply because German capitalists are so very moral. Sure, sure….
German bankers entrapped poorer Eurozone countries into debt slavery, and now that their slaves are sick Germany wants a quarantine?
You’ll never read such analyses in the West, that’s for sure, but what is absolutely, absolutely certain is that the average Eurozone citizen knows what I am talking about already. Anti-German sentiment is going to absolutely explode if Germany’s historical pattern – pro-US imperialism, anti-European project, self-interest above solidarity – continues.
Everybody in Europe (and the whole world) has seen how China, and not Germany, is the one sending supplies to corona-hit Italy. Yes, the Eurozone’s terrible structure means it is always fiddling while Rome burns, but I truly believe that German (capitalist-imperialist) leadership simply doesn’t care.
Of course there are good Germans who want Corona bonds, but the simplest solution to the Eurozone’s crisis has always been to expel Germany.
“If Germany is unwilling to take the basic steps needed to improve the currency union, it should do the next best thing: Leave the eurozone.” That’s an assessment from Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz. Yes, I did write ‘The Euro’ by Stiglitz: Even fake leftists say ‘exit’, but the point is that only far-right neoliberals don’t see that a “Deutsch-parture” can painlessly end the Eurozone’s near-constant stagnation and dissension. The Netherlands can similarly be invited to leave as well.
Unless naked, would-be German emperors can finally get off their high horses and on board with morality and unity – via something like Corona bonds – a huge explosion of jingoism and neo-fascism in the Eurozone is around the corner.
Fine by me I guess – history shows that this is the last step before socialism because: how can fascism ever possibly succeed for the lower classes? It seems some Western nations need to go through this step (yet again) before accepting that the needs of workers, not bankers, and the poor must always be predominant in political policy.
Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’.
An eye opening analysis of The 4th Reich.
The Highwayman
Back in 1989, when Germany united, both Britain and the US objected. Since they could not stop the unification, they insisted that Germany accept the incoming euro. A heap of German university professors jumped up and protested, knowing full well what the game was, namely the creation of a bankers empire in Europe, controlled by private bankers. The intent of the EU is to curtail the sovereign status of European states, especially that of Germany, so that it could never create a German-Russian economic union, as proposed by Bismarck. The influx of between 1-2 million false refugees into Germany is a EU dictate, weakening Germany from within. A 4th Reich ? If Germany left the EU for good, something resembling a 4th Reich would be possible, Germany assuming a political and economic lead in Europe.
Post ww2 the EU was created by the oss-cia, its always been a USA creation.
Remember what Saker here long ago said?
USA controls Europe
Israel controls USA
All other narratives are irrelevant to reality
ABSOLUTELY, The EU is a Washington DC project implemented with the help of… recycled Nazis, chiefly Walter Hallstein.
Walter Hallstein was the first President of the European Commission from 1958 to 1967, a committed European and a decisive proponent of European integration.
Sorry this video has no English subtitles.
Perhaps related news.
German state (Hesse) finance minister found dead beside railroad tracks.
I saw this in a German newspaper.
I haven’t seen a report in Western news, but then I don’t watch MSM news, so . . .
I wonder why he would commit suicide?
What was the “enormous pressure” under which he supposedly staggered?
Europe coral epression, the spirit, reached its top in the Renaiisance. The political organization then was Feudalism. And it still works nowadays somehow. “Benelux” (BelguimNetherlands Luxenbourg) is just a contracion of “well being” and “lux”.
Europe might have had a new horizon with UK, without it is the same soup updated.
Italy has always been a bounch of rich feuds and maritime city-states, with high end manifacture and sea lanes and ouposts, that would pay exhorbitant taxes to the landlord, and that suits well nowadays too
Ramin, it is unfair to say that Syrians are being slaves in Germany. First of all, the large majority of them are learning the language and different skills they need, all of which is paid by the German government, including the daily living costs and housing.
The most of work done by foreigners, is made by immigrants from Eastern Europe who are well skilled and have a better knowledge of German culture, including the past history.
Regarding the leaving of the EU and eurozone by Germany : I think the first who will oppose such a thing would be France, followed by Spain and Italy, Germany would get stronger and would concentrate towards Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, and of course, Russia. The Scandinavian countries will follow suit.
I forgot to add that the biggest opposition comes from the US who has the biggest influence over Germany, being an occupational force de facto.
In the past, the founders of the European Union benefited more than those who joined later.
That’s over now. Right now, the first to leave – the British – are those who benefit most. The last to leave will be left holding the bag.
please separate the German government from the people. Check for “Kanzlerakte” and sovereignty to find out who rules really. Democracy is for show only. You could use the nicknames “Mutti” or “IM Erika” or “FDJ-Sekretaerin fuer Agitation und Propaganda” according to your preferences. (To explain the technicalities: Mutti is a general name for your mom, “IM Erika” is Angela Merkels codename working for the east-German secret service, and “FDJ” was the youth organisation of the east German ruling socialist party. To be secretary for agitation and propaganda someone had to be fully convinced of the socialist party line.
Then there are french quotes that the euro is Versailles without war. The french condition for the re-unification was the Euro.
The big corporations who profit from the euro are owned by whom exactly?
Sarcastically I want to reply if all it takes to get Germany out of the Euro is to deny Eurobonds then the decision is clear, no Eurobonds.
A single currency without a common culture and common systems does not work.
How does one get German fear of inflation and the Italian way of solving a crisis by inflation together? It may be oversimplified but that was the difference in approach by Germany and Italy in the seventies. Somehow it worked for both countries.
Another aspect is that inflation is in Germany still somewhat of a national trauma, look up the hyperinflation in 1923.
Then explain to someone in Germany who gets at age 67 40% of the last net salary for pension why a Frenchman goes in pension with 62 and ask for solidarity.
If you want to criticize the German government the current legislation to deal with the corona outbreak would be a good start. Now the minister of health gets dictatorial powers if someone in the population sneezes. There are real parallels to a dark chapter in German history.
On the topic of fascism to quotes from Italy: One is ascribet to an Italian Communist angoes from memory “When Fascism comes back it will be masked as antifascism” The other one is from “Il Duce” himself “Fascism should better be called Corporatism since it is the merger of big business and the state”
The story has another aspect. Since the late nineties Deutsche Bank is a big player on Wall Street when they took over Bankers Trust. They have a Derivatives position of some 3’000 billion dollar, something like ten times German GDP. Those numbers are kept out of the news lately, 2016 it was 46 trillion $ gross and officially 41 billion net.
For the current numbers one has to dig at the us ooc data.
Just mke a thougt experiment and imagine Germany would keep strict austerity, in some time Deutsch Bank would go broke and suddenly someone has to unwind the dderivatives. I wonder if the billion number or the trillion number will be the real one.
My guess is that someone made a phone call asking not to do this experiment.
My compliments for your comment. You are damn right.
For the sake of Ramin’s article, I think he is more focusing on the German role in the EU, steered by other forces. Which is a farce anyway. The EU is hanging on single stitches.
For Ramin, when this is allowed: Good to have you back, it’s a pleasure to read your articles again. I do hope that your family and friends are safe and healthy. Ok, no, I mean it but I do hope that anyone is staying safe and healthy.
Cheers, Rob
I think Germany has been the foot soldier for the Euro and is getting tired of it. It can only take so much of the guilt and at times, looks like they’re just happy to see the other shoe drop. The trauma of Versailles and the hyper inflation and the destruction of morality that followed it is so deeply etched, once upon a time the Bundesbank had only one real job. Control Inflation. That has not gone away and that’s why any ECB chief will never be from Germany.
I think Italy is in a perverse state of self destruction. It’s so bad and confused (not tormented), you cannot get a straight answer when you ask for “what’s the time”. The only word is it’s more dysfunctional than Greece but somehow stumbling along.
I think EU will stay but Euro will crumble. I give it another 20 years of lurching.
“The only word is it’s more dysfunctional than Greece but somehow stumbling along.”
And you are an expert I take it?
Greece is a 100 x more functional than 90% of the EU, thank you very much. We’ve taken the sh*t thrown at us by the West – not to mention the German lies, “bailouts”, migrants, looting, “NATO” machinations….and we at least know what is what, unlike the rest of the fake “Europe”. We’ve been around for 6000+ years and we will still be around when your sold-out, soulless, God-less and temporary nations have crumbled to dust.
“The trauma of Versailles and the hyper inflation and the destruction of morality that followed it is so deeply etched, ”
Right. And who drove the hyperinflation?
I think it was France and the UK.
Bankers and others.
German workers suffered horribly, while the wealthy kept their assets.
“Germany Will Block Foreign Takeovers to Avoid Economy Sell-Out?”
Article 63 of the European Union Treaty
1. Within the framework of the provisions set out in this Chapter, all restrictions on the movement of capital between Member States and between Member States and third countries shall be prohibited.
2. Within the framework of the provisions set out in this Chapter, all restrictions on payments between Member States and between Member States and third countries shall be prohibited.
Nice find Brahim.
History shows that Germany and France break the rules whenever they want, or enforce them whenever they want.
The eurozone is a joke, and every crisis proves this further.
Thank you, the credit goes to François Asselineau president and founder of Union Populaire Républicaine (UPR).
“Fine by me I guess – history shows that this is the last step before socialism because: how can fascism ever possibly succeed for the lower classes? It seems some Western nations need to go through this step (yet again) before accepting that the needs of workers, not bankers, and the poor must always be predominant in political policy.”
One of the reasons I’m quietly optimistic for the future in a general sense. The current under 25 generation aren’t going to stand for fascism.
It seems like Tom Luongo agrees with you, i was just about to post this in the news feed when i noticed my fav writer also had written about the “corona bonds” @ the Saker blog
Stay safe hr Mazaheri!
“Eurobonds or Bust? That’s the Next Phase of the EU”
Thank you for posting the link and reading. And I agree with the author in many ways, the Germans have been horrific, but everyone is suffering in the end, including the German middle class and if you want to see change there for the better, it will come from them.
Make no mistake however, I don’t think Eurobonds are the solution to the problem nor do I think inflation/MMT is either. The cure is as I have written about at length, deflation. The aggression of the EU/the U.S./ The Davos Crowd comes from their leverage and flooding the world with their cheap money and its Cantillion Effect where they get to spend it first crowding out competition.
The way to disempower them is to ‘flatten the curve’.. the credit curve, that is. That’s why Putin’s ‘NO’ was so powerful. It deflated bubbles all over the world. And it’s forcing them to deal with the fallout. What happens next is everyone defaults on their debt, stops paying their rent, goes into cash conservation mode and these bastards are not paid back at par for loans they used as predatory instruments of enslavement.
They suffer a catastrophic loss of power.
You can’t bail out Main St. without Bailing Out Wall St. It will suck, sure. But so many people will be better off and the pain will end far sooner than if you try to maintain prices. Let them fall, bring the value of the money back to the people in the productive economy. Real sovereignty lies with the consumer… not the loan shark.
I know this isn’t the popular position, but it is the one that will come anyway… today or after the MMT money machine blows up in a couple of years.
Real sovereignty lies with the consumer
Lol. Spoken like the Vienna/Geneva Gang of neoliberals back in the 20s and 30s.
“Germany Will Block Foreign Takeovers to Avoid Economy Sell-Out?”
This is to block US and Chinese takeovers with printed money. Such restrictions dont apply inside the EU, e.g. for German euros buying up Greek assets. So there is no hypocrisy. It is Greece’s responsibility to protect their assets not Germany’s. By enacting laws or leaving the EU if they don’t like the EU framework. Crying about an unfair world will achieve nothing.
Nonsense. Chinese or US companies could easily buy in via front corporations or corporations seated in tax havens. Otherwise you are saying that such tax havens are going to start being banned, and rules enforced?
No way Germany would let any Greek company actually buy a German industry of importance, much less a US or Chinese one.
This is exactly why ((They)) destroyed Lombardi, & Tuscany, because 30+ years ago Chinese came and bought broken down textile & leather factory’s that are today, CHinese owned, and chinese workers make ‘made in italy’
Bannon’s people running the Italian Gov in the South couldn’t handle the Chinese owning richest areas of Italy, so they had Trump’s Mossad guys dump the virus in Lombardi in Dec-2019, along with Wuhan&Iran.
What’s happening right now is revisionism, I know this because I saw Prato in the 1980’s with my own eyes, an entire Chinese city 6km from Florence, but now wikipedia says that the Chinese didn’t arrive in Italy until 10 years ago. That’s how fast the zionists are re-writing history, like this article in time it will be said the chinese never owned anything in Italy, nor did the chinese ever work there ( 300k is estimate of chinese factor workers in North¢ral Italy)
Was it Max Keiser who once said that Germany is now doing with banks, what it used to do with tanks?
Extremely unfortunate your article concerning Germany. While I usually agree with your analysis/articles this time I have to say:
you neglected totally that Germany is since the end of WWII a perfect colonized place. Colonized by USA, monitored by USA and manipulated by USA. Furthermore, a lot of German businessmen as well as other institutions are sick of the interferes by USA and its affiliated “purposes”.
For example: lost contracts, stolen information, stolen science related patentable developments etc.
The monitoring scheme by USA in Germany is total (including political affiliated individuals and institutions inclusive police and secret services etc.).
Masses had to take-in massive brainwash since WWII.
Only the younger population is waking-up. However, due to the “cleverness” of USA there are a lot of institutions to grant different scholarships etc. to Germans.
Your article is – much to my regret – extremely shortsighted.
PS: personal remark – I am neither a German citizen nor affiliated to and not living in Germany however, I worked for a German company for more than fifteen years.
Hi monnalisa,
I said explicitly that Germany has preferred a neo-fascist alliance with the US rather than a capitalist alliance with Europe – so I am aware of how they have been “colonised” by the US.
But blaming the US for everything… Germany is not Cuba. Austerity has been a German choice.
There is a German culture which – of course they are misled by their media – not only believes that their hobnail boot on the throat of the poorer Eurozone nations is entirely justified, but simply cannot grasp that their current “fiscal space” came from such capitalist crimes against their Eurozone “partners”.
From the NY Times last week:
“But Germany’s stance should not be taken as a sign that its people have traded an aversion to debt for a newfound appreciation for Keynesian stimulus.
The narrative is completely the opposite,” Mr. Odendahl said. “Germans are saying, ‘Well, this is why we did austerity, so that we have the fiscal space to do this where it is really needed.’ We are not challenging the dogma.””
Germans would do better to challenge the dogma than to complain about US domination.
Hi Ramin Mazaheri:
Sorry, I just have to object to your remarks.
It seems that you aren’t aware of German’s real problem. Germany isn’t a free country.
Please refer or search how their secret service has been formulated, how it works. How a stateswoman like Merkel had been tapped while the German secret service knew it and covered it up and everything went absolutely silent. If Germany has already some sort of a constitution.
If even Germany has already some sort of peace treaty with the main actors, signatory powers of WWII.
Sorry, your article shows more the French and Greece opinion, or even of Spain and Italy.
It is just not very much balanced.
Sorry, otherwise I like your opinions and articles. Except this one.
I’m not sure where to post this — but it is from Germany so why not here?
Mar 31, 2020
Open Letter from Prof Sucharit Bhakdi to Chancellor Merkel
[Translated from the German by Swiss Propaganda Research]
“As Emeritus of the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz and longtime director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology, I feel obliged to critically question the far-reaching restrictions on public life that we are currently taking on ourselves in order to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
It is expressly not my intention to play down the dangers of the virus or to spread a political message. However, I feel it is my duty to make a scientific contribution to putting the current data and facts into perspective – and, in addition, to ask questions that are in danger of being lost in the heated debate.” …
There is a video in German. And five questions are attached to the letter.
Sorry, but this article is …(please mind your language..mod)
The author obviously has never heard abt the so called TARGET II System and various stabilisation funds which allows countries like Greece, Italy and Spain to import German goods without paying for the goods and instead run high debts within this system of the ECB without paying 1 single Cent of interest. At the moment outstanding debt from TARGET II amounts to abt 1 Trillion Euro and the major debtors are Greece, Italy and Spain. Off course this can also be considered as an Export subsidy, but in reality this money is lost and will never be paid by the debtors. The same is with various Euro stability Funds. There are several tremendous hidden amounts in shady goverment accounts and the biggest debt for German taxpayers is hidden in the ECB because of the “whatever it takes policy” of Mr. Draghi and Germany owns 40 % of this debt which has been accummulated since 2011 because of the quantative easing policy.
German government is subsidising Europe and the German industry by the those hidden debts which is only
possible by using the lifelong savings of the German polulation. The author should have a look at the average
wealth of a Greece, Italian and German Family and he will find out, the averge wealth of those families in those countries is much higher than those of German ones.
When the author spoke about hundred thousands of SKILLED Syrian immigrants, I really lost interest in this
article, because its common knowledge here in Germany that abt 70 to 80 pct of those skilled immigrants have no skills whatsoever and are useless for the Germany industry. But the German taxpayers have to pay abt
Euro 20 Billion per annum for housing and Alimentation of those skilled immigrants.
“Educated” Syrian immigrants would have been more accurate, I agree. Syria’s education system was good before the war, and the refugee parents (not their children) can certainly learn new skills quickly.
“No skills whatsoever and are useless” is absurd. Germany took in Syrians – and not Afghans or Sudanese or even Congolese refugees – for a reason: Syrians are the cream of the global refugee crop.
I know Syria very well as I have travelled for 25 years 3-4 times a year to Syria and I agree the Syrian
educational system is good. However this refers mostly to people from Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Hama, Tartous and Lattiakia. The immigrants coming to Germany are mostly from the country side, and most of them never had a job, they are completely untrained and they need a good time and amount of education and training to qualify as skilled.
Even the German authorities had to confirm that after they told Germans for 3 years that engineers and doctors were coming.
Most of the immigrants are not capable for industrial Jobs. Sure, Syrians are the cream of the refugee crop, but they are not skilled and need a couple of year to get trained to become skilled and learn the local language.
Just to make things clear: I love Syria and the Syrian people.
Syrian education is terrible and this was the case before the war:
As for the “refugees” being educated, even German government and mainstream media had to admit that most Syrian “refugees” qualify as “functionally illiterate” and this was in accordance with international educational standards, nothing to do with the fact that most don’t understand German.
“Refugees” go to Germany to help with the process of fractionalizing/destroying the Nation-State by importing highly tribalist/racist ethnic-racial groups (dark skinned people basically).
Anti-German sentiment is going to absolutely explode if Germany’s historical pattern – pro-US imperialism, anti-European project, self-interest above solidarity – continues.
Funny USA brings HITLER’s Nazism to power ( bush, ford, … )
Nazi’s destroy Europe,
Then post ww2, USA put’s Germany in charge of EU (CIA creation)
So please tell us? Are they really this dumb? Or is it because the zionists(nazi) run all the EU gov’s national&local, and know the game, but keep playing the fairy tale
Forget about “Corona Bonds.”
The Eurotrash nations will imitate their Anglo-American Overlords and push for corporate bailouts up the wazoo.
Big Business demands its “fair share” of the public booty!
Excuse me, but I would like to point out that the world has been at war against Germany since the British Freemasonic lodges decided in the late 19th century to destroy the nation that was pulling ahead of the British Empire in manufacturing and trade prowess at a time when the British pound ruled the world. It took World War I and II to do the job–except, excuse me, Germany is back again, now leading the EU in every economic category. The British Freemasons were actually Marxist-Leninists at heart, of course, and still are, which is why they were such strong supporters of the Russian Bolsheviks. As with all socialists, their ruling emotions are envy and covetousness. So kindly leave Germany alone.
@ Rick, very well comment , exactly my thoughts . I don’t know who this Mr. Ramin M. is , he should dig deeper to find out what in history brought us or germany to the situation .Since the end of 19th century germany’s growth was not welcomed , mainly for the French and English ( you can find out easy why) ,with the Versailles unfair treaty they could push and hit down germany ,which lead right away to the 2nd WW , after that they plundered germany complete ,stole everything systematically , the germans got up again , germans mastered the unification , but the English and French had conditions for the unification , to bind germany into euro , it was not originated by germany .About the EU and euro bonds , from the german powertrain all nations benefit , all neighbours deliver goods to germany , the whole world want products made in germany , germany is the biggest finance contributer to EU , has 1 vote like malta , Luxemburg like every one . Some people request germans leadership ( only to give money ) on the other hand they dont like a strong germany , how pervert . Regarding the Covid Crisis isn’t it obvious the german moderate and saving policy pays of now , germany can cover this crisis easier then others because their savings . Others immediately cry for bail out . If the germans don’t follow tut suit , the germans are the bad ones again , how sick .
Well Ramin the best thing that can happen to Germany would be the exit of the EU and the Euro
So therefore that will never happen because the moneylenders who control Germany won’t agree
Germany is a occupied nation and untill it kicks out its occupiers and oppressors it will never be a country where Germans can be proud of
I won’t say more here about your not so intelligent rant on Germany because it would get censured
For your information:
The Euro-trash, all of it, has a common trait: grovelling before their oppressors while tossing in noises about refugees and/or the proverbial 1%.
Southern Europe gets austerity, deindustrialization, and mass pauperization from the You’re_a_Peon Union, but do the peoples in Southern Europe want their states to leave the EU? Same thing with Germany: For all the violence, lawlessness, occupation, and infantile propaganda directed against Germany by the Anglo-Americans, do Germans in any significant numbers want to overthrow the oppressive status quo? Nope.
But on the plus side, the growing animosities within this horrible ”Union” make it prone to break up all the sooner.
Dear Mr. Mazaheri,
as a German I now know how it feels for an Iranian reading the western press about Iran.
The counter arguments are given in several comments above so I don’t have to repeat them. It is easy to condemn the Germans – even some of my fellow citizen do it – as the now more than 100 year old propaganda against this people has never been corrected by mainstream historians. It qualifies in part nearly as racism. As a socialist you should be able to discern between the influence of the people and the financial elite.
As an Iranian you should know that countries are different by their culture and their history. So it is in Europe as well. And the local elites differ as well. Why have the Greek oligarchs not helped their people? How the Italians have adapted themselves to their state and his fiscal policy?