By: Jeff J. Brown
Crosslinked with China Rising Radio Sinoland:
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Practice makes perfect. Pictured above, Chinese and Russian military command centers, which are going to join hands later this month of May. (Images by China Defense Observation)
The Sino-Russian alliance continues to prosper and expand, even though the two countries’ governments don’t want to call it that. Since the last installment of the Moscow-Beijing Express, I could write another article about all the visits, communications, deals signed, plans made, exports and imports: Suffice it to say that Russia and China continue to be tightly wound together strategically, commercially, economically and diplomatically.
But for this dynamic duo on the world stage – the only force on Planet Earth which prevents all of humanity from kneeling down to the boot heel of Western tyranny, their surrounding skies continue to darken, and they are having to respond in kind. You have to be brainwashed by imperial propaganda to not see and admit that Eurangloland and its military phalanx, NATO, are preparing for an eventual hot war, of some shape or form, with China and Russia.
On Russia’s western flank, Sweden, always a subservient tool to colonialism, is trying to, or being brow beaten, into joining NATO . Are there any countries left concerning Russia, which have not signed up? Even if the West’s verbal promise to not expand NATO eastward had been signed in blood, it would have been flaunted. When Western empire finds a treaty inconvenient, it just ignores it or creates a false flag to justify abrogating it. Meanwhile, colonialism’s Nazi Ukraine continues to spiral into oblivion and irrelevance, another CIA “success story”, in its pages-long list of failed states, puppet leaders, assassinations and drug running.
In Syria, an ally of Iran, which are both allied to all things anti-West, and thus allies of Russia and China, NATO continues to create another war-crime humanitarian disaster. How many humanitarian disasters has the West caused within and without its own borders, since Alexander the Great’s scorched Earth diplomacy, in the fourth century BC? You’d need to run the calculation on one of China’s Tianhe-2 supercomputers, still the world’s fastest, because the number is so gargantuan.
Moving to the Pacific theater, both China and Russia are saying loud and clear that the US should drop its plans to install a Theater High Altitude Area Defense missile system (THAAD) in South Korea, even though they both know that Uncle Sam is going to do it anyway, regardless. It is for this reason that I think China and Russia are letting Kim Jong-un continue to launch missiles and test nuclear bombs, as an asymmetrical response to the onslaught of Western aggression. and and
Which brings us to the ever-absurd American militarization of the South China Sea (SCS). At the last ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) summit in Sunnylands, California, February 15-16, 2016, the members stood their ground against Obama trying to force an “ASEAN Principles” declaration against China, in its own backyard. ASEAN includes every sovereign country making a claim in the South China Sea. How did it turn out for Obama & Co.? It was a total failure. The final communiqué made no mention of, nor any threats against the People’s Republic. This colossal diplomatic humiliation was ignored behind the Great Western Firewall, for obvious reasons. But Uncle Sam continues to make these ridiculous aerial and naval intrusions in the SCS, to the irritation of everyone in the region, except maybe the Philippines and Japan.
Why did ASEAN’s leaders refuse to kowtow to American bullying? Maybe it is because they are more guilty than China in their actions in the SCS:
Next of course, is the pending “ruling” by The Hague, trying China vs. the Philippines, a case which legitimately should be adjudicated by the UN’s International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas (ITLOS). Everybody and their dead dog are already saying The Hague’s ruling is going to be a foregone denunciation of China. That says all you need to know about how much this court is a finger puppet of Washington, London and Paris. Russia can only hope it doesn’t get “convicted” there too.
Moving closer inland, the CIA and its thousands of NGO store fronts keeps fomenting “separatist” groups in Hong Kong, which is historically and politically delusional. It worked in Ukraine. It will never work in China, nor Russia, although there were near success stories in 1989, in Tiananmen Square and then the socioeconomic rape of Russia, in the 1990s. To cover their blind sides, both Russia and China have passed the badly needed legislation to prevent any further color revolutions inside their countries.
Let’s skip all the phony ISIS crap for now, even though it is being used against Russia and China, along their borders and inside their provinces. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? ISIS really should be called “USIS,” for “United States Islamic Satraps”, including America’s royal weapons bucket brigade, in the Arab Gulf.
In sum, to see what it feels like to be Chinese, here are the tables turned on America’s brainwashed populace: Someone on The Saker should do a similar map for Russia.
So, like the ants in Aesop’s fable preparing for winter, err… war, while the profligate Eurangloland grasshoppers bankrupt themselves, in order to maintain their tottering, 500-year old global empire, China and Russia are sensibly preparing for the worst. Honestly, do they have any other choice?
Both China and Russia are ramping up testing of hypersonic and globe-spanning missile systems.
Last month, China again tested its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), the DF-41, for the sixth or seventh time. It can strike anywhere in the world, dropping six to ten regional nuclear warheads. It takes a brisk 30 minutes to strike up to 12,000km away, which happens to be the diameter of Earth.
In April, China also tested its DF-ZF, an 11,000km per hour zinger, equipped with a nuclear warhead, that glides straight down from the edge of space. There are no known missile defense systems to protect against it, including THAAD.
Russia is also flexing its “take your THAAD and shove it” muscles. In March, it tested the Zircon missile, which has similar, hypersonic speeds as China’s version. Russia upped the ante by testing the Zircon from a nuclear powered submarine, making THAAD and other NATO and Israeli anti-missile technology even more obsolete.
Like China, Russia is testing a similar ICBM, using the SS-19 system:
All these systems are so uncannily similar, it makes you wonder if the Chinese and Russians have not been sharing technology and advice with each other. After all, they have a mutual, arrogant, imperial enemy, Eurangloland and its NATO Wehrmacht, to worry about.
In the air and on the ground and seas: Russian and Chinese Ministers of Defense, Sergei Shoigu and Chang Wanquan, respectively, met on the sidelines of last month’s international security conference, in Moscow. These savvy military strategists know a common threat when they see one and announced that their militaries will increase air, ground and sea exercises, while strengthening security and defense cooperation. Chang and Shoigu spoke to each other’s national news agencies, obviously to send the message back to both peoples that this is the real deal.
That didn’t take long: a week later, Russia and China announced that they will be conducting their first ever computer-assisted joint military exercise, later this month This, so that the two countries’ militaries can familiarize themselves with their respective command structures and data transmission processes. This is of course the key to winning any hot war with NATO, since in the modern era, it all depends on electronic communications.
In a sense, this is all very encouraging to Anti-West forces, since the exponentially growing Sino-Russian alliance is the only credible force that can stand up to Eurangloland, and hopefully win. But is it enough to create a new, 21st century “Mutually Assured Destruction” (MAD) deterrent for both sides?
From 1945-1978, the United States and its global client countries were ascendant against revolutionary China, where the communist government was spending its money and resources to dramatically improve the living standards of one-fourth the world’s people. But then, starting in the Eighties, the People’s Republic began its grand and history changing entrance onto the world stage.
The Soviet Union was equal to the West’s threats, 1945-1990, and humanity survived, thanks to a lot of luck and MAD. Then for a brief decade, 1990-2000, the West was ascendant to a bankrupted, boundary torn Russia. Now in the new century, like China, Russia has roared back to the world’s economic and geopolitical table.
In the meantime, since the Vietnam War, Eurangloland began and continues to show all the signs of a fading, overextended, corrupt empire. History tells us that empires, if they don’t implode quickly (like the Western Roman Empire, in 476AD) and thus not having the time to react, often resort to war with its enemies, to stave off their inevitable demise (like the Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire, in 1453 – a thousand years later).
So, in another sense, everything explained above can be downright depressing, as history and the trend line suggest that a hot war between the West and the Anti-West may be unstoppable. The Romans did not have thousands of nuclear warheads. Today the West, Russia and China do.
With war criminal Hillary Clinton in the White House, the vortex towards mutual annihilation becomes that much more plausible. If Donald Trump makes it into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, who knows? In either case, like the 20th century version of MAD, let’s hope this century’s Act II is blessed with unbelievable luck.
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I dont really see what people are talking about China-Russia alliance, the only thing China and Russia share is a common threat from NATO. Russia natural allies and trading partners are western Europe generally and Germany specifically, while Russia shares basically nothing with China, it shares religion, culture, history, demograpics with W.Europe, , even if Russia somehow wanted to change focus to China, it would not be possible, 90% of Russia population is Europeans living in the European part of Russia and most of its industry is located in the European part of Russia focused towards Germany and W.Europe.
Any talk of Russia pivoting to China is nonsense, Russia needs Germany, Germany needs Russia. If it wasnt for the CIA created conflict in Ukraine, Russia and Germany might either be in an economic union today or be well ont he way to negotating one.
Sure the corrupt PC-thugs in charge of the W.Europe today are hard to deal with, but soon, nationalist and conservative such as Farage and Marine Le Pen will take over W.Europe and then Russia and W.Europe will finally be free to unite as natural allies.
” ‘From Lisbon to Vladivostok’: Putin Envisions a Russia-EU Free Trade Zone”
This Der Spiegel article is from Nov 25, 2010. It was published prior to fascist putsch in Ukraine, fully supported by Germany. There are mounting amount of evidence that Germany was instrumental in organizing Maidan and the war against Russian Ukrainians.
CIA was formed in September 18, 1947.
Russia has been a target for German attacks since XIII century. From 1228 to 1462 Pskov region was attacked by Germans 24 times! Once every ten years!
There is no such thing as a “Russia’s love affairs with Germany.”
The grief that Germans brought on us in the last century is not healed. It will never be healed.
From 1240 to 1462 (222 years) – 200 wars and invasions of Russia coming mostly from the West.
From XIV to XX century (525 years) Russia was in war for 329 out of 525 years.
Most of these wars were battling the Western invaders, German tribes.
For 134 years, Russia was in war battling coalitions and military unions of several countries.
1 war was against 9 countries at once.
2 wars were against 5 enemies at once.
25 wars were against of unions of 3 enemies.
37 wars were against 2 enemies.
Russia and China, two ancient civilizations, have developed an absolutely unique military, and economic cooperation. A symbiosis of sort. A very small part of it is actually being revealed.
Russia is doing everything to relocate parts of its population and industries away from Europe to the Far East and South Siberia.
Germany is and will remain a colony of the US and an enemy of Russia.
Scott wrote:
> There are mounting amount of evidence that Germany was instrumental in organizing
> Maidan and the war against Russian Ukrainians.
> From 1240 to 1462 (222 years) – 200 wars and invasions of Russia coming mostly from the West.
Germany is and will remain a colony of the US and an enemy of Russia.
All 100% correct, Scott. Now I understand you again and you finally sound like the real Scott again.
It seems our trouble over recent comments was (apart from Religion) only a mutual misreading and misunderstanding.
“Now I understand you again”
Which bit?
Geez, Martin don’t go all Capitalist from East Berlin again.
If you keep this up you’ll be telling me next that Lenin was an ardent Nationalist (just like Dr. N – the Finnish profanity).
PS: get a TV and watch “Lord of the Rings” and let me know if Mr P doesn’t have a little of Gollum about him.
Huhhh, read my other comments.
Then you won’t blame me for such nonsense.
Maybe there is a communication problem with both Scott (Putin-lover) and you (Putin-hater).
Read my last week’s posts.
Then you will see how often I criticize Putin.
But unlike you I merge in some facts, not just blind blamings that others are blindly following.
p.s. : Where are you all the time when I in a lonely manner criticize Putin and almost nobody backs me ?
Before making bold statements and accusations buy yourself a computer and read what I wrote over recent weeks.
But a TV? Nope, never will I get me one. No time for such brain-softening nonsense …..
I have my own operating system. If you knew what that means you would not recommend me to buy anything.
“Where are you all the time”
I see us as a tag team.
Forget about the TV comment. It was not directed at you – but those who unbelievably trust in this treacherous Capitalist dog. They all have TV’s and will understand the comment.
I’m not sure about Putin, but I’m sure you have in your head the same as Gollum had.
“I’m not sure about Putin”
at least that’s a start…you still have a path to travel though.
Yes, that is what I said, if it that not been for the CIA operation in Ukraine, Russia and Germany would likely be in an economic union today, or well advanced into negotiating one, but now due to the coup, it has been delayed. Which was USA goal, as USA greatest fear is a union between W.Europe and Russia.
Russia and Germany are lovers who desperately need each other, and regarding ww2, Europeans has killed each other since the beginning of time Russians and Germans, Germans and French, British and French, Swedish and Polish, Swedish and Russias and the same is true in all areas of the world with all populations. Today both the Nazi German state and the USSR state has collapsed and doesnt exist anymore.
Not only does Russia and Germany share pretty much as many ties as you can, from history, to geography, to culture and religion, bto demograpics. But both economies are geared towards eachother, with Russia industries in the European parts of Russia directed at Germany and W.Europe and its population focused there as well. Unlike China who Russia literal shares nothing with. Not even placement of population centres and industries, it would be literal impossible for Russia to change its entire economy towards China instead of W.Europe even if it wanted because most of its population and industries are focused towards W.Europe.
Here we have more talk about the future economic union between Russia and Germany. Infact if conservatives or nationalist had been in charge of Germany instead of USA PC-stooges, then the economic union would have existed decades ago. Russia is Germany greatest chance to escape from American rule.
“In the long view it is possible to create a large free trade zone, including with Russia,” Merkel said at Friday’s economic forum in Stralsund. “Step by step we do everything possible to create a common economic area – as Russian President Vladimir Putin once said – from Vladivostok to Lisbon.”
“In the future a free-trade zone could come into being and we could even consider more advanced economic integration,” Putin wrote. “Indeed, a joint continental market would then be created whose capacities would be in the trillions of euros.”
Anonymous (May 09, 7:43 am UTC),
” Russia and Germany are lovers who desperately need each other ” >>
You should say “Russian Oligarchy/Aristocracy” had/has a crush on “German Oligarchy/Aristocracy” who might even agreed/agree on the ‘love affair’ as one of many.
But stating Russia and Germany are lovers, you have indeed thrown the entire Eurasian history into dustbin !
Well, I was refering to the share cultural/religious/historical/geograpical/demograpical ties Russia has with Germany, not to mention the practical facts that the Russian industry is focused in the European part of Russia and the majority of the Russian population are Europeans living in the European part of Russia.
Less then 30% of Russia population lives in all of the non-European part of Russia and 90% of these are European Russians such as Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles.
There is this weird push, by both anti-Russians and pro-Russian to identify Russia with its asian parts, despite the fact that these are basically unpopulated areas and the areas that are populated consist of 90% of Europeans.
Anti-Russians will say : Parts of the country of Russia is in asia, therefore Russians are not Europeans.
Pro-Russians will say : Parts of the country of Russia is in asia, therefore Russians are not Europeans.
Which is nonsense. Most large European countries held colonies outside Europe at one time or another the last few hundred years, the only difference is that Russia’s colonies in asia was basically unpopulated, so there were not riots or demand for independence like France and UK had in India/africa. And even thought there were some asian tribes native to the asian parts of Russia these were and are a super-minority compared to the European Russians that live there. So Russia got to keep her colonies in asia while the other European powers lost theirs.
“The vast majority of the Siberian population (over 95%) is Slavic and other Indo-European ethnicities”
Anonymous (May 09, 9:32 am UTC),
In your entire note related to demography of Russian empire / Soviet Union / Russia, you didn’t mention very crucial points:
(1) “Russian” means a cultural-social-political entity – it does not mean specific ethnicity. Modern day Russians are primarily the descendants of east Slavs, Viking aristocrats, Mongol aristocrats, Scythian-Khazarian aristocrats, and German aristocrats.
(2) There is nothing as “Ukrainian” since the political embryo of east Slavic kingdom was formed in Kiev (known as Kievan Rus) … centuries later when Moscovy Rus gained (permanent) upper hand, the main east Slavic kingdom was structured around Moscow with Kiev as next most important centre.
(3) Whether the so-called European part is populated by “Europeans” or the so-called Asian part is populated by “Asians”, the main socio-cultural-political vector for “Russians” have been, for ages, ‘Orthodox Christianity’ as chosen by its early rulers. That was truly a pointer of Russian independence from the European culture and politics !
1. Yes, Russia is primarily populated by ethnic Russians which are a European people, just like Japan is primarily populated by ethnic Japanese, China by ethnic Chinese, Germany by ethnic Germans and so on. Nothing strange or controversial about this.
3. The asian part of Russia is populated by ethnic Russians, meaning Europeans, 90% of the non-Europe part of Russia is populated by Europeans.
“The vast majority of the Siberian population (over 95%) is Slavic and other Indo-European ethnicities”
4. Russian culture is European culture. Russia is a country in Europe.
Anonymous (May 09, 9:40 pm UTC),
” ethnic Russians which are a European people, just like Japan is primarily populated by ethnic Japanese, China by ethnic Chinese, Germany by ethnic Germans and so on ” >>
I will not enter into argument over the basics of anthropology and linguistics.
You are clueless over ethnicity and language, don’t understand how tribes modify into ethnicity and how different ethnic peoples mingle together in society and adopt same language – which is the case for Russians and Chinese. Among your examples, only Japanese and Germans (modern Germans are one of the 6 – 7 Germanic tribes) reflect ethnic and linguistic convergence.
Actually ethnic Chinese, “han chinese” constitutes 92% of the Chinese population and ethnic Russians 81% of the Russias population, this does not include other European ethnic groups like Germans and so forth so the European population of Russia is much higher then 81%.
An ethnic group can consist of many tribes, in fact most ethnic groups do, as humanity was initially divide into different tribes and clans, the Swedish ethnic group for example consist of three main tribes. Tribes being of course branches of the same people.
To put it most concisely. Russia is an ethnic Russian construction, without ethnic Russians there would be no Russia. Your ideology that “culture” and such is all that matters, is currently the mainstream ideology in the west. And trust me, there is not a hint of truth to it.
“An ethnic group or ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on common language, ancestral, social, cultural, or national experiences.[1][2] Unlike most other social groups, ethnicity is primarily an inherited status. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language and/or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine, dressing style, art, and physical appearance.”
“The Han Chinese are an ethnic group native to East Asia. They constitute approximately 92% of the population of Mainland China”
“Ethnic Russians comprise 81% of the country’s population”
@ Anonymous
“Russia and Germany would likely be in an economic union today…”
Sorry mate, you are totally clueless. Germany, like any member of the UE, cannot negotiate economic/trade agreements with outsiders. Period. Back to school.
You should tell that to Putin.
“In the future a free-trade zone could come into being and we could even consider more advanced economic integration,” Putin wrote. “Indeed, a joint continental market would then be created whose capacities would be in the trillions of euros.”
@Russia and Germany are lovers who desperately need each other,
If it were so, then it is hard to understand why Germany chose to turn her back to the other lover, which she more desperately needed (unless it was that sort of inverted love for which Germans were notorious at times!). Russia was for Germany her “Lebensraum’, not only because Russia had in abundance the resources that Germany ‘desperately’ needed (and most of all the petrol, which at the beginning of the 20th Century was absolutely vital – we tend to forget the world shattering impact of the invention of the internal combustion engine, which became the ‘motor’ of all subsequent developments), but also because she offered Germans the opportunity to exercise their talents in a mutually profitable collaboration, set in motion by the shared vision of Leibniz and Peter the Great of developing Siberia (with the ultimate goal to bring China into the fray).
The (Anglo-Zio Bankers) “Empire on which the sun never set” awoke to the existential threat posed (not the least to the splendid HM Navy, the arm of “Britannia rule the waves”) and got really pissed off. “For an industrialized Russia exploited by the organizing genius of Germany conjures up a vision which no Western European can contemplate with equanimity”, as the British historian J. Wheeler-Bennett put it in 1939 (in the wake of the Hitler-Stalin Pact).
So, the Empire engaged in an operation of intoxicating the Germans with the fumes of “World domination” by the mythical “Aryan, White, Western European civilisation” (it was not Hitler’s invention!), starting with cutting to size the Eurasian Russian Empire which was incrementally becoming a reality under the “most ineffective of all Tsars”, NicholasII, and pushing the Kaiser and his camarilla to disregard the warnings of Bismarck to never attack Russia. The results are known, but Germany rushed to do the same mistake again, with even dire consequences.
So, no much love lost on that account.
Russia does not really ‘need’ (not ‘desperately’ in any case) Germany or Europe. She certainly wants to have normal, friendly, profitable relations with them. It would be infinitely more profitable for everyone the “West” comes to the realization that it is not ‘indispensable’ to the “Rest”. And the sooner the better.
Germany and Russia have done horrible things to each other, but they would benefit immensely from partnering up. Russia has natural resources while Germany has the technology. Also, if Germany got out from under the thumb of the Empire and joined Eurasia, the rest of Europe would be likely to follow. But for that to happen, Putin would have to start something like a color revolution in Germany which I don’t see happening.
Don’t be so sure, Putin might be working on it right now.
“AfD New Leader Promises Closer Ties With Russia”
“Hard-right AfD now 3rd biggest German party”
“Marine Le Pen’s Party Asks Russia for €27 Million Loan”
“Le Pen forced to justify €9m loan from Russia”
No, Germany wont be a colony forever, same is true for the rest of W.Europe. In pretty much every single W.European country nationalist and conservative parties are exploding in popularity, in Germany we have the afd, in France FN, in UK Farage, in Netherlands PVV, in Sweden SD, and so forth. All of these parties are either pro-Russia or neutral.
Basically all Russia needs to do is to sit and wait, and the anti-Russian NATO government in W.Europe will be replaced by friendly governments.
“Alternative for Germany’s New Leader Promises Closer Ties With Russia”
Some of these parties such as FN with Marine Le Pen in France are even economically supported by Russia as their own countries deny them economic means. Here you can see NATO outlets cry about it.
“Marine Le Pen’s Party Asks Russia for €27 Million Loan”
“Le Pen forced to justify €9m loan from Russia”
@ Anonymous
“Germany won’t be a colony for ever…”
Clueless again. The EU and Nato are the “forward defences” of US, the whole hegemonic edifice relies on European vassalage. Back to pre-school.
“There are mounting amount of evidence that Germany was instrumental in organizing Maidan and the war against Russian Ukrainians…”
Such as ? Be specific.
It was Germany who had trained Yanokovich’s Berkut forces.
Another point I want to add here.
In 2010, Putin made an offer to the EU, let’s have a free trade zone. The EU said: “No!”
Europeans wanted a free trade zone with Ukraine, and a war with Russia.
The EU got both. The EU got Ukraine as its new colony, and the cold war with Russia.
Russia is developing free trade zones with China and others in Asia and the Middle East, and we stand up in arms together.
Right now, the US is looting nine Latin American countries just to keep its economy afloat. Next year the US will loot European countries. And that will be it.
After that, the EU and US will experience total economic collapse.
There are no do-overs.
You Europeans have to remember that you are paying for the fascist putsch in Ukraine and death of Russian people there.
Do me a favor, look at these pictures.
The top one is the postcard produced by European Citizens’ Initiative – European Commission
“The European citizens’ initiative allows one million EU citizens to participate directly in the development of EU policies, by calling on the European Commission…”
It’s been produced for Ukraine. It depicts German soldiers riding on German tanks. It says, “We remember. We will overcome.” What are they threatening to overcome? Russia?
This has been done with the direct participation of Germany and approved and produced with the EU money.
The further we will distance ourselves from toxic Europe, the better.
Scott, please link to some supporting articles or reports. Id very much like to see details on the looting of SA by US, such as how. I do agree neither side is showing all their cards- the US is living off its own fiat machines, Russia and China know the end game for the debt, etc.
More details please!
I am quite sure that you will find more than you can stomach if you search around this site.
Dead link!
“Europeans wanted a free trade zone with Ukraine,”
-Russia is a European state inside Europe.
EU is a colony of USA, it barely wants anything, and it certainly does not represents the will of the people of EU, in fact the EU president isn’t even elected..
You can watch UKIP’s Farage(pro-Russian) attack the unelected dictator fo EU here.
But the last thing EU wants is a war with Russia, EU and Russia are likely the only ones that want peace in Ukraine, while the Ukrainian elites and USA wants war. I believe there is lots of talk inside EU to lift the sanctions on Russia if Ukraine does not fulfill the Minsk 2 agreement this year. Because EU is a client state it is bond to the will of USA, but Russia and EU needs eachother so badly that USA wont be able to control EU for much longer.
“Ukraine must take the steps to peace agreed a year ago in Minsk, or risk losing the support of the European Union, said Denmark’s foreign minister.
“After that, the EU and US will experience total economic collapse.”
-Yeah, everyone is saying that about everyone all the time, NATO trolls says Russia will collapse within 3 months, pro-Russian people says USA will collapse any moment, anti-Chinese people says China will collapse at any moment. I have gotten bored with hearing that and I will believe it when I see it.. However if EU economy would collapse it would likely bring in conservative and nationalist in W.Europe which are pro-Russian and anti-NATO.
“The further we will distance ourselves from toxic Europe, the better.”
-Russia is a European country inside of Europe.
but sadly it is the NATO agenda driving the Baltic and UK Polish hysteria against Russia, which Germany seems “bound ” ie ‘tied, to support………………….
extract from article Pepe Escobar
“We are all living in Hybrid War time. From R2P (“responsibility to protect”) to color revolutions, from currency attacks to stock market manipulations.
From judicial-financial-political-media enabled “soft” coups – as in Brazil – to support for “moderate” jihadis, multiple stages of Hybrid War now cross-pollinate and generate a vortex of new mutant viruses.
From left, Norwegian support vessel Valkyrien, Belgian mine-hunter Belis, Norwegian minesweeper Otra, Dutch mine-hunter Makkum and Estonian mine-hunter Admiral Cowen form a convoy during a NATO deployment in the Baltic Sea along the German Coast, Tuesday, April 22, 2014
NATO’s Surge in the Baltics: Trying to Show Putin Who’s in Charge?
Hybrid War, a Beltway concept, has even been turned upside down by the conceptualizers. NATO, affecting puzzlement at the very existence of the concept, interprets the Russian “invasion” of Ukraine as Hybrid War. That serves prime Hybrid War purveyors such as the RAND corporation to take it further, peddling war game scenarios of Russia being able to invade and conquer the Baltic states — Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania — in less than 60 hours.
And that, in turn, foments even more Western military hysteria, encapsulated by the new NATO commander, a.k.a. Dr. Strangelove; Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti, who made sure he would come up with a stage entrance worthy of his predecessor, Philip Breedlove/ Breedhate.
Slightly amused at the whole conceptual circus, Russians respond with actions. Extra deployments in our Western borderlands? No problem; here’s your asymmetrical answer. And say hello, soon, to our new toy: the S-500s.
What Hillary wants
The notion that Moscow would have any interest at all to capture Baltic states is ludicrous in itself. But with the evidence of direct occupation of Afghanistan (the Taliban will never quit) and R2P in Libya (a failed state devastated by militias) spelling miserable failure, NATO badly needs a “success”. Enter warmongering rhetoric and conceptual manipulation – and this when it’s actually Washington that is deploying Hybrid War all across the chessboard.
US Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti U.S. Army Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti
Kremlin Responds to NATO Commander: Russia Not a Threat to Anyone
Reality occurs beyond NATO’s looking glass. Russia is way ahead of the Pentagon/NATO in A2AD — anti-access/area denial; Russian missiles and submarines may easily prevent NATO fighter jets from flying in Central Europe and NATO ships from “patrolling” the Baltic Sea. For the “indispensable nation”, that hurts – so bad.
Relentless rhetorical hysteria masks the real high-stakes game in play. And that’s where US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fits in. Throughout her campaign, Clinton has extolled “a major strategic objective of our transatlantic alliance”. The major “strategic objective” is none other than the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) – a NATO-on-trade complementing political and military NATO.
The fact that TTIP, after the latest Dutch leaks, now runs the risk of being mired in Walking Dead territory may be a temporary setback. The imperial “project” is clear; to configure NATO, which already mutated into a global Robocop (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria), into an integrated political-economic-commercial-military alliance. Always under Washington’s command, of course. And including key peripheral vassals/contributors, such as the Gulf petromonarchies and Israel…..This is the ultimate, ongoing 21st confrontation that will keep generating multiple, localized hybrid warfare forms – as it takes place not only across Eurasia but across the whole Global South. It’s all interlocked – from Maidan to the secret TTIP negotiations; from provoking China in the South China Sea to an oil price war and an attack on the ruble; from the NSA spying on Petrobras feeding a slow motion, legalistic regime change process in Brazil to an EU ravaged by twin plagues; a refugee crisis ultimately provoked by NATO’s wars (and instrumentalized by Turkey) coupled with Salafi-jhadi terrorism also spawned by the same wars.
Even with France and Germany still dithering – as in paying too heavy a price for sanctions on Russia — Washington’s “project” counts on a ravaged EU being a perpetual hostage of NATO. And ultimately, a hostage of NATO on trade – because of those US geostrategic imperatives against Eurasia integration. ……”
Read more:
Couldn’t agree more — to hell with all the zio-gay ‘exceptional’ Euro-trash. They have the international admirers they deserve and, mind my words, the raw, contemptuous Elites they very much deserve with the banksters destroying their ‘glorious’ EU fiefdoms.
Russia’s future lies with the East. Even more to the point: Nobody’s bloody future lies with the parasitic, self-loving, decaying West, save the honorary Euro-trash of Eastern Europe.
Anonymous (May 08, 11:38 pm UTC),
Two notes from Scott as response to your post sums up everything nicely. I will add only two sentences more.
Your statement is not really nonsense, because the key message in your statement “… If it wasn’t for the CIA created conflict in Ukraine, Russia and Germany might either be in an economic union today or be well on the way to negotiating one …” is exactly what an influential part of the Russian Oligarchy (and, not the German, btw) has been trumpeting since 2001 – either that part of Russian Oligarchy forgot the 1000 years history stating from the repeated barbaric slaughter of Slavic tribes by (Teutonic) Germanic tribes in current east Europe, or such posturing is part of the game plan of AZ plutocracy to get total control of Russian economy smoothly.
Firstly, all Europeans have slaughtered each other over history, French and British, Swedish and Germans, Swedish and French, Swedish and Russias, Finish and Swedish, Polish and Russia and so on. And the same is true for all human population in all regions. That doesnt change the fact that Russia shares a cultural, historical, geograpical, demograpic, religious bond with her fellow Europeans nor the simple practicla fact that the supermajority of Russia population are Europeans living in the European parts of Russia and most of its industry is focused in the European part of Russia geared towards W.Europe.
“Firstly, all Europeans have slaughtered each other over history, French and British, Swedish and Germans, Swedish and French, Swedish and Russias, Finish and Swedish, Polish and Russia and so on.”
Maybe Nationalism is an infantile disease after all?
“…If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.”
Well, it has probably more to do with resources, humans have been butchering each other long before nationalism. I believe the main real reason is resources, one group needs resources another group has, so they make up an excuse to go to war based on whatever ideology is dominant in society at that time.
If nationalism is the main ideology in the society the reason will be nationalist, leaders will say : “Their lands used to be ours lands so we have a right to take them back”
If religion in the society is the main ideology the the reason will be religious, leaders will say “Those unclean heretics, they must be cleansed from the lands.”
If democracy is the main ideology in the society then democracy will be the reason, leaders will say “Too poor savages, they are oppress by dictatorship they need glorious democracy, let us bomb them so they will be free”
If tribalism is the main ideology in the society the reason will be tribalism. Leaders will say “We need the lebensraum for our people, we have too little space, we need more!”
But the main reasons is always resources.
You’re right, on the plane of effects, the material plane, where, over the course of human history 99.999% of all human beings dwell, in fear of survival of their bodies, their material selves, the RESOURCES they know they need. As such, they exist within hierarchies of control starting with families of primitive hunter-gatherers bumping up against other families (or other animal species!) for access to food and other resources.
Then the dynamic of fear and scarcity continues on up through larger tribal groupings of similar characteristics including familiar grunts and gestures leading to common tongues, etc all the way up through the greater complexity of nation states and even rival empires.
Whether dealing with the dynamic of control of a group of 10 male spear chuckers with women and one or two older, still strong, but less mobile males staying home to protect them, and the children, 20,000 years ago to 1-2 million years ago or the more recent forms of societal organization, the pressures of daily existence pretty much keep nearly everyone fixated on the material plane of effects.
However, all along the process, some few seers, recorders of myths, oral epic poems, creators of symbols, etc have tried to peer into the plane of causality, and have asked “WHY?”
And they have come up with various and often conflicting but also frequently parallel or non-conflicting,semi-congruent answers, partial understanding, and so on. “We’ve come a long way, baby!”
But apparently, we have an equally long way to go.
What is the Master Key to breaking through on our journey before it is aborted by thermonuclear holocaust, as 0.00001% of pseudo elite controllers destroy everything because they are unable to surmount the obstacle presented by their own Egos?
That key is likely to be comprehension of the Plane of Causality and its constant generation of the Plane of Effects that we simultaneously inhabit. Both controllers (at least on the NWO, western side, which I know quite well) and the masses of controlled semi-zombies they derive their power from, are mostly stuck in the Plane of Effects, enslaved to it, whether they are your neighbor, your sister, or David Rockefeller or one of the Rothschilds.
And that is pretty goodamned stupid, since one of the undeniable “first principle” laws of this universe is the Law of Cause and Effect. Therefore Cause ought to be looked at much, much more, and balanced, frequently by two way interaction or you drown in effect only.
Therefore, Where The Rubber Meets the Road, is freeing more minds from the mind controllers and dominators, so that more individuals in all places on this planet ASK WHY, progress in acquiring better answers (comprehension of the plane of causality) thereby Knowing More, and thereby acquiring the courage and will to say , “NO MORE!” to the mind controllers and frightened oligarchs threatening to run this whole 1-2 million year human experiment in experience gathering and consciousness development off a cliff.
I have a handle for you: Be Cause
I hope you like it or some other suggestion, so I might know who I am talking to. Thanks!
“What is the Master Key to breaking through on our journey before it is aborted by thermonuclear holocaust”
You (&ilk) constantly repeat this – why?
The 0.000X% breathe the same ait as we do – why would they contaminate it?
Have you finished counting from your lucky break yet?
I guess you do have an equally long way to go.
I have a handle for you but will keep it for later.
Anonymous cowardly dog formerly named Ewan and formerly dismissed cynic which even the kind Saker got sick of, WHY???
Why, Ewan , Why? Why do you hang around uttering the same absurdities on behalf of your equally absurd masters???
You are about the most unconscious, brainwashed slave to your left brain so called “rationality” that I have ever seen or heard of.
“The 0.000X% breathe the same ait as we do – why would they contaminate it?”
Oh, I see, I guess they don’t contaminate anything in the air, water, or earth, because they are just as “rational” as you are. Okay, I get it. There isn’t any problem with these “masters of the universe” you are so slavish to. They’re cool! No problem! Everybody just relax and go back to watching TV. And for heavens sake, NEVER ask why?!!!
Ewan the Constipated Academic Nitpicker says “Coast is clear! Relax dummies! They care so little about global control that they would NEVER risk WAR and killing millions or even billions of people to maintain that control.. Heck no! Relax, watch TV! They’ve NEVER done that before. This whole vineyard, according to you Professor Poopdidoo is wasting its time and should just submit, as you have done.Pathetic. Truly pathetic.
That’s why I’m putting my helmet on when leave the Cafe.You can get some injuries from some snipers out there but that’s the way of the fighter.Now I can understand better Dennis why is he in love for ever.But I came to stand behind you in this case against the sniper Anonymous.He cannot understand that the famous elite who stands behind that repeated 0000x number represents the Empire,who in his furry to lose the game,is ready to destroy the ball.Got that ? there is no hokus-pokus at all.They Are such evil people.And we in this Blog,are trying to uncover this in this vineyard of the Saker under the mantle of “stop the Empire’s war against Russia”.What’s wrong with that ?
“stop the Empire’s war against Russia”.What’s wrong with that ?”
Simple – the war against Russia is a smokescreen to keep us in our boxes. There is a low/medium level war against “Russians” (especially the poor of Donbass) but it’s only symptomatic of the real war – it’s primarily a class war against all those who are not in the privileged class.
The Empire’s war against the USSR has already been won (closer now to 30 years ago) – those who decide policy in Russia and share it’s assets are of the same ruling class…period – their primary tool of victory is predatory Capitalism (the same one works in exactly the same way in China & Russia as it does the world over). Some secondary tools of reliance, mind manipulation & control are Nationalism & Religion.
” They’ve NEVER done that before.”
True – there was never MAD before…but that’s a sideshow.
There is no need for it now…just low/medium level heat to keep us all in our boxes. “Russia” was finally totally subjugated in the early 90’s – there is zero chance “they” would take the boot off its neck (zilch, nada…nothing). I was going to say about it would be as likely as the “miraculous conception” but you’d probably start talking about white wizards or sacred feminine goddesses (or the tooth-fairy).
The Chinese leadership/oligarchs are only beaten to the head of the Capitalist table by the Russians – “it’s the system, stoopid” & you’re just a lowly member of the problem class.
Keep counting, “mad-dog”.
PS: they contaminate plenty – I bet they don’t eat that though.
“But the main reasons is always resources.”
Maybe this would have been better:
“Maybe groupthink is an infantile disease after all?”
Yes, perhaps. :)
@ Straight-Bat
Thanks for unmasking that Anonymous. He has a face now: plutocratzionism.
Very interesting term indeed ” plutocratzionism ” … Agreed with thanks.
about as useful as
Still waiting on some sense from you with regards to mad-dogs plea toy you here
While it’s obvious what you agree with it’s totally obscure why you do.
That’s what an alliance is — the members share a common enemy.
“Russia shares basically nothing with China”
Aside from maybe thousands of miles of border …
@ Jamie
Only 4,200 km!
Yes, that is pretty much it. A common enemy and some desolate unpopulated border space at the fringe of Russia, that is all Russia and China share.
@“Russia shares basically nothing with China”
What about the tea culture?
“что после чаю следует?” (‘what follows after tea?’). Bоскресенія мертвыхъ!
I agree about Russia and Germany, but Washington and its Euro vassal leaders don’t agree..
Russia does need Germany? pls. can you list some terms, where Russia needs Germany?
What Russia needs is a market for the ( fossil ) energy products, not more or less. Everything else concerning technology they can get in Asia as well.
Yes would be a nice world to live in, if Germany would opt for Russia, but they are under the occupation of Americans since the first world war and military occupation since the second world war and do nothing about it. Russia pulled out of Germany, Americans stayed. Germans are the fools.
Anonymous (why not provide a name or a nom de plume?)
You wrote, “Any talk of Russia pivoting to China is nonsense, Russia needs Germany, Germany needs Russia.”
That’s wrong. Russia has already pivoted to China. It’s happened and is already a done deal.
Further, Russia does not need Germany. It would be nice to trade with Germany and also with the rest of Europe. President Putin has explained that trade between Russia and Germany and the rest of Europe is something he sees as desirable. The problem is not from the Russian side. It is from the German government and European governments. They have imposed sanctions and prohibited their own people from trading with Russian people. The Russian government does not approve of this. It is resigned to it though. So…….
…….rather than crying over lost opportunity, the Russian government has indeed pivoted towards China and is encouraging Russian people to trade with Chinese people, invest in collaboration with Chinese people in joint projects and to build strong relationships with Chinese people (including in business relationships).
On the other hand, Germany desperately needs Russia. If German people do not trade with and work with Russian people, then they will observe their industry being eclipsed and left behind, their culture given away and their opportunities for wealth building and higher standard of living eroded significantly.
This rather reminds me of a situation that occurred when I was young. One of my friends at university was a beautiful woman. She was quite striking. Everyone was out to get her to accept a date. When she went to the beach in summer, people used to roll their tongues on the sand, so to speak. There was a guy in class who she showed interest in. He was excited that she was keen on him. All could have worked out well, except his idiot friends told him that to be cool he had to treat her mean. He had to pretend not to be interested and demonstrate indifference, even to the point of rudeness. “Treat her mean to keep her keen” was the advice.
He followed the strategy his friends suggested. Indeed, they seemed to be correct. At first she worked to get his attention and interest. She approached him to socialise. He remained aloof and cool. She gave him a present for his birthday. He remained aloof and cool. She invited him to a night out. He remained aloof and cool. After a week she stopped reaching out to him. After all, she did have alternatives (many of them). Several of us mentioned to our classmate that he was being most foolish. He was even asked by one of us whether he was serious for her or not. He replied he was- “of course!” On the basis of that answer he was told to start being honest, to desist from being dishonest (by behaving as he had been), approach her directly, let her know he was interested in being with her and invite her out. He failed to take this advice.
A fortnight or so later it was clear to him that he’d made a mistake. She stopped making time for him and seemed to have started associating with a different group of friends (not his ones). He got very unsettled when he saw her downtown at the movies with a young man. He realised the “treat her mean” advice was wrong but still he failed to immediately amend his strategy. I think he must have thought that his “friends” would look down on him if he altered tack. After all, he was so “cool”. Shortly after that it was all over red rover. She had started going out with someone else. Soon enough that fellow became her boyfriend.
My classmate panicked and hurriedly made a somewhat gauche approach. She was very polite to him and gently explained that she was going out with someone else and that a relationship was developing between them. She did not want to destroy that and thought the other fellow might be the right person for her (which turned out to be the case as they were married a year or so later). She mentioned that perhaps there was someone else in the university that might be right for my classmate. She then mentioned that she was touched he was interested in her and that it was for the best they be on friendly terms. By that stage she did not seek more than that of him. So, his best opportunity had passed him by and the terms of engagement between them would not be intimate. In other words, the deal on offer to him was nowhere near as good as had been the case earlier.
My suspicion is that if Germany and the rest of the European countries do not change their behaviours, then it is inevitable that Russia looks elsewhere. We are presently at a time that is analogous to the vital two week point my classmate passed though so foolishly. Russia has started associating with others and has begun looking at long term relationship elsewhere. Wait too long and it becomes a matter of “too late” or as we said in our university days, “TFL”.
I believe all this “pivot” talk is just to scare EU, practically there is not much pivoting that can be done for practical reasons, as previously stated, Russia’s European population is focused in European-Russia, and most of its industries are as well, unless Russia intends to transfer a 100 million people and its industries to the other end of the country. Russia needs W.Europe and W.Europe needs Russia. All this “pivot” talk is just to scare W.Europe.
Yes, Russia very badly needs Germany and W.Europe pretty much all her industries are geared towards W.Europe. Same goes for W.Europe, Russia is a huge important market, and an crucial source of resources. For Russia W.Europe is a huge market, and a source of investment and technology.’
Yeah, trading alittle with China is very far from replacing W.Europe and Germany thought which wont and can’t happen, and this year the sanctions will likely be lifted as well.
Thanks for the story, it was quite interesting. :) But I do believe it is an incorrect comparison for a few reasons, the main being that Russia has no choice and W.Europe has not choice, they are limited by several aspects, ranging from mid-level hindrances such as culture, to language to other hindrance that is impossible to overcome such as geography, logistics, population and industrical centres.
In order to distinguish yourself from the Professor that I was forced to so vigorously chop to pieces ( there seem to be at least 3 anonymouses running around here today, just in this thread alone….. ….guys! It’s a good workout on the light bag…try 10 minutes or so of popping him in his lips after dipping your gloves in the same material he freshly excreted here……..hey don’t complain, Ewan its your own foul ideas exposed that are popping you on the end of your nose…’s the smell??? ) before I went shopping, could you please pick a handle.
Anyway, Anonymous at 3:54 pm who said “the main being that Russia has no choice and W.Europe has not choice” are flat wrong and Siotu is right, and his allegory quite apt.
Western Europe has the choice of escaping the grip of the EU, NATO, the rotten pyramid of Rothschild fake money and bad debt and then treating Russia right and trading with her, but the people there (just like the people here in the USA )are still too cowardly, stupid and mind-controlled Thus Far to give any German or French leader half a chance of surviving more than 48 hours if they made such a move.
So, the plain truth is that they don’t deserve any help until they free themselves from mind control and snap out of the sort of comforting illusions that you would have them and Russians adhere to.
Under those hostile and impossible to accept conditions, Russia does indeed have other choices, and must take them, even if they will take greater effort, cost and time than what The False Hope Plan (what else are you offering, except the delusion that hostile intent will somehow magically melt away?) might seem to promise, but which would be falling for the most transparently treacherous deception?
Dr N says above: “Russia’s future lies with the East. Even more to the point: Nobody’s bloody future lies with the parasitic, self-loving, decaying West, save the honorary Euro-trash of Eastern Europe.”
That includes You if you can wake up and realize the war is already On. That includes Me in California, and that includes the rest of the people between here and the East Coast, about 1% of which have any idea of what kind of a shock awaits them, unless they awaken PDQ and make the dreams you speak of actually possible, instead of mere wishful thinking for the naive and credulous.
Also: Pick a handle please.
Please no capped words – its like shouting as per moderation policy. Amended this time. Mod on Duty.
OK. Tried “text bolden” instructions more than once to no avail.
If it now works on more than once problem solved! If it doesn’t work, problem unsolved.
TINA ? (there is no alternative)
Is that your argument? Not a very reasurring one. Forbes seems to agree with you,
But what is being forgotten is that everything can be substituded, and there is always an alternative.
Has anyone tried to see the obvious fact that Russia can go alone, all by herself? Does anyone listen to Russia who tell her “desperate” suitors: we have everything we need? If you behave nicely, politely we’ll let you share. But if you turn your back on us, you can shove everything up there.
“Anonymous (why not provide a name or a nom de plume?)”
-Missed this one
*I dont bother using names on sites like “thesaker” practices censorship. I think it shows respect which the site does not deserve.
People tend to view Europe as a set of free countries. The fact is that Europe remains occupied by the USA as it has been since the War. After the war America used its military, manufacturing, energy and banking resources to completely dominate the re-building of Europe, left devastated by the War. Though America has since removed most of its troops from Europe, its economic ties keep the EU under tight control – money rules all – always has and always will. Through such agencies as the IMF, the central banking network led by the Fed, financial services led by Wall Street, American multinationals, the highly powerful intelligence agencies of the US, literally thousands of NGOs and huge political power, the US completely dominates Europe’s geopolitical decisions. Europe is in a firm economic trap set by the USA and its future tied to US fortunes. Europe might squeal and howl like children against their parents, but in the end, they have no choice but to obey or suffer the very serious consequences.
Germany is no exception. She is handcuffed to US banking interests. She will protest, but she will always lie down and spread her legs on demand. Her leader, Angela Merkel has an undying hatred of Russia and as long as she is in power, ties with Russia will be extremely limited.
As the commenters have indicated, Russia has now moved on. They have not only turned towards the East but they have used the strife with Europe to reformulate and reform their domestic economy. These changes are permanent. Europe has lost out – permanently. They have lost markets that will likely never be returned. The American neocons have lost out as they thought they could force Russia into compliance or be divided and destroyed.
Russia and China have been forced together and have found that they are not such bad partners after all. They each have important resources to be shared with the other that almost completely negates any real dependence on the West. They are creating a SWIFT substitute fro interbank transactions, a new credit card clearing facility, a replacement for the World Bank and the IMF, an investment bank for the new Silk Road infrastructure project, creating new investment opportunities and shared development programmes, re-constituting their militaries with advanced weaponry far beyond what the decaying West has to offer, and implementing profitable trade agreements throughout the world to protect their respective national interests in the global trade arena.
If the US is to prevent a total wipeout, it only has a few years of open window to strike. It must know this as it witnesses the great military strides made by both Russia and China to modernise their forces. So I suspect that if this war the Saker talks about is to take place, it will have to happen soon, or the West will completely lose any advantage it currently holds (which is precious little at this time).
You’ve written up pretty much the whole scenario right there.
You write, “If the US is to prevent a total wipeout, it only has a few years of open window to strike.”
There is no open window. It has been closed. A war would require the window to be smashed. A war would be ruinous for the USA and Europe. It would harm Russia and China as well, but it is likely that a multi-polar world system would be the end result anyway.
To prevent total wipeout the US government needs to withdraw militarily, politically and financially from Europe and most of the bases it presently occupies all around the world. Europe should look after its own affairs. NATO can be dissolved. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi, Iraq etc are places where the US military does not belong either. Time to go back and take care of loved ones at home. The Fed must be ended. Elimination of protections of the banking system from the consequences of its own insolvency needs to be done. Private currencies with 100% specie backing ought to be allowed to replace the fiat currency presently used. The state enabled and protected monopolies in pharmaceuticals, legal representation, medical and surgical professions, registrations, universities, schools, etc etc etc all ended. Elimination of social security, medicare, medicaid and all the other welfare ponzi schemes needs to occur. No deficits ever again. Renegotiation of the national debt and unfunded liabilities (it would be honest to reneg on it, as there is no way that US$222-trillion can ever be satisfied and it is immoral to indenture the lives and productive output of those who did not borrow it, most of whom are presently unborn!). A reasonable first step would be to return the USA to its founding documents, the Articles of Confederation (not the Constitution).
That’s a lot to do in very little time. There are far too many special interests slurping at the trough of other people’s money to allow any of that without a big hissy-fit screaming tantrum. Trouble is that even were a new President prepared to take this spoilt, self-indulgent hydra on, it may already be too late.
Note that when the USSR fell over, the situation was potentially very dangerous. A malevolent leadership could well have selected a big war rather than the alternative of allowing that extraordinarily corrupt and ineffective system to be dissolved. That the dissolution of communism and the USSR went as it did demonstrates that it is possible for a reset to be accomplished without war. It also demonstrates that the Russians in responsible senior positions at the time did not believe in mass destruction and death as a means to save what was not salvageable anyway. One can hope people in the USA in similar positions are as civilised and as sane when they face their times of trial.
And you didn’t mentioned the Zionists,are they,or will they be as civilized and as sane when they face their times of trial ? will they let the game to be played by others out of them ?
I sure hope they will be. I do not wish for more wars with all the harm, injury, impoverishment, destruction, mayhem and death they fetch up.
@ Victor
“America has since removed most of its forces from Europe…”
It’s still an occupation army of 115,000 (and growing), 75,000 in Germany alone, in 30 military bases (also growing).
The control is done by a lot more than economic ties. The vasalism to the US is embedded in european power and control structures.
Thanks for your posts here from your perspective Jeff.
I’m starting to see a world where Russia and China are a citadel against the US empire.
India has joined empire. Brazil, South Africa? Baring hot war which is very likely, Russia and China just have to tighten up and sit it out. As the US has to use more open authority to keep the vassals in line, the vassal states populations will start to rebel.
It seems the US is setting pieces in place for localised conventional war against Russia and China, but..
Setting nuclear India against China… a very uncertain future in geo-politics at the moment. I guess we will get a better idea of the future after the next US election.
This good article is very depressing.
What gives me hope comes from left field, outer space in fact. From races of extraterrestrials that are not just technologically but presumably spiritually advanced. And reportedly saved us from nuclear Armageddon during Cold War 1.0 several times, often turning nuclear weapons systems off as their flying saucers hovered over NATO and USSR missile silos to then zip off into the stratosphere or dematerialise before any fighter jet could get them.
I can see why you get on so well with Bro Anon ;-)
Dumb comment, Ewan or one of his minions. Let’s give the two Peters from Down Under the benefit of the doubt, that they are not two sides of a split personality.
I have interacted quite a bit with Peter AU, but never, to my knowledge with Peter from OZ.
So, we’ll scoop that little non-cognitive stinker of yours up in the pooper scooper and let the sweet smell of blooming mustard seed prevail between the rows of climbing grape vines.
BTW waiting for little green men (polite green men is another story) to descend is similar to shirking responsibility and putting it all on Jesus.
Who let the dog in? Who? Who?, Who? And will he EVER have anything to offer besides grape vine fertilizer??? I’m having my doubts about that.
I do wish people would stop with the “fall of the Roman Empire” stuff. It was a very long fall indeed, over many centuries and many lands.
True enough, but the Romans did not have access to the communictions, transport and weaponry (including nuclear) of the present. Things happen far faster than they once did. What may have taken centuries now can be done and dusted in only a few decades or even less.
” That doesnt change the fact that Russia shares a cultural, historical, geograpical, demograpic, religious bond with her fellow Europeans ”
As much as I appreciate the discussions on this thread, about the underlying similarities between the Russians and the rest of the Europeans, its hard for me to ignore the overwhelming problem of demographics. If nothing is done to reverse the trend immediately, the indigenous European populations will be a minority in their own lands, in about twenty years or less. It seems Russia will not be dealing with the Germans, French, Italians, and so forth. Rather it will have to deal with a bizarre mixture of Mainly Arab Moslems, Africans, and Asians. Even the surrounding Baltic states are being flooded with incompatible foreigners. While we focus on the minutia of a “hot” military conflict, the European peoples are being destroyed by silent genetic warfare. I’m frequently surprised on how little this immediate, mortal threat to the indigenous European people is addressed on this site, even by the venerable Saker.
Of course you’re right,a real danger is there and that has been discussed here in the Vineyard but a little bit earlier – maybe a few weeks ago.I’m sure we will return to that subject.
“the European peoples are being destroyed by silent genetic warfare”
The Europeans have their own type of corruption causing their degradation, this is from the top to bottom (leadership to society).
The Europeans stopped having children a long time ago and are going through a catastrophic decline in birth rates.
They have only themselves to blame.
There is no silent genetic warfare……there is only Godlessness, materialism, individualism, narcissism, and the subservience of their corrupt leaders to the morally and economically corrupt US-Zionist alliance.
Europe is part of the US-NATO-Zionist alliance…..They are part of the corruption.
They only have themselves to blame.
“there is only Godlessness”
oops [I was nearly going to say thank God for that ;-)]
You are largely correct on the other headers but need to widen from
“the morally and economically corrupt US-Zionist alliance.”
“the morally and economically corrupt US-Zionist, Chinese, Russian etc alliance.”
Make that “the morally and economically bankrupt US-Zionist-Western Marxist etc alliance”. The latter component comprises both the “Orthodox” and the “Cultural” strains of Marxism, mind you. Western supremacism all along the line.
Dr N,
no, no you’re getting upset & confused again (say it slowly – Lenin was no supporter of nationalism).
Ten thousand Western über-revolutionaries stir up less trouble to the Zionazis in two centuries’ time than Putin does in half an hour. What’s that got to do with Lenin? Do shut up.
Shut this conversation down now. Mod on Duty.
Dr N,
no, no you’re getting upset & confused again (say it slowly – Lenin was no supporter of nationalism).
Sums upp the self-pitying zio-gays a.k.a. Euro-trash marvellously! And, yes, their whining, moaning, and groaning should evoke absolutely zero compassion.
Well to add a politically incorrect comment about Germany and Russia: I am a descendant of German immigrants (and Russian actually) and one quality that has passed down is that German’s believe they are superior. In the prairie town, they would say “that’s so Ukrainian” to indicate something that’s messed up or disorderly. It’s not a malicious sense of superiority, but a genuine pride and belief in German efficiency, German engineering, craftsmanship. Does this exist in Germany today? My impression (from my relatives) is it would be very difficult for Germans to form an alliance or partnership without the security of this supremacy (whether it’s true or just perceived).
“…one quality that has passed down is that Germans believe they are superior,”
According to an article by an eminent German Professor ( apologies, his name escapes me ) a number of years ago, Germans believe themselves to be superior to every other race on the planet with the exception of, wait for it…the Americans. In the presence of which, they reveal a staggering inferiority complex! Acc. to said professor, this state of affairs is so ingrained in Germans as to be literally impossible to remove.
Two sides of the same coin, both with devastating effects on the collective psyche, from the dazzling heights of superior human being , to grovelling, dog-like sub-human, makes for a toxic mix and in any case, ripe for the picking…
@ Dimitar
Without pretending to be another professor propounding unfalsifiable theories, it defies common sense that the German collective consciousness and self-identity has made an exception to the citizens of the “Exceptional Nation” in an exceptional short time frame as being their superiors, unless the German nation, like the aboriginal peoples of the world colonized by the Europeans, was hit with supernatural awe by the technological prowess of the Yanks as if, like gods, they descended from outer space. That professor did not come from the social sciences side of academia for sure. Cultures, among which collective characteristics, take many generations to be internalized as defining elements of a community or nation.
Vladimir Ilyich once said, tongue-in-cheek, that the French socialists were intolerant (they argued a lot among themselves) while the German were united (read herd mentality) because they were ‘good boys’ (conformity, rule-following). He had great respect for the Germans and hoped they would lead the way to socialism.
Anonymous, the factors that may lead to one parties assertion of superiority over another are complex and many layered. The state of affairs the prof. was referring to came about specifically after WW2, when the German people were at their most vulnerable.
Such an operation consists of inserting a facsimile or image into the victim’s subconscious and then work to reinforce that facsimile as being overriding fact. Everything you do from that point reinforces the message/implant and the victim becomes in the end – not an independently directed entity, but the continuing effect rather a host for someone’s little game.
There are examples in nature where certain animals are able to hypnotise seemingly more powerful foes, such as a cat is able to do with a snake. In Africa, among other places there are witchdoctors which are able to enter into the dream state of a chosen victim and drive them to suicide should the victim be suitably “prepared”, or unprepared as the case may be. The onus is on the victim to break free. To do so, he must stop playing by the rules imposed on him from without, yet reinforced from within, ie; from within his own subconscious.
The superiority to which I am referring comes from adhering to standards of industriousness, work ethic, precision, accuracy, and so on – which are German (what other word to use for this??) It is not based on race. My impression of Zionism, for instance, is that simply by being born of that heritage a person gains full access to the social benefits of that culture. In my personal experience, for Germans, you must be willing to adhere to this cultural identity. If you start lowering standards, you will meet disapproval. There are social consequences to abandoning the cultural identity.
Personally, I am grateful for this upbringing, since in North America sometimes cultural identity is watered down to total apathy, “I patronize therefore I am”, and self-aggrandizement based on nothing. To have pride as a German person required doing certain things in a certain way to earn the satisfaction of experiencing this pride. That’s my perspective. My interpretation of Vladmir Ilyich’s statement is that he recognized that Germans were willing to subordinate the expression of their individual personalities to the adherence to this cultural identity. And I would assume that he was not at all patronizing when he said that. Granted, in North America this quality is ridiculed, but I support it, and I have benefited from it.
Now the negative aspect which I’ve witnessed comes from this obsession with maintaining supremacy. This can become tyrannical, to have to be live up to this standard in all things, all the time. Yet, if you don’t, then what are you? Where is the cultural identity and the sense of pride? This is the difficulty. So that’s my German-Canadian descendant experience.
For what it’s worth, it’s my impression that Putin and Lavrov completely understand the German psyche. I am quite fascinated by the two of them in that regard. I say that as no expert whatsoever, that’s just how it looks to me.
Victory Day parade in Moscow Russia May 9th 2016
Regarding Sweden, her deeply reactionary, neoliberal pro-NATO Elite and ditto media face the very same problems as the rest of the horrible You’re_a_peon Union, but with two particularly nasty issues complicating things further still:
Firstly, the decay of Sweden’s infrastructure has really begun to spiral out of control; most visibly within public transportation and public education. Secondly, the absolutely untenable state of the housing market with sky-rocketing private indebtedness and extreme housing shortage (with the refugee crisis exacerbating the problem further still). Beggars flooding cities and small towns alike. As I said, these are issues which come on top of what’s more or less “the same story everywhere” with unemployment/deindustrialization/precarization and rampant, EU driven corruption. The Elites are rightly feeling uneasy about the seething anger everywhere. The young (save the gilded youth) stuck with no prospects neither in the labour, nor in the housing market. The working population pissed by the never-ending deterioration, and the pensioners, the majority of which are getting shafted outright by neoliberal counter-reforms.
Corollary question: Could NATO membership appear to be offering some kind of solution in the eyes of the Swedish Elites (the very ‘hint’ itself of joining NATO being a 100% top-down initiative) ? Well, yes if you count on their trust in NATO’s ability to completely finish off the Russian state at long last, thus completing the job which Putin promptly interrupted. Sweden staying out of NATO would then mean substantially less reward derived from the perceived Zionazi loot. With the rot now beginning to really infuriate people, and with tax revenues being clearly inadequate for the task, “someone” has to be regime changed and asset stripped to reverse the tide.
I do hope the Russians respond harshly if Sweden joins.
@ Nussiminen
“I do hope the Russians respond harshly if Sweden joins”
So do I.
I like your: “You’re-a-peon Union”, and your hard-hitting comments.
In regards to Sweden. The beggars are often Roma who have traveled to Sweden because the pickings from begging there are better than at home. There are also a lot of recent immigrants a.k.a. wefaregees.
As far as debt is concerned, the official figure admitted is around 42 – 44% of GDP presently. Govt debt is reportedly around USD 213,727,900,000.00 (in reality it is more). The GDP is claimed to be USD 483,876,000,000.00. Each citizen is supposedly emburdened with some USD 22,000.00. of it. Interest accrues at USD 5,230,250,000.00 per year (~USD 166.00 per second). You could wrap USD bills around the Earth more than 800 times with that debt amount. If you laid them on top of each other they would make a pile more than 23,000 km high.
Meanwhile the ratio of tax to GDP is at around 46%. That’s right. Tax at 46% percent GDP. Incredible. Yet still recent public data reports government deficit in 2015 as 1.1% of GDP- even after a huge tax grab like that 46% they still can’t spend within their means!
This is a charitable way of looking at the story however. When you look at total debt things get more interesting yet. Sweden’s is reported to be around 187% of GDP. Very racey indeed compared with Russia at ~30%, Iran at ~4% and China at 16%. There just isn’t sufficient capital in Sweden for its productive base to survive without borrowing heavily from outside the country. The government has managed to engorge itself on much of what was there locally.
Another way to look at it is to consider the unfunded liabilities of the Swedish government. Sweden’s government has reached 430% of GDP so far (that’s the officially admitted amount- in reality it is much higher yet). Since the population is an aging one this is especially bad news for those who think they are going to receive government hand-outs when they retire (govt pension and superannuation). The % figure is increasing and there just is not going to be the money available to sustain all the hand-outs Sweden was once famous for. Perhaps that is when the welfaregees will move on to better pickings and the beggars will be predominantly of local origin.
Sweden’s government is insolvent. The government can’t pay its debts and so it will default on its obligations (the empty promises to the foolish people who believed in a free lunch). That is the reason all the welfare nonsense is collapsing. It is completely unaffordable.
Sweden’s is mostly a population of economically walking dead stumbling along behind an institution of deceit, theft and fraud- its own government. Many, many Swedes are going to suffer horribly and be hurt bad. This is a lesson for everyone to learn from.
Clarification: When I wrote, “Each citizen is supposedly emburdened with some USD 22,000.00. of it.” I was referring to the Sweden government debt, not GDP.
@ Siotu
Thank you for all economic details about Sweden, once a model state everyone in Europe looked up to. I’m not familiar with the current situation there but, as Nussimnien said, if the elites there decide to join Natoland there will be consequences. Why on earth they want to risk the country’s security when neutrality is the safest place to be? The neutral countries of Europe during WWII (Sweden, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland) were largely respected by the belligerents and unaffected by the war. If indeed the move to join is being pushed by the political elites it betrays the work of the local plutocrats as elsewhere in Europe to keep the Union under the thumbs of the Zioempire.
“if the elites there decide to join Natoland there will be consequences. Why on earth they want to risk the country’s security when neutrality is the safest place to be?”
Because the “consequences” will not be for the elites.
Glad to see all your substantial, highly sensitive replies to my above submission regarding Sweden. I’ll address some of your thoughts below.
“Sweden’s government is insolvent. The government can’t pay its debts and so it will default on its obligations (the empty promises to the foolish people who believed in a free lunch). That is the reason all the welfare nonsense is collapsing. It is completely unaffordable.”
Today, what passes for “welfare” here is simply outright bribery in the service of what should rightly be called “anti-social engineering”. And, yes, there is very much a “free lunch” pertaining to it. A leftist blogger wrote back in 2014 a most pertinent essay titled “The phony middle class is the poliical crux” (“Låtsas-medelklassen är det politiska kruxet”). There he showed how neoliberalism has deliberately created an entirely artificial, extremely reactionary and parasitic mass base — to wit, the phony middle class — heavily subsidized by the Government through tax deduction and/or plain hand-outs for housing speculation, home styling, lux renovations, and private employment of cleaners, baby-sitters, and other domestic workers. As a result, this phony middle class enjoys cheaper accommodation in spite of appreciably higher material standards and comfort (along with huge indebtedness!) as compared to council estate tenants. The abovementioned essay concludes with the very correct observation that
“The unison political mantra of today is ‘We can’t afford any reforms!’ And that might very well make sense to people subscribing to neoliberal dogma. However, as we have seen here, that’s a big lie. The country is awash with assets and capital, but in the wrong hands and severely misspent”.
The quote above makes even more sense in view of decaying schools, hospitals, railroads, subways, and the plague of permanent, severe housing shortage.
“Why on earth do they want to risk the country’s security when neutrality is the safest place to be?”
Again, my take on Sweden’s ruling class is that its members are feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the mounting social tensions and the ongoing, menacing rot these tensions very much thrive on. Of course, abandoning neoliberalism is out of the question. So the only remaining safety valve at their disposal is an increased influx of imperialist loot from abroad with Russia in the crosshairs. NATO membership clearly facilitates the achievement of this goal. Another advantage here is that they can play the card of Swedish historical Russophobia with all its superstitious mendacity, if deemed necessary.
Hi Nussiminen
Yup, the government of Sweden is insolvent. It can’t pay its way. It does not matter who has been getting hand-outs in the past. The past is over. It’s gone and done and dusted. Now come the consequences of all those poor decisions, all the wrong behaviours encouraged and exhibited, all the coercive imposts placed on the productive and all the wreckless consumption by govt employees, their cronies and the recipients of govt largess- all of it pinched. There is going to be suffering and hurt.
In regards to the “decaying schools, hospitals, railroads, subways, etc. ” None of it is affordable anyway. All those govt provided “services”, “welfare”, “cheap housing”, “free” education, “free” healthcare and all the various hand-outs never were affordable in the first place. There are no free lunches for anyone. Eventually the bill falls due and it must be paid. Now comes the reckoning.
Quoting, ““The unison political mantra of today is ‘We can’t afford any reforms!’ ”
They are correct in that they can’t afford the freebies and give-aways any more. And they are correct, they can’t afford reform. Nevertheless a hard reset is an inevitability and it will arrive ready or not. The promises of the Swedish government will be reneged and repudiated.
Sweden is reminiscent of the proverbial foolish farmer whose spending consistently exceeds his income. He spends more than his crops fetch at the town market but instead of cutting his spending and increasing his productive output he prefers to borrow and continue unchanged his and his family’s lifestyle. After all, his family demand they live at a certain standard. It is their right!
What the famer is doing is deferring the day when he must pay (what he doing is known as “kicking the can”), but this action is increasing future expenses even more (his “dumb debt” is increasing as are the costs of servicing it). Instead of cutting back on costs and striving to improve income (by producing more, by seeking to produce crop of higher unit value, by requiring family members to work with him in order to help produce more income, by requiring family members to reduce or eliminate expenses) he borrows more and more, year after year. After all, the family demands they live life at a certain standard. It is their right they all claim.
Eventually the interest required to service the increasing debt becomes a major item in his outgoings. Soon enough he finds he is reaching the limit of what he can borrow. No matter, he can still keep on going. The foolish farmer starts selling his tools, farm machinery and seed stock. All this does is defer the inevitable for just a little bit longer. In doing this he has made it even more difficult to pay what he owes. He may even have gone too far by this stage and made it impossible to get out of his debt. What comes finally is receivership, followed by losing the house and the farm. Who can he blame for this state of affairs? His family? Himself? Who cares, he’s out of there and no-one cares what he thinks any more. One thing for certain, when his family’s expectations are unmet he is going to catch hell!
There is a crucial difference between the farmer and the Swedish government though. The farmer is responsible to pay his debt, but his children are not. In the case of what the Swedish govt borrows, it puts all Swedes on the hook to pay that debt. All Swedes alive or as yet unborn for generations to come are liable to pay and pay and keep paying! So much for the miracle of Sweden.
Perhaps it is the realisation that the cheques are going to start bouncing soon or that the credit card is close to topping out that has the establishment considering some sort of military trouble as a means to escape the inevitable. It won’t work. It is not possible to run a social welfare state without going insolvent. In the end there is no way out. That is going to be a hard and difficult lesson for people to learn.
“””practically there is not much pivoting that can be done for practical reasons, as previously stated, Russia European population is focused in European-Russia, and most of its industries are as well, unless Russia intends to transfer a 100 million people and its industries to the other end of the country. Russia needs W.Europe and W.Europe needs Russia. All this ivottalk is just to scare W.Europe.”””
The “100 million people in the western part of Russia” is true now. But remember that Putin is probably the greatest strategist alive today.
Russia’s future is indeed in the east: that’s where the resources are, and that’s where the bulk of the people will be. Remember that the US’s western population went from zero to 300 million in just a few centuries — and that was before modern transportation. Specifically, before the new Silk Roads. I think you would be amazed at just how much cargo a single train can haul. So Russia’s future will come fast, not in centuries but in a few years.
I’ve noticed in the past little while that some people here have given up on China. I think you are allowing the western media to run your brain. They lied about Iraq’s WMDs, and they are mostly lying about Russia now. So why do you think the western media is being any more honest about China?
Here’s an example of a major story that will probably not get much play in the west:
Alarm Bells In Washington As Philippines Election Threatens Its Anti-China Strategy
(Thanks to Peter Lavelle’s new site, The Duran.) The Phillipines just had an election today. The new president needs about 14 million votes. With only about half the votes counted, Rodrigo Duterte has 12 million already. So he’s almost certainly the next president of the Phillipines. And he’s not nearly as hostile to China as the incumbent, the oligarch Benigno Aquino III. So don’t expect much coverage of this story in the west.
“I’ve noticed in the past little while that some people here have given up on China. I think you are allowing the western media to run your brain”
Joker’s are out again in force today
Stop the Empire’s war on us
Still hiding behind “Anonymous” Ewan? DId you notice that it is Apple and the Taiwanese group that is hiring the overworked Chinese laborers who are putting in 72 hours per week on the assembly lines?
Yes, the western media apparently does run your brain which seems to be incapable of calculating anything with a bit of complexity to it, or for that matter anything that does not fit with your already established prejudices, which reinforce your rigid and quite brittle Ego.
An Ego which never once here has admitted “I was wrong.” is so incapable of discarding Empire programming that only trolldom can be daignosed in your case, post after pompous mind-controlled post.
How many Chinese may have taken the hard road of a few short years of such work provided by your friends at Apple to climb out of poverty? About half a billion so far.
Do you imagine a truly Communist Chinese government would have permitted Capitalist (from wherever) companies profit from the back of Chinese labour?
Good to see you took a break from counting.
Please note that your other comments attacking another commenter have been sent to the Saker to determine if he want to post them on the site. Please comment on the current topic or provide a well reasoned response and avoid ad hominem argument (an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. … mod-hs
Fair enough. This particular anonymous
1. Consistently attacks multi-polarity in favor of submission to Empire.
2. Uses ad hominem absurdities regarding an irrelevant RE deal back years ago to suggest I am “counting ” something from that, which simply makes me laugh as it distracts from any cognition of anytthing.
3. Disparages the intelligence of opposing views while offering virtually zero of his own world view, in terms of particulars, besides # 1. If no one wants to take on # 1 and prefer to let this troll spread his poisoned world view, with no further restraints from me, we shall see how that works out.
4. His M.O is to leave little evidence behind of his real intention in any one post. You need to read them all to get the pattern. It’s pretty clear, once you do that. Thanks!
It seems Russia can whipe out the twelve American aircraft carriers (wich would be sitting ducks) without exceeding its military annual budget. China has recently opened its Shanghai Gold Exchange aiming at fixing the correct gold price. Deutsche Bank admited to having rigged the gold market for at least 15 years together with other key empire banks. It seems to me that the Anglozionist empire does not have leverage anymore to dictate the rules of world order and the Sino-Russian alliance are just waiting to see the western mess to unravel.
Your comment..@alterEd
It looks increasingly to be the case.
Price-fixing is on the way out for oil, with OPEC no longer able to control them:
Deprived of the military bat and the dollar bat, the AngloZionists are obliged to low down their tail, and fall ! I don’t see any way out for them. Maybe they have chosen the Donald to try and start negotiations to save some dignity for the American people!
Pet peeve: Flouted, not flaunted.
The meanings are almost opposite. People seem to need the word “flouted” quite often, and they always use “flaunted” instead. Stop doing it!
Quite right about that malapropism. Who committed that linguistic cardinal sin?
To find text on a web page:
Use of the keys “ctrl”, “c”, “f”, “v” in your browser (chrome specifically)
Use your mouse to select the text of interest (e.g. whole sentences or words or letters)
ctrl c (i.e. simultaneously press the “ctrl” and “c” keys – this will copy the selected text to the Windows “clipboard)
ctrl f (i.e. simultaneously press the “ctrl” and “f” keys – this will copy the selected text to the Browsers “Find” dialog box)
ctrl v (i.e. simultaneously press the “ctrl” and “v” keys – this will paste from the Windows “clipboard” to the Browsers “Find” dialog box and allow you to scroll through all text occurrences).
In this case – in the main article.
“How many humanitarian disasters has the West caused within and without its own borders, since Alexander the Great’s scorched Earth diplomacy, in the fourth century BC?”
Imperialism is always bad for common people. Humanitarian disasters have also been caused by the East. The Persian Empire caused destruction in the Greek mainland during the Greco-Persian Wars.
The Mongol Empire destroyed and enslaved millions of people in Central Asia, Middle East, and Eurasia. The Ottoman Empire brutally occupied the Balkans and killed or enslaved numerous native people of South-Eastern Europe (and of many more places).
Today we have the American Empire. But US does not act in favour of its national interests, it is being used as proxy by the elites because of its huge military capability. The majority of American people are seeing their standard of living falling as globalisation is causing more harm than good to common people. Treaties like NAFTA have caused great harm to both american and Mexican people. Only the elites and their multinational corporations benefit greatly.
The transnational elites who control the multi-billion Multinational corporations and banking conglomerates are the real masters of the US and almost of the whole world. And most of them are Zionist Jews.
The Greeks may have provoked the Persians a little with their colonies in Asia Minor, but my sense of that history may be a little sketchy.
In any case, not even Ghengis Khan depopulated an entire continent, as the Europeans unapologetically did the New World, nor did Ghengis even come close to the global social engineering triumph of redesigating vast portions of humanity as ‘subhuman’ for not being white.
Also, unlike the latter great Western empires, the Mongols were in charge of themselves and fought for themselves, not a parasitical and somewhat foreign ‘bankster’ elite manipulating their sense of whiteness to be the overseers of an enslaved world.
Its never a good idea to compare the Mongols of that time to the European colonialists. The “technology” of the times was totally different. So we have no real idea of what the Mongols would have done if they were able to.But we do know some of the things they did (even with the technology and small numbers they had).They destroyed Rus,and it took 200 years to overcome some of that destruction. Some has never been overcome.They destroyed Hungary,and much of Poland. Hungary lost almost half her population in the invasion. And the destruction in Poland allowed the Polish nobles to bring in German settlers in large numbers to replace the population losses from the invasion. Changing the ethnic makeup of Western Poland for centuries to come. And that was only in Europe. Which suffered much less than Asian nations from them. They destroyed the Middle East. And killed millions in Iran and Arab states.Ending the Golden Age of Islamic civilization. They conquered with fire and sword all China,where millions more died. And those regions in Asia have never recovered their past glories from before that time.They wanted a World Empire and Mongol rule.They didn’t have the numbers to effectively colonize their conquered areas like the colonial Europeans did. Had they had those numbers,who knows that they would not have done the same.It’s also important to remember that, as evil as the European colonization of the “New World” was,it wasn’t meant to depopulate it. (in the US from the 18th-19th Centuries,yes,depopulation and repopulating with Europeans was an aim. But those areas weren’t heavily populated as the Latin American areas were when the Spanish conquered them.) The vast numbers of dead,came from disease outbreaks,not deliberate killings. The Spanish wanted the native Americans for labor. They didn’t want them dead.But the America’s never having known the “Old World” diseases. Made them easy prey for them with contact by infected Europeans.It took generations for Native Americans to build-up the same immunity to those diseases Europeans had. Millions died before they did. The population only stopped dying in huge numbers over a century after conquest. And only surpassed pre-conquest numbers in the 19th-20th centuries among some populations in Latin America.
Thank you Uncle Bob 1.
Reading your comments is like reading an encyclopedia.
Interesting summary that cleared things for me.
There’s one stark difference that I’m getting at, and that’s the attitude problem of the Western Christians. They believe they can do no wrong and have the right to anyway, in fact, must aggress, must evangelize and be triumphant, as a evangelic demonstration of faith.
Genghis didn’t exactly set new standards of barbaric behavior so much as break some records for existing ones.
War was a tool and used pragmatically; the Mongol cult of conquest didn’t long survive Genghis. When at peace, the Pax Mongolica wasn’t manically waging war by other means. Mongols were a ruling class, but hardly an exclusive one. The Mongol Empire wasn’t racist, and was uniquely multicultural, multi-faith, and meritocratic.
Whether because they didn’t have the numbers to displace conquered people, or because they were sincerely trying to rule benevolently, or likely some combination of both, a human being was a human being under Mongol rule. The Romans never had the numbers, but they had distinct inbred ruling classes and weren’t into promoting foreigners.
If one wanted a model of the future, its Brazil, with is miscegnated commoners and pure Euro-nobility under enfiteuse. The U.S. is going out of the way to oversee a, for once, bloodless colour revolution there.
I can’t say a human being is a human being living in conquered Christian North America. It just ain’t so and never was and never will be.
Under Christianity, all that’s required is belief in God; therefore they can set whatever high moral standards they want, but never themselves have to adhere to them as long as ritual absolution is kept up, whether token anti-racism (under threat of Hell, not genuine concern for the peer humanity of ‘the other’).
The Euro Christian supremacists are unrepentant. (Warning video contains stark images of smallpox victims).
They’d do it again in a heart beat, except that they are doing it; the wars against indigs never ended. Not in the New World, certainly not in Africa, and given half the chance, the untermenschen Slavs and Chinese would share the fate of the conquered.
One could argue the Great Khan and the Mongols didn’t know any better, and never claimed to, in fact seeking better ways to rule than just by the sword.
The Christians claimed to know better and haven’t changed their tune no matter how wrong they get it no matter how often or whatever nuggets and gems of culture or tech they took from their conquests to remake as their own.
For the ruling elites, nothing has changed in a qualitative sense since 1492, and as the padding of wealth is sheared from the Western Middle class, the crass edge shines forth.
Canada’s ‘truth and reconciliation’ with the Aboriginals, for example, is a total hoax and exemplifies the problem.
Kevin Annett may err in that he doesn’t account for false memory syndrome, and he may have been left a little unhinged after his life was destroyed by the Church, but its pretty clear genocide went down.
Mere ‘colonial behaviors’; move along, nothing to see here, lets sing kum by ya and let the conquerors enjoy the spoils with a clear conscience.
That its so well hidden, is not entirely due to the skill of the media machine; there’s popular willing complicity, if not desperate desire, to stand before God with plausible denial as possible, to hell with real people. Canada in the balance has been is and always has been racist.
Paul Martin exemplifies the rare good Canadian that’s ever been allowed to exercise real decision making power, an exemplar in noble failure.
Kevin Annett was a real eye-opener for me. The United Church of Canada is supposed to be one of the most ‘progressive’ faiths going.
The Western Christians whether or the religious or secular variety, protestant or Catholic, will hate you just for being. They are total junkies of narcissism and shadefreud. Yet, they can fool you into believing they are perfectly normal moral human beings.
The Orthodox versions of Christianity don’t seem to be anything like that at all. At least, I’m not aware of any similar historic-yet-ongoing excesses.
‘Commanders win battles, but economies win wars’. Shlykov was quoted in
NATO doesn’t stand a chance against Russia because Russia has the magic switch to turn the lights and heat off (Natural Gas pipeline supply to the EU). This is why partitioning Syria into independent: Suni, Kurd, Israeli Golan and Alawite rump statelets becomes so vital and urgent for NATO-EU-SaUDI-Qatar-ISIS jihadis.
NATO has just invited Qatar, Israel, Kuwait et al as observers under the auspices of Turkey. Israel, Cyprus and Greece had a pow wow not too long ago to probably talk about Mediterranean Gas business possibilities (supply to Europe).
Russia knows that the moment the EU is weaned off its gas supply from Russia, it will start coveting Russian resources and lands more aggressively.
The EU deal with Turkey and the forced migration of Middle Easter refugees accomplish two objectives. 1) Ethnic cleansing of lands in Syria for settlement by other regional powers: Turkey and Israel. 2) Reversal of the negative population growth in European countries.
In parallel to these developments, Russia, Iran and China are taking steps to solidify their hold on resources and or access to it by way of securing choke or pinch points.
The USA doesn’t need to control all resources if they could just control through the US Navy the choke or pinch points in the world. These are such as the strait of Hormuz, the Dardanelles, the Suez Canal, Gibraltar, etc. This is what China is doing in the South China Sea with the series of land reclamation and island building. If China can control the access to its territorial waters then it can never be blockaded like Japan was during WW II.
That is probably the best explanation for the non-stop attention being paid to Syria – it is a stepping stone before a hot war can start. Otherwise Europe will fall immediately to Russian energy control. Good point.
Makes me wonder, if we operate off the assumption that Trump is an establishment tool, then his anti-hegemonic policies but aggressive remarks about China appear both counter productive to the current indicated goals of the western elite and incompatible. Certainly “unpredictable”.
Perhaps he is an uncontrolled figure bursting onto the world stage. But the chances of that are low.
He may actually be the elite telegraphing negotiation in one hand / Damocles’ sword in the other.
MacKinder’s heartland theory in play.
The North American heartland will stop at little save perhaps its own annilhilation (though they may gamble it) to stop the Eurasian heartland from finally forming.
The inner or marginal crescent really puts the Ukraine, Syria, Iran India and China in perspective. NATO must capture all five.
So do maps based on the ‘How bit is Africa geographical meme.
Syria is a stepping stone to Iran.
There doesn’t have to be war. Adversarial MacKinderism is an option, but a willfully wrong one that appeals to petty – but well-armed – minds.
I don’t know about Russia but currently China is pretty much isolated in Asia. Recent developments suggest that India will be joining anti China coalition aka Pivot to Asia.
Rodrigo Duterte, ‘Trump’ of Philippines, Wins Presidential Election
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A giant hole may have just been blown in the US’s attempts to isolate China.
Huh? If you’ve linked the right article, Presidente elect just said he was going to more or less annex one of the new Chinese artificial islands.
Which would be damn funny if he did, but moreso for the U.S. than China.
Love that sleeping cat at the foot of the above article !!!
An interesting development re Russia-China strategic alliance and interdependence:
And not a word about Russia’s “totally asymmetrical” defensive response to NATO by covering their cities and weapons systems with “denial of access,” Electronic warfare technology? In a sense this technology is the basis of our hope for survival. “Peace and free energy,” or the hell of war.
This war, like WWII, is based in banking and Finance, with the additional ponzi like leverage of derivatives. It looks like Saudi Arabia and Turkey “own” Europe as their threat to sell $750 billion in US treasuries demonstrates. In a sense, Russia and China could just wait it out and let the West collapse financially, if China were not in a similar boat. Russia seems hard pressed financially also. Originally, the Saker emphasized the Financial side, then dropped it. It would be really nice if we could just let the central banks all go broke together rather than take humanity with it in a big war. But what would we do without our to big to fail banks? What if the US central bank did go bankrupt? Couldn’t we reboot up and start over again with the Constitution, the bill of rights, and a new administration that would allow the treasury to print money?
Jim G
You ask, “Couldn’t we reboot up and start over again with the Constitution, the bill of rights, and a new administration that would allow the treasury to print money?”
If, by the term print money you mean allowing the creation of currency unbacked by specie, the answer is no.
And the government should never be allowed to create any currency whatsoever and definately never a monopoly one. Politicians and bureaucrats are far too untrustworthy to be allowed monopolies.
Current dollar not backed up by anything, and the treasury has the right to print money. We don’t have to borrow from any central bank. That is what I hear Trump hinting at, and similarly the “Web of Debt Blog.” Dr. Brown wants state run banks, so at least we would owe ourselves. When I went to the university for undergrad, that was the primary excuse for deficit spending. Now we owe the Wahhabi Saudis and apparently the Turks. That is, they apparently own the European banks that we lent $16 Trillion to in 08, so they also owe us. I think that is the message of the Saudi threat to sell $750 billion in US treasuries. From what I can tell, they also own Apple and most of our other high tech companies. They are holding our central banks ransom, and demanding a new Ottoman Empire. The Saudi’s currently own Egypt and Libya. The problem is FINANCIAL. I like the idea of releasing the 28 pages of the 911 report, going after everyone involved including the Bush’s – I believe they made some money off it, and Soros too. I really don’t want to have WWIII to save the central banks.
Hi Jim G
The fact that the current dollar isn’t backed up by anything is the reason for the trouble. Being that it can simply be printed up at the turn of a switch means that it will be. Increasing the amount of dollars does not make everybody richer though. Instead what occurs is that the first users of the new currency benefit while everyone else suffers.
You mention “we”. To whom do you refer? This is an important question to understand. Actually, it is vital. Who is the “we” doing the borrowing? Who is the “we” doing the spending? Who is the “we” doing the paying? They are not the same “we”….
In the case of Sweden the government does the borrowing and then directs the loot towards the interests of its members, employees and cronies. Some is eventually directed towards buying loyalty and acquiescence of certain portions of the general population (a form of political bribery).
While it is the government that does the borrowing, it is the people who are looted to service the debt. This is not merely those Swedes presently alive, but those who are yet to be born for generations yet to come. The mere existence of a Swede living in Sweden makes him or her responsible for servicing the debt. While this is bad, at least a Swede can leave the country and move elsewhere to avoid being looted by the Swedish government.
For a citizen of the US it is not so easy. The mere fact that a person is a US citizen makes them responsible for the debt wherever they live (they can be living in Russia, China, UK, Germany, Singapore, Chile, anywhere- they must report to the US govt annually and pay what is assessed). They get to pay no matter where they live on the planet! And it gets even tougher than that. If a US citizen tries to repudiate their citizenship they still have to face an exit assessment and even then remain liable for ten years or more for further levies. That’s assuming the govt lets them repudiate. For, if it decides the reason a US citizen wants to repudiate is to escape paying US taxes, then it can refuse to allow repudiation. And it gets even tougher still. Some debts incurred by US citizens cannot be written off even by bankruptcy. Land of the free indeed!
I forget the name of the idiot who first said it is OK to run endless deficits as “we owe it to ourselves”. You can easily cut through the deception. Define the “we” and define the “ourselves”. Again, start by considering that the “we” and the “ourselves” are not the same group of people. Next work out which group you belong to. It’d be safe to expect you are not in the “ourselves” group.
In reality the difference between Central Banks and State run banks is slim to nothing. They’d employ unbacked fiat currency, they’d practice currency inflation, they’d practice credit expansion and there would be all the distortions that are being experienced presently. Being that unbacked currencies can simply be printed up at the turn of a switch means that will be exactly what occurs. Given the shockingly poor decisions and behaviours of governments why would any sane person trust them with running the currency?
Nationalist like Duterte or Trump are way to beat this globalist-zionist empire.
The closest historical analogy to Donald Trump was Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was strongly disliked by conservative elites, and they opposed him bitterly until he agreed, behind closed doors, to take on CIA man George H.W. Bush as his running mate. It was an almost fatal mistake for Reagan to make the VP someone the elites would rather have as president.
No sooner was Reagan elected than a nearly-successful assassination attempt was made. H.W. Bush would have become number 41 far sooner than history worked out. However, H.W. did become President while a chastened Reagan became on of the most popular pawns ever to sit in the Oval Office.
Reagan did, however, accomplish his main goal of ending the Cold War.
The election of 2020 is the one to watch, when the U.S. Presidential death curse will again be tested, if one entertains consideration for peculiar and mysterious correlations without apparent causation.
Reagan’s astrology beat it, just barely. Bush the Younger got by on a Fool’s Luck technicality; he wasn’t ‘chosen’ by election but appointed by the courts in a stolen election against Al Gore and so completely escaped harm.
The race divide between East Asian and Caucasian will not be overcome any easier in Russia than Euroangloland in the long term. Its painfully obvious; the only non-white great power in the world is China.
Both Russia and Euroangloland have significant non-white populations, but are normatively white. The core ruling elites in particular, are unapologetically caucasian in appearance. Even if Jewish in origin, a Westerner will usually identifying as white except when being identified as white is inconvenient.
China’s on its own but doesn’t understand this in any meaningful way thanks to its extensive and pervasive colonized comprador Christian intellectual and business class.
The Sino-Soviet split in 1960 was as much racially motivated as political. The Chinese will then likely drop the ball in another ‘great flop forward’ dictatorial panicked response to Russian abandonment, followed by a hasty rapprochement with the West, if history is any guide.
Today’s buddy-buddy relationship is all Putin. There will be a Russian-China slit just like the Sino-Soviet split once the leadership personalities change.
Its impossible to imagine this natural schism not to be exploited harder and more overtly and successfully at some point. Many people are willing to sell out their humanity for money; doing so for race and money will eventually be on the table again.
@ AT
My understanding the cause of the split was Soviet revisionism, which became clear around 1956 when the “capitalist roaders’ denounced Stalin to purge the party by expelling the old guard.
I strongly doubt there was any “racism” in it, considering that the USSR was multiethnic and many members of the CC and Politburo were non-Russian.
Oh? Well, its a very delicate topic and the Sino Soviet split was couched in non-racial terms. Sometimes hilariously so. However, to view races a a non-factor is to ignore historical reality.
A sense of Yellow Peril existed in Russia, and appears to stem from AngloEuro sensibilities moreso than Russia’s sometimes acrimonious history with Asian nomads.
Apart from conventional AngloEuro stereotypes of opium-addled yellow hoardes overrunning the Western world (much of which only recently, in historical terms, belonged to non-AngloEuros), there was also Karl Marx’ Asiatic mode of Production, a not-entirely-accurate stereotype of ‘inferior’ Asian economies of the time.
Its interesting that the height of global sinophopbia was also the height, of white European conquest, a projection upon ‘the other’, of themselves. Or simple fear of non-existent competition.
And the Americans know all about it, and think-tank about it. If ‘nationalism’ can be an ally, well, racism and nationalism are born of the same litter.
Sinophobia is a card up waiting to be played fully. Its possibly a final weapon of division that can only be played once, though.
The United States is reknowned for playing race war against its own citizens.
Whiteness was not solely invented in America, but it certainly was perfected. It was the easiest way to keep majority white settlers in line and on the same page as their corporate masters, who ultimately were themselves owned by London banksters. Class division readily took caste form in race.
Even the whites get it, the fostering of race war (RAHOWA) even if some of the most naturally non-racist and fair minded don’t quite get that white privilege exists. Its as much a weapon against them to keep them an obedient overseer class as a weapon against the other races.
A few jumped up honourary whites and incidents extreme anti-white racism does not break the momentum of racism in the more traditional direction of whiteness; rather it reinforces it.
Asians themselves appear to be without a clue. If anti-white racism exists, its in those exposed to and so educated in, formally or informally, Western racism. There seems to be a difference between Thailand (limited sense of racism) and China (inventing a Han race) for example. Japan’s sense of race need not be elaborated upon.
How Russians and Asians will react to deliberate racial sedition at crunch time remains to be seen. However, if Ukrainian Nazis are laughable, Russian Nazis are downright disturbing given the historical and not-quite-over-with attitude towards Slavs.
Its almost as if, in reaction to European racism, some Slavs feel a need to prove they are white, in the most overt and conclusive manner possible.
The West is pressing Russia and China in particular, but also Syria and Iran, into alliance and inter-dependency. This would seem to be irrational, unless there was a sure plan to split them up again into far weaker components.
As individual states, the promise of greater strength in unity fuels hope for continued independence. Once that potential for trust and cooperation is betrayed – and it can only be decisively destroyed if (briefly) realized or appearing to be realized then betrayed, what is left but all-out backstabing, selling out, and capitulation.
The one weapon/argument against MacKinder’s Eurasian heartland, was irreconcilable Eurasian diversity and rivalry creating the impossibility of economic unity. The only question was to what extent division was natural versus in need of periodic intervention.
The case to bring Indonesia into the Multipolar order/BRICs.
Global geopolitical landscape has been changing dramatically since at least 2011, the so called Arab spring, the proxy war on Syria, the Ukrianian crisis (with Russia taking back Crimea), America’s pivot to Asia Pacific, the Iranian nuclear deal, the creation of AIIB and OBOR initiative, the emergence of strong leaders in China, India , Japan and Putin’s return to power, and most importantly India’s defection to the US led global alliance.those events completely changed the strategic landscape of the world,
The most consequential of those could be India’s full joining of anti- China alliance led by the US, New Delhi could act as a ”swing state” and tip the balance of power in favor of the Unipolar world order led by America, it is clear that PM Modi and his BJP party are very eager to take the role of strategic balancer against China, the Indians are in full gear to do whatever they can to disrupt Chinese strategic interests and initiatives, the most obvious is their destabilization efforts of China-Pak economic corridor, even they joined US led anti-China efforts in the South China Sea.India has signed military logistics and basing deal with the US.
With this strategic development, how China and Russia for that matter respond: I will argue Beijing and Moscow should bring Indonesia into the Multipolar order porject specially into the BRICs format, Jakarta’s geostrategic location and its potential to be ”swing state'” should be tempting for both China and Russia. Indonesia has nearly 230 million population , it sits strategic martime crossroads of the Indian ocean and the Pasific one and it will be one of the top five world economies by 2050. the country also adopted moderate form of Islam,, Jakarta remarkably sided with Russia and China on many occassions specially 2013 G-20 summit in Russia where it rejected US military intervention of Syria, it adopted neutral position on South China Sea despute which conradicts US efforts to create more tension in the region Jakarta recently rejected to join Saudi led Islamic military coalition which seems to be anti-Iran alliance, even in recent Istanbul Islamic summit Jakarta rejected to join condemning Iran for alleged regional interference.
All of this qualify Indonesia to be potential mulitpolar node, it will represent Moderate Islamic civilization in the coming mulitpolar world order together with Chinese civilization, Russian civilization, Western civilization, Indian civilization and Latin America and Africa civilizations, a mulit-civilizational world order should emerge where current dominant Western civilization is just one of many, if that will be the case Indonesia should represent the moderate, non-violent Islamic civilazition with Iran and possibly Pakistan as regional nodes of this large civilization,Turkey could have taken that role but Erdogan has blundered that chance.
So, what China and Russia should do to bring Jakarta into the folk, Well, 1. understand Indonesia’s concerns toward China, if any, 2. give Jakarta security and strategic re-assurance that its secucirty and strategic interests will be respected and protected by China and Russia for that matter 3. alliviate Indonesia’s status as a major regional power and potential global one, the US wants Jakarta as junior pawn against China, contrary to that, China and Russia should offer “strong and indenpedent great power status” to Indonesia. 4.shower Indonesia with, infrastacture and investment projects inorder to help it develop its economy 5.China and Russia should supply Jakarta with modern military hardware ( with tech. transfers) 6. bring Indonesia into the BRICS format, now to be (BRIICS) Indonesia can somehow compensate Indian defection to the US led alliance. 7. make Indonesia the martime hup of China’s OBOR initiative.
What Indonesia should do to get these benefits,Well, 1. Indonesia should make these gaurantees, 1. Jakarta will never join anti-China US led coalition, or anti-Russia one for that matter, 2. Indonesia will be one the the pillars of the emerging multipolar order, 3. Jakart will gaurantee martime security interests of the other multipolar order countries, 4. Indonesia will never allow or condone to US or Indian blockade of Mallaca straits against China or Russia, a modernized Indonesian navy will protect the security of the straits, 5, in case of conflict or war Chinese and Russian navies can have access to Mallaca straits region to defend their interests ( China and Russia will not initiate hostilities in the straits , but if Indonesia cannot defend it because other more powerfull country attacked the straits , then they will be allowed to defend their interests).
I know this will not happen quickly or even Indonesia may not accept such arrangements, but number of key strategic interests for Indonesia itself should be used to lure Jakarta, 1. great power status, if Indonesia sees it will become great martime power with the help of China and Russia then Jakarts’s political and economic elite could be lured, becoming a multipolar great powerc node is tempting, the US lured India because it theoritically offerred leading great power status to New Delhi. 2. Indonesia needs economic development and China can help in that regard, 3. Indonesian military needs modernization where Russia and China can help, 4. Indonesia has security threats from Western meddling in its prepherial islands and strong military will ensure Indonesia’s security and integirity. 5. Indonesia is seeking to become permanent member of the UNSC representing Muslim world, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, and possibly, Iran and Saudi arabia are also vie-ing for such position, If Indonesia becomes indenpedent great power it will in good position to take that seat if the UN is ever reformed. a tacit Chinese and Russian support for this Indonesian ambition will encourage Jakarta to join the emerging mulipolar world order.
This can only be achieved with proactive, focuse,,creative and sustained diplomacy by China and Russia it could take years but it is not unachievable,
The bottom line is, as difficult as it may seem, China and Russia should explore this strategic option specially after India defected to the US led Unipolar world order.
How is Indonesia in any way militarily, socially, or economically better positioned to fend of American imperial designs than India, a core, majorly strategically located Eurasian nation, and so replace the ‘I’ in BRICS?
@ Jardi
Thank you very much for bringing Indonesia to our attention, a country almost neglected in discussions on geostrategic power games. And you are right about its importance in years to come.
Um, Indonesia’s got more serious problems than imagining it can play geopolitics from a position of strength. Global warming’s sea-rise is going to flood some 1500 pieces of real-estate.
That’s not even counting the projected worsened intensity of storm season. They may require substantial international aid periodically and playing games may not help secure that as well as nuanced neutrality.
Oh, I say fellows, chaps, there seems an absence of commentary inclusion/exclusion of the planet’s 2nd biggest populated land. BR “I’ for…CS.
If Russia got less of oil and gas but can it sell land for Chinese business? I guess there is not much Russia can now sell. So far i haven’t heard much about Russian consumer goods production. Then there is that everlasting demographic issue with aging Russian population, kind of national degeneration.
” . . . then, starting in the Eighties, the People’s Republic began its grand and history changing entrance onto the world stage”
Capitalism was restored under Deng Xiaoping, is what really happened. The state power of the people was usurped by those whom Mao Zedong so aptly called “capitalist-roaders,” people in high places taking the capitalist road.
Today China is a country that has no little or no public education system or health system. It has hundreds of billionaires though, the second highest in the world. Etc. Some “grand entrance!”
China still stands opposed to U.S. world dominance. But I will never forget or forgive China’s pussyfooting in 1990 when it abstained from voting on the Security Council resolution that was the first step in the atrocious US aggression against Iraq. Mao would have blasted the US aggression to the high heavens, as he did every day in the wars in Southeast Asia. A Security Council resolution would have been out of the question. A principled stand against imperialism was replaced by an expedient stand, for or against to suit.
Revolutionary proletarian socialism and capitalism are two different things. Capitalist is an evil, it is not a good thing.
How Traitors sold us all out (Soviet Union the same after 1982/85, and with it Hungary, Pioland and the entire Eastern Block)
MustWatch: How the West Re-colonized China
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