David just posted this comment on the blog:
“Trying to read between your lines, Saker, has become an interesting pastime activity, from time to time. Sometimes I can make much sense of what you say, at other times I cannot make much sense at all, unless I complete the analysis with respect to some disguised or veiled purpose. Your earlier writings and thoughts ( I have been reading you for many years ), displayed amazing boldness and straightforward talk, devoid of the mandatory practice of couching every argument into a shape, such that it may qualify and pierce the filter into the various main stream press and media outlets. As your readership expanded and multiplied into a cohort of pupils, zealots, students and devotees – a direct function of contemporary and past/recent geopolitics, but also due to the initial forthright approach (in my opinion) – the nature of the content also underwent an evolution to perhaps, maximise the acceptance of all “proselytes”. The unequivocal, guileless and up-front analysis’ of the past – the very reason I began reading your writings – have, from my point of view, evolved into a typical format, a humdrum pattern, lacking the dynamics of the blog in its cradle. When Russia is about to make a bold move, you often call it unrealistic, and unprobable. When Russia has made the bold move, you call it potentially disastrous or ill-fated. Time and again, you also underestimate the ability of the Russian Federation to act to enforce its own security, as well as defending its allies. Maybe living in America does indeed make people soft. Indecisiveness, the indisposition to defend its interests – domestic and abroad – lacking the foresight of emergency, the wavering and waffling of allies with common interests, to uphold international law, is in and of itself, encouraging the set of arsonists to inflame anything up for grabs. For every new generation of psychopaths entering the scene, the aggregate data, supporting the rejection of passivity, grows in logical substance“
Since a lot of you might have the same concerns as he does, I decided to reply to him not only in the comments section, but as a full post here. Please feel free to join in this conversation with your own comments and criticisms, okay?
The Saker
Answer to a disappointed reader
Dear David,
First, I appreciate your honest critique of my work. God knows I am not perfect in any way and that a good kick in the butt can be helpful to me :-) There are a few things I would like to reply to though.
the nature of the content also underwent an evolution to perhaps, maximise the acceptance of all “proselytes”.
Think about it – if my intention was to make myself popular, I would jump on every rumor and predict that Russia will single handedly defeat the entire Empire in less than a year. Except that, in reality, why I did is the UNpopular thing: I sounded an alarm and encouraged caution. Do you think that doing so made me more or less “popular”? Here is your own reply:
When Russia is about to make a bold move, you often call it unrealistic, and unprobable. When Russia has made the bold move, you call it potentially disastrous or ill-fated.
David, look at where the US got itself with the self-delusion of being almighty! I don’t want Russia to repeat the same mistake. I also know that underestimating the Empire is extremely dangerous. Do you remember that in the 19th century Marx already predicted the fall of the British Empire and look were we are today: it is still here, though it has morphed into a US-Israeli AngloZionist one. People have been predicting the imminent fall of that Empire for, literally, over 100 years, only to find out that it actually did adapt to new circumstances.
Look, in intelligence process goes through what is called the “three As”: acquisition, analysis and acceptance. The first one is “getting the data/info”. The second one means making sense of it and presenting it to your “client” (in this case: all of you). The third one is always overlooked: acceptance by the “client” – i.e., the willingness to hear a negative or disappointing analysis. This is the part which YOU (collective “you”) must do (or refuse to do).
I have been called a Putin fanboy (which is true) and a paid Putin agent (alas, not true). But in reality what I have ALWAYS aimed to do is to present YOU (collective “you”) with my very best analysis. Period. I am not trying to make myself popular, look at all the groups I have offended and pissed off: Nazis, Zionists, Papists, Wahabis, homosexuals, (some) Orthodox Christians (Sergianists, modernists and extremist zealots), laissez-faire capitalists, gun control freaks, Russian “hurray patriots”, supporters of the French National Front, feminists, defenders of the “Western civilization”, French “Charlies”, believers in the official 911 fairytale, racists, Islam haters, Hamas and Fatah supporters, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Do you REALLY believe that I am trying to ingratiate myself to somebody here?!
Please believe me that I am 100% pro-Russia and pro-Putin. But that does not make me blind or naively optimistic. There are A LOT of risks in the strategy chosen in Syria and while I do, at the end of the day, trust Putin, that kind of trust is no basis for sound analysis.
Analysis must be fact-based, not faith-based.
Recently we saw a lot of very poor pseudo-analysis about the Russian intervention in Syria. I was RIGHT to casts doubt on shitty analyses backed by shitty sources. Then, Russia did intervene, but in a much more complex manner than anybody (including myself) had predicted. Was I wrong to cast doubt these shitty analyses backed by shitty sources? Heck no! At least not in my opinion. I saw bullshit and I called it. Now I am ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED that Russia did something much more complex and refined that anybody (including myself) had predicted. But I am not “paid” (by you, collective you, the readers who ‘pay’ in reading and, of course, those who support the blog with donations) to cheer every rumor which makes Russia look good.
I might be a Putin-fanbody, but I am not ‘paid’ to be a Putin cheerleader.
Maybe living in America does indeed make people soft.
You mean like Sayyid Qutb, Saint Patriarch Tikhon or Leon Trotsky? :-)
Dear David, if living in the USA had made me ’soft’ I would have joined the crowd of those who want me to write stuff that makes them happy. My idea of, well, maybe not ‘hard’ but, at least, ’sharp’ it to COMPLETELY IGNORE the “acceptance” part of the three “As” of intelligence. I do the best I can, in the most honest and professional way I can, and then I submit it to you with no strings (or expectations) attached.
For every new generation of psychopaths entering the scene, the aggregate data, supporting the rejection of passivity, grows in logical substance.
If you really think that my caution is a form of softness or passivity then you really misread me and the purpose of this blog. You probably know that it is a well-known problem with despots and dictators when the gradually surround themselves with only those kind of advisors who enthusiastically agree with everything the despot wants to hear and with everything the despot says. My question to you is simple: do you want to turn into a “despotic reader” – somebody who will come to this blog to hear his views supported, his ideas vindicated and his hopes affirmed? Or do you prefer to come here, get what I hope is an honest, if generally cautious, analysis which you can then either accept or reject?
At the end of the day, this blog is like a AA meeting: you come here to “listen” (read) and then you take what you want back with you and you leave the rest. That is your decision and I leave you the choice. My job is to try to present to you the truth as best as I can distinguish it. Even when that truth is cautious or, worse, unpleasant.
Again, it is your decision, dear David. I offer my ‘product’ (the blog) in a highly competitive environment. There are tons of blogs out there who will tell you that Putin will kick ass, that nobody dares to fuck with Almighty Russia, that Obama and his Empire are beat and dead. There are also tons of blogs who will tell you that Putin is just a pawn of the NWO, that he has sold out Novorussia, that Russian oligarchs run the show and that the Russian intervention in Syria will end up in a humiliating disaster. Use your own instincts and common sense to pick and chose between all those “offers” and see which ones “serve” you best, especially in the long run.
Kind regards,
The Saker
Czech Defence Minister: “It is possible that the surge of refugees into the EU is financed by Russia”
Radio Prague, 10-X-2015, 13:20, http://radio.cz/ru/print/statja/459149 :
“… The Minister of defence of the Czech Republic Martin Stropnicky does not expect in the near future a weakening of the flow of refugees, heading for the countries of European Union. The Minister expressed his opinion in an interview with the newspaper MF DNES. Martin Stropnicky also shared information received from the head the Hungarian Defence Ministry, concerning the movement of migrants on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula towards the Schengen border. The Minister said that he had been informed that refugees are transported by buses, presumably financed from Russia: “… I have the information which I can not absolutely confirm, but which I have no reason to doubt …”. Thus, considers the Minister, it is not excluded, that Russia is financing the influx of refugees into the European Union. “I am not able to prove that, but one can ask questions, whose interests are served by the current massive campaign aimed at the European Union. I can say that a cohesive and strong European Union is certainly not a desire of the Russian Federation”, – added the Czech Minister. …”
It IS perfectly incredible that the Czech minister (he doesn’t deserve a name) should choose to once again blame Russia.
As Starikov points out, only one power was able to get all the EU govts to turn off all their usual methods of controlling immigrants– to create a pseudo crisis.
It’s not Russia for whom EU is a vassal.
starikov on immigra crisis http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/top-russian-politician-explains-who-behind-europes-refugee-crisis-nikolai-starikov-video
Czech defence minister is a former (and not that good) actor, he is doing what is being told, these people were called clowns in the past. Czech are strongly russophobic and the US masters who partialy control things in the Czechland are aware of that and make use of this fact pretty much everywhere.
Well, dear Mr. Stropnicky — you’re absolutely right here. It’s just a little surprising how the abundant proof of Russia’s malfeasance could escape you. The all-new Moscow Cathedral Mosque on Олимпийский проспект was set up precisely for this nasty kind of plotting. Impressive “inauguration”, eh?
So it’s about time you showed some spine. Remember how your ancestors fought off Mongols, Ottomans, Russians, and what have you. Cut out your “Dolchstoss” yapping. The Russians are smart people, mind you.
Hahaha,cute.Sadly for them they didn’t do any of that.They laid down at the feet of the Hapsburg’s for centuries.Until finally standing up (well half-standing up to them).Then they laid down again at the feet of the new Empire in 1989.And still are snuggled up at their feet today.
A good illustration of why the above is the ‘defence’ minister of Czechland.
Of course the Russians have form on forced migration from the MENA. It would make perfect sense to further impoverish the EU so they would be less capable of paying their Russian gas bill.
Yes, industrialists – particularly German – are absolutely thrilled with the current state of affairs. (The ones that need skilled workers that is.)
/sarcasm off
The Czech president alone seems able to rise above the political stupidity of Eastern Europe.
Seriously you are right.He does seem to be the only one that does (maybe the Hungarians somewhat too.But they have more a reason to.With the large Magyar minority in Ukraine).But while some of the populations in those countries (majority in some,minority in others),are pro-Russian.The political leaders are notorious sell-outs,to the US/EU/NATO.
The West in the the hands of “ahistorical people”, as Kissinger put it. The Turks dumped the refugees and they, like a torrent, found an easy way across Greece (impoverished by austerity) and the former Yugoslavia (impoverished by wars). And now “it is the fault of Russia?”. Martin Stropnicky should not have been allowed to rise to government functions without a proper education.
This has all happened before, in the former Roman Empire, when the Visigoths — pushed by the daesh of the time, the Hun horde — entered the Roman Empire as refugees, in the year 376. In 378, they defeated the Eastern Romans in Adrianopolis. Subsequently, they moved in the direction of Rome and became the mercenaries of choice of the capital. Rome did not refrain to use them in military conflict, including civil wars to subdue the Eastern Romans into accepting the Goths in their lands.
Nevertheless, in the year 408, mighty Rome finally realized that it had become a spoiled weakling in the hands of the barbarous Visigoths. But it was too late. When Stilicho — the “moderate” Visigoth — was killed at the Roman uprising of 408, all the Visigoths banded together around Alaric — the not so “moderate” Visigoth — sacked Rome in 410 and stole the whole Iberian peninsula for themselves.
Maybe some Romans of the fifth century did think that Constantinople was to blame for Rome’s misfortune…
Martin Stropnicky seems to be an idiot of roughly the same calibre as that awesome guy from Venezuela with his drooling temper tantrums against cheap Chinese motorbikes pestering his country. Sums up beautifully the horrors of the post-NWO “global village” with Russia and China in the lead. Martin Stropnicky will play the role of “the global village idiot” superbly.
So, obviously the blog is “not doing it” for him anymore. As for the Saker growing soft, Phil Giraldi expressed the same misgivings on Crosstalk. There is no room for ‘enthusiasm’ when a misstep may cause a situation to spiral out of control.
As for the Saker growing soft, Phil Giraldi expressed the same misgivings on Crosstalk.
Really? Could you please provide a link?
Maybe the misgivings aren’t exactly the same but here is where I based my statement: http://thesaker.is/crosstalk-targeting-all-terrorists/ @ 8:58. In any case, my intuition tells me that something satanic began on March 2003 and we have yet to see the consequences.
@ chimmy:
“[..] In any case, my intuition tells me that something satanic began on March 2003 and we have yet to see the consequences”
You’re freaking me out a little there. Most of us following recent and current events will trace this monstrosity we’re facing right now back to 9/11 (and I’m not really disagreeing with them), but, for me; March 2003 is when this “thing” went truly ‘live.’ That’s when the worse of worse was really set loose, on all fronts.
9/11 was what sparked it all (the New Pearl Harbor event), yes, but illegally bombing Iraq is what really released the demons to do their worst, unhindered.
We’ve seen blood bath after blood bath ever since then, always peppered by more killings in Palestine/Gaza (as it’s happening right now too, btw).
It never quieted down, it just escalated to new heights of depravity on a global scale, and this also includes police brutality shooting anything that moves, or beating homeless people to a pulp until they die [just read about an English policeman threatening to punch the teeth out of a woman for playing a piano on a train station].
Everybody is highlighting the war-crime of bombing a Hospital in Afghanistan now, but this has been happening since 2003 (and earlier), US/NATO and their ‘Coalition of utter evil’ have been targeting schools, hospitals, utilities, civilian infrastructure, refugee camps, bridges, passengers trains as in: https://www.rt.com/news/yugoslavia-kosovo-nato-bombing-705/ …passenger airliners as per MH-17, but also let’s not forget Lockerbie (another false-flag to pin the blame on Libya), and then there’s the countless suicide bombers blowing themselves up (no doubt under Saudi/US orders)… the list just never ends.
My point is… I concur with you, this nightmare really went on overdrive back in March 2003.
I’ll be perfectly frank about this March 2003 thing…
I remember with absolute clarity in mid to late February 2003 that Mike Savage ( post-9/11 I listened to him for a while ), who was pretty plugged in to the neocon world, said that a ” crusade ” was about to get underway in which several ME governments were going to be displaced. He mentioned Iraq, Iran, Syria, & Jordan.
This was before alternative media, and close enough after 9/11 that hardly anyone batted and eyelash at this statement.
If you are so inclined, I recommend Jean-Michel Oughourlian’s Psychopolitics which approaches current events from a Girardian/Machiavellian viewpoint. He has much to say about the decision to go to war in 2003. Apart from his uncritical acceptance of the mainstream narrative of the Iran nuclear program he provides a valuable perspective.
oops Ray Mcgovern, my bad.
Chimmy, I really don’t get your comment that “Phil Giraldi expressed the same misgivings.” Are you saying what McGovern said was aimed at the Saker? Pretty clearly he’s talking about Putin. I’d like to add that this is the first time I can recall that McGovern has said something I think he was completely off-base on. How anybody, who remembers the US attack on Baghdad at all, can compare a short video of Russia’s missiles to what we witnessed night after night on the evening news and what the US was proud to call “shock & awe” completely baffles me.
Yeah, I guess my response was not entirely well thought out. No, I meant that McGovern (also) had misgivings about recent Russian actions, but I see how what I wrote was confusing. I am going to disagree about McGovern being off-base. Granted that there is no comparison in terms of scale of the two attacks: 1600+ cruise missiles, versus 26 and the fact that everything was done with the consent/invitation of the officially recognized sovereign government– it is not clear that what has happened is in fact a positive development. That said, I consider the real “sin” to have occurred in 2003, and not 2015.
“that McGovern (also) had misgivings”
Mr. McGovern still retains some of the attributes of an analyst – including having misgivings.
In analysis certainty is often an indicator of hubris, and doubt an indicator of wisdom.
What McGovern says in the video doesn’t sound at all like a misgiving. It’s an out-and-out criticism of what Putin did. A criticism comparable to his criticism of the US’s shock & awe.
“What McGovern says in the video doesn’t sound at all like a misgiving. It’s an out-and-out criticism of what Putin did.”
Some ideologies and practices of the opponents are facilitated through attempts to conflate criticism with attack, thereby engendering “fear” and risk aversion which underpins the hoped for continuance of the opponents’ regime.
You may be unaware of tensions within the CIA and their development over time.
Mr. McGovern was an analyst and analysts in the CIA were once expected to criticise.
Although Mr. McGovern’s former employers were not particularly adept in the practice, one of the other valued qualities of an analyst was/is a meaure of humility.
Criticism amongst analysts was formerly delivered in a collegial and polite manner, often introduced as misgivings.
Another practice which facilitated analysis was politeness and respect between the participants which included but was not limited to addressing colleagues by their title such as Mr.
Politeness is still practiced in almost all fora in Russia including often addressing colleagues by Christian name and patronymic if contextually appropriate including in
This link was written by Mr. Mercouris and like you he uses “Putin” in his text.
A blog is a broadcast medium with a potentially wide audience.
When a Russian audience hears/sees their President called “Putin” they often hear/see this as cultural arrogance on the part of the person/organisation who relied on this usage whether consciously or unconsciously.
The works of Edward Said way offer some illumination on cultural arrogance.
This is of importance since cultural arrogance is a component part of “exceptionalism”, and has been/is/will be one of the vectors facilitating the transcendence of the opponents.
Thank you for your illustration of immersion in the opponents’ ideology.
Ahhh chimmy…but this site has many brilliant Commenters I personally look forward to reading and learning. One maoy disagree with Saker, but he has many positives with his Guest columnists and again, Commenters.
“David, look at where the US got itself with the self-delusion of being almighty! I don’t want Russia to repeat the same mistake. I also know that underestimating the Empire is extremely dangerous.”
Perhaps you are both proceeding from a similar notion of audience and purpose, and basing expectations there on. You appear to be both attracted to assertion and binary alternatives.
Blogs are monitored, but the purpose for monitoring varies.
Consequently the expressing of “underestimating the Empire is extremely dangerous” is not required for some audiences, and some audiences may investigate why you express this caution and to whom.
You cite the A’s of the intelligence process as if the same A’s are included and/or given similar emphasis throughout intelligence, but apparently like the opponents you omit to mention the other components of the alphabet, and in the opponents’ case they often fail to practice many of the other components of the alphabet, giving rise to “unforeseen consequences” and assorted “surprises”.
Some may be of the view that a possible conflation of analysis with intelligence is a marker of your experience and former/present roles.
As an illustration:
“US got itself …”
which appears to posit sole agency which may be acceptable in some services but not in others.
As they say, ‘you know you’re in trouble when you begin to believe your own bullshit.’ The sure sign of a despotic/hegemonic power in decline is when rulers are surrounded by sycophants who will tell them only that which the rulers want to hear. The most valuable type of exercise that any organization — especially an intelligence organization — can perform is to challenge the dominant assumptions upon which the organization operates. In fact, this is the only way that science itself can advance.
“that any organization — especially an intelligence organization — can perform is to challenge the dominant assumptions”
The existence and sustainability of organisations are often based on dominant assumptions.
I still like everything you write and really appreciate the effort. I don´t have to agree with everything you think or say naturally. Though sometimes i get frustrated by your very “biased” opinion about Europe…or when religion is involved :D
But anyway, you have always been a good source for clear and logic thinking and news.
There are a lot of very good people in internet blogging a lot of clever things. On the other side, there are not so many like the saker who believes and who is not thinking that belivers are stupid.
@Cirdanx: i get frustrated by your very “biased” opinion about Europe
How so? If I am “biased” it is because I am massively disappointed with a Europe which has become (or has always been, but now has shown openly) that it is a US colony. The Europe I STILL love is an “Europe des patries” as de Gaulle had envisioned it. I hope for a European Putin to toss the oligarchs out of power and begin defending the interests of the vast majority of the European people. But I promise you that I am REALLY NOT anti-European in the least. At most, I will admit a “pro-south” bias in the sense that the Europe I love most borders the Mediterranean: Spain, France, Italy, Serbia, Greece. I am not a big fan of the northern European lifestyles (of the Ordnung muss sein style). But that is a very ‘soft’ bias, hardly a sign of anti-Europeanism :-)
Europe has been destroyed by the infiltraion of the English enemies since 90s.
It is English agent usa which is doing English bidding to ruin euorope
Real enemy of Europe and Russia is the same English nation which must be sorted out immediately.
“[..] But I promise you that I am REALLY NOT anti-European in the least. At most, I will admit a “pro-south” bias in the sense that the Europe I love most borders the Mediterranean: Spain, France, Italy, Serbia, Greece. I am not a big fan of the northern European lifestyles (of the Ordnung muss sein style). But that is a very ‘soft’ bias, hardly a sign of anti-Europeanism :-)”
Same here; while I’m not anti-European, I do find north-west-central Europe to be rather dull.
Mediterranean/Southern Europe is what I like the most of this continet; their people, culture, history, architecture, cuisine, landscape scenery (etc).
No wonder most of them have been targeted for economic/financial attack. They’ve even been dubbed: PIGS countries, FFS *eye-roll*
It’s a bit like California, which is arguably one of the best places to live in the US, yet hardly anybody can afford to live there nowadays…
[If you look at this graph; most unaffordable places in the US are where?]
^ Taken from this ZH article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-10-09/unlivable-350000-shack-cheapest-home-san-francisco
I do wonder if there’s a connection between the two.
Since California sits in such an unstable geography (San Andreas fault), the big-wigs over there might want to clear-off places like: Italy, Greece, Spain (etc) [all with califorinan-like weather] all for themselves, hence; the vicious economic attack those very countries have been suffering for years now.
Perhaps it’s all designed to make the natives flee (particularly the young ones).
Also note how the ‘refugees,’ even thought they’re arriving there in droves, they’re just using the so-called “PIGS” as a temporary place. A stepping stone to move northwards and further into Europe. Most of them are not settling in the “PIGS countries.” And likewise; the “PIGS” populations + governments are forever encouraging them to move on.
(^ That least part, it’s just me thinking out-loud and throwing it out there…)
““Europe des patries”
Some contributors to this blog apparently with US connections wish for a return to the original republic, and some hanker for a return to “socialism”, sometimes holding that was synonymous with the Soviet Union.
Sometimes these wishes and hankerings are not based on extensive experience and/or knowledge of the specific entities and contexts within which they existed, but are markers of some contributors’ disatisfaction and wish for a salve of return to a past or golden age which never existed.
Some wish for entities which never existed without understanding that history is laterally dynamic.
This appears to be the case for President de Gaulles’ “Europe des patries”
” I hope for a European Putin to toss the oligarchs out of power and begin defending the interests of the vast majority of the European people.”
It appears that like some following Father Gapon and assorted icons to the Winter Palace in 1905 you wish for a papa czar to “save” you, them and the world.
This is a deflection strategy, and in Father Gapon’s case one designed by Mr. Zubatov.
Your emphasis on one person within the representatives of the Russian Federation to whom you assign sole or primary agency also illustrates your lack of detailed knowledge of the practices of representative groups in the Russian Federation, and in this you reflect the notions and expectations of the opponents.
A similar observation could be made of your notion of “oligarchs” devoid of their context, which sometimes is extrapolated into notions of “5th columns”.
Disappointment is also a deflection strategy obscuring that all datastreams are useful and can be used.
“Your emphasis on one person within the representatives of the Russian Federation to whom you assign sole or primary agency also illustrates your lack of detailed knowledge of the practices of representative groups in the Russian Federation, and in this you reflect the notions and expectations of the opponents.”
In amplification although an over-simplification with some merit.
“So there remains, as a last chance for peace in Syria, a UN Conference in Geneva, in which the differences of political deputies are quite clear. Russia wants Assad and his first political parties to participate in Syria at the conference. The US wants to prevent. They want the opposition forces (US terrorist forces of all sorts and sizes) to determine the conference process, together with NATO and USA, possibly the EU.
This is going to be exciting. Then it becomes clear whether the UN is impartial and peacefully-minded or just a lackey of the United States.
We in Europe should be truly thankful to Putin:
* He is a statesman
* He acts neutral and with international law
* He provides clear conditions
* He is committed to the sovereignty of the attacked countries
* He neutralized prohibited, international law-breaking combatants and armies
It would be suitable to reconfigure Europe to liberate Germany from the yoke of the unspeakable US occupation and to give back to us our dignity, honor, constitution, and nation, even if it were only a rump Germany.
Dear Saker, you clearly overestimate the margin of manoeuver Europeans have. The power the US have over Europe is greater than you think, especially when it comes to Germany. At what targets are the US “tactical” airborne nukes in Germany really aimed at? Germany cities. In Berlin they know that the country could face a loaded gun pointed its their head anytime it “misbehaves”. Once you factor that reality into the equation, lots of things start to make sence.
Your answer is excellent, Saker !
I am a member of AA and I like your response. Your blog is an indispensable part of my ongoing education on world affairs.
I assume you dont mean Alcoholics Anonymous? Forgive me, thats the only AA I know of.
massinissa – by the way, what does your name mean ?
And AA is for sure what you wondered…is that such a shock ? I think its grand when we can see our selves for what we really are.
I don’t know if Saker has been to AA meetings, but I sure know alot of great people who have. (and still are)
And that (addiction) is also an enemy…maybe worse than an outer one.
To overcome anything such as an addiction gives the victor a wisdom not acquired in an easy life.
God Bless us all.
@Ann regarding alcohol addiction. Alcohol seems to cover other things rather than being an addiction as such. It will cover, or be used to cover things like depression, but also mineral deficiencies.
Working with stock, cattle that are low on phosphorus will develop a craving for bones and chew on bones. I once had some cattle I was looking after in a drought, feeding them Mulga scrub which is palatable with mineral supplements. At one stage they stopped eating the Mulga I was cutting for them and one day I found them crowded around a windblown Brigalow tree eating the leaves which are very unpalatable and nothing eats. It turned out they had a sulphur deficiency and when I added a more digestible form of sulphur to the supplements they were fine.
Mineral deficiencies create cravings, whether caused from poor diet or digestive problems. Alcohol will cover most of these cravings.
One sure sign of mineral deficiency in humans is sensitive teeth. Toothpaste companies make a fortune out of it.
Sensitive teeth are mostly caused by a magnesium deficiency.
Peter, alcohol is depressant
Anonymous on October 13, 2015 · at 6:13 am UTC
Peter, alcohol is depressant
I know, but it is still used because of depression. If the depression is mild, the alcohol may help a bit. If depression is severe, then alcohol can lead to suicide.
This is just a thought of mine, but does alcohol actually cause depression or merely depress/suppress certain feelings
A person that is stressed at work through the day or through the week can have a few drinks and enjoy themselves in the evening or on a weekend. Depressing the feelings of stress or worry from work?
On the other hand, if a person has bad depression for whatever reason, the alcohol may suppress the fight or flight mode (fear), or suppress a feeling of letting down family and friends.
I don’t think alcohol in itself causes depression, but it can either help or exasperate depending on the situation.
Ann, Massinissa is an amazigh name, if I am not mistaken it is the name of the kings of amazigh people. Massinissa correct me if I am wrong.
David, totally agree with your Comment. I was disappointed in both of Saker’s sleeping alligator dreams and his Unz article. Since Saker was in a dream state, I guess, he couldn’t do his homework and know how many planes and helicopters Russia actually had/has in Syria.
Thank you for your stating your (and my) thoughts so succinctly. What a difference between those mentioned blogs and the one by Ghassan Kadi.
Sharss I can see that you love to watch a good war…better than sports..more real, more action packed and more exciting. But I bet you would run to the border if war came knocking on your door.
It’s easy to stand on the sidelines, criticise and express disappointment. I’d like to share this short anecdote.
A man interrupted one of the Buddha’s lectures with a flood of abuse. Buddha waited until he had finished and then asked him, “If a man offered a gift to another but the gift was declined, to whom would the gift belong?”
“To the one who offered it,” said the man.
“Then,” said the Buddha, “I decline to accept your abuse and request you to keep it for yourself.”
IMO – Saker, does not need to accept or respond to the ‘gift of a criticism/disappointment’ – as it still belongs to the person who offered it.
Fabulous reply to an kind of boring reader…disappointed that you aren’t who you were 10 years ago. You’ve matured Saker. I haven’t been here since the beginning, but I knew when I read this letter to you from this David guy, that you were older and wiser and he wasn’t.
Love Ann
Ann, David comes here to find his ideas and beliefs expressed here, since its not the case he complains. This blog is a place to hear others ideas and analysis. I may not like some thoughts and ideas but I still respect the blog, it gives me more than just what I dont agree with, it gives me the chance to hear others thoughts.
Ann did you even begin to understand the point Saker made about the danger of any organization of individual being surrounded by sycophants? Apparently not. what he wrote regarding providing unpopular truth to his readers (ie not being a cheerleader) applies to everyone including to him and his fans.
It seems to me that David’s well thought out feedback as well as his personal views and opinions are more valuable to Saker than commenters that blindly agree with him based on emotions rather than reason: so much so that he devoted an entire article in responding to David.
David, perhaps Saker “couching” his statements has something do with acquired experience (and getting burned by getting things wrong in the past due being too sure of a particular point). while I agree with several of your points, I personally respect Saker more when caveats a statement “that he may be wrong” because it shows humility, humanity and maturity – something lacking in others in the blog-o-sphere: it’s had the effect of making me modify my own certain positions with more self-checking and nuance.
The most important take away I have from David’s feedback is Saker’s fearlessness (more obvious in his past postings). This fearless “calling a spade a spade” attribute of his description of current geopolitical set-up was mind liberating for me. For me he shattered taboos and liberated many of us to look at that which we were conditioned to not look at nor contemplate. It’s that trait or edge that, I believe, he needs to retain going forward.
you know Espelo, you didn’t say I was a cheerleader, but perhaps you meant it ? Anyway, I feel like Saker is doing such a good thing for the world, that yeah, I am a cheerleader…I couldn’t do it myself…not everyone can be the song, not everyone can be the leader, but people can cheer the leader…why not ?
Before I found my way to Saker, and by the way..I actually think this goes for the entire Alternative Media community…I was overwhelmed with the drums of war..it never stopped on alternative media..Saker does have a light in the darkness, because he’s there, he’s available and he’s right…he’s positive, even if he’s criticising…that’s huge…..
Saker has many people who love him and who should be willing to defend him if need be.
It would be interesting to understand your definition of love.
It would be interesting to understand your definition of love.”
It is interesting that the last line was “moderated”.
The last line approximately read
Is it perhaps similar to Facebook’s friends?
The broadcast was made to illustrate ideological immersion implicit in some contexts/words/usages, and the full text was received by some on transmission but “edited” for some audiences.
Given the title of the thread it generated some laughter here.
Thank you.
The Saker, continue the good work I am proud of what you are doing.
Good reply Saker,thank you.I certainly do want to hear that we are winning.But only if its true.No one can correct problems if they don’t know they exist.I remember seeing in a film once an example of the kind of thing you mentioned about a dictator only hearing what they want to hear.The country was in revolt,and the rebel forces started out weak.But were now in strength only 40 miles from the capital.A general was telling the dictator about how well armed and large his own forces were.The dictator looked at the general as if he was crazy and screamed out “what are you talking about.The rebels are 40 miles from the capital”.So yes,even when its painful to hear, we need to know the truth as you see it.That is why most people visit her (at least that’s why I do).
This comment above, seems to the point:
“US got itself …”
which appears to posit sole agency which may be acceptable in some services but not in others”.
Am not convinced entirely, that David finds an empty box at your great site, Saker, we all have our moments, after all . . .
What kind of a Box is that actually, that is empty? A Box-on-the-ears – a Boxing-Day, detox, Mother of all Boxer’s box for AAA’s, or what?
The Empty Box: A Poem
containing nothing
without inhabitants; vacant or unoccupied
carrying no load, passengers, etc.
without purpose, substance, or value
an empty life
insincere or trivial
empty words
not expressive or vital; vacant
she has an empty look
Informal hungry
post positive, foll by: of devoid; destitute
a life empty of happiness
Informal drained of energy or emotion
after the violent argument he felt very empty
(Maths, logic) (of a set or class) containing no members
(Philosophy, logic) (of a name or description) having no reference
vb , -ties, -tying, -tied
to make or become empty
when intr, foll by: into to discharge (contents)
tr; often foll by: of to unburden or rid (oneself)
to empty oneself of emotion
n pl , -ties
an empty container, esp. a bottle
(Old English æmtig, from æmetta free time, from æ- without + -metta, from motan to be obliged to; see must1)
By Collins Dictionary (2005)
Well done Saker!
I have to admit to some similar concerns as Dave, but not for your site, just RT and (to a lesser degree) Russian Insider.
Stick with that position, Saker! It’s what makes you blog tower above the crowd. And very many thanks for what you do. Wish I had spare money to send, as well as praise.
and are there many blogs that are willingly engaging with readers??
Yesterday’s Imran Hosein’s lecture at Faculty of Law, Belgrade, Serbia
Thanks for posting this. The auditorium looks packed!!! The Venezuelan ambassador was there too..?
Yes venezuelan ambassador and also foreign minister of Serbia
Well, I am happy to read this review of David, and I thank The Saker for having brought it here.
If the Saker had not rescued and highlighted it, probably it would not have passed someone´s moderation, despite being expressed in a respectful manner and comply with the policy of moderation. I am also glad that the actual owner of the blog have expressed his appreciation for this kind of constructive and legitimate criticism by an old reader, a clear indication to those who seem to have taken improper possession of the blog in a mood, I do not know, if to form the impossible group of friends, which as impossible they never had, and where everything is acceptance and praise, or to destroy the blog as the interesting discussion forum once was, at least when I arrived here, be it unconsciously or consciously (I lean toward the latter), and who rush to expel from the blog, on charges of trolling or directly disposable reader, any dissenting voice, be it on the policy of Mr. Putin and his associates, in the last analysis of The Saker, or of any other contributor to the blog.
I do not know if anyone else feels the same, but, despite the current astonishing production by good authors in this blog, I have seen many good commentators disappear who were here when I arrived. Sometimes, sorry to say, even I get bored, especially of the continuous noise of some who talk a lot but have little to say.
Regarding precautions from The Saker on the performances or not performances of Russia in Donbass or Syria or anywhere else, I only see in this fear and precaution the love for his motherland, and, knowing well, because of having lived he himself, the past history of what was the Soviet Union, even some of despair, because of, once more, after having risen from its ashes like a phoenix, maybe have to see his loved motherland again bogged down as in Afghanistan. Even though, perhaps, the influence of living in the USA´s environment is difficult if not impossible to avoid….
While The Saker seems lately changed or, simply, has his batteries discharged, ( he is not the only one, maybe too many wars, too many fronts…) as he himself told us at the beginning of his deserved rest, for me remains the same, although I think he should never leave the format of his “amazing boldness and straightforward talk “ that characterizes and distinguishes him from other analysts, such as David points out, and why many of us came here and find him worship, apart from to have found a sensitive, generous and good human being, with all his mistakes and defects.
In this, forgive me, but I can not be objective. I love him, I am not ashamed to say; I see him, recognize him, understand him, and even when I feel him wrong, I accept him, because his good values outweigh the less times when I disagree with him. If he can not find me among the chorus of sycophants, it is because I can not stand the continuous flattery, nor to anyone, not even to myself, I always meet it suspicious….
As for the presence of pupils and students here, I am sorry to tell you, David, but I include myself in this group from which I am afraid that I never will go out, and I have not only found in The Saker a good teacher to learn, but also in some other commentators, as my anonymous “friend senior strategist”, who has also commented on this thread, and who has been banned, moderated, accused of trolling, but always remains there, undeterred, like good teachers ….
Therefore, thank you, David, for your comment, and thank you, Saker, for appreciate it.
respectful negative criticism…I sure am glad I’m not married to someone who has that attitude.
ok so I watched a bit of it…quite funny, but I didn’t understand the language so didn’t watch until end…perhaps the little girl is giving respectful negative criticism…to Saker ?
Anyway thanks for the laugh…hopefully it wasn’t at me….
“or to destroy the blog as the interesting discussion forum once was, at least when I arrived here”
Perhaps I can add some context to your contribution.
This topic is a continuation of contributions made by various commentators before the blog was redesigned and hosted in Iceland.
These contributions included views on what is a blog and how to facilitate it, including notions of moderation.
A blog is a broadcast medium and amongst the most salient information broadcast is that as at 07-00hrs UTC 14th October 2015 this thread had 3624 views and 69 comments.
Another illuminating exercise is to plot the phasing of views and comments through time.
As a consequence of alleged attacks an LLC was created, hosting was transferred to Iceland and a moderation regime designed. Amongst the reasons for these measures was protection from libel in the US.
Another interesting illustration of a “vision” surrounding these measures was that “Scott” has been referred to in the text from Thank you Russia thus “I have decided that my Director of Research, Scott, should get the opportunity to post a rant once in a while.” – an interesting reflection of the opponents’ ideology on “chain of command”,”property” and “status”.
Several criticisms transmitted to the blog have not been published, including a criticism broadcast by me of a response that “the Saker” made to a correspondent who referred to the famine in Ukraine in the 1920/30’s.
Broadcasts are made on transmission and hence some audiences received these criticisms in full; it was those completely reliant on publication in this blog who did not.
If the purpose is transcendence of the opponents, the beliefs and ideologies of opponents should not be dismissed out of hand but should be considered and responded to in an appropriate manner. You make a similar point in your contribution.
In recognition of this without giving extensive detail, in his recent speech at the UN Mr. Putin was rightly critical of Soviet policy including Soviet foreign policy, which included the integration of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine from 1944 onwards.
If the famine is not understood then neither will be subsequent history including the present situation in Ukraine – even Mr. Andropov, Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Suslov agreed on this and they almost never agreed on anything.
“As for the presence of pupils and students here, I am sorry to tell you, David, but I include myself in this group”
In various places including this thread notions of equal and different and intelligence have been explored.
The opponents hold that difference “deserves” different reward/status – the opponents’ systems are predicated on unequal and different – a basis of class society.
However “intelligence” realises that transcendence is predicated on equal and different, and that there are no “experts”, merely people with different practice in testing hypotheses and formulating strategies.
“Students and pupils” is an indicator of immersion in the opponents’ notions of division of labour and contingent ideologies.
“If the famine is not understood then neither will be subsequent history including the present situation in Ukraine – even Mr. Andropov, Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Suslov agreed on this and they almost never agreed on anything”.
The famine in Ukraine and the Kuban, was during the winter of 1932 to the summer of 1933 (not during the twenties). not less,- probably a good deal more-than 3 million lost their lives through starvation.
I have never understood, that although there has always been a conspiracy of silence surrounding this from the West, why there appears to be the same silence on this site.
How can the historical truth of the era of Stalin, in a world where history is being rewritten as we speak, stand a chance in hell if it is not acknowledged here?
“The famine in Ukraine and the Kuban, was during the winter of 1932 to the summer of 1933 (not during the twenties).”
Not quite so, although the narrative of utility tends to highlight the dates that you cite, thereby obscuring the process of famines/significant food shortages giving rise to starvation/food deprivation in the Soviet Union including the Kuban and Ukraine, from the 1920’s through to the early 1960’s.
There were famines during the civil war until NEP, and the famines that you refer to started in circa 1928 with collectivisation and accelerated, then reduced and accelerated again, which contributed to waves of internal emigration including into Siberia – not restricted to the Gulag, although the Gulag also had volunteer labour not restricted to former prisoners without propiska.
Soviet agriculture was very ineffective for many reasons.
These memories underpin the messages of Right Sector and other organisations.
Their messages are based on historical information and family experience; they cannot be dismissed out of hand.
This “history” was obscured/localised in the Soviet Union as were the ensuing food riots, although the Politburo, KGB and other organisations were always aware of them, and the information was often relayed within the population and within families by word of mouth.
It is important to understand the levels of fear and feigned ignorance/conformance by forgetting in the Soviet Union on certain matters deemed too dangerous to discuss, except during very short periods including the thaw in the time of Mr. Krushchev and perestroika in the time of Mr. Gorbachov Until well into the 1970’s many citizens of the Soviet Union had spoilt biographies.
It is likely that increases in publishing of materials on these subjects will be made available in Russia towards 2017 and beyond, including previously closed archives which inform this broadcast, which in the abscence of publically available references may be viewed as assertions.
Open archives do exist but are largely in the form of oral history collected by Memorial.
“How can the historical truth of the era of Stalin, in a world where history is being rewritten as we speak, stand a chance in hell if it is not acknowledged here?”
As previously outlined http://thesaker.is/answer-to-a-disappointed-reader/comment-page-1/#comment-157886
“Some contributors to this blog apparently with US connections wish for a return to the original republic, and some hanker for a return to “socialism”, sometimes holding that was synonymous with the Soviet Union.
Sometimes these wishes and hankerings are not based on extensive experience and/or knowledge of the specific entities and contexts within which they existed, but are markers of some contributors’ disatisfaction and wish for a salve of return to a past or golden age which never existed.”
Another possible reason is a relatively consistent under-estimation of Russia’s resilience and an over-estimation of the opponents’ facility including but not restricted to “5th columns”, and hence some may feel the necessity of “protecting” Russia mimicing behavious of “fellow travellers” in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
However the suggestions above may be unneccesarily restricted, although no all encompassing data collection or data analysis has been done. Sampling and other statistical techniques don’t work, as corroborated through the opponents’ activities in big data.
As a “forgotten memory” from the mid 1980’s the Soviet Union designed and ran a pilot system of computerised big data in two regions of Lithuania, and Gosplan was similarly involved in various republics although of more limited scope than the pilot scheme in Lithuania.
Further afield the Stasi and other services also attempted big data activities.
History is complex and laterally dynamic, and in some fields big data is akin to pushing a string.
It is likely that the prime source of acknowlegement will be Russia and not this blog.
“It is likely that the prime source of acknowlegement will be Russia and not this blog.”
In illustration
“The famine in Ukraine and the Kuban, was during the winter of 1932 to the summer of 1933 (not during the twenties).”
You appear to perceive history as a series of distinct events rather than lateral interactive process.
“not acknowledged here.”
You also appear to not wholly realise that blogs are broadcast media, that other audiences may draw different inferences from broadcasts than you do, and that broadcast is made on transmission and consequently is not dependent on being “published” on this blog.
Are we on to the famine “again”.For the thousand and one times,the famine was a USSR wide famine.It struck hardest in the main farming areas of the USSR.Ukraine,as one of those areas was badly affected by it.And so were other areas, including parts of Russia.It is ironic that some of the areas of the Ukraine most hit by that famine,today, are some of the most pro-Russian areas of the former Ukraine.While the area that whines the most about the famine being “Russia’s fault” was not even part of the Ukraine and the USSR at that time.So had no connection with the famine,and suffered not one bit from it.The people that ran the Ukraine at that time were vastly Ukrainian (whether some of them were Jews or not,they were “Ukrainian” Jews,not Russian.).So if you want to blame anybody you can start with Ukrainians.I am so tired of this constant Russophobia over the famine,that “Russia” not only didn’t cause.But suffered badly from as well.
It is interesting that you continue to project holograms of your own perception.
“For the thousand and one times,the famine was a USSR wide famine. “
”Not quite so, although the narrative of utility tends to highlight the dates that you cite, thereby obscuring the process of famines/significant food shortages giving rise to starvation/food deprivation in the Soviet Union including the Kuban and Ukraine, from the 1920’s through to the early 1960’s.”
Are not contradictory.
“So if you want to blame anybody you can start with Ukrainians. “
No-one is trying to apportion blame.
The purpose of
is to understand the bases and effects, including half-lives, of ideologies in order to transcend them since
“These memories underpin the messages of Right Sector and other organisations.
Their messages are based on historical information and family experience; they cannot be dismissed out of hand. “
Different examples can be cited as informing the attitudes to Russia of some of the populations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, although through implementing wise strategies the prevalence of these attitudes is changing.
Some are of the view that transcendence is wholly achieved by coercion and expulsion, despite Soviet history illustrating the exact opposite – one of the reasons that Russia is not the Soviet Union.
“I am so tired of this constant Russophobia over the famine “
It likely matters little if you are tired or not, and fortunate that you will likely not have a role in transcendence, save for illustrating immersion in ideology and limited comprehension.
It is not Russophobia – an easy incantation used to ward off evil spirits and preclude understanding -, it a strategy facilitating transcendence as is well understood by present representatives of the Russian Federation.
“it is a strategy facilitating transcendence”
As an update
The first paragraphs of a narrative of utility
or Charlie Wilson rides again.
One on the horizon
The next paragraph of Charlie Wilson rides again.
Thank you for the links and comments. I always find not only very interesting but very moving indeed the writings of André Vltchek, and the article linked by you makes a good complement to that issue of the photographs on the 1965´s Indonesian massacres. I highly recommend the reading of this article to all.
On your comments about “equal and different”, just find this reference reading on the net this morning, and would like to know your opinion about the work of Évald Iliénkov ( if you find him worth to study ):
“Creative Soviet Marxism, “Dialectics of the ideal”
I do not know if you could understand the gathering linked in Spanish ( I hope so ) about the text by Iliénkov “Dialectics of the ideal” ( you can find a link to an Spanish translate of this text below the video ). I find especially interesting what is said from 38 minute to finish:
“and would like to know your opinion about the work of Évald Iliénkov ( if you find him worth to study ):”
Blogs are broadcast media and for various reasons my broadcasts are carefully structured.
You may have noticed that rarely if ever do I comment on publications except in the most general of ways, and I always stress that you should test hypotheses, so the links I suggest are in possible areas of interest, not to be taken as endorsements of the materials on my part.
Remember your questions on Mr. Primakov that remain unanswered?
I will read/watch your links as all datastreams are interesting.
Thanks for the links.
Oh sorry, I sometimes forget that you are always working and, again, return to think that I’m talking to a friend. I am so, I can not help but take you affection by the time since we are talking, even though I can see, on your part only by “carefully structured broadcasts” ….No worries…..
“Remember your questions on Mr. Primakov that remain unanswered?”
Yes I remember, and also I do those in that thread by Mr. Elliason on that article on Stepan Bandera III…..
I fully realize when you do not want, or can not, talk about something, but it is always better to leave a note like this one, warmest at least, as you always say that politeness and correctness is important …. between analysts indeed. ….
Well I’m not an analyst …. but I hope I deserve the same, if we work for a world of equal and different …..
“Well I’m not an analyst ”
Tribes of gorillas don’t restrict themselves to analysis.
Gorillas practice equal and different, so moderation and suspicion of ideocy or trolling are always amusing.
Politeness and correctness are always important in equal and different, and attempted coercion, manipulation, framing and vehemence of response useful indicators of immersion in the opponents’ self-defeating ideologies as you have noticed and practiced by assigning the Mr. here and there.
(….)attempted coercion, manipulation, framing and vehemence of response useful indicators of immersion in the opponents’ self-defeating ideologies as you have noticed and practiced by assigning the Mr. here and there.
Are you missing some coma there, or are you accusing me of coercion, manipulation and vehemence (well I will take this as a compliment) because of assigning the Mr. here or there?
I’m using the Mr. because you said it’s more appropriate and polite for possible Russian audience and because I really agree. No need to getting around nor even think all day about opponents. I’m not your opponent, almost certainly, though you’ll never get me to speak ill of Koba, nor try to manipulate neither anything nor anybody.
I like talking to you, that’s all. It’s so hard to understand?
Also consider that for you or for me English is not our first language, plus my English is pretty basic, and therefore, you might misunderstand me or I might misunderstand you, sometime, not to mention the limited of your “structured broadcast”. I make it as much clear as I can for you. Another thing maybe not, but clear I am a bit, in fact, I think they should call me Clara and not elsi….
I interpreted that you meant to sound crazy the path of Mr. Guevara and his response to that journalist. You know, Mr. Guevara is one of my weakness….with Grandpa Stalin….
Tribes of gorillas don’t restrict themselves to analysis.
Great! Happy to hear.!…Then we could take a trip together …… for example….to…… Russia?
You see, I need an interpreter who help me with the Cyrillic alphabet….. I proposed it to someone in Soviet East Berlin but I think he is more interested in traveling with a Russian girl…..and I would not want to join the typical tour…..Let me a sign, or something, if you are interested…..Or you can also ignore this, if you prefer….. I’ll go anyway, can not be more complicated than Uganda….. But… if you let me go alone and I get lost in the subway or anywhere and never come back, you will feel bad … I guess ….
“Are you missing some coma there,”
No punctation is a producer of rythmn, and perceived dissonant rhythmn is useful, as are misspellings and other useful tools.
I was drawing attention to prevalent practice on this blog and elsewhere.
“are you accusing me of coercion, manipulation and vehemence”
No drawing attention to “attempted coercion, manipulation, framing and vehemence of response useful indicators of immersion in the opponents’ self-defeating ideologies as you have noticed”
on this blog and elsewhere.
“I’m using the Mr. because you said it’s more appropriate and polite for possible Russian audience and because I really agree.”
That is correct and respect is always appropriate. That is a consistent practice as illustrated in the link below:
“No need to getting around nor even think all day about opponents.”
Not all day, but the opponents will be transcended, likely not solely through the efforts of armchair pontificators, although armchair pontificators have their contribution since all datastreams are useful. That is another consistent practice.
“I interpreted that you meant to sound crazy the path of Mr. Guevara and his response to that journalist.”
You are mistaken.
“You see, I need an interpreter who help me with the Cyrillic alphabet”
Perhaps you should review broadcasts made using “elsi”.
It is easy to buy a comparative alphabet table in many countries.
Multi-lingualism is quite widespread in Russia.
In Soviet times Spanish was taught quite widely in universities and language institutes.
Many people also understand and/or can speak English and/or French and/or German.
However humans and other beings are not wholly dependent on speaking to communicate.
“I proposed it to someone in Soviet East Berlin but I think he is more interested in traveling with a Russian girl”
Perhaps there are other reasons, even that East Berlin was never, and is not Soviet..
It could even be that he has blat restricted to one.
“I would not want to join the typical tour”
That is not necessary nor particularly difficult.
If looking for cheap accomodation visit a university or a language institute and talk with the students.
“I’ll go anyway, can not be more complicated than Uganda”
It is not more complicated, no place is, if prejudgements/expectations are left behind.
” if you let me go alone and I get lost in the subway or anywhere and never come back”
“let me” is an attempt to deflect responsibility, and an attempt to manipulate.
“get lost”
This is unlikely even in the taiga or tundra – however in the short summer season in the tundra you could have serious problems with flying and other insects, and in the taiga wear a hat to guard against ticks. Bears are not cuddly and best avoided especially in spring.
People in Russia tend to be very helpful, including to visitors.
Enjoy your trip but if time allows don’t restrict it to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Use public transport, especially sleeper night or long distance trains if your destinations are not restricted, buying a plascart ticket – 36 bunks in one carriage if you want to meet people.
Take a track suit and slippers to change into or buy them in a market – they are quite cheap – watch for the sizes though as they are often made in China where sizing in clothes and footware can sometimes be a variable concept, but this sizing issue is improving.
Remember to buy food at the station to share; fruit, cheese, and black bread keep best say up to 48 hours from Moscow to Novosibirsk for example, sausages tend to weep after 24 hours or so as the carriages are generally warm, and even sub tropical in winter.
Take instant coffee or tea bags with a cup or glass as there are fresh water boilers at the end of each carriage, and remember a spoon and a small knife.
Lastly remember soap, a towel, and toilet paper.
Well, that’s really the kind of trip I’d like to do, it shows that you know me, at least a little …. Shame you do not come …. but I understand…. friend…..surely your wife would be a little angry…..
Do not worry, if I get lost, I’ll end up being found and adopted by some lovely babushka in a remote village in the depths of Russia …. they always want to adopt me … even in the presence of my own mother … This happens to me continuously ….
Thank you very much for the advices, you are very kind. I think I’ll take those “plackartes” with several stops in Khazan, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, and Vladivostok…..And, of course, a few days in Moscow where I will certainly visit the old bolshevik grandpas…..and also would not be bad some days in San Petersburg…..but perhaps very expensive to make all that in a single trip….
As I have not to put myself in agreement with you, I think I’ll go in spring, near the summer…..
For you:
“Well, that’s really the kind of trip I’d like to do”
Perhaps other interesting journeys.
Genomics towards the end of statistics.
From history
After his speech to the UN in 1964 Mr. Guevara was asked about the Cuban economy.
The journalist couched his question in the form of GDP – Gross Domestic Product.
Mr. Guevara replied that Cuba would measure economic success by the shine in the childrens’ eyes.
Shine in the childrens’ eyes or in the people´s eyes is indicative of health and happiness, and, therefore, welfare. Mr. Guevara knew it well because he was a doctor. Perhaps the world should start measuring the welfare of the people not by the gross domestic product but by the index of “gross national happiness” ( GNH ) as makes the kingdom of Bhutan, lost between the Himalayas ….
Once, traveling in Uganda, I was talking to a person of the crew on how Westerners who traveled there, despite not failing us nothing essential, seemed always so concerned, and how much African people smiled and seemed happy despite the needs. My theory was that perhaps it was because they were always in contact with the earth, with nature ….. I do not know, but I’ve seen more compassion in Africa than in my own neighborhood ….. In this journey, on a point, I became very ill, so I had to be evacuated to a small local clinic, feeling myself die. Before leaving, being in a camp, only Africans rose, even just to get a hand on my back as I was vomiting ……Do you know that, there, people still embraces?….. Since then, I know Africa is great and great things await her ….
Pursue happiness, for us and for others, is not crazy, it´s our obligation. It is better to die trying it than to live like zombies, frozen in ice.
“Perhaps the world should start measuring the welfare of the people”
To say start is to infer that it has not started, although you do mention Bhutan.
Measuring is partly a function of the tools of measurement, and contains alloys of dependence and perception which may hinder perception.
This point was made on the Polish attitude (represented by one journalist) to Russia thread
“Poland’s stance towards Russia: pathetic, contemptible and plain stupid”
The use of “the people” suggests unequal and different and hence hinders equal and difference and the process of lateral transcendence of one by the other.
“Westerners who traveled there”
Some “Westerners” do not travel physically, some “Westerners” travel physically, but it appears that more “Westerners” have difficulty travelling perceptually, even by virtue of describing themselves as a direction, whilst failing to explicitly outline from which vantage point the direction is determined/measured.
This is a function and component part of exceptionalism presenting as cultural arrogance.
As you probably noticed framing is very important.
” It is better to die trying it than to live like zombies, frozen in ice.”
Perhaps it is even better to transcend with a little help from friends – who are not trying to create a world that others cannot live in.
Another illustration.
“Perhaps other interesting journeys”.
Oh, thanks a lot for that link, I felt delighted reading the history of the Transiberian train. I appreciate the efforts of Mr. Witte, who looked like a great man like few have been in world history.
I also see that it reveals me something that you wanted to tell me about Narodnaya Volya. On the financing of the Bolshevik Revolution by the British, an argument mantained by some in this blog but from which I would like to see hard evidence, that Trotsky was bought, that´s for sure and Lenin could perhaps accept the funding to achieve their own goals ( as did the Taliban in Afghanistan with US´ support ). But Stalin, I fear that never was bought by anyone, money had no value for him. Then, why is that, in his beginnings in the proletarian struggle, he robbed banks for funds?
Anyway, you and I would have to discuss these issues during a time and a space we do not have here….. Nor have the enabling environment….. I’ve seen your problems with new moderators in another thread and will be almost certain that I won´t be able to help you any more, because there is already near zero people supporting me here; we could say that I find myself surrounded and without access to water, I do not know if because of defending your presence here or not, but this is the reality right now.
In any case, I do not regret anything, this is the price to be true to own principles and convictions and also be loyal to Russia, which I doubt that some here are, despite even hidden after a pose of daily and regular commentator…. or other activities in this blog….
I will try to continue discussing and talking to you….. Now I am going a few days outside the country, but near here……
See you soon, God willing….If I did not come back someday, or something happened to me here or there, I would want to thank you for your contributions, to me you are a well of wisdom, if anything I could regret is losing touch with you.
Peace and prosperity for your country and family, health and strength in the fight.
“Then, why is that, in his beginnings in the proletarian struggle, he robbed banks for funds?”
Largely he robbed banks to finance the party, but sometimes he had problems with arithmetic.
“But Stalin, I fear that never was bought by anyone, money had no value for him. ”
There are materials, Mr. Dzerzhinsky, Mr. Yagoda, Mr. Yezhov and Mr. Beria and associates sometimes being remiss in matters of filing, that suggest he was “influenced” by the Okhrana – the Czarist “secret police”, but some were of the view that the language of the Soviet Union was Aesop, and that the Soviet Union especially from the 1970’s until “the end” was “Wonderland”.
The opponents are now in “Wonderland” – the observation of some that Mr. Brezhnev never died, he lost some centimetres and was “elected” the President of the United States.
Consequently many in the Soviet Union were sceptical and helped facilitate the process of transition from the Soviet Union to Russia, without unnecessarily deflecting focus by engaging in investigations that many were not ready to undertake.
Simplistic notions that it was the “fault” of “traitors” or the “Americans” were simplistic notions that were not challenged since they had utility in cloaking activities prior to and post 1991 to facilitate the process of transition from the Soviet Union to Russia. Russia was not created by decree, and in a lateral world nothing including Russia is, but all are becoming.
Access to commodities for many in the Soviet Union including “the leadership” was not primarily governed by money, but through various types of blat – in simple terms connections.
“I’ve seen your problems with moderators in another thread and will be almost certain that, because there is already near zero people supporting here;”
Evaluation is a function of purpose and perhaps your notions of my purpose, although described openly by me, differ from mine.
I and my associates don’t have problems irrespective of the actions/reactions of opponents, I/we have opportunities.
It is of little consequence whether my broadcasts are “moderated” on this blog or not – remember the opponents’ search for the golden fleece of big data and the surveillance state?
“I do not know if because of defending your presence, but this is the reality right now.”
I have always understood in some measure the reality not resticted to right now, but also that this reality would become clearer. Your efforts have given you greater opportunities to perceive who is who and what is what.
“I do not regret anything”
Regret is often a self-indulgent deflection strategy of the weak and ineffectual – you have been neither so don’t regret, learn from the experience and enjoy the ride.
You can never convince anyone of anything to a degree sufficient for them to be motivated to act – they can only convince themselves. Consequently try to encourage practices and situations where others can convince themselves.
Perhaps you may come to see the “Bolshevik project” as immersed in the ideologies of that which they allegedly sought to transcend, and that it was always coercive in myriad ways from at least 1903 onwards, the level of coercion varying with the rate of accumulation. Many understood that and that was a significant contributory factor in why Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, and also why Russia is not the Soviet Union.
Perhaps I can re-emphasise two points.
1. Sheep who think they are sharks often drown.
2. Since some in the Chilean CP were aggreived at not being targetted by DINA, the some in the Chilean CP attacked the Miristas and Socialists.
“Peace and prosperity for your country and family”
In wishing something for someone else it is generally wise to wish for them what they would wish for themselves.
So enjoy the journey.
Thanks, comforting.
Till return:
Ideology is more dangerous than weapons of any destruction, and the most dangerous opponent is yourself.
I thought somebody (moderator) once said that this blog was not a dating site…
Perhaps of interest
Hedging bets and sawing branches?
David’s criticism seems to me misguided. The Saker is an analyst and commentator (surely one of the best), not a cheerleader.
We should no doubt try to test his prejudices and assumptions, but not demand that he share ours. What would be the point?
I am relatively new to the Saker family, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. This is the most clear and in depth analysis on this and related issues that one can possibly find on internet. I do not always agree wit the Saker’s point of views especially concerning religion but so what. The issue is unraveling, searching for the truth as far as that is humanly possible, and I think one can find it here. Analysis etc are essential but so are the promptings of the heart or the intuition of the minds eye. Agreed that prudence is good but only in 90% of the cases but directness courage to face uncertainty, boldness have also their place , one cannot always listen to the whisperings of prudence. One also has the privilege to have the best comment section one could possibly imagine( I admit that sometimes I read the comment first before the article. There is the feeling of belonging here….
rather disturbed with the mention of the “Russian Empire” thing, Putin is a righteous man and so might be his successor but later on a bush type might arise or worse a devil like obama ! Sure we want a strong and principaled Russia strong to stand up against the diabolic force that has swallowed the west. but what next, next what?
let us assume the Syrian question is settled, Russia comes out- Inch Allah- victorious and strengthened . The west sinks gradually or preferably rapidly in the hole it dug for others. let us assume that the BRICKS alliance blooms and becomes the leading world force in all domains.
Is it just to replace a defunct crapitalist economical system with another. The same exploitation of natural and human resources, ripping apart the Earth Mother, tear life apart to atoms, dirty nuclear etc. energy, more oil more gas more filth, bourgeois consumerism wastage spoilage, vaccinazion etc etc. or? A repeat of the old songtext with a new melody? Any healthy alternative in view
So far only Russia has announced no gm crops, 1 ha land to whoever applies, alternative Ortho Church banking system, if anything else I have no idea, Tesla, Schauberger??. There was some mention a year or so ago that a Russian Univ was working on a Tesla devise. India has plans to work on Tiwari’s genset but more then that I cannot say. Brazil has its alternative economical movement Conjunto Palmeira , but that is not a national policy. It is hard to see a new direction in which humanity can evolve in a more harmonious way with itself its environment and all living things. There are of course small beginnings noticeable here in the East as well as in the west but would it not be overshadowed with the euphoria of victory ? It maybe too early to question since the struggle is not yet won. Still…
“It is hard to see a new direction in which humanity can evolve in a more harmonious way with itself its environment and all living things. ”
In any journey it is difficult to see over the horizon.
However journeys towards horizons are unnecessarily hampered by expecting to know the specifics of destination on commencement since the world is laterally dynamic.
The best orientation is to remember purpose.
I think David was spot on when he wrote:
“When Russia is about to make a bold move, you often call it unrealistic, and unprobable. When Russia has made the bold move, you call it potentially disastrous or ill-fated. Time and again, you also underestimate the ability of the Russian Federation to act to enforce its own security, as well as defending its allies.”
The Russian government is not like ZUSAs, full of hubris and arrogance.
If anything, it is generally cautious.
I’m sure that if the Russian government, intel and security decided to act in Syria in the way they are now doing, it is bc they know they have a good chance at accomplishing the mission.
Some of the Sakers fanboys seem to only be here to tap him on the back and say ‘great job’. Fact of the matter is, he gets many things wrong.
The fanboys don’t like that.
Having folks like David around is actually constructive, having only the fanboys not so much.
Stavros is another poster who offered some perfect good counter-arguments to the late sakers post; I think more people should read it.
“I think many of us (if not all) are exaggerating the Imperial capacity to counter the latest Russian masterstroke.
First of all, if Putin thought that the AZ Empire could easily throw a spanner to the latest Russian move, then why would he have taken such a bold move?
Secondly, even if we accept that many lunatics and airheads are present in the Western capitals, we still cannot deny the inevitable fact that some of them are quite intelligent and pragmatic. They may not appear on the propaganda networks (why would the real decision makers participate in cheap theatrics?) or the prostitute think-tanks or on Capitol Hill, but they sure as hell exist and take the decisions behind hermetically closed doors.
Third, even if the US decides to escalate in any number of ways (which is well within their power) don’t you think that Russia has already ready-made countermeasures? Especially against the Turks (Kurdish card) against the Saudis (Houthi card) and against Israel (Hezbollah-Hamas cards) Clearly, an escalation on the part of the Empire, puts itself in grave risk.
Fourth. US (and Western in general) politics are an infantile circus and everyone is fully aware of this. Can we take anything of what they say seriously? Each and every politician/MP/Senator/candidate/commentator/analyst/journalist etc is trying to score cheap personal career points out of every single (even the most minor) issue. Let alone an Absolutely Colossal such as this one.
Fifth. The Mighty US Empire did not dare (directly) attack the SAA in almost 5 years in any meaningful sense, even with only implicit Russian support and presence. Will they do it now with Russia officially on the ground, Iraq and Iran officially in the alliance, and China calmly but firmly in the wings and in reserve?
Sixth. Some US allies seem to be breaking ranks: Long-standing US ally Egypt has come out to publicly endorse the Russian intervention! Even some Euro-land countries have hinted that Russia and even Assad must be taken into account in a political solution. In descending order: Germany, Spain, Austria and Czech R. Even Juncker, has come out publicly, calling for an independent EU policy in relation to Russia. Also, the recent attacks on German industrial interests as well as the refugee issue, is yet another indication of serious cracks within the Western alliance.
Now, do not get me wrong. Any kind of game can be at play here, and I agree with the Saker that the situation between US and RUS aircraft over Syria is extremely dangerous. I just wanted to make the argument for the optimistic side. Also, something tells me that military personnel on both sides would be more than eager to avoid any accidents. I think we can be certain of that.”
end of Stavros post.
One final point:
The insistence on the creation of “safe(for the terrorists) zones” and no fly-zones in Northern Syria and the completely bogus and engineered “refugee” crisis, with thousands crossing from terrorist supporter Turkey into the EU, all aimed at overthrowing Assad(getting the desperate europeans to finally go along with nato air strikes) coincides with the Russian counter in the form of air support to the Syrian armed forces.
Russia was obviously planning for such a scenario for a while.
I imagine that the engineered refugee crisis set the russian counter-measures into full swing.
“First of all, if Putin thought that the AZ Empire could easily throw a spanner to the latest Russian move, then why would he have taken such a bold move?”
Because he knows that Russia is the ultimate target today, just as it was when Brzezinski advised President Carter to arm and finance Hekmatyar boys in Afghanistan. Today, Syria affords combat training to the Salafist armies scheduled to turn on Russia; it’s wiser to create difficulties for Salafists today, than to wait until they arrive in Moscow.
President Putin’s move was an extremely dangerous one; the alternative was doing nothing, let Muslim allies be crushed, and have war anyway a bit later.
Many here aren’t lefties, but this phrase sometimes used by leftists may resonate across political stripes: “Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will”.
You need to understand how the deck is stacked. Then you have to play hard even though you know it’s stacked.
Fail the first and you will play stupid and fall into traps. Fail the second and you lose by default.
“You need to understand how the deck is stacked. Then you have to play hard even though you know it’s stacked.
Fail the first and you will play stupid and fall into traps. Fail the second and you lose by default.”
The solution is don’t play the game – use lateral strategies.
It was Trotsky who said that I believe.
“It was Trotsky who said that I believe.”
If you refer to
“The solution is don’t play the game – use lateral strategies.”
you are mistaken in your belief.
Mr. Trotsky was often attracted to “enterist” strategies as were some of his subsequent acolytes.
Some are not wholly dependent on “authorities”.
Saker’s most important audience is The Empire; its intelligence agencies, academic institutions, corporations, etc. Does the NSA, CIA, FBI, NSC, Joint Chiefs, the Fed, Rand Corp, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, chambers of commerce, etc. etc. read Vineyard of the Saker? Hope so!
Plenty of jobs available in Syria. But leave your wife behind..
Ramzan decided to flee to Turkey in 2002. For a decade he’d scraped out a living doing low-level extortion and protection rackets.
“Once the jihad in Syria began, people began to tell us, ‘Come to Syria, there’s fighting and paychecks and wives.’ So we started leaving by the hundreds,” he said.
Completely agree with your answer, Saker.
Giving my small example, I count myself “in” with almost half of the potential reasons you gave of not liking what you say (from “Zionist” to a lot of other things), I agree “on average” with I probably less than half of the analyses I read here… and yet I keep checking the site.
Honest (always) and thought-provoking (sometimes) is how I would describe your work. In addition to irritating (sometimes) and deluded (sometimes)… but then every person will look deluded to any other on this and that topic. :-)
Excellent response!!!
Keep up the good work…
It is sober and professional!
David’s was a really good critique, even if a wee bit naive. However, I had my doubts as well; but now have a better grasp of just where Saker is coming from.
I agree with most of Saker’s reply.
Putin/Lavrov play well at diplomacy (two of the few) and as a strategic player, Putin is proving to be a master.
Cheers Saker…
The US is broke, going for broke, doubling down on PNAC and Full Spectrum Dominance….Russia’s denial of access is the only thing that has stopped the onslaught so far. Let’s hope Iraq comes to it’s senses and asks for Russian Aid.Their political class is pushing for it and may be forced to go against Uncle Sam’s will. With Iran, Iraq, Syria OPENLY working to defeat US forces and the technological bag of tricks that has STUNNED the NATO powers….This war is over.. IF the above happens. The Gulf States do not have the ground forces, their own people want their heads. Expect allot of fires to be lit in Europe but expect also the fissures also to break. And China is in the mix. There news service has been broadcasting that Turkey has using Ungher’s to re-populate Syrian territory and that they expect them to be sent back to China…..China is looking at ways to respond militarily in the ME. as broadcast on their state tv. Only superior technology will get NATO to stand down. Russia apparently has it. Let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Short of the much maligned now ostensible sectarian Trotskyist groups being able to organize a socialist revolution in the belly of the beast. They are not going to stop.
“The US is broke, going for broke, doubling down on PNAC and Full Spectrum Dominance”
“They are not going to stop.”
A more correct formulation would be substituting the “US” with the opponents.
All of these “wishes” and “actions” on the part of the opponents are to be welcomed as they will undermine the opponents further in various ways that will likely be encouraged.
To paraphrase a Yiddish blessing – May you be blessed with wise friends and stupid enemies.
I’m also blog follower for many years, tracking Saker word and thoughts, and I do not think that his analysis become soft or for wide masses. But for me when new concept of the blog started I also feel and can agree on this ” lacking the dynamics of the blog”. Now there is lot of other interviews, videos, news from million sides, but there is not enough Saker. And I say this because at the end I always feel Saker words are the most quality one. That’s all,
We just miss feeling of Saker presence, his solo fighting for truth, underground and resistance atmosphere, straight logic and that feeling that we are participating in real fight, being part of it. As soon as new blog started I lost that feeling. It become as some on line news portal and Saker analysis gone extremely rare compare to previous time. I know that Saker job on this blog and analysis are huge. I do not have time to play football with friends for an hour per month. And I do not do nothing close to Saker efforts. But, I just want to say that I miss that “family” feeling from beginnings with Saker reveling us truth as some Messiah and smashing empire lies into peaces:) now truth come out everywhere, everyone can see it, but in that time it was absolutely hidden, and no one knows what would happen. This is why I will always respect Saker analysis and his standpoints and values as a human been, which are absolutely superior to US “sweet 16, mtv, Jersey shore, celebrity, make more money” culture as well as it’s superior to other nationalist and totalitarian societies where one loses his human dignity and real values of life. Greetings to Saker and whole community from old follower!
***thanks Dan for this nice comment – I showed it to Saker, because you’re on an older thread…modaa
Thanks, mod, big regards for Saker and whole your team.
Thank you again for everything you do, for truth, justice and courage you all show.
It means lot for so many of us, it keeps us believe.
Sincerely guys,