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All of America’s greatest victories were won with the plow, not the sword.
The Mississippi/Missouri/Ohio basin is the largest area of prime farmland in the world.
The farmlands in Ukraine and Russia is bigger but many fields are not in use…Howe is the watersupply in the basin? Is there enough water to sustain the fields? Let’s hope there is…
Then why has the Central Valley of California, a fertile, flat region of 20,000 square miles, long been regarded as a leading breadbasket for the rest of the country?
Those Days Appear to Be Over…For Awhile.
The indigenous people of the US might disagree with this.
I often see indigenous folks wearing t-shirts saying, “Fighting terrorism since 1492.”
We also wear Custer Died For Your Sins
I don’t think that Russia is worried about their military operation getting dragged out.
The USA is totally powerless. Their only plan is to minimize their losses and to hide the extant of their loss from the Western public
Pres Putins speech:
text translated
Андрей. The German officials you mentioned are proof positive that only in the U$, or any of it’s lapdog states, can know nothings like Baerbock, etc., rise to such lofty positions. Of course when you are one of Klaus Schwab and his Davos crowd’s “Young Leaders,”such as
Baerbock, you don’t need to know what you are doing, just know how to play their game.
Putin was a Young Global Leader. Right from the fat mouth of Klaus Schwab.
Listen and learn :
Come on. I have said it a few times, but seemingly I have to say it again to those educated by the alt media.
When Schwab started this program, the cut of point was 38 years. Putin was already 41 at the time.
There is no evidence of this ‘award’ to Putin anywhere – excepting Schwab referred to it once in some obscure speech.
Go and take a look at this program’s actual participants. You will not find Putin anywhere.
Go and take a look at Putin’s history. This is mentioned nowhere – and it is an ‘award’.
Go and take a look at the many many alumni of this program. You will find Putin nowhere. He is not an alumnus and has never taken part.
It is generally accepted that Schwab wanted to catch some Putin rays and lied through his teeth (or his age got to him).
Can anyone do serious research? You wanna believe the Schwabby the lier, or you wanna believe Putin and his history. To me, there is no contest and those that keep pushing this meme are already part of the real uneducated deplorables.
It is too much eh. How many times more must I say this? Gilly, stop spreading this manure.
Well I will tell you a few things. I am not married to the idea and I literally pray it is not true.
I am reading with great hope the recent speeches provided by Putin in which he condemns the New World Order as a failed idea. Only time will tell. We will see where the chips fall and settle when this is over and done.
Apparently the WEF did have a profile page up on its site for Putin which has now been removed. That’s a good sign but not conclusive.
Russia was major player at the July, 2021 Cyber Polygon event put on by the WEF. Mikhail Mishustin attended and opened that event. Sverbank hosted it.
Why Russia has played along with the compulsory use of experimental vaccines behind a clearly fraudulent Covid scam is an open question. I would like the truth about that too.
I recognize that Russia has tried and tried to reach out and participate with the west on many levels in order to encourage normalization of relations. To avoid the situation we have now. So perhaps that is the simple explanation.
Precisely. Even my respect for Putin has grown over the years. I still find it disturbing not to have a clear answer to why Putin was a war criminal Kissinger protegee and seemingly a close friend if we can believe the signals.
It could of course be either Putin uses the tactics of keep your friends close and your enemies closer or he is playing a game which I for now do not understand.
Maybe it’s a “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” sort of thing.
Gilly, how about the idea that VVP’s intention with releasing Sputnik V 5 months before the depop mRNA stuff was to protect Russia’s traveling and native population because the Russian leadership had evidence of what was coming?
I don’t know I wish I did.
What I do know is they continue to push the same Covid propaganda as the west to this very day. Here is an excerpt and a link to a recent Sputnik article about the latest Russian vaccine:
“First-generation vaccines, whose action is mainly aimed at generating virus-neutralizing antibodies against S-protein epitopes, have played a huge role in containing the coronavirus infection epidemic,” FMBA head Veronika Skvortsova said earlier.
That is blatantly false and flies in the face of current data from Scotland, England, Canada, Israel, Singapore, Gibraltar on and on. Wherever you can get data it tells the same story. The rate of “fully vaccinated” per 100k testing positive, being hospitalized, and dying in Scotland and England has become so obvious that they have literally announced they are going to stop publishing it. So the so-called vaccines have in no way played a “huge role” in containing anything. On the contrary.
Why do they play this game at all? Sucking up to the WHO and facing delays and roadblocks from them as well as from the EU, US, and the rest of the criminal racketeers in the club. Why not just call the whole thing out?
Everybody wants to participate and belong and make money, I know.
You only have to read some of nat rothschild twatter posts to see how that family feel about putin now. He has put putin into cuba category. And yes a WEF mission was to open in moscow this year or next. That has been revoked. Putin has surely messed their plans up for the digital fed rollout. splitting the world into a new monetary system was bound to upset the owners of the existing system.
Funny how enough missed opportunities leads to a world war, like it was all destined to take place somehow.
The dream was really a nightmare, the politician was really a crook,
the education was really a tyranny, the businessman was really a thief,
the friend was really a foe, and now we have no where to go,
and who would have really knowed
“Only time will tell.”
Time doesn’t tell, it is interpreted by people using various modes of evaluation.
Time and its contents are changed by the interactions of people and other phenomena.
” I would like the truth about that too.”
You seek to assign a significance to yourself that others do not assign to you, hence you don’t have “the truth about that too” or likely ever will.
However exercise is a useful addition to any life style, even if this entails running around in circles.
May I say, Amarynth; your refutation of the Swaab smear is compelling and forceful.
I’ve heard this allegation before and always just assumed it was a young, inexperienced up-and-comer Putin who has since realized his error.
Reading your arguments, Amarynth, has converted me from a person not overly concerned about the WEF slander into someone who now knows now that it is false. Thank you.
And thank you Gilli, for enabling Amarynth to show us her goods.
It is the mystery to me why those serial liars always have always more supporters than truthsayers?
There must be the reason. Obviously they know how to lie. We do not know how they do it, but we do know they do it. We should discuss more this topic as finding antidote for mind-poison is of utter importance.
If not, problem will be solved by old school way. West already reborn it and gave it flashy name “Cancel culture”.
Thank you for this, Amarynth. I’ll pass it along to anyone who brings it up. Even from the start, I realized that if Putin ever had any connection with this group of high class twits, he’d really gotten himself on its *hit-list since. But lots of people are pointing out here as you have that he would have had no chance to deal with them, and all we have is the word of this one highly imaginative, deceitful character.
amarynth, with respect, do you believe there is a global depop going on since late 2019, and that VVP’s steadfast leadership enabled the development and release of Sputnik V five months before the west’s mRNA concoctions of horror were released, to protect Russians and any other willing peoples from those jabs and also their deadly viral shedding effect? Note the EU and USA refuse Sputnik V distribution. I ask in anticipation the pentagon-run Ukie biolabs will be shedding many ugly truths soon that may help prove my theory.
A week after Crimea rejoined Russia, Jacob Rothschild said ” Vladimir Putin has betrayed the New World Order”. I think Mr. Putin strung them along and faked them out.
Putin trained as lawyer, and then as an intelligence officer, I suspect he can play along, discern the information he seeks, directly from the horses mouth, and then interpret and utilize that information as he sees fit within his core world view. If any other participants feel played by this interaction then most likely weren’t paying enough attention!
In the case of Crimea, Putin likely understood immediately that the Maiden Coup was all about the Russian naval fleet in Crimea. Without it, Russia’s southern flank is exposed. If the US had of snatched full control of Crimea, US naval vessels could approach farthest north of Black Sea, and be in Tomahawk missile range of Urals and Russian nuclear arsenal. To achieve that strategic advantage, for the price of a CIA coup, rather than through vastly expensive technical advances in missiles would have actually been relatively cheap. It was a big US gamble, but the US Neo-Cons are gamblers to the last. They failed. Which partly explains their fury and bitterness, played out in violence and hostility unleashed on the eastern Ukrainian civilians.
Martin Armstrong’s assessment of that claim rings true.
“Some are claiming that both Zelensky and Putin are Schwab’s Young Global Leaders. This is not true.”
‘In 1992, Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program was turned into the Forum for Young Global Leaders which was a 5-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles, Schwab’s authoritarian rule where he himself has a ZERO error tolerance in the WEF, his economic theories and nobody else, and his goals for the end of capitalism as we have known it. However, Schwab is also a marketer. He nominated existing career politicians with originally 43 that including Angela Merkel, He even nominated Putin. But these people DID NOT go through a 5-year indoctrinating process. This has been a marketing ploy on his part and then claims some people are his Young Global Leaders despite the fact they are by no means young nor are they just starting. Neither Zelensky nor Putin have undergone some 5-year program and Putin would never take any direction from Schwab – that I know for a fact. So let us set those rumors aside. Schwab was interested in promoting suitable future leaders for the emerging global society he intended to create. The program has since its inception has included politicians, business leaders, royalty so he could pitch that to young people who would be indoctrinated.’
This and Chinese WEF presence means less than it might seem. They see it as a PR platform. Just as lip service to ‘climate crisis’ while vetoing NATO attempt to link ‘climate’ to ‘security’.
No, he wasn’t, he was in the young KGB. Schwab (which banned Putin now from his forum) was just showing off. Putin simply partecipated in the WEF, where everyone was invited.
Just listen to the last Putin’s talk at the WEF, the one hold online during the pandemic about one year ago. (I doubt you still can find it). What Putin said is self explaining. It was as close as a declaration of war to the great reset as you could get that in such context.
In the US, we live in a “Pseudo Reality of the Bamboozle.”
The US #1 priority should be to protect the “reserve currency” status of the dollar. What do we have; high deficits, high inflation, and a weaponized dollar. Elect clowns, get a circus.
Andrei Martyanov, I want to let you know how much I appreciate your irony… your disbelief that the so-called leaders of the Empire be so ignorant of everything Russian… and of all the rest that matters fundamentally in life. Invariably, how you shake your head and wince in disbelief makes me burst out laughing.
In these stressful, unbearable times, YOU are indispensable!
Thank you ever so much.
The US and the Russophobes are barking up the wrong tree here, if they expect Xi to accommodate them and sell Russia out. I have been listening to a Polish YT channel where the host, who is not anti-Russian, explains the history and background of Xi and his family going back to WW2.
Basically, Xi owes his, and his family’s very existence to Russians, and he has not forgotten this gesture. His family has been sympathetic to Russia, so Xi will definitely not be throwing Russia under the bus. He knows who is the bad guy in this entire drama.
If the US regime wants to drag this out, it will end up being under attack by its own citizenry from all the economic privations that are coming for them all.
US vassal regimes, especially the E. European state-lets, are desperate and scared because they bet their existence and power on the US. What will happen when the US abandons them? SEE AFGHANISTAN.
I think there is another aspect of U.S. foreign policy that is a disaster and which also stems from the parochial mindset in Washington. The U.S. is picking fights with everybody around the world. As a superpower, the U.S. has gotten away with this– in the short term at least. In the long run these other countries will become stronger. These feuds just do not go away. The Russians know this because they have had to spend time and energy trying to diffuse ethnic conflicts such as the one between Armenia and Azerbaijan. If America had any sense, it would look at those conflicts and say, “We should avoid these situations”. Of course, they do not do this. Instead, they have been sowing the seeds of conflict with countries that hitherto had no gripes with America.
The real war is against their own Zone A citizens. Uncle Shmuel wants to create equality and equity in Zone A by reducing everyone to poverty.
High fuel prices are a feature, not a bug. They’ve been wanting to push people off of hydrocarbon fuels for decades.
Climate change is real in the same way covid is, sure it exists, but it’s not as dangerous as the “scientists” say, and the solutions are worse than the problem itself. Both Pelosi and Obama both bought expensive beach front property over the last few years. They have access to the best intelligence in the world. Do you think they would have bought those homes if the sea level was going to rise drastically in the short term?
Look at the whole price structure for beachfront property. Still very valuable. Do you think the banks would give loans for these properties if they were in imminent threat of submersion? The big banks also have access to the best information and the smaller banks follow their lead.
Climate change is an intractable problem because oil demand is fungible. If the US cuts its consumption other countries will just pick up the slack. There is too much money in the form of oil reserves for the world to walk away from. The people who own those trillions of dollars of oil reserves aren’t going to walk away from them.
The proper national response to climate change is to maintain their economic ability to mitigate its effects, which will likely be smaller and further off than the models say. Why? Because their models are always aggressive. Look at covid. If covid were as dangerous as the models predicted we wouldn’t be arguing about how dangerous it actually is.
Uncle Shmuel’s plan is to liberate the money and power of the remaining middle class into the upper class, and to reduce everyone else to equality through poverty.
Bill: “Did he die with Covid?” Phil: “Yes, and he had a co-morbid condition.” Bill: “What was his co-morbid condition?” Phil: “Shotgun wound to the chest.”
I love Andres point that in the west, especially US Britain and Canada, that the gripes and complaints of expats, -Russian malcontents and Ukrainian fascists- somehow amount to a believable narrative of Russia.Solzhenitsyn was a Vlasovite traitor and a habitual subversive…i have a soft spot for subversives, they can be the conscience of a people but in his case he simply hated whoever was in charge , wherever he went. He was welcomed in the US because he complained about the USSR (and told tall stores about it) but when that became boring for him he began working to undermine the US regime and was asked to leave…he is just a single example, and that one a liberal icon..The Ukrainian ex-nazis and their descendants who fled here after ww2 are far more numerous , have had a much greater impact and the narrative they spin has been woven into the western falsification of Russian history.
Coincidentally , Solz was also sent packing when he started talking badly about the Jews. Till then he was both the Anglo and Jewish Americans’ darling.
It’s a fact of life that there are people who’ll push and squeeze you to the limit, test your absolute resolve. On this occasion US-NATO have stepped way over even this limit, seemingly prepared to bet the House on a long-shot suicide mission.
That pet poodle EU threw or rather were coerced into betting what’s left of Europe’s family silver, semblance of independence, is a huge tell that they’re hooked up to the gills in US synthetic financial instruments, one full floor in the House of Cards.
The worry then is, when you’ve nothing to lose, the lunatic fringe of the Establishment come to the fore with half-baked ideas like using birds & insects to transfer unspeakable virus, plague & pathogen upon countries already concerned about their security to the extent of declaring full nuclear readiness.
Up until the Special Operation Russia had been in reactive mode, while anything less than proactive (loved, please more of the NATO Int. Peacekeeping Terror Training Base BLAST ) will only encourage the exceptionally deranged to continue to seek new provocations. Therefore, any future attack on Russian interests (I’d have included sanctions from the beginning, economic/social/psychological war ) shall be met with a deadly over the top response, the only language that will put a halt to US overexuberances.
US are big on defamation laws and yet the synchronised de-humanisation of Russia breaks all Race/International Relations/Laws, and like the precision strike on Ukraine Broadcasting Propaganda Tower, German, Polish, British and other fake propaganda towers are now fair-game. Why not?
Russian missile destroyed a Ukrainian military base in Nikolaev killing 100’s of soldiers..
I’m reading that the barracks held the 79th Airborne Brigade, who committed atrocities in Donetsk for 8 years.
Ukrainian soldiers, let this bombing be a message that you can understand: You Will Lose.
Dear Anton,
Not quite correct. They have already lost, and nobody can save them!
Ther is NO game plan.. now only CHAOS. The ORIGINAL plan was to overrun E Ukie, Crimea, Bela Russ and then collapse Russ. That’s why they pushed the ”.. Russian false flag coming.. actors, blood etc.. ” pre the Russ. strike. this to make their attack on E Ukie appear as a Russ. FF.
Is there a US plan ?
Perhaps, but it is one where the details are scant and its is reactive.
Its a fire a shell into a building scenario and lets see what happens and we will respond as things happens, cross our fingers and hope for the best – with acceptable losses of troops who get killed & injured.
Its one where it doesnt entirely control events, but events control it.
Like a chess game – they make the first move then see how things unfold.
And I dont think many running things really care as long as the money flows to those in the MIC and DC who want it.
Example – you only have to looking at how incompentent Richard Bissell (the so called Yale whiz-kid groomed to take over from Dulles) was in planning the 1961 Cuban Bay of Pigs operation. Failed to get intel on Cuban public support and landing sites were hopeless. And guys like him are still being hired.
Overall I have observed –
Specific plans usually fail and as such the west tends to make plans in a general direction which then results in things not turning out what they want or when they want and having to do a lot more than estimated.
Often the plans are made at short notice without much thinking, or too much thinking, and they end up a failure or an alternative outcome.
Many things are often just a river boat gamble. A Vegas crap shoot.
Because there are too many over confident incompetent ametuers running things.
They go ahead and hope for the best.
A lot of the CIA MI6 etc people arent very bright.
They make out they are, but its a PR pitch.
Thats why they had to make the 007 films to convince the public otherwise.
Private individuals who would never work for them out of morality issues are the ones who are the competent ones.
Then youve got drunks and drug addicts running things at various levels as another aspect of this.
And their political masters also arent bright either which means even if by chance they get it together and come up with a good plan it gets stopped or altered by those above.
The civil service in the west tends to employ second rate people in the main and this is why things go wrong – unlike Russia. The first rate people go to the private sector or refuse to work for them.
And this is why the US EU & UK is losing a lot the time.
In the current UKN situation you have the EU devils about 20 years ago having pushed the US under W Bush and Obama into their centuries old eastward expansion and the yankees have first sent in their domestic terrorist (Soros) to ferment internal UKN division, while a disjointed plan for military support was developed with a few troops/advisors and a chunk of weapons sent in, and some bio labs to look into that area. Nothing substantial has been sent so far because its dangerous to poke the Russian bear.
“A lot of the CIA MI6 etc people arent very bright.
They make out they are, but its a PR pitch.”
Whether they believe they are “bright” or not, both vectors are useful in facilitating useful foolery which they are loathe to recognise and hence replicate.
Great to video Andrei.
Andrei’s comments about the US never fighting on its own soil as opposed to Russia is a relevant point because as I have said many times before the US military is merely a running dog created by both EU UK interests to alleviate their need for large forces, and as in WW1 & WW2 be the backup force to come in and save them if their own ops fail. And the industrialists in the US MIC like this as it puts a $ in their hands.
The US public has never really woken up to this point.
If you look at the way WW1 and WW2 developed, the US only came in in 1917 & 1942 when the EU & UK forces got into trouble. Then they all figured out a way also to run Stalin and Russia into debt via Lend Lease supplies.
But the way things are shaping up there will be US domestic fighting going on soon with GOP States there breaking away from the DEM ones. Civil War 2 pending. So they will get to feel how Russia does soon.
Martyanov shares profound insights into the true sources of the motivation to fight on both sides. Martyanov is a very important voice. I’m sure I’ll feel marooned when the internet goes dark.
Funny how back in the ‘80s and as late as 2001, conservatives were gung-ho for kicking ass in Iraq and Palestine, then Syria. Now it has come to shift significantly. More traditional nationalists, understood to be red state voters, are more receptive to avoiding involvement in a Ukraine conflict. Decades of war has traumatized this segment of society.
Now, it’s the CIA Left, understood to be NPR and CNN listeners, who can’t get more shooting and bombing started fast enough. And the pathetic Reddit youth made their moms proud; nervous, but proud, until they all got pulverized in their bunks after a night out drinking with their “brothers.” Wait, what? We haven’t even logged in yet; how could we be dead already?
Relax and buckle up, LOL.
One thing any future Ukraine leadership will probably not be doing again any time soon once the dust settles: stealing Russian gas. You can’t just steal somebody’s stuff like that with impunity; that is reckless and irresponsible behavior. But no matter how reckless Unkie Shmuel behaves, he is not crazy enough to allow Ukraine into NATO; de facto, yes, of course, they’ve been doing it, but de jure, hell no. American leadership are not that stupid. Arm it to the teeth with nukes, biolabs, all-and-sundry WMDs, and aim it at the heart of Russia, but for heaven’s sake, don’t allow that monstrosity of a liability into NATO where it can do some serious damage!
My dear brother Andrei,
Thankyou for your posts. It has always been good to hear you.
I sense that, like me, you are feeling the immense pressure that we are suffering in these days from the hate campaign being waged by the USA and its allies against Russia.
So I want to say here that my prayers are with you and your friends and with Russia in this contest of wills.
God is on the side of Justice. And Russia is seeking justice. No more need be said.
Can I share with you Psalm 123 which was in my morning reading?
“I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, for we have endured no end of contempt. We have endured no end of ridicule from the arrogant, of contempt from the proud.”
Psalms 123:1-4 NIVUK
If God be with us, let us not fear the contempt and ridicule from the arrogant and proud.
Does the US have a plan?
The only plan the US can make is to fight Russia, if they don’t do that then the only alternative is to make a lot of noise. To fight Russia the US would first have to move troops and tanks to Europe, that will take at least 6 months minimum, and the US would have to rebuild its tank factories which it closed down. And while Russia was not prepared for WW1, and Russia was not prepared for WW2, Russia is definitely prepared for WW3. That, together with Russia’s now demonstrated inclination to take the fight to the enemy instead of waiting for the enemy to come to Russia means that Europe could be in for interesting times.
This war crimes trials seems to be a waste of time, just kill the Neo-Nazis, but the trials would do wonders for Russia itself. Once all the urban females in Russia hear about all the atrocities the Neo-Nazis committed against Russian females in Ukraine Putin’s ratings would reach 90% and the 5’th and 6’th columns in Russia won’t stand a chance, because most of their support is urban female LGBT types. So yes, bring on the war crimes trials in all its glory.
So no WW3 for at least 6 months, a lot can happen in 6 months.
This is interesting, the best way to neutralize a military is to gather them up in the same theater(s), and strike a couple days before their planned offensive.
I like the stratagy, the timing is a bit more difficult to determine but we will see the physical assets being moved into place as the deterant, that part is easy to see.
I’m tired of hearing about “ukrainian nazis” – they’re not national socialists. They’re the armed forces of khazarian mafia, nothing to do with national socialism a’la Hitler. The problem is the history of WWII is totally falsified.
And we’re tired of hearing all these dumb excuses. Digest that Hitler and the nazi movement were the armed forces of the ‘kazharian mafia’ (it’s a little more complicated) back then. And that their organizing, funding, line of propaganda etc came principally from the US. The Rockefeller had a big involvement in this. Also the black occult operation they were part of, was directed from elsewhere – and anyone today who still refuses to acknowledge certain signs regarding the unseen aspect of the nazi movement is blind as a bat. Or willing to be so.
So quit believing the nazis were some kind of heros, who simply became victims of ‘jew propaganda’ after the war! Get over it. And if you need heros and ideals, look elsewhere – history has plenty of such examples.
I may be wrong, but going by recent events in the region, the US Planned to already have Byelorussia in the bag, and Lukashenko gone, as well as Kazakhstan. Both these ventures turned to Rat shit soon after the get go, and were quickly nipped in the bud. Too thick to realise that the regime change game is up, or in some deluded way convinced of their own exceptionality, they’ve doubled down on UKN, and that, for them, is turning into a nightmare.
The Coming Partition of Ukraine.
To use the language of the banking community, Russia would thereby create a ‘bad bank,’ containing the poisonous assets of Ukrainian radicalism, very few industrial or other major economic assets, and removed to a distance no longer threatening to Russia. The ‘good bank’ would be central Ukraine, the territories east of the Dniepr River, which have a considerably larger population of Russian speakers, who should respond to Russia’s call to defend their own interests in the public life of the country and come out from the bullying they were subjected to by the nationalists over the past 8 years. This central Ukraine would receive back the Black Sea coast now occupied by the Russians and would enjoy the agricultural and other major economic assets that always defined Ukrainian prosperity. Presumably the Donbas republics would remain independent as the third part of a divided Ukraine. However, if central Ukraine is properly reconstituted with all due protection for minorities and with properly working federalism, there is no reason to exclude the possibility of the Donbas returning to the fold in the Ukraine east of the Dniepr. Their inclusion would greatly assist the balancing of language communities in the entire recombined state.
The aforementioned denouement is, of course, only one of many that may be floated in the weeks ahead as the Russians close their stranglehold on Ukraine’s main cities and bring closer the moment of truth, when the Ukrainian leadership has to decide whether or not to sue for peace on the victor’s terms.
Using a Khinzal against a distant ammo dump is definitely a demonstration for anyone who needed convincing.
Russia announced that it used its Khinzal, hypersonic ballistic missile for the first time in the conflict, to destroy an underground ammunition and missile storage facility in western Ukraine. The Khinzal missile travels more than Mach 10 and can penetrate any anti-ballistic defence system.
“Pepe Escobar
NATO chihuahuas are so terrified they can’t even yap yap yap after Mr. Khinzal dropped his first business card in Western Ukraine.”
Operational range, if launched from a MiG-31K: 2,000 km.
Mach 10: 13 times faster than a Tomahawk cruise missile
““Does the US have a plan?”
It has consistently been shown by testing hypotheses, that in a peer reviewed definition, the US never has a plan or a strategy, but do have beliefs, hopes and wishes.
Their latest hopes as has been the case from inception are for the continuation of the coercive social relations self-misrepresented as “The United States of America” not wholly contintigous with a temporary construct of the same name, have extended half-lives – some realising that sustainability is no longer a viable long-term option predicated on linear change – and to facilitate their remaining days in the sun through increased levels of appropriating the benefits of others as food sources and human shields through encouragement of mass psychogenic illnesses.
As to the specifics of their wishes, there are many modes of communication including implementation, which are often aided by lack of communication, as is the case in this context.
In the sense that Papillion had a ‘plan’, a foreign object keistered for safe keeping, Yes.
“In the sense that Papillion had a ‘plan’,”
No, you are mistaken.
Like the US, Papillion and other fluttering butterflies,had a hope that this time he/they would be “lucky”; such acceptance of the “fates” often following previous frustrations of attempting to formulate a plan in order to escape through a closing or closed window.
In some Chinese circles this forms a gambling game of great vintage.
In various matters this reflects present moments in the trajectories of the opponents.
In existential matters, hopes are often facilitators of non-existence, and a preparation for the acceptance of such non-existence, as illustrated in many human deaths, where hopes sometimes mutuate into beliefs for solace.
“As to the specifics of their wishes, there are many modes of communication including implementation, which are often aided by lack of communication, as is the case in this context.” :
, since some come not to reform Caesars or be Caesars, but to transcend them, and the coercive social relations which facilitate them, with the aid of a modicum of Caesars own encouraged complicity, encouragement in the Chinese gambling game often being seen to be evidence of “cheating” by the players.
WATCH: Russian Forces Destroy Ukrainian Sabotage Unit on American Vehicles With Precision Weapons
“The video shows a strike on a reconnaissance and sabotage unit of the Ukrainian armed formations, carrying out reconnaissance and search operations on four US-made all terrain military vehicles. After the strike with precision missile weaponry, the group was destroyed,” the defence ministry said.
The sabotage group was transported in US-made Humvees military vehicles, the ministry added. The filming was carried out from a drone.”
The israeloamericans do have a strategy. Wear down their opponents who are too strong for them to outright conquer. Work to destabilize them internally, isolate them externally. These far right capitalist creatures have been very successful in this strategy up until now. The current hysterival demonization of Russia currently is very much part of it. It was part of it in the zio-media during israel’s reagan regime in the 1980’s.
The israeloamericans are not military strategists, they are capitalist oligarchs, who hire people to do their bidding. Up till now, the things have been very successful maintaining their dominance. The full “spectrum dominance” strategy is very visible here. Dominance and aggression in every aspect short of direct military confrontation with Russia. It hasn’t been working on the ground so well recently, the coups recently mostly failed.
The israelioamerican strategists work from a plan that has been successful, when it is not, they tweek it. These are not independent thinkers doing this work, they are conformist rightwingers incapable of much thought “outside the box”. They are zionist/nazi mentality critters, obsessed with power. Psychopaths.
US Considering Disconnecting Russia From GPS – Space Agency Head Rogozin
“”Do you know that today, within the framework of sanctions, the United States is considering the possibility of disconnecting Russia from GPS? Do you know about this? You don’t. But I can tell you that such an issue is being considered”, Rogozin said during a visit to the Rocket and Space Center “Progress”.
This would not impact Russia much, however, as the country has its own analog to GPS – the GLONASS system, Rogozin said, adding that any smartphone in use in Russia is already connected to GLONASS.”
“Is we learning our children?” – An alternative Title for this article.
MoD: Russia’s Kinzhal Hypersonic Missiles Destroy Ukrainian Military Depot
This and the comment I wrote a few minutes ago are from:
“The Russian armed forces used Kinzhal hypersonic missiles for the first time during the special military operation in Ukraine, destroying a military depot of Ukrainian troops, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Saturday.”
I highly value your analytic videos and comments about the interna of Russian and US military politics, however I would be very cautious about claims of utter stupidity of US forces. In the end they succeeded to cripple the USSR, take over all of Europe and control the world.
So caution is necessary to deal with the current situation. Despite all the western bullsh*t propaganda about shortcomings and failures of the Russian army in Ukraine, like on Sky News, BBC or France24, they indeed have a point in saying that Russian ground troops have been overrated and were more a myth than reality. Any vigilant observer with military background can see some severe tactical failures when columns of vehicles are sent into cities or along rural roads without any air protection or scouts who secure the area beforehand. I am more than flabbergusted to see single tanks being blown to bits by those Ukrainian Bayraktar drones like in a cheap video game. Why are these armed drones still around is beyond my understanding and why is there no air cover for the ground troops? Where are accompanying Pantsirs for every bataillon or compagnie? How come that so much good equipment is left in the field due to rotten tires, poor maintenance or simply no gasoline left in the tank? There needs to be some drastic accountability in the Russian army for these really stupid failures.
Every time a tank or truck is unnecessarily destroyed due to missing air protection, some valuable lifes are terminated and a Russian commander should be held accountable. Maybe some Russian generals are less battle-proven and more Champagne sipping lounge generals like those in the Pentagon. These retired Pentagon generals are talking every night on TV shows but in the end they sound more and more realistic in their opinion about the Russian army.
Historians say that during WWII, the kill ratio of German tanks to Russian tanks was 1:9, thus the Russian losses were 9 times higher and the Red Army only won because they had “endless” supply of tanks and people as cannon fodder, which the Germans did not have. It seems to me that not much has changed. Saddening, indeed.
You have failed in defend yourself from the propaganda, nothing like reach your objectives in 4 to 5 days, then going methodical like in syria and be called in the west a failure and an incompetent, also I have seen 20 to 30 fake videos of ukranian equipment called russian, you don’t comprehend the scope of the Psychological Operation.
Oh yes, I do comprehend the PsyOps from the western media. Most of the western media repors are complete bullsh*it, full of polemic hate against all Russian and there are A LOT of fake videos taken from another time era and another place and also photos of captured tanks where Ukrainian insignia were photoshopped to the Russian “Z”.
Nevertheless from my experience a long time ago there were never major convoys without air cover/mobile anti-aircraft batteries and always scouts screening enemy terrain before entering it. The fact alone that total anihilations of Russian tanks by these pesky Bayraktar drones were filmed in all convenience by other drones makes me wonder whether Russian military hasn’t studied the disastrious drone strikes in Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
I am not even talking about that bizarre immobile 30 miles long parked convoy north of Kiev that was the topic of US media for days. That was beyond surreal. Western long-range gun batteries with precise satellite support would have been shooting Russian turkeys all day long. And Ukraine definitely has satellite support from the CIA and Pentagon, which is now confirmed.
Anyways, let’s see how long that special operation will go on and when Zelensky “declares victory” (i.e. lost the war). The Zelensky regime is very effective in media skills and highly dangerous.
Hello Max.
Much has changed in the world in the past 80 years. America was at that time a country that had a cultural identity. It no longer does. We generally don’t have a will to fight, kill and die when there are not values to defend. The concept of patriotism has little to no meaning.
This is not necessarily a bad thing if you are a brown person on another continent whose house sits above hydrocarbons in the ground below.
I don’t know if Russian youth have much fight in them either. I suspect that much of that generation is screen addicted, couch lounging plankton too.
That’s exactly the situation in Europe (minus Switzerland, Lichtenstein and some others). The citizens are programmed by the media to abandon their love of motherland, nationality, identity and religion. After the influx of millions of Africans even the TV and media commercials completely changed. Now you see in almost every second shop window, TV commercial etc. a black person and they are positioned on the front as the main person in commercials. We are being trained to accept them as native people or even people with preferential treatment. Any doubts and you are called a racist and worse. A comment about this in European comments sections and you are cancelled and blocked.
Same in the military. In Germany, France and Belgium for example an increasing part of muslims and Africans are joining the army. They don’t care about the country they live in since they have no connection to it. In Germany or France more and more police officers, soldiers and emergency crews are muslims who support each other, but not the population. They don’t care about the “natives” and they certainly would not put their loyalty to their employer. Politicians only care about the EU and its polit functionaries who are not even democratically elected, but appointed in backroom meetings.
Most of the European armies are totally disfunctional, understaffed, underequipped and mostly on their way in old, defective vehicles or planes, if.. they have any in working order.
And I don’t even want to comment on all those transgender LGBTQ soldiers and their “special needs”.
The professor of Russian history at Princeton gives a great analysis of Ukraine problems –
So, when this plan fails, what is the US’s next operation, since it seems like they now have thrown everything short of open warfare at Russia? Do they get itchy to launch nuke attack?
Love this man! He is of course correct about our military and our people. Never fighting for their own country, only fighting for occupation of another. Disgusting and pathetic that these young men the “Reddit Warriors” are so brainwashed as to go to Ukraine to fight Russians but would never consider protecting our own borders. That would be racist.
In addition, Mr. Martynov stating that the American military leaders and politicians “don’t know Russia, don’t know their enemy”. This is obvious. They don’t care to know them. Even though it would be beneficial, they are so bloody arrogant they think they needn’t bother. The same ole’ playbook. Just bomb the shit out of them and their problem is solved. Not this time. I also think if the US attempts to interfere in any real way with Taiwan, they will also be in for a BIG surprise.
Below an interesting interview of Igor Strelkov. Despite being accused by many as being an incompetent fool, he nevertheless has a few valid points and a good summary of what went totally wrong with this operation in Ukraine:
I gather his principal point is that war fighting IN your own country affects the national psyche–Russian territory has been soaked with blood for centuries and the US lacks this baptism of fire. This is true but only to a point. In addition to the civil war there was also the Mexican war(s) And there was also the Indian wars–and Indians love to kill/rape/burn/rob.
Yes this was all a long time ago. The American psyche is dominated by compete total narcissism. And remember the reason the US hates Russia is because it is largely a Caucasian/Christian country that hold traditional values. The US is angry because Russia will not join the cultural/national suicide pack of the west.
I had questioning already developped the idea,, that, Putin by a long-term-plan of USA,had been jostled – like in a drive hunt – into a trap, that was impossible to avoid. I have studied Putin enough (like all the other important politicians) to know, that he is not a hazadeur,, neither a brutal one. I have seen twice real tears in his eyes, hardly kept back, in face of brutal crimes. I can lay odds that he hates fascists and cruelty from his deepest heart. Your apt explanations about the goals of USA has helped me now, to understand more about the situation. Thank you very much. I am very fond of your analysis. It is giving some hope.
Good luck from a tiny bit of Germany ! Sine
We greatly admire Russia’s modern warfare and how it’s being used to ferret out the Ukrainian Neo-Nazies.
However, history tells us that “war” is a very expensive activity that can easily lead nations into abject bankruptcy.
From a practical standpoint, then, how long can Russia maintain its firepower before it goes broke?
Russia has huge stores (listen to Martyanov’s video)
and she is using a small part of her military
Dear Mr Andrei,
Noticed from your last post you getting weary. Thought take a moment to acknowledged the value of your blog. This site is what the internet was supposed to be like, and we were once promised as the new dawn for citizen and diversified media web content back in the 2000’s. I come here for straight forward analysis, key translations from the Russia MoD, that I cannot read myself in Russian, and a guide to their meanings. You also publish analysis by always worth reading commentators, such as Escobar and Magnier, and provided introductions to more authors such as Orlov. This blog is an oasis of rational and non hysterical information for me in the west, who live in an absurdly OTT and hyperbolic media world. I view your blog regularly from Australia. That said, we your audience do recognize it’s a lot of work to maintain and constantly update a quality blog like this, and respect and appreciate your efforts. If you need a break, at this time of intense NATO vs Russia information warfare, it’s not surprising. Wadding through NATO mud slinging is exhaustion. But never for a moment doubt the great value of what you are providing for free on this website, especially for us in west who are trapped in a ever more lockstep and dishonest MSM (dis)information nightmare.
All the best, an be good sir!
Does the US have a plan? The US plan hasn’t changed in 4 decades. Dominate through economic power, threaten or destroy weak nations with military power, and subvert target nations through lies, propaganda, proxy forces and co-option of local elites. The US mastered, nay virtually invented, modern continental war between 1861 and 1865. Continental warfare is not difficult to understand. It is irrelevant to the way The Empire does business. Do US methods of subversion and economic dominance work? Well it’s how the US has controlled East Asia, Africa, and post-Soviet Eastern Europe for decades–in the case of Latin America, for over a century. And it nearly destroyed Russia prior to Putin. It is the standard methodology of US Empire. Russian military victory has never been in doubt by anyone. Certainly not by the behind the scenes people who put this effort together for The Empire. Will US subversion work in the case at hand? Likely not, thank goodness. But the reason is not because Russia is unique militarily, historically or culturally. It is because it has China at its back.
This reminds of “Pig Killer’s” statement during the escape from the Thunderdome facility. Max asked him what the plan was. His reply:
“Plan? There ain’t no plan!”