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Search Results for "jeff brown"

Jeff B. Brown interviews Douglas Valentine on China Rising Radio Sinoland: the CIA is global capitalism’s secret gangster army

  Pictured above: Douglas Valentine telling us what the headlines really mean, in his must-read book, “The CIA as Organized Crime”. Crosslinked (with SoundCloud and YouTube interview) at: I am truly honored to have Douglas Valentine on the show today and would like to thank Dr. T.P. Wilkerson, whom I recently interviewed, for putting us in touch. Doug is the author of the five works of non-fiction:

Jeff J. Brown reviews “The Essential Saker”

The Essential Saker: from the trenches of the emerging multipolar world, by The Saker (2015, Nimble Pluribus, 616 pages, ISBN-10: 1608880583, ISBN-13: 978-1608880584) By Jeff J. Brown. Cross-linked with 44 Days. The Saker and I have some key commonalities. We are both older than younger. Until later in life, we both led status quo lives, with socially acceptable jobs. We believed that what our leaders, governments, teachers and bosses were

Saker interview with Jeff J. Brown

Foreword by the Saker:  Just as I was about to publish this interview with Jeff J. Brown, I got the following email for Larchmonter445: Yang, the man in glasses next to the woman interpreter, is top Councillor for Foreign Policy and often deals as a second Foreign Minister. They hide his importance by describing his portfolio as less than his actions and interactions. He is a brain on policy

Here comes China: The world rotated one more time

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog The world rotated one more time since the last report on China. So, what do we know? China is rock-solid behind Russia in all of Russia’s objectives, and in some instances, up ahead. It almost seems as if an agreement was, if not stated, then understood. Russia will do the shootin’ for now, and China will keep the economic boat afloat. We see consistent

Button up yer bungholes boys n’ girls, cuz Baba Beijing is bringing on the badass

by Jeff Brown Crosslinked with: Pictured above: Badass Baba Beijing making America’s bald eagle feel the pain. The United States does not have bamboo forests. China has thousands of square kilometers of them. What’s an American eagle doing there? Uncle Sam, you’re out of range and outclassed in this neck of the woods. Time to dust off your feathers and get the heck out. Go home and

Petro-yuan is the newest weapon for the China-Russia-Iran anti-USD alliance

by Jeff Brown for The Saker blog Crosslinked with: Pictured above, the currency symbols for the old Spanish peseta and the Chinese yuan. Maybe Baba Beijing can synthesize the two of them into a cooling looking petro-yuan logo. After 25 years of dreams, planning, rumors and testing, the Chinese petro-yuan is now official. Right now, almost all global oil trade is conducted in US dollars, using two

A review of Godfree Roberts’ yin-yang Xi-Trump crystal ball predictions. Moscow-Beijing Express on The Saker

by Jeff Brown for the Saker blog Cross-linked with: Love, hate, war, peace, the good, the bad and the ugly? Let’s see how Godfree Roberts’ crystal ball performed last week. The day before US President Donald Trump (DJT) arrived in Beijing, November 8-10, for meetings with Chinese president Xi Jinping (XJP), I had Dr. Godfree Roberts on the China Rising Radio Sinoland show to make his predictions

World SITREP September 21, 2016 by Baaz

RUSSIA Russia Deploys Flagship Aircraft Carrier To Syria Coast 30 Israeli, Foreign Intelligence officers, killed in Russia’s Caliber missile attack in Aleppo, several U.S., Turkish, Saudi, Qatari, British officers were also neutralized Black Sea fleet to annihilate adversary at its bases SU-34 The new Russian armored bomber will revolutionize battlefield Putin popular in US, no surprise he comes up in election – Russian UN envoy Churkin   The economic sabotage in

World SITREP June 18th, 2016 by Baaz

RUSSIA Chechnya: Republic Of Contrasts (RT Documentary) Russia’s Republic of Chechnya has undergone a revival after two military operations in its recent post-Soviet history. Today, the region is home one of the largest mosques in Europe, hosts international celebrities and even is trying its hand at high fashion. We explore this republic of contrasts to look at how the Chechen people have struck a balance between tradition and modernity. More

Xi Putin honeymoon over-now it’s time to make the marriage last long term

Outside of Eurangloland, these two presidents are the hopes and dreams of a fairer, more just world. Now, they’ve got to make sure their excellent working relationship transcends their eventual retirement, so that the China-Russia marriage will last for the rest of the 21st century. (Image by The Xi-Putin honeymoon is over-now it’s time to make the China-Russia marriage succeed long term The Moscow-Beijing Express By: Jeff J. Brown

The Middle East and US global power: Fossil Fuel- Lifeblood of the American Empire

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog Summary Among all of the events shaping post-civil war US economic development, one of the most prominent was the establishment of Standard Oil by John D. Rockefeller in 1870. Working with other US industrialists, along with domestic and international financial and banking interests, including the Rothschild’s London banking cartel, Standard oil decedents have dominated the fossil fuel industry and shaped US economic and social

US economic decline and global instability Part 3: Money printing, debt and increasing international isolation

by Phillyguy for The Saker Blog October 31, 2022 Summary The international news cycle has been dominated by the war in Ukraine, mounting tensions in the Taiwan strait and Middle East, rising inflation and high cost of energy and severe economic problems confronting the EU. Much less attention has been focused on what are the primary forces driving all of this? I believe this is a direct consequence of the

Reflections on the Coup in Ukraine – 2014-2022

By Francis Lee for the Saker blog Part I Victor Yanukovich was elected President of the Ukraine in 2010 narrowly defeating Yulia Timoshenko with 49% of votes cast to Timoshenko’s 45%. The Ukrainian Presidential term of office lasts for five years. Yanukovich’s party, the Party of the Regions, together with its coalition partner, the Communist party of the Ukraine, also had a majority in the Ukrainian Parliament, with Mykola Azarov

Here Comes China: Xi Jinping’s speech, Major geo-political events, Joint naval patrol, Shangri-La was a novel

by Amarynth for the Saker Blog There has been a slight pause in these sitreps. This writing became overshadowed with current events, fully covered in the Saker Blog by other writers.  Because of length, we will upgrade this one today from sitrep to guest analysis. A shortlisting of four major events since the Sitrep paused: 1.Meng Wanzhou’s triumphant return to China and a win against the Long Arm of the

Here comes China: BRICS, The Dollar Bite, Power, Common Prosperity and The Real Mao Zedong story

BRICS As both President Putin and H.E. Xi Jinping attended the 13th BRICS Summit together, one could surmise that BRICS is either being propped up, or there are some new plans for this initiative that seem troubled in the last number of years. Here is Xi Jingping’s speech: Advance BRICS Cooperation to Meet Common Challenges Together Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China At the

Here comes China: Afghanistan, 7 Deadly Sins, Space, Common Prosperity

Afghanistan is where the eyes of the world are. In my view, and according to the Chinese media and commentary, China is the inheritor of Afghanistan in terms of possible rebuilding of the country (finance, economy, industry, and trade) and also to ensure that a terrorist problem does not threaten across the border with China. The jury is out in terms of the trajectory here. China though has its embassy

Sitrep: Here Comes China: Great Chinese Firewall, Governance, Space and Spinach.

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China. You can get it here: Further selections and editorial and geopolitical commentary by Amarynth. America outperforms the Great Chinese Firewall. We know now why China has the Great Chinese Firewall.  It is like a gated community to keep western plunderers out.  Its that simple.  Daniel Dumbrill comments on the seizing of Iranian domains vis a vis the Great Chinese

Sitrep China : Smörgåsbord of notable international data points (and a little opium war)

Selections from Godfree Roberts’ extensive weekly newsletter: Here Comes China.   You can get it here: Further selections and editorial commentary by Amarynth:  I am looking for a little help for the Saker Blog and this regular sitrep specifically:  an analyst that can analyze or even just educate on the Chinese military weaponry complex.  What do they have, why and what are they working on?  If you have the
