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Search Results for "Donbass Ukraine video"

Tanks for Nothing: NATO Keeps On Demilitarising Itself in Ukraine

by James Tweedie for the Saker blog It has been said often over the past year, most recently by Emmanuel Todd, that the conflict in Ukraine is “existential” for Russia. Certainly, the Great Bear cannot abide a NATO ballistic missile launchpad just 300 miles from Moscow in a country run my rabidly-Russophobic Nazis — not neo-Nazi skinhead cosplayers but the literal descendants of the real deal. But others have argued

The Ukraine is committing “suicide by cop”

Yesterday I received an email from a Ukrainian friend of mine.  By “Ukrainian” I mean that his culture and self-identity is Ukrainian, he loves his heritage, speaks the language and loves his country.  In fact, he is what I would call a “real Ukrainian” as opposed to the Ukronazis in power in Kiev.  We correspond regularly and exchange opinions on what is taking place.  Here is an excerpt of what

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine, New York

Esteemed Ms Chairperson, Your Excellencies, Colleagues, As I understand it, today’s meeting was motivated by a striving to discuss the issue of “impunity” in Ukraine. I consider this to be timely. This term fully reflects what has been taking place in that country since 2014. At that time, nationalist radical forces, overt Russophobes and neo-Nazis came to power there because of an armed coup, with direct support from the Western

Blackout in Ukraine. Subway stopped in Kharkiv. The reaction of Zelensky and the other crazies. “Determined” reactions from our side

translated by A. for the Saker blog source: Does a series of precision strikes on the critical infrastructure marks a new stage in the tactics of conducting Russian “Limited Military Operation” in Ukraine? The aftermath of one of the hits at critical infrastructure facilities in Kharkiv (CHP-5): URGENT APPEAL OF ZELENSKY TO THE NATION  😏 At first it was like this: Missile  launch from the Black Sea at

Russia’s top diplomat, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, talks with RT’s editor-in-chief, Margarita Simonyan in an exclusive interview about the challenges Russia faces amid the Ukraine conflict

Highlights as seen by Pepe Escobar: 🇷🇺The highlights of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Sputnik and RT: 🔹The EU is forced to make amendments to sanctions against Russia as they have exceeded their potential; 🔹Russia is not happy about energy issues that Europe is currently facing, but “will not worry about it too much”; 🔹Western countries are trying to drag UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres into their “games” around

Russia’s Necessary and Legal Military Response to US/ NATO Aggression in Ukraine

By Maria Gritsch for the Saker Blog Evidence shows that Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine is a legally justified, critically necessary, and predictable response to the US’ recent escalation of its decades-long aggression against Russia in Ukraine–militarily, in the international corporate media, in cyberspace, and in the political-economic arena.  The US’ hostile actions against Russia were summarized in a 2019 US-Army funded RAND Corporation blueprint for “Over Extending and

So How Serious is Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Romance?

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog In the history of civilization, Politics has more often than not, been a matter reduceable to the question of “whose side are you on?” Granted it is not an easy affair to discern what most-nearly approaches truth in the fog of “the present.” Hindsight is 20/20 they say, although that is also not entirely true, for the interpretation of history is just another

Sitrep Operation Z: Two very bad days for the Ukraine & The Big Refuse

For the Saker Blog by Saker Staff This is too good not to be credited to Brian Berletic: The United States (and small collective west) is refusing to choose the option that makes sense. This option is coexistence with the rest of the world. Their objective of maintaining primacy over the rest of the world is no longer attainable. The Big Refuse is of course Lloyd Austin demanding that Russia

Can NATO Re-Arm Ukraine?

Kiev is Losing Stuff Faster than the West can Send it by James Tweedie for the Saker Blog The stated aims of Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine include the de-Nazification and demilitarisation of the Kiev regime. In opposition, the NATO member states led by the US are arming the Ukraine and its Nazi battalions, while sending thousands of “volunteers”, “advisors” and other mercenaries to fight with the aim of

A disturbing trend in the Ukraine

By Nat South for the Saker Blog This article provides an overview into a deeply disturbing trend in Ukraine, one that started in 2014, that has accelerated and intensified since 24 February 2022. Extrajudicial killings, harassment, arbitrary detentions by men in camouflaged uniforms, beatings and disappearances continue to take place on a regular basis in Ukraine.  Most of the detentions and disappearances are often carried out by the Ukrainian Security

One month into the Russian special operation in the Ukraine

The Beast woke up in pitch darkness And the price was named to God. Everybody has caved in – even our brothers in Christ, Everything has caved in – but not my country. (translated lyrics from the song “Donbass is with us”) First, the official version First, here is a machine translated summary of events following one month of combat operations as posted by Boris Rozhin (aka Col. Cassad): 1.

The many “great coming outs” triggered by the war in the Ukraine

Dear friends, For four weeks now we have been discussing the Russian special military operation in the Ukraine and most of what we looked at was happening either in the Ukraine proper or near it.  I did mention plenty of time that “this is not about the Ukraine, this is about the future collective security arrangement of Europe“, which is true.  But even that does not show the full picture. 

Boris Rozhin – detailed discussion of the situation in the Ukraine

Note by Andrei: Boris Alexandrovich Rozhin blogs under the alias Colonel Cassad.  He is based in Crimea and reports about the events in the Ukraine on a daily basis.  I don’t necessarily agree/endorse everything he said here (or elsewhere) and I don’t share his ideological views (he is a Communist).  In in the interview he just gave to a Russian outlet he gives a lot of interesting information.  So what

Russian special military operation in the Ukraine – Day 19

The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all accounts the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or

Day 6 – Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? (not a joke!)

This question was asked by some pressitute while Biden was walking to his helicopter today: Mr President, is Ukraine winning the war? Wow, just wow.  Either she fully believes it, and then WOW or she doesn’t and then WOW again. This is a “Let’s Go Brandon” on a geostrategic level! :-) By the way, she followed up with a question about whether he worried about a nuclear war. I think

Russian operation in the Ukraine – end of day 2

Today was only day two of the Russian military operation.  And yet, what a day it was!!! First, a quick update on the progress of Russian forces.  Here is a bulletpoint summary for today: Kherson: liberated Nikolaev: fighting taking place in outskirts Konotop: taken by Russians Chernigov: blocked by all sides by Russian forces Melitopol: surrounded Mariupol: is under attack, street fighting Severodonetsk: under attack Kharkov: very heavy mopping up

Evening update about the Donbass (Feb. 20th 00:00 MSK)

First, here is a machine translation of a summary of developments by Boris Rozhin: 1. The standard positional war with shelling continued on the front line today. The UAF recognized 2 dead and 4 wounded in a day. They also showed a staged race of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine against the background of artillery shelling. The frontline settlements of the DPR and LPR were

LPR exhumes over 90 victims of Ukraine in Pervomaisk

by GH Eliason for the Saker Blog On August 11th, 2021, Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) embarked on a historic endeavor that will become national benchmarks in their existence. Both countries began opening mass graves on their territories created by non-stop shelling and mortar attacks against their cities and people. They proposed to locate the victims and identify them through genetic testing. Samples could then be

Ukraine redux: war, Russophobia and Pipelineistan

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times Ukraine and Russia may be on the brink of war – with dire consequences for the whole of Eurasia. Let’s cut to the chase, and plunge head-on into the fog of war. On March 24, Ukrainian President Zelensky, for all practical purposes, signed a declaration of war against Russia, via decree No. 117/2021. The decree establishes that retaking

Is the Ukraine on the brink of war (again)?

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] Just a few weeks ago I wrote a column entitled “The Ukraine’s Many Ticking Time Bombs” in which I listed a number of developments presenting a major threat to the Ukraine and, in fact, to all the countries of the region. In this short time the situation has deteriorated rather dramatically. I will therefore begin with a short recap of what is
