This column was written for the Unz Review:
Just like European maps place Europe in the center of the planet, so do most western commentators look at the past year from a US/Europe-centered perspective. Which is fair enough. Furthermore, the AngloZionist Empire has just suffered two major disasters, the Brexit and the election of Trump, so there is truly much interesting to focus on. Still, what I want to do today is to look at the year which is ending from a Russian perspective. The following were the major challenges Russia faced in 2016:
- The Nazi regime in Kiev
- The civil war in the Donbass
- Ukrainian attempts to blockade Crimea
- The rabid hostility of the US Administration
- NATO’s policy of military confrontation in Europe
- The united European front against Russia
- Western sanctions, the subsequent drop in investments and credit and the low oil prices
- The growing dissatisfaction of the Russian people with the economic polices of the government
- The struggle against the “liberal” 5th column inside Russia
- The international aggression against Syria
- The demonization of Russia in general and of Vladimir Putin in particular
- Terrorist attacks against Russia
Let’s take these one by one now and score them:
The Ukraine 5/5
The Nazi occupied Ukraine is in free fall. In fact, it has been in free fall for a while already, but just like somebody jumping from the 40th floor of a building is doing “okay” passing by the 20th floor, so did the Ukraine still have the possibility to say “so far so good” and look halfway credible to the superficially informed. Now, however, it is becoming rather obvious that the so-called “Revolution of dignity” (which is how the Neonazis call the coup against Yanukovich) is an abject failure and that the “Independent Ukraine” is simply beyond rescue. The ruling class which came to power now is falling apart, everybody is fighting everybody else and there is no other discernible policy left beyond personal enrichment and survival. As for the “Joan of Arch of the Ukraine” and “Hope of the Ukraine” – Nadezhda Savchenko – she is now denounced as a traitor and FSB agent. Forbes is now running an article entitled “Corruption is killing Ukraine’s economy” while a former Ukrainian lawmaker has passed recordings of Poroshenko taking bribes to the FBI. As for the Ukrainian military, which Poroshenko has recently advertised as one of the 5 best in the world, it has only mustered enough forces to send one company size infantry force supported by 2 tank platoons to attack the Novorussian positions near Debaltsevo before getting them all killed. The situation of the Ukrainian military is so bad that they are now forced to use private cars to get to the frontlines and to evacuate the wounded. Yes, on paper the Ukrainian military is huge, but in reality it is a force which has a hard time surviving even before going into battle. Last but not least, the entire Nazi ruling elite has thrown its fully political weight behind Hillary while pouring scorn and vitriol against Trump. To say that they are now screwed would be an understatement. Hence the wind of utter panic now taking over Kiev.
The Donbass 3/5
The Russian policy in the Donbass (non-occupation combined with overt and covert support) was clearly the correct one: the DNR and LNR are getting stronger while the Nazi occupied Ukraine is going down the tubes, vide supra, as they say. There have however also been clear failures and the two main ones are the Russian inability to stop the constant shelling and attacks on civilians from the Nazis and the Russian failure to establish security inside the two republics. If the first failure can be excused (there is no magic recipe to make that happen), the second one is inexcusable as seen by the murder of several key Novorussian figures. Furthermore, the situation in the Donbass remains very difficult and potentially dangerous. In the big scheme of things, Russia did very well, but as soon as you look down to the more detailed level many mistakes and failures become apparent. Still, it is now obvious to any decently informed person that time is now (and has always been, really) on the side of the Novorussians as every passing day makes them stronger and the Ukronazis weaker.
Crimea 5/5
The Urkonazis tried everything, from blockading the peninsula, to cutting off water and electricity, to sending terrorist infiltrators. This gave Russia the opportunity to “save” Crimea from the Ukraine over and over and over again. It is pretty darn clear that the Ukronazis have long given up of ever getting back Crimea and that all that is left to them are mostly ineffective ways to try to make the people of Crimea miserable thereby, of course, only strengthening their resolve. Initially there were some people in Crimea who where not quite convinced that the nightmare was really over and that Russian truly meant business (especially with all the rumors about “Putin selling out”). But now that the Russians have to put major efforts in shielding Crimea from the Ukronazi attempts at blockading it those doubts have disappeared. Crimea’s future looks extremely bright: not only is the Russian state pouring in billions of Rubles for huge infrastructural improvement and the deployment of a very large and advanced military force, but the prospects for tourism and trade are also excellent.
The United States 5/5
The credit for the election of Donald Trump goes first and foremost to the American people to whom I sincerely believe the entire planet owe a heartfelt and loud “THANK YOU!!!!!”. I will never be able to prove that and, thank God, we will never know if I was right, but up to the last minute I was convinced that there was a very strong probability that Hillary in the White House would have meant war, probably nuclear, with Russia. I am still undecided about Trump, but I view his upcoming term with cautious optimism and while I would never say never, I really very strongly feel that with Trump in the White House the risks of war with Russia have fallen to a dramatically low level and that barring some stunning provocation or disaster, a war between the USA and Russia has now become exceedingly unlikely. Glory be to God for His immense mercy towards us!
That being, said, I will dare to speculate that Russia did play a role in the election of Trump. No, not by hacking emails or by recruiting Ron Paul (!!!) as an agent of Russian propaganda, but by openly and firmly confronting the USA on all fronts and showing that Russia would not bend her knee before the AngloZionist Empire. As I have written many times, Russia has been preparing for war for years now and while Russians were (and still are) afraid of war, they are also ready and willing to fight it if forced to do so. In his latest press conference Putin specifically referred to the will of the Russian people as a key element in Russia’s ability to defeat any aggressor when he said,
We are stronger than any potential aggressor. I have no problem repeating it. I also said why we are stronger. This has to do with the effort to modernise the Russian Armed Forces, as well as the history and geography of our country, and the current state of Russian society
and he is absolutely right. Sure, Hillary was probably stupid enough to try to impose a no-fly zone over Syria, but the 200 or so generals and admirals who expressed their support for Trump probably understood what that kind of folly would entail. Furthermore, it appears that quite a few Americans are sympathetic to Russia and Putin himself. Again, in his latest press conference Putin referred to this and made some very interesting comments:
I do not take support for the Russian President among a large part of Republican voters as support for me personally, but rather see it in this case as an indication that a substantial part of the American people share similar views with us on the world’s organisation, what we ought to be doing, and the common threats and challenges we are facing. It is good that there are people who sympathise with our views on traditional values because this forms a good foundation on which to build relations between two such powerful countries as Russia and the United States, build them on the basis of our peoples’ mutual sympathy. (…) It seems to me that Reagan would be happy to see his party’s people winning everywhere, and would welcome the victory of the newly elected President so adept at catching the public mood, and who took precisely this direction and pressed onwards to the very end, even when no one except us believed he could win.
Putin puts it down to values, common values, between the Russian and the American people.
[Personal sidebar: for whatever this is worth, I regularly interact with Americans who support Putin on the grounds that “he stands for American values unlike the SOBs in Washington”].
But how did the Americans become aware of what values Putin and Russia stood for if not for the ceaseless efforts of Putin himself and the alternative media to convey these values to the general public? I think that by OPENLY denouncing the total hypocrisy of the AngloZionist Empire and by OPENLY offering a different civilizational model, Putin and Russia did have an impact on the public opinion in the West. To put it simple: Russia has scored an ideological victory over the AngloZionist imperialists. In other words, the Russian policy of standing firm against the Empire while openly challenging it on its ideological foundation was the correct one and it probably did have an impact upon the outcome of the election in the USA.
NATO 4/5
Russia has defeated NATO on two levels: a purely military one and a political one. On the military level Russia has taken all the asymmetrical measures she promised to negate both the US anti-missile system in Europe and the deployment of threatening military power in eastern Europe: Russia deployed the Iskander missile, doubled of the size of her Airborne Forces, and initiated the creation of a Tank Army in the western strategic direction (to read more about how Russia prepared to fight and defeat NATO see “How Russia is preparing for WWIII” and “The EU’s suicide by reality denial“). On the political level there can be little doubt that all the European leaders who favored confrontation with Russia are now unpopular and in a political crisis except maybe Merkel, but Germany alone can’t do anything meaningful (at least one “positive” side effect, so to speak, of the EU integration). As for the election of Trump, it has resulted in a NATO-wide panic, especially in those countries which had prostituted themselves to the Empire with special enthusiasm and zeal (Poland, the three Baltic statlets, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, and our “Orthodox brothers” in Romania and Bulgaria). I don’t see Trump dumping NATO, there would be too much opposition against that, but with Trump in the White House all the nonsense about the “Russian bear is about to invade Latvia or Poland” is going to come to a crashing end and the poor folks in eastern Europe will come to realize that neither Russia nor the USA gives a damn about them. Trump will probably put the financial squeeze on NATO and force its member states to purchase even more US gear, but that will be a purely financial operation and not an attempt at surrounding Russia will military forces. Russia’s ultimate goal, the replacement of NATO by a European-wide common defense agreement from Portugal to the Urals has not happened, but the election of Trump is a huge step in the right direction.
The EU 5/5
Poor “EUans” (my own word for the European zombies who believed in the Bilderberger’s European Union): they are now, how shall I put it politely, totally “frigged”? Not only did the British people defy the Empire and vote for a Brexit, but now the Imperial Homeland had “backstabbed” them by electing a patriot who is not interested in maintaining the global empire (or so he says, at least for the time being). At the same time, the so-called “refugee crisis” is bringing several crucial EU nations to the brink of a civil war (France for example) while all the efforts of the elites to blame Russia for it all end up in abject failures. Just check out this hilarious article in the British Sun which accuses Russia of, I kid you not, “organizing sex attacks in Germany“!! True, we already had the “Serbian Chetniks using rape as a weapon of ethnic cleansing” and “Gaddafi distributing Viagra to his soldiers to rape opposition supporters” but Putin ordering refugees to rape women in Germany is the best, so to speak. And just in case the unthinkable happens in Germany, the Germans have already warned that Russian hackers might steal the election in Germany. If this was not so utterly disgusting it would be hilarious. The bottom line is this: the entire EU project is morally completely bankrupt, each EU member state is now in a deep political crisis and the so-called “elites” are scrambling to find a response to what appears to be an inevitable collapse of the EU-order over Europe. The European militaries are a joke, all of them, and when, say, the Swedes go on “Russian sub hunting” they always end up embarrassing themselves. If there are any extra-terrestrials observing us from space, the EU is beyond any doubt their laughing stock. As for the Russians, far from fearing the Europeans, they don’t even take them very seriously and they look at them with either pity or scorn for their apparently infinite lack of spine and dignity. Of sure, as soon as mentally sane leaders return to power in the various EU countries Russia will be more than happy to trade with the EU, send and receive tourists and generally have friendly relations. But after over three centuries of trying to sheepishly imitate the Europeans and be accepted as European themselves, the Russian have finally lost all interest in emulating Europe, at least in a cultural or political way. Of course, the Russians will still love German cars, French wines or Italian music, but the myth of the European cultural superiority has truly died. Good riddance!
The Russian economy 3/5
The main external factors influencing the Russian economy have been Western sanctions, the subsequent drop in investments and credit and, especially, the low oil prices. Almost exactly as Putin had predicted it, it took Russia two years to overcome the combined effect of these factors, so says not me or a Kremlin spokesman, but the IMF (see here). What matters here is not this or that figure for GDP or inflation, but the fact that all the key indicators for the Russian economy point to a gradual recovery and good prospects for growth. I personally think that the policies of the “economic block” of the Medvedev government made the effects of this crisis even worse than they had to be, but I have to admit that despite the major mistakes committed by the Russian government the Russian economy is recovering. If I had to score the performance of the Russian government’s policies I would have given it a maximum of 2/5, but since what I am looking at is the state of the economy I have to give it an objective 3/5. I just think that a 5/5 would have been possible. One small point here: some have made a great deal of noise around the planned reduction in Russian defense spending but what they are missing is that reduction has been made possible by the spending over the past couple of years and that the Russian defense program by 2020 has not been in any way amended, nevermind reduced. In other words, the Russian military can afford to use less money for a couple of years and there will be no cuts in defense programs as planned by 2020.
The Russian public opinion 4/5
In spite of the still strong grip the “IMF-types” in the Russian government have over the key economic decisions in Russia there are some signs that things are getting better and that the Russian public is getting some of the heads it wanted to see rolling: here I am, of course, referring to the arrest of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexei Uliukaev. Of course, the list of candidates for termination and arrest is much longer (see here) but Uliukaev was definitely one of the most influential and toxic member of the Atlantic Integrationists and the hysterical reaction of the Russian liberal press clearly shows how painful this arrest is for the Russian 5th column. As for right now, the arrest of Uliukaev has not been followed by more sackings or arrests, but it is quite possible that Putin did with Uliukaev what he already one did with Berezovsky: hit at the one “big guy” and therefore force the rest of his gang to play ball and give up any hopes of confronting him. Only time will tell if sacking and arresting Uliukaev will be enough to finally re-sovereignize Russia, but it sure is a very good beginning.
Russian russophobes 4/5
Sounds weird, does it not? “Russian russophobes”. Reminds me of the “self-hating Jew” category. And yet they exist, at least nominally. I say nominally because being Russian has never been about speaking Russian, or about living in Russia or even about some hypothetical “Russian ethnicity” (which really does not exist). One definition of what it is to be Russian was given by the philosopher Vasilii Rozanov who wrote the following prophetic words in 1913: “To love a happy and great Motherland is really not a big thing. We have to love her when she is weak, small, humiliated, finally, stupid, finally, even filled with vices. It is when our “mother” is drunk, lying and all entangled in her sins that we must not depart from her. But even that is not enough: when she finally dies, eaten up by Jews, and when only her bones remain – he will be truly “Russian” who will weep over her useless skeleton, abandoned by all. He truly shall be… “. Needless to say, Rozanov is hated by the Russian “liberals”. Contrary to Rozanov, these russophobic “liberals” rejoice in every Russian failure and they can barely contain their joy when some tragedy befalls the Russian people which they hate and despise for supporting a “tyrant” like Putin instead of them, the self-perceived “intellectual elites” of Russia.
When Putin came to power, these 5th russophobic columnist were literally everywhere since their families were usually members of the Soviet elites and since during the infamous 1990s they literally took control of every single lever of power in Russia from the mass media to the Kremlin. First, Putin got rid of the oligarchs, especially the “Seven Bankers“. Next, he gradually pushed most of them out from of mass media (that is when their colleagues and patrons in the West began speaking of the lack of a free press in Russia). And then he began the slow and outright dangerous process of getting rid of them, one by one, from inside the Russian government, including the Kremlin. But Putin’s biggest achievement this year has to be his extremely successful campaign to delegitimize this 5th column. He did that no by “cracking down” on them, nor did he murder any journalist or opposition figure, and he did not fill the “new Russian Gulag” with thousands of liberal dissidents. He (by “he” I mean not only Putin himself, but also his supporters) did the exact opposite: he gave them a platform and he made darn sure that their views would be freely aired on an almost daily basis. Those interested about this can read my analysis “Counter-propaganda, Russian style“. This was pure genius: instead of silencing the russophobes, Putin gave them a completely disproportionate amount of airtime (keep in mind that less than 5% of the Russian population supports these freaks) and let them hang themselves by being wrong on just about everything: they were wrong on Crimea, wrong on the Ukraine, wrong on the economy, wrong on social and civil rights, wrong on corruption, wrong on so-called “gay rights”, wrong about NATO, wrong about the EU, wrong about Clinton (they loved her), wrong about Trump (they hate him), wrong about terrorism and wrong about Syria. As a result, these “liberals” (in the Russian meaning of the word) are now universally seen as traitors, russophobes, snobs, racists, 5th columnists, CIA puppets, etc. They now are absolutely hated and desperate. As a result, during the recent elections, we saw the amazing sight of Russian “liberals”, including Jews, allying themselves with Nazis and organizing joint protests against Putin. Needless to say, that only served to further discredit them.
There are still plenty of 5th columnists in Russia, but they are mostly laying really low, hoping for better times and trying to remain out of the public eye as much as possible. Their main remaining center of power is the Russian Central Bank and the “economic bloc” of the Medvedev government, but since both Kudrin and Uliukavev have been kicked out, the rest of them are being very careful in their actions and statements.
All in all, 2016 has been an absolutely catastrophic year for the russophobic 5th column which is now in a state of total despair and which seems to have no future whatsoever.
Syria 5/5
Russia’s success in Syria is nothing short of amazing. Not only did an extremely small Russian military force succeed in turning around the course of the war, but it has held an essentially indefensible position long enough to deter Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf states and the USA from overtly attacking the Syrian forces or government. The Russians succeeded in this despite numerous, ugly and bloody provocations and despite having to operate in an extremely hostile environment (the region “belongs” to NATO and CENTCOM). One of the most amazing successes what how the Russians managed to save Erdogan in extremis from a US backed coup and convince him to work with Russia and Iran to solve the Syrian crisis. The liberation of Aleppo could not have happened had Turkey continued to support al-Nusra & Co at any price. At the very least it would have taken much more time. By the end of 2016 the Russians own the Black Sea, control, at least for the time being, the eastern Mediterranean and they are working with the three biggest powers on the ground: the Syrians, of course, but also Iran and Turkey. As for the United States, they seemed to have lost the entire region and their only “achievement”, so to speak, has been to alienate both the Israelis and the Saudis. As for President Elect Trump, he has clearly indicated that his number one priority will be to smash Daesh & Co. which happens to be exactly what Russia, Iran and Syria want too. If Trump really manages to kick the Neocon crazies to the cockroach filled basement where they belong, we could see something quite amazing happening: a joint Russian-US effort to destroy Daesh. The big problem here will be the totally counter-productive and, frankly, idiotic anti-Iranian rhetoric of the Trump campaign. However, there must be enough good brains around Trump to make him understand that nothing in the region can happen without Iran’s approval and that the US and Iran don’t need to love each other to agree on a common objective. Trump strikes me as a realist much more than as an ideologue. Hopefully, he will learn how to separate AIPAC-pleasing rhetoric with serious foreign policy (the crash of the Obama Administration ought to teach him that lesson).
What is certain is that Russia is now running the show in Syria and that without US or Turkish support, Daesh will be facing an existential crisis. Of course, the situation remains fluid, complex and dangerous. And I would never put it past the US or Turkey to do yet another 180 and to resume their support for Daesh. The Kurdish factor, Israeli policies and Erdogan’s inherent unpredictability all serve to make sure that the Syrian crisis will continue well into 2017. However, I think that the Neocon’s crazy rampage is reached is apogee and that things should begin to improve from now on. Russia alone simply could not save Syria, and yet she appears to have done just that.
The russophobic hysteria in the West 3/5
There was simply no way that the AngloZionist could be defeated on all fronts without screaming “oy veh!” to high heaven and screaming they did. All year long. Their allegations ranged from Russia wanting to invade Latvia to Russian hackers stealing the US election. And to make absolutely sure that there was no doubt at all as to the identity of these hackers, the AngloZionists informed us that these hackers called themselves “fancy bear” and “cozy bear”, that they used the alias “Felix Edmundovich” (the first name and patronymic of Felix Derzhinskii, the founder of the Soviet secret services) and that they worked during Moscow time office hours and they took breaks during Russian holidays. And least you think that this kind of nonsense was made up in an mental institution or a kindergarten, here is the link to the article in the article in the New York times quoting “security experts”. Amazing, no? But then again, when I see the Neocons seriously calling Ron Paul a Russian agent I realize that there is nothing, no matter how stupid, that these guys would not dare say. Chutzpah in action, I suppose. And while the left side of the Bell Curve appears to have fully internalized the message, there is a growing segment of the population which realizes how silly all these accusations are.
[Personal sidebar: while I am sure that there are some Americans who believe that the Russkies are a dangerous enemy of the USA, I have yet to met even one such American. In my day to day interactions I see *no* hostility towards Russians even when I openly speak Russian with my family in stores or restaurants or when I say that I am Russian. Maybe this is because I am in Florida and not New York, but I have yet to see a single example of anti-Russian hostility].
The Russian treatment by the Western-controlled WADA at the Rio Olympics was an absolute outrage, a farce and and crime all wrapped into one. And Russia is very much to blame for having allowed the key world organizations become so controlled by the West. However, let’s also see that the USA failed to have Russia completely banned from Rio and that Russian hackers (yes, they do exist) have uncovered convincing evidence which discredits WADA and the entire system behind it. I would call that “growing pains” for the post-Soviet Russian sport: Russia now needs to “clean house” in the very real cases of doping while, at the same time, wrestling the control of the key international organizations from the West. A tough task for sure, but Russia has an immensely powerful ally in this (and many other) struggles: China. But yes, all in all, the partial ban and subsequent Russia-bashing campaign is a black eye for Russia.
In the case of Europe, russophobia has always been a northern European thing. Mediterranean countries were only dragged into imposing sanctions under very strong pressure from the north. It now appears that France will soon be ruled either by one or the other generally pro-Russian parties which are competing for the Presidency. The Brexit took out probably the single most anti-Russian country in the EU and now Germany and Poland are more or less on their own in trying to desperately revitalize the anti-Russian front. The problem for them is that they are also both subservient US colonies and that while they can fancy themselves the next in line to defend the western civilization against the revanchist Mongol hordes from the East, the reality is that they will do whatever the hell Uncle Sam tells them to do.
From now on, the only bastion of true rabid russophobia will remain in the most thoroughly “Zionified” segment of society: the media, the so-called “intellectuals”, the “liberal interventionists” and all the “tribe of minorities” who have a beef with Russia on account of the different civilizational model she represents (gender differentiated parents, religion, patriotism (but not nationalism!), etc.). These will continue to pour a steady stream of filth against Russia in general and Putin in particular. Putin will not be their only target, however, and Donald Trump will be the recipient of whatever hatred remains after Putin. Frankly, taking on Putin AND Trump at the same time is a futile and possibly risky business, no matter who you are in the AngloZionist “jet set”, especially when you also have little traction with the general public whom you have regularly insulted, demeaned and dismissed.
There could be a gigantic return of the pendulum happening before our eyes against those who have produced the lion’s share of the hate-propaganda in the West: these guys might well end up finally reaping what they have sown and become the object of hate themselves.
Terrorism 4/5
This year as been tough on Russia. A recent anonymous comment posted on this blog made a good list of the tragic murder of Russians this year including the bombing on the Russian civilian airliner over Egypt, the Su-24 shootdown involving US AWACS, the murder of the Russian medics in a precision strike, the murder of the Russian Ambassador and the probable murder of the Red Army Choir (the latest news out of Russia seems to point with a malfunction of the wing flaps, not a terrorist attack). To this list I would add the Novorussian commanders assassinated in the Donbass. That is a lot of innocent Russian victims. But compared to the number of innocent Syrians or Turks this number is relatively small. It is outright tiny of compared to the kind of mass horror the Wahabis managed to organize in Chechnia. Let’s remember that Russia is a country at war with state-sponsored transnational terrorism and that many millions of dollars of “aid” are going towards the various Nazi and Wahabi organizations with have the murder of Russians as their main goal. I would say “so far, so good” but I cannot do that because I believe that Russia is still not ready to face the kind of terrorism which is likely to hit her in the next year. There is one specific type of target which is currently completely undefended and which the terrorists can strike with quasi-impunity: Russian Orthodox churches outside Russia.
The Russians need to revisit the kind of terror campaign the Palestinians waged in the 1970s against the Israelis when they attacked not only Israeli cultural centers, but also Jewish daycare centers, schools, and synagogues. Russian Orthodox churches are now facing the very same threat including bombings and hostage taking. As somebody who has attended Russian Orthodox churches all my life and all over the planet I know that the number of potential targets are in the *hundreds* and that they are all completely unprotected.
The Israeli example is crucial here because the Israelis rapidly realized that they simply could not count on the local police forces to protect them. This is why they organized various local organizations directly attached to a synagogue or school staffed by volunteers who could do many very useful and fully legal things to protect Israeli/Jewish targets such as, for example, begin to occupy all the parking spaces around a synagogue 48 hours before any religious holiday to make sure that no VBIEDs (aka “car bombs”) could be placed next to the synagogue. There is *a lot* a well educated group of volunteers can do to legally protect an exposed civilian target. They can do even better when they work with the locals cops and the security specialists at the embassy. The Russians urgently need to study the Israeli experience in dealing with a kind of threat which they will soon face. Remember, the Palestinians also began by attacking diplomats, officials and aircraft, but as soon as these targets were “hardened” they turn to daycare centers, schools and synagogues.
I believe that inside Russia the FSB has a good control of the situation. But outside Russia the amount of specialized personnel fully dedicated to security is woefully inadequate and needs to be dramatically expanded. During the Soviet era few government dared to openly attack Soviet targets, the fearsome (and very much exaggerated!) reputation of the KGB probably helped, while during the Eltsin years there really was no point in attacking Russia as she was internally collapsing. But now that Russia is very strong internally, and the Russian military personnel hard to get at, diplomats, children and clergy are probably going to be the next targets of the Wahabis.
The one good news about this issue that the the Soviets/Russians have been fighting the Wahabis since the 1970s and that they are acutely aware that there is no such thing as a non-state sponsored terrorism. The Russians know where the money, training and weapons come from and they know that terrorism can only be defeated by strong counter-intelligence and and intelligence operations, especially human intelligence. The foreign intelligence branch of the KGB, the PGU or First Chief Directorate, had a (very much deserved) reputation for being able to infiltrate agents pretty much anywhere, including the top echelons of the CIA and NSA, and we can be confident that the SVR today is slowly rebuilding is capabilities worldwide and, especially, in the countries which sponsor Wahabi terrorism. Just the way the Russian special services saved Erdogan and thereby “flipped” Turkey – one of the absolutely worst sponsors of Wahabi terrorism – is already a huge success. God willing, the Saudis will be next.
Simply put – 2016 has been a fantastic year for Russia. Putin’s policy of slow, low-key and deliberate move and counter-move has proven to be extremely effective. While to some “hurray patriots” it did appear that Putin was being passive and doing nothing, the outcome of this year has been a Putin victory on all fronts, including the most dangerous and difficult ones. Remember all the nonsense these Putin-haters wrote about “Putin selling out the Donbass”, “Putin unable to reply to the Turkish shoot-down of the SU-24”, “Putin disarming Syria” or “Putin betraying Assad”? These “hurray patriots” have been predicted doom and gloom for years now and they have been proven wrong every single time. Did that silence them? Somewhat. I notice that most of the “Putin is selling out the Donbass” blogs are posting very little and when they do, it is mostly stuff unrelated to their previous Putin-bashing campaign. The same goes for the Ukronazis commentators on sites which allow them to post: they seem to have thrown in the towel and given up convincing the world about how democratic the junta in Kiev is, about how there are hundreds of Russian tanks in Donetsk and how the Ukraine will join the EU and become Germany-like overnight. The only ones who are keeping up the Putin-bashing campaign are the western presstitutes, but they are doing that for pay and to keep their jobs. Besides, that is all they know how to do anyway. But all in all, there is a general lack of energy and enthusiasm in the Russia hating camp which is a real joy for me to see.
2017 could be an amazing year for the world, or it could be a big disappointment. Right now this depends mostly on what Trump will do after he assumes his official capacity. To me the single most important fact will remain that with Hillary in the White House our planet risked a major thermonuclear war. There is no reason any more to believe that this is going to happen. As for the list of all the good things which *could* happen in 2017 if Trump does the right thing for his country, it will be the topic of a future analysis.
The Saker
Why do you call it the Anglo Zionist Empire when it is just the Zionist empire? Maybe 150 or more years ago you could say Anglo Zionist but not today. The Zionists have eliminated the Anglos in virtually all positions of power and are in the process of eradicating the entire Anglo population. You have some pieces of the puzzle but not the entire thing and not the most important parts.
The Soviets collapsed because of their political system and the world wide Zionist debt money system. First the Soviet Union did not control their own central bank as it was under Zionist etc control as is the USSA Federal Reserve. Thus the Soviets could not print their own money because the Zionist etc. owned Soviet central bank would not allow it. They instead borrowed money from other foreign Zionist etc owned banks that created money out of nothing, so massive unnecessary debt crushed their economy in the Zionist debt money system.
There is no American USSA dollar now, it is a Zionist Federal Reserve dollar. Read it, that is what it says on a, so called USA dollars, it says Federal Reserve note. There did use to be USA dollars in circulation until the 1970s, created by President Lincoln out of nothing (and they said “USA bank note” on them) who fought against Zionist slavers go and look it up.
The Soviets should have done what China is doing now. Have their own central bank print currency as needed. However today it appears Putin is getting ready to do take control over Russia’s central bank and currency from the Zionists etc so Russia can print as much currency as their own economy needs. Big countries like Russia and China don’t have to trade; they have all the resources they need. China especially just needed technology which they have now.
Now they both just need to rip off as much technology from the USSA as the USSA does from the rest of the world, invest in their own technology, keep their consumer markets balanced and then yes get into an arms race with the Zionist Empire, nuclear only as large conventional forces are a waste of money and resources and attack the Federal Reserve Zionist dollar. If they do this the Zionist empire will collapse quickly?
To understand just go and watch Money as Debt and The Secret of Oz to understand how the money system works.
Once Russia gets out of the debt money system as China has they will have growth like China indefinitely unless they become corrupt and collapse.
In 1862 Lincoln created United States Notes debt free which the USA government created out of nothing which the law says it is supposed to do instead of borrowing such money created out of nothing by Zionist banks. They said United Sates note on them not federal reserve note and were real USA dollars.
Congress authorizes a new class of currency, known as “United States notes,” or “Legal Tender notes.” These notes are characterized by a red seal and serial number. They continue to circulate until 1971.
150 years ago there was no zionism — it came into being only in the 1890s.
That is right of course. But if we examine the core ideology that is hidden beneath the innocent ‘We poor and hard-suffering Jews have every right to have own nation too, sob, sob’ narrative that is presented to us as Zionism, we can easily see that all its major ingredients are already clearly laid out in the Babylon Talmud.
The Jews had/have it, but so did countless others in many places great and small, and it can be termed, tribalism exceptionalism, nationalism, imperialism, and so forth, coupled with greed, lust for power, fear, ambition, and all that. It’s like psychopathy: not limited to one place, time, people, or culture. It’s one aspect of the ‘dark side of human nature’. We need to understand this so we don’t get hung up on one particular instance, and see it as a universal systemic risk which only a positive culture with socio-politico-economic transformation can properly address.
Once we got beyond primitive economies, for instance, we had slavery, feudalism, and capitalism, along with warlords, monarchies, oligarchies, wars and imperialism, etc. — all part of what we can call social or political, or collective psychosis (see — an early article about it, also found under searches for ‘paul levy malignant egophrenia’ and ‘wetico virus’). It seems to be a disease our species in vulnerable to.
Talking about zionism is something like talking about this year’s mutation of the flu virus, or this particular bacterial infection, instead of the ongoing problem of disease agents vs the immune system, or ‘biological entropy’ or mortality. (I just finished responses to this at ; 3 Facts the National Media Isn’t Telling You Aleppo Video By Ben Swann Free Syrian Army Disbanded. posted December 27, 2016 ; under the first comment thread by jamesmcintyre).
There is always somebody, and some ideology, ready to jump in to screw things up the same as there is always some type of opportunistic germ ready to attack a vulnerability in the immune system. Our social, cultural, spiritual, political, legal, psychological, and economic systems comprise the ‘immune system’ to fend off war and oppression. Putin has worked hard not just on the military and economic systems, but on the spiritual, cultural, and others as well, which is how Russia has been able to stand up to the empire so far.
why do you find it necessary to mock and insult the 19th century Jews of Europe?
Yes, giving them a homeland, or at least some political automony short of a state somewhere in eastern Europe, would be a much wiser policy than the one that Balfour and Co. were advocating and pushing forward.
What do you know about them? How the hell do you know what they felt about Zionism?
All you people do is whine about how bad, evil the Zionist empire is, but is that is true, maybe it was a mistake to let 19th Zionist movement to have its way with Europe’s Jews?
It was the EE Jews that the early Zio leaders were intent on violently uprooting from their homes, locking in the ghettos before the forceful transfer to Palestine as was their alleged agreement with Hitler?
Insisting on the ethnic cleansing and forced removal of all Jews from Europe who were attached to their E. homelands was the same disgustingly amoral European unforgivable crime that was inflicted Palestinians later by the Zionists but was first perpetrated against the Jews.
@ John
“Maybe 150 or more years ago you could say Anglo Zionist but not today. The Zionists have eliminated the Anglos in virtually all positions of power and are in the process of eradicating the entire Anglo population.”
Absolutely correct! Yes, as the Saker can tell, my URL is overseas. But, I was born in the US, the 12th generation of my family to be born on American soil. My 5th great grandfather was one of the hot blooded young men in Sam Adams pub who threw the Boston Tea Party in 1773. Yet I left the N American continent and renounced my US citizenship. The Luciferian Zionist establishment has purged people like myself. Even 40 years ago, the door had been shut and locked. Those not in agreement with Satanism and pedophilia need not apply.
Look at the Supreme Court, currently balanced with 4 Catholics and 4 Jews, in what was as recently as the 1950s considered to be a nation of Protestant church goers. We have been reviled by the Luciferian Zionist academic, political, and media establishment for more than have a century, taxed so we can only afford to have few or no children while being forced to subsidize the large families of people who celebrate our destruction.
The under aged 5 population of the US is majority non-European. This is true despite counting southern Europeans to be identical to northwestern Europeans. Where is this “Anglo” population or establishment – long gone. Donald Trump is a last hope for the future European minority, and he is German-Scots with orthodox Jewish grandchildren.
“Donald Trump is a last hope for the future European minority, and he is German-Scots with orthodox Jewish grandchildren.”
Your assessment seems unreasonably optimistic to me. There are good reasons to assume that Trump is crypto-Jewish himself.
What distinguishes Trump from his fellow crypto-Jewish/Jewish presidential candidates – Hillary Clinton, Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders – is the fact that Trump is more of the American patriotic faction, while they are in the Globalist camp.
Excatly correct, jewish wouldn’t be his own fault, if by birth. But he is a 1st class Zionist either way:
Well those white Protestants were the reason Zionism could prosper to begin with. It was the believe in manifest destiny so deeply enshrined in many Protestant white’s mind in the US that enabled their own demise. So yes you are partly right, but you omit that it was your own failed ideology and believes that led to today’s situation. Had puritan Americans not felt they were recreating a spiritual Jerusalem in America and needed to allow Jews to do the same in the mid-east, we might not be in this mess.
“Why do you call it the Anglo Zionist Empire when it is just the Zionist empire? [..] The Zionists have eliminated the Anglos in virtually all positions of power and are in the process of eradicating the entire Anglo population. ”
Indeed. And there is more. Miles Mathis has shown in his recent articles that around the time of Oliver Cromwell, the Jewish bankers and industrialists had clandestinely infiltrated many if not most of the British Aristocratic blood lines.
Most A-list Hollywood actors, for example, come from these blood lines.
Why do you call it the Anglo Zionist Empire when it is just the Zionist empire? Maybe 150 or more years ago you could say Anglo Zionist but not today.
Ah, this is refreshing to be challenged on the “Anglo” part and not on the “Zionist” part. Thanks for the question!
My reason is simple: I don’t believe that the Zionists have full control of the Empire. Not by a long shot. I would even argue that the Neocons have suffered a major defeat with the Trump victory. I still think that the Anglo and the Zionist components of the Empire are engaged in a dynamic process in which they partially work together and partially struggle against each other. But the “Anglosphere” is still alive and well and has plenty of power left.
The Saker
Call it what you want Zionism whatever, but it is much older than 150 years. For more info on this a great source is Gilad Atzmon
For those criticising Money as Debt and the secret of Oz you are wrong.Read about the English Tally stick system making the tiny island of Britain the global superpower.
Why would a government borrow money at interest created out of nothing by a private banks when the government can create its own money out of nothing at no interest saving tax payers trillions of dollars in interest payments.
Thanks for responding Saker but with the entire Anglo population being irradiated your arguments collapse. The Jewish population is not being irradiated it is growing rapidly as is Jewish wealth. Any token Sabbath Goyim Anglos, Catholics like Hillary etc are kept around so your arguments can be made as a distraction, because if it were 100% Jews in all top positions you would have to admit the facts.
I give you a pass on this one as you probably have to say such things so your website can continue to operate.
As for Catholics, the Zionists like George Soros etc are eliminating / irradiating the entire Catholic European population as they did Anglos in virtually all positions of power and are in the process of eradicating the entire Catholic southern European population as well.
They already had a good try in the Soviet Union killing 66 million Goyim see proof even Putin has referred to.See proof again below.
It’s not all Jews doing such things but it is organized Jewry. Gilad Atzmon claims 95% of all Jews are in favor of such genocides etc.
In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews”,7340,L-3342999,00.html
and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin.
“We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions:
Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.,7340,L-3342999,00.html
Jewish Supremacism
• The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist
The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist
In 2006, a remarkable article—and admission—appeared in the Israeli news source Ynet News. Titled “Stalin’s Jews” and written by Jewish columnist Sever Plocker, this piece confirmed that terrible crimes which Jewish Communists had committed under Stalin.
“We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions:
“Here’s a particularly forlorn historical date: Almost 90 years ago, between the 19th and 20th of December 1917, in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war, Lenin signed a decree calling for the establishment of The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage, also known as Cheka.
“Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.
“We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.
“Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.
“In his new, highly praised book The War of the World, Historian Niall Ferguson writes that no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution. In his book on the Stalinist purges, Tel Aviv University’s Dr. Igal Halfin writes that Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally.
“Lenin, Stalin, and their successors could not have carried out their deeds without wide-scale cooperation of disciplined ‘terror officials,’ cruel interrogators, snitches, executioners, guards, judges, perverts, and many bleeding hearts who were members of the progressive Western Left and were deceived by the Soviet regime of horror and even provided it with a kosher certificate.
“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
“Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.
“His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the “bloodthirsty dwarf.”
The Jew Genrikh Yagoda, director of the NKVD, the Soviet Union’s Stalin-era security and intelligence agency.
“Yezhov was not Jewish but was blessed with an active Jewish wife. In his book Stalin: Court of the Red Star, Jewish historian Sebag Montefiore writes that during the darkest period of terror, when the Communist killing machine worked in full force, Stalin was surrounded by beautiful, young Jewish women.
“Stalin’s close associates and loyalists included member of the Central Committee and Politburo Lazar Kaganovich. Montefiore characterizes him as the “first Stalinist” and adds that those starving to death in Ukraine, an unparalleled tragedy in the history of human kind, did not move Kaganovich.
“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We’ll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist.
Yagoda (center) inspecting the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal, built by slave labor from the Gulags.
“In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of ‘our hangmen,’ who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment. After all, others will always remind us of their origin.”
The Gulags: Jewish-Run Concentration Camps
As mentioned above, the infamous Soviet Gulags were under the direct control of the Jew Yagoda. He was not the only such Jew involved in the running of these camps, in which millions were interned and nearly 1.4 million died.
The most famous revelation about the Jewish nature of the Gulags was that of famous dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together.
According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews.
In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags.
Where exactly does Gilad Atzmon say that “95% of all Jews support such genocides”
Against whom?
Are you saying it because of your inherent murderous desire to kill all of the world’s Jews?
By trying to sob sob about how murderous all Jews are, aren’t you really exposing your own very real demonic murderous nature?
What about the pogroms that Russian Tsarist governments were either organizing or at least supporting against the Jews? Did anybody ever took a poll about how 95% of Russians felt about old Russia’s genocidal policies against the Jews?
Or how about the Germans?
To Anonymous @6:21 ,
You wrote: ” Did anybody ever took a poll about 95% of Russians felt about old Russia’s genocidal policies against the Jews?”
I ask you, a Jew: [ the comment has been edited for content in the interest of preventing an unnecessary and repellent war of words on this forum. Irrational statements are never to be refuted with emotional replies or personal invective, but calmly with the facts to enlighten the confused; anger and invective fuel the hatred and broaden the divide that evil wishes to impose. The embarrassment belongs to the author; don’t take on embarrassment yourself by engaging. (mod dg)]
Why do you call it the Anglo Zionist Empire when it is just the Zionist empire? Maybe 150 or more years ago you could say Anglo Zionist but not today.
@John — You are correct in noting that the infiltration of the British oligarchic bloodlines by Jews was accomplished generations ago. (Moneylenders encouraged profligacy, extending credit to facilitate conspicuous consumption until debt levels were hopelessly unrepayable. Then the way out offered was the marriage of the oligarch’s heir to the daughter of the moneylender, meaning that line became Jewish) (the offspring of a Jewess being Jews by definition).
But previous to this, the wholesale importation of Venetian Jews into the English oligarchy (many via France, therefore called “Normans”) never let up after 1066. The last of the authentic British aristocracy was goaded into hopeless rebellion and slaughtered by William the Bastard or driven into exile in the Dunmonian Exodus.
It is from the City of London — their independent kingdom within Britain, analogous to the Vatican — that the term Anglo-Zionist (and the Zionist bit is a very late appendix) derives.
See E. C. Knuth, “The Empire of the City,”
and Lyndon LaRouche on the “Black Nobility.”
Knowing and understanding this is necessary for deep background comprehension.
the offspring of a Jewess being Jews by definition).
By whose definition, may I ask? If by Judaic definition, then it is incorrect. This tradition anyway was established by the Persians, not Jews.
The offspring of the union between a Jew and a non-Jew (be it male or female), is free to decide for themselves which nation they belong to and which people they feel closer to.
They have the free will to decide for themselves who they are. Even if such a totalitarian Judaic rule exists, it carries no legal ramifications on the broader scale, is absolutely non-binding from the general legal perspective. It does not and should not apply outside of the artificial confines of the fake self-created imaginary Judaic world
The Zionist mantra is ‘facts on the ground’.
We should pay heed to that and not go off on shaky tangents like
Goodwill or Logic and Reason.
Just to complement your comment if you don’t mind : Zionist could be – and it is – anyone who adheres to this “ideology”, it could be any Christian, Muslim or even Buddhist. There lies their power.
biden stated he is a zionist, and he has been the main cause of the war against the Donbass people, not to mention jewland, married to the co-founder of PNAC, kagan; soros; kolomoisky; and those ‘jews/jews who consider the Ukraine as a second jewish homeland, totally not supported by the Bible.
“To understand just go and watch Money as Debt and The Secret of Oz to understand how the money system works.
I had seen both those films several years ago when they came out. At the time I found them very compelling and, rightly so, because they raised all sorts of interesting questions. However, as I went along, I found that for all their assumptions were greatly flawed, as they rehash very standard Austrian economics.
For example:
-Money did not come about from gold certificates (the first money we know is Babylonian accounting entries in 3500 BC, i.e. state-issued accounting money) and does not have intrinsic value, but legal sponsorship by a state.
-There is no such thing as fractional-reserve banking, in the sense that banks do not make loans out part of their reserves, but they request reserves from the Central Bank to cover the required reserve:loan ratio AFTER they have made them.
-Increased money issuance does not cause a drop in a currency’s value. It is rather the inverse: a drop in the currency’s value needs to be offset by increased issuance. The causality relation is backwards.
I can discuss sources if you are interested, but I stop here not to hijack the comment thread with this matter.
It would seem that dollars printed out of thin air would only acquire value when they are loaned out and there is an existing promise to repay the loan. Only at that point do they acquire value. Thus the term debt-backed currency. Pardon my ignorance, but I find that economic ideas are extremely hard to grasp. There is no sort of natural relation between abstraction and reality as there is in physics. Rather, things seem to slip and slide in economics.
I dreamt Putin was Saint George riding the white horse destroying all the evils in the world! I do believe Putin is sent from god to do that.
The creation of currency by printing “out of thin air” is correctly referred to as inflation. If it worked, then in order to eliminate all poverty, ensure everyone had unfettered access to free “healthcare” (sickness care really), free “education”, complete cradle to the grave social services and so on, all that any government would have to do is print enough currency to fund such activities each year. Just think on it. We’d all be comfortable, secure, safe and wealthy. Poverty would be banned to history, as everyone would be given enough money to be comfortably wealthy! And all that needs to be done is to let the presses roll! Think on it.
The reality is quite different. It has been experienced over and over again, right throughout history. If you succumb to the temptation of inflation, then you are bringing about a vicious economic and social destruction. The inevitable result of it is penury and perdition for the people. The longer the inflation is persevered with, the bigger the inevitable economic and social wreck at the end of it. It is merely a matter of when and not if.
Human nature being what it is, many people are attracted to the notion of getting “something for nothing” or for less effort than they’d otherwise have to exert. This is nothing new. Fraudsters, politicians, banksters- criminals all- have exploited this for many generations. They promise many benefits for little or nothing. Its like, “No money down! No repayments for a year or two or even three!” They do this because so many of our colleagues want to believe that something can be got for nothing or for far less than it is worth. Many like to perceive they can get more out of the common pool than they put in simply because someone else will be forced to provide the difference. Sure it is childish wishfulness but as has been said, “there is a fool born every minute”.
In the end though, things always come down to this, “there are no free lunches in this world.” Someone always has to pay. The longer the reckoning is deferred, the larger the debt will be. The larger the inevitable debt, the more it will hurt to pay it back. By then though, the fraudster or politician etc is well gone. Escaped! But you are on the hook.
Inflation of the currency is merely another age old fraud perpetrated on the people who inevitably get fleeced by it. Meanwhile the denizens of government and banksterism are enriched. They escape, you pay. While you don’t pay for that “free” lunch right away, you do get to pay for it eventually- your lunch and several dozen of theirs as well.
P.S. the USSR collapsed because people no longer believed in it. Further, they could no longer support it.
Why enslave yourself trying to hold together a failure you know is a criminal fraud?
Soitu as usual you are wrong on everything and parrot the NWO Zionist supremacist line.
Name calling? Is that all that supports your contentions? Your position has been shown as untenable. If you wish to continue with it you ought to defend it with reason and with logic.
Hint: Instead of engaging in attacking the man, why not try addressing the topic?
Here is one simple issue for you to explain. Why is it impossible to eliminate poverty simply by printing new currency out of thin air? Suppress the emotions and think it on it long and carefully.
With respect, EVERY currency is created “out of thin air”, as money is a legal creation and not found in nature.
The question os whether the issuer of that currency is a state, or a private bank which creates it by loaning you your mortgage or car loan. Today, ~95% of money in circulation is created by private banks during loans. This loan is directly credited to your deposit account and copmes out of your signature on the contract the bank presents you with.
As for the causal relation between money issuance and price increase, please give me a concrete historical example. But take care: the spike in M0 or M1 must PRECEDE the spin in CPI index or the spike in the exchange rate.
I have been looking for one of those for a long time!
Don’t fall for the crap of the quantity theorists, these are mathematical formulas that they literally pulled out of thin air (namely, the theory of ideal gases) and no one ever proved.
Sir Humphrey!
I knew one of the people the character was based upon. Indeed there was much of reality subtly melded into that comedy show.
Onwards now!
In your very first sentence there are two erroneous assumptions. The first is made by conflating money with currency. Money and currency are not the same thing. It is a fundamental error to make this confusion. The second error is by pretending that money is necessarily a legal creation. This is also incorrect.
I do agree with you on the point that currency can be “created out of thin air”. That something can be done does not mean that it ought to be or, indeed, that it would be moral to do so. For example, just because it is possible for me to steal food from my neighbour’s pantry (as she is a slightly built, pregnant woman who is presently in hospital) does not mean that I ought to do so. Nor does it mean I ought to have a third party do it on my behalf. Nor does it mean that I should originate or partake in a scheme to obtain the contents of her pantry by deception (for example, by visiting her in the hospital and telling her that the food has gone off so bad that I can smell it next door and then volunteering to arrange for something to done about it etc.).
Currency is representational. It is representative of another item or entity, or an obligation, transaction, relationship etc. It is not any of those things in and of itself though. It is a useful token employed to stand in for something real. Creating currency “out of thin air” to be used for the purpose of trading for the real and existent in return for “thin air” (i.e. nothing) is something which ought not to be done. It is a fraud and hence immoral, no matter how cleverly the words surrounding it be smithed so its origins become obscured and, worse, mystified.
Your question in regards to currency issuance and price increase also contains a set of assumptions which you’d do well to carefully check. Check the definitions of what you are relying upon. For example, make a start by researching how the CPI is measured and how the definition has been altered in order to make for happier results. You’d do well to consider such matters as hedonic adjustments, what is excluded, what is included and the like. Then compare these to how ordinary people actually transact- what they purchase to survive. I get annoyed at how ordinary people are experiencing sharp increases in their cost of living and yet the CPI reports otherwise. Try looking up John Williams and see what he has demonstrated in regards to various economic data, its calculation and its interpretation. Quite shocking what he discloses.
Something important to understand about inflation is that the price rises do not necessarily occur in direct lock step or indeed uniformly across the entire society or all sectors of it all at once or even at the same time as the inflation. There are lags and pauses and delays as its effects work their way through a society. Beware.
Consider also how asset prices have climbed. Consider also how few people have much in the way of savings. These costs are related to currency inflation. The results may not be immediately apparent in aggregate measures, but eventually an appalling toll is taken. By the time it is noticed in the aggregates, it is too late. It has happened to people already!
Right now I am watching those who face imminent retirement. They are going to have a tough time (assuming they actually do retire- most can’t afford to). I am also concerned that the following tranche or generation is going to be even worse off when their time arrives. Meanwhile CPI says all is OK- which is as it is meant to do by design, since it measures only a narrow range of carefully selected and ever changed items.
Anyway, the point to realise is that inflation may continue for quite an extended period of time prior to matters becoming ruinously critical on an international, domestic or even local scale. Meanwhile all along the way many ordinary people are quietly being harmed while being steadily set up for severe, even complete ruin.
There have been many, many examples of inflation right through history. The reason for undertaking the activity is always and everywhere the same. It is always a fraud driven by powerful interests. Take your pick of the many. My personal favourites are the Romans, followed by the French some centuries later. Of course then there is poor Hungary (probably the most extreme example in living memory available for us to study), followed by Germany (not well understood by most that one, even though there is some good information in the public domain about it) and don’t forget the recent experiences in Zimbabwe (what their central bank wallahs admitted is startling). The USA is interesting in that there have been several inflationary efforts operated there at various times and for various durations even since before and during the War of Independence.
The present scam emanating from the US is very dangerous and has already seen the purchasing power of the dollar reduced by over 90% since it started. It isn’t going to end well, this one. It is going to end quite soon. It would be best to be nowhere nearby.
In regards to quantity of currency, it doesn’t concern me what the specific quantity in circulation actually is. What matters is that whatever it is, it must not be inflated.
A famous old quote.
“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security but [also] at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth.
Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires, become “profiteers,” who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat. As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.
Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”
Now this was written by none other than Lord Keynes writing in an essay shortly after WW1. What he identified was that inflation de-stabilises, impoverishes and ultimately destroys a society. It is not a solution to provide for the welfare of the people. To the contrary it is useful if what is sought is the destruction their society for nefarious purpose.
Inflation is a fraud. It is the use of an unjust measure. Such have been condemned since biblical times and even before. Honesty in commerce was understood to be moral, whereas shonky frauds, no matter how well rationalised to disguise their underlying nature, were not. Fooling the simple man, the naïve, or even the sojourner by the intellectual, the specialist, the insider or the powerful were (and remain) immoral.
Now the Western Civilisation developed relying on elements of Christianity, like it or not. Worthwhile reviewing a few biblical passages (there are more, but this is enough to get the gist of it).
Lev. 27:25
And all thy estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary: twenty gerahs shall be the shekel.
Leviticus 19:35-36
‘You shall do no wrong in judgment, in measurement of weight, or capacity. ‘You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin; I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 25:13-16
“You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a large and a small. “You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. “You shall have a full and just weight; you shall have a full and just measure, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you. For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Final point- the theory of ideal gases works just fine. It has proved out. Be very careful not to ever conflate the physical sciences and their methods with economics.
“some hypothetical “Russian ethnicity” (which really does not exist).”
-While I find your article interesting, I will thank you not to use it as a platform to spread your hateful liberal beliefs, I find it very demeaning to deny the rights of the Russian people. As anyone should for any people!
if your argument is that ethnic Russians are not “racially pure” enough to meet your criteria of being recognized as an ethnic group. I can tell you most people on earth are more mixed then Russians, If Russian people do not exist, then indians and african-americans certainly do not exist.
In my view, Zionism, in the current broad understanding of the term, was born with the Talmud. I will admit that until relatively recently, I understood it to be simply the Bible of the Jews.
And since even the Old Testament contains somewhat controversial tenets of morality (to be euphemistic), I thought the Talmud to be more or less the same thing.
Then I began reading translations (assuming they are correct – I don’t know Hebrew and have no way, of course, of being absolutely sure). Even so, the Talmud is a book of horrors, especially when compared with the philosophy of Christianity (independently of religious beliefs) reflected in the New testament.
Further reading of the history of the Jews indicates that the animosity and resentment towards the sect was not sectarian or “racist,” but it derived from ineradicable and unbreakable patterns of behavior, antithetic to social and community life.
That the sect has achieved control and command, and is able to impose its values and ideology on the American “Intelligentsia” (maybe another euphemism), is an indication of the sect’s power and of the effectiveness of its methods.
In the spirit of the lexical debate arising from yet another excellent Saker’s blog, I would propose the unifying term “Talmudist” as more comprehensive and targeted. Considering the powerful and extraordinary influence that Talmudists at large have throughout Europe (England, France, Germany, Italy, etc.) And I do not think it matters if some of the Talmudists claim to be atheists. For if they were really so, they should openly reject all the hatred and, frankly, the s…t contained therein.
@ Voltaire1964,
I understand you don’t read Hebrew but the late Israeli Jew and writer Israel Shahak did and can explain much you never could had imagine.
If you want to understand more get his book, titled “The Weight of the Three Thousand Years”.
You can compliment it by another author ( name now escapes me) and the title is :
“Judaism Strange Gods”.
Once you have read those two books you will be puzzled no more.
Meanwhile go to youtube and listen to this subtitled in english video by the Israeli Jew Yossi Gurvitz:
” When Israel is Mighty”.
Carmel by the Sea
I really must get into this secondary discussion and tie it into the present.
I think the question of whether it is still the AngloZionist Empire or has become the Zionist Empire is extremely relevant and important as deeper analysis of this question illuminates the ultimate objective of the Empire and this end in turn defines who or what rules the Empire.
I’ll start with the obvious here and now: Kissinger is becoming way too present in Trump’s sphere of influence not to deserve deeper scrutiny. We have to understand something about Zionism to begin to perceive the threat it poses globally. No true Zionist is first and foremost loyal to the nation they are a citizen of unless that nation is Israel. Zionists are loyal first to Zionism and second to whichever place they are a citizen of if that nation is favourable to Zionism or can be moved to favour Zionism by aligning its interests with the interests of Zionism. Ergo, Kissinger is loyal, first to Zionism; and for this reason his words and actions should be examined through that prism to decipher the real intent and warped end behind them. One only has to read what he says and writes regarding Iran and his perception of what a Palestinian state and Syrian state should look like to understand how Zionism taints his thinking and how devious and sinister he is in harnessing American power to protect Zionism’s power to the detriment of peace, justice and sovereignty of others preying on every vulnerability. Kissinger is just as much a Zionist imperialist as Kagan with an even more cunning design. Whereas Hitler tried to empower Aryans to supremacy in Europe through military force and occupation. Zionists are using the U.S. to manipulate the world to submission, and to mess with global geopolitics through top-level political influence and military dominance to the same end as Hitler: SUPREMACY for the tribe.
Kissinger has an ulterior game plan that will advance the agenda of Zionism significantly, and Trump is the perfect conduit for it, especially, since he’s a foreign policy neophyte, therefore more susceptible to influence that indulges his power-driven fantasy and, together with Zionism already imbedded in his family, makes him the ideal receptive vessel for toxic Zionist indoctrination that is already happening. There are so many aspects to Trump that complement Zionism and its inherent fascist/nationalist, power-driven and Islamophobic nature. Thus, no surprise that the most radical right-wing Zionists are zeroing in on this Presidency.
With the declining popularity of Neoconservatism in the American public’s perception; Zionists needed another approach to continue steering American foreign policy in the right direction; the direction that Zionism requires to sustain its power disguised and justified as perpetual insecurity.
To keep up the appearance of ambiguity; Neocons in Trump’s sphere are therefore not flaunting their influence and Trump has been quite discreet in his association with them via his advisory committee; with the exception of a few singular bursts of praise for John Bolton whom he seriously considered for SoS until Kissinger was brought in to soften the appearance of Trump’s incongruent foreign policy and blend it with the morphing Zionist plan that strays from Neoconservatism only in that it now pretends to distance itself from regime change replacing this now unpopular strategy, perhaps temporarily, with the more palatable and superficially less aggressive scheme of containment of adversaries that challenge the geopolitical framework or global conditions that favour Zionist power. When I refer to containment, I naturally mean diffusing other power and influence, either through strategic alignments (i.e. empowering the enemy of my enemy or dividing an emerging alliance to weaken or conquer one of the parties, and using carrot and stick diplomacy, stick being deprivation in the form of financial tyranny, and carrots in the case of Russia, gifts maybe as significant as recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and alleviating sanctions. However, there is a price to pay for such gifts that come with strings attached and conditions programmed to negative time released costs intended to weaken the adversary being courted for ulterior geopolitical gain.
Zionists will insist on shaping Syria in a way that diffuses Iranian influence; Kissinger has already hinted on the plan; and Russia will have to betray Iran not only on Syria but in regards to the Iran deal as well, and betray China as well. Neutralizing Iran and containing China is one of the reasons why the Empire’s plan is morphing to appease Putin. But expect the Empire to enhance its military strength simultaneously. Also troubling to Zionists is the growing cooperation between China and Iran. Trump assigned an Ambassador that China trusts. Again, just as the Zionist Empire needs to wean Russia away from cooperation with China; it also needs to mess with China/Iran relations all with the goal of breaking up this emerging geopolitical challenge that threatens Zionist power, and yes, it is Zionist power. As far as the EU is concerned which is also threatening Zionist power with Europe’s increasing criticism of Israel’s settlement expansion and growing Apartheid; the Empire through its economic domination has already begun the collapse of the Eurozone not only economically, but also with the tsunami of Muslim migration that flooded Europe; one of the intended consequences of Zionism’s proxy war on Syria.
In order for Zionism to expand its influence in the Middle East and globally, it must neutralize and diffuse all threats to its power, which again Zionists play down by disguising their extensive power with constant tribal insecurity. However, Jewish security is not at risk; it is Zionism’s power that was exposed by Neoconservatism resulting in Zionism finally starting to be challenged with increasing criticism. However, Zionism is not wasting any time re-asserting itself publicly defensively, and in a more offensive manner, circumspectly, from within the coming Trump Presidency.
I am therefore extremely wary and pessimistic regarding the Trump Presidency. Already, Trump is acting on behalf of the Empire’s Zionist masters by interfering in and trying to sabotage the passage of the Resolution on illegal settlements at the UNSC by calling up Egypt’s al-Sissi to kill the Resolution, no doubt using U.S. funding to the Egyptian military as leverage; and he succeeded at that stage. Thankfully, New Zealand, Senegal, Venezuela and Malaysia checked that move by taking up the Resolution and tabling it before the Security Council and China and Russia were just two of the countries that also voted YES.
First Trump twittered that the Resolution was unfair to Israelis; then Trump made a veiled threat against the U.N. after the Resolution passed, and followed that with ridicule. Just yesterday, he again backed up Netanyahu’s earlier rant with this support for Zionism on twitter: “They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but……. not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!”
Then, probably on the advice of his Zionist foreign policy mentor, Kissinger, tempered his recent outbursts to restore the ambiguity that his Zionist masters want as cover and the ambiguity they prefer to operate in to mitigate exposure.
There is no doubt whatsoever that Trump is the latest and most dangerous Zionist puppet to ascend to the U.S. Presidency. For this reason, Russia must be wary of Trump bearing gifts via the Trojan Tillerson and visualize the end game before getting pulled into the trap.
If Kissinger is involved at his decrepit stage in life; you can bet there are Zionist machinations in the works which require Kissinger’s foreign policy finesse with the mid to long range ulterior intent of politically impairing Putin and weakening Russia’s influence.
I agree with Paul Craig, William Engdahl and others who are also wary of Trump’s Presidency.
Paul Craig ends on this note: Until Trump relegates them [them? Neocons or Ziocons?] to the ideological backwaters, Russia and China had best hold on to their strategic alliance. Anyone attempting to break this alliance is a threat to both Russia and China, and to America and to life on earth. (my comments in bold)
Anyone attempting…? That would be Zionism; the most powerful supremacist and inherently fascist ideology of this era and the threat to all.
Here’s the thing though; Trump is already in bed with Neocons, as it can be logically proven that Netanyahu is the godfather of the Neoconservative Manifesto as PNAC was the redacted/expanded version of Clean Break that was originally authored by Zionist Jews at Netanyahu’s behest. So Zionism was the inspiration behind PNAC, and even though Neoconservatism is taking a back seat, Zionism is still pulling the levers of global power with a more unassuming, but equally toxic strategy.
Netanyahu, who is repeatedly singing Trump’s praises since his victory, is literally panting for Trump to assume the Presidency and Trump is responding to that anticipation. So Trump isn’t distancing himself from the AngloZionist imperial agenda. The agenda is adapting around the American public’s resentment of Neoconservatism and morphing its strategy to achieve the same end. As Engdahl wrote: It’s classic Kissinger Balance of Power geopolitics–seem to ally with the weaker of two mortal enemies, Russia, to isolate the stronger, China. I underscore seem to ally, as nothing will be as it superficially appears to be.
Quote source :
Kissinger, who is above all, a Zionist first, is lurking in the shadow of an emerging Trump Presidency making himself relevant at an especially timely moment when PNAC must be rescued from its unpopular Neoconservative image and spun and refaced with a seemingly benevolent alter ego together with an additional strategy of drawing in an enduring opponent, Russia, with the pretext of a common cause to defeat radical Islam which conveniently takes care of a problem that Islamophobic Zionism would eventually be forced to tackle as ISIS and AQ start to outlive their usefulness of scaring resistant nations into submission and aligning them with Zionist policy. With this so-called détente and a common interest to join forces against ISIS, Putin could then be more easily persuaded that ISIS and Iran are interchangeable branches of radical Islam.
Trump is not Zionism’s Plan B; he is Plan A; the unsophisticated, yet already Zionist-amenable vessel in tune with the masses required to put the next and final phase of PNAC in motion that will crush a China/Russia alliance of power which would restore bi-polar balance and would give refuge to Iran.
On a domestic front, given that Zionism is inherently a fascist ideology, which is the reason that Israel lacks a constitution and the reason it subverts the U.S. political system and democracy to sustain control; given Zionism’s already toxic influence on civil rights, what I refer to as the Zionization of America, specifically, punishing anti-Zionist activism, restricting free speech, profiling and other civil rights diminishment under the Patriot Act since 9/11, that Netanyahu called “good for Israel” and enhanced spying and internet control and so forth; are we to trust this President to loosen this Zionist fascist grip on democracy when he is already proving to be all in with Zionism, more so, as he is already demonstrating, than any other President to date?
On a global scale, after it lures enemies to break their alliances; the Zionist empire, yes Zionist Empire, will undoubtedly resort to all the tools of fascist control to sustain its already acquired significant global power (i.e. political subversion, financial domination/tyranny, media propaganda, goebbel-like hasbara, psy-ops, false flag, sophisticated cyber-technology, state-of-the-art weaponry, etc.) to bend resistance to its will. An important point to be mindful of: Zionism has too often successfully perpetrated extra-judicial operations globally; proving it is above the law and I’m not just referring to the assassinations of Iranian scientists and Palestinian militant operators; I’m referring to the attempted assassination of Gaza’s legitimately-elected leader Khaled Meshal and higher-level assassinations like Arafat.
Will China and/or Russia succumb to the Empire’s goodwill machinations and put the world’s future in the hands of the masters of Zionism. If they were unscrupulous enough to steal so much from an impoverished, captive nation of Palestinians; if they plundered land and resources defying international law with the submission of world leaders, turned Gaza into an open air concentration camp and the West Bank into a maze of cattle-cages and checkpoints and Apartheid Bantustans, imagine what they’ll do to global resistors to sustain power once they cement unilateral domination by containing one adversary (China) with the sacking and plunder of another (Iran) and irreversibly weakening the other enemy (Russia) thereby destroying the only alliance that can check and restrain the Zionist Empire.
Neoconservatism was Plan A; Kissinger’s strategy is Plan B for the final stage of PNAC completion. PNAC wasn’t authored for the benefit of American hegemony; it was authored for the hegemony of Zionism that has usurped American power.
Here’s my short version; yes, I’m responsible for the above comment and, sorry it’s so long. It’s hard to imagine that Zionists, as brilliantly devious as some of them are in different areas, are content with a small patch of land and desert and never-ending conflict with the poor people they stole it from. You don’t see Adelson building a palace on the West Bank to stake his claim in the midst of all the squatters there, but I suspect his generous patronage of the settlement movement is sufficient title to ensure the pretext that fronts for Zionism’s real global ambition. After all, Israel, i.e. the Promised Land and the Chosen; weren’t these intended figuratively? Zionism is either a new religion/ideology based on Judaism or it is what Judaism was meant to be all along. I suspect that the original religious significance of Israel and the Chosen, pales in comparison to the geopolitical interpretation that Zionists have no doubt given it. From the manner in which Zionism is unfolding, the Promised Land must be absolute power; and the Chosen; the entitled master race that the rest of us were obviously meant to serve in submission…or else.
Count me in the Resistance. Funny, I read somewhere that Hillary would delay the Revolution and Trump would hasten it.
Excellent comment Circe.
Just read this equally excellent potted history of the true origins of political – now ideological – Zionism and it’s relation (essentially a Judaeic form) to fascism, particularly Nazism.
It also makes insightful observations on notions of ‘collective guilt’ and its even more opportunistic (irrational) offspring ‘inherited guilt.’
Superb comments!
Zionazis are going to proxy-attack Iran – no question about that!
What we need to figure out is Russia and its non/response.
On one hand, by going with the flow (as it did with Dubya’s attack on Iraq), it will buy more time to strengthen further its army along with some short-term “benefits” with an understanding that its turn draws closer with much more difficult positions to defend afterwards.
OTOH, how wise is it to shoulder the most of the fight almost alone – like it does now – while the others are enjoying the benefits of half-deals with the devil hoping they’ll avoid its wrath?
Judging by the Putin’s declaration, saying that “Russia is now stronger than any of its potential “aggressor” and his bold response in Syria, I hope he goes for the first option.
One thing is sure from all of this: zionazis will not leave a rock non-turned if they were to be allowed to go their way of locusts.
I think that as China has much more at stake in regards to Iran; it should use all preventative measures possible to stop Zionists from even considering the folly of attacking Iran. I imagine China has some leverage to apply hard power. Hopefully, the threat would be diffused; but China should definitely make an exception to its hands off diplomacy and defend its interests in regards to Iran.
Certainly, Russia could not rescue Iran militarily; after its significant engagement in Syria, but there are ways that it can assist with intelligence, disabling/jamming the Zionist invaders’ weapons systems, and supplying sophisticated weapons to name some.
Don’t forget to factor in Adelson’s 25mil ‘donation’ – Trump is expected to deliver on his investments/interests in Israel.
The probe on Netanyahu May may yield some interesting info on his relationship to US and other oligarchs (like Kolomoisky), but whether it will be published is doubtful.
On a brighter note, there is increasing loss of ‘moral legitimacy’ for the Zionist project, including the rejection by young Jews.
I suspect Kissinger is aware of this, hence his increased profile: he usually prefers to operate in the background ( as he did with his support for Clinton.)
2017 should be the complete burial of the “Great October Revolution”. The Mausoleum should be cleared of the corpse of Lenin and transformed into a chapel consecrated to the New Martyrs of Russia, where to gather their relics, the Imperial Family in the place of honor.
Nah, wishful thinking, not in your best dreams.
Let the man alone where he is, you already had enough with the racking of the corpse of poor Koba performed by the celebrity dancer Khruschev.
The Imperial Family have already a chapel consecrated where they have a place of honor, in St.Peter and St. Paul Fortress, in the imperial capital St. Petersburg, just above the dungeons where the revolutionaries died in cautivity by illnesses or suicidizing themselves because of going mad by years of isolation.
Do not be so profiteer and let things stay as they are, St.Petersburg as the Tsarist capital and Moscow as the Soviet capital, to have everybody conformable. Russia is huge and diverse, and, fortunately, its representatives understand this so well so as to not break the balance reached by benefitting any group/ideology above others.
Merry Orthodox Christmas!
You are absolutely correct, of course. And that will happen one day, but not as long as there is a seizable minority in Russia who feels otherwise. I would give it another 10 years or so. But yes, what you are describing would be the correct Orthodox thing to do. I am extremely encouraged by Putin’s very sober and realistic view of not only the Soviet ear as such, but of the Bolshevik revolution specifically. Most Russians are coming around to see it for what it was: by far the worst tragedy in Russian history. As for the Soviet period, it has a lot in common with Russia of course, but that is like saying that a malignant tumor and healthy tissue have a lot of common DNA, which they do, but not understanding that one is necessarily the death of the other, that they are mutually exclusive by essence, nature, function and purpose.
God willing, we will live long enough to see that day!
Kind regards,
The Saker
Not to mention that one organism can dead not only by a cancer but also by an overwhelmingly invasion of pathogen parasites, being in the case of a tapeworm a slow death by sucking every profit you could take/earn with your effort.
Well Saker let’s just hope Russia and China can help free the once free western world from the Zionist empire before it exterminates more than 100 million plus more innocents or starts a global nuclear war. As I have shown and can show with much more proof in the form of confessions of Zionists, Rabbis etc (confessions are the best proof as I just showed of the Russian / Soviet holocaust at the hands of the Jews) that it is the Zionist empire which is responsible for pretty much all the modern day genocides, that is genocides in the last 250 to 300 years or so.
I was glad Clinton lost as she represents the George Soros, Sheldon Adelson etc. branch of Zionism that is willing to risk nuclear war for global domination while Trump represents the branch of Zionism that does not want a nuclear war. That is the only difference between these two, I see and I believe it will be proven to be the case in the next year.
Western world has nobody to blame but themselves. It was the West that has
gleefully and willfully put itself under the yoke of the Zionists by supporting and going to bed with the Hertzls, Weitzmans and other early Zionist leaders. To say nothing of the fact that the ordinary European Jews who did not wish to move to Palestine or other place where the Zionists wanted to establish their race-base state were forcibly put under the Zionist control.
What goes around comes around.
As usual, your average Western trashbag tacitly follows the bold axiom of George Soros when opining on something related to Russia:
“To hell with Russian public opinion”
Terribly sorry — it was your beloved Nicholay Romanov who turned out to be a Yeltsin-like disaster for Russia; not Lenin.
Nicholay Romanov is nowadays a beloved Saint in Russia by an increasingly larger public opinion. Lenin hated Russia and the public opinion would eventually cease to look at him through the coloured (red) lenses.
You, Saker, Scott, Auslander etc believe, no Lenin means big Tsarist Russian Empire until now with unchanged or perhaps larger extensions/borders.
The truth however is, no Lenin/Soviet Union/Stalin, nothing of Russia might have survived Hitlers invasion.
The old Russian Empire was decades behind the West regarding its industrialization levels.
The Zionists hated the Romanovs, hated Russia and hated the Orthodox church andcontinue doing so.
Without Lenin and Stalin Moscow could now well be part of Poland, the Baltics or Turkey.
Face reality rather than blaming all things that ever went wrong anywhere onto the Bolsheviks.
Lenin was financed by the banking elite, Zionists and the German Empire to destroy Russia.
He of course took the money, but that doesn’t mean he was dishonest regarding his ideals.
Many other people also took the cash in similar situations, but unlike Lenin were dishonest double agents, murderers and evil lunatics (Hitler for example).
Lenin instead believed in his ideals (see his peronal family reasons).
And when did he claim he hates Russia?
What are your sources for such severe allegations?
Maybe he didn’t like the church nor the Tsar, and perhaps he had reasons for his stand.
Not so, at least, not the opinion of the people I met in Russia last summer, who, even being of different ideological backgrounds, including a liberal, agreed in missing things from the Soviet era which they did not remember as such a terrible time as you, who have not lived there at that times, do, mainly regretting the events and wide corruption around the 90´s
Now, now comrades, remember that “those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it”.
Too much of Russia’s history has been airbrushed out already, Leningrad has reverted back to the overly civilized even gay’ish sounding name of St Petersburg, mighty Stalingrad reduced to mere Volgograd.
Reread that quote from Vasilii Rozanov above again, it basically says that a true Russian loves the Motherland both in sickness or in health, till death do them part. Well Lenin and Stalin were both from a time period when Russia was a bit sick, but they should both be loved and remembered in exactly the same fashion as Putin is never the less.
mighty Stalingrad reduced to mere Volgograd.
Why the Russians never restored its original name I can’t imagine.
@Why the Russians never restored its original name I can’t imagine
One of the reasons was that it evoked the name of Tsar. As you can see by some people’s knee-jerk reactions at the simple evocation of the Tsar, even on this blog, the hatred for the Tsar is still alive in many people’s minds.
Sure, Stalingrad should revert to its initial name ‘Tsaritsyn’. The name comes from the river Tsaritsa.
The renaming of many towns and places in Russia was the ‘airbrushing’ of the millenary Russian history and culture intended by the ‘revolutionaries’. The Bolsheviks hated anything Russian.
” The Bolsheviks hated anything Russian”.
Yes. Though that hate could not compare to the rabid hatred against Orthodox Christianity.
In particular.
Though I am not an Orthodox Christian, my soul is quite pleased to an extreme, that Orthodox Christianity is strong in Russia. The New (always demonic) Bolsheviks of today are very, very angry at a very strong Orthodox Christian Russia and a very strong world leader who himself is an Orthodox Christian.
As I have said quite a few times here about the Old/ New Bolsheviks, theirs, is an ancient hatred.
As old as Time.
This is not about Christianity but civilizations. A clash of the greco-roman civilization and west-asian savagery. The conflict actually started in Emperor Julian’s time.
Yes. It seems that The Roman Emperors of the day learned all they knew about Christianity from King Herod.
Hence the visceral hatred of all things Christian which would have been more justifiably directed at the Jews who were, unlike the Christians, incessantly plotting against Rome.
Nothing changes in history but the scenery and costumes. The actors remain the same.
…”But after over three centuries of trying to sheepishly imitate the Europeans and be accepted as European themselves, the Russian have finally lost all interest in emulating Europe, at least in a cultural or political way”…
This should be repeated like a mantra day in and day out in Russia.
“Just like European maps place Europe in the center of the planet, so do most western commentators look at the past year from a US/Europe-centered perspective. ”
-Unlike China, India, Japan and other countries which look at the past years from the entire mankinds perspective, being not for example, sino-centric but human-centric… oh, no, actually they look at the world from their perspective and China actually refers to itself as the centre of the world “The middle kingdom.”
Weird, I guess it is normal to look at the world from the perspective of where your population lives. How strange.
” As for the Russians, far from fearing the Europeans,”
-Russians are Europeans, that is such an annoying misstake. When people equate EU to mean Europe, That is what ukromorons always rant on about “We are Europeans”, well of course you are dumbasses, you were always Europeans, as are Russians for that matter.
EU is not Europe, infact it is anti-Europe, the goal of EU is the destruction of everything European, European culturel, religion, history, even demograpics. You dont even need to look at the actions of EU to verifiy this, it is the state vision of the founder of EU.
Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi : ” The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”
“but the myth of the European cultural superiority has truly died. Good riddance!”
-Firstly, Russia is a part of Europe, secondly, what the average Russians and eastern Europeans want from western Europe is not “superior culture”, but superior living standards. Culture from western Europe has been shit since the 1960 and the sexual revolution and counter-culture revolution that brought culturalmarxism into power over the western part of Europe.
Since the 1960s W.European culture has been methodically destroyed by cultural marxism/political correctness and turned into I’d say absolute degeneracy. Where queery theory, gay pride, whiteness studies, radical feminism, anti-family, anti-European, anti-christian, anti-male are the core values.
The same people smoking dope in the 1960s are now at the top of western society screaming about the need of white genocide.
“Drexel Professor Has A History Of Hating White People And Wishing For Their Genocide”
Superior culture? Hardly, the only thing the west has that is attractive is living standards. If anything, Russia is the last bastion of European civilization and the west is just a pile of decay.
What European culture were Russians admiring and still do?
Take Dostoevsky, the ‘Slavophile’, supposed hater of the ‘West”:
“His most spontaneous admiration was commanded by truly eternal masterpieces: Titian’s ‘The Tribute Money’ and Raphael’s ‘The Sistine Madonna’. Anna Grigorievna has left us a vivid account of Dostoevsky’s enjoyment of these works at the Gemaldegalerie in Dresden:
‘Passing by all the other halls, my husband led me up to the Sistine Madonna – a painting which he held to be the highest manifestation of human genius. Subsequently, I was to see how my husband could stand for hours in front of this strikingly beautiful painting, deeply moved and affected’. She added that she had the startling impression that the Madonna was flying upwards from the canvas to greet her visitors. In another account of their first sight of Raphael’s painting, Anna Grigorievna wrote: ‘What beauty, what innocence and sadness in that divine face, how much humility, how much suffering in those eyes! Fedya finds that her smile is sorrowful… At the Kunstsammlung in Basel, Dostoevsky saw Hans Holbein the Younger’s image, ‘The Dead Christ in the Tomb’ (1521), which would affect him differently but equally profoundly”.
The Gemäldegalerie was nearly entirely destroyed in one of the real Holocausts of the WWII (the Anglo-Zionist bombardment of Dresden in which thousands of civilians have been burned alive). The painting was rescued by the Red Army, transported to Russia, where it was lovingly restored and finally returned to its original place.
“In the case of Europe, russophobia has always been a northern European thing”
-Nonsense, there is no Russophobia among the northern Europe populations or anywhere in western Europe, russophobia is a liberal/leftist thing. The average population in west Europeean countries are neutral at worse and pro-Russian at best. The Swedes even today refuse to join NATO, despite the insane anti-Russian propaganda that has been hammared into them the last two years.
Russophobia is strictly a eastern European thing, Poland, the baltics, are chronically anti-Russians. In the west only the elites are anti-Russian.
@Russophobia is strictly a eastern European thing
Stinking of Gefilte fish and Hamentaschen.
“Germany and Poland are more or less on their own in trying to desperately revitalize the anti-Russian front. The problem for them is that they are also both subservient US colonies and that while they can fancy themselves the next in line to defend the western civilization against the revanchist Mongol hordes from the East,”
-Utter and absolute nonsense, while the article was interesting to read I am suprise by the massive ignorance displayed by these statements, Germans viewing Russians as mongol hordes??? Um lol??
Germany is one of the most pro-Russian countries in EU hardly comparable with the Poles, which are hysterically anti-Russian.
The very pro-Russian party Afd will likely score 20% in the coming elections and the population in eastern Germany is even more pro-Russian then the average German. Hundreds of Germans are fighting with NAF against NATO backed nazists in Ukraine, that is the highest number from any country execpt Russia.
When you claim the Germans view Russians as mongol hordes you really display a absolute lack of understanding of the situation.. And for that matter, Germans dont view themselves as defenders of western civilization, they hate themselves and their culture and history, and they think their very existance is racist and when their German women are raped by the hundreds in public by brown muslims they dont mind, and those that do mind are arrested by the German state for “hate crime”.. So your statement is just absolutely absolute hogwash on every level.
“Germans don’t view themselves as defenders of western civilization, they hate themselves and their culture and history, ”
That is correct, the 70 years of brainwashing has made this possible, the Eastern part (former DDR) being left out till 1991. Since then, the new generation is also partially brainwashed. I say partially, because there are many young East German people who are not and have a great sympathy toward Russia. It is not a coincidence that the AfD was born in that part of Germany.
“e will join the EU and become Germany-like overnight. ”
-A report released by the IMF states that if Ukraine has 5% growth they will reach the level of central European economies after 30 years. I am not certain if “central European” mean Germany or Poland.. But what is certain is that Ukraine is not growing by 5% a year. So in a realistic scenario, Ukraine is likely a hundred year away from central European living standards.
Nice job putting this analysis together. One thing I would add is it looks like Russia and Japan laid the groundwork for much better relations in the coming year.
yes, you are right. I did not list that because I did not consider Japan as a challenge facing Russia at the beginning of 2016. But I will most definitely include Japan in the next installment about possibilities for 2017.
Um, so great article very interesting as usual, but I came across something that chocked me quite a bit..
What is this talk of there is no “ethnic Russians”? Obviously there are ethnic Russians, they are the majority of the Russian population and founded the Russian country. I am quite appalled by this attempt to delegitimized the existence of the Russian people, which has a long and great history as all European people do. I am not Russian myself, but I respect all peoples right to exist, and to deny the existence of a people is pretty much as offensive as you can get.
It seems you are radically different ideologically to what I expected, in this sense you connect well with Hillary and her liberal cohorts, that you share such an core ideological sentiment with liberals is, to put it frankly, very disappointing. And very very strange. Most readers probably feel the same. While I have not read any opinion polls on Russians view on their own existence, I know many ethnic Russians and none of them share your sentiment that they do not exist, if anything, the average Russians has a much stronger ethnic identity then the average west European. And nazism, ultranationalism and nationalism is very common in Russia, compared to W.Europe. Why Pavel who founded the Novorossiya movement is an ex-nazi himself.
It seems you are radically different ideologically to what I expected,
That is about the only correct thing you wrote in your various comments today :-)
The rest is too worthless to reply to, sorry.
The Saker
Saker, can you explain us why do you think that there´s no ethnic Russians? A bit larger of life viewpoint, perhaps? I partly understand what you said because my family(Finnish) is from the border of Russia and Finland, Karelia, and I feel that my mindset is more Russian than Western. I think that all those Finns who are not brainwashed by MSM feel mostly the same. But I´m clearly an ethnic Finn. My ancestors lived in that small village on the border long before Mayflower. To deny someones ethnicity, especially in the case of Russians, is equal to deny reality. I think that one of the most important part of someones identity is his ethnicity. I know for sure that you are not a liberal and I know that Russian state views a nation state in a bit different way than it´s seen in the West. But the inner strength of Russia is based on ethnicity, the shared experience being an ethnic Russian. Not on any artificial globalist illusions about integrity or unity.
Agreed, sounds weird. Almost absurd to me, I have a hard time to believing it is rooted in hostility towards Russian people, given that this is a pro-Russian site, and thesaker writing are very pro-Russian, yet it is pretty hard to interpret the denying of Russian people as something positive.
I would be rather interested to hear the justification of this opinion myself. Is it for example based on racial logic? I often hear ukronazists claim that there are no “Russian people” because Russians are racially mixed mongols. Is this his reasoning? That ethnic Russians does not exist because they are not racially pure enough?
I have always seen Russia as a multi-ethnic state consisting of many ethnic group, one of which are of course ethnic Russians. If thesaker reject the validity of the Russian ethnic group, does he do the same for other ethnic groups in Russia? Do they exist? Or is it only ethnic Russians that doesnt exist, and if so why?
Does ethnic Chechens exist? Do ethnic Avars exists? Do ethnic Armenians exist? Ethnic Ingush? And so so.
It would also be interesting to see how many Russians shared this belief. Is there perhaps studies that show that the majority of Russian citizens doesn’t identify with being ethnic Russians? Or that the majority of Russians does not identify with any particular ethnic group
This is a case when two apparently antithetic statements are both correct. There is no “Ethnic Russian,” for the somatic traits of so many Russians are a mixture of ethnic elements derived from maybe century-long intermarriages. Even Putin, I should say in my very superficial observation, has a Tartar strain in his looks, not to mention the minister of defense Shoygu , the recently departed Kalashnikov and others. On the other hand, it is just this unique mixing of ethnic traits spanning an area half the globe that creates a unique Russian ethnicity. To compare, until historically recently, there was no “Ethnic Italian” – people in the South had Spanish, Moorish, Greek and Arabic strains. People in the North, French and Mittle Europe somatic characteristics. To the point that Metternich, at the Congress of Vienna, rightly said that “Italy is a geographical expression.” Something that, certainly, could not be said of Russia.
So you think it is a racial issue? The Saker view is that Russians are not racially pure enough to be allowed recognition as an ethnic group? Personally I find that sort of racial talk to be hogwash, when you start talking about that you can tell “racial characteristic” on someone face or that their nose is too long or short to be this and that, you are really diving into the realm of extreme individual subjectivity. As far as I am aware there is no international noseology center that measure objective nose-lengths for various ethnic groups.
I mean, to some extent all ethnic groups are mixed, 1% of the DNA of everyone in Europe is from africa, the indians left in america today are as mixed as can be, do they not deserve recognition as distinct ethnic groups? Are ethnic Russians less or more mixed then some other ethnic group? Hardly.
Of course if you are subjective and you dont want ethnic Russians to exist you can cherry pick in history freely to pick individual that were not Russians in the Russian government and say “see, see” but this can of course be done in every country to every ethnic group.. You can claim there are not ethnic English, that English are too “mixed” and take up the example of Pocahontas, who was brought back to England from America and married and had several children and descendants that live today in England. Does this mean that ethnic English doesnt exist? Nope.
If someone tells me ethnic Russians doesn’t exist because he views ethnic Russians too be too racially mixed, that only thing that means is that, this person has some strange world view in which there is no room for ethnic Russians.
What makes an ethny is a ‘cult’ of a shared line of ancestors for people living on the same territory, which often is the result of mixed marriages (which were the norm of ‘exogamic’ societies). Racial purity is a Jewish concept.
Putin is from St.Petersburg and he has definitely very Finnish outlook and character. He reminds me of my grandparents, born not far from St.Petersburg.
All the Saker is saying is that being a true Russian is a matter of the heart, not a matter of the dna or ethnicity.
Even a Russian who speaks Russian might not be a true Russian, whereas conversely, a non Russian who doesn’t even speak Russian might be a true Russian. Its back to the old a true Russian is defined by love of the Motherland (Patriotism), not hatred of others (Nationalism). Russia is a multi-ethnic society, excessive nationalism could lead to further Balkanization which plays right into the hands of the NeoCon / AngloZionist agenda for a weakened Russia.
Remember that Ivan the Terrible (or Ivan the Formidable according to Scot) claimed to be Tsar of all the Russia’s, not Tsar of just one Russia.
While some Russian’s might indeed consider themselves to be more ethic Russian than others, there is an old Russian proverb: “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar”.
If I am not wrong that is not an old Russian proverb, but a Napoleon´s statement.
Wonderful article! Well done, Saker.
I perceive in your Putin 2016 review a solid 2017 preview of Trump domestic and foreign policies that would help our movement succeed in the United States (as you have already repeatedly pointed out). Hopefully Steven Bannon, Trump’s Strategic Director, appreciates the Saker as much as I do.
I would not be surprised if Donald Trump is impeached next year. He probably has many buried skeletons such as dodgy tax returns. As a businessman, he could use his connections to stop the police from investigating such infractions. However, now the political establishment wants his head and they will examine his past forensically. At a minimum they want to cripple him. At that point, I suppose Pence becomes President. I hope I am wrong.
I broadly agree with what The Saker says above except on one thing: The Russian Economy
People in general (both on the anti-Russian and pro-Russian sides) grossly misunderstand the Russian economy and its performance in recent years.
a) First of all, in economic matters, there are no miracles nor easy fixes. For example, calls for the Russian economy to diversify away from oil & gas are juvenile to the extreme. Such a process can only occur in the span of several years, in fact decades, and only if Russia gains access to major markets. It cannot happen overnight.
b) There’s nothing wrong with being a massive exporter of oil and gas. In fact, as Russia is a very low-cost producer of both, these export markets are highly lucrative, far more than other more competitive industrial sectors.
c) The past 3 years have been nightmarish for the Russian economy. First there was the loss of Ukraine, a major trading partner. Then there were the Western sectoral financial sanctions, that at least initially had a negative effect and thirdly and most crucially the apocalyptic collapse in all commodity prices, from oil and gas to metals and grain. Virtually everything that Russia exports has gone through the most brutal market correction imaginable. The combination of all these factors was partly accidental and partly by NATO design with explicit goal of bringing down the Russia government or at least managing to squeeze it hard enough so that victory could be achieved in Syria (victory for NATO’s rats that is)
d) Under these conditions, the recession that Russia has gone through could have been infinitely worse. But Russia in fact had some minor growth in 2014, a 3.7% recession in 2015 and 2016 may prove to be a zero-growth year as well. Forecasts expect a small shrinkage in the order of 0.2%, but I think that it’s too pessimistic.
e) The RCB and the Ministry of Finance have done exceptionally well to navigate the Russian economy out of this PERFECT STORM. The RCB let the Russian economy immediately take the hit from the low oil prices via a massive ruble devaluation that cushioned Russia’s FX reserves and kept the oil & gas industry of Russia the most competitive on the planet.
f) Keep in mind that under the most negative external conditions imaginable, the Russian economy manged to: 1) De-leverage. Any Western economy, Japan or China or any emerging market can only dream of having Russia’s debt levels. 2) Despite the massive ruble devaluation, the RCB managed to bring inflation progressively down by maintaining punishing interest rates. A painful but necessary policy for Russia’s long-term prosperity. 3) Manged to INCREASE oil production, despite financial and technological sanctions of its oil firms by the West and despite the collapsed oil price. The fact that Russia managed to not only maintain but also increase her oil production under such conditions is testament to what I have been saying for years now. Russia’s oil reserves are the greatest on the planet and the Russian authorities have manged them well. Hence why Rex Tillerson is so fond of Putin and Russia, he knows what I have been saying all along. 4) Managed to keep employment stable through a rather prolonged and deep recession.
g) The effect of all this, is that by now, the Russian economy is poised to recover strongly and sustain-ably in the coming years, especially if Trump is as cooperative in deeds as he is in words.
h) The strength and timing of the coming Russian recovery is reliant on a few factors. 1) The timing of the oil price recovery. My guess is that oil prices will fluctuate for one more year or so before entering another super-cycle in 2018. 2) Trump/Tillerson policy towards Russia. c) The willingness and ability of the EU-ans to keep subsidizing money-losing “green-energy” projects instead of buying gas from the best available source: Russia. d) The ability/willingness of banks, hedge funds, pensions funds in buying the money-losing bonds of marginal oil producers in North America and elsewhere.
The Russian economic authorities have done exceptionally well, but only those who understand economics can tell.
A really great summary, Saker.
It’s funny that you rave against the liberals – as if you expect from them to do otherwise.? Haha, they are the antibodies on the flesh they came out of, and that’s the essence of their miserable existence: without Russians (in this case) they wouldn’t exist – the parasites that they are. Same as in Serbia.
It’s quite telling to read, say, The Diary of a Writer by Dostoevsky, where he naively tries to argue with them against their circular arguments. And, it’s the striking similarity of the liberals then and now so much so that it seems his writings are from yesterday.
Speaking of that prophet of the Russian nation, who was warning them of the consequences if those nihilists were to take power in Russia, I whole-hardheartedly agree with the WizOz’s comment on Lenin; don’t understand why so many things in Russia are still named after that gigolo boy from Switzerland turned revolutionary mass-murderer?
It is because of the reason you give: Lenin was a mass-murderer (aided by the Trotskys, Zinovievs, Sverdlovs, Uritskys and the “immensely disproportionate number of Jews [who] joined the new Bolshevik secret police, the Cheka, and many of those who fell afoul of the Cheka would be shot by Jewish investigators”) and a hater of Russia, but ‘some’ people refuse to acknowledge it because it would plainly expose that the Jews have been the planners and executioners of what amounts to genocide.
Minor correction On NATO (4/5)
Holland isn’t following the US that slavishly as much as following Germany.
The end result is the same for now and it won’t change until Germany tells the US to take a hike.
On the EU(5/5)
You forget a not so minor thing. The amount of leverage that the US has over the core of the EU as shown with the episode with Evo Morales’ airplane maybe being used to transport Snowden.
Electing sane people to the different parts of a government isn’t going to help in the face of that. The big question is has the US also gained that much leverage over the former Warsaw pact nations that have joined.
Russian Economy (3/5)
MIght want to add in that the sanctions and general russophobia from the west allowed Russia to implement laws and regulations that would have been viciously opposed by what you have termed the Atlantiscists. And that that is making Russia less dependent on the west. So you could describe the sanctions as an own goal since Russia has managed to use that shit as fertilizer.
Syria (5/5)
Don’t be to hopeful for a Russia-US operation against Daesh/ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Whatever they are named this week.
The Pentagon has made it very clear that it will rather commit treason then work with the Russian army. That is a serious amount of resistance that Trump will have to chew through.
The United States 5/5
Not in the US so I put this one last.
To me Putin, and the group he is the public face of, does not stand for US (or EU) values, just Russian values which happen to have quite an overlap with western values. If someone like him would show up on the political landscape where I live I’d vigorously oppose him.
That said after the absolute disaster that was Yeltsin, Putin (and the group behind him) was exactly what Russia needed to prevent it from becoming just another 3rd world nation used for resource extraction by the west. And due to that preventing the elites over here from dictating how most the world should live so they can plunder it.
Too many people have foolishly fallen in love with Trump. They will face rather big disappointment. His anti-China policy will be much more dangerous than Hillary’s Russia hatred.
From Oaxaca, Mexico.
Russia is being revindicated, many of us, know that the hollywood portrayal of Russia is BS, and mainly due to your great leaders. I am a fanof Putin as a statesman, but I do not believe in personality cult, I do admire the guy and I do pray for him, so that he is protected. His leadership is a beacon of hope for the entire world, and I am not exaggerating. As long as he continues cleaning the house from khazars, he will have my full support. 2016 has been more like a 4/5 from my perspective regarding Russophobia. Putin is now loved and respected world wide even with all the constant lying of the media and because of him and people like Lavrov, etc… We have learned to appreciate Russia like never before, we can’t get enough of Russian culture, we write daily to news and political organizations for our countries to look to the west (from our perspective China and Russia are at our West) instead of North or to EU, and to stop being puppets and grow some HUEVOS.
Excelent year for Russia, Syria and Novorussia even with all the tragedy, the world moved forward to a new age, and Trump would not have been elected if it were not for the PUTiN EFFECT (that is my term), actually the Right would not have gained so much traction like it has if it were not for your leaders and your people being an example to the rest of the world, from Atheist liberals to moral and competent individuals and Federation, from weak and broken to unity and strength.
I hope 2017 is bette an with less tragedy but i doubt it, Trump will try to divide between Russia, China and Iran again.
28.12.2016 Author: F. William Engdahl
A Pivotal Year For Mankind
The year 2016 has been pivotal one for mankind. The foreign and economic policies of the USA are in shambles as the Obama era ends. A new President, one with no political experience, takes office in some days having promised to “make America great again.” He has promised to “drain the swamp” of special interest corporate influence in Washington yet has chosen his cabinet from the banks of those special Wall Street interests, has chosen his national security and Pentagon figures from US military generals, and has chosen no fewer than five cabinet members who are billionaires, and seeks counsel of geopolitical architects of war such as Henry Kissinger.
What is Henry Kissinger Up To?
Paul Craig Roberts
Outstanding overview, Saker. Thank you!
I believe you are correct with your USA assessment. While it is true that a grate many fools of all ages and social status buy the hard line demonization of Putin and Russia, those who actually take the time to hear PUTIN speak cannot help but to admire his plain speaking yet diplomatic position on very important matters.
This is a refreshing change from the ridiculous diversions and pure horse shit spoken by so many politicians of the progressive West. Some Americans can actually think for themselves, rationally, and do indeed recognize the rare ring of truth when heard.
I also believe that the Russian people are mostly honorable and trustworthy (despite the ongoing demonization of everything Russian). I cannot say this of the majority of Western peoples, these quaint virtues have been cast aside and replaced by ambition, guile and profit motive.
Perhaps a few do still even understand the history of relations between Russia and US in civil and world wars.
Your perspective seems spot on.
Saker, I’m sure you are absolutely right about the Russian strategy of vanquishing Wahabi terrorism, that “they know that terrorism can only be defeated by strong counter-intelligence and and intelligence operations, especially human intelligence.”
Still, I can’t help thinking that there must be some way to take the battle to the states involved in this state-backed terrorism. It seems ridiculous that they are even allowed to use their prodigious wealth to destabilise and terrorize the rest of humanity. Russia would only gain if these state’s revenues from oil were curtailed. Why isn’t there some means of moving against the originators of Wahabist terror? On the surface it would seem a lot more efficient than battling them in places like Syria.
The Ukrops have launched a major attack in the front before Debalstevo using MLRS, tanks, artillery and the like. The Novorossians have repelled all advances using personal weapons only. They have inflicted 100s of dead and wounded, for the loss of 7 dead and a similar number wounded. The Ukrops have had so many casualties that they have had to be airlifted to Kharkov and as far away as Odessa. Some 400 or more UAF have deserted from units in west Ukraine. The figure is likely to be higher for units nearer the front. It looks like only the Neo-Nazis are keen to kill.
The big sticking point is the damage the Ukrops inflict on civilians and civilian infrastructure. The pathetic OSCE (10,000/month hyrvnia tax-free expenses + tax-free salary) hear nothing, see nothing, say nothing even when they themselves are shelled by the Ukrops. Politically, I guess it is a matter of hanging on until Trump takes over to see if anything changes before decisions are made.
It seems that the provocations are going to multiply in all fronts:
Union of Russian journalists criticizes Charlie Hebdo’s caricature of the Tu-154 incident
Russia’s embassy in Damascus comes under terrorist shelling twice over day
No elsi, we are winning, Trump has claimed victory and all is just phantastic, just read:
2016: the year of Russia’s triumph
Didn’t the same author predict that NATO would dissolve itself and leave Europe by mid-2016?
I assume, that one happened, too (sarcasm).
Of course such minor incidents as the loss of the RedArmy Choir cannot be considered bad news, or what …
But the main major bold mega problem is only, Trum got standing ovations when he warmly spoke at AIPAC in March: Donald Trump Full Speech at AIPAC Policy Conference (3-21-16)
“But after over three centuries of trying to sheepishly imitate the Europeans and be accepted as European themselves, the Russian have finally lost all interest in emulating Europe, at least in a cultural or political way.”
They left that to the Ukro-trash, LOL
Why would anyone want to be accepted as European? Except the Ukrainians of course, who mistake Europe for ‘culture’.
European propaganda has had nothing truthfully positive to say for itself for almost one and a half centuries.
The Ukros are so adamant about their Europeanness that they apply “political correctness” to the subject of famine.
In 1918, right in the wake of the armistice that ended WW1, the Entente entrusted the army of the defeated Kaiserreich to burn, slay, and starve Ukraine’s poor. This caused a deliberate famine with people dying by the millions during 1919 – 1922 throughout Ukraine. Now, how does the average Ukro feel about that, one might ask. Any grudge against Germany, perchance? After all, German imperialism has brought bloody hell to Ukraine three times; the most recent marauding being orchestrated as we speak by Merkel and the EU (under US neocon tutelage).
Answer: No, nay, never. Germany is a revered European country, mind you. To a grovelling Ukro, accusing Germany of wrongdoing is out, period. Hence, the clever solution of inventing the “Holodomor” nonsense (and the accompanying perpetual screamfest about it). Holodomor is a 100% anti-Russian pseudo-concept.
Bottom line: Ukros get raped by the West on a regular basis and blame the Russians. European cretinism all right.
Germans abetted by the Zionists ‘created’ Ukraine in 1918.
Nussiminen: <>
Didn’t you forget a small detail?
Polish–Soviet War
The Bolsheviki that are hated by many here (not you) saved Russia’s ass, when Poland stood straight in Kiev!
The Polish-Soviet War was the first reaction (apparently of the Bolsheviks) to the last (at the time) aggression against Russia.
Nope, didn’t forget anything. Here is an excerpt from one of my favourite books, A German worker’s memoirs, published in 1978 (English translation mine) focusing on Germany’s genocidal war in the East, starting in the fall of 1918, right after the “armistice”:
>> The Eastern front was ‘forgotten’ both in the terms pertaining to the armistice as well as in the ensuing peace accord. The German soldiers in Ukraine alone exceeded half a million men (not counting Belarus and the Baltics). The German army had seized more territory in the East than what it surrendered in the West. /…/ What happened in the East was advertised as ‘protecting Western civilization and culture’ by unending massacres in the countryside, in the villages, and the cities. >>
It’s plain to see that Ukraine is indeed a truly hideous invention by German imperialism. The Ukros are accordingly proud of their cesspit.
If you think about it, there are “American Ameriphobes” as well. Basically the whole group of neocons and one-percenters who lined up behind Hillary the Corrupt.
Oh, they wrap themselves in the flag. They wear red-white-and-blue neckties and pant-suits and have little American flag lapel pins. They talk constantly about how patriotic they are and about patriotism and blah, blah blah. But in reality, the stand firmly against and truly seem to hate everything that America used to stand for and which defined America.
They favor huge corporations (that can bribe them) over small businesses and farmers.
They support huge military war budgets, and the departing President was the first to preside over 8 full years of war.
They support propaganda and oppose a truly free press and independent reporters.
Any time an open microphone is nearby, they sneer and laugh at ordinary Americans.
and so on and so on and so on …..
Back in the days of the Revolution, they’d have supported King George and would have stood against Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and the rebels.
For those who read and enjoy history, it seems quite bizarre that the Democratic Party and ‘the Left’ now denounces and scorns one of the founders of its party. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, is now vilified as a ‘slave-owner’ and a ‘racist’. And even more bizarrely, the arch political opponent of Thomas Jefferson and the early Democrats is now promoted. Democrats for Hamilton would have been a shocking phrase back in Thomas Jefferson’s day.
Here is a goldmine (Hamilton, Jefferson, Burr, etc) supremely important to mine in the coming days, weeks, months and years, as I have contended for several months, as it bears directly on what forms of ACTION (not words) Trump needs to choose in order to be more than a temporary reprieve from the path to world war.
Not just for Americans. The general principles do apply in almost every area of the globe, in their own unique way.
But it’s too difficult to carry on a serious mining effort with any Anonymous without any differentiation as to who you are actually in dialogue with at any given point. Too difficult to tell one Anonymous from another.
Great article, agree with everything! I certainly hope Trump finishes off the neocons and liberals.
A bit perplexed over the entire “No ethnic Russians exist” thing thought.. What is that about? I am pretty sure there are ethnic Russians and that they constitute the majority of the population in Russia.
A good summary Saker – but I take substantive issue with your claim that there is no such thing as “Russian ethnicity”. Moreover, I believe your view a dangerous one for Russia, and one I would fight to see being spread.
Before we start, we need to define what we mean by “ethnic”. Merriam’s for example gives us:
“of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background”
And Wikipedia [for all I distrust it in many spheres is with the general trend here] gives us: “ethnicity is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities, such as common ancestral, language, social, cultural or national experiences.[1][2] Unlike other social groups (wealth, age, hobbies), ethnicity is often an inherited status based on the society in which one lives. In some cases, it can be adopted if a person moves into another society. Membership of an ethnic group tends to be defined by a shared cultural heritage, ancestry, origin myth, history, homeland, language or dialect, symbolic systems such as religion, mythology and ritual, cuisine…..and so forth.
I see no reason not to go with this. Please note, it does NOT refer to proven genetic links.
In the light of this definition, Russians are clearly an ethnically separate people. The history in which the various peoples combined, Mongols, Tartars, Slavs, Norse – is a common history to all. It’s as common to those still predominantly Tartar, say, as it is to those predominantly Slav.
I have spent the last 2 years reading extensively every day about “Russia” and the one thing that comes through is that there are regional differences yes, very minor, just as there are in America, in UK, in Europe. However, the overall acceptance by all the people is that “We are Russian”. The Russian Orthodox Church is the same across Russia, as is Buddhism, Islam and other religious belief, including the shamans of the Siberian region. The language of Russia is Russian, all over the country. The songs, and recent history, but most of all the sense of ownership of the country and its history, is the same among all peoples of the Russian land mass.
Moreover, there are Genetic groupings, the predominant one being Haploid groups [Wikipedia again gives us – in brief – “is a group of genes in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent,[1][2] and a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor]. Whilst there is a degree of argument among population geneticists, there is an agreement of similarity of haploid groups between modern day Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians, with a divergence from South Russian regions with a commonality with Circassians and Caucasians, and north Russians with a more unique haploid grouping, including one labelled as “Slavs”. .
However, there is a marked divergence from Western European Franco-Germanic and most especially the Mediterranean “Europeans” of Greece, Italy and Spain.
Put all these together and I think there can be little reason to doubt that there is indeed a distinct
“Russian ethnicity”.
The separate countries that are now referred to as “Europe” – as though they had no distinct languages, histories and national identities – have in one way or another, being trying to over-run Russia for a few hundred years. They tried first using the means of their time – armed warfare. Russia taught them a lesson they probably actually haven’t forgotten, NATO sabre rattling not withstanding. However, modern warfare has other means, and subtle take over by bribe, manipulation, brainwashing, and culture creep has become much to the fore.
It Russia were to forget it was “Russia” – itself and nothing else – and to let itself believe that it is “European”, then the work of today’s 5th columnists will be done for them. As we have seen in the utter destruction of Greece, the close to destruction of Portugal and Spain, the “Masters of Europe”, predominantly France and Germany, backed by Holland and Italy, would start to infiltrate into Russia, making inroads on the grounds that “We’re all Europeans now, and we rule Europe”.
Russia came perilously close to being destroyed in 1990 by a similar ploy, when American bureaucrats roamed the corridors of power in the Kremlin and re-wrote the Constitution, set up “deals and agreements” which robbed Russia blind.
Russia must by all means she can, resist the same subtle creep. Russia is NOT European, Russia is ethnically, historically and genetically, herself. She can continue to enjoy things of Europe, as do many other cultures – they serve curry with wine in Indian restaurants now – and she can share Russian things with Europe.
But she remains, vehemently and unarguable her own ethnic Russian self.
Charlie Hebdo cannot shed its leftist-communist skin.
Well Saker let’s just hope Russia and China can help free the once free western world from the Zionist empire before it exterminates more than 100 million plus more innocents or starts a global nuclear war. As I have shown and can show with much more proof in the form of confession of Zionists Rabbis etc (confessions are the best proof as I just showed of the Russian / Soviet holocaust at the hands of the Jews) that it is the Zionist empire which is responsible for pretty much all the modern day genocides that is genocides in the last 250 to 300 years or so.
I was glad Clinton lost as she represents the George Soros, Sheldon Adelson etc. branch of Zionism that is willing to risk nuclear war for global domination while Trump represents the branch of Zionism that does not want a nuclear war. That is the only difference between these two, I see and I believe it will be proven to be the case in the next year.
One more comment Saker Russia like all western countries needs to re-institute the bond between church and state. This Zionist saying of separation between church and state was the method used by Zionists to take over European countries. Once the church was not part of the state it was replaced by the Synagogue and evil values. See crosses, Christmas trees and Jesus being taken down everywhere and replaced by Menorahs which celibate Hanukah a festival celebrating the mass murder of Goyims. There is no separation between synagogue and state in Israel.
Also sodomy etc promoted by Zionists billionaires etc. this list goes on and on. Church and state may not have been perfect but it is better the than Russian / Soviet holocaust. Don’t forget slavery which is where the word slav came from as slavs were enslaved and sold by Khazarian Jews. It’s a fact I am sure you are aware of which I can easily prove.
Well Saker you did not allow my last post. I am not surprised. I wanted to see how much freedom and how much truth is allowed on this site. Everything I post is 100% truth based on Jewish historians, Rabbis Etc. Even you tube allows Jews to say “it was good Jews killed Jesus and they would do it again.” It’s true I’ll give her that but what happened to the so called hate speech laws? They only apply to inferior Goyim.
Still give you pass for now.
You remind me of wiki leaks as they only leak what the Zionists allow. They have lots of good leaks very damaging to Israel and world Jewry showing their global empire, slavery, organ selling, pedophilia, genocide etc. but they are not allowed to be published.
This strongly indicates Wiki leaks like you are likely the controlled phony opposition just like in the “The Prince”.
Your denial of a Russian ethnicity also shows this. Russians are an ethnic part of the European family, this is obvious only Jews deny ethnicity and nationalism to all of humanity as it is the only force that can defeat their world wide plans of slavery and genocide.
Only slavers deny others identity and outlaw ethnicity and nationalism and seek to crush it in all forms as the Romans, ancient Egyptians, ancient Mayans the ancient Chinese and the Jewish communists did in the Soviet Russian Ukrainian holocaust of over 60 million perpetrated by Jews, which is slavery 101.
Don’t forget Hitler’s rise to power was financed by Zionist Jewish bankers and he made pacts with the Zionists.
Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933 and on the 7th August 1933 he entered into a Pact with representatives of the World Jewish Agency, the future Leaders of Israel. The Pact was called the ‘Haavara’ Agreement.
Hitler is a hero to Jews as he made their world domination today possible. Any who praise Hitler are morons especially when he continued the cruel Zionist polices towards Russians in World War 2
World Jewry’s most hated list starts with Jesus and you can add Abraham Lincoln to that and 3rd the Tzars who supported Lincoln against Jewish slavers.
In your original post you say that the word Slavs comes from Slavery. You are wrong: ‘Slava’ in Sanskrit is ‘glory, fame’.
Slaviani are therefore ‘The Glorious Ones’.
What you have given us is a false cognitive. I am afraid it casts some doubt on the rest of your argument, but I will give you a pass and allow readers to decide. Kindly desist in future from coming as near as you do in your post to ‘ad hominem’ acrimony. – fk mod
The names ‘slave, sclavus, esclave, schiavo’ appear only in the 13th Century because of the great number of Slavs/Sclaveni/Sklavenoi, kidnapped by the nomads of the Russian steps (Khazars, Tartars) and sold into ‘slavery’ on the European markets by the Venetians and Jews. On the Muslim markets they were known as ‘saqaliba’, derived from the same Sclaveni/Sclavenoi.
If anyone cares to google “Britain & Chinese finance” he will find the true motive for Brexit. Brexit was permitted, enabled, or manipulated by Britain’s oligarchs because of her desire to be free of the financial limitations and rules of the EU– in order to continue her development of a financial relationship w China which has 2 consequences:
–It’s a gold mine for British oligarchs, especially top-dog bankers.
–China will be investing heavily in Britain.
To be sure that everyone at home & abroad wd believe that Brexit was a defeat for the power-structure they staged that silly assassination hoax of the MP.
I am ethnic Russian, at what moment did I cease to exist?
You didn’t – you’re here, aren’t you? :-)
My impression of Saker’s apparently ‘absurd’ claim is he simply dislikes the discord obsession with ‘ethnicity’ so often causes.
Not to mention notions by some of ‘better’ (or worse – ‘best’ – generating the seeds of ‘master race’ and other conceptions of supremacy.)
I read it as not denying a cluster of characteristics (see Isabella’s informative post) so much as an embrace of ‘Russian’ as a spiritual and psychological ‘affinity’ for Mother Russia: perhaps he might have been more accurate to call such ‘russophiles’, rather than Russian, but that is too limiting to culture, literature etc.
As most of European roots are in the Pontic steppe – 2000-year old DNA excavated from a bog-preserved cadaver in Ireland is one such indicator of how wide it’s reach and spread – right to the shores of the Atlantic – perhaps this ‘definition’ of Saker’s is a subconscious form of ‘recognition.’
I knew little of the trauma of the nineties – didn’t understand the causes and had little information. But I did know there was – inexplicably to me – a sudden and widespread poverty, including tales of children begging in the streets and resorting to crime to survive.
One tiny mote penetrated the noise and silence of the media.
A Red Army officer speaking to some journalist on the crime and poverty on the streets, especially perpetrated by minors – ‘we never forget that they are children.’
An this is, to me, the essential difference between the Anglo-Zionist/US/Euro mentality and the Russian – the recognition of adult responsibility for child-welfare/protection.
This is the essence of civilization.
Agree with Saker there.
True, btw: There is also no “german” ethnicity.
It was invented by Hitler’s scientists and lawmakers in 1934 to better remove rights from the regime’s victims.
If somebody doesn’t know what this means, research the topic of german peoplES (25+3).
Before 1934 there was no direct “DEUTSCH” (in bold letters) citizenship, but only the indirect german citizenship via the direct citizenship of the person’s local federal state (!) of Germany.
The only direct “German” citizenship was meant to administer the german colonies before WW1 and granted those persons fewer rights, than those native “germans” with indirect citizenship.
“Germans” are are melange of ethnic germans and ethnic slavs/wends.
The De-Nazification had been stopped by Konrad Adenauer.
And many of Hitler’s illegal “laws” are still valid law in modern day germany (the US miltary colony of …).
Russia is a Federation for a reason.
A counter-example is France or China.
While it works ok in France (Bretagne for example) the Chinese need lots of security measures to contain the muslim aliens in north-western China.
Muslims like jews never ever integrate into other societies, not in 10 yesra, not in 100 years, and as we saw not even in 1700 or 5777 years.
I honestly do not know which of the two approaches will at the end turn out to have functioned better.
So perhaps China is on the right path.
Or is Russia with the opposite approach???
Following the announcement of the next ceasefire (which does not apply to recognized terrorist groups), 7 major Syrian moderate opposition groups have declared they will support it. These units have a reported man-power in excess of 50,000 combatants. They conduct armed operations in Aleppo, Damascus, Derir ez Zor, Daraa, Idlib, Latakia, Hama and Homs cities and provinces.
As part of the ceasefire, they agree to repudiate a violent solution and support a politicial solution. Shoigu has stated that any such ‘moderate’ groups that do not sign up to the ceasefire will be treated as terrorists.
Any of them that have escaped military service in the SAA will have to finish their service as members of the SAA fighting terrorists. Depending on the strength of their activity against the SAA, this could free anything from 5000 to 50,000 SAA fighters for other purposes.
It will be excellent news if this comes off.
A must read and must keep analysis. Thank you…
Hello my name is Odegard, Kristine, Norwegian/American(US) /French/Italian (EU),I prefer to tell you who I am and where I come from before so you accept me or not.
I like the comments I find intelligent and informative here.
I can shoot a duck between the eyes.
But mostly feathers are burned before I get there.
Excellent analysis . And reassuring too . I love the expression ” presstitute ” .
For now the people , so called experts who are practically calling for WW III are completely
wrong. People who experienced war on their soil prevailed . For