Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog
A 7-part series in 2017 addressed the same subject as this 10-part series – the state of the global economy as impacted by QE and the Age of Austerity. Part 2 was, “Why no Petroeuro? or France’s historic effort for an anti-austerity Eurozone”.
Despite the leftists’ usual approach of assuming all White Europeans are neoliberals and neo-imperialists, there is a very real and widespread personality type – the anti-imperialist EU who fears US imperialism.
In Part 2 I discussed how we must give France some credit for genuinely trying to create a pan-European project based on French notions of egalitarianism, which are not socialist-levels of equality but which are certainly far more just than German, US and Anglo-Saxon nations of equality. As I wrote: “France may never have been more than one-third communist, but it was Marxist-influenced enough to realize that modern socio-economic policies are needed to fight imperialism – in France’s case, the United States. They realized that France was in a fight to keep its sovereignty, and so it conceived of the European Union as a Franco-German bulwark against imperial domination.”
As France conceived it, the pan-European project may have been an anti-socialist capitalist cartel, but at least it was also an anti-US, anti-socialist capitalist cartel.
France saw that the US tapped Germany, not England and certainly not France (who was even excluded from the Yalta accord), to be their industrial partner by calling off the deindustrialization plan for Germany. France is of course neo-imperialist, but that doesn’t mean it is not concurrently subject to the domination of stronger neo-imperialists – thus they have always been the biggest historical proponents of a united Europe – united against the US). Spoiler: while that was the very real view of De Gaulle and others who fought for France’s freedom in WWII, it’s true that French neoliberalism prevailed making the EU united with the US (against France).
This theory is grounded in historical actions: In 1965 France launched the first salvo against the Bretton Woods system of dollarization, which gave the US “exorbitant (financial) privilege”, per De Gaulle, who withdrew $23 billion in gold after realizing the US could not possibly have enough gold to genuinely back their almighty greenback. That followed the “shock” 1963 Élysée Treaty with West Germany, a clear attempt to pull Germany closer to France/a united Europe and away from the US sphere.
That 2017 series excoriated ex-Greek finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis for fake-leftism, and he was also mistaken here: “For the French elites, a common currency with Germany was an attempt to neutralize Germany, indeed to conquer the Bundesbank without firing a shot.” The accurate historical interpretation is that France wanted to not be conquered by the US-German alliance, so they kept proposing a Franco-German (capitalist, eventually neoliberal capitalist) alliance.
And to achieve this alliance with a Germany – which preferred to be a sycophant to the US – France has accepted austerity measures since Francois Mitterrand’s famous U-turn in 1981 on what would have been the most socialist-inspired economic program in West European history. As I wrote (I keep quoting myself for the lazy/uninterested/unimpressed who don’t want to read 2017’s Part 2): “The truth is that France had a genuine commitment to a pan-Europeanism guided by a mixed socialist/pro-growth/not-rabidly-capitalist economic plan.” But France miscalculated: “France mistakenly assumed that Germany would fight for a capitalism which was, at least, not totally modeled on American ruthlessness.”
Varoufakis noted how nothing has changed since 1981: “And so President Mitterrand’s government abandoned anti-austerity policies on the dubious grounds that austerity could only be defeated Europe-wide once the French economy was subjected to doses of anti-austerity sufficiently large to placate the money markets and to convince Germany’s elites to bow to the superior wisdom of French economic policymaking.” (my emphasis)
French policymaking WAS superior because it was based on their “Mixed Economy” ideals, which are not neoliberal capitalist… but this is all in the past.
Francois “high finance is my enemy” Hollande gave up the fight even after being elected on a platform of ending austerity; then he plucked Macron from the Rothschild chorus; Macron has proven to be a rabidly intolerant and unreflecting pro-European, an anti-sovereigntist and total neoliberal capitalist who would rather die than see anything remotely resembling Mitterrand’s 1981 economic plan even if he could wage decades of “doses” of neoliberal economics.
Europe’s problem – its crises – are still provoked by Germany
Europe’s problem in 2020 is not mainly Macron but still Germany, as they refuse to accept an iron economic law which a child could grasp: for every trade surplus there must be a corresponding trade deficit.
On even the psychological-cultural level, Germany still appears to tighten at the idea that a deficit of any time could actually not be fatal, infecting, an existential threat, etc.
But this is the main problem: Even decades into the pan-European project Germany still refuses to share their surplus. From Bismarck to Hitler Germany was a lousy neighbor – now it’s a lousy partner.
Despite causing the horrific suffering of World War II the almost-equally fascistic US made them their partner, and Germany’s actions show that they remain committed to gutting the continent for German benefit in total emulation of the US model. As I wrote in 2017, Germany’s goal is not a united Europe but to, “make a ‘United States of Europe’ with Berlin as Washington DC, Frankfurt as New York City, and everyone else as flyover country full of poor deplorables.”
However, a purely nationalist argument is insufficient for any leftist: “But France’s consistency is ultimately a foolish one; it is France’s fault for believing international solidarity plays any role at all in capitalism.”
Mitterrand’s U-turn was caused by his refusal to implement socialist controls on capital, thus he was ruined by the collusion of Germany with high finance: “Capital flight from France to Germany immediately took place with Mitterrand’s coming victory, putting the franc in immediate peril. Long-term borrowing rates (10-year bond) went from 9.6% in March 1979 all the way to 17.3% in May 1981, when Mitterrand was elected.”
It should not be lost on us that the arrival of anti-austerity Hollande provoked a bond crisis in 2012, just as the arrival of Mitterrand did in 1981. Collusion is what the 1% always does, and they get more effective on the international level with every passing year.
Should an anti-austerity candidate prevail in France in 2022 – Jean-Luc Melenchon seems like the only possibility, and it’s not a good possibility – the same tactic would certainly be used. This is why quoting myself is not self-indulgent, LOL.
Back to 2012: Hollande arrived in May and by June Spain went up to the unsustainable 7% bond rate for the first time since the Euro’s creation in 1999. However, France was never threatened with higher costs because Hollande capitulated almost immediately. This shows that the pan-European project – with its lack of a banking union and shared debt – has made it even easier for international high finance to intimidate, ruin and make democratic votes irrelevant: they can simply pick on the weaker nations first.
As I wrote: “Macron represents the death of France’s historical push to end the imperial domination of Germany, the US and high-finance”, but “blame it all on Macron” is a mistake made by that component of Yellow Vests who are truly political novices. It is not all Macron’s fault.
“This is a generational, cultural trend in the making since the 1980s, when the scourge of fake-leftism began.”
Sarkozy, not Macron, rejoined NATO. West European youth had the idea that “the EU, at any cost, is necessary to prevent war” hammered into them their entire lives. What I called “Latin Leftism” in 2012, to represent the anti-austerity Latin bloc of France, Spain and Italy, simply does not exist in strong enough numbers anymore. Two years into his term it is clear that 25% of France are hard-core Macronistas, and the 30% of postwar France who used to be socialist are no longer there.
The lack of public media and domination by private media assures that leftist analyses of daily media events never reach the masses.
So what’s new in 2020?
I’m sorry to inform those newly interested in economics, but QE was never intended to be a remedy to the decades of German/international high finance-imposed austerity – QE money was never intended to reach the masses and produce broad growth.
This 10-part series (this is Part 8) uses as its jumping-off point the 2018 book Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World by Nomi Prins, a former Wall Street executive who saw the light and is now informing on the crimes of Western imperialism-capitalism. Prins gives a thorough and chronological account of central banker doings in key areas – Mexico, China, Brazil, Japan and Europe – ever since US banker crimes set off the Great Recession in 2007. The essence of her thesis is that the US orchestrated collusion among the central bankers of many of the G20 economies and the Eurozone in order to primarily save busted US banks, and then also to maintain the 1%-enriching policies of QE, ZIRP and no-strings attached bailouts.
Prins recognizes how QE was more of the same-old “Germany keeps getting richer” as early as 2013: “The results were in. Cheap-money policy strengthened Germany at the expense of the rest of the EU. Germany was now against it, and yet, cheap money wasn’t actively helping the populations of the rest of Europe either. Many were left to wonder what was the point?”
Prins leaves this question hanging, but the historical background I gave supplies the answer: to enrich Germany at the expense of its neighbors… as usual.
Since 2013 Germany has continued to rail against the moral evils of QE all the way to the bank. They have criticized the bailouts while being both the first to profit from them and also being the main nation which could have stopped them if they would only unite with the rest of continent by supporting a truly pan-European project. But Germany is neither anti-US imperialism nor does the “anti-1% sentiment” exist anywhere as strongly as elsewhere in Europe. An anti-austerity Five Star Movement is nowhere close to winning in Germany.
Germany continues to propose one policy: surpluses for them, K-rations for everyone else, and the idea that everyone is unworthy of a broad consumer/household/infrastructure-growing policy.
As Prins writes, German culture is so far away from normal reality as to be worrying: “The main criticism German politicians levied at Draghi was that easing was not bringing growth, but it was harming German savers with low rates.”
Germany is indeed in an internationalist project, but it’s clear that they don’t see it that way – this is a huge problem because Germany is de facto a leader in many respects solely because of its huge population: the pan-European project, history has shown, has failed because Germany is its incapable, unjust, hypocritical leader.
Where is Germany now?
On the brink of recession, like everyone else in the Eurozone… finally.
What did they expect – that the no-growth policies applied to the Eurozone wouldn’t eventually turn back on them? Who can buy exports when they are broke and working a job with US/German levels of precariousness?
The past five quarters in Germany have seen an average growth rate of 0.1%. Much like France, they “miraculously” keep avoiding a recession (two negative quarters) by reporting rates of growth of 0.1% or 0.2%.
But only the pedantic journalists say, “0.1% is not a recession!” That’s an anal-retentive view worthy of Germany psychology for sure…. Politicians have to make such a stupid claim – their re-election depends on it.
One word we can agree on is “stagnation”, and it is certain to take hold: in October the IMF’s global forecast said the global “big four”—the US, China, Japan and the eurozone—would not see any improvement in their growth rates over the next five years. The eurozone is the biggest of the big four – Germany is screwing up not just Europe, but the whole world.
Europe has been stagnant for so long they forget what booming looks like – they see two construction cranes in Germany and stop the car in awe. The reality is that since 2012 Germany’s economy has averaged just 1.4% annually – this represents economic failure. Only in the modern Western media – which judges economic success via the stock market – could this have been considered “powerhouse” success, as they often refer to Germany.
Germany’s account surplus remains the biggest in the world’s – bigger than even China’s – but what would that surplus be at if it was Germany which had to bail out their failed banks instead of the ECB and, by extension, the taxpayers of all the Eurozone?
That, of course, is what makes German moralizing so hard to swallow for Europeans! That is what makes German anti-austerity so aggravating!
The idea that Germans have not been rapacious and greedy is total nonsense because it was their banks which made the mistakes – but unlike Greece the Germany lobby simply has more power in Brussels and thus can bail out German interests.
Equally false is Germany’s repeated insistence that the ECB is “apolitical” and “independent” – the ECB has essentially never gone against Germany’s interests. German elites have profited from QE yet blame the ECB publicly – classic German hypocrisy, classic German arrogance to believe that we can’t see through their smug claims.
The reality continues to be that “German dominance of the pan-European project” only gives false pride to the average Germans – exactly as Jim Crow laws in the US kept the average southern White in the same economic bondage as Blacks but afforded them ego-stoking pride that their race was the one on top, at least. German precariousness and poverty rates are worse than in France, but Macron is trying to “catch up”.
Merkel’s pinning of the blame on nonsensical, almost eugenics-related “behavioral patterns” of profligate Greeks is pathetic, but is just another typically capitalist response – a leftist blames instead the clear pattern of rapacity in capitalism.
One can only wonder how long negative interest rates can last before self-righteous Germans storm their neighbors?
Or maybe prolonged German contraction will finally wake up their 99% to the fact that the primary problem with Europe is not Greece, Portugal or France, but the German 1%.
Indeed the simplest solution for the EU, given that Germany refuses to share its surplus is: a Germexit. Europe can dare to dream of a life where they are not led by Germany, for Germany.
The reality is that things have changed only for the worse, but I rehashed/updated my 2017 article because we must understand just how long this problem has been going on, and how it is caused by the 1%-er collusion which is endemic in capitalism.
I suppose there is an alternative – wait for Germans to take a moral stand against their exploitation of Europeans. I wouldn’t hold my breath – they prefer to take a moral stand which openly justifies their exploitation of their “partners”.
Part 9, Don’t forget the real root of Brexit: fear of Eurozone economic contagion, has already been published – just ahead of the recent UK vote which installed Conservative Party dominance.
That means the next part to be published is the final Part 10! Organise your “publication parties” before party supplies run out in your area!
Here is the list of articles slated to be published soon, and I hope you will find them useful in your leftist struggle!
Part 1 – Western central bankers: they’re God, they trust – a 10-part series on the QE economy
Part 2 – How QE has radically changed the nature of the West’s financial system
Part 3 – QE paid for a foreign buying spree: developing countries hurt the most
Part 4 – Iran vs Mexico: ‘economic inflows’ versus ‘economic independence’
Part 5 – Understanding the West’s obsession with inflation
Part 6 – The new ‘beggar thy neighbor’: wars to devalue labor, not currencies
Part 7 – Blaming China for the Great Recession… to avoid emulating China’s (socialist-inspired) success
Part 8 – 1941, 1981, 2017 or today – Europe’s mess is still Germany’s fault
Part 9 – Don’t forget the real root of Brexit: fear of Eurozone economic contagion
Part 10 – Bankocracies: the real Western governance model
Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China and the upcoming Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism. His work has appeared in various journals, magazines and websites, as well as on radio and television
It’s the Protestant Germanic influence but in a way Latin Christianity made this monstrosity(“the West”, whatever that even means now, I’ll stick to the correct terminology and say Western Roman) possible. Secularism, Liberalism, Capitalism and their mother, Protestantism must be destroyed. But Catholicism, the grandmother, must be destroyed as well. Only Latins, on both sides of the Atlantic can do that. The Catholic Church must be destroyed because, directly and indirectly, it helped create this thing that Sergei Nikolaevich Trubetskoy called “Romano-Germanic culture”.
Jason; Underneath the cultural distortions you describe I see a drive which fuels these anomalous cultural dislocations – I call it the rise of an unbalanced patriarchal order which gives all to isolated individualism and the private control of money creation. I believe psychological one-sided patriarchal religious and cultural bias in favor of isolated individualism is at the root of the issue, all anchored around the private control of money creation and management. That is banks permitted to be in private hands, and run for the enrichment of the private individual rather than the balanced administration of society as a whole. That goes back a long way to even before the Romans, does it not. This has fueled the distortions you speak of. Would that not be a more “materialist” Leftist analysis? But now it all faces the end of the line and the light at the end of the tunnel is the train of world transformation coming the other way. China, Russia, Syria, Iraq and Iran will now co-ordinate their united response to the empire. There is the light of the train coming the other way.
@ The Catholic Church must be destroyed because
I would settle for a break even as long as they continue to play by their own rules. If they wont continue to play by their own rules, then the former.
Iranians firing missiles right as we speak….
Here is a simple description of the financial problem and a possible financial solution!
Our banks operate as pawn shops, with a license to create bank credit. When customers take their collateral to the bank, as security for a loan, the banks place this collateral before a banking ‘mirror’, called double-entry bookkeeping, and record the reflection as ‘bank capital’, owned by the bank, capital which can now be deposited into the customer’s account, in the form of a loan, bearing compound interest.
This system has some merit, as the ownership of the collateral has now been transferred to the bank. A $1 loan, at 6% annual compound interest, calculated daily, over 550 years, creates a debt of 214 trillion dollars. The banks consider this to be a modest return upon a reflection in a mirror! When the monetary supply is created bearing 3% annual compound interest, then 40% of the price of retail goods and services will be owed to the debt bankers, and fully 75% of the people’s income will be lost to the four financial demons, those of debt, interest, taxation, and inflation!
This banking system is obviously a fraud, imposed upon the customer, who is forced to accept the interest burden as the ‘price of capital’. The banks impose this deception as they know that not even ‘Shakespearean idiots’ will pay compound interest upon reflections of their own assets! However, these financial crimes demand that our banks be closed down for cartel fraud and racketeering!
The shells of these debt-banks can now become asset-banks, owned by our nation. In asset-banking, the reflection of customer collateral is recorded as an asset, owned by the customer, and loaned interest-free. After all, it is the customer’s collateral which creates the reflection we call ‘bank capital’. A $1 loan, at 0% annual compound interest, calculated daily, over 550 years, creates a debt of $1! This is slightly more humane than the ‘214 trillion dollar debt’ which allows the debt-bankers to ‘steal the world’!
Asset or debt, which monetary system would you prefer?
If I am not mistaken, this is right out of Michael Hudson’s book The Bubble And Beyond!
If it is then I must be right, because Hudson is the best economist I know of!
I did not read that book of his, but in a “German-led” Eurozone my article is just good sense, and the opinion of many and for quite a long time.
Calling me a “Germanophobe” is wrong and just a way to shut down conversation/criticism, much like – as some say – comparing someone to a Nazi. ‘Nuff said on that absurd accusation.
Not that this was long in the tooth, but I think Germany has a case here.
Germany is not the problem – the problem is that Germany is not yet a free nation.
Germany has been continually occupied since the end of WW2.
The Soviets may no longer be around but the Americans are still there, with enough armour, planes, and ‘tactical’ weapons to ensure no-one can ever make them leave.
Besides, and perhaps more importantly, the US Federal Reserve Bank controls the Deutsche Bundesbank, which in turn controls the value of the Euro, which in turn is regulated by the value of the US Dollar through the Federal Reserve Bank, whilst both, including the central banks of all the European Union Nations (including the Bank of England) are co-ordinated through the Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland.
The so called ‘Government’ of Germany exists simply to give legitamacy to policies dictated in other lands. Any resistance to these policies has been, and still is, severely punished. Deviation from Globalist objectives and attempts at independance are crushed by sanctions (Nord Stream as an obvious example), severe damage to industry (the vehicle emission punitive damages another obvious example), and destruction of national heritage and culture (forced mass immigration – well beyond carrying capacity another very obvious example).
Germany has been targeted for destruction since the 18th Century by groups and forces I wont discuss here, and the organised slaughter of this powerhouse of (White) european culture and industry has been a significant aim of the so called Globalists (who I wont discuss here) has been relentless for well over 100 years.
The x3 most significant (White) European nations, Germany, England, and France, were set up for mutual destruction through the mass slaughter of WW1, then again through WW2.
When it was seen that these nations could not be wiped out completely through war fare, the mass immigration – small scale at first, then massive (and almost beyond carrying capacity) began.
England / Britain / The UK is also an occupied nation. It conqured many centuries ago and a new ‘Independent State’ known as ‘The City of London’ (not to be confused with ‘London’ the capital city of England) was created as the centre of global finances.
This global centre of finance allowed the British to pay for countless wars and a massive global empire – only in recent times superceeded by the US empire.
During WW2 England was occupied by American forces – ostensibly to bolster defences against Germany and prepare for the D-Day landings. However the Americans never left. They reduced thier footprint of course, but even today there are vast areas of the UK off limits to UK citizens due to American basing rights. Some of this occupation is hidden by the names of these bases, such as ‘RAF’ for Royal Air Force, where USAF would be more accurate.
The Bank of England suffers the same as the German Bundesbank – but not quite so badly as the City of London remains one of the 3 global hubs of international finance – but the banks are all inferior to the US Federal Reserve, which in turn is inferior to the Bank for International Settlements.
France, well, lets not discuss France with its puppet leader – too contraversial.
Dont forget Japan also. Occupied by the US since they nuked the country at the end of WW2, and totally subservient to US Policy.
Basically, what I am trying to say is please dont beat up on Germany. The nation has repeatedly been crushed for over 100 years, and has been continuously occupied by foreign powers for almost as long.
The people of Germany, if they realise it or not, are the victims of the policies of foreign powers and Globalist ambitions. The German Government is about as independent as the Japanese government, and the people nothing more than the economic Human Resource units whom give value to the paper currency thier banks are told to issue.
May God free the German people from thier chains, and remove the yolk of Globalist slavery from them, lest what remains of thier once proud German culture, tradition, and heritage be lost to the population replacement ambitions of the so called Globalists.
Hussan, I agree with you. Mazaheri is a Germanophobe – his article is full of erroneous statements and full of omissions. Not worthy of a “serious” economic analysis. Just for example, calling Germany a bad neighbor, is childish, all nations in Europe and elsewhere are bad neighbors to each. One significant omission – what happened with the Franc vs DM and of the true reasons of why Euro was established – Mitterrnand famously was saying in 1991 that the `Euro is better than Versailles´ (Paraphrasing his words).
Yes, yes… of course… Poor, poor Germans!! They are always misunderstood!
Please point out one or two of these “many” errors & omissions in the text, so that we can be enlightened.
And by the way, yes, Germany can be called a bad neighbor towards other Europeans. Just consider that during Weimar AND after WWII Germany was generously relieved of MOST of the debts & war reparations incurred. And what happens when Greece cannot pay? (Yes, the same Greece that was invaded and plundered by the Axis), Why, no debt relief for the lazy, good-for-nothing Greeks! You only get debt relief if you belong to the Herrenrasse, apparently…
Debt relief??
Germany finished paying the debt of WW1 around the year 2000.
Then, there is a secret contract that every german chancellor has to sign thst he or she has to take american orders. “Kanzlerakte”
Some years ago the then boss of Deutsche Bank said towards the american banks something like ” you made bad decisions lending to south Ameica, now take your losses.” Few months later he was murdered.
Somebody got the message.
Germanophobe? You must not live in Europe – there is tremendous resentment here towards Germany. There is a difference between hating all things German (Germanophobe), and righteous anger.
I didn’t read “erroneous statements”, and least of all “childishness”, just a welcome corrective to what I read in the pro-German financial media.
The UK, quite justifiably, has a healthy fear of Germany – no wonder we voted for Brexit again and again. If Germany is the leader of Europe, they have done quite, quite poorly. This is not racism or Germanophobia, and I don’t see how anyone could view it otherwise? Maybe they can blame the US, but that doesn’t explain the atrocious attitude of the average German towards Greece, Portugal, etc.
if you would care to read the memoires of George Kennan (the one with the history of the “long telegram”), you would know that the treaty signed in Versailles was seen by Kennan, (and others, such as the French general whose name escapes me, who said of Versaille´treaty “armistice for 20 years”) as the leading cause of rise of Hitler and the cause WW2, and his – Kennan´s – advice was to George Marshall and Truman not to repeat the same mistake and not to punish Germany in the same way (as Morgenthau wanted, and Mr Mazaheri apparently would like to see done). This is for one, to answer Mazaheri´s claim that the USA had chosen Germany as their main ´fascistic´partner . Bringing up fascism as joining link between USA and Germany is such an erroneous statement. This is to answer Wilford Stepshire´s about the missing erroneous statements. Mazaheri just does not say anything about the origin of the Euro, that is in my opinion a significant omission in an article which has the aura of seriousness.. Resentment towards Germany? Germanopohobia? maybe there is jealousy for their orderliness, cleanliness, punctuality, industriousness, music, sense of guilt for the crimes of their ancestors,… look at other nations and ask yourself for comparisons.
“Resentment towards Germany? Germanopohobia? maybe there is jealousy for their orderliness, cleanliness, punctuality, industriousness, music, sense of guilt for the crimes of their ancestors,… look at other nations and ask yourself for comparisons.”
Ugh, exactly! Classic German arrogance all over the place right there. Thank you for making my point.
Thank God Brexit went through.
That doesn’t justify British arrogance, though. The British Freemasonic lodges decided in the late 19th century to destroy a nation that was pulling ahead of the British Empire in manufacturing and trade prowess at a time when the British pound ruled the world. The British Freemasons were actually Marxist-Leninists at heart, of course, and still are, which is why they were such strong supporters of the Russian Bolsheviks. As with all socialists, their ruling emotions are envy and covetousness.
Reply to : Anonymous on January 07, 2020 · at 9:05 pm EST/EDT http://thesaker.is/1941-1981-2017-or-today-its-still-germanys-fault/#comment-741512
Reply to Hussan Carim on January 07, 2020 · at 7:30 pm EST/EDThttp://thesaker.is/1941-1981-2017-or-today-its-still-germanys-fault/#comment-741434
“Mazaheri is a Germanophobe” … Exactly. The axis for this utterly cosmopolitan turmoil is the Bank for International Settlements, a spin-off of the Fed, the City, Rothschild and consorts, the linchpin of the central banking system and the matrix of their globalist dystopic cacocracy. It apparently went into orbit in 1930 (Cf. infra). Today the wheels are coming off this extremely unwieldy vehicle, as evinced by the chaos erupting after the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and their comrades in arms, ambushed while on a peace mission in Baghdad to reduce tensions between Saudi Arabia et al. and Iran. Hitler was possibly planning to uncouple the German Economy but was thwarted when Judea declared war on Germany on March 24 1933.
«BIS was established in 1930 by an intergovernmental agreement between Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Switzerland. It opened its doors in Basel, Switzerland, on 17 May 1930. The BIS was originally intended to facilitate reparations imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I, and to act as the trustee for the German Government International Loan (Young Loan) that was floated in 1930 …».https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements.
Sorry, but I don´t fully agree with your description.
It is very true that Germany is still an occupied nation.
However, the better metaphor would be that Germany is Europe´s Satrap. That is, on the one hand the German government is completely directed by Washington – BUT ONLY in matters that are important to Washington, such as the relationships with Russia, China or Iran. OTOH, Washington lets Berlin have a total free hand in things that belong “inside its satrapy” (that is, the EU).
In short, Gemany is a lackey to the USA but also a neofeudal ruler over the less enlightened peoples of Europe.
Thanks Hussan,
as a German I was going to strongly disagree with the article but you were faster :-).
Although you’ve already said most of what’s to be said here I’d like to add one bit: NEVER EVER mix up the Germans with their occupation government. I doubt there’s another country in Europe with such a split between the people and their so-called representatives. We are not free, and slowly, slowly more and more people are starting to realize this.
And: As a German, I stand ashamed before the people of Russia, of Iran, of Greece – Angela Merkel is NOT doing what she’s doing in my name.
The problem is that Germany isn’t a country. The last polity to include all German-speakers was the Holy Roman Empire of the early Middle Ages, and so-called “German Reunification” was in reality a decrease from 3.6 to 2.6 of Europe’s German-speaking states. The Bonn republic and its “Sozialmarktwirtschaft” was hugely successful economically and in human terms, but the new Germany (which goes by the same name as the old West Germany in German, Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is a disaster. The cold war was in many ways an intra-German civil war, yet the incorporation of the DDR into the BRD was more vindictive, and even more destructive, than the “Reconstruction” of the Confederacy after 1865 (compare the treatment of Erich Honecker and Jefferson Davis). West Germany did to East Germany pretty much what the “Chicago Boys” did to Russia during the Yeltsinshchina (and had the canting hypocrisy to call its plunder operation the True Hand (Treuhand)! Thirty years later, there is talk in the Luegenpresse of abandoning small towns in the East. Yet the DDR was not a basket case – in the mid 70’s, according to friends who taught High School German and visited it, it had much the same standard of living as the UK at the time: things did not work well, but they worked. Nowadays, again according to close relatives who live in Berlin, the standard of living of the working class in Germany is lower than that in the UK: in Mecklenburg there are people working for Amazon who earn €4 an hour.
Both Thatcher and Mitterand were right to oppose “reunification”. A far better model for collaboration between a western capitalist country and an ethnically-similar fragment of the Soviet empire was the relation between Finland and Estonia. The languages are nearly the same – before Tsar Peter I grabbed the Swedish province of Ingria to build St Petersburg, separate Finnish dialects were spoken in Lappi (north), Savo (central), Uusimaa (around Helsinki) and Eesti (Estonia). The Finns, with a Swedish landowning ascendancy, standardised on the Uusimaa dialect, and the Estonians, with a German ascendancy, on Eesti. To my ear the differences between Bavarian and Plattdeutsch are greater than the differences between Finnish and Estonian. Guided politically and economically by Finland, Estonia became an independent and prosperous country, not an Ossi basket-case.
The Germans don’t make mistakes, only big ones, and one of the worst features of the abolition of the DDR was the imposition of an ideological monoculture on the merged country: all East German university teachers had to re-apply for their jobs in the face of competition from younger West German carpetbaggers. These, for the lprevious 20 years, had been subject to the ideological purity test of the “Berufsverbot”. In a way which was to become common, the elite would invent a word, not define it, and make it illegal: the process is best illustrated by the recent criminalisation of “Verhetzung”. Derived from the verb hetzen, to hate, it means what Authority wants it to mean.
Germany is now the sick man of Europe. Three decades of rejection of “the systematic confrontation of logic and experience” (Jacques Monod’s definition of science) at the behest of greenies, neo-pagan Nature worshippers, biodynamic agriculturalists, homeopathic medics, and dysfunctional diversity-enforcers ( “Wir schaffen das”) have turned a Hessian poetaster, worthless neo-alchemist, and all-round nasty piece of work, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, into a sort of National Sage in the manner of Henri Berkson in France or Mao Tse Tung in China. You just can’t make it up – a country aspiring to the leadership of Europe, if not the world, cannot build an intercontinental airport to serve its capital city. That the Berlin mayor overseeing the design process, one Klaus Wowereit, was a “gay icon”, who appointed a boyfriend with only a draughtsman’s qualification to the design team, cannot be mentioned.
Well, not like they have any choice. We all know whose baby west germany was.
The nazis kept the industrialists under their thumb – it was mixed economy. Used for territorial aggrandizement, but still mixed economy.
After the war, and the total gutting of Germany, all the scummy middle tier capitalist types crawled out, not constrained by the nazis, and started this shit.
Unironically, if theh kept the flensburg government it would be easier to solvs this – “we will no longer economically undermine our neighbors”, and bam it stops almost like magic. Here, such a thing would be denounced as “state intervening in economuh!” and the government would be thrown out
Ramin, if you dislike germany that is yor thing. Drawing a continuus line from Hitler to the current government is substandard reporting.
That is like blaming something the Shah of Persia did on the current Islamic Republic Iran.